HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-1-16, Page 3J .ANUA1 Z 16, 1379
'"'' Id44...I' 8•Oi Iii •,S•A.
r., F e r' c•C r.
Al it.A.rennelnbei flint ns1. i sae,. M
°debase yon but yourself, Slander,
entire, ..false }.o d,,.leinetioe-these eau
a .
never rest'; n'nf"I*onr in'anlino t•* •stn
mar Ile about ;fen, tlley•mrty, �jencttl)Qe
ynu, they may cherish suspicions mani-
fold, then me niti-ke •ynnt' failings: the
target nf,ttleir twit or merry ; never be
klarmed never swerve' lin inch. front,,
• flin.1ine ynnr judgement and conscience
love rnaeked oatt for yore, .They can.
rot, by their efful'ti., eke away your
lcnowledain of yourself, the purity •of
y'ou'r' •mntivets, the intregrity of your
character and the generosity of your
miters While theses are left, you are,
in point of fact, unharmed,
Science explains ebme things w11i
er the sake of berei ved butbanity `tee
beet•'.left' nnexplained. Row Ella
iron enerb, who have gono'with cherish
ed convenient!' to the• entranee,°of th
Iii nrd'e Yellew'Oir: r1 L bitxmte, bruises,
, t 1'Cfl i1e"1f'b" tints t3lt�lett
h lusher°, raoteraigie,, 'glued coluplaints, eta., it,
proves Al caessongoi of mercy.. kor sale by' all
0 dealers
Niaitiouial"Pills verify ihe',ibray fountain of
Dial( V:al:ley, fled then parted compuny Cut. thls Out, -It Nay Save.•' Ya)a.r, ,Life,
with the departed spirits lite a derived Tla°r°is,no ppr et livitit~ taut what,eairors.
Oaoneolatiau from tire' ex lreeaion of lnbro of lclee- with f,unig Puteeee, (loughs,
1'Holds or eo stuuption yet' 'fid.M0 weuld diff;
rather tltn,,l a 75 cants for a' bottle °f rued%.
•peace and calm---IIe`aven'e very iui'
press:, as is often said;—settling upon. elect that :wouldeture them.. Dr. A, Doeoliee's,
the laved Face and seething to betaken German Syrup has lately beou introdueeti in
thta °Du r oan Garau its.. w u
1 ,f ma wondrous
t° e
$ Y viva
rest and felicity after lire's weariness t` .•�
vt' tr •
eplus as ours X °vexy y it. If
and pain ! But seieude snakes it clear you clbnb tvllat we salt iu; print, 'cut this out
that this pettce'fltl expression must sed take it'. to your: :druggist and beta. sample.
come to every lifeless face, for it is 1116 bottle for 10 wets and try it, or A regular size
natural effect of the relaxation of 'tile for 7G °cuts,,
fascial muscles. • There are 'sortie
g p a • really valuable preparation for coughs, colds,
An artlelo of Canadian 'production,' and a
thins °boat car seta },owever that
need to be explained, and ono of the and'throat affections is GRAY'S Syave o;r.11s
+8Y T iTrN' l _NEWSPAPER. phenomena:isthe dead map's whistle, Srnvet.s Geo. Canadian travellers have already
A. cors °pellet' np a demand for it in England aud.
The her-rnom jonrnalist stands in the
stnre5 with hie bads to the • stove and
teltri how by conk( tnn a newspaper;
how .he could .be aft indepenriant as a
hog on ice, and call things, by their
right °lames ; how he wonld expose
corruption in high plane ; how he
' would •trite gond entnntnn sense, and
none of vonr frivolous try•to•be' funny.
Rtuff. 'Bon he oriiioiaes otherpeople'e
methods of conducting nevesgpenereenr1
just ,viahna seine one would give him 'n
chance tn. ehnw hi•a jotirnnligtic ability.
The way to acre one of these chaos is
to-e`et him to write a very Bene;bre
article Pv++vv day fur !a week. Before
the arpek is nllt he is sure to be pllmiled
dry, and will gap worse for all idea,
than a chicken does.
� 11TS.
Tf, arum o,1d morning, you ahnnlc1
1xo 1,1+•, a neighbor's /louse, and .final
l him h -19v at work nn his windows,
' orattnlrin+r away, and should ask what
Rai lining, and he. should reply,.
' Why, 1 am trying to remove the frost.
bet tvs fastaq I qet it off one square it
gets''nn another," would you rut say :
" \Veil 1 bindle a fire, and the frost
Will soon come. off ?" And have yon
not eeert people who try to break off
their bad habits . one after another
without avail ? They are like the men
who tried to ;watch the frost from his
windows. Let the fire of love to God
and than be kindled at the altar of
p-avor, barn in the heart, and the bad
habits will soon melt away.
q(asinned eloquence is hertjly en
iA6Pt1t' ncleiuepeeiat no nensssion of eloquence
as 1'r-
1' Nutt t> ;nisterial. When 1Vhite.
aid preached in New York to the sail-,
ors he closed with the following bold
apostrophe : "Wal!, pry boys. we have
a clear sky, and are making fine head=
way over a smooth sea, before a light
breeze, and we soon shall see land.
But what means the lowering of the
esponclent of the Syraouse (oars• F
et' relates an experience of his which,
bears upon this point. Ho and his
friend NIcic•i—lt young and not an old
Nick, by the way—were sitting up
wetabing over the body of an olad gen-
tlern an. Nick lay dowu on a sofa for
the first pap, and his oomplanion paced
up and dawn the spacious library
where the body was laid out; occasion,
ally stotping to change the ice-eloths
on the free: • . .11 was silent as the
tomb save rho trickling water as it
dropped' from the thawing itse. • Sud.
denly the corpse began to whistle, and
every hair on the watcher's heal brie.
,tied in horror.
'Nick, Dome, for God's sake ! : The
old pian is getting un 1" With these
exclamations on his lips, the startled
watcher alma -mod the door behind him
and rap home es fast as his legs °ouid
carry him, leaviug Nick to face. the
music, as it were. But the scientific
explanation ie very simple. Gas has
formed in the dead wau's stnrnaclr and,
the jarring. c.insed by the fell of pieces
from the forehead into pails beneath
had allowed it to escape through the
toot 111808 and wrinkled mouth. t o the
dead mita whistled like a schoolboy.
An interesting account of how Indi
ans'warry and are given in marriage is
given by Commissioner Iiatyt. He.
says that at present 'there are uo valid
marriages among the Indians, except
where, in a few instances, a marriage
ceremony is performed by the agent.
The cnetoin among the ()sages is about
the saline as among other tribes not
fully eivilizeei, and ie somewhat as fol-
lnwe : A. matt who desires to marry
goes to the lodge of the woman he pro-
poses to marry and sits down outside
the door awaiting an invitation to go
in. At first he sends a present of one
pony, rbud. if in response to the gift
there is uo invitation to come within
the lodge, he sends another pony as a
pteseut . if the second does not answer
the purpose, a third, fourth, fifth, or
heavens, and that dark cloud arising even a tenth is sent. 'When the num-
from beneath the western horizon ? bet of ponies is satisfactory to the fa -
Hark ! Don't you hear the distant
thunder ? Don't you see those fiashes
of light! ing ? There is a storm gath-
ering ! Every man to his duty ! How
the waves dash against the ship ! The
tempest rages ! Our masts are gone 1
The ship is on her hewn ends ! \Vhat
next ?" The listening tars, remiuded
of tufo former perils ,if the deep, arose
and with united voices exclaimed:
"Take to the loug boat!"
Among the resolutions passed at the
Wnman'a Temperance Union recently
held at Baltimore, was ono calling up-
on the chnrehee to use none 13ut un-
fermented wines at the saerameut of
the Lord's simmer, assigning as a reas-
on. that "fermented wine was not used
by the Saviour , ou the occasion of
tee' inetitntiof of the Iast supper.'"
The fermentation of grape'•juice con'
sisits in the conversion of the sugar in-
to alcohol, carbonic acid gas ;being giv-
en lit ;the,process. • The 'chemical coon-
,litituents of starch, sugar, and eloohol
are identical, but they are ranged in
different proportions. When the Savi•
our,was eating and drinking at the
great !teat in the house of Levi, as de-
scribed in the fifth; chapter of Luke,
end:the Scribes and Pharisees assailed
.Lt.im for drinking with • bnblicnns and
stoners. He anetvered with the.wine
its the bottles. The lleKoriptio,n; of 'the:
new Wine.bursting the old bottles tyoilld
aertait nppear to desotibe • the roe -tilts
of violas• forneptat on. and the expres
Eiiozi of a preference for the old wine P1'18 •
vedulcl ales
ther of the woman, the donor is iuvit-
ed into the lodge and the bargain is
completed. If it so happens that ho
takes the oldest girl in the family, he t
is entitled to take all her younger sis-
ters to hiinseif, or if he does not take
them for himself, be bargains with any
other applicant for their possession.
The after proceeding is a mere matter $50.000.00
of bargain and sale, in which women N7 7
are disposed of without their consent At auction, To eoanmoac a on
and Very muck like cattle in the mark- 13ton.daay, Dor .10, � 878
et. There is nowhere any litnit to the) •
number of wives, as they are salted, Vi. D. !l/DcGlo,ugY1lin
which an Indian may have, and by
their custom he can change the occu-
pants, of his Edge as often as'he
Chooses. "As our eivilizatton is oppo8-
ed to polygamy," says the Commission.
er, "some decided Potion should be
taken to regulate and establish 'marri-
marri-ages in all Iudiau Communities. An
ad. of Congress should provide .whole -
enure and proper marriage laws for In-
dian tribes."
ranee, while on tine Continent it eau be met
with from Manitoba to Nova Scotia, and from
Montreal to Now Orleans. Try it: See adver-
Deviators; Attorneys, Solicitors, coin-
siouers,B. tt., Se.
Otsteis—literxox's Bemelt, Water' treat,. St
tint°y'a•. .
11)10 18 HAIDI*to, E. W. IiArtnnee. H A,L,Wrtlz�
Barrisbtu s, Attorneys, .solicitors Se.
Kallen to T oan on Real1Sstato.
Fauson'aBlock, Exeter
fir MiDIA.RA:IID, B.A.,'
Barristers, Attorneys -at -law, Solicitors
Chancery, Conveyancers, Commissioners InBB.
u•,.c Notaries Public, St, Mary's
O. S,JONLS. W.C. :%10 RC
Us n•t0it--Hutton's 131oc1c,Wate reb.,St.Mary',;
J —Wm. Baker proprietor. Thiq Hotel urea
been newly tarnished and fitted up in first -Class
style. Largo go and convenient Show Mounts for
Commercial Travellers; best of liquors and cigars
at the Bar. Attentive }fosters uiauys en hand.
CHANGED 1IANDS.--The passer•
signedhevince rented the t)ufferiuFlouse, Cen-
bralle, for a term, it will befonnda if -at -class ho-
bo!, with every aooannmodatinn for the travelling
t+ublic, Convenientto the Station, GootlLiquos
and cigars at the baar.Attentive hos tiers.
1931v. •
:R I-��1VI0V_.:L.
RAU' would remind his numerous
V• Customers that ho has removed to the
strop formerly Ocou.;iied by Mr. Boncl, where bo
will be found ever reedy to atte :d to all basiuoss
in the BOOT and SHOE Line.
Grocer!es e.U'on fectronary
Smoking Tobacco 25 Cents per Ib
always instock.
School Books, Statin .e.z, Magazines
N.B.—Sewing ;aiaciet.'Needles ofevory kind.•
A. BOYD'::.
A LADY, rather inclined to flirt, says most
men are like a cold,very easily caaght,but very
hard to get rid of. It is the easiest matter in
the world to get rid of a cold. Usu Heonnia's
PacroasL BALsAx, the great Cauautiau remedy
for olds, coughs, hoarseness; bronchitis, and
all diseases of the throat and lungs. Fqe sale
by all dealers.
Feverishness in: children. is eared . by Free-
man's worm powdore.
Too Vrcreatt Hxrossux''res'is emphatically
a nerve food; restoring thg=vital fordo, and re-
invigorating all the faure'.ibnaal processes of lifer
It should be used promptly in every ease of
loss of nervous forge or general debility, front
whatever cause. ' It is oleo 'Olaf "-tff the most
pow.erfegtpnios and broad-g,eugrators known.
81 per bottle.
Enamor in diet bring on difease—National
1l skint: it
Weevil to pular, to complete yen wh etre as'nbraof vt�ly yourself x Perhaps-thwlitstlee e
fermentation in the wifte ,of whiahh the two whistles may make melody, .yf you feel
Si vidur 'partook,. The .duty, of temper. an iudispositiou to exertion, ye UXgrves, pain
auoa r.rests open groands .altogether in tlio'baelc, etc„ or auoatiIltetyct wi Tyl.y ,guy ai-.
footion of, tiro secretory °rent ib, rise ' Ylllrbink
indeaendetlt of the fact 'Whether or not
T3viliiu and Uvn Uttar. 1t improves tI11itdigest-
Pe"t, inqeg used by the tivu ur were fees
ivd llts1vaa +ifnd streug'tlldus this weaken et cud
meflbe ,or .were grape' juice preserved dobilitatett ozgeirs. 1.'ui sats.. '1J. •' alealeres, Tis
�►4 )fgt°tff�eric cation by - 'boiling ' or slbme or bottle. t i
of 136 Dundee el root, Lonclonr will on the above
date, offer his whet° stook, amounting to over
Fifty Thousand Dollars, et auction, and oontinue
the sale every day at two o'clock in the alter -
:loon and at seven in the evening during the'bal-
ance of the month,—front the 16th to the list
of 3)eoomber,
Tis is the largest and beat' stock, that has ever
. been of