HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-12-12, Page 88 HOLIDAY NOTICEBvn eenee. -On Monday last Mr:.. Treble. I Mcrae ons hitolied to e,, post iu 'Front of Me. J. (}lel GG takes pleasure in announcing tient, D. Brain L's blaoksmith shop, Tinter North, encouraged by the steady iuorease of trade when the baffide robe fell out o£ the buggy, daring the present year, he ha made arrangements to open for inepee. tion. l;y the 1`«th inet..a larger and bet ter varietyof holi- day goods, than in previous seasons. Tne Stock, trill eanEpriie the t*awai stippiy of ENt=T.I*t ANNUALS, Anti a chole: selection in AI.b1. \1:3, WORK t3OXES, \VRI1'iNGi I?i•<.atinn.S•1°ATUA1tI:,VASES TOILET.' SETTS. ltice.t)CCU 13Ui7NI) POETS, t.In T CUPS, (A.11D t SF. , (AND k a t ELV.h llS EVENING FANS, INE STANDS, Etc. :eeeantltt:r with a largo selection of 'Toys, 'i''oy i;a,.ois. l:te. The tra+lc supplied at the usual close rates. ' '. ,.Irt t 1 C h l)fPC lC . ,_ az:r at ^.• Ia .(efYaaSsr,tL real. Sni. nr-., fel S. Seiv 1 eiift and Christmas Trees : a ,L; n b nal flt,c:ivat. .I. ulltillt:, Man street, Exeter, and frightened the auimal, causing it to break awwy and dash down street at a break -heck eaee, The animal ran ens far as ?.*nee s groc- ery, when £t was snalileuly stopped in its ma's career. No damage resulted frdr the runaway `beyond. the breaking of a few bolts in the buggy. SENT re.—Last Saturday night George May kiel:ed up a fuss in his own household, and when Constable Gill went to try to make peace in the house' George Inane au attack ou him, anti in hie rage three' a roil of ezoney into the fire and ran in Isis night dreg a neigh- !lneinalieuen and theeateuett to force' an en trance if o.druittanee was refused. The: con- : stable seeing that ho would not be quietest, inn- ! mediately proeltrel a warrant for his arrests and iodaeLi hint in he leek -up, where he' re• t 1, niaiuc:c until M;9nalay, when he was tried and sent to Goderich jail. Tnis is the fourth tine • he bas been n be )nt up for similar o fences. \ 'u hope it luau teal hemi geed. They enielu Fi a few days Ingo from Penney, TfIVIIIS P. Curtin for a wager of 020. Tile foliowieg some shows that Messrs, Bissett won the bet. The result of the score made by T. Bissett and Bright calls also tt decide which should hold the silver cup.. Asa X11 'so be seen by the ap- pended sere, Bissettwase winner : Btssaxrs i BIRDta T Bissett 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 11 Bissett 1 0 0 1 0 1 '1 0 10 Total Buteux nr CUIITIN Bright 0 1 0 0 0.0 1 0 1 1 Curtain 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 Total Centralia. 7 5 2 7 11 the yard. This.surptus was the only portion of the gravel over which the agent had any control, still, true to his nature, he usurped, yell, howled bis right to nse ns 11:1 saw fit the whole of the gravel,but, contrary to elle as,ser- tiou of your correspondent list welt, the grain merchant hart his own way about it, and the Company tlitl, not con. 'eider it a violation of their laws. Again, your o,)rrespondeat says that a petition was circulated to 1nive the ag eat tliglnissed bat obtained very few signatures. This assertion, allow race to inform you, 1n a little stronger to*11188 is a palpable falgerxood. .A.bualt thirty signatures wet obtained. Oxy one or two of those solicited to sign it isclinetl. Thos,' names included all; f,Ivratvc. Bev. 7dr. Davis intends giving the lentil/1g merehentd, meek mac.,eta, np preeehi:ta for a while on account of ill- in the silllEge, ant re t 141.1' nitiel• health, utrn. ,lir. Thos. Trlvltt leas rtmnsetll Ia. _te:ttlls of diose ill a And, alike t I oil 1' loss'll bn to f -. . a year corse'* -acid ear who 'Fltl<(lre;awe?e rg't'iin Centralia. as elle obliging bta'i'nli agent, those. ! a a 0 , 4Cr04 , al19`3 till ' grey y v 199. , t31€IPrtro.— Messrs , George Phe ton and a Jfea lw.i t)E.. are doing a good 11S1Sii1eS6 lin tattle. petititioners speak of him in tht°ir peti- tion eti-:ion ai a croaked. entirety, lvr,tli!liag 3ru r.1 , N .•-- .[:al . Gen, Keen!. who ie 'Unica C:'unts, three car toads oL utters to firs `thrid.( iF(ltstigio,?,' empiayee. neeir e ,r- egtn t f ar the went Weenie: Steareebip Line, piece. and hate turned thou opt to feel Gt . res fon. denin cot04,t1• wn a-ty s toe three T:i UIISD 1.Y, DECEM 12, 1t i rt, the etiet!tient tete emitted*. aheel t1eeiten to tits - co aro L cussing thee" yentas daring the 00.4.1.t NEWS„ S::iteNSI me int Feva:raal pleers to varho::s straw stacks itl the 7iffleolas who ei{ueti Lite petiti fit tr.:t eet Itt'r.: tnlsxn,--31r, (ie'.' ge Pitnpe. teen of { their brotlze.t did uct esuihit, mach 1,:wa Pa' eta has rmehased *runt Mr.A. 3. I' ,4,nns, I ' , all + a a*- ' tit tide r-rentee enter 11'o atlts, tlts;rot its to nezbll,h the fol' l:-• ` < • e -o. Ap;.l: ima9:.'+'+:elt4•ly at the. leee ” e nlx.; w11,t'sn :Spetser,•tl in the Ifr3 etut •'„:°4;^a,F.3;E'.l"y ,^ Ile eft ce3tnt:e ict 8 Winn tit -8. ---alp, - \Wlatriuit •'Inlet -ell. 'who 12.^•vl we nave tl': ci tt"a'h e..)t'ii •oittinne` rnnilnn'; tour e , eL'.a i ':•t•r:' Met s::d v lr.d Ilia a farm va .. 1r; annul tee whiter mouths? W t'• do raid,: ,, wee f•14•; tit Le vat tide wt el:. iimes font what sourer, thec4iiti)r ,:'at *:die trotnaLNI (ift;l, ” AN71`:n.- ;,foal,• isnot:•,a':3t'-'Mit+tnin9nt't)n,andeauoanly say diet there is no p at 5 t Byrne ,>` t tee' ln,ire: 1i a• start' 1' a ,,=r. ; fonlaelatienh whatever far the report, as wt' pnr- lat:trarIt(lril•:tee---It ieti''he-elation ef'm areaminag,,thestt':uuer'4reealilrlvRslatter- tat, ):t v,ii eh ap mars in telt' Ttr:e,s toothy. that of Centralia, that tine cacti; a horse, I'!t'-. f(*r ,**( 1. .1118 atasereltln reveals tither knave' iur which lt. Vaal a 600,1 round attt(t, your eorresptltttic 14'3 igloo -41101 of tEli 111e tnlit0u.1 is clr t-eaza 014.17 1;30t1s n;silb,ai:d tutpo11u1'lr Creatniv, or. nFti h -salt la. r- k+afl-itrArn. C,talrur lett--•'fr, James Cain, of the Oea an Wove Falcon, has lea the coltrtet for titbit; up his preluiees for sender b4i•41nes`, Ile has vrec:i'tt a cire:tlar berme!. we expret 't+rt' limn to see the satires Undue, a clone that way. Mr, C. intends rtlnuitll; it on tea; tho ,.;!'.rale: In of I.ti :*17.11 1: i)revt L,i 1 t' .' . ... tdi •, - .1M.1R& \\:lite\wlr,4 A's ' tLluptraue3 14111.3,1110, nvttil a atllk to eter It 11 3.: u. r,i aite•1l-1 ail, tr,ts.1).p in 3 1,a,iv tit ; jSlif+til, :«nil il7a`n1la:-r_ 1,478, ra)nilial. C.,. 1%, l ,t lu chore!: .+t1 -u'nitiv. the 't''Ch .. .. -- ,,. _ t__,c -•-•-^ ^'- •ea t is t s i.'.;; g',:. t• 11 g:, i17, Y4'."17"144414444'"s of the Exeter I'nbtte 1.41C2114Ia t °•l:s 'o tl '• lite r tt s f',t` .t !:lin*:1 ‘9,t to 1n t S:'l0'ol 1 itl be hod 4btrieg neat week. es fol. / a 1 !Grantee, Pee, a . enven iu fist B. C. esmeli to•an rate o -a n Btcaxr..•s.--t-on. idcr,:b a EicLncsR at pre_ cot 01 IF ,$. b. rlttaieiltail. 1 Mill 01•44* another •etroten ttw. st'rtiuu ; he wilfall:y h,'s. 1 to het ii thin" Mau is not *lir an'v* r was a ;idt:tw4'et, naar unless the Greed Ledge ttf f:htuside dei ,Inde ti lair;;! aitlun-'i el leniency to Viae Alia hie rotai'g-*itt nr.ithere by pas. sing 4 alluvial Et ltit(•wa-,Nita;,; net for . Went, 1 can with - f•'t4 lLrralil.,.g that 1 he never will by a Masi -a, VLeasTr'i. Me. :x•1.1:: ,ora fee min- lel nett t. --'tla.s. chranns I)tuslou, ou \\educt,• ; previele in the village, no doubt the result t'G .,.._ .- • arxmtl. 3fatta'si ,:. - Tlni± Vi1tu ,ta ----lea's day a• ln, ; bias Flan zrrsun•a hivision. on ; the e* entb! w'atl*cr. ( •, , R , Si'eetreeye weir. Our, estea ter t t. s +kIR+GkG+.M :':;T: P C ,, 01*lrb, fid A,111. , mos a , it iR l i. , . .n t 0 i es ! n 11 + til), , ' i j,t \[r \\ Ju bt3utt U The firm 4f + 1* r , C7,! i t 4r o! ! t 1 ,;.q1 r a ( r1 s , i A't lr'•81 p' *11t.. 1.I..., Il. Ae, 11tha!ly nluniC'tpal OiitCe .3. .•% CONTIt 1)tCTtUN.. x ,, x .>.. t. ti , . r . $aa 1;a •t in tie''iar':t t Hansa Is, ill rht np'' 1 ■\ t 1ncr341, p ru ; \11,3 311CYts 11vas3L.n 00 , U r ar' r t 1t v' et t 1 b a ' 1 `81 !ar t , ), t 4 q. WOW' 1.• ra ?t,I ». r.4td i Q.3 ; S,n °r'x I)nct Inn on i a ^ a : 'li F9 .-•h t ash to o1i+ xcb a e. err • i . '+1'J, 4 f . • g , [E,A,D %mmCi'Cai N9 T:a ',.. Capital paid tap, - - • ei,000,000. ' DI4tEVTri(tS: M. H. OA= T, President. 1 *it)la-As l VF,IdIIII,l., 4•fce.I+reAy[Att+tr. A. W. 0011.V14.5£.1 .P.. E Ii (Fkh:r, 413 Tilos J4?31':S.,01t TFi:;It:* 0. Ii. 51U1ti(.S.'Y. - • - ('ashler. rk:t)liarF. ntutis, - - Insl:ts:tor 4.a:S.('t£:'I' 1'ff•Iit4%l. eEl 1t;\,L I3.\\IC1N(i RtSINESS TI(4lr;. "- mouev tear i to f ext a re on eine:. o n net'q with, gcashent,..,,-is ,I re2taas...*to:A a_c•1:41k, irSl\I' at:?13#•VCR 1:A141 ri;t5, h' 5 p'r cent. *,:ter t :Aetna oo denoei:s of err! oiler awl 0tewn. t?,. ()FFtt li01.710i—r.roin a':, to w; from 1t't 1 A 0L. c• . t N .,4t 47 t Exet,z,.t.xautr.r,l.n :. Iiv. NEW i\3.)VE<;T1Ss1IEN"t'S. • f L1ir'tZ, A ins i,:ts*t4. , •. I'.v<: t'^r. , ' as: is *l T . li•+ . It rale . t.I . '1r a . " ; • '1 k'rr 1.F f. 2,b -.t-.r.: : 8.' : a. E, ' • • r9•. '.ao.;A,', t. L '.1{ rZ4. ; teen 1'.* -;t--. .g.1.L ^J,a.,.x:, • 1, , 1y y ,oM /I 4 F.1) Z, i .l:1`.%•L it1I ,ate" 1l' ^e, t... 1•' 0,L':i-1i IS 3i L,'.,.... 14.,.5,4 r• - e< . t.. 1' 1t;.1* a:' et et 14 n l,4 p 1 1. ae'.a.'4' tt.ard IRI•}•,::•ie L t t 2 l ' r a row. ti tire. t e It ,I 14 ':p 1 p `tn-d 41 1: 2 1041:t,, tna.C,* 1/ 14.341 , Ft,' r l.• r .1- pl..I 4:1;0$. A=a1 Av,.\ti 2.1;.+i"1;. * 1., .:a_ i" 4n. 0:1101 ,-'1M1)01'NDt.ii t l; ' .,tl - "s 1' , Cls t1n4 p+ll t 011: :HI, 42: tri 1 r,-7:. C ,,,,.441j -, sa'ntt',l tee( `.,. L r1 hen. r. 14 e rI 4 3 L?a•4'+1+1 ti u, - t(its 1 FsapexwY It*iii aa.' ,- tl4 not Cf) r f :t<Y F r - :3 1' t+' 4, ,Sii ,i" - l•t ttrY , *"', ,', t „`+, ,4 t *2''4* / f i1S ,.e•ii.n. 1 t Wu d ! 2Yi 4424. ;Lpitsli%.4 tees ii?1i.i(, tt kitty,***.. lice.-:.e'.(x 1:. 1, .tart,.: en,•r t} TRIAL TRW.— e n 1 1 t -r, s at r•1 s .*•,, la7 stl- 1) !Cr $ 2'3 \ 4 a F .0 11 , a i 1 i.3a:Ttr , 4 4r,,Itt'r1.4,1111.. 1 t ,t :kiss'' irtild3, 1;T °,I' C4nri'evt tin . ,Llinr . i 1 .• 11. 3n. ; :t*. * 1, t.tou'S Division, on '- *7 4G,, lii;.l,a S:' toe !.. article wiaelt appeared in your *sole. f+f '4Q11':t t 1::':'',..',;s p\ e. 4;',"1., 1- ' Nil, tltei. . p, et1 till's,, a. ia.; Thus, (iregeree. Division, on i)ief).`-•-ti0&e; ray 1i:et a*trresertlene Ilial• the 'ilii Itlt„ "tea^31*)1.1!If,! • t:l 1f' t; fiL.tll- Ilr, 'r,: ,., -fine-ens .1111 ,=n, R ,' lt:n 1•r"x• a'*i the trtl°1P 4 fee Jl*;1:• i • a effect f.rl3ad 4.dt+i; .r'11 eft"cola Ct .t,, xJ i' . t 014 '+ r t e tAY., adjoining **aim* welt 44 that R1,c•ltat cellae' li t eat :ti a.a .:: i 4,14.1 ^.+, ;:tilt t* f n a •r ,a, @cull can,* a 4'4'4'44uc:aiu";'(«ar t''''',,'' a i ,ur,asty- * iuo a exa'rcisi:n, • Tilos. (.etre,-rL 'f%uit== I.aSL'I'Lnredav ev:•nialg the ndt-1 t)hsee "pot their lo. ii2il to..eshet arid i L' its, t t : teeny C .1•x.,•-1. " ' t•:d1., e' i.n*1 m,ac Ileo t.t.arn rf nttr3v*i;i2t ifs ..,. _...._.,.2 11.n ,.xn.,...r.2 .. 'of the 1..,c_ J (134t.1.F:Aii_tCut#.=it`:. I t+,'in t r.T.IDIA.--1Ve hare ri:etvee ft Pria tm*CP.^-V a ow inf,•rmed fleet M__ Alter ,. • .1 '. r, : ' t • tit•*: r. Iiwvd, Gf r:5. tt'r Isaa t'nrs?1nn:o;1 tile'. t S tex;an. re11art:6 ei,+lsa, hal :''u*,.= !.ata '- trur2tii'rt"1.4l ill Ajtpuisit*ng 1t 41.1}' (if p ' r •l...,.a-;.1...:,-r ..1v -tin ,Mn. T11,* I t'.t+}. in .;, «'let!*til¢ r g.4 t anai3 Er:,nl..af%..r n,1la,ln tga, C'. .', an it:ter •hilts; theer.i"ti,'n is given . f e-t,'Skt pktun*I7, mill in Exeter. **or. In th4t tot- Sell rltltett was fai't'ree with eeveral ef:eellent A i„:2...1, - r ' tlna7l +ta 1::71 li7 -t UGt' of ;its 1):fN:' t QCYuI 11at4aL r¢ • , t -+ t «.. 1 li,i?4; p. f11. Tito trll tL?e3. a-. well kiss :►1t : 0 Y M r, tf \ * y'*ur 1vt11trUtiaL C) t.tlrtlsittt. tri the .. tt .. G a^ >r31 ^0?4t: .0 a ::?7 e . a. a ,8150 •t _ .143,• s :tt•_: d iul a i t*lats int tlt4? tlta:.t d . le 1 l i1:a'.t=,e7.-tIt' iN,.l1 Ns e•1. d i.. $ °,44.'ab•. , a,$:ti`r.l ialh!i'l•;:ta'al Rl *114 ItrtMAl>er!(y of the tie lP:tti"i 4'1 • 1 emend welt 1[1-"t that !\1,41 sCll t'ill'llrr'" i'i the • I e z ::;1 a.n t. 't, a e•ri S a:)d;az. IIt I..ah.,a.t, iii u1 Whiled • f 'l 'i G' °' i " l f%Mired. aro most cordially uln:te:1 to Attend worthy el atunu'iou. 1 ' i it Gt+Ianui)i% It wilt wear eect watt: cul',•1tidon4of ;ll,' .rs.11.)aes ;Iron tt xnvl024 from *-1ial,:tta cel sang.;. The euttrtsitimetit pan }, f 3.:ti. I-iowaard, for the sura et eG,+)f0'i, The • etr t 441' a :t1*tl , t L 1, ft :t far *,. Cu..a 1 UAL At 4Il•b„y'T0.... In natty:nee test, as Mr. 1 et e;i tnrrzetn:M.--At a regular tnct,titi r 1170-t nt oce-lp„:lt* g;eve up glusart "i')u iu IItn1gi14 R, of the Cola Stamp Line tag felling s f 1, la'** F.ir'.•4t Like) e) A. F. se :1.,11. heti a)ne17t ayear,when. we understand, :.kir, Jain a lo,Pge.l tree, he was strstek by the failing c.1 Mon lay Wein, the foaming, will ears were! ;.raw'u suit :Mr, John Floyd intend fatting no thither, u41d lam. 1)eeeosetl leaves a large et (e t',1 i \%, :'L. 11. $,'h11lln; S. W., W. D. the building as a Cabinet factory, and: will run tamely anti nal Rh -awn peaannes %vi,tow to Bright ; J. \ti., A. Lake ; elnnldein, :'t. II the lInSi tt'; s On an extensive Neale. 'The price blown his death. Verity ; 'meas.. G. S,tlnwell; Seeretarys C. given is ri.tti'.ti. Mr. Howard agrees to erect At the regniilr rommunieati'u of Irv. t;z:tnior; Tyler, A. Lewis. two brick stores on the property opposite Mr. it% Ledger, No. 1554,+rt.. F. it; A. AI., G. A piei,;t,:Frt G+o,n;,--'Gn Sunday afternoon Eared Drew's Block, Main Street. G)ne of no ta.i the following bretlltt'u were 1 tot, Mr. Robert Dew, J. P., of rsborne, died these buildings is to be used nen snow room elected officers for the ensuing 51asauic, t't the repo rt, of (i Y4'3x3. ;ter. I". WAS aura far the wort mode in the factory, 'Tlie stores yenr;-- r i'gle eats heretabout tit• yearners in thin DIl}Yrlin 0I`aa are to be the size of Messrs. Sanwa,4 It k- Mo. NNTin Elwood (re-eieoted),i M h1,'ltne t':steteued 1* all Nebo knew Men. He ard's. Imes Bros, tC Taylor have the ;eoutraet i1't S I14ulgina, h W was *00.10 a Magistrate by tic Broke !Govern. eyed, lireettee l leaves a ergo and *highly 1,•11 •et 'd family to lettere his death. 1'EvivAt. Srstv*mts.--The special serviees Mel-, Lave beet: Iteld during the rest few a , s h:4v4 been tatteu*le'i with good results, rn.t'2y hiving presented theluteives for prayer, trite ln4'etings are still being carried on, and f water announcements will let mettle on Fri- nety evening as to whetheal they will be con- t luta d. • PENNY READINGS AGAIN...-1,ext fiinntiay 0.0niug, sl 0 10th inst, nuother of these popu- and chimp eutert.tinments will be hell in 'Anse?n's Haul, Thu price of ad:nisei= i`1 only its. Go early and securoa seat, as a fall fer the woad work. Sueerenn tTemsne .Shorans,--T11is company are billed to appear before Exeter audiences on Tuesday and \V ednei4day evenings, Dec - 17 and 18, in Drew's hall. They ate bigbly spoken of by the press wherever they have .4 jig t# ('ltih, al W 44 r E Hooper, Chap " John liordy, Trims t1 J P Atkinson, Dec " kilts Quigley,. sen Tyler A farmer named James Ilody ins, 00 the r -11 concession of Lit1(llllpll, was thanksgiving that they mi)(i ' have a CTI 16.1.ND bLAAL,i':SS. +, holiday." This 1 wish yoia U " nutiet- stlud is an unmitigated lie, react* at 't1 111 Y1 I`Comi -ic'' ; thing 12221 not been di -no. There.: was ., t'"a 0210 ti'ueIaer wll.t gave up school it the WAIT.. AND NU; Tim Fort'l,:tt. l►til of November, he being re lI that the above mentioned day tin est -L apart ata a general thanks day, from the fact that appeared in pitper5 sotne tune previous, (wining `1,2 She and Jubilee Sin • s PIE\b" BALL ENET1: , DAY and WEDNESDAY EVENM ,ioubt from a reporter, alio i i .. ttlo1 DECEMBER 17 S. it1. ':nitre * aim rl"lrregr toll's met: nice Jnr t fa04 to `Idlgar Lha•11t r:t* an Alt t+tYlttir{ittdf t ,.a?Ut' . Xtra brat concert i4 the x' 4 4 writer ttf the item referred to, tells us .14 an be 1c*ow41 and it great tIt'i*1 ho (ia*'e not know. Ile also wiell0't to know a part) °e Trott the Aai41 t02LeI)ers intended doh.gAtiatissiont23 cods, Rescre..': ma* 31 , Cods. . when thauikttgiving day 'mita comae. 1 ('ein:r4'xIei (',Tits*, nunlike if that's any of big business ? BoiO110 . tf','l.,vk, e"Pe':1CDlnm4nec stat. If it coaceres him in the least 1 shall ; '1 OMIN A N. -TAKE No•riv1 , trivte bit» the IIC1IIrett tiliormation. Ase J. that 5. m •ot the r,ttu 44}eros of the to leaving tt double share of goose, t"• 1111284* iter '1t,*►{ 11122°11'411411414441° tlw hope it will not 0081 hint anything. 2 Afonda,y, the 80th •l of December 18" But 1 blink it is unite evident that he at ise etoek neon, at tit a 1t ti [[a I.I., t'1.•aitnn. ;;iveu entertainments, and the somber of tea. ` itlatatltl • killed bythe falling of a tree has a double shore already, ailed I for tie irurpl a of rn.xut. , t attar ltr„;.t r tat timonials they have reetived front *niuisterN ) gt stsus tut that t/ljlt t a of Itt ovr, ,a rattwt t ar;'i is a sufacient guarantee that their entertain - mediately, ole :>i *itllydilp, kilo leactis a wife and allatlld reaotllnlontl a else Re of that im- tllrro tet` to Porte i:i t11t w41 '2,,wualill,,' •' and as fish is said to be good : fur the Yearlh.O.anttlt 1u* -u ,.Rilp requitan . meatier are x4oluxn,Lttid seeu ',(4 gn.u,u d t11t1 ascots are of al strictly Moral character. An. family to mourn his sudden death. far the brain, I slxolild suggest that ltd'' lnttiy nt111lis openrtn:at tela ltd nl, l Iota y vls::" t ullhnt sola-diolitln I,u 1, 1+, a „y do 1 \.: drew Sheppard, the leader of the Colored sing- cat e. whale. TEAC1Ig11. ' I'ctrx; ft,'i)nty-rttaruiui; aura ' .-o. 'Xowo 11 In FANSVILLE.1 1878, pOnce ton, el. Proute.depute • utmeg tinker; erN, swat: thirty years a slava, nnd'cas rmanci- Centralia, )ec. 0, ; t :see aei iiousu o t, ( alto ural!*t i un•ntitg give the truest and best representation of rants4ille O. M. °:lurch. The entertainment — i410/It a rile &ill dal': January, 1879, will readings. a of Vocal ees several rev. en music, Blase:v.—In Exeter, on the 3rd inst., the wife ,Y, rendiugs, nut! aitkes> es by several rev. Centre- ' of :dr. R. Bissett, of a sou. ;uln lencinraiU sicktc; Rtorcn 11,n 3 *Annan in the de oon. ,lrsltl 147 •01=11a Men. men. Entertalinment to commence at 7.30. - rated by .ibrabam Lfneolu's great proelama• I .r2Rnritv>ssxx —Olt Ti*ttrsaa} \ovetnlner nieseeessamireneteweepeo uiti, ar; No 4. 1`ratt'o Ilan lama e. I pont; - tion of freedom. All haviu, been s1nvea Tito*, B• ItT,{tS, rut geittrasic tlua?to:3o lr,\ti Ale. R , 19, there will be nu entertainment glvetx in the .Uougnll.tte*trat} rotRnrltaug .•. attr, an slave life on the plantation, which for harm - is expected. Doors oven at 7 o'clock ; ono awl melody is unsnrpaesed. Admission, e taken at 77:8il. 2; cents ; reserved seats, 35 cents children, N t,lr OrFrcEns. At the last regular 15 cents. Don't fail to bear them. f Rescue Fire Compauy No 1, Exeter e folio:sing officers were elected for u; ytllr :—Captain, John ,feLanglh- t Lieutenant, S. Davis; Second Lien - H. Verity ; Seeretary and Treasur- and; Foreman Hose, G. Simpson; Foreman, L. Towers; First Braush- Hoskins; Second Brauelnnau, W. of the people who had come to town #o do business. The merry jingle of the bel14 was Mrxlcn'u. I:LECrroxs.—Tbe time is a great relief from. the mud splashing the rg near when the various municipalities people have been forced to undergo for the hout the Dominion will be called upon Inst two or three months. But the change elect their B': -•yes, Deputy -Reeves and didn't last long, a steady downpour of rain all nellorr for 1879: In Exeter scarcely a day Monday cleaned the snow almost entirely 'ord. is spoken in reference to whom the as- from our streets. Blit et the pretont 'writing rants for seats at the tloultcil Board are. it is snowing again, with a stiff wind blowing t perhaps on nomination day there will be from the northwest. What the weather may lock of dominations for the offices. Exee be like to -morrow we e.tunot venture to predict. generally does her duty in this respect Pennon has failed iu the business, anal *ro 0. L. Orr•Iorns.--The annual meeting of won't try. : ter•L. 0. L. No. 9..F was held on Friday FINAL R$vrsrox.--.1 number of our reform wing east, where the following brethren u were :ted office -bearers for the coming year :— contemporaries in the county some time ago were rejoicing over the fact that by the final 1.1., Tiro: Capt. Howard; D. ll., i3ro JIM. were 61 the Exeter voters' list their party krnon ;"woe.. Bro. James Acheson; Chap.had gained 13 votes. We contradicted. this , Bro. T. 111. \White ; Treasurer, Dro..H. statement at the time, and the do so again, *brook ; D. of C.,13rs W. Jermyn ; First mitteeman, Bro. 1'V.' A:rn)strong; Second and give the number of Conservatives and Be- n-teeman Bro. 1 nAtlausan• Third Com formers that were struck off and pet on, 50 h ; Fourth Committee- eordirng to the returns whion were received fifth Committeemen, irom.the Judge on Tuesday last : Conservatives added °Emu there al- Reformers adder* he north a Conservatives structs' off e and temMoaners struck off • 'Iiia: Seim: -On Friday night last the good people of this neighborhood witnessed the first snow fall of any account this season. The "beautiful" deseended steadily all day Satur- day, and made tolerably good sleighing. The good effects were seen in the village on Satur- day. the streets being fairly lined with teams when ap- t then* or and weir to n ,•-►• 4-., —.. Usborne. STEAM' TW1ESIIIN6.—Mr. Fletcher, of Eirk- ton, dill some very excellent 'work with his steam thrasher last Thursday and Friday, at the farm of Mr. Solomon Meuning, lot 20. con. 5, ileborne. Tbe steamer was ln!lnnfactnrett by the \4aterons b;ng'ine Co., Brantford, The boiler is one of the upright kind, and consid- ered by the farmers of the neighborhood a great sacoess. The smoke stack is fitted with n spark catcher, and has a jet of water con- stantly playing upon it, so that it is perfectly fire proof. There were some 50 or G0 visitors !luring the first day who were surprised at the nuiform speed anii;apparent ease with which the work was done. Granton. ORANGE ENTERTMINMENT.—An enter- tainment under the auspices of the Gran ton ' L. 0. L. will be given art Christmas evening. 'Several addresses will be delivered by excellent speakers, , and gond *Hosie \yillb9 in attendance. To the J*:ditor of Rdeter Times. .. Sts;,—Kindly: allow me a small space in your valuable paper to reply to an article in Granton items of your last week's issue. Your correspondent told of a dispute between our station Agent and a grain merchant about a load of gravel, and intimated that the grain merohant attempted to violate the 5 laws of the Grand, Trunk Baiiway, but was presented by the agent from so doing. This version of the affair al- 2 low ole, iu mild terms, to call a mis- lieform gabs 2 representation. The gravel referred to This'Ghows iho foolishness displatys+d,by80m0 wan, .through the inflnence of this jonrualsin rushing to conclusions witllolit grain meochaut, delivered at this station 4us grounds for so ding. by the Trunk • Company for the pur- 42IooTI1Gei Ivf*rc z. — On- .Saturday: ins. a pose of repffiting the roads and a>.p- ,hooting match took plaeei in Exotpr' preaches to the grain houses, and the betweer Messrs. T. Inssett, jr., audit. C. srtr.plutt, if there, WAS any, was to bo issott 071 one side, and ilessrs I. Bright. and I disposed of by the agent iu-repairiagq 2' ]M:1n"IAGES• %1aipllral)ec.35,'%a • BeturningCllicer. i N OUINAT:OJ"f.. -. 3 1* S NOTICII EAti ST. inst., by th 50N. Iu I,ondtan, an the y ewe meeting of ti - (10 :kers Di rho Town- 5th by the Very Rev. Darin 1 nd t'r, 1 ainip of trbo,uo.wll b hol4i. ,pureuant to the aa,isted by'the Rev Dr. Intinvell and the statute in that 1,eil1Llf, Bev. J. W. P. smith. ,iuciunbent. the Monday, the 80th yviDecombers1878 Rev. Henry Bei:vel, rector of Grote (Jin o',Pert Hiroo, 'Michigan, to Jane Ilv TIi14 7.() ...L,I:LI][VII,Li;,'• • \Nall, youngest daughter of tae tato 1Lev.1 t Irl n'clook 4t, o' the of n )min ti f1 ant aua ro Faun to an ria o tt4ce t I• V a t n ug a )t ,0'•YO James Hutchinson, mut sister of Dr.of the sa :' t ipality fox the y"a,• Rein and et Hutchinson. of Exeter. DIED. HE.t'Ar.—In Stepheu, on the 4th inst„ Mrs. Jeremiah Eeaxnlim, aged 30 yearn; and 10 months. Dew.—In Usborne, on the 8111 inst., Robert Dew, J P., aged 74. RA REGISTEii. Tuesday, December 17.—(cheese factory, lend., furniture, etc., tho property of S. ds J. Stabler, lot 10, eon. 5, Stephen, Village of Crediton Hodgson & Oke, county aaotion• L -„Leers. ' 1 T1'XE'i'Ji)R XNITTING FACTORY. -6D ' udersi6+uedwould inform the pub or of Exeter a s meeting moved his iI,g Factory to tie 9uilding o, o doornorbli xd1)avis'13laoksmit 4.p and thaishe toil .nstantly on haft ';i1 ts, Ladies' and Children'b .. 1 OIgv • ascrip- tion. Parties iusy have 4 I , Mitte,tto. k.tit to order en tire'shortest n ce. 31 lax o sup- ply of Berlin wool of every color on hand. 1inger- ing Yarn kept in stook. Also a largo atotk of the best Canadian stocking yarn lcekt constantly on hand. Price for knitting men's socks, 12i cents, 1,idies'stookinggs 14cents, children's 124 °outs per pair. W,- A, CAM: McIntyre's old stand, main street, Exeter. 5.3m, 12, o'clock, +: ,' 1, on tiro sante-day, for the purer e ut nominate"„,itt and. proper persons t'1 all 1) ' offices of cut illors for the said year, )579, an more than ,. yeeent4 to number are. eohlx'na' • - :tn. r4 poll inand01,tho mime will be opened t the sully ' g places, viz.*• -S.: NV. Tara,, at tie Town Ila i'lii.nville, l G1odbolt, dor return- ' but title= , N. W. Ward, on lot e,.*- Thames ila ad r ; : rum AIIin, *loj,ntly-lteturi, Plcer ; N. i E. 1: u, at ai qul Thomas Ca i t d'•pnty- r6Elin„ 03120017. 815 WYard,o2' lett enn°eesiell , le, 1'• loos NaL•le deputy-retut'uing of cor,ou Mo day, the 8th day of ,January, 1870,. co 1linget 5 o'clock ill the atternooa . , moucing at 9 o'clock in the forenoon, and ,- N. J• CLAIM,' ;h..rne,.1ec.12,1878. Boturuing officer. ' t, . i '7 f M toyer.00( CUSTOrtBC DEPaif€'TJrdE.'9"'.: .•••D DISCOUNT IYIL'' Jwtov lotvod on American Invoice _ ec notice. J, Jof Deo. 4,;76-t1 Conimisnio Ifyou wa good Harness, WhipS, Bells,, Etc., give t 'call in his new store, ards,'Main street, +:xeter. ' asso rt'n n - 'iodises, 1 EAC r fi. opposit©'Sa'inw ell & .L - =1