HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-12-19, Page 6,1880 cI. est Arrivals of the Season nron, Labrador 'White A. LARGE CONSIGNMENT Ole ASON TEAS AND FRESH 7.rx-ram$ AND Luzzroas, Wholezale a =4 Ualza, Streeti, Eretor. OVNGER'S, TENNETT'S, B outin B A LARGE CONSIGNU4 EVER 'UT IPBOTTLE Ay'D Q i; TH W' 'Louder our hearty thanks to our numerous friends for thAir liberal par oronz ber, which hzts resulted iu our Sales footing up to a naueb than foi? any previous raonth of our business history, would iutimate that notwithstanding the fact above sta during sum ur Stook elm *ay is as Fufly A as at any time during the Sea OUR BUNK FURS ARE UP TO T and are niarked exceedingly low in price. aches, Mantles, Shawls & Tri WO are offering much under present -value. A BIG DRIVE IN DRESS GOODS—WORTH 20c. god cI Lr Show of Black Cashmeres is Large and embracing every quality and price desirable. $10 W Zlitg OW* 44 007o" (Ovoroloato 4444 Spats -MIMI WE OFFER AWAY BELOW RriajULAR QUOTATIONS TO CLEAR. Hats BILL OM IP TEM STIITINK 01E(111349 hi from which we make suits to order and guarantee good fits, all() for sale by le yard at close figures. We offer 41 Nice Oolleotion of Fancy Goods and Nicknacks for the Ho 7days acd hope our friends will call on us when making their purchases. We have just received, New Valencia, Layer aid Sultana taisins, New Currants, Candied Peels, Powdered Sugar, Nuts, Candies, &o., in. abundance. ITY OTT FRESH TEAS-:-TITEY ARE DELI IOUS We do Business at such close prices that we cannot afford to give Christmas and. New Years Presents. We want 200 cords Dry and 50Q cords good green body cordwood, free from rou ;h, knotty s icks, for which we WI ood prices. Give us a call. house and. lot for to let cheap. 1;111.1%1971.0N ERxeter, December 1 AT HA PEN, POCRET AND CUTLERY. / Electric Plated, . • • FORKS AND SPOONS, Cheap at Hatch' Ooal Oil, Coal Oil, Cheap at liat ;Ws. The new F-ench lifedicineCUYEMSpermatorrhola IMPOTENCE, and all nervous comglaints re. suiting in Loss of Memory, serious impe 'meats to marriage, Ir.aat depr,eseion, etc. 750 per box : fur :lg. Seidl by droggisto everywhere Whole- sale--LYMAS EECat(30., Toronto. Sent by omit saourelrealed, on reeelptof price. A.ddrsse 1..-Iveria.: ,cint-0 Aneaux• bog gala E. Torointi 4illimkA6,- • -' NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. NIWELL & PI Witat is more suitable for— a CHRISTMAS OR NEW YEAR'S Gil • than. Nice Set of Furs Look at the splendid imnge of !I -WINK SETTS AND CAPS; A SAMWELL & PICKARD'S, Main St, Exete. THE RAILWAY EXCITEMENT. X S 194,10 C 7.4 N is now offering Bargains in OVERCOATS Bargains in CLOTHING - Bargains in BLANKETS Bargains in ETATS-& CAPS Bargains in TWEEDS Bargains in. DRESS GOODS Bargains in WINCEYS Bargains in BOOTS & SHOES zzardwarZy Cocke, sccri=0' S, Lig.uoara, always in stock, Remember— I. Carling will not be undersold. JU2 1 J ; . 7 D AT TIIE EXETER. GROCERY AND LIQUOR STORE, A DIRGE STOCK OP GREEN, JAPAN, YOUNG HYSON and BLACK TEAS, RAISINS, CURRA.NTS, PRUNES, DRIED APPLES CANED FRUIT, SARDINES, • LOBSTERS, SALMON, BITTER SAUCE AND PICKLES, 'BRANDIES, GINS, WINES AND SYRUPS, RYE, ;MALT? SCOTCH, IRISH AND COMMON WHISKIES.,TOBAcJCO$ AND CIGARS, • WiUiamaCtIDN.7 rtl.rniture Dealer, having been firaW11 into too Furniture Line by deceiti alum and falsehood is compellscl to eontinne Me business and is pVellattld to sell cheaper than any other house in the county of Ewan. An etx. aminution of my large stook, which is not excelled outside of the tlities, and a comparison of soy in ices with other factories, mumot fail to convince the public &Jilt) truth of what 1. say, Every Article Marked Down lo the Vert Lowest rigur: I hav, just purchased a first-class New Beane, and am prepared to attend fn or Shrouds and all 'Undertaking Material on hand. Prices very reasonable. So constantly in stock. Be suiv to give we a call, and I will make it to sprit ltd I your Furniture from me, ilomernber the placo-,--no4th o Molsong thuklt, Wholesale and Retail. • • :.* ' Main Streat,Exeter. The only Medicine that successfully purifies the : . Blood, acts upon the Liver, Bowels, Skinand Kidneys, while at the 'same time it allays Nervous' IrritOiont and strengthens. the Debilitated System, perfectly 414d,! speedily curing Biliousness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Ponsti• pation, Headache, Rheumatism, Dropsy,N, erveus and Gen- eral Debility, Fetnale Complaints, Scrofula, Erysipelas, 't Salt Rheum, and every species of Chronic Disease s.risinglicm Disordered Liver, Kidneys, Stomach, Bowels' or Blood.. THE BEST BLOOD PURIFYING TON1G IN THE WORLD. ' • sampie nottle. We. 1. MUMS & SOLE AGENTS; Tonottro, Regular size. $1:030' Ittrth Freeman% Worm Powder is alert, mire and effe utak clesuroyer,of worm in children adults. Price 25 cents Or 5 fur $L Mrs. Freeman's NeW Domes* 1?yes are perre celor. For brik;litness anc,. duralibity they hive no equal, rrice i cent:spur pahkage, • , , • •