HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-12-12, Page 7EOBMB> r 3 , 78 THE TIMES LESSON FOR ALL. Look ostt to your spending. No matter what oou'tes int, if more goes out yon will always be poor. The art is not in nlaktng Money, but in keeping it; little expenses, like mice iu a large barn when they are many, make great waste. • Hair by hair heads net bald ; attraw by straw the thatch goes off tlae cottage, and drop by drop the rain <tomes Into the chamber. A. barrel is soon emptied if the bottom le.lile but a droll a minute ;,siren you mean to save begin with par an )pith ; many things pees dawn the reel lane. In all other Clines keep within a nupa"is. Never stretch your legs farther than the blan- kets will stretch, or you will soon be cold, In clothes, choose suitable :end 4asting eltnff, and not tawdry fineries. Te be warm y the main thing ; never at hal the looks. A tool may make Acnes, but it blies a wisp Mal to pend it. Remember it is easier to Mid two Bltilnileys than to keep one If y,ni -give all to book and uaril, there Is nothing loft for the sav- rugs hank, !bare herd and work Bart while you are young, and you will have chance to restwhell you are old. CII:AI:GE INTO THE JAWS OF DEATH. The respect pawl to courage by the wandering tribes of the Angta•Indian border iestrikingly illustrated by an epiaads of Names fatutoue campaign iu tits $eiu(1o. is detaoltut int had been sant Ili:must one of the bravest of the nacre tribes, alfuo,t every warrior of which bore the prone of his valor ill the gr=.den-thread tied around his wrist, a tido more prized by the " !;ill men" than tire Croce of the Legi In of Honor by a Freuah a,!•lice. Irl the antral of the et;irtaishing that owned, an tan i;liih hergea tat and eleven of his men, =iatean rho orders given thein, ad yarned np a narrow go -111y, where, they sullenly fonnil themselves confronted by more than 101) of the enemy. The gallant handful charged without a m l• ment's hesitation, and were stein to a mut after killing nearly thirty of thou opponents. When the last Lnghit111 man hall /dim the old chief of the tribe, ono of the meet renowned ward - hors of Northern Indio, turned to hie Ira:teu and said : now say ye, my eon:, --were these Perringheett (Luropeatte) rave then a" " The bravest we have vier met 2" answered tate mountaineers 1e ono vuiei. "Then," cried the uul; 'taping the precious thread his own wrist awl fastening it to that of the ,tris,! sergeant, " bind the green thread around them all, and not around one wrist oaily, but around both. 1„ obeliev era though they be, there are no braver settle in heaven ; ,inti it may be that when God sows bow we have decorated thorn He will grudge aucli heroes to Shaitaltn (Satan) and givo them a place beside His throne." AT SCHOOL. A your gster wba had not a little mother wit but little love for study, was inq:irea of by his ambitions father how he got on with his answers ou exami- nation. fro replied that he was only asked one question. And yott answered that correctly, I hopeT ?' ' Yeti, sir ?' ' What we[t it ?' It was, what are parallels of lati- •tude?' ' And what slid yoti say ?' ' I said I didn't know,' A somewhat similar story is told of a little fellow who was asked . by his fond uncle how bo stoo4 iu his class. U to the head but ono,' was the pr reply. ' That is good,' said the gr` d uncle ; • you are a smart boy ; here is a quarter for you. And now bow canny are there in your class ?' Waiting until the money was., safely stowed away in his pocket, Johnny gaily replied : Well, uncle, it isn't a large large plass—there's only me and another fellow.' T)FY coon AND GROCERIES AT LOWEST CASH PRICES! AT •+t►a, '.�'Q 14,fF 1E LLA SEE THOSE I2 SUITS! Made to Order. I3v,rrah for the 511= OP THE ... Sewincr Macre 1 'i�c►and. tCs IY TNn EYns.—Persons t I niniray. filling by railway are subject to oontiu ued annoyance from the flying cinders: •On getting into the eyes they are not, .only paiuftl.l for a moment, but is often c se of long suffering, that ends loss of sight. A. very simple tctivs cure is within the reach of e, and would prevent much and expense were it generally it is simply one or two grains d.These may be placed in ithout injury or pain to that 'rgan, and !Shortly they begin nd dissolve a, glutinous sub - t covers' the ball of the eye, 'g any foreign substance that in it. The irritation of cutting enthrone is thus prevented, and ance may soon be washed. oat. a 'of. these grains 'stowed away ticket may prove, in any emer- orththeir number in gold. JII: Ia.1RGEST AND FE:fT STOCK (W Siivtumart', Cbina and Wit ever te!ea in to 'Weed, et irl E a V V 'ta�7 Mme• ri OI . Mr. Pra+s hue just rer cured an ovellent stoat, Silver Tt'a Satre, Itaittn r Ce titr,), Pi+ut.lettnd Sit3:;Ic Plato Crut:ts. Cain's Dla-i;tt't,Cnrd Iteceist r ;.Ctioea- retudouSottx.eta.,oftlioUtFta,Itudraple :id Ms Plate, and Is oircting tl:osome atp. ii"e itl:atlr:gilt! ASTONISH YOU FOR (:1ll:,tPNESSI lin loan juot opened tint a new Intl a tnt'lett' as- sortment of China. Glass ;Intl Stontwarc:'. A large Roe%of Ltimp'3ir1 ,t arrived. Cold arnitntisfy yoort,tifas to quality and t)IIC1'if. Como cut] try our is itrnntients, Music Teacher still tau ,rand. Serviced at D bttert Enures. Speefai'attention carica tea true Raymond con u ►1a11una. ,Organa and Pianos unuurensbatt for beauty of ae.tfl,n, a2td quality tat tone.. E. DREW. SPECIAL THIS WELIi i SAMWELL & PICKARD'S BLACK CASHMERE 8 New makes, COLORED CASHMIAMS New shades, FRENCH TWILL DRY GOODS Choice goods MILLINERY & MANTLES. The choicest goods ever shown by us CLOTHING- MADE TO ORDER i'I ii by first-class workmen, and a fit guaranteed. Also a fine assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING II CONSTANTLY ONHAND. CARPETS 1? NEW PATTERNS. A first-olass assortmet,t of Now Groceries on hand. In- spection invited, Remember the Mace. SAMWELL & PICKARD. Exeter, Ont, ilitastalimaimerneningawnhneu I THE EXETER 33 T O 31724 TR5 Subscriber begs to annotince to the i><•liabitants of Exeter and the s'rronnding coun- try, that he has opened a TIN and Brow, DEPOT in the store nearly opposite Mr. G. A. Maces Grocery and Liquor store, Main street. Exeter, whore he is p.eparedto fill alloritess for Cook; Parlor and other Stoves At Manufacturers Prices. Tinware, cheaper than the cheapest, and made up bylpractical workmen on the premises. Cave-Tronglting done to order, Carriage Plating a Specialty. Coal oilrlahnuoys, ba very best and none cheaper. 0 Intending purchasers will always find me at my posy, ready to attend to my own business and prepared at all times to treat customers courteously and supply them with a . good and cheap artio.e. Depend upon it that nowhere oau you get butter value for your money. The very highest price in Cash paid for Hides and Sheep skins, Exeter P 0, Ooatobor 15 1877. E H SPACKMAN, A "f• okq 0,1'1 vQco°r, U i -O"+ • '"! draw&uaau tr2 ca tri • 'e4'c P44 "hi) • ',va3,. r ., _.els e - - c -- , n— 8.4 44 A c rvA a,a 4-1 44 a Ci Vat! a'1"0 04.10tP Q �ruaa n NEW FIRlf, !NC RAM'S OLD STD II errrfilaoeinal.t4e, Land arrsl;;n aka ag,Ii e- maalBurrols.tinII'. ., ,since,!it13.d^d+Situ;. in, al tall Itsitres3 l., a+, attic• 1.,ur,t r4i'4',%,41111 oat. gear,,: tlt',t. (hut tin to x',312 LOA .2m39aim 24 our t arktruditrttd tr'lt.r' ,!heel Mt AN ,t 3L -111;11)E„ Ifri;gtit.. oft ntali. IIs wwal2 Jets,? 2+'. t1+ ,t, ria HAY PUMP i irORKS INNIPWOW !AM G. BOLTON, PROPRIETOR. P ca: g now saris" a, t t ilitlt f •r anartufaet !etre pump. than any +tits r f.t3Tt re in the t,t'.•ti,' f I carr. lu, i .a. d to, fttrnt:.ta i uattt,e 47wt vitt, tat 114 t'u til•• nhe,rtt-;,i stones. ttu;•t v:arrattt all tv„rli, 1tg punatta have tatty,, this FIRST PRIZE .tT TUE PAA SIfO11'S I4;dret1 many ent7tpatit4tr'1 I tett rveteo2neutt then!, atilt •i:•11 a t t'iteap nit any utlerond rote article. N.li.-ormit salmi tilt ALL, ItI?ins I1t.1NE NW. Rt)I,TO i. i . Situ'--flnt'.quarter toile north of Exeter Loudon Read. Bay 1'. 0 Esctyr. Au .nth, 1,f78. 6-m. NEW MACHINE SHOT'. Kitching Wishes to inform tho public that he leyvatte ' prepared to repair all kinds of Sewing Machines, Watches Clocks, Guns, &c., than any other person in the country, as his charges are moderate, and he guarantees to give Satisfac- tion. Exeter North FLOUR and GRIST MILL, Being, in good working order gives every aeeotno dation possible in gristit.g and flouring. Flour and mill feed delivered toarties leaving their orders before ono o'clock it J. BELL'S iteherr, ox ;o'1 T'itN E th CO's, or at mil same day: —o— TERMS CASA. --0-- �h% N C ,, EXETER P 0. Grocer/60 Confectionary Smoking Tobacco 25 Cents per ib CHOICE TROACCOS AND CIGAR3S aiwaysinstoek, ptairiTING I PAINTING J. KITONING Is prepared to do altkfnas of ousePttiuting, Paper -hanging \Vhitening, t e. at reasonable priees and punctually. J. Kircuixti. Main yt Exeter. SPORTSMEN'S DEPOT. School Books , Stationery,, Magazines WITH ALL THE .LATEST news Y.B.—Sewing iitaohin. Needles ofevory kind. . A. BOYD. 'NEW BLACKSMITH AND RiENERAJOHINGaSHOP9IlEN ALL, — 0— Hluving my new shop now in frill blast, I would in- form the public that I am prepared to do all kinds of Biaolcsmithing including repairing of all kinds of Agricultural Machinery, such as Reapers, Mow• ors, Threshing Machines, and Horse Shooing will receive my careful. attention, Horses that inter- im, and having tender feet treated in the most approved manner, and satisfaction given, Charges Moderate. S have on hand all ki"ds of Agricultural Ireplo ments from the Massey ofauutaoturiug Co., New castle. •R 1 em ember tb,e place—first shop west of t Post Orlice, Ranson. .� 1/V M. $A1.va 23 V Hensel! June 20th, 1878, 6 -an HARDWARE ! Il yoga cant any of Me following .t wE/1 ray y.: t coil ,.. O'BYRNE & CO'S i's'brc r• et cant It 'r:i a e at lit hors! pricers 9xs,4 c, Chains-, Rcre CovT::• StrawC'.etara • ritz.t 3 Ga ,t It•c 1 .t I ..3a II ti e'.liai'3, 1.0 t, 1 .»$rc tc rt C'yr81VI iaQt+.1I t 'rot°iit- It r .4irAr i a xaaalia?eft{ a . a, Ire -,ver+, 1' :,1,•r Slant. t ala t` i ,.,rpt, •,I c,3ara ♦ '=?r8, f^t •a Ikl'Atuctiro rata I aatr I rub, i,r .t Seas -rt. tie tzte Innd t t1 gc �, tee •,a1w 2 (Stott—tit It as iri IAA" iiv ryAxs H 7a ill, ate. el .4-ne, T,e la AI'i" rearsr8 Sal burp,% bite net I Lettere to ra3 art. at tai t•;x a 11 int e l 1Z'3, %V t e Si tx, I. ,elm IIu7 I *t xl,ttn I tr.tt tri tick sol 1 t rte, 1r3 and I.eii4 i.r.i, I crus+ ei 1 3 l;u a r, 141.1.t.:•:,.a Coif.* tr1:11 Tian t '!alis, Pt—Am Itrue,bes,Si a• , Ilaellu te, shat 7tutal laetc t.i.•t, fir 11v.a re ritt<attett,}. '111*29c t431a5_0.122. 1;..2•7223 ,ol.icrs.,.. > . iqi t CZ ISEM', T,l a�,L 1t 1:4! G1ROCERIES, CANNED SALMON, LogSTE1;S, .SAUDIti ES. Cu'v 1' Et'TIONE1tt . FM -US, &C.. &C. [las always a goad anat fresh suppiywrm baud. At -:'a Its TAM Wed 0' , Ic t; 3, t=r'ix I., CU, ^a - flat .l%14 Birt:„^a sat: i la u.: l • all tie m ,o= be..tu3 l . 4.ivee bum a. earii at.9 :< 3 r1421 1:•e' SW" a s ..;;• t ; 4",itit'I.'' ;*. TOIL,(` OS All, ('1t:.ARS, It HOLM E ANI, .',gent for Creat Western Sttanl'$ r Line, New York and I3riat4it. 11 It;'Id.I:JI Tztl; a11ilai E '4; SNIP GROCERY and TOBACCO S JOE lRI1I STOUT. 1:XI°:TF:11, 'r { :. • • • • 7. BT 't.. ,P I:, „,, t e 1' a 1 .. r t,' r 1 t . C n . Gail i - i!.4'1 \,ti if t t u Pad ^,+3 a.:n to t e7, 14 2 1'•1' .,.v 1 7,::d 4. • . t 1 11 1' 1 3 c 7" , 'n: - e.,, • / t• e 1 , • e.rp 1 i. cr.. ..aria. a 1 3 • • 1.(r.,r t :ant • +•. 1 i,' ^ .r+ ,.i•i'I ' .1- K 2' 3 , 1 1...• it• 1 t .l !it t 1.1,+ 1 ytc.tas.. .:4,1 1. • , ,1 3. 131:r aa. , In t ' .. Leta 1:11,4 .• ('.'1r07. •-f t !> .Sit • Pf t ratnnnp.L'u, i *.,-•; j. 16r , tr: Ltt.3 1 t 11.:n .3'1, 1''. 2 3 St , t• ,3,.:. t 9'e1 t 'Wl: tt ," ,..t1,7.• •2 ;nrtt.t23,4LTtad T t '.y aw it. v. P1:21, i ti ix. 1'P r. i,. it t. Dbr at: l I..t'aa' • Il,.aeI, l:atILa.;.',. SIZE OF PELLETS. • 0 O 00 Nouse of taking the lame, repo] 5tve. nn enmpo: nl of cheap, rrtn:e, and gouty r'ay's Yellers are acnrerlyiarger than re m7 7.i 1n¢ entirely vegetable, no partaenlccr c qulre•l ,tithe nems than. they ont•rat3 wi Snrl3uur•c to tine constitution dirt, or o^ 1'er Jaundice, headache, Constipation, 1•Tood, Pain in the Shoulders, Tlgbtncso of fire T.Izalneas, dour Er,tctutIaii8ta from the Sto7cce1•, Taste In the I2iouthe 1 1ialin 11'tnrlca. fair. in or Kidney's. Internal Fever, I:lo3tted. fecialg Stolnaeh Stash of Mod to Dead, t:lie Dr. 1'2,. ricuanot'I'uezattro Pesters In explanation remedial power of Mesa 1'urg'a;tve Pelle;s c3v,,, great at varlets' of diseases, it may ha eltl I that 11 notion upon the nnhaul economy 14 universal. tr aloud or tlaxuo ewcuping their aaaattre impress. does not Impair the properties of these Y, They Ore sugar-coated and Inclosed in 5Ia1•s1r. their virtues being thereby pre e vui Nadu:pair. any leng,th 01' thee, In any ,lunate, s.n that ib,: always rrr,h and reliable. ThIs is not the ea,. For all tdiseasein slwhere todeno Laxative. 'Aiterat 7 Purgative, is indicated, these little Pellets Nell the most 1etfectsatisfaction. Eolitbydrutrgt-•' It. V. PIL•'It('E,M.D..Pnuion \V orld'sl3isp and Invalids' Rotel, Buffalo, N. ti-. r EY'uPT0316.—Fre ucn acb0,discharge falling Into sometimes profuse, paten mucous, purulent, offend In others, a dryness,'dryyy, watery, weal:, or i eyes, stopping up, or ot.A tier • tin u' 8(3115s, ringing in 01319 Ini,• to clear the (tiro voice altered, nasal or total deprtvati ziness, mental d tion, enlarged few of these , v case at e DR prod no in �St : met ear