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The Exeter Times, 1879-1-16, Page 5
tJAN 440116,1S79 T B TIMES THORNE & FARiVIER. TJ1OIjNF Trythe STAGROCERY e Sugars, & General GerJust� CJ ERS -,.for Teas, Coffees, New Raisins & C�.rrants, � Groceries. c i•ved a large consignment of fine Wines & Li,uors, Viz., Cham•pague Liar,, et, Old Port SherryCognac, Brand Rum Scotch and Irish Whiskey, g Y� ► Canadian Whiskey,'&c• A full and generalstock of Flour & Feed always on hand, Red Sign, Main, Street, Exeter Red Sign, Main Street, Exeter TIMTABLE, L. H.& B. R 00I10 Nonni Mixed 8.05 a. ns. 11Gsil cf 3.35 p. m. .E-xpf'ess 7.35 p. m. 0e1No BOUTIM Mail 8.49 a. M. Mixed 2.50 p. Express 8,25 p. In. r►t.iit it 1h1 TS FALL WIXEA'r. White Wheat ... ., 83 to 0 85 Scutt' 88 to 11 85 . , bPaIN(i \v A'r Fife • ..• ... .•• ••• 0 75 to 0 80 Red Chaff " 0 70 to 0 75 Barley ,.. 0 40 tot G2 Oats 0270o028 Peas 0 48 to (.1 52 Eggs ' 0 14 to 11 16 Rutter .. 0 00 to 0 19 Flour poi lila. ... .., 4 00 to 4 GO Potatuus, par bag.... 0 75 to 0 80 Apples, per bag ., 75 to 1 8, Dried Apples pr b... ... 0 06 to 0 07 Flogs, dressed 1)01.108 3 00 to 8 3., Beef . „• ... 4 00 so 5 W Hides ,•. 5 00 to 6 00 Sheepskins, each .•- 9.5 to 1 00 Ray per t iu... ... 700 to 8 00 Omens per bush ... ... 0 50 to 0 80 Lard ,.. ... ... ... 0 05 to 0 07 Wool, per lb ... ... ... 0 20 to 0 21 Turkeys per Ib 0 07 to 0 07 (`+gess 0 05 to 0 05 Ducks, uor uair.........•'• 0 20 to U 25 IIENSALL MAX BETS. W'titc wheat-. .................................6' 83 to 85 ed wheat 0 83 to 0 84 string wheat 0 75 to 0 78 Barley 0 50 to 0 60 Tawe ....................:...................... 0 5a to 0 53 Oats,. ........................... 0 25 to 0 07 \Hidas 5 00 to 5 5o. rh..op skids ........................ 0 75 to 1 00 Fogs 4 00 to 4 50 Butte) 0 39 to 0 10 lsus...• 0 15 to 0 1e 11'001 ....... .................. 0 es to t: 24 ,i ST, AIAItr S (Reported regularly by' A. Galbraitli,Clerk. Delhi wheat, per bushel ............ 0 85 to 0 88 Sprin4 wheat 0 70 to 0 78 Marley . . 0 40 to 0 60 Peas 0 52 to 0 50 Ont.; 0 27 to 0 20 Potatoes per hag.-.......... ..... . ..... 0 75 to 0 80 Apples • '+ 0 50 to 0 85 11oefper lb 00310000 lienee«` • C 05 to 0 011 P •rk per CWt.....300 to 3 50 Fggs, per dozen ...............0 15 to 0 17 Butter . 0 10 to 0 14 Turkeys. -• ....., 0: to 1 00 geese 01 to 0 45 41.1(Lir,.. 040 to 050 )us •• ,,. 0200061)0 )011)8 500 to 000 d 2 75 to300 8 00 to 900 0 23 to 0231 0 40 to 0 75 Th1.v tdasipskitc..- E.ATTIE & co.'s SILK WA REHOUSE L0Ni)0N:, You will find the Largest as- sorrtrnent of Silks, Millinery Mantles, Dress Goods, Kid Gloves, Laces, and all kinds of Farley Dry Goods. Mantles and Dressmaking under the manaoernent of a Ladyof long experience. Lad- ies can depend on getting the latest and most Fashionable Styles of the Season, at Mod- erato Prices. Wedding and Mourning Out- fits got up on the Shortest No- tice. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. BEATTIE 8,/ CO. THE NATIONAL POLICY Having triumphed atthe polls, ISAAC CARLING Is prepared to give all hie customers tee betofts that will accrue from its adoption, and has on hand a large stook of Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines ana Liquors, Crockery, Etc., At his Store, ,Main Street, Exeter, which will be sold Which will be sold at prices unheard of under Free Trade. at The farmers of the surrounding country will find it to their ad- vantage to sell their produce without paying market fees, on the Exeter market,which is second to none in the west, and then call at the store of the subscriber and Secure immense Bargains there to be had in Overooabing, Full-t;loths, Broad -cloth Doe skins, Silks, Winceys, Delaines, arid everytning noe(ledin the Dry Goods line. The Grocery Department very Complete. An inspection invited. No trouble to show goods ISAAC CARLING I3urzall for the Wigan OF THE Piano and Sewing Machine 'fit x • �. tllli'IU �,7 1�i�1„falai A5 At' rcHE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF 1 Silverware, China and Delf ever seen in t110 West, at E. DREW'S ETOR.E. Mr. Drew has just received an excellent stock e Silver Tea Setts,Butter Coolers,DoubleandSin81e.' Pickle Cruets, Cake Baskets, Card Receivers, Cotn- munion Setts, etc.,of the Best Quadruple and Ti iple Plato, and is offering the same�atprices that would ASTONISH YOU FOIL 17 t PNESS 1 He has just opened out a new and'et t #lets .. sortment "of China, Glass and. Stonewares' A large stock of Lain ps just arrived. Call 0941 satisfy yourself as to quality and cheaness. Come and try our instruments. Music Teaehex still on hand. Services at lowest figures. Special'nttoution called to the Raymond Sewing 1Iaeliine. Organs and Pianos unsurpassed f„r beauty of design, and quality v4 ieuo. E. DREW. THE EXETER TENT AND STOVE DEPOT 0 TI15 Subscriber begs to announce to the is habitants of Exeter and the s-rronnding ooun- try, that he has'opFnett a TIN and S l'OV.I DEPOT in the storeiuearly opposite Mr. G. A. Maoes Grocery and Liquor store, Main street. Exeter, where he is p.epaledto fill allorde.i for Cook, Parlor and other Stoves At Manufacturers Prices. Tinware, cheaper than the cheapest, and made up by practical workmen on the premises. £ave -Troughing done to order, Carriafre Plating a Specialty. Coal oil Chimneys. 110very 'hest and none cheaper. 0 Intending purohaeers will alWays find me at my pox:, ready to attend to my own business and prepared at all times to treat customers courteously and supply them with a good and' eheap artio e. Depend upon it that nowhere oan you get better value for your money. 143 Dundas St. London The very highest prise in Cash paid for Hides and Sheep skins; Ship Grocery. XMAS, ; do d NEW YEARS. Exeter P 0, October 15 1877. :0: A HAPPY' GREETING ' TO At L. Call at Kemp's for your Christmas Fruit'. ORANGES, LEMONS, Citron, Lemon /kid Orange Peel, Nuts, Dried Fruits, Au. OYSTERS BY THE CAN, 0 eta., 25 ctH.'And 8t otr Biscuits in variety. • Choice Mildly.. Groes itis—all freel} and now. Christmas Candies i ..Ariety. ' TOBACCOES, OS, CI oIC/ CIGABs. Piper to iotiL'thaimc I sell for pi, iii`kfi( fdkg l(0"right. i o 0.4s; ',k', tit. Mt ( Arent We rete 8 'h 0o.: Fr York to. " ;`Mate Lf e, tlo :'Y rk to wo i'. s iii (ia pled. i , to r it oi�t>�` fr�' Wag A �}nn � satin titl ha ►tits • �tdian, b ' a ppi77ing to ,''t t : ...i t.j1'''k 0 Q,, - T IMPIttero E' H, SPACKMAN, McOLELI A.ND . BROTHERS (DREW'S DLO (h .have received this'; w.e.ek,•. TEW DRESS :GOODS in Lorne and :lt rgyIc Fashions. Ii.n^ '•.1t 1 IT iW JV. eCnA1oAngg•7Lutla Cloth. •e, t;(4I.11(.9 (,; ..l ..l ,:. ..... �Ji 1 r s uEm ; ;''+a'x;314' .r,. 'f -'(4w 4, i'1 :! t r 1 oft) a�tll ' tt ' titr1- -the , i 11,11(• 0'1 :LB; 4(;:i $ (r ► tx4 +:ruin .. drib .aLA sT.W .i^. ,i�1L 14( 'Michigan Lands For informati..n ooncerniug the PINE AND FARIILI G LANDS. in CENTIRAL. MICHIGAN, for sale by the Flint and Pere Marquette Railway Oumpauy, address Wl. L. WEBBER', Land Com'r, EAST SAG,INAWV, MICH. A DAY to Agent# canvassing for the r FIRESIDE VISITOR terms and Ont. lit Free. Address P. O. VI(.1 EItY, Angnsta, Maine. 2© tare and Beautiful chrome aarc,s, with name 100., postpaid. Goo. I. )Zi;nn & 00, Na84au, N:s, 25 ys moat lonely raids' I ever saki, With 4)0St441le0, l0 eta, J B Hosted, X ae a', N Y 25 Chromo Cards, & c,Ct'p' i e, Mottoes, Fl^' No two alike, with name, 3,0o• Nassau Card Co , Nassau, N Y. 5 chrome cards Now Sty(es,withnamo, 10 cts SPENCER & co., Nassau x, x, 30 ls+'iatinnoywardnsa, mChe,romeetsS, n,MaOkLE&Rc, &noCo2 Nassau, N Y Omixod cards, with name, 10 ce"ts Agents outfiut t0 obs L JOKES & Co N13.68011. N X, IMPORTANT NOTICES. J. CLARK, Agent for the Us - N • borne and Ribbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Residence — Farquuar, Orders by mail promptly attended to. \,TOTICE.--Having rented from Dr. Cowen the sand pit known as R. Pincembo's I am prepared to supply sand for all building* purposes as cheap as anyone. Any person found taking sand without my authority after bids date will be dealt with according to law. THOMAS llEARINO. Exeter, Oct. 24th,1878. ATTENTION — TAKE OTCE the” she appointment of Messrs. Mason & Mudsnu,Hensall, as agents of the Mutual Frio In. snranoe Company of the County of Welliugtmc, is this day cancelled,aud Mr. J0)' v HYNJ)MAN will in future act as agent for Exeter and vicinity By orde,, CHARLES D AVID SON, Guelph, December 4th, 1870. 15-tf. See.-T:eas, LAKE. Commissioner, Insnr- .• once. Land and Doan Agent. Office— next door north Royal Hotel, L xet(r. ,Wilsons Hotel, Hansa ll, -wary Monduv, pRIVATL FUNDS to loan at 8 per CC Cent. ORTGAGES Moue nig;isLit 'Y :'s;' ^ AN CINC7 — Deeds, port- ages,Wills, act ,drawn,'nreasonabh arms ASON & IIUDSON, I'IeilSail, O. lit ACCI)UNTANTS, AUCTIONEERS. Fire and z,ifeIusurano. 'nd Gen sral Commission ).genes, Insurance two-thirds cheaper than or- ma/try cost. Also money to loan on reasonable terms. Prompt attention bo orders per mail or otherwise. F.rm and Village property for sale or to lease, Also seri e good business stands and residences in Honsall. 00HN MASON, JOSEPH HIII)50N, Commissioner Conveyance STOOK ESTR:IY. �TRAYJ h from Lot 82, Lake Road East TpHay, about PROPERTY LIST.. HOUSE TO RENT. Knowe as the Rodgorville hotel, Immediate dossession, Apply to J P Mal(SHd.L4. Rztetor, FOR SALE IN WINC,EIii LSEA-- House and Lot, (Goa stand for a shoema- ker, Acurrier lot, For particulars, apply by letter. or personally to MARRY BRO WN, Wincholsc aP.O �VILLAG1 and TOWNSHIP PROP- k:Bl•YFOR SALbl,—Two lobe la Creeliton,ors one of which is anew hri':k store, good well and new stable. Well fenced, Also 25 acres bush land, part of lot 21, con.0. Stephen, on Exeter side - road, Si miles west of .Exeter. POE terms apply to JACOB RAIST, arediton, P () OUSE AND LOT FOlt SALE IN CRl1DITON.—A good frame house anti stable, also a good well on the premises. The %ioove property isfcr,sale or to rent. Also 25 acres of bland, ill bash, being mostly black ash, on the Exeter side road, Si miles west of Exet•r,in the township of Stephen, lot 20, concession 6, For p irticulars' apply to BEJ2NARD E'OIS'T, Credited P, o, 1)ROP15RTY FOR SALE. — THE subscriber offers for sale two houses and two lots. one situated on Huron street, east, in the vil- lage of Exeter, and the other on Simone st1 eet, Both houses are nearly new, and one rents for six and the other for seven dollars a month, They will be sold together, or separate,: and on moder- ate terms, For pw tioulars, apply toT,J, WILSON Hensall, or to the 1'ne1(s office. FOR SALE•—A Fust -slabs Farm of two hundred and fifty acres in the 1 own- su:p of Biddulph, about 200 nares cleared, we» watered. Also a good brick cottage with two. fifths of an acre of land eligibly situat d in the Village of Exeter. 1'or further particulars apply to Mr. B.V. ELLIOT, Solicitor, &c., Exeter, who has several other farms and Village proper- tied roper tied for sale. 110.5, I1ARM FOR SALE.—THE SUB - J._ offers for sale his farm, Lot 13 - Con. 14, Township of Usborne County of Enron 80 acres o10a ed, the remainde good bush, well Fenced, and in a good state of cultivation ; under, draine'), good orchard, splendid well of water. „frame barn 36x60, log stable 24x86, log house, and convenie•tt to school and three churches. For urtherparticulars apply to ,\'M BRYANS, Kirkton, P.0„or MR. B. V. ELLIOT. Attorney, Exeter P,O. HOVEL FOR SALE. Tiietlarge frame Hotel known 08' THE BRIT- ISH H0TEI,.” in CLINTON with large 51 anle stables attached, situated on lots 360, 361, 367 and 368, in the town et Clinton, containing one acre more or less. The hotel has a license and is now doing a first -glass business. This affords a splen- did opportunity for any one desiriug to go into the hotel business, as the terms are very, Igke axs" A smell payment down, and ten or. apj)ly',o U. for balance. For further partioui' ,Ivfuifn Loan O'BYISNE, Exeter. valuator fo Society, �L. H R. ABBOTT L. D.S., M.R. C.D. S, Graduate of Royal College of DENTAL SURGEONS. ')face oyez O'Neil bank, and opposite Samwell 'ickards. KINSMAN, DENTIST, ii • Licentiate of die Dental ollege of On East, )t lot October, 3 steers, ben10,maybe ono corning three, red, with boll and 2 yearlins, con alta zany one all red, and another red and white, also one day Office-- raa cow. A Jibe al reward will be given for re- the Post Office. Exeter, Ont. covery, JOHN J. TAYLOR, Brewster, P.O, Furniture and Underta g. ��--•mow '`" Plil&li,udll'tC';rt:'`''7 L`"' S. F'AIRBAIRN has on band at Hensel' as large and es handsome a stock of FURNITURE as can be found in any establishment in Huron, all of which he 18 PREPARED TO SELL CHEAP ! NDERTAKiNG IN ALL ITS BRANCHES! Having procured a handsome hearse, 3m is prepared. to attend to UNDERTAKING, • On the Most Reasonable Terms, In connection. with the Undertaking'Bnainess, he uses the Anti.Septia Fluid, whish preserves. the body and dsstroya all offensive odors, and prevents contagion arising from dead bodies. A Dalt respectfully solicited, S. F,AI'l113AIRlsT. JUST RECEIVED AT THE EXETER GROCERY AND LIQUOR !STORE, A I4ARGE STOOK OF GREEN, JAPAN, YOUNG HYSOi!i and. BLACK'. •TEA8, BIAI,SINS, CLTBIIANTS, 1 PIItJNE S, .DRIER APPLE CANED FRUIT, sAYlLIx ;S; • LOBSTEES;• ( 1�• 1. .4 Bt Xt1;if#Eo Na .) osl iln `8i tiiii,,)ifyf,I+v 1 y�i: f pCl�l " �tV ; C) 1000013 A0 i ii . • ry"9 '.�l 441. ',afJA ,y.!3".7.44#00041.. ilWkbfd'rstt i � Act ll;( :71i 1alfi�3+ 1 .1:14 1 1 4 i ,,' $i4t 6; + ft: ,4i1,',.t ,• €°tl�i.::t j14001140.0' eiety