HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-1-16, Page 4oIsonm Bank.
3BY SOT 05' x',aiefi,SAaalalvx, 185¢.
000,00.0: Reit, t$400;000..
SON, Esq., - . president,
loins WOBimm. Ytea•Fros.,
Trott,, Vioo-Pres Sun Mutu'l Ins' Oo
pptherd, Pres Ottawa River N'avlg Co
Nelson, M P P, Miles 'Williams,
88110011'rgollta$, Esq.,' . Cushier..
Tox, Esq., . • - inst,eotor..
'xeter Braur:•kx.
advanced to farmers on easy terms, =their
romissory notes with oue or more good (n-
rs. No mortgage required an security.
5 per caret, interest alloweri on deposers.
-old and currency drafts bought andsold. Steri"
Exchange bought and sold,
gllectious made in all parts of the Dominion,
d returns promptly remitted at lowest rates of
change -
Exeter, au gust 15011 1878. 8-m
h +re1eq + arms.
Contrary to general expectation Mr,
W. R. Meredith, member for London,
has been appointed to the leadership of
the opposition in the Local Legislat-
ure, rendered vacant by the elevation of
the Hon. M. C. Cameron to the
Bench, The election of Mr. Meridit.h
to this honorable and responsible posi-
tion by his fellow members, will, wr
feel convinced, met pith the unquali-
fied approval of the Opposition through-
out the Province. 13e is at once e
shrew!). .cud observant politician, and in
respect of his capacity to legislate, has
on more than one occasion shown him-
self to he fully abreast of the times. He
is earnest anll painstaking in the per-
formiLsace of any duty he undertakes,
and will exercise his talents for the
benefit of the country, instead of allow-
ing, their natural scope to be circurn-
ecrihed by tie necessities or opportuni-
ties of party. Added to these good
qualities; be is amazingly popular as
well on the Ministerial as Oil the Oppo-
sition side of toe House. He has al•.
ways been a consistent opponent nJ the
G tvertllnent, but has never allowed his
opposition to degenerate into taotiou3
nage, Courteous but effective in debate,
_ j11 in argument, the has `wo11
5 y to ilia uigih esteotn of all the
merits, and w)aa fairly hope that
hie liable nature wiI1'iitcvtrh p
induce iu toning down the beat of
P,4118 at d attracting present Minis-
teria;ts to the delightful shades of op-
hie coee _to the public "fairly, and e
the electors ought to accept his „OOP -
gtatp-menta and upon„ thein judge Dir,
MOwatle Government. Mr. Bethune
also poinsed out that the .people. were
.aroused to the nedessity of enforcing
economy iu the administration of the
country and declared hie intention of
introducing a measure which'the Gov
ernmeut shouldhave taken in hand to
reduce the indemnity of members from
$800 k $450 per session, He further-
more advocated' reducing the number of tete ; Chaplain, Brother Halls; TrFae
members in the Florone. `).'hie ',vas nisi, Brother Hunter; Secretory, Bra
then Gillespie; Gate.keeper, Brother
rather unfortunate for him, for Mr. Cooper, Sr.; Ceres, Hies Margaret Ho -
Lauder thereupon showed from the Lean ; Pomona,: Miss Burns ; Flora,
journals of the House that Mr. Bethune Mrs. James Cooper ; Lady Assistant
Steward, Mrs.Jemes MuLean ; Doeniu•
find voted for the addition of six mono- ion Delegate, Brother MolVordie ; Es•
hers four years ago. .But as with ecutive Coe :ntittee, Brothers MeMor.
many others, Mr. Bethune has seen' die, Kitchen and Charters.
the folly of the course he pursued on
that and several oocasians, and has
repented ; he sees that the people are.
paving attention to the doings of the
Government, and 11e is not inclined to
accept any of the responsibility attaoh-
ittg to their bad Government and make
A sacrifice of himself to electoral inoig-
,aition for the sake of leen who are
unfitted for the positions they occupy.
Straws show which way the wind blows.
\Ve advise Reformers to read the ad-
dress from the Throne, and to ask
themselves is this what they expected
of the men they placed in power and
from whom they expected better things.
Treneurer'is. Report stated that t o
load been received4uriug tlleyoar $ O1;
29 ; there" wee paid out $00 79 ;'leay.
ing a balance on hand of $97.53.
Resolved that the Secretary canitnuni-
cate with l,+',. W. Clark, of Guelphs and.
endeavor to get him tooonie and leo-
tur.e within the bounds of the division,
say at Seaforthl, Heueall and Usberne.
The election of officers for 1879 remit -
ed as follows : Master, Samuel Smillie;
Overseer, Brother Plummer; Lecturer,
Brother McMordie ; Steward, Brother
Glints; AsnistantSteward,l3rother Char..
Ott Weduesday, the 8th inst., while
1Ir. J. Inwood, of Clinton, was working
et a "sticker" in Scott's Bending Fite -
airy, he was 80 unfortunate as LO have
the second finger of his left hand out
clean off.
On Sunday morni►;g, when Mr. W;
Weir, of the Bayfield road, went out to
attend to his stock, he was astonished
to find that one of his cows had died
during the night from no .apparent or
known cause.
Oue day last week while a, couple of
won -lea -Were driving around Clinton.
they drove over a s)nalbentter, in which
was seated a eheld of Mr. W. H. Rams-
ford,, fortunately the child escaped un,
inj tired.
The annual meeting of the members
of the South Huron' Agricultural 86c`
ciety, for tya.election ol•''Directorg and
the transaction of other nsittnsa; vas
held at i?llaifer'a Hotel, Kippen, yester.
he roof of R. J. Cook's hotel stable,
Blyth, fell in on Friday hist, front the
weight of now upon it. One haree'
cites badly hurt. and three cutters
smashed to pieces. For+tioately there
was no person in ,the stables at the
1Ir: Helm,,wiho hes helm the position
of Chief Accountant in the Consolidated
The fourth ar_*d lest session of the Bank at Seaforth, for the past two
gears, has
preset P.iLr}i�q�eut of Ontario opened position lathen
h e�head office in Montreal.In Toronto,ou'hureday last. The r
1Ir. Brown, the former teller, succeeds
speech from the ItNene, published in Mr, Helm as Chief Aceonet:Lnt here.
another oolumn,is a verX lengthy affair, 'tinOampbetl, late Inspector, who has
It is eery verbose, but on reading it, been performing. the duties of Manager
ono fails to find even one treat reform here since Mr. Hays' retirement, has
been appointed to the management of
foreshadowed;. Terere is nor. ng in it the Tironto Rooney, anti Mr. Green, of
to critici,w. When it ie remeh.bered Wingharn, has been appointed Manager
that loot. Blake said at Aurora,, that. a of the Seaforth agency.
Reform F arty which could find ,nothing Many of put' readers wili 'learn with
to reform was eiatitled no longer to the regret of the death of Mrs. Margaret
lsatne, and that the leaders of the party Fowler, which (lecture'I:et the residence
hal ).}oder]
have at ail times asserted that a thous• of Mr. Wm. Rum 1, C ch, on
January Orli. Alrtt Fowler was a
end andone things ge in
the country
Ywaive of tt
o County P
, Ire-
needed reforming, it seems incredible land, and carne to this conntry 34 years
that mien an insignificant documentago, residing the whole of that time in
can have emanated from a profeesedl}' G('derich Township and Colborne,
Ref am party, until recently, when elle removed
Gnderich. (At the • . time of her death
The debate on the address was ren- she was 1:18 Years of age and durir:
dered interesting only by one (y two her long re"iilence in this neighborhood
circumstances, natively, that the new "ole enjoyed the respect of all who knew
leader of the 0ttpositien spoke in reply her'
to it, ata that the honorable . nicinber The anneal meeting of the members
fur Stormont, Mr. Bethune, has Been of the McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance
Company was held in Seaforth a few
fit to pose in the same tantalizing and days since. On coconut of the snow
half threatening attitude towards Mr. hlt.ckei;de there was it very sauttl,, Wotan•
Albert Aikenhead, of Brumfield, a
young lad, while assisting his brother
at a threshing the lest day of the year,
met with an accident which might have
reaulted very seriously. While engaged'
in driving the horse power" his foot'
,lipped into the machine, but by
promptly stopping the !newel his leg
was saved from being badly crushed.
As it was be escapedwith a slight
injury to the foot, receiving, 'however,
rather a bad tear on the calf of tbe
leg. We learn that 11e is improving
On the evening of the Otb, the new
Mayor of Wing ham, acconipa5.ied with
Thomas Bell, Esq., one of the newly
elected Councilmen, and Messrs. Elliot
and Palb'.t, the new School Ti ustees,
entertained Andrew Green, Esq", to au
oyster spread, on the occasion of his
re'noval as manager of the 0ouholidated.
)lank there to a better position, as
manager at beaforth. About fifty of
the leading business tneu also repaired
to show their appreciation of their
w"n•bty friend, Mr. Green, and to testify
at the same time their great regret at
losing him, and also to congratulate
bite on his promotion.
About five o'clock on the morning of
Friday, Jau. 8rd, Mies Campbell, who
carries nn dressmaking near Kingston
street, Goderioh, was whitened by a
noise in her bedroom. Upon looking
iip...she beheld the stalwart form of
what t -t 1f areuily ass a man at her bed
Side, somethkg gleamed brightly in his
hand, wllatile.r. a . pistol or knife She
cannot say, lilt he painied it at bet
repeatedly se he stood on guard, while
an iteeum,plice swelled, the -horse,
turning out the contents of trutel,s and
td.rewers in prowie,enous+heaps upon the
.floor'.. For two Mortal hours did Miss
C. keep her e3-t;tf °fixed upon this robber
fiend, afraid to nail her father, who is
an old than; lest the intruder ehonlil
dijIatdh her n,eel then her father.
Wueit a fearful two lin nI'S those meet
hiawe been to the terrified girl, and her
presence of mind inns"calling out, "ns
in all prdbahility, e, means of saving
her life. N:pf" a word 'was epolten by
any one... -1 he aocomplioe meat cited the
bed„•tinder the ticks and nutter the
pillows, occupied by Miss Campbell, and
although the terror of a dozen deaths
mast have thrilled her, she nttered not
a word. They found nothing valuable.
A very strong travelling trunk resisted
all their efforts to open, and in this
there was a stun of money belonging
to a friend. This wits left to the last,
and ' it being about six o'clock 'the
robbers > were afraid to use much vio•
lance to open it ; the n601110ra ).might
become aroueecL. ' As will be remember.
ed it was a very stormy morning and
no one saw the wonikl-be robbers leave,
although parties were at work in
Stnrtly's bakery adjoining. Upon ex-
amination it was found that entrance
was gained by a.winilow, a pane of glees
was removed a d,the hand } t
auks telling the sash inside. The
snow drifted so ,ouch it was impassible
to frllnw the miscreants. ' Miss Camp•
be 11 had ttclten the precaution to pat
what little money she had Italic_ ..t:he
bank. Of all the mann, despicable at.
tempts at robbery,, this is about the
muse centelaptible, es well bootless,
we ever heard of.
The;,CO1UItY Council.
The County Council of Fluron for
1879 will,'be compo ed of the following
Mowat that attracted so ranch attention dance. , The annual ret ort of the Reeves awl Deputy Reeves
to iiia the last two aeeepons.. r Direetnrs was refid„nod:.adhpted. The Seeforthl.-.D: D. Wilson.
following offcer's were apnointed :- Tuokeremitll,-David :Walker.
Bethunethuue 8eetuti to evince a desire .to.l,ramps Kerr, 11d1Clllup, i'resideert; ee
Ju1►n Hannah. '
leave the perty with which he hiss been ,fatties, Broadfodrt; jr., Tnekertsmith, Stephen.--S.'Hegeirth,
BJ'toi g identified, and which 'he hartVice-PCcildient. The retiring Directors „ C. Nilber;
tlns',ear were"those' for anliett. , . Tftt+'I s -° r - eonard
;given much valuable tteiei;atrallce to, and V bore e. L hunter.
to throw himself into the anus 0f the following were appointed foo .tlutt••town": 1,,('--Lxeter.-llxrdv, .,
ship :-Jahn Britton, Johii1fiet iilan," Hay.--Dr;'i3nchat a1
,Opposition. Hae referenoe'to Senator srhos.'binon, JeliteMoir}filrt%'Caiid George ''J.13;If.alb1et,eh.
lefoP11ersyu`s attacks 012 the Local Wwtt. The annual report 'thawed the " Stiiriie .=�'1'honms Sim fate.
4juverntnee t .and the ttesur nee that affairs of illei't` "-) i`il to i iu w itlost " y Cr.
t r . a 1 3' Genrae C,aet1.►,
.ho people were not (Repotted to diamine aatfdfaotory position. ,
Brlytield.---W. W. fr et►nor.
diose clhargpi attd Hirci+► tiai(le hist The Pirie -i, Albert Meador) Grange Gudelle"' 'Vivi. -,41 T. Gamow.
wit11 t< sneer as wo- 't t npettta dote Klupetti ('%r • ngb , li u glee. , ,.'.) ,;, , -2, IV, ,"3, !Boat !et-
Patti/1110gc . stn rot. p, f.! • ,.. .. ,. ",; �' . . �,.. i�� � _ ...:�, i � , ,
�. A. <. 11.eltor,
,l,t: 'rirt sty. tl±d�• ;i;� 051,►.,• .�u�p +'ratelt Kp�lil.,�,�? ! �'�. + '`p
ierstrei t9rta(4e" k r. M frit feel ¢1t trPirlg• ,. se h t
dire fn'l ►tIf mit f ... ' . ?etretrdpreeent, . t et rt Iv.. 'it
Dios i
Jr eoe eruf.artable end called Perth a r .. ,. ,- 1/ it . e t , r
atrt�,i. �lv5nvi�ltw,iCt:rO�farty,I,untla , l�rp,)Cpi�:,r,�C�'hllpi.q,.,�l{inTts;IlltAw�q�eti+le�iaiiA�l'r1A�'t�(,
*Otte r'esiertl)Dt to hi• t poeoh war a tacit or E nlrsu.tvills, a'landY and Colborne. n. Jewell, toad wl en a )nt the ante on,...well,
t F g i
t d. 11ie 8ear.ett►� p 1 p
rr,(w tt,r1>wt 1110 L1ett tMr; tt(i, utt►tetd, Penitent' i`rir, , ', ry rind- " w`1'• letittiela , ;t �� de crlptiot tails. My object iju Kriitisi
ehfield a; Robert Webster.
1, ' Robert Hemiltc n.
eat Wawaeoeh.-Charles Qirvin,
" Edwin Gat►ut.
oast Wawanosh.-(Tarries Patter.
„ Robert 'Cusp.
Blyth.-- lViu, Clegg,
Wingeene-1.)r. McDonald.
Turnbery.-S. Bleck,
,t Jas. Hemline.
Wroxeter. -A. L. Gibsou.
Huwiolt,-Jello Keine.
e,. B. S. Conk,
'' David. Weir..
Grey. --Thos. �ta(traehan..
tt Alex. t7lemmon.
Morris. -G. ,Forsythe.
e, F,
Brussels.---Jnl)n Leckie.
' McKillop.-Tihornas L. Hays.
1e D.111'eozies.
The townships of ,Usbor:ne and l
11'1cKiilop being divided into wards, tli�
Deputy Reeves are elected by the re
spective councils.
General News. ...
The mon belonging to the' Midlant
Railroad, Euglend, expresses a deter
urination to hold out against tli
demands of the Company.
A Paris dispatch .says sixty young
then having quitted tbe dietriot o
Thant., in Alsace, to avoid the ocenecrip
tion, have been sentenced by default t
pay a fine Of 12,000 marks, of to 20I
days' imprisoument,and seizure of thei.
property to the amount of the fine.
The New York Herald's Indianapoli
special Bays the leading Deinotu ate 0
the Indinua Legi:,leture, on Weduesdu
hast, endorsed, Tilden as their choir
for the Presidential nomninetiou in 1880
and pronour ced the financial que,tti<'i
a dead issue. •
A prominent. engiueer of Ciocinni;t
has made a coutract with French calci
tenets to build a rail -6116d from Jeru8a
lent to Jaffee, in the Holy Laud. Th
toad is to be narrow gauge and fust
miles long. Work is .to be„nn at at
early day.
The New York Harold's Belfas
Special says that at Coleraine, Ireland
Gen. Grant entered thg t pot; receive
an addreeta and reepotfdeil.; At. Belles
the reception was ed �rttordinary., Th
milts stopped work the workmen stood
out in the rain by theneaf ils, the`Mayol
and Couuoih welctued Greet, and to
publics lulichet'n was at a hick
the Romeu Catholic 13.i lion..of •ilia
aliocese. was g•Lven the ,iv.t. q,G.hoi�i or.
General Grant's visit to Irdlttnd bee
aroused pal ty:rvnied',li'eligiousw feialing-
Oue infleenmatory tippaal cull's. upon
irish men to welcome ...Grant sea the
great Orange Repnblicnr', .ivlio.}latl shot
dead sixty' rapists wteo 'a telii.1'tl'cl to
stop an Orai ge preeeeeioia :on-. Broad-
way. It is believed if Grant ha(iQgoue
to Cork a riot w31tltThave occurred.
A terrible explosion occurred, on
Tuesday last, at the Pennsylvania Coal
.Cumpauy'a shaft, No. -4•:. Peter Daley,
mining boss, was burned terribly.
Pet►•tek • Leftns was severely injured.
'Che rest of the gang were in a separate
chaivber•and escaped. The head house
was .orally dismantled. It' will take
two weeks to get the shaft in working
An Evan,iville, Ind.:,. divpatch of the
911i inst., says :-" Jim Porter, a re-
mrarkalble negro dwarf, who died in' the
poor-honee on Monday, and left his
bialy to the Medical College for scion-,
title purposes, was partly dissected to-
day. .His bead measured in circum.
fel euce 254• inches,` the disproportion
being all in the back of the head. This.
measurement is .from- 24 to 8 niches
larger than ordinary heads. His neck
was short and thick, with a gallon and
a half swallowing capacity. Prom the
(Tillie s t the oint of his
'u er o
shoulder was 24 inches ; from the
bottom of the foot to the. middle of the
knee -cap was.. 12 in01)es ; and from
there to the hip -bone another 12 inches.
His liver was -just ,t%vice as large as the
ordinary,. atsd hie entire length .was 4
feet 4 inches ; his trunk was the usual
length. His thigh -bone, usually the
largest bone in the hnnittn -body, was
no larger than a. man's hand. There
was a full attendance of all city physic.
ictus at the d►syectien, and all regarded
the specimen as "'the meet reintukable
they ever saw."
Fat Mail Made Happy. -Loses 611bs.
Prattville, 441a., July 20th, 1878.
Boietn Mhiiititr+ia Co:, - ]iuffr►lo '"N. Y,:
Gentlemen -About three months ago.
1 c•emmenaed ,ring your Anti -Fat,"
at which time my -weight wag 219 pounds,
11wv'•fY{ll g•yriiit (lrrebftioul 04146111Y,`
1 have.sticceeded it) reducing my weight
to' 1;8,ponnds. This ie,all• very satis.
ritty'(itnrl p#tttlip'Aiii' , i'i t'je at previous
to my conemencilg the use .Of..your
me ilii;ine, had 'purchased tiro edits of
�e •91,th0s aka h&j -?lItiee, '";fc' . l
di6 , 'a.. i e9it. the a"rfl. 0:61
m �'�. y
Itirless.to nee naris.;' When 1 pe one
off my ooxtsi on, my frienfie te�l!l ale
JANVABY 16, 1870
'Exchange Bank Canada.
Gap/teepee/ up, 01,000,000, •
M. 13, GAUP T, President.
THOMAS (:AV1(RI3ILL, Vice President.
C. R. MURRAY. - • - Oashier.
.,,11301tc» BURNS, - - -
.17,,ceter 13:x anc;l: , •
Money loaned, to. farmers on their owh notes with
goodlendorsers. Drafts issued 08 Iv OW York,
5 per cent, interest,allowed ,d'ttdeposits of ort
oiler and upwards.
OFF(OP E0W1S-prom 10 to 3; fro lflf to 1 on
W, A. HASTINGS, Manager.
Exotor,Auaust 21ud,1878. 51-1v.
iy to ascertain whether you have no*,
in cofl)JCetiutl with your Inildicine busi-
ness, an establishment where your pat -
roue, similarly sit naiad, could exchange
1 these 0801.088 garineu.ts for °there that
would fit. I think you truant to have
e something of the l i id, as it wun&d be
an inducement for many to use the
Anti -Fat, who now objaat to toting it,
f in consequence (Jt the 1eess they would
- sustain in throwing a:•itle+ leelnal)13 gnr-
tilents. .ittat tarn this 1)3Alter over in
ryour mind. A " 0 0-11 i; 'a'xch tugs
ie what you want in couueetiun wi.h
your Anti -Fitt business.
Yours truly, GEORGE BOYD'.
e Boxrnnor.-0n the 30th alt, the wife of Ur,,
Robert Boothron, RoC ger rine, of a dough-
Baooxs. Til (Ironton', on the 31st into the
wife of Mr. John Brooks, of a daughter,
RES. --In Grauton, on the 1st Inst., the wife of
Mr. Andrew Ilea, of a soli.
- $ANSBURN.-In Grauton, on the 2nd int., the
2 wife of 11r. Wsn, Sanr•burn, of a daughter.
MAlI!U (1ES.
MoKio sxs: ]17.vrs.-On the 10th inst.., byRev.
l G. A. Mitchell, B. A., 1'Ir, Murdoch Me-
Ketlzie, to Miss Elizabeth Davis, both of
( Exeter -
1 WASlin>rltx-Bei at s -•alt the parsonage Exe-
I ter, on the 8tll hist., bylIev. E. J. Robin-
son, incumbent of Christ church, Mr. Al-
len Washburn. to 'AIISs Isabella Brl'ans..
both of Usborne.
ter-_ OUSE TO LET en the and Con -
Y c'esion, Stephan, containing 1 roans e
gaol censor, €;"od wolf o r; the prP.eni6„er, will
without garden, For t(rehps a"pih' t19
•arid Con., Stephen, Centralia, 1'., (,
An persons having a. curate' against the .late
Mrs. ILobt.1 •,gz,ntl,heto(ci}ship of Stephen, i:tre-
quested to nrAsent oho satu1 to eitherraa ec Whit-
lock or 1) e v iO 1 egg, by tite Hutu lust,
ISI.0.0 WEllmovie.- tEaceoutors,
1)a,Tltt Wife-, 1
Dated Jan 15, 187:)
The Thorough•brocl imported Baca noise,
Onesunt Stallion, 8 ,e -are, by Golossns, dam by
Loxingeon. Well b 7ol eu to harness, would be
valuable in' the stud. "Galt Reporter's" perfor-
mances en tile turf are to(' weltjrnown to need
mentdon_hete,he beinga winner at all distances,
Apply to Dn. HTJTOHINSON, ilxeter.
The Council of tb0Com,t of Sarna w311 meat
3n the Court Room, in tllo 7 own of Godeineh, on
1 TII.ISDAY, the '18111 INS'rAN T-
Godesieh, Jan. 9th,.1870. 0:". Clerk.
The 00-nartnersh p between the undersigned
as Merchants here, under the name, style and
11 to of "Harwood des Flank!,.," was this clay dis-
solved by mutual consent.
llor,sall, Amon Co., Nov.13, 1878.
pt H. CADDY,
At Law, Solicitor, ,kc. Office, Famon's Block
White Co.,:.
(successors to G. B. Smith)
Mr. Dune= Henderson sof the wholesale firm. of
(0.13• Sanitb and Henderson, Torouto) is ndw In
the European markets beyi.eg our retail spring
stock for St. Marys es violins our wholesale stock
for Toronto. Our wholesale -firm is sending us
goods 'now at lees than manufacturers' prices
because they are maaino a grand wholesale
sweeping clearing sale before stocktaking, and.
therefore our custo ,era got Lien• gocds the same
as if they were buying direct from 0 wholesale
house. A large shipment of goods to hand this.'
week. Newl'rosh Goode arriytug almost every
day, a living stream pouring in and pouring out:
all the tune. Goods rot.;iled wt wholesale poles*
book st them, see them and handlo them. The
'price telpllsica, and We , eveeryire dcustomer is not afratd to
toll the otettniu;A to sell! sell R
soli et It must be done and it will be done. See
ottr Canadian Tweeds at 35, 4a and 45c and One
that is chow a: 75c. at sec.pet yard which hila! all
�e� i,pospioit " Twlllnd Gray Flannels for 15c, 3d,
.F dtoa, {,Plitimels.f0r 13) ,per yard' lost tinsai Abe,
maken�prico. • Nice plainsed fancy !wool! Godd`s'
froto 8, 0, 5134 and tile. utt. 1'iotli+ng•to beat iiIho r' •
in the Market,. Alt woo heavy French Oa,b ; ei
and Malawi", splendid slue. ter 75c.,'no7j e
Wteeoe eJ et pricharthat aiitenisa every an. w11:1'
goes tisem. 4 .2"10 W5:10:10, .y for . q50.,. t orf' 0(11 tih,'
,►ttY down f e oma t h..a, tint) srtl, etine}ly ori .at
Mantle „nd telt steno 6>ytsniht>ty,t1
bleep r.i�t,1,(Iultu,pr��o Atheltay and rrt¢kyl
t#,.ri`ie,>6!i•t'r'out`vl�.:. f7sU': Il(la►rtr, tutu aaatt!
• (art lroiu a##s npnl[kof,.. 'SIM'
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