HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-12-19, Page 2THE TI, V11iR S
1J)?'idit'P'ft3E.j;1 1 9,
would be luoky." !tell you a oure.' she said,
I sat spinning at my little wheel in But I put my head on grandfather's N But there was no pure for me in
the sun, for the autumn day was cold, shoulder. The truth -oust out, Ikuew. this world, and I. couldn't open my
when I heard some one whistling, and. "Wilt have pito, and be a riot heart to simple Jennie- So the days
gs and ai 'No; I'm well enough,' said I
bunch of white roses on Chriatmaa She looked at me wistfully.
eve,' cried grannie. "I kaew the lase 'Gin ye'd tell me your ail, I might.
looking up, there wets young Spire lady ?" said graudpa. trolled by, and I was .eloae on lay mar.
Turner, wit his arms folded on the "And when he lied waited for an , rtar a eve, and grannie and Dorothy
gate, looltiug over. ' When he caught ,answer,. I burst Mg with "No" and a Plume were busy with emy - wedding
eon eye he laughed and blushed ; and I sob together, r ra,bee. 1 wished it was shy shroud they
roso and male iiine a courtesy. ••She's frighteaed." said graudmoth- l were making, instead.
Ile was as bends -erne gentleman, the . er. "Nay, we most all wed once in i Aird one night'the pain in my heart
Slake, and the hand front which lie • our life, my child." r grew too great, and I went out among
ulled the glove shimmered is the eu1O Then graudpa talked to me tie told . the purple heather on the moor, and
with pearls and diamonds ; and he was ;me how poor we lead grown, and how !there keen dome. uuder the dere and
bonny to look at, with his hair like.' kind the Spire was, and 1 had but to prayed to betaken from the world •
spun geld in the October sunlight, ; marry him to make my grandparents 'for how can I live without Evaau 2' 1
When I courtesied he bowed, ivak• free from debt and poverty all their said. Lvt lie just toady to set foot upon the it'?;usr• ttdK ;ate r: Y>a�ne.enK3r�tL •ire i▪ s:
int; his curls cismee.evor his shou]ders, : lives through. If I refused and vexed; I broke tite words aloud, and then tiultleu George, • a, d told hint a tale t. a tiowntrcliztng alt ""itlie=ni-it , rota -
and, said he "I've spoiled one bretty the Squire`, heaven only blew what started up in affright, for there at my that trade his heart non ait,ti tent him ratftltaintroWtee,, azul stee t ii a thee
picture that I could have looked at all `:night happen. # side there iiia an elf alt littie figure, ' hack to me; but our young squire ? •.t••,:a tL=otagta'l •r"axt ire Newt ""'
day, but I've ma4le anther as pretty. ' "She'll uever ruin her poor grand- ; and I heard a cry that first. I scarce Ileeveu bleed him 1 old
so I'll not grieve May 1 creme teP e" , papa sobbed graudmat ung.
vanity 1'
Many a higher and fairer have
ghearts IQ giie,' I said. 'Title had
gone bre you saw life.
.And then, kind and geode as though
I heel -lot grieved ilii, he gave me ins
arm and saw me across the moor, aild
at the gate paused aufl whispered;
Be at rest, Agatha,. The G,auadien
snip Golden George hes not niter' yet,'
.l liked flim better than 1 had ever
doue before that night when I tons
grannie that I would never wed hien.
L 1 but he was it le be a king -the z
graeudest, kindest, best of living men ;
who rode away with the break of the
marrow and never stopped till he
reached Liverpool, and found Evan
Woaderfu]. Discovery
MF; E. LT,
An Internal External
It ears s Il 3 1lxnat ai ;ln i NY+1larel n
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,.M S ria 1 t7 3
Pi4�t Ar vui# k 1u#t at Jee1 a a1Pr 1 t a
o S the American Continent. preti • %t -y 11 :..'
'in ttoon las 0.41el it rhosii.4 K en to 0711e
'.Asad wele•luie, sir,' S:tial 1. ; al.:1: j + :1.11 1 it was bard to bear-•-bittar+i beeteh Jennie, who had followed we. a father the dead of gift, that Clad!{ th. j •rn,..„, ae' e, ls.i1• neltc, i1,•a: l••••••• :roux.
set a chair for flim, for he ware gnaws -1 Lard ; but new there was no help for '11116 dr3 yo emu for your Erne love ;cottage his own, anal who spoke e, kith% ; 4'fi l'tltlritiens ,eY:slt,aa;g41e1 1 :¢'u• a • ;7
father's headlord • but for rdt t,trlt 1 $ . 1 took the ren fr41m lll,D'i' boFum now ?' -he 1Eaie . '1 tear'_~.''' St7 14:'"1":P.'5" E., E 1 t
1 I it. EI 1 et gent hint frac ye ai o Ei to tll2gwnary for Tering J. i.a cis,¢- , t3„ a r:"s a tri t -1st Y:in an i l ,. c
fel' laic tuff e (alb e• for 1 was net used ' Awl laid if in my petal, and tell them ' for nu1;e' 41 tee aching 1 plre• that iteQiaa°d bite tato lereettce ? ;;"ansa •' nen to r tau.(: ever$ i 11'4 tet r.': s n•.:i-
p , • „ ! tr0 r•- eta, .itrtom l.:24.A„..„,
tti fine C+enllrlllly, ti:," ! eai +. I;v:1l3 1.°'uliid it, 1"i:l t lstt I '11 tw flare yin fellow and wtltob no qua bit ',IO r Joaruvr, whom it et emcee, res are I. a M:',
lie teleed away, y, tete-inn oat? mere t't;el"1':'p.°etru:l uw trent to bun. t.d `': to t''' taught enr children to 1el'.t. fear ewe y '1 ' 31 1! rse(, a i t, a • .1 ,1 r ¢
i•-ailllelitnrnlel than 1 wee used tea, for 'g,rLt deetentat, veiled ttt4? R Xlt? witfat Bait ahs ceenl*t flue sleeve. niteht, [or we were lut:arrit`,i, tt,ed 1n Xi`. E31r .tlX• ea...t...t,Ji! Yt.aa. e.t.a
ci .. :..,.;j
gremlin alter, trbo I►reneht end u_e, til :tench, arid gr tel4lfattlt!?r loathed Ra 'Miura be ve ve eel,' she said. 'Jest f w yeaard had b,iva :ted girls at cararr'. c ae iiaei` -
ways sei.1. •Il:!inde et a is 09 ll'ie3Pli 10,71 ; thea ;h h-3 hese( weed d broth.4 bide a wee, and aual,Yer what 11speer. a kueee ; a and whet* t!!ii clue t,t was nigh ' it P. a is r l t.
t ta, 1a* site .• i I qn
• t.
• 10 i,' tllle,l ' l3 •Fto,tti is bet 3x1111 P1G•..et," Ou ! I wottei here Pl:.M enytiling for 1t'n far love o' ye, for ,I :;sen ye A nye, tha3 (law./ I n+'t ti:1,i to neat, ma t " i !• r e• 1! + eP• - '
:74 It; Inn treeing the e'to!•y I'll tell Cissas"--, auythiu;a }tilt else np my : %crane htit? the snow wreaitlt in the sflet1.1t11te tarty ` 117;I're.e'.i--:Xt1,D; t
l. fame foal t.t,:an. r-�c4.ta•P��,,,,t�. ar r
the truth. I had diene wrong Xtb`3e*t : tree love. That night I 1:43; dal seri ectal the entuire wooed ye, to tie t4 ov, r flit+ sea, where to. 1ll:tel 113-4111 three'', te• -el et ,•Da=a• +1•
^ 11 - ,ctetreatiptwe
01E0 thine. Neither C`t the blas ta?lti4ring au.i venal Ile":$ve'u that Ire rajah! s, Your will Ilett the lift} that laved the Igo +fl tti'E'+tS"i,'!:4i¢E$illi•.+, eau,. ear ;*,"ei$Fl", x ° �• ,n t :. yr :i $ s r ,+;,.r•
.,• _ s P e > P i F i :e Ptt .4 as i.rs+
liSiet! that 1 tl" art? i.iitli Cc.at' a lits; i'^9,+ IeR`3 falcQi¢W.3 the aRi.Prt$i'i; tCtdlaiA+l i flii trod 4d1 t1BiGT,.f 'MVO #lith l with the buetfl$R$£>ME bele t:"F" ever lal7^li• 1
s q e. $ i �+ i 1 1 as a ¢' '"p
in Mr i3 h+ ->'al, u' Cant' -St' , leliit"t i. l 1 : ' fi;tt t ., 'At?, ribl.°eet and an, from lit ' : rate" :mein :' : , a r P t i !
1 3 r lied, beside ban, aced tin- hell had at " wt 48D 1 t* alt' r
e;telt ether text's r the liewth:ern teat r.t:•a:.;. IlaDiFl;£+,t f.Pr tt ewe £ut1 tents ; : • t°+°i$tlt err you mean ? I aal'!1.
7.v i t # n 6 • x feGi a •
gee Ev 1•i nee eau -ea laiF-d. 1 never . tea f eRRR1. 14: t;,Et "+f it, .'1+!'41 1 1>;;,i1t ;� •i lI %a13 It get ,� 10;:4a n11" pl,i.£3 , said r t1Ra"` spleen i$"! 1 I, nq.:fl'i
1i:e=Coat tat aveeivX?, prat graannla was H eti. 1'e fear teat the 1 4$ a.f the t1.. r i'!nPg',Setlth:e. '1 rode with the mirtr es t.X.: Eh ! b tt it'>$ tato •Pial •tau. she that' ti n^a•
i + r ry
a l illi tri -i .aft• l:t+t•-^a tic$•itrt'P:s who 1.4 -ed" n c P MR q�"'' _
, r c, '` t
mid 1. °.talc: heel Eef ]De'a¢rine, ato,l thin wee at eine that 1 Es•�':.ai never tonne.- ; t' rule 1 neer I.. vibe $ phos'; p.t$t tito ( ri°llat- Madre>11 as girl I batt- i¢t laser Ce*l- elle t
atR I: t'•er 8t : ?'
: of Chef tv:$4 t14:'1i t;, awt'cet r4' e,r4 4. forst Leckie. '1`TDOty a 14:ltittf:al Cant F.nJ le tr, aria there re" r; " aft 'a. x •" a e - G. t
R1l L et4tritli-F, rr,d and
f-.4}. Ana at liek-tl • 1 r� •
na. °n•v +..' 9"fl l t•:1 ori t-3 i_ea 1113 bo l+OV:'r tecaw 11ti .r ieir'e, him a ruga,, tilt4 what she soil iiYi #• ? ,fie;.; tE'ed tifft a"t;,tllt tal,t'$'ft tee e a'oir4+
ei • e t itch r •11,1:+ (faro ,arti.4::le-I ^t„: ; "tto ..: a W4i4 Cr. 0.1 lit Rtintie" 1 i`➢t nettle te'n.lett a telrtrel hint the teat 0 a,-,,oNu.. ,ii'1}:, t'?1! ,,..,,lr.i tf! latil"s Iia'( 1,,,..i`"4° i im .1
t . 6 ee n5' ••t4a, h "1„1 eneh Ar'il•'+t't' fee le Ire n .ot,,n,1 teela e.lt 1 he: ' Iel1e^re�'ti tet, a tragi 0' tee,. :all, > I xs.w
$lXe'ar �'iv > t:drtih6'l.y' 1 $f! t 1x711 ,i. , 1 <r, 1 rho R;1F. lili,..; le t$, f#)( i?,'"1ti. l&'w dflt
ti01 t13"k t 1t,?w d',':v.au w' 't tt p a „ra ' Bice ..t-`1 pro n: 11, war to i r r 1'i^^ It teat R•' -• 1 le rt vane til 'n',ttl she: '49 fftl't-t. A'b11 1,h>ta,1 ta?,:µ4' 1':Yb..4* but bl^a lit •R$14,ery.:iti4 i"
alta i urine a=gree et. I ttt-'>neht I'd ;he tai%t�t• kaew tel 1 lav, .1 eon se.'" .l•' tfltrltti''l Val ria.( well an t'r.;dvtere ills•+ a4::10t-i tti it veer al d'4•" tt:'-.1 !,' :4::,2 t•t:
'Lt:" a :r`, at£e tit^tt I fea<'11+'1 4 4.6+ep;"Rl tkite' A3`'..1 R"x41,314* $ EiE1 RS„I .`'4•'4•'4.•^",127 1•P..,e.; at ;,:-.N. aa$•.1 pair Eyi't3:alii"t r:a+le home. °' A ,'* l „aye teal :,art• ea :teat wane ate t
61r t,P i l
mere with the feet tint b 'Yl t1.',raan t t 1 nee t1 bow v. OW tion ti?R.-1 p±;e•,a*411^4.1 ttte-r2 it all 1 1:,�n--:nils it f11,a ;#' 'i '''4•tia•,t.41:tPra• Aliellrvq:at tine. a1i 17i"a.'
1°ii? his f"+rt 4itlf . = -t.1,1.„ 1 r3"l t ° ''-estit'''1. tt"i 1 e'1 ,,)1 of tie. '..n,', JP:AttiC ' Still i. 'ire t all snit;' p e :xn., the Qr,^Cat ' de 1i
rea C+' Y2 • Or, . , e a e ,411 at ti
tir't ilii-' c vac in (ram tb thtit'v ihv •' - . -h a"oEi . Ana 1 t?ti`Aui.�ttt I lt<'n. 1 :y 'i r t ..ii».at h.3v tvArato etltn' hit tit fC ,,i«B *w ,
t:i:e,:"he.••*P til't'rIliac ::,'lit14 v. -to tgan-1. kni :,1R•' sof gale! tint4Mui tient-4 Atltl lt".t'!1 I 'win a 4!t'! uBy' 1'e'. -3t I eCtu1,. 18el+ ttlwel`1n'c'a'all d2ta'.! "11 tbI i4 Xt,'- i t! 481
ii,, l t ., " t 1!1.44 tl-lvr c,llxtei to th. e- .t:s;�e floor a
lte_.iSs1 l.ee �i%411 i#1a1•il t�!a+'r?. 1 .ltd°t't tell � One day .,r�6tt:lr!i 4•s,i:d 461 tAQ, I` � ial••+ >,__et .aYr,edi � laE"rP-, <3,e1k1 l tiPitnli Isle
1 i+ over nattier.
i a ,,e s
her +1 1=" iia * r•po.,;a lt?{. lett :here w 1'e Sf`r`: me that year o .'eet1heart+ to aiX'!t ver a d ➢! X , 39 i,,.• i`t tll�s. teI t.ra"1,,-t (Yea °aiN,
Ifo ii• °' "1 a .. 161 tIR'' ad'ee'>r et16+ tr.¢an+� ; i''etiel alf you, 1x416 over 111'laita+if to eve
I steed b'rf4>r!at my t"t"diafdelnoflbY➢! *,1.41 i ,.tt.t'd ala • 9i ! to4•ttlu ^rt. W.
111E°' t "il, '(saps I li+ivt.' a ,le'=A i 1iG' 11t.a.'1d ' t o►'A• It rr"t3>te:i^X , and white, Catlal 1 rtiiel : •111(• " i ret 1 1. e ;l, 4.4+,41 tn1Yl ai'Se, 1ate41 it rt S^e:cl la; 01111 tt$r'r11!e 11: G.. •a':-.
**Way not ?" and I. 14tI $ tea tea`'r r rait1te, yon lltive! cheat • t a. •A t la+" 1P+'l!' DOW lbs Urfa 1 Ott Pt 1:41ati
tli,'¢t4. y 1 f
,< , •••
J r•
t a ,'.M-^.
J. t'
taS.tl,i 4',
l •
ram.,,.. n„ u•4.a#a,.4,e: -.':.
nice Z C,1niz r ,..
' 1111' il^ •`'ea Et-. 1En41 fans"thiTg riau tXi ` 44 Witere has lee b.•atl dais 4...,.44. '11 11161 .•,,1 net.t.'.,l -s a31 my tenon hive t•X hr r'ten i pt- 19'• t`•
thiols of. :£1t'*6Dertellle.^4 111:'1 v:►1ne np' ei 1►nt`'i ;i" l acv .1 i11�. 1.#141 yon •testa the troth rule 3W x, ;
^�' �,+'�!i�tt
if bet,I ' bet f that • 1' doubtless." reb s I with "tit nlr molt and give- it boa to I'' °. r t err- a
'yratt. 4t.:ater ; tit ••1 t .'r- 't' ltl 'ail y,: e , . ' , • a P ••
tl eb the lttatf•vea:'i r'Rt should &'4l>te enter". theenit 1 thought my heart; "tee ae if fr.onoion 1"'tbettereJ ' dita xS
4 t , P 1i s i 4- garb„►--
l! tX•r I : ie.7.1' ()Ft' i . fi •:1i 3
aro Il,et tt COW; t•b bate' it with would b..; %Timi4d buret. a l l >v • 1 11 i 1 f I 1 d. Il �✓ � READ 1«'.'.t..L►7.
tag I i •'1'-.1.141x1 you !maw alt shoot it i 1e. then think it
110011 tag ?441111 ii$ ever of t1el4'il alth6"r.tliatl (te$all, maybe. , Drilla 1'-1.4- , fetid she , an ve but
111>I , ; •. • , , t . • ovinrf re f�:Ov,./ ¢a I.4 44 at w m o iX nee ,1
r• t, { I heel ! -raid xrr>A•1ta4rt. Yet: are a£41tIat with She 6nrttied ''cetrlfet.P.a.' tE.'4I(1 ttlg °riffs Va. fltrluPr^,
At this time Tient T4.1 ,fife grip 1*t OWI.earr•
rU'.a,lirat r,.t3latca• that 1 ant pr. l•.Sr. i ! . mom -
he cattle as of>en as bef=>rc to tralk with a "Wlased' ?" said 1. ()ne lore now-S4lnira Termer.' emu !e#1.nr4• all lt°.Ri114 of ll'•'. x .,'"eat, 1tir,f•r
s 1 1' i . ., 1 t ri,ei. t i t i ?I 1.'rtII','+, ":1141 t> - Y Sr, ,4.111 bJ•.414
grandpa, f>31 tltu wI43t�'rr nicht:, ; and i She went tot the kitchen door and �1e1) have tl£>1it> Iia. 14>ricrd. I.t'r1 ' (Qh[ultR, Q-'otfti', lTi3Ofd>t4C13e!i•v fiQo$Y j F 'ate at ati ,riiu•,•«,t,i rq 3,6 •.•t dr:,.', '1"Yirtt•r. .
still (?vary littl P while one young land. "beckoned in a w4'tInan who sat there '[rviten on ynnr fact„ u;t .a#"r', FJ'.1 ..Iaa•tara twig 1J11a terrpu. - , !,r 41.8
Iot'11, S mire Turner. wtblilel drop its, , Dame Oombt, villa heti col -le over with 1,n.1 rate looked down at that and 1 1'.+1'oat . s.Eae l,sota•,,
01 01 :tit In ilii lent- way w•lt'lti-- lee ' re g • fell to a teepin . f
ALL 1;.1N Dal Ud;' 'I'17ItNI:yCx
1' ' - `� •, •' "t'11t tt•mt :tai# 1 ova. fr cis ".11,'lb••i`:l.r':e!',"tyre **It thi';E144ertlri t Itettirt•• and for a;tvio moil 11.:.,,-.
keit or spin. Once or twice: be avai "i linr+I oft ri^tlitly, she sail. 5127 own trite love was breaking hie
y c 1¢ -It ,t , i e ' m•,,,,,`,: tid;441$; a (,.Coif (^ 04111 1.4144} et,hnl t 6(11.,11. Alt's eft ,, St t A1,1 a !in-:::
tl'lalltid with wine, aq:+1 over h^)141• for '• salts tel.' int.' Evan L�,t'1+1f*, was mak- , i i i r ' I3 ,.. P.tU4.. of !Com and ;i111,t4x i.;3 aYtN,:. 1",t1
Ili* tried to kiss 111.! .114th S:.l,alir. or 1141, hog ready for a vfyago, half is nide to 1011 Lel !Nett?,
I boxed his oars for his pains, and no "They're going to Canada. My I 1 ! s t 3 a, t A. O"UT's PI.L,
softer than 1 ejnld ut'1 either. 3iui, a carpenter -and a geed 0814. '^ ` NEW BLACKSMITH liiSill'i'1 :1�I4
I c end net 11e1 hie Canine nor tho13gh I say it-niitde the 110ator 0 nFi I i a Ila( f 9 �!t ! O I
I3 . �'� 9
ic' irt,` s' .0 t axid. 'My husband and I
•tui hived f >r fifty yearn. I t1 1 it to
galvea 1118(4. a mid lot a girl's fancy.
word( nothing, stand in, my wav, aitat1
'af•,n4 Mita a beggar in his old age ? Ob.
114+1t> Prairt, him when he °fame, (anti I hex for his things. The o1d ledy: :;tri, girl I'
And then I fell down at her feet like
angry with me, but he was. Eh, so for the daotor's sake. There's moue' 0 eerie?. I knew nothing for an hour
high and mighty, :and spoke as though to be mads there, they say. That's ar m are ; but, then, when I was
0140 like the Squire Could mean no that's what takes hien."
totter, and they left Itle with Jtlnnie,
gsed by comin to so poor as place as "I told con se." saiel grandmother. 11> ossa her fetch my hood and clank
eta eclln,eltnaster's. 'I don't believe it,' gaits I. and het own, away I went actress the
11 mete me angry, and I ;Pelte no. 'They've sold the hntiHe and gone to moor in the starlight to where the hall
i'1'or that !natter the Squire would Liverpool to take ship, 04191 you may windt>wa were ablaze with light, and
be glad to have me prnmiae to marry find the truth for ynurilelfi€yen choose a''itc,l the housekeeper to let Cue se.,
shim," said I. "He thinks moreof me to take the trouble,' said Dame C.0 lbs 'Ili, Squire.
jnet new than you tin.•' "I'm no chatterbox to toll falst'hoods Sl3,r stared at me for my b.3ldnoas-'•
"41'Lybe you liko him better," ash' Morel my neighbors.' Ana she went; n0 wuwirer---but celled blu1. it> In ar
Even. away in wrath.
"I don't say that," replied L "Inn! And -•till 1 coal not believe it anti'
baaei temper and jeaalonsy scarce mak,. I had walked across the lnnor, and
rine fend of another. 1 pray that had raea'n the shutters fast closed and
I may never have a husband that will the dolor barred. and not a sign of lif
scold Ire." 8ahaot the place. Then I gave np hope.
For he had been scolding lee. There I went home all pale and trembling,
was no other name for it. and sant down at gr,tudmaamanaa's Juno.
.Evan was wroth me, and 1 'It's true,' tai 1 I.
with him -not heart deep, tin -nigh, I 'And for the sake of so false a Ind
thought -and I dial, not Fee him for yon'Il see your grandfather ruined, and
more than a week. I want trnalbied break his heart, and leave ole who has
much, though. I knew he would nursed yon from a baby, a widow.'
come round again, and mayliap ash 1 looked at her as she sobbed, and I
thy pardon. B'or before you are wed found strength to say
yon can bring your lover to his senses 'Give sue to whorl yen will, then,
wbcn you will. ,ince my own love does not want me;'
So I diel not fret after Evan's ab- And then I crept up tatairs and sat
seuco, nor snub Squire Turner, who clown on my bedside, weak as thongh I
liked ole more than ever, But one had fainted. I would h ve thanked
r ;h4'nrandfather same in from a Ione- heaven for forgetfulness just theu. but
1q ri,ln, and. shutting the door, stood it wouldn't come.
between randinaamma and me, look- The next day Squire Tnrzer was in
iia;; at, me, and so stranetely that we the parlor as my accepted lover. How
both grew frightened. At last ha snake: pleased he waS, and how the color
• "I've boon to the Squire's," said lag_ came back into grandfather's old face 1
'For 'Ilin first bane I hart to tell him And grannie greet- so proud and kind,
that I could not pay his rent when and all the house was aglow, and only
r"1ne.' I sad. But I couldn't forget Evan-
1.. oponed my lips. Grandm tmma's Evan whom I lied loved .so --sailing
had covered them. Grandpa drew me away from Inc without a word.
to him. I suppose they all saw ,'looked sad,
"Than art voting, lags," he said. The -Squire talked of my health, and
"anti they areright who call thee pretty. would make hne'ride :with him through
"Say, coa1ld'st like the • Squire well the moors for strength. "
enough to wed ]lint?"' The old folks said nothing. They
"Eli ?' o;'ied graudma. "Sure you're itueav what ailed mo only our Scotch
not lvandering." maid seemed to think thele was aught
"Sgeire Turner asked me for this wrong. Once she said to , ie': '
lnss of ours to -night. Of 1111 women in 'What ails ye, miss ? our eye is
'he world there i� but one be loves as dull and your cheek nd your
he should his wife, and that is our.) brow grand love 01,
Awl' flit." - J ye are na that ill e.
44.444 .s14 •.nti• 'X't U311411 eert.iX 1C,,.
', -r,a 4 f • 114 4840• ,Mal a ltt•u4t t a1 , x41!1 .• `•+
1I a r1' 1 , °, II a1 ! 4'. 4 ,� ' 1• ,,II Y, • 8aii, %St 1a•
1, 'Ail 1,41:44.11•18.1404‘t 14' . •. 114 1 0'. 1 2' t 1 (.rte•
+1ilr tie (,.leer!sat 144 t. 71 e r ll1lte t'o ta,stot "t 1
tory • 4318 1 a i'. .4 14,4 11 1 1 14,•44'41 1• 111 111 4841!4'
...t e 1 .11 a,. C....11 x4'1 ri,1, 1 :'144X4
4,4.1 S it M .4' t lir 4.41' „d t'r• i . 1i ht.rnee(11111:
..r• G1aia i r1.•r rS• 11, 1,:a• Sena tit nal lea►3; •e:part"'.
Prier 2ae.•nt , tt'r bottle. • Use
•lilt cl`a.ire that Evan shnnld be •lreatds the new country, lint she gees
smll ;
to anent he stood before alt in bis et-
.thing dress, with his cheeks finished
and his eyes bright, and led me info a
ilt:]e rootu and Heated me
'A ntha, my love, I hope uo
challis brings yon here,'
Bat I stopped shim.
'Not your love, Squire Turner,' I
teid. '1 thank yen for thih.kiog so
well of me, but even after all that
has passed, I --
I could say no more. He
'Have I offended you, Agatha ?' he
',got you. the offenc3-the guilt -
oh, I have been Sorely cheated!' and
all I could do was to sob and think he
thought ane mad,
At hast strength came to tae" I went
back to the first and told him all -
how we bad been plighted to each oth-
er, waiting only for better prospects 1 -
be wed, and how when ha honored nio
by the offer of his hand, 1 angered my
gaandpareuts by owning to the truth,
and of the ring grannie had stoleu
from guy breast, awl the fake message
that had seat my promised husband
from me.
'Anel though I never saw Evan
Lecke again,' said I, 'still' never can
be any other r au's truelove, for I am
his until I lie.' •
took my
Then, as I looked, all the rich color
faded out of the Squire's faaee, and I
saw the sight we seldom see more than
once in a lifetime -a strong man in
At last he arose and onme to me.'
. "My little Agatha never loved me,'
he said, Ah, me 1 The news is bad
-I thought she did, This comes of
1 ILLI J i. Y
1141014014'3111404.1.141. ccr111idetc lints of
INA i,; $ 3 r4 111,4r ..1911. nm: 111 tail 1111;tit, 1 411,:1111411•
4 4 1 te• 1• a 11'':lett I4.t1I lir, c',u•1 •4 tits ik.n1,1.14.,1»-
tIt:J.,'11 vt.iit 41144'. ilae lat.41f7;: 33111113%W 4,! ail Itil.,::s
4'alia'ar:.1 U It'13xtia '¢'.'i i4•t a., li• 441 r�. SEt.Er+
rr • hs,r,:•1(111.• 4t4:t918,1 ,1114.1 1fn,• 1:4144,11
r 1 it', nay i41 -4•i, t 11K aet2u,a 13a Ta" !Ira tt•r•
fcro, and !laving t 1.d, r fv•t tri' rte•I ir tin- 4I41t i
tile11r1nt't n1,e11ner,:1144 Sata•.a4ti4n4 git't'u.
Charges' Moderate.
i Dare te111:1118/1 all Id^eln c41 tct!'ie4litercl 11u1+tu
Site front 11*..1843ei.1 y :tat., ntetur'r:g Co., :stir
and Trimming,: of livery Kind, in tr 9.F Ini Xao , r tt14• iliac'* ir.,t altcals R'N51 of talo
g Post (Miro,
btl:test Style and Lowest Prices ' ', • X w3M'sari O.
1ionsan June initb. /'•.:t. 84.111,
A fall Stock of Fancy Goods,
13Pe>lin \Nook, Iinnitnn Lace, Braids
Patterns, 0avdboard Mottoes, &c,
1^. ,,•Jackets eat n ttd nn:41e to order.
Mein St. B toter.
Groeerie8i Uonifectionary
Sanoking Tobacco 25 Cents per lb
always insto 1•k.
School Books, Stationery, Magazinoe
N.B.-Sewing 1.iccbta. 3 oedlee..ofovory kind.
A. BOY)).
FRUITS, &0,, &C.
Has always a good and fresh supply me
Also in TOBACCOS, loading' brands, CIXOTC e
CIGAII$S, foreign' and home made, all tie bort'
brands. Oivo Lima onil and you will, bo euro,ta
get satisfaction. ,
.0.-Agent for Great Western Steamship
Line, New York and Bristol.