HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-1-16, Page 7:ANu .l1Y 9,`9
Various theories have been pro.
pounded to account for the great cli-
matic changes
li-matic:changes wIgieh"•l>jnv Lith a loo
on the earth atilnmense intervals, Dr
Croll, a high'authority.o1 the, mit hjiet„
gives thiiz explanation : "When the eo
centricity of the earth's orbit is at a
high valtie:nud the northern winter sol-
stice is in 1'eri1iolinn, agencies are
brought into operation • me
the, southeast Outdowittt1s. tron
than the northeast, and compel them
to blow over ort the northern hemis-
phere tts,.far rrobabiv OA (he 'Trnpic of
Cal.reel.,, The, result IR that all t}i
„retreat equatorial n•nters of the oocan
' are impelled into the northern hemiR-
'phere, whiell.thue,. in ooneegnenoe of
the in meneo accuinul)a tion of Warm
water, IRO lite temperature raised, and
snow apd ice to a great extent rnnst
theft disappear from the Arctic regioes.
When the procession r.f the egnir.oxee
.brings roond the winter enlgtice to
a}ihelihn, the cnn(litien of thins rn)
ethe, two hemispheres is reyprsed,,:nnd
the northeast trades then blow over
upon the sontliern hemisphere, onrry-
ing the great rgnntorial currents nlenx
with them. 1.110 warns rater being
thug wholly withdrawnfvnm the north-
ern hemisphere, its temperature sink(:,
moral n v, end snow and ice begin to
rac3rtmnlate in the temperate regionR.
,11.1 cunt• of 1 etipit,�,tion in the
'C �1 : TINDERS. ---r
and diff its de mix 4e �ttd,; '�1lllite. maid.
A. Sunday school superintendent, on
a vinit to another Sunday school, wits
it]i pie t� eth sone remarks.,
tle �i ixrmate on the •tJ ee tion and the
Gereen of Eden, Feom this he ,toot
hie cue, and expatiated on the delights
aur. beauties that must have been in
that sinless Paradise---thetreee .and
flowers, the birds and animals, "and
the little children playing among tbt'
bushes 1"
A dell isker of'tllq same town found,
c ne Sabbath, a.iiotic(i of a peblio meet-
ing which cad boezi cut from the Sat-
urday's newspaper, and placed in his
desk for him to reed to his 'congr'ega-
tion. lint, by a'1 minstrel cninc'idlelioe,
there happened to be printed on the
other sidle of the stone slip the adver-
tisement of a, certain shoe dealer, a
prominent member of this church, and
without turning the paper to _ read thin
other side,'as the advertiZetllent •11'iet
his eytte, be eonelndt'd it watt exported
he would react it, tied, to thesurprise
of all, he ani ;iutot'd at the usual pint
of reeding neti'cee, that—
"George 8" .J$ -•- keeps on hand and
for sale a large and tt alt -selected' lift
sortzuent of b."ots and shoes, aiInch lie
will sell low for cash, at Nu. -e, ----
Arid added:
"Brother B—is a worthy member
,if this C11iire11 and society, and, de-
serves the patronage of . the congrega-
form Cif Rilnw ill temperate regions le
at the same time engrmonsly increased
by the nose of effiiporatinn in lcaw la
11tl1dnF, lesielt•iitg frelm the /learneas'of
t he t: un In perihelion in slimmer. The
f)tln,l reenll, tllerefere,, is that those
warm end eel( T1etinds 1vhlt:1l have al
ternntely prevailed daring past eg"g
are simple the greet e'cnln.r emnmerq
nntj "i,' era of Oltr glob', depnll'line 08
trfilv ns tit fTln}WW1I nrcoo do upon Oen.
• eta"y.)ilntlnns end nein. them elan fn.l'
•.fillinst }Annie in pnrtan+ ends in the eon.
nonly of nature.
STA4 •
A5 for same menthe to ercree met•
tors to the ninth 'of Indin mnv he of
interest, it is time some attention Nee.
given to the -proper llrn ninnc1n►inn or
the name of that great nnnritry tl rnnehl
which the Enoli.h Rnl'liel'a are fnreinn"
their wee. The name of that moms
fgAiiitef enn1itry has been quite f amili•
niily spoken by mnnv a lady/wisen she
1t lr thrown aver heart earns fleecy wet-
1an hrittetl paves, which rhe e't] aft
17 ijen. The first syllable )nicht he ".l -
led r]eht, but the g -n n ought ant' r('
nrnnnnnrea as the a in rqn, hnt with n
hrnaa no in min. Afrrilanistan shnnlill
1,0 wviItnn with a cirenmilex accent
ever the SWAT ne.ntl laet'syilahlr'q. All
ihF•e1 nnmeg of enuntrioa ehnnll have
titr,ir final svllnbles sonnderl at length
Tvitli n hi'ond a, sack n.g, Beltochigten
rind ITintingtall. Of late an entirely
new gtinllinCT hag ben slum to nitmeg
^r Cities by the hest, English authori-,
flee. The effnrt is no longer 'nade .tn
"ngliei4e TT111<1ttotanne names but adapt
Enelish letters to th. exact native arm.
nnnueiatinn. thus-Ptlnjenb iq an ("-
Tor, Punjab being correct. Nnrnnl is
no longer neon in bolts. Ninal being
enbstitntnn far it. We have seen
nameg of Tiindnatanoe origin in lice in
the United States. anti we 'call DeIili,
very nervneenly, Del -High, where it
should be Del.he.
eliminate, die girdle 1 4� if it had pqi
been!for d,nt.. dare a1Tlrgef Cane, we'd,
Tleba ;be�eu, troubled with. dose sassy
i�.lrittes, 'poli: de face; pb, dis •cir•.cunilar
glebe, Nieto site du- Arty -100,114 .7,tpntn,
fieu1ar lin trs. „, 1vv, EN 1e,
laving received a lot' of new nachlnery, I
woiild infornr ,the 'farmers of .tete sur-
rounding:country that 1: am ;prepared to manu-
facture, all kinds of ]:;Corse hakes, Barley
Forks, Grain Cradles, Snaiths, etc, and having
secured the services of a first-class Turnet:',`1
am'prepare(l to do
on the shortest notice, and for style and price
1 defy oompetition. Always ou hand a first-
class stock of Pork ancl. Shovel handles. 'Mill
Half a mile south of Exeter.
Having my ,tow shop nowRill b&avt,I wn11111 in-
form too public that I aru prepared to do all kinds
o f 11 t i cs nittrlug, Including repairing of all kinds
of A 4rlrultnral in'tchtuer:•y, squirms Reapers, Aloft•+
art,Turo•Ihiug.hitioh;nes,,wtd Iroise Ui.oiurt fill
rnnr'iveut)t careful 1lotsestlt'ab
fere, and. ttttautialt.havingtender Yosttreated'in the rnost
approved manner, anti satisfaction given,
Charges • Moderate.
1 have nn hand all kl d of Agrianibnral Imp1e
ments from the tblassry 31 atactttring. Co., .bt•„ .
1• ktemotuber the place, -1 irst shop west of the
Post ()Moe, Hensa11.
Hasust odmmenced business one ball mile
aiddsewing Aiachinss,; "Um, rllkl
WestofDashwood, midge pyepated to sleep ,
braes repaired and Organs and Afelodtal gat :ifi ilio DAL!
tended to. Tnose in want of his'services
should give him a eallbefore goil,g awtv'T from
home. •Charges moderate and °eutir.eaati,sfaa-
tion engem tears., 2.
1111WIL,111.:..iAu iA� ..1ltl..- 14.,i
$outhoott cflc Sorg,
Tale pleasure to.irformthe inhabitanteof Exeter
attic surrounding • country, that they have just
epoaeclotib aaoxoolt.eutaepot truant of
Tweeds, •Oot'ttin e, Yeetinge etc.,
itt tito lubest styles and patterns,antl feel assured
that tntaeinatter ofoiot'ii•ng, duty eau suit the.
nloatfasbldioustastes. t
liars° Ohnaing, wagon attd carriage Mkaing,Tlia•
•unnd c=arrnws; and Plows: General Balcksielth=
ronin all its bxanoltos, at the lowest rates, and sa.t-
rt, niers" Gh e us a call and examine our
The C'onstornation of Brother 13- — 4 v t:110-l112el4'v•hrre
may be bettor imagined plan desroibedl.
An Englieh girl, neer Manchester,
tied a :;trio;; to Ilei• toe and let it —Ow
'taring, not . the toe—hang out of the
window for a gee t1tiz a`i friend to buil
1u ord,;i:'thlat she might not rel -is hue
leth•Ons. The rector of the
church, it ie fertile; ettt:ed, hearing of
arrttugeu,eilt, retused the couple rile
Eine:n.illent,—and tide "eitltlidls us of a
little story. (Mee upon a little a Vt,tiri_
lady . who desired 10 get up with the
(lark in order to go on au eloping tour,
adopted the English girl's plan, roll
;he lover was to be of hand at day-
1)"et1k to give the signal. The string
need for the pedal communication was
a stout Cord, and one end was th%uwu
on iif the ibird storey window into the
back yard, and( the other end, td'
course, was attached to the damsel's
great toe. And the legend rens that n
healthy goat of the William persuasion
taro:ie early next morning to look fol
the early tvo'rni, as it were, and wand-
ered into the yard. After eating all
the old tomato <rans, barrel staves, and
broken crockery ware, he renea tb1
string and took that in as desert. Ae
soon as the cord was drawn tight, the
goat stood up en his hind legs nod
gave the string an impulsive jerk. The
girl awoke. The goat gave ariotbei
sudden pall, and the maiden jumped
out of bed with n. smothered cry of
lane. Then she stooped down to de-
tach the cord just as the ridiculous
beast gave another violent jerk, and
she lost her equil brim—and her toe,
too, altnnst, the cord cutting into the
tender flesh. She sprtailg't:i Elle window
and celled &ANTI h) a hoarse whisper
'Stop pulling, Charles ; I'll be down."
Then she rade another effort to untie
the cord, but the diabolical gnat gave
his bee,1 several angry bubo, and each
biline the girl gave a cry of pain. Aizaiu
she softly called nut it,to the darkness :
'Charles, if you don't stop jerking that.
(day, I'll not come clown at all!" She
was answered by another savage pill!,
and the cry of engnish that escaped
rem her lies, brought 'her mother into
he roo .r wit•I a look of alright and a
ighteti lamp. They -meg lady fainted,
elle elopement was nipped in the bud,
nd the disappointed maiden's big toe
(vas sore fur two weeks, The goat
One of our Irish restaurants bo tstc
of an Irish 1V.Iullchausou who acts in
tee bubble capacity of waiter, and adds
:much to theentertainment of gueste.
.0ue of then being served 'with a small
lobster asked :""Do you call that n.
.lobster., .Mike ?" "Fiaix, 1 believe they a
no be calling thine lobsters here, sur.
W • 11 ' or tat home " "011 ''e
e Ott eat )e . ,
,said the diner, "you have lobsters in
.:lrelaud 71' '"Is it lobsters ? • Begnrra,
'the creek Whitt of 'em. Minty a time
.}lave I seen 'etn whsle I've lopped . over
the sthranaes." "How large do the
• ]ob'ators grow- in 'Ireland ?" "Well,"
said Mike, thoughtfully, "to sbpa,ke
widin bounds, sure, I'u'say rt, matter
of ,five or tit "feet," "What ! five w
,six fest ; how do ,they get .around ie
these creeks ?' %-Bedrad",: stir, -the.
.creeks in Irelands are fifty •or sixty feet
wide," said --tees ottilbiisl ed Mika,
'"But/ •atticl tire' persistent -inquirer.
ou said you bail•stlen them tthen'yoir
were leaping over %t'h'e Streams, and
1obetor'e here•live iu the se'ii;. ,"Deed
• 1 did, 6111,-; 'were powerful l<lppere in
Iroland, li's for the oay,''ser,'I've sewn
it red kid 'gin. Blit' foods hero,. my
' bee Pellote," • said' the :guest, thinking
he'llad eorrhered Old Hibernian at last',
iii"lobSidn!l"are not rid•ililtil they :are
bailedl. "l)oarl't 1 know 'thlat ?". said
' Mika, reproachfully, "but" -'there. are
' ieould oountlliy, rld
'biiliu bl1 ul„s hai' 1'
^t i y, a
. ihiy shvin'tioo• .tnl, an' eJllc uu1
.�.radycr y)u to crack- ops al': tete,"
w 1 ea1 1 off to t'
.,And Mika mere( m,yw(lt•ou
n .,� • ll'
, t lenVl le lnberltlC t-
Xt Il R it
bt 0 lee 1, ,
,„I 1 ,:; r bL the 1 h.ter and rho' ('')re, .
• BEEDEUEN I3nnrsvEns 1—You sentble
clic Hite to her de word, and hab iu
'plainedl and mnnetrated to yore; yes,
an I tell to slililic it clear as de light oh
de libin clay. " Striae is do rode and
i1arrc:r is 'de poli which leadoff to
;glory." We're all wicked sinners hap
b Blow—it's fat: limy broderen, en I to 1
you how it coin.—S.,m See 0137 fr'ens,
Adam was de fns man,
Ebe MMS do teller,
•• .Cane)vaa wickedman,
Kase lit kill his broader.
Adam end Ebe were bofe black mon
fitly se was Oane ante Abel,- Naw 1
.s uAn'' •ft. seerna to strike'you under
stet0in how de fus white titan onto.
Wy, 1 let you' no. Den yell see when.
Chime kill he brodder, de -muse. cum an
he say, ; " Mitre' ,yoa brodder: Abel 7"
Cane •>eay,' " I don't Ic11ow. massa."
116 cunt agin. all s.e.y,-"C the, what• yaw
brodder Abel ?" (ane say,
know, lnay,lltr.l' But de nagger noed ell'
•) tIInP..• �`�Ittt3gri now gitrnYtleCnrtt .
� eak.m'i l rh'ar tri'tinita It Cane,
VInLr you bredltiur Alit'I; 'vett ttigusr•P'
Ci t.le duly 4ea frl.U.a .t • lie ittt, ii/tt ,
The annual meeting of the 'lectors of t. t•
Stephen & Usborue Agiioultural Seamy cilli•::,
held at
at:two o,clock p. m. on •
MONDa1, JANUARY 18, 1879,
for the pappose of electing a President, a Vibe -
President and Uirectors for the coming year hied
the transaction of other business. Those inter -
veto 1 : fotputsteti to attend
VJ l t ; f, t ti A. G. Dyer,
l' lis, (ciilr.-
See -011-y.
O. 11.40111 P.10?111F.T0a.
Having now greater facilities for maunfoctnriul;
rumps them any other .factoryin the section i.tn 1 a -n
prepared to furnish i,u:nps •Int dig wells on the
shortest notice, tont warrant .uli work. .lie pumps
Ilav-:t, taken the
again it n1any Cnnip+tit+ln. I call roc,(uatnena
them, and sell a't cheap as, tiny second rate article
N. B,-ITAIli WOl:R OF .&L t'' T•':INDS TO:<E
;Ulna. nom or .
Shop--nor-quarter mile north of Exeter
London Road. Hey 1'. 0
=water. An ..9t11. 1i7y. r,.ln.
4i 'Wonderful Disco -very.
"ffP "'"r1 n„LI
TWE FRIEND OF 6a' s (9 L.
Al? Internal d External
It cures Rheumatism and Nouraigia ant
q.mw., ,zsne,m.•.m::m s,vrxanc
til s a 1 p int I^stn,nt v— ., ' • dt
Itis t con) known rte,,.'lly. ... ..
on theAmoriean Continent provedby others."
;'•,1s soon (IB applied it 0inns instant sere to *h•
1U11EUrhtt,atU sufferer, Itis rapt uV abeurbee,
eenatrates tot ovary bone, enters the circuit.
tion, neutralising all "Itheninttc Pelson" Sir
Ctrltthlg in the blood, tied expels it in
system th•-ough the natural outlets. •
('Tooth •elle, l;arache, Headache, Neuralf/.
Itheutnatism, Sprains. Swellings, Iellaination,
c Burns Outs, llrnrses, Pain in Side, Pain it
Paindn Chase, Paininshonlclor, (lough:
Col,ls,l•rost Bites, Chilblains, Diar••ltoea, Dys-
• entery, Iiummer Complaint, gee., &a.
It will cure the most atoms: ig liin,1nt'n•
me Or 0xterrn n" n ®''
your prejudice andel 1 ....,..., ...
mutt is small and relief certain. The great
.',,secret of its amnionswith~iilt classes 18 Owini,
to the fact it is sato TUTU harmless, pieasant
oto take, gives iriatatrt ease, and eau be amine('
,tn a wider range of disease in every day life
with great°r :mottoes than any preparati.rr:
'.:.which research skill and "uudloal 8ot001 •'
� haevet lroclurrd.
.. As
a e.L
1s a proof rt its
groat powerover
Pliny persnn noMatters]icit may bo, Rich,
lot Pryer, Old or. Young who sullering fro
any of the above named pain nl.complaints
t t t 1. rl
wilt call nt he Cfiioa In 7 n 111 a any day <
.11 ,t,,.•nn
t]lo week, will get plmutieiLl�'p�,nf��'
°Large," If its wagicill Howe,r over paw
Testimonials from enrolls of the :nommen
a nstra ttly noinitlll to hand. giving oxpres-
if, sign to the, most grutofal gratitude for Ila
•4torishing eluWa w11i011 it bit, po%ormn,1, and
we, wnalkt ba !hound to r000lve testiai ia/MS
,y$eoviall others who n to 111 an a •t"1'v
1'hysicitiirs of the highest 1•ral,uoiattlnLty tip
o0nnnelul 11 1.1.9 a most etrrertani "lhatne9ti.
rawI dy' fur rho relief of Path in (15808 of sud-
f•Tttt, it to yrrlir ponos, and it wt111rrays
Nds;finkt±1 �,;n i fan11,1y 5(1(1 afflicted fr) m41•+,
J)ras qfists .ire , nine enormoustln,,.0 yictea ni
it'tcde rhver ilitrb hoe-, 1,
Terniallge tlte•world to px 171iii is equal.
211ta'Pru[1n an1lrhui tee teat the wunlesn. e
Drug arid 0a'ct1it Medicine Manses of & Wutre-
'Toitinto, ltrndltltr:au:. Loudon,
'•r,o.ZCis r.atr�.
��� ori
Mottle !
Sold by allFj.itorprisitlg Druggists. 1
pt 19:,137,
da t Il l' .A.N & IP:HEIDl , Slug St„ Iltnsall. •
• 1lens,+il, Juno 20,1875. sin
P. FRAYN-k+.i
has remove to his ne)y tabor,-Ietpd}y90 ci ed byPerkins &'Co -two doers north of rix s boo
store, ore you williiudt,veryt ]iingusua1Jap kept
it lusa; dlltyrat-olassbat01raeato;ial nsssand establ(ali
alyleof tnsntwor, •whiohnsbtpfor
clait and examine my stack before purcllasisg
1111S8 GABLICI' ,
Has now in stock acompplete line of
SI? .111.x;,;E.7ATS, AJ.V L111
a It.2'tBti +, ,)GLOWERS,
A. : t ,• trf 3very Kind in
• Lowest Prices
.. _ ,t rraney Goods,
131 I ii 1,1 I , , i:r•n Lace, Braids
Ly 'i••'ud Moti'toes, &:o,
is eto, (nta00 t0 order..
1617 GA.B,LICi, ,;
Vain 5t., T.tetor.
"Knowledge rather than Choice .Gold."
enoteJ 1'f r d FOR AF,L; r1.LBriRT OOL'LRGn
and [-tit •ic.tiri li',;leville, Ont, k'oundesi 1850.
Qum t .5 ,b1 L':tl e'ua•ltintutJmu 1,15 9ft.trir:31.9.r -
ti',t' Vadic vtty, <luuts,st fortet.otlers' Carta -
mute,. (r,• lu.tl' SehouLi far 1411 gradin of students
(ianun ruin] L+•llnge nrst-oltass, Telegraphing,
lu ie, .; ,,,terse Cnin.'ti to., Alexandria College for
a t :• 'to ,t,1 and Tuition mils' 8516 per annum.
Jae t t + •.11 h • i 14, ., L:1. 1. Hering term, April
to. . I .'.1„we , .l eit.roe by addressing Prosi--
t? BALL t"=1'• •..r,1 t,,, ; J. Bane 111a, oat.
Having commenced business for the
Fa andWinter eTrade
We are prepared to purebage auy quantity of
Pork, subject to -the following regulations:
We will take off two pounds per hundred if
dry, and three pound if Kilt. Shoulder stook,
twenty -rive conte. - If any of the bung OR is
left iu, 25 cents extra will be deducted.
No pork will he bought at any price if,
Trt -t
Pork Cutts ngs
on hand at reasonable rates.
We want all Hogs Cuttings right through
breast to bead, and .Hams openedout to tail.
• C'. & J. PETTY.
Wonders ofd�z
o ,
n Time
ri3� -n•ssulDaossolL"tStl3tty
t fI it 'S `'I.L,137a4 I
r"IV:11tz3IQ Iaoaveera
r *003100851.13130411
00110 3u 3141
qp 1111 341 (1 1Jq 1111 Ol 'd8H3 3019
11 l] - clltlr)11ntlt 3.111 30 14&
i,9 y •inn[ s-eZupw,[:tax legis
*soap sacs. aq3 Rum p43v.1stuit ';all diem •Y
•uoipip..slr1da1PJlitutiollui0t12dgt pa[updea
•0141VOA (30111: )'411.1 dein SCA1 (U01.t9t 0I. IT3Iiamjr CTI
aauO!ulov.nligtll`Isseam ogldigtlgo,tdpus ausuai
ars ttlout 0111££ 11J131•ttla*A13( 3q 6111, •!l00qq aq;.
30 131u[cg3tl3 OMstdloiqu30'ncSun'suol3dllaos
-Dari lenlblio aS [null a.rom Sn1CIL100 Pau'mol3Jiagl
3tneLt pup sat-ta,lm Plolen pun gill imitlmeauo,
esJlq'5 4111 pun '11111tla(i Int/ts.51i t Pun i n /m.10X
'acid id: e, 1111 m0a,t'a1ittl1I I paisnutg:glo swat;
71 "11.14 ;o 10003,1 tcs�
lima Sr m ISSlno031.ta tl���
11101,1 'ISP i^II-IZ:I3
pa11131J r' ass[ 14A3 )lung
tealpam 4 11 [Il 11..tlll:;
"103 811111 .' t mi 2 tet Jil3 1,4
SutaiWL•d• sniit„ .<Z ,9 s tl t"''
ALLAI's AVTi-FAT 18 the great remetlf for ('or at.
leiloy. It i.s purely vegetable awl perfectly harnth
1tads onthe food mthe stomach. permn1in'cns,.. -
verslon into nit. Taken according to Ill rtlon+.11
will reduce
placin this (Tei edy before thrson from a ee entitletas a ltmr
tire cure for obesity), we do so knnwIng its ability t ,
cure, us attested by hundreds or ttsttmon1l, of
which the following (Yom 8 lady iu Columbus, <3110.
is a sample: "Gentlemen—Your Ante Fat was (lt,1•v
received. I took it according to directions and it
minced me five pounds. -1 was so elated over th' re-
sult that 1 immediately sent to AC n:musses drug-
store for the second bottle.01 Another, a Idivslt ran,
Writing for a patientfrom-Providence. R. 1., sa,:.
lout bottles leave reduced her weight from lit)
primula to 19: pounds, and there tan general lmprov:•-
mcnt 1n health." A gentleman writing from Bos-
ton says: "Without speed l change or attention lo
diel, hvo bottles of Alltm'sAnti-Fal reduce,I n ,' f ter
and one-quarter pounds.” The wait-knnwu Whole.
. sem DruggistsBniTIi, DOotlT'1•Llt SG 83 1111. of Dos -
ton, lta9s., write as foliows '• Allan's Autl-Fat has
re1ltt1[d a lady In our- cit 3 seven pounds lo the+•e
'eeks." A gentleman in St. Louis writes: "Allan's
AntI-Fat reduced me twelve pounds in three wCrks.
and altogether I have lost twenty -rive pounds sh,"O
commencing enctngR (tense-" Messrs. l'OWELLit. I'Lr:l'r. x,
Wholesale Druggist.; of Buffalo, in\ write: "To
';H.a. 1'I(OPiURT)Rs eF ALLAN'S lits t'AY Grolt1e•
oleo,-1'hefat(oivin�t reportisflnmtheln,l whomrd
Allan's Anti -Fat. et 010 Anti -Fat) cat the 1 ' 11' !
effect, reducing the fad from two to live ( 1)111. a
week until I had lost twenty -flue panel,. 1 bap,,
never to re urn what I have iost.t' dot( -hat 1, :,n
uneXcellt•d -Maul-ptu•ifler. It promotes digest [e n.
curing dyspepshi, »nil Is also a potent rtvnedv 14.
rheumatism.. Sold by -druggists. eampitiet on Obes-
1 e 81411 on receipt or stun p.
I)OTAN 1C MEDICLNE CO., Pnor'ns, Blltr:do, N.Y.
iloiloways Pills &Ointment,
The Pills Purify th a Blood . corre ctal l disorders
of the 1,tveg, stomaeh, Kidneyys anti Bowels, and
are invaluable In all complaints incidental to 1
Tao ,)iutmeut is the only reliableremedy fox
Bad I,egs, ;Rd WVoundt8, sores and Ulnar: , of how-
ever .long standing. For BrOnclliti6,.l)iphtherit
Colds, Gout, Rbentuatiein, nue all kin eases
,a:.5110 etlual.
•Ii'OrIr York CC.ounterfeits.
gnurjuua imitations Of " tIolloway's QPf11s
and ointment," are manutactnrod and sold
under the nae of Holloway & Co," by J,1'
scut), Curran & b. 14 Company, I)rug-
gista, and also y r by tti blotto'
11 M. it an bleier k . T eine company el
New York,with„'? 5 .. s a • lL1l assumed trade..
mai 11, thus n i ;J ----Again One
'n ''
Tommy t a
l t, I doe] :1 - t t -
'of No 1}
Y � Y t
wino mases air counterfeits •f 1119
own make undo! ��'' �- ..rho mono 1nf13a1-
IowKT &Co., having for a trade mark a C.rnaeut
anti Sorllmit; ItoISetsen & Robbins of Now York
are agents for the same,
'these persons, the hotter to.d.eeotve .you, un-
blushingly caution the public In the ammo to,,,.
of directions sllixed to their medicines, which
•fro ro»ilt• tnespur'ious imitations, to Beware t1
Q 01111t»1•fe its. .
IS.,sorupulons Genders obtain them nt very
tote Drums and Hell them to the a±uht o in t'ttna
de as.Any vanilla Pins and Oilttntents.
I Most eal•Ilestly andlfHiTHCbtrlll, appeal t0 tile':
ilergy, to tuotlters 0f families and Otter ladies
anti the pith' hi generally of British tart) Arunri-
aa, that they may b8 171eit'eti to denoungo,, tin-
sparingly those trends,
Purchasers s1(0111d leo"( tattle label on the pots -
and boxes. If the address, ea ant ,IR, Oxfntr'.
strc •t, tontine, they !aro 1110 connterdeits,- ]•.ncl•
lot ltndbox et tiie t leonine lledicieee, ,bolts 511
$ritisb Government stamp, with the weed,
llont•.ow,1.1ts Pr11,5 Axh OrY'r(tett.'^!. Tanal)n,'
?11gr Vaa. therebrll .t'n tho1abe,lkis the L 111'oss,
163 d]ednrd$trout, l' non oh, wio,re ,alone iffy ar'
r L a,tr dA is who <, � • a (.
Ie alit tttr l nr tit 1 h may be d . 11u1i In
0tVOtlars sent ngsmid toa't• "none -ways fill`' ant
(thomen tastli,Vgo In ins trIII: ah, nn 'aunt
YtiIUtiC,ittltg the ttartlnoisy 9 tome,'( 5 .114' re.
Ira[ U0111304,a 114 tht1lr 1 HMO n o• r •f en) got,
ltt.7fi11 1 `. 1 -et }t:r ii•► '- \
11(30 t, /,•:t i •. IV,(1„ 'Rendon, : 'gland
etuTey nann 11m11tn111e1n11s9e' d•
i1oal dir1Le ra1t11 rthtelrWCeotrlt1d1'1s111D131 >ttqr,n-
uud rase, 05 these di ares vacuum. to woman. L
Have been audited to p rfxtu MOST p1,tcnt1utd Is,si-
Jive temedy.t11' these 1 haloes. •
TO desl,mate this natural specific, I !rave maned It
Dr. Pierre's Favorite ,Presti,ripticii
The trrm, however, is but a feeble expression -of
any high appreciation of its value, bused upon per-
t: nnsl onservatlon. I have. while witnes91n5.11-.`3)••11-
rive. resale; in 1119 special diseases Inrirl((It1)17 Cu.,
ore1 Ili 11' 01'w001an, sr1g011 It out 11.9 the cll,nar or
+crotrednrr e 10 01' hili tnedleal eareor, (in it, too
XIS a po5ilivd, safe, lln1,Aliefume remedy 1, 1''111 c 1 Ism
tediseilses, and one that•w i 1, itt alt rim«s end mtacr
all tIrcttmaha ttes, uct kindly, 1 nm u•illing In 9t,rke'
dry reputation as tt lilly.lelant Dad se 1 nlltlrntam
1 that it w111 not 111sup3u(I t the most stemma! ex,
r.`ciailenaof it single le rand l.'tdyw1,1 !135111 for ahy
or (he 5111111nt9 for whh•8 I reronimen 1 1r. thrt 1 o1::r
and sail It under A P 181TIVE GUAItA\TET•,, ;i'nr
c(n"Ittinnw see 31 (let wrt11rp1m' bottle.)
Til" following a 'non those diseases le 8 ; 1r11
111y Favorite l'resc Ion has w•a•kcd cures, its if by
(!511'1, 1 1 with'” cc lutyneverhen ire attalut•.I by
Sinn,: ,n urine: ht• •nc�cit, Txus.ite Plowing,
1'.11111111 3101tirdySurtptpressions wish. f1".1tt
nnundnal c•a1(01 • crrtttihuftl19, 11(1)1. 3, tel:, 21.,
1:11, n-. nr t'nnt in, 'f'thr rire'...t tevel•SIol toed: •
11111 ver>1en, Bearing -down ':msntinn9, internal
oral, Nervou. T)eprr,,atm7 .U'• lity, 1)(Npnnrh;ury,.
fhreuttarcal }Iiaenrrlµi!•,+y: ,litlrt,nte
C0'044.105' ln-
ilitulnuttlonrunl TTit'ernilennt t11'trt.tvs,1dttp1 i1.'I y
Barr°tln1ss, or sre rU(iv, tad ;1?;enntlr 3' t•alta,,. •t:
do nnC 0341(11 11114 1117+'lino! na li ' lfl. n11 " Let• it
grit rabr)'.5161ls n 815518nNta er•1,elrpoacy hc(113 rt
1111, i perfect ttpucllit•-ln all ,I roni1+(Mata et' tit, •
•t1:1185.114,111 1 " will, , ltu1 Illea 1 n, 1I I am
slimeh l wanyTs t o .i ,l 11 1,,
1 , • ,. • c(. d t on
will It l berm in any state 1 11 t f
Those, whnel'isf re Mintier hlfaltilutt<•n an Omer sub -
'leant um obtn111 It In TBE 1 sMIA's CO3ulo3 Stix( ii
.11 n[r tL
.11v/51411. a honk of Enver serf p5)5 4, .eat.
pb9t"T,:Iid, 0.1 1'e4•l•t1rt•-of 51.3», it treats ,n altlele of
duffle (!wags peelllfar to rtocoolas, 1510 pie * 1511011
1`aluabh avian• la retard to.thw uluna$'vrrl(. 1' at
(10,lr rtl8et1t 5ls.
*'putrid• i rctlerlotion sold by .r)rntrielatM.
1'lnlMI'r)p� r. 4th vr,,3 1)181:, ,.,y
lu:i ticraihls' llolad, F„let 1L i. Y,