HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-1-16, Page 11.4 Vol. VI. Exeter, Ontario, :Thursday, January I6,1$79. ONTARIO LIGISLATIIRE, 4,4464444.40.•• znOtt BQ UaTuitorth, The fourth session of the present egislattire was opened last Thurstlay moon witlt the throat fornialities, ere was a -large attendance of mem After M. Meeedith, the Leader Of the Opposition, had taken Ms seat ./.1the following epeeoli was delivered :— Zito. Sintiat'a-Aial GENTLEMAN OP TU 1.44157.411711 A.fia'Kw^c.„v, ; ,tt 18 with much pleasure and satie- tocaien that 1. outlet more meet- you assembled for thedischarge cif those very ireportant fuuctiou wbichuudey o r Constitution devolve upon the snalabere of a Provitteial Assemblyt it i'vould have' been mast gratifYinet to me had I been Odle tocongratulate you upon a completeyeterti of fiertuciel and omnineteial praPeeitY to our • heuntry,•but while it partial renewal of trade, and a neculerattpy good , harvest, vs afforded a meeetire of relief, *earl 0 causes have °hooked our progress an compelled", louger endurenee of a pet tot of depression, While, however, our ago ulturists are suffering from the low prises' of grain and' other produce, it id most atisfectory to notioe the already sate lye. and growing trade between OMR si ;and Europe in live cattle, h trsee, s ep, meats and dairy produtte, in whfih many of our meter- ' prisinee,eitizens are now engaged with, I trust, profit Ine results to themselves, tind certaiuli to the benefit . of the country at large. Yost will, I know, have eilured in the general feeling of plealure excited by the selsetiou tte. the successor of the gad oiDnfferin of a nobleman so dis Vinguisied for leis personal worth and his veiled attainments as the new Governtrstleneral of Canada. The spontaneens welcome accorded to Its Exoellen0 lute been rendered more than arils...try-warm and entlinsiestic by the fri4thatlie is accompanied by linste els escort, Her _Royal High- whese , pre- , es t tote of the deep inter- • -t. Gracious.. SOveteigis itt , lleSS• Bence vat thewelfare kier Canadian subjects. antra renewed pledge of the olose and • loyal bond which unites the people of the Dominion to the Empire autl the Throne. - .. Nor can I refrain from expressing the sympathy we all 1110E4 feel iu the bereavement which has cast a cloud over the earlier days of the reeidenoe of Her Royal Highness amongst us. It is a subject fur congratulation that the Ing pending controversy between Ontario and Quebec, respecting the division.of the public debt and assets of the Previte:3e of Canaria, has since your test session been closed by the judge- ment of the Privy Commit, to which a cage was submitted. The contention of Outario has been. sustained and the advice tendered by :their Lordships to Her Majesty affirmed the validity of the award. It is also tny pleasing . duty to call your attention to the settlement by itabitratiOn of the northern and western boundaries of Ontario since you last assembled. The decision of the Arbi- tratore declares the boundaries to extend to the waters of the Hudson Boy on the north, and to the north - vest !WSW of Lake of the Woods on the wet. These limits embrace an ergo of weeny thoueand. square miler' . tsetotitlettlie limits to which the claim of ehe Dominiou since 1871 would have -..„ oufined us. Yon will be invited to Approve of a measure having for He phjeot the preservation of order, the i oaloiniatation of justice, and the en- , „ooteeregement of settlement and anter - prise %iu ;this territory. I have reason ebo lielieve Suet the outlay necessary to . secure 41040,94We will be • znore than incinePeneated ;t3'y NAG revenue to be de- rived frein the,00ineery. The Ii8trati9u4f eeur provincial esystene 0e education eiehibitte4 at the Pnivereat Expottition Aield atRrie 4,‘Ining the past par, ;was one ctf tthe ,Notht P,i,teirOsting features of the Cape,- sliau Departheent, and'pe3direed a very- fagorable iropeession need ,all who witnessed it, )t � eneouraging to Jerwiv that not only are the efforts to remote the liberei and Useful educe- - time of our people at home inemasingly tappreoiated by them, and' that the iProvince of Ontario Ails by this meane ktstiland no stleall Insurr and dierinction iu the typo of the world at large. 1 tun 04 p,tao to leiern that .theough the enoeisetic efforts of our ,pc.ple to plaice the Catne'dirth exhibition at Pori*: • .146.2a i, tatteessful. A stimulus hoe heist', given to severe( fteraueltes of mannfactitring industry itt Onterire and that a tioti- siderable tiade is likely to develop itself as the tesult of the more widely knoWil alto antlArtitellence of certaiu classes of our manufactured gentle. 1 desire te commend ta your conduit. a attention the rothjeote of municipal essessmnitte, of exemptierns frotn local taxation, acid of sanitary laws end arrangements, The recent disuoieriee iti• the appli. tuition of artificial light to domestic purposes, and,the probability that the progress of.egietitifio ieliniry weer lead i to nteortant changes itedhe method of heating and lighting efir streets and butlainge, have sugge ed the Myles - foil, er providing by• . gen.e.iaI..a.e. t the moats as neft:' nn A 'sjita.4 uth,etior 1.1191:tntgbe; OntaL100101.:r cit4ryttri.goeliei able oornpauiet; public demands.• ' 'rhe proceedings , t election triede, and in onneetion W th the reoteftcatirai and adjustments o the yptimat lists, haVe suggested this xtitelieucy of sortie supplementary prle ttitr,4oe, whitsh will be embodied in a :tante, to be subtnitted to you. .A. bill tv;,11 bo subrnated to .yon for the puregise of exteneing the right of vothes for School Trustees to those otesees of pat lientientary . el. etors who have not hitherto enjoyed that privilege. You will elso be invited to consider a bill to simpliry the laws relating to juries, and thereby to _render tho jury system lees costly, without impairing its efficieuey. The new Reformatory for Women will be completed during the present year. You will be asked to approve of e measure recenired to leegalize the ap- plicetion of this building to penal and reformatory purposes, and to provide for such other matters, as may be needed to carry out the objects for which the institution is designed. The advantages which iu certain die• tads have atteuded litiheral expend). - titre iti drainageeeperations. will, I. tenet, inilnekyou te -regaaf yin:ably, : a .pro- posal to apply a further sum for the encom egement of works of this descrip I.tion by the purchase of the priuoipal debentures issued for the perpose, and which, while they sneply the munioi. palates with an easy and econotnical means of raising the money needed. will afford at the sante time a safe investment of a portion of our eurplos funds. I have directed that the public accounts of receii ts And expenditures. shall be laid before you. The estimates for the curreut year will be presented to yon at an early dee,. They will exhibit, I do not doubt, a due regard for economy while framed with the desire to meet the detnande upon the treasury, and teurling to the advance- ment of the public welfare. 'I shall rejoice to know that your deliberations during the session now openiug have resulted in serengthenieg your claims upon the respect and confidence of your fellow-otteutrynien. Toronto, Jan. 10.—The ' Speaker took the chair at 3 p.m. . . . Atter routine, Mr. Harcourt moved the , address. He did this with pleastire. as be thought tied the return of .111r. Mowat, to public life was a red letter day in the history of the Province, aod. no man had done more for the elevation of purity and political morality. iu our party politioe. He wished to refer briefly to the Lieotenant-Governor's speech. It was to be regreted that the hard timer had not pissed stray. Itt.; held that the depression wasethe neces- sary consequence of inflation': resultiug from extravagance. Mr. McLaws seconded the addrese. He referred briefly to "tlie different items of the epeeoll. He believed that this Province had suffered yes from the depression than any othits:bountry in, the -world. Efe was Sraa that the • - boundry question had Ithien settled. He was glad that after setili,liberat 'ex- penditures it was a greetething to 'say that there was still a surplus "*on hand 0 f (weir tool: nAillions, Mr, )iteredith, who wde•greeted with .speaeli, and ettuld ord ,regret' that ehe loted applautte, thanked :10e.r.,mt eb,:n. hoe:, ifri"ier eornplineeet thee gent email upon ehis Monett for his kind rem rkete ..He could bad not wither 'more nutnter; . The poop e..et Plie.cotintry were to feVor,of totr nelithenet of the, expenditosee of the rniutry, %et' title the Goverutnoul. ouglut to undertake, not in the direction of legislative union, Mr, • taindeisaid that Mr. Bethune , lint In witireeeohOmy. He waasurprie- Itra's in fever of teducing the usembera' ed that the Government had the hardre judemnitY, fie Lander) thought thole titneeln.Cntario in the month of' the Ministerte sasetts, and if Mr. Bethmie Liellbyg to plan the reference to the..harde *enrollment s ould begin with the uteereivernor, as it wfirgely introduced a reeolution to that effect, owiug to the conduct of tee Reform he would second it. G•tvernment that the depeeetion exhietr It being then' six o'clock, the House ed. Re expected thee at tle opening 'adjourned iintil Monday. Of the next House; whenftue present Opposition will be sitting n the Gov. ertin3ent benthete that 14tu Honor will congratulate the %denote uponthe return of prosperity; lar ly brought about by the Nrtiotial P.itett, (Ap. plattae.) In ootteitteto , fir oltf ruled that the Reform Parte had every plank of their pletforn The *ode d public were imam -e this, atAi, would express their opi on of such aotodon- tnent of 'rrifu1I er at the ueistiitleetion. }fru, Mr. dforiat, cotters( tilted Mr. krl:treit,trtia ith ,litli,k ? 011ti,t4heeleocinitoli on tlall.s. junkei, a referred to the . .,.. as. (e. Jammu, and hoped he w ild live toelischarge bis judicial full 10118. Heiconftratu• lated the Hons upon acqliriog two such cultivated Kentlemen asehe mover anti seconder of the edibles. Re thought that the settletnent of the boundary question was au important thing ter the Givernrnent to /lave done. flecoutended that the expetditures of the Government had been wise and tnore beneficial than the expenditures of the previous Government. Ile thought that, hoitesd of holding the Geverument respoesible fur the ha -d times, tn;1' tteateet t tee Province;euffered AO little was owing to .let wise dietribi- tion of the surplus in publit aud useful works. Mr. Morris said that he believed it td be the opinion of the °Munn, that the hardtimes under which tee provite,e. suffered could have been tratigeted the Government, and Wore, he a down be would invite an gipreeeten the opinion of the ..liouse. ate Move seconded by the hon. geinher • froe - TOronto,-: . Jan.: 18.—The (Speaker took the *011ivielit:,8 p.m. . After teeth* i'ile debate on the ad- dress was ohntihned. Mr. Lauder said that in the oongratu- On Thursday last . the London and latory paragraphs all joined, but when St. Marys Curling Clubs payed a 'they were taken out there was very match at the latter place, victory' .fpe little left. Weshad a paragraph about st. Marys club. the exemptiottke...but .80 we had last . session, and he Opposed that as little The annual meeting. of'the Montreal ceenpaity's* otoe, Sir Hugh Allan pre - Telegraph Coniptt'lly. was 'held at the would be done 'this session as last. Mwirli.c.tfoswoat bo.awee it to this •Ohrunber, siding. There was a considereble in etumping the country iustead of at- ....t.rry i -to ten uue.;IinyelfiO- trilrettiet4cla timbide number of shareholders peasent. Mr. James Bakers acted as Secreteey. It tending. to hie departmental duties. seemseliat although business depression He 'thought, as the revenue from had continued the Company heti: been timber was constantly decreasing, and able to pay 7 per cent. divideod, besides no more limits seould be put on the Putting the line in thorough order. market, the most rigid economy ebould The American bond thief, /1611 was be exercised, or We should have the sad arrested at Monoton station op the spectacle of the! tax collector going noon traiufrom St. John, N.B. on the about from house to hoose in the rural 8th inst., by beteotive Ft:hy, of districts collecting . direct ' taxeb. li be is aged about 65 years, wears eyeglasselt }le Afontreal. He was taken north. ' Hoe faln'adt. ttIlle°':follilloiredtingPasriltrttaiPteited : end was smoking a cigar when arreeteil. omittedruoed That Bitch teonomic steps be ttken He took the affair very coolly. that the expenses of the province be On Wednesday night a man named, - kept within. the revenue." Belleville, was kicked in the abdomen. Archibald, living in Huutingdon, near there was no paragraph in the addittse Mr. Parkhill. was disappointed, that by a horse, which he went to feed, awl referrieg to theeeductton of the salaries died in a few hours afterwards. of tfinisters 'alt metnbere. lie hought thatthecouney pd the indernnitY 'is! of Lennoxville, Quo., returning home , • A Wall named Alfred Deerochriere, wee as well gel under the hie from work about 6 o'elioli, Friday Government asunder the present, ad evening, was run over and killed, a half at a machilees-tralitry. He inoved ae at mile east of Lepnoxville station, in That alt ;the words of the fou h amendment tethe amendment :— 'nein road orossing in. trent of an ap- tittempting to cross the tettcic at the lowing be subs luted :—" That, wl le four obit Irma. peregraph bet truck out, mad the 1. proaohinu train. He:leaves a. wife aud rejoicing in th development (If ,.. Great excitement has been oaused Loam), that the second peragreph its agriculttiralean .trading resources of it, Ailait Creig by the arrest of Mr., struck out and the followitig be eubsit the Provinces els . House is pf. t e John Liviugstope, the well-known stratra of thee pramv. prietor .of the. oarrioge works in that .tuted :-..eet ThAtlais Henstiledeepli, opinion wrest ' regretti ,,g that the count, j• ita-tiort-"Illsorryfird be con ' •trz•tlietl,t st village. The olia'rge ap.,ainste-..-Lkix is • opinion t4litt the d, eresSiou might have thee, in consideration of theeneral tinnes tos suffer under depression, it of economy consistent With eiricieP, and gery'on an exteneive Boa • very seriodc, beink 'no less ' . .-•eot- id, fur .er, regrets that the menabere and the indemnity of members be' 'Ilte 'eteeeeeyetioade two casee .., -. From the been mite. examinatio ated by jodicions legislation, the Province &wed." depreseion, the artistries of eliint 4:Mrt) made ort 00$11OUt the accused, of the.hlx , ti cotive Cou u oil esf . . . ,.. and eipt t other e sere pending against :of 00,40 did, during the late Doinini. • Hon. Mr. Fraser opened hie, speech him. Fanners with wliorn be had husi- on eleeti ns, identify themselvee with by congratulating Mr. Hatconrt noon netts are the principal letters , by his the po cy of those who oppoaecl his first Speech. and Mr. Meredith upon crooked \ .transacticue. His businen, 4081,1,4, e measures teudiug to the Ins election to the leederehip of the of eourse,, hos been -seized,.bas hitt-- relief 4 the industties of the tionutry." Opposition, and he wonld titre to shake liabilities tire $15,000 and assets aom- Theniembers were called in, and the hands with him acmes the floor of the peratively nothing the prespects are amendlneut was lost—yeas, 38 ; nays, House. as au honorable opponent.. In rather blue for his too confiding oredi- 42. . reference to the charge of extravagance, tors . The first, second, and third clauses he held that increased expenditure was were passed, no proof of extravaganots if justified by ren was fmind dead oil AiontleAn old widow named Rebeece War, . mit, ' On the fourth chime Mr. Deacon the exigencies of the occasion. Re in just outside r# ' e„. own honse, in who had once coutletnned Lord Dui% reducing the expenditures. In 1872 swm-np, twO n2lies Worn Seotiand, Ont.:1,, neighbor cut slid carried in a quantity*: eulogised Lord Dufferin, and said he tended to go through all the resolutions was pleased to see that the Refortnere introdneed by the Opposition tower& A. of wood fist: her on Monday ast, 'emit, ferin's adwinstration have repented. all the Oppuaitiou wanted reduoed Wadi l as it was ' nearly all left behind% 04' retrenchments, and lie thought that Mr. Merriek—There was a proemial stove, it is enpposed she musten'4'4 He was in favor of administrative $500. perished on Monday there was a feeling iu the country in to reduce the hospital and churches , It is supPrieed that rii* favor of reducing the number cf mem- vote. she froze to death, as the .t had been melted around her face; Slits bers. Something must also be dope to Mr. Fraser—No; it was not the pro- persisted in living alone in her hemi , • reduce school expenses in stnall dis- posai to reduce ; it was only a oondem. tage, one mile in the woods, notwith- .'e. triots. He thought that reform iu the nation of the amount proposed as too standing the entreaties of neighbors to Opiirt of yhancery was required. large. ( Laughter and Opposition leave it. Mf. Bethune was in favor of economy. cheers.) In 1878 the OppnaitiOn mov. • An attentive Ailsa Craig correspon- 11P. meant witte economy. He did not ed for a reduction of $185,000, of believieve,iuwhich $96,000 was for the Ottawa treating the statement ot dent telegraphs news of a ereelaecholy tragedy which occurred yesterday in ' Mr. 'McPherson cavalierly. He in Normal School, in which latter recline the Tnwnehip of Lobo. The oomnetw- tended investigating them himself. tion he (Mr. Fraser) agreed. In 1874 itv were pained by the announcement Hou. Mr. Muwat--There is nothing the Opposition asked to have the esti- of the sudden death of a young lady, new in them. They are not worth mate increased by $80,000 for payments timed Elizabeth Walker, who was attention. , to criminal witnesses, and reduced by well known and ' highly respected in Mr. Bethune—Perhaps the hon. $1C,000 to the Central Prieon. -the neighborboed. She was. engaged geutleman has given the matter his Mr. Merrick—What abput the pro- to be married to Mr. John Cousins, atteutiou. 'ft seems strange to him posed reductien erf that the Merges formulated by the Lands ? • $10,090 on Crown . and the .ceremony wail. shortly to be celebritteti. As soon as the young man . , hon. Senator had not been 'brought b,y Mr..Fraser—There is nothing in the. beard of the sad • event which had hap - some gentleman of the Opposition. first seeeinnof 1874 regarding that pened to his betrothed, he was seized He referred to the indemnity to mem- item. Vie second eessieu of 1874 with a frenzy of grief, and, retiring to bers. He thought that no blame was prnotioally disonesed the e-tenates of his room, out his throet from ear to to 'be attemlied to one party more than 1875. In this session the ()lily motions *tr. LI) was found we Raring in bis another for theincrease. It was ogres& asking for a reduction . Were one for mood, but still alive. Medical aid was. to withont a diseenting voice. • No Grand River improvements, and the promptly summoned, and everything doubt this is a day of reduction all salary of the Iespeotors of Division done nod was possible to staunch tho• .. round. As far as lie, was individually Courts, $25,000:- flow of blood ; but itis feitred all to no 'concerned' he' would be prepared to Mr. •Scott—Was there not a proposal purpose, and that he cannot recover„ - serve for inithing, but, •ho did not think in the year 1874: to reduce the number The sad affair has cast a gloom': over this would'be fair to other members. of members r - the., neighborlitiod, the young could The feeling in Ontario was universal; Mr.. Frazise-:-There was .a constitu- being both well known and respecte' ,... and he thought the amount ought ,tte tional, not -an economic question. . .....-.,.......,..-,„..•41.... i, bet redueed.to the Original sum. Me Me.Soft—Tho reduction ef the . The Spanish brie, Incarnation, fro Tat- '. was opposed to the ideaof expending 'tnetriberie.-Weuld have caused a ratio; Fernandian,'Florida, landed du the.8thes. the.sterplus. as if ' we got rid of it we tion of dxpenditure, '. ..• inst,, two of the erew of the steamer might find a•diffoultY in obtaining a ''.' Mr. )jerazeterWell, let its grant the "Bayard, which foundered at sea, D9o.: necessary revenue withouteresorting- to 'Oppoeffion all the littnefiteef that mo 1.0tli, . All' of Ilie remainder of her direct taxationHe traittetneled by de. 'thin. Be diff not see why this Province crew were drowned. The Bayard wan .4fulltiing- the OditarlO 'ItIjitisterre 'taking , which as mo rich and.pyosperous, with tv Britishysteamer.' 964donseoomrontt port in.the.DCminihn',.eletttioo, on the , meineyeintitedreasury, and not not, dollar ed by Captain Everett.. 1She.. He grotinds that they ,eri. 5teted zn their, of dobt.agernst toe, ' shenldesteduce the from New OrletiuS, Dee, 4tle; for e F. ir . " ::l . " '' • s'e,g• rjghteof private citieee.ship. ''... Ottey of itseoffichtle„ rance . , • " 1 being six o'clock, the House rpse. After recess Mr. Frazer, who had the floor, said that there were other points upon which he 'wished to speak, and be moved the odjournment of the at, bate. Mr. Meredith said that hie sf ide O the House bad no desire for the post- ponement, but would not oppose the motiou. • The House then adjourned, e • Dominion News. e • . • 1