HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-12-19, Page 3DEC URElt 19, 1£378
Goderich, Dec.. 3rd. 1878.
The Council met. this afternoon, lkfr.
0. Girviu, warden, in the chair, all
members present excepting blr. 1). D.
The'Warden briefly Addressed the
Council, alluding to the matter of the
erection of the bridge at Grand Bend,
between the counties of Huron and
Linubton, respecting which there Was
otut; dispute.
The Clerkth^n read some en -respond.
once whicti had taken place between
hint and the Clerk of Lambton, who:
bad been iustr4teted by the Warden of
that county to say that he had allpoi*lt
ed an arbitrator to settle the m°ttter,
and asking that the 'Warden of Huron
appoint an :arbitrator for Iiuron,
which, it was explained, be had eau
rower do. The Council of Ltanrbtou
thertatpr*r4 patase"d 1t, by-law authorizing
the noni.t,,uctiou of etre bride and ap
ltehintii=„ tb11 aerbitt'atue to confer with
arl•i. r'ator to be 4•rlrpciuteai by the
e''tll/ty of Unroll, to :decide upon whe-
ther tho lirttige should be of iron ar
A c'�nlriniteiaation wag read, embody.
i?* art?tho Council au; \ lams-
aalrr, RillA"rtarizii"A1; tl3d It" e've to ohiatio
Vit+ ell a: i m of Mr. M. C Ca.nArasx oil
. c i<ll 1(141 resp4 et nag It .e:key s b:"I414se
A. co ".7y`rt313it°a«+*r4.+Ke front Mr. L a,,.►.
ra,', t:. •t+e.et,Rr Of ISriatlln*, to t ;t^ .
q'f tile.t at tee (4.4111erl 1144 not,
•d t„..,‘ a; d°u:tr h "tl-c', ire' $ •W°r: 1
➢ ➢'A tai rs, tra.te steps to Erti:, let
1 4 4.e° ad :R:'rt➢ , f,tr alttrE;1➢➢g tho °tsar
C 1 o r a .t t 011,tt:al 1511 req.. 'a',1nt, rt'
H* 1, tar G'i:t.-"•➢3 41.11ar, l°1l1'v`I➢ 'ted
1' A!J l.' :t -.sl v.!,:.3 x1:11"�+3;34.4
^4 , 1 7yi. Jdf toff ted n...'.➢35'
4's au 1 411' 4`x'.4�1tt Z:Ja' ..E1,4,,,,;=.11
i .,4t ..,u .,:a p•, h 4.3..as it:1. t° "u. ia.
..a; .'cy i. ,.. " .t; A:r•1. 1„ 4'-1 ,' "8J ea
,; 4.r 8 ! °m:•' ('i5ot ',. ttirl i. 144,,.1➢tr't f,9➢'
+.3ratu '& to 114. 140/ ., 11'4%7,41 6raa131 1rta
t^Lp'4,,ptxA,B'"➢, r. 'anal, .'� t'L 114 MtJC&. tall. tA.'i@tel'
ett"11 \', ou 1W1' tel l tthi 4a't
1•a1° r, 11"."1143'; itirthip,t tlata nA ln.➢e e
4)f it, tR t:.., u lye t°l 6.114 SaE R 1,-;131
rn oci,a1,u,,'.3 la, t1 ut—ll it if I ell;aeI«ti no
•1;Troy. 3,-4 el. 1,
1;4,-.10,w ..t, , t. 1(47s, of tho e Irp:)rl+-
tinn. tor 1 .te!e.t•r.,..1at¢r, L.Wtiv•.yittt,; e,,rt.tdti
rota ' ell , .31.1 '-''hot S,' It the nattier •03o.*
y • 4.'1 •. of , -t tat 1 the e',11111 \4th4 awe.,
f l t 11. r'lta. I t 11r4ti It +,511 & .odea.+•'+i til
t ( t1? •t tE1n>+ to 1 -,Iti 141,1.—•lel . el.
14 t.1 liana( I11:1•-➢EYtt, all rhe'
ill' feta.. Sn ?:t la.44.1&t. Itt11r1)ur 01
nunt;.'itititoots worse It;ti tl-•t1 bI tlKrti
;t'1➢, g ter, aleft"'l1t ttirlanlllteni, wid:it Mels'
the yeti, tut Cttan111i1t">"4.
�' �atlllYit"tti.tn in ieferetleo to a
It n•. 3ttr t- brilit.t+ tie twel'u Gaey and.
1\\ :tlllateo mu.: road and referred. Letter
ft•1111 ;. t*l. I)4 offiariug n 3ito
f r t11ie 11'tnso of Ia.'fnge3, wa'z rt'r"rrol.
'Mr. Cook ni/Wed, ut'c ludoa by Mr.
ti 1314 that the Cton11eii memorialize the
(;.ty,rn1181t'u to altr'lid -the 14. Ketinir•
iug that by-laws ho published within
the vitt:iitipolity af•4etsd, as by such
ltrtslr;r arallrttdtlrent a sftving could be'
fllaiti.; iti tett' co.:;1 of publicatian.—Lot t.
t1'tr (1 by S. Waek, seconded by Mr.
'Carrie, that the \V triton and Clerk be
sllltli,triz.,..d iti b.>half of tete Council to
Illt'Ill"triallize the Licari T,,t'4gislatttre to
yet apart the sum of $100,0oo for open
drainage purposes in accordance with
the tertlie of the Act iu that behalf. --
I Neal by i.rr. "1lic1Ii1111n; seconded
by Mr. Hays, talar the Engineer be re -1
quested to furnish the Council, atits
present session, with the eontract price
of each bridge and its approaches, built
by him during the current year, and
also the entire cost of each bridge and
its approaches when finished.—Car-
On motion it was resolved that the
'Warden make an at pointment with the
Warden of Perth to meet in Seafortb .
and arrange for the building of a bridge
between Grey and Elma.
Dec. 6th.
On motion, resolved that•tl:e usual
grant of $100 each be made to the
Godericb and Clinton high Schools.
The Engineer was instructed to exam-
ine the Blyth bridge with a view of
having it rebuilt. The Engineer hav-
ing sent in a report in obedience to res-
olution,' it was returned to him, as the.
Council did not filed it explicit enough.
The Clerk was instructed to draft a
bay -taro for the licensing of h.awkeis and
pedlars. +
M . Garrow moved, seconded by,lfr:
Inti), that the Clark 'be instructed to
obtain for use at next meeting of this
Council, the opinion of some eminent
cnnns,ef rct~"to what accommodation, the
various officers of the Comity are en.
if led to receive from, the Council, par-
t t, laxly with reference to the alleged
01 ttimS, to' Ofto frau ee. for stationery,
cleaning offices and Il'lh.ting fires, aup-
plying,latnps and oil, postages, &co.—
Carried'. ,
Dee. 71b.
Iir. G. E. Cresswell, of Tuckerstnith,
was appointed an•arbitrator to make s
settletnJne concerting Grand Bend
bridge as recommended by the Rued ea
Bridge Committee.
On motion of Mr. Darrow, the War-
den and Clerk were authorized to mem.
orialize the Local Government to have
subsection 8 of section 466 of chapter
104, revised statutes of Ontario, err..
plawed, and the present ambiguity
Council then adjourned.
Is Your Life Wttrtu '10 Ueat'11
fiickne•ss prevails everywhere, anti every -
boa) eoml,:aine .of some disease during their
life. When sick, th.o oLra.,ct is to get well; now'
to say taut no re "stia iu this world that is suf-
ernag with G'oniplaint and
its eifeats, wick as ln.ilgastic+u, costiveness,
Vales; Headache, laache, :lour Stamach, li' art Baru,
l'aIfintatzana of the flout. Ir pros eel Spirits,
14iiluuFl a •,, tate., MI take (1i t* s Al:ousr
l"Lara •st getting relief and cure. If
you dt,nbt thi: go t , ;our Drua$ist and get a
Sample >Me for 10 et ult4 au:l try .a it. Re.ru-
ar size ,er.:et s. Two n dose, 11311 re:i ru yon.
Tal' btit fila•yu reitii t1 for alit aft ee,iung of
tet+e clew st live;. a an i tierl4 at. I3 443 Iv°a :•aerate
of 11'411 ^alts:te•: (heat. It lite,its. t n tried lay
0i -an Is of , a"tt:J aelirlw, itll Froin tide aletve>
,tiect..4.sattel`in I?<'_ry Instata,e:'rtbo- given
mediate ate rN t -f In Novi; vi; of tr A@13tt•-lata•',
1 ie;dour a '1 a �1 .Flt ria the patient 1't...: t,=4. ales;,.
1e44:111. -u ,'u lir 1'114 al a.1os cit tit., syrup leas
s -.eh 'n ogee that r. -,t cosies. and the cough
sleekly cls-apin'ars, :+:^, ,Ree➢#i�. leant.
A haw. r:l';J 4 tEa,';lai'' 1 to flirt. •.as^' in,t
nen It 5 :t t 4l 1.411,,• 9 'Ely r%t 1, 1&1 141' ver.
lair .ltt4t't'i-lof. It iti"la oa-ia hi ;t r Irl
Ell am. 1tat g'''ralKai a. tt, l 11 -la nue ''c
Po 5 l:as. 1 tel.' ,.r !t r.1'). .9 isarna.av
t.4.. a, h
4.'t ••f cele`tilr.Aa, 4444-t :till t., r arta'
.£a Weldl'Iron : z chs..I. Ly Fr•,t,•-
1 !ilia, 'hi]. „ 4
:, 42444p `1tAt a-ell•ll
l .. a 1 ,'« 4 4^ 4 44a' * 44 of
' c; , er „J
4 a • tit a*:
l +"• a ...74. ... 4;1',,:581. I
? 4.e _1^'a . 'a^ai;Ailal
c > f) t 1, 1 . a tel -.2y,
^:., ➢t :.i �' It 4a a
et 41o* tis, ' a".4� °41<-v, VI' :.:15
AA•. JS[ t 3 W. 'i t t • l aE4'i
(4.$4.4(4-1•or,.-in . t'.•1 ..: ^ 14� .3 '4, ;1',.. 4..'1
idea le. tt'•.
:'Y,,4 ,4...u. "•rt 1,"7is.'1 t„ 1, tl e4._eata-. Ji& t9aeilat"ri1 484I
tare 'Iliu 1'=, W.;ot floatyr'A'q,
lie' %r="4. i7.u. ,w•#.ex. '"r':"`1f :'.IFC«F,. :4^«41.'.
ll% 1.4. k:b `1' C i 1.4.1
Having, triumphed at tt'e polis,
Is preparedive all ills ens -teeters Luo 'wreath that will acorue (rain its adoption, and bac on
• � � � S Groceries,
a faroe
sot: of
Dr to g , .nes an.a
Liquors, Grocery, Eto.,
At his Store, Main,,, Street, Exeter, which will be soli. a,t
"Which will be solei at prices unheard oP under Free Trade.)
This farmers of the surrounding country will find it to their ad-
vantage to sell their - produce without' paying market -
fees can the Exeter ln�trke � li . isecond,>, t, � 1;11 1�.
to none in the west, and then
call at the store of the ssih4criber and
Secure Irnmen.se argazz
'No need of the Grange
thing in any Rile. viz;—
i'urnitnre. lRaftders
buyln4 ny.
1'aants,Wis. Glass, Pioture k'ramett,.
5tattta k'rautes; lluulalnlls, Atottoea
i,oalailg Glasses,
Looting °lass 'genets,
Ganey, Cruets, Stoves,
,Camaro, Raus11es, Heyest #ot,ls, &e,
in or9x retduee my prtsert Ma. F 11111±13 easi-
tiune to ut*r '
especilatll in:
K -=s" +i aa—Ot'lclola Stove, nocr north rile faucetx.
i t° CIpE4PI s
1iE'1[)1"e•4. You S'tzti..'6 4.
0.1 n A A0r1 lent ri'T:• t n, ,. %4,» t%:.•
there to be had in Ora+rcoa t;a1 , b 1111.91 ieatll �, Broad -cloth -
4. e:. r?.• o...«.. .
Doe kin,, Sills, \ itic;oya, Dolaix es, 4tlad evcr,�;•tuiii o,aee )ryy Ta Grocerylil Dry The
Di partinaut very Complete. Au inspection It•itt>t1T,�,
I i�:7.:a1d 0 ..11itl-N
No trouble to shoe, ;foods
(°1” Tilt;
Qaya ,
`{� l Oraa:t..'.•. Etfi^-Its t--,Jr7C* .�. Zany: LA.0 p,�
.PT".rt& AAV,I a Ad w1.� '%}' 1,4.1,7B3
t'4 (" ti/a.:sl. 1411
e l 14111r4,t4' :,144,{3„-.,q s..a ,re c 1 a t
V I1.. L. lv 1. Heir le, t.,:E Ra�..... C ++e re
;INA .. ,.4 &
• ' -PI ' ' al/, .; ,e f 9 wiw "' y1uS N ..
ret^:lr:t\D 1'1:x'1 S'l(it K iib q ts
*4..l ,r.t,aa• , t ;lisaai Intal 11a,f aver tern iI; ''° \. Y'
3="..g4W'S PT OMM.
"•IA'- I°r ,. a,::, 4'3 t re;^t'13•4,1 AWI e•s4'.'1'1•41t f,I45(144
h 14 '41'4 .. , 44 ° r
a .A . '. a tr '. t ;`t> •Kai^-.,; : ., .., ,:i 1:v00;19 r:.._:.'4. ".
s 4.441, t4... t+j„9.1teit•iWt- (4 .. 9s> 1..044.4 1`a a; s.
i fr:.',a.a ;it r.79:e u;; tial' a:anat .'t 3'rne•e .. t'1at ^,. t,1•4
.t 1S71'tttil'WdI rtil. 14)11 C'ti::,tPNI:SS t
11 I i.1 t 4tr:'"Vita l1tr (4184(4.1444:1tttt•a1.1444s' a.
t 44(4 4, tilt1t>I: 1(4441 `etal;c Oare-1. tl
W1ap ,t,lsc !arr514 A. 4'4 Il 41141 S(44
toiirrelf 444, 1', Itta49tly Mitt 1i: 4ldt'.:a4, 1 , 41,4 •3•,7
1 4.,Lar 3n:t1 14(44 44(4: air it 1.•144.41e -r 441411 tela . 1442 ..•+I
4^ :11. 4A,ta.ar",4t 14.441,e,4 I? ,41. M. 4..1/ .,r,.,;.
,- e•1•it 1 Ttet, 4iti441, 4F,1•'.? t , t,,44,, I.t44118'a14411
x ^tltR'. 441.1d14 144141 1'1,11,45 4.44b..elat164,wtt at,e , f!?l .. 1 34 .' , t :-it 1E £
,.f A... tui. mad tlat:tltty of ton•+. iisto
al'J• ., 1�
13^4 A .4
t „Aa,4.a.lva �. W
t .c1'
` 3`•, n 3 area t,. t 1 • 441 t= 1•r 11 a, 1812813 :• Ti £::'. EX.; :TE I
11,. ••f ., rift 't, "401 41'4.1:. i.;tt t., 14..:
4)1'L'44 it4ILI# IV 1"t rt'sll J1 S' It al 'S'
r .,Tis 1F t la . '.. 4 ,4' ..,i 4;t:
Glu' a Ta 114•.'1 ,i '011,5 . .A...4 4I''41 au _
0.1 11,4 "4411.144:.
,'.11441 %NI) ..3 •4 .444,4nf:
44144•',•11'44" •14134.•'na 4,4 it .44 4411`4el'4•f-
4 4, 4 4 :4 at "' 4 11 ,.t :e.' ,:•' f• r lie .4a1,(,11lter lat(u tel euro nae„ t4) tii,4 i. 141 'i£°ar.f 4,f its; t ter an 1 the s-rr: ill 11;11149. (4 4441-
I4;4'1^; ,9f Ut, 4'4 4 4. a 1,411.1 , td. 4', - ,444.1 1:9 t4,4" tri°, that h.• 11414 tell 1241 Ia 'l'tS :teal S 141 ;Vel 111'31'i)1' In tie, store` nearly 41p1p41;.ite ;41r. (i.
t . 'I'
.1..1t1aet,9➢(.ir.n.,'r ;041 .t�i• 12,0 store, ;d,alt1 street. f s4attx, whe,a, He ir€ i.e uleltto till aortte,,
� � ”. `'"y �1 is ::1 � �'„ »��,, � #411 s 1 1 p
of .ala 9s.iadr. ks l'L comet.,t.t1^ 413 :tan,. lit itrej 1 a y •� aiicL other Stoves
ilutrl.v#:oit, j �'�Qa;1, �GUi7��1� i. � 1,11, � Stoves
�a• •..• 4;,"14.
RhL. hen ftltitar anti W1 (44'11 441141a314rcerrfed 14)
1111:!.4411 iu a114te t 4451.4(4 t
R. I')ti"I:I4.
C`111.4TO.71 N DEP.u14`1' T Ttt airX,
.L. lowed an Anieriean Involves mail further
Dec. 4,784( Commit:6,ucr ,.f t'r"ogtnma.
�'tX.LTL R KNITTING 1? Lt11't)ltY.
a The undersigned •yauid iufnrm rho 4auiilia
of 1'teterand anrrel,ndln tuuntrvthstth�lnes ro-
movod his 1 witting i the tl.l i ,u the 'milling one
door nnrtll of lir Ilio itar;11 n,vi,f lllacltsulith ,holt
na1,1 that he w1111mop cts41stautly on 114(0,4, t3euts,
1,ndies' and Children's Stoeking3 of every .lescrip-
tion. Farti,aa may have their Stockingls, Ali ttsetc.
keit to order on the shortest notice. A large any -
Ply of Borlin wool of every color on hand. _moor-
ing yarn. )sept 114 stook. Also a largo stock 11f the
best Canadian stocking yarn kept constantly on
haute. Price for knitting neon's socks, s, 131 cents,
ladies' stockings, 14 aunts. children's t.34 conte per
pair. W, :t,. CA.13 t! l::LD, bicIntyro's old stand,
11(44.141 street, Ph:eters b-3141..
✓Y 11 t Kttn
�'`��:-tl` •4444,` s,
Having commenced business for the
FaH9 andWinter T race.
We aro prepared to 4411 a]l't c any quantity of
Pork, subject to the following regulations:
We will take off two pounds per hundred if
dry, and olio .pounce if soft. rMoulder stuck,
twenty-five cents. 111 tiny of the -bang gut is
left in, 25 cents extra will be deducted.
Nopork will be bought at any p1'iae if
_AND-- —
Pork Cuttings
on hand 'at reasonable rates.
We want all Hogs Cuttings right through
breast to Head, and .110441 J.
opened out to tail.
,..1X44. P -EJ i 1,(.
At Manufacturers Prices.
Tinware, cheater than tho cheapest, and made 'up bybractic°17
workmen nen. on the premises.
044t, 1 4:1 ,
Nos - plt,u r .1''(1(44(4,'414.',', la 1, , , a
Y4 ,1 i' " �tn'""*�•:'A S 4'4- x,
.1�xi'`1r14 Cllr greu.t me.lc
Care -Troughing done to order, Carrir.ee Plating aSIlr,,1,'.1ty- Cent olt�Cliiulut"ys, eat• gda:)18 iti , 4. l4 `il'11'(4 i
ver • hest 311111 none' Cheaper. 't's 4 Me f 40
y i t 1444 ly tet:, fs ,ere 4.1
t, rill r +dor a rut 5,Ct4'tp elm r pl•1 ' 4.1
Intending purchasers will always final me at =ay ready to attend to my own business
and prepared at all tunes to treat customers courtenllnl;y anal supply thein with a good and)
champ artic er . Depend upon it that nowhere can you gat b:atcr value for your money. d
The very highest price in Cash peid for Hides and Sheep skins,
E 11. SPACK 1A.N.
Exeter I' 0, Oatolrer 14. 1877.
Ai 9
have received this week NEW DRESS GOODS
orn an
Now Overcoatings and 'Mantle Col'h•
Cheapest in town• -=-Call an
1st p'tclr tat rn.! 1.4: r , t4.
tleecureteno'e1111x'41'' fn &., f
cure. as aft. ted L Itun) ,t 4 6
14114(41 the444I,,haN•t.an 4 41.4 41,c i 4
14 a s-unpl :' " 0uu,a1a1''n• 1441 n,
4 lues demofico, took
14. od%4.4 4��4 1„'44.0‘41
4 1 s t
Fadi Ulla 1 Y1nu c all ttely scut t 1.1(1411...'.,'-
stn"e for the recto.. 1 ot£t, Another, 1.41‘ i
�r9 41311
for 1 pad nit frail Fra loco, 14. 1 47.
Four 1,,t11"s .roe reduced ter weLim lr.a
poutols to, 1413 pounds, aid there iss.gcntrti11144."1"),,:-
hunt an 11,'141441 A ;entlenlaa wilting 0141;4 as 1--
tom 440•'•w'lthnn 4114'11 elnitre, o ithn*L ..4 to
111'4, 41 n ax telco 1. 11:u1'4 .411111-1,111 re lu...l ( r raw
;15.1 t u. pu-trtel 44011141:44'1: wv11-1 ns 1 n "1C11o:.'-
sstc Ih a let$ Sul ll,l)oot.rr T t. & `;e I4,. i' i44.-
.411, Mat . , write a• follows. ' Allatl's .1111E-I4.:L has
tion- lit 1 lady it Mfr city 514'.11 11,11111,14; 40 tin
wecl... A panacea In St. Louis ivrltt s
Anti-1'"at reluuedme twelve pelmets In threw 4. 4•.•+,:,
cold alt ether I Aare. Lost twenty -lire pout; 4-1,..e
4'aiitill ❑e141_ its flee" \lessrs 1 U111iLt C 1 t 41
I, 'Druggists. of 711411 d, 15.1 4 t "' • 4'
Alit I 110('11111 01(4�1, 01' A1.LA4 4 a\Tt I ST 4.. -
n1en 1 ht. following report 1 Au ua the 1a411 1111 , (1 • I
Allan4Antltt`at 'It (the Anti-FM)h4l the de - Il 'I
e141144 reducing lucin•. the fat trusts two to 411'0 1 u" • a
wee., 1111111 1 Mil lost twenty -live pen rl 1 1 q',
never to re4rb1 what I have 144'4,1" 4,44444'4(4 i :.1,
unexcelled l,(.ud-purifier. It promnn
curing dysp4llsfa, alio is 4150 alotto rena..ty f.c
rtieuna1tdsav Sold hl• druggists. ttnlpb11t 041 05; -
11v sent nn jeetd(41)t of 544111144.
ItOTA.Xle, MEDICIN41 CU., P11Or'atS, IiltllItlo,'_ti.'i
I4y an immense practice at the Wor
nary and invalids' Hotel, having treale
414141 eases a of those diseases 3 ecutlar
b have been enabled to perfet t u nosy
tine remedy Rsr these dlsca0es.
To designate this natural ,pr,
fir. Pierre's Fav
The term, however
my high appreci1tio'
m"dud nh'-ervlltIon.
floe. rea4lt5 lit the
+n•gtuti,nl 411 wont,
i 4rmeatt 4r mem o
as at positive, NZ'
'(f,li.nases 441
u1y repent
1 411:11 11
f the