HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-12-12, Page 66
I do not call that mortal poor.
To whom n faithful wife is given
For, if his xntud is right and pure,
She'll make his holm, On earth n heave
Far Love, When pure and holy, blooms
e delay in the heart of Mali,
It sweetens..gladdens aura e reunes
Afore than aught t else 'aeeath Heaven can.
And everything seeins brighter, thexv
Bee use his life is rendered. sweet ;
He moves among his Mime. anon
With tract Iwv L and fearless eat.
'With. glowing eyes and earnest hands
He battles leu the tiel•I of life. ;
For by his side tir. bravery ,..n•ls,
To cheer him In his honest strife.
F;se knows ;lea should that inxattreh c•'nm
\1:4o lays both trot,", and pcs>:aat; low,
TILat ,a.r hi c erpse there will be one
\C1:ti i1 weep with um:arena woo.
, bee;, at is that urn who wins.
S a.no paw and faitilial Ec'antin°a3heart .;
, Ti ` .oily til :t that 1.. lht,tins
To take its life a nobler burs.
Ten 10 *tot tall that mortal pear
To wio•u a f tit! fat'NU a is given;
l', r, if his Hahn is i ,,tri ..u,l pare,
'h U an.tla' his ixt.ae o:i earth la heaven.
WIT .t'1~:\1> lir lt()kt.
A prickly pair—aa couple of needles
Io drlvilaa to hen a woman is slaw
but shoo-er.
No Irishman has a sinking in hi
heart SJ lour; as there's a bit Qf Ceti; it
°Scat' of tl►ty saddest end zttost testa
tiear, triple that conte to a. girl wham
elle tr is married is that sheline to did-
a'iaar;a h•"r mother and. put alga with a
asrwtl ltgirl.
An Irishmen who stopped ata hotel
in C'hit:ta;ote theme placards taunoUneed
• Ewald tat helm 7 to tt,' reports that his
e•Speriejn�+t:+ with every meal Was zloith-
Parson (sternly): a Ilow could you
come to church to be mulled to a titan
iu ouch a state fa.5 that .e' Bride (weep-
ing a : ' 1t wasn't my fault, sir. 1 nev-
er could gest him to come when he wales
te,bt;r !'
A painter's apprentice fa:11 off a seat.
£.'.t with a pat of paint in ettt,h 'mud.
lit; was taken up irlr.ensit.le, but as
to 011 ate he wain restored to c.ailSl:iUwtS-
ait''is he nlunnured, ' I went down with
flying cobra, anyhow.'
Some rash fellow says the giving of
the ballot to woolen would not um xuaat
to much anyhow, for none of them
would admit they were old onouati to
rote uutil they were too old to take
uuy iutt:rr:'st in polities.
' Little harry asked his mother who'
blood relatious' meant. She explain-
ed t at it signified near relatives. Af-
ter thinitine a moment, he said : 'Then,
mother, you innst be the bloodiest rola.
tion we've get.'
ConMen Hone Greek professor, roman
atrating with sophomore for creating n
isturbance in the class -room, lays hie
d iusinnatingly on the refract try
houlder, and says: ' My decal
in the devil has got hold repot
me women change their minds
g theirhtiab.ands. Mrs. Ji -tic:,
r telling her husband that.
worth tiie salt in his head.
0 the poor alai got Billed in al
accident, the fond widow sm'ti
parry for $5,000 damages.
at on earth am Ito do with that
,gable son of mine :l' ne,kt'd all
ns father. Dress him in u sui
dpherd's plaid,' was the reply.
y, what possible benefit wonitt that
den tied the wondering parent.
t would at least be a way of keoiiug
.aim in check.'
I wouldn't marry the keeper of n
crockery store, if i were yon,' said a.
young lady who was en ,aged to one of
that respectable olive; of citizens, 'Why
lit 't ?' ' Because your husband would
et: -ver be at home, as he would always
be dealing in Chula,' Tui wedding
preparations went on jList' the same.
An Irishman ii•aviug foual,i la lior'e
*shoe 0,1 thx raiaatl, wts,tuteu ly st•attiin-
!t!;.i$ when ace istea by .t snob. Snob
11(4110, d i'r't V7n know what•. that is
Ilolaan : ' W0.11, it's what I'm .trytal
`ink.' Snob Weir, it'4! tth
Ii'isilinaan : ` Oh,
r !rev the Tarn iii'.
f flour tryiu' to
and ooe
nd cried
! ah•1'
le -
team to haul it away, anti I ate sorry*
about the smell. 'Drive along a little,
and you'll get to the windward of the
Au English householder who had
suffered mnoh from the grasping pro.
penalties of his landlord, being desirous
of fulfilling to the letter the terms of
his tenancy, inserted the following ad-
vertisement iaz theuewsplapers : t' rent-
ed immediately, to eatable Ane to leave
the hoaise which I have for the past
five years inhabited, in the seine plight
and condition in whioh I found it, five
hundred live rats, for which I will
gladly pay the stun of Z5; aid as Ivan•
not leave the farm attached thereto in
the same order in which. I got it with-
out at least five millions of tloekeus, I
do hereby promise the same sum for
the said cumber of doekeus. The rats
must' be felt grown ; no cripples.'
ltn iseree Tezepr.�aa'1ox.-A member
of the eblored church was the other
eveei:ig cenversia,g, earnestly with an
aw l,z:aintau.ce, aunt seeltiug to !neve him
(Mange into better paths, but tats friend
said ho was too oftau tempted to per-
mit hitt to become a Cs'hrietlaln.
yer backbone, that yer can't
rose and 'stand temptation!' exclaimed
the good roan. ' I was slat ovay myself
once. Bight in die yer tomtit 1 bad a
Aimee to steal a pair of boots--�anighty
kine ones too. Naebady was dor to see
Ina glad I reaehe1 out my hent!, and do
tlnbit said, ' Take 'eat.' Den a good
spirit whispered for inc to Wenn boots
'An' you didn't take 'ern ?'
No, 17,11-10,t,...m....ne_h_. i. tool.{ ;a pRcheapeoff de shelf, axe'de*nt boMonet*
They had been tabling about lite
rcanatrleaable performances of Dr. Car•
ver, trio marksman who tillaotd with a
rile glass ballo which are sent into the
air as fest as a man can throw them.
Presently Abner Iayug, who was iittiug
by, Paid :
That's n othing.'
' What is nothing ?'
' Why, that shooting. Dial you ever
know Tom Potter:''
' \f'a'll,. Potter was the best hand.
with a rifle I ever saw; beat this amen
Cxwrva�r all bellow, Ili tell you what
I've seen thio roan Potter do. You
luaoww•, maybe, along there in the cherry
season,Mra. Potter would want to pre.
sorwe some cherries ; so Tom would
leiek *em for her, and how do you think
he'd atony 'em ?'
' don't know. How o'
"Why, he'd fill ,his gen with bird
Shot, and get a boy to drop half n
bushel at once from the roof of the
house. Aa they carne down he'd Ore,
and take tori stone olein out of every
cherry in the lot ! It's a positive filet !
lie might necat#ionally Reiss one, but
not often. But he did bigger shooting
than that when he tw'auted to.'
'What did he d' ?'
Why, Jim Miller—did yon know
bitn ? No ? Well, Tom matte a het
once with Jim that he could shoot the
huttnns off of his own eoat•taail by aim-
ing in the oppo,ite direction, and Jim
took him up,'
'Did he do it ?'
' Do it ! He fixed himself in pnsition,
rand aimed at a tree in front of him.
The ball hit the tree, caromed, bit the
corner of a house, carom'il, struck a
lamp past, caromed, and•flew behind
'faun, and nipped off thebnt+on (Le slick
Ls a whistle. You bot he did it t'
' That was fine ::hooting.'
'Ye°., but I've seen Tom Potter beat
it. I've seen hitt stand 'inner a fl'clf
of wild pigeons, billions of them calnnitag
like the wind, and kill 'em so fast that
the front of the flock never passed a
!even line, but turned near and fell
dawn, so that it lonked like a kind af
brown and feathery Niagara. Tom slid
it by baying twenty-three breeoh-lned-
in? rifles and a boy to load 'ern. IIx
el vow'!; shot with that ftlnd '
' Yon gay that you saw him do this.
sort of shnntiug'?'
' Yea, air ; stud better than that, too.
Why, I'll tell von what I've seen Tom
Potter do. I saw him once set no an
India -rubber target at 800 feat, arae hit
the bulla rave twenty-sevan times s
•7lionte with the same hall. Ho world
Crit 'the target, the hall would bounce
batch right into the rifle •barrel jnet ae
Tom had clapped in a fresh charge of
now+ler, and so he kept her agoiun
backward and for ward, forward all
backward, until he hanpened to move
sun, Reid the bullet 'hissed the
mezzle of the barrel. It hofs the big-
gest thin, I over saw the very biggest
,exorwpt one.'
' What vasa that.?'
Why, one day 1 was out with hien
when he was practising, and it carie on
to rain. Tom didn't want to get wet,
and we had no umbrella, and what do
you think he,did ?' •
\that ?'
' N 'w, whet'�to you. think that man.
io-keep. dry?'
n't imigine.','
ie„ heap• et-''-deft"grant
'Eon's. i; i ` 1 `'8
for him, and I pledge. you my word, THIS IS . •O BOIN CAST t
although it began to rain hard, he hit
every drop that came down, so that the Than
ground for about eight Feet around was Truth Concerns y ATF Moro } ry } o }a,{ gq
1 +It V k. i u�V,6 # 44t4* V t,LtsL 1i d,..
Therefore, read, puritan.^.e. and enjoy itH bar *torah. When 1 say 1manufacture
la Ire aruti with a r _.; ,
t env ow s f yitl re
A 1 th nl a oof . superb
that the people can inspect ixtiwny attic 1,g' caning at my War
me where tht+y, wAll. Hee:a suaaurlt oats allay r,R
Furniture in.Al Its Branches
a6 ra iuufactlr.'.1 In' xuvaaelf ;ai i nay ca n',j *,* 1 artistic sraill, wvit'a gt s,1 \v re-oases/Lip. des/Lip. I des : are or
iusutisfying the pupate with amass of k aa. nit ou ' that cannot te_*tin to A for rtuanas; f or dice
lilseitr.o.111 owing to the contrary, a:tattv;t?
Corner of Hain and Gidley's Street, Teter.
as dry as a punk, It was beautiful, air
. -. eautifu 1'
And then the oontpaany rose up slow-
ly and passed out, one by one, each
Man eyeing Abner and looking solemn
as he went by. And when they had
gone, Abner looked ouaerly for a mo-
ment, and said to me
• There's rotl}itig I hate so much as
a liar. Give ole a man who is the
friend of the solia truih, and I'll tie to
rte t c?I1 Sttlrt,
C}t t 110 ,toci.tent a •ill t er char). Putacy its tate
At I.rctil A; .'alai or roitcraw• t+t-0tti•nt.
Mic1igau Lail(Ts
roc iuf,rmatiwal cmeerxtinh the
in ei: '1'Iy,#A. 111C'Iilt}:11, f,:rsr,1t• t v the d•'ti
a+u,t 1't r,. 1Attrajuett,' Atttttwac t'tn:il'lauay, out tee
W M. L. Wl'EBBE1t, la'And (ione'r,
1 tHt' 5Atifl.tiV', AXIC7i.
81Isd:R. Vic•" MEASVGF
scour. a5u''id evEItUli'EIA.
]ileo wa*her, East neater, tomato,
\Vino. Starch, and Trutt Strainer.
�� 11 or tk* moat .ictal ape. n Hooso. articles
1111114,.,.,e' -world
< Jcnmhtned daddfor Zse. Coy Sier!sue
-worldthat can be 'O
taken In ^� .,.,e' antro to clean, 90,000 sold ladle
, .'ll,0-,'. ' ",.. dogs. .50.000now inu,n. Scary
*—�+ 0 -*ntor small, $1 for largo sample,
or *tamp for catalogue. Goodtv
V . - 1 entannted naledlemata
T J..51.MThTER,SoleMaurr,
,r SO Akoadc, OIuctnnutl, O.
JUDGE ffR By +en.ain 15d.w%ith itee, hei h
t o j, r el t, LH and hair, you wit
rte tvc' by re•tttrn marl n currtec.
YOURSELF* r(lutttbl:iph of yourfuturu hex
Wool or %YlIe, with IlatilO aattl tltatrd ttf nitlrliatte
Aet.reas W..1 C1 *Iraawrt:r 1i1lAtltetu llae, N T
r _tisk Here, ..n lovely cards, aith mune, 10 c. Saut-
.ulllee of Photo t auds,Jc. Something new. S:5.
i'1.ltlty, Nassau, S. Y.
w 7lAY to Agent" cuivas' ing for Stat
1llu 51nE visiruli terlu, an Out-
alt erre. Address P. O. VSrI rdtY,
Augusta, Maine,
4 QSaatin i'luyml, &o., carols, with name, l!' e, nut -
wet 10 '4
eta. ANI. d;•. Cu. North. Chatham, N.\'
liqGC11roit10 Cards Oaljli,is, nlOttoos, Piowor*i , &&e,
GatJNo two alike, *viiia Hoene, all; o, Nasser card en,
Nassau, N
25 cSywhufnpo1tp,201 sHuoso3,115 ,
N T,
itrimhzed cards, with mune, 10 eeets Agents
�wuaa outflut 1.0 cts, L JON.ES & Co Nassau N 1,
F'j G". Fancy. Card;, with Hien 1.0o., j 1tiu or gold..
Gldd�,1 At-,+ttllt'9 011tnt, l0c` 1.00 stvio's. Bull tSs G'0,
1878) SPRING (1878
— 0
THE OT�`l)1. T� ,T,c.lE.., a 3-1013 S
At tltltunes,t d 'artietiinriv at a perivd when .1fraLb.. istauivice aniy t6Q1Ln•-•.tA .,lade zitltie'-
scarce. It is the interest of every buyer to par hate whim:late t,aai gut tta. attucl, be wow*
at theiowl!et rate. In ealying your attention to guy pi:est+tat oteek, 1 dr• so nt.b every eeaxtaatt-
once; it being moree:arefull assorted oral sotectea ttiv,u al.,; 4.b :wax► lartavi sancaa vu,
In the Dry Goods
fivery department is replete with the most se0LII i&* ;t rand fre-Lit aloft* fnbri'-i, uaatrlte.,1a. a
prtees whiela Shuttbi e'ran iianrif thea t;t•aatiun of the very v:osvrt hie.ere. diet: Gltl Utters
i.ILOTl1Ilvt still tars ;wilt. IVIIS at ati 1aad
Tao Niiiiixlea:y
unacrthe Uiilaaaagoluent of >Iies afetsto lttQ0, w8 c:111 611it aria anoi t fitstida,ing. Oar tri ; Gf
(Ioc3'ies Boots and Shoes, Ut11
u, English ,tzxel, Amer; qui
Shelf and Heavy Hardware
ono of the largest and. beta •sorttre3 i,t the (foamy. itur:nelial! pnrel1n, re n in consult their
brstisAtr re.ets by, examining to stuclt beivat going t i i•wrr,t n.
t1 1il s PIC 4: RD
o Ela of
Fouude 's, Engineer's aud Alaohinists,
?1AJ7L'FACT1.li3el:@ OL'
STAVE ANU HEADING al R(.'1II 11.1'x1'
:fiddling Purifleri* of improved hinds.
Agriculural lnple -rents
Potash Kettles, Schaal teats, &e.
iron and Brass (Conk hairs tca'nrt'Ic r
Fur sale cheap—Second hand Boilers and Eamires titrate ltxzti
Shzutilo, and Heading 11acuinery.
Repaure on Boilers, iaugttaes, Mille, Sm.,promptlycattonded to.
Gcu)ltI,CIi. elft.
show this W&tk
'NEW" M .I.\ .L .i,..T S
They- sell at Close prices for cash or ou short time only., All
accounts due and mailed on lst January, 1st April, lst July,
and lst October.
liu„son, N.Y.
Newspaper Adgertasing bureau, 10 Spruce at., V. Y �� .G�.�dy-ET
Eacrett's Brock, opposite Samwell tk Pickers, Eaetor-
9711E Semi -animal examination of
Candidates for Public Selloolreaehe>•s'Second
class'C,ertitioatey, will be !leldiu town of Gotors
loll, coaalinent:toa!; on Monday, the 10th.i)ecumbor
next ata:sO p. til.
k oams of notice to be previously given by the
Candidates, can be obtained, on apIplicationt0
the Secretary; and mast bo returned. to him, pro-
perly tilled up not later than the IOtla Nbvouabol•
Candi laths, are required to forward to the ' Sec -
rotary the oocessary certificates of success in
teaching anal molal character.
Suelloard Ears,
Goderieh, Oct., 28 1878.
gg aviug receit'ed a lot of new machinery, I
Lee, would i iforni the farmers of the sur-
rounding country that 1 awu prepared to mauur
facture all kinds of horse !takes, Barley
Forks, Grain Cradles, Snaitlls, etc, and hawing
secureiti the setAces of a first-class Turner, I
am prepared; to do •
T H i'i T I M H S
mill be given to all cash subscribers
. O 1L $2.60 r. .tL" R $2.60
,This,is:;the best offer we,, ever made. Send along your uatr�o
I defy competition. rlhwnys on hand a first -
on the shortest notice; and for style and; prion. at once.
class `stock of Fork and Showe1,11and1es. Mill.
half a anile south of Esotel:.. I�G1VIF:MI,FR ONLY $2.60 FOR TI3':, TWO, PAP
Si i'dl '- i'1'L . Trf1Y COT ✓,_00;