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The Exeter Times, 1878-12-12, Page 5
5 FiF&IL 0 ify the STAR GROCERY for Teas, Coffees, New Raisins & Cu.rrauts, Sugars, & General rocee'es. Just received a tai -,9;e eo s'gnment of fine Wines Liquors, Viz., Champagne, Clar- et, ! d Po _ t, he 'fy Cognac. L andy,. .0 m. Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Canadian Whiskey,&o• A i __ R.110.. gene}al stock of Flour & Feed always on hand. Red Main Street. 'meter 1 Red Sign., Main Street, Exeter E, JONES Main Street, Exeter, the place above all others to buy „,I11) ATT GOODS ,i 3. JONES, Opposite Central Hotel, is the place above all others to buy iOWER PRICES THAN EVER BEFORE HEARD OF, such as Clocks, Jewelry Sets, 000hes and Ear Rings, Studs and Buttons, Lockets, Rings, Masonic and Oddfello W s' ages of all descriptions Violins Bows, Strings,Bridges Knives! Forks and Spoons. Save� Cruet Stands, Bake Baskets, Butter Cooles, Card .eceivers, and a large variety ©: Napkin Rings, ,tic., :e, ' v I .ekes and Maths a Speciality. Silver Watches from S2 50 up. Be sure and examine my Stock before pur- lig elsewhere. S. E. J UNI:. s sal•:. �: (l.a:. NV1.1te. V1 Shot; ... i.,, ta, n NI 5rVointi w 41' .11-3 Cli-el' " - t, 1 ., t•,, 0 ,.t « 0 rititt9 above all °flora alt the !harlot 0`t a Vdttt nvt' 11301 Ihrrort'r of the ceinliti(•3 11.10,i , . t to trt t 1.1 •••��°��� 1 iy of Stent. e;.�°.2.1tNitt n '" X erri 0', ITIN CREASESTHEQUANTITY QFHILK :TEACH iIIILKlVG20 Per Ct. Itati0.7 0t8t88 114' Pi 1 Ci,i y .ist'at.i,i ,......„,..„144. ... 4 .,., et. 4 C.1 11 t((s improves the veldt{. Calves uM thrive en. blie •tllirtI ta••.s in.11:. ri'14:h. the lit.t.lt ..+ 1 "r U,.: , ... ... to ... tta 0 8.0Altrt .44 1 1141 4 . r X Z. , . ,. ,t t., t.t 3. If.h . it.) .1 010.'04'1',0'... 111v. ..i t.. 1 .1'.t I 1(0, f ` r i t.. , ,21 IIs It s ... t of t•a b apt f>it tH: o ,t W.41 .. i 101 0 rt ney 1.1 t 13.. . h . 3 to ,1,, 1 t1, 7t, .i.,.1,...i 1,.09:1 Y: 4 t.. 1i NO ..prat , 11 tit ttt .3 pal $7404. ii, t 1:* to ,. l to a »( j i x.:y+ .. . h tet 1011 tteh 0,01 VA 0 511 ilu..r.:.trit.tir,.., . ..... ... 14 to o;,a 011 to 0 e. - q� SOLE A C Facts for the People! THIS GREAT EN(iLISll ] OU,l) White w : 1:4 vat .it dialog rti.n its equt fit i rri. . e e t°1 to f+: h h2 t0 two t,t(t $, 4r7ey •:.. , . t .t to 33 ; a .....,.........�.....,.�� lrtf intent e.3laait Jlariae•s, putt t tills q,, mad Hogs wall put on 1t4•..11 In the pAst, ttu+,r vitt! orale, I, mutt 5t Reliant* tha:tg'it that a talebusiu.!as coups tett ire ,l::lue stutter it.. U. isuutrce'.lan ssititexttgiriai(; XCXIY;c'rluPiPPtL:t+•:retiit. C I' NEARLY ALL THE PRIZE TAKING STQMK AT T;IE PROVINCIAL EX - No c�: CO. HIBITION FED ON have now dotermine'',aftcartiuc•dtliht•r11Cleo. t,t+lisi+,ntiazenIlse(eeditpart oftl•vir'lnzcin"Ri 'qua. T t T r �° y, 1 JP f� noting lw thl+y r. ill. �.uitC!3 t., tills nil,. u, •.<Xrot tit it woo, main••, 41114•.%"nrA., they win 1 e o3C.t,i :4i .L. .11 JL At J. a .t... tt.".'t J., �,r i t L+ag c+stili t,tr tai t•ai ie I+utrltc» •,. Ma ,traaX ln3 pipits �FU,alt•. ul•, Jlauatfacture•:a.4 i.ir„.. v. been u.tsontag.t tsul eu r de 3i3eu1 tr •,ell ttte.r gaud.. rrt.t,l .tit ordinary wi,oleealo priers. Farmer Should do Without it. t� at l' _ a /� `,� „ (�j� $10.00. y ('t �/'') 4 To turu!!w s living hour( thilt•nar.. tram Irm.iun. They woul l say that you wil! saw( at tate vary .�'llt 11 Ill, i)l)?..l S .) C ,,'+7 t)1� '?,.1.1.,11(1♦ ,�1i�.00 ' yl/.\I{J. `1`+a,t, Loin i4.(•t i.i per cent l,y !tial:ith; y.,tti riln10:00 from Cam. 'This great stt icor e:iilt•a\ tial 7 �: '1 ' x ''' a " o..penses 1'000 t,utoa u�:r, �sLich you may it.c..r by tuXni.ug to 1.0zulon, whorl.). ct;u>.e) stud f1l' EXETE :i AND fil.'ltlt01.7NJ1INti CtetNTJ:Y. A. '>A+ A.' It P IFIEL14, Co. T+� The (treat lira (tools Iie,tailers of h:,adon. tint., Bare dcelak•d to clautgo the whole obartati r ,,f tltrir h1118lelate Uu+tut'te. ominion Laboratory, tt,.... .._ 10 of to a,... , . , , , j. Mt t., 6 rot .•t,ev,,1 SAW') ...... ..... .. ,.... t+ 7i to 1 ihl. 15 tag .:. 4 th1 to 1 +41 I( ztt tt t' 1+1 to 41 13 001to011 Wool.,.,..,.. ,.. . (1 3. 81 ST. af. ltrs (lt'p art r.t ro..tal trly by A. fiall+raitli,('leek. Delhi ;rht•^;t.5' bu•h-.1.... ..... t• 0 44 , (t 87iiprin l w13NIL.............................. .... (a 7.1 t> 0 78 liarl..y 8 40 to 0 fin 7014. ... It •,S t,. 0 fi7 0.444 1,tit 4)tf310 1'ot ttaaa'p,+r beg .............0 7': tt 0 to Apples 0 :'0 to 0 50 Iiood3er ib.............. „.. 0 03 to 0 01 Minttott" ..... t' 03 to 0.011 14.t3t3per ewe................................1 d3 to a 514 71,g.:3, per (104:•41 .. 0 1.5 to 0 17 Batts............................................011 to 0 11 T t.•koyi a 0 59 to.1 00 08.ito04.5 Izuo':a nor. 0 4,1 to 0 Si) t' Xrk••,.+."' ... . ... 0 •'0 to 0 3t Hl les 1011i.a' 5 i,a to c o i Wood cord.... ........ 4. 75 to 3 00 t, ay nl ...... 8 00 to 000 0 2J to 0"11 .bhea,a*king 0 40 to 0 75 rrik )r-41 H MO U 0 0 4-6 • 0 p4 a O U O"O Il4 tg"is fq zEs ater- m ° C. 0 C' G04* ,i H0Zos8d1E1eg o. r�J•� Y �•-441 s M � ° to a a dV _- . rnv R. 0 - .... o.0- 14 P n p G, °. (2).,-,,* o . t, w 0 la 0 C.73 'z 0 ,j V 0,, 3 a> > 7 t-1 v. ec• w w C3 P4, ,-1 sy • P t7 0 P.1- a. dpoe.o`�a p4*413 -g-0ai 0 TIME TA 8113. L. IL& B. R co:xei Novae" Ivrea 8 05 a. hi. I 1 ,. , ... .. 3.35 p..ni. X est 7.35 p. m. GOING 80(8'131 XI is 41 a m. ea1.. 2,50 p. In. rose. .. .. 8.25 p. tn. iceterTlzt it etuelt of golds, f.'v volnilio or enmity fa unequaltbel in Ontario. The store elvers tbo lent.th M of u stlu,Io 1.i••ok.tram 10on.ial. to,'arlizl t:.t3.. Each of the hair Hath of tho entire buibitIg is usvd t..2 Tomo 018,+ 0. the l iet,artz,lez;t4 or th.• t.0 laxly ei or for 1lauufa4t4ermg purposes, Their itim IS to l'1t1 ae the •.e".p1. he ntti 14ti,el 40 h* *u.' * (+41121 a 111701Ni:8i 11 > 1t5T i, t)ar house has risco Ina very few years; from a s•.11u1! retail btore 40 one of the I:trg.•at til 4t'usterat 00:i.r1., .A coil CM us will be wade profitable to purchasers, A., PO 'ELL t Co • Tirana Xp4;6. Hr FANCY BOXES, WRITING DESKS, WORK BOX.tsS, ROUKING HORSES, HORSES ON WHEELS, STICK HORSES, CHINA DOLLS, WAX DOLLS, BIBLES, HYMN BOOKS, PRAYER BOOBS, WALLETS, POCKET BOOKS, PURSES, ' TOY BOOKS, MEMORANDUisl BO0Ks, STRAW BASKETS, DIARIES FOR 1879, TOY 1300KS, BOOK MARKS, ALBUMS, TOILET SETTS, VASES, DOLL HEADS, TIN TOYS, DRUMS, CHIMES, TOY WATCHES, TOY PISTOLS, TOY SWORDS,.: TOY GUNS, TOY FIDDLES, SATCHELS, AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS, YARLOR CL,C'QUET, AUTHOR. CARDS, X -MAS OAJ DS, SPLINTS FOR FRAMES, STEREOSCOPES. BERLIN WOOLS & MOTTOES, • SILK FLOSS, PAPETERIES, SCRAP PICTURES, LADIES OOMPANIONS, BUILDING BLOCKS, ALPHA.BET ±LOCKS, . TIN TRUMPETS, CHECKER BOARDS, CHECKER MEN, CHESS MEN, DOMINOES, WAX CANDLES & HOLDERS, CHINESE LANTERS, PERFUMES, SPONGES, TOILET SOAPS, DYE STUFFS, UNION PACKAGE DYEsi, DRESSING. COMBS, CIRCULAR COMBS, POCKET COMBS, BAOK COMBS, &c. &o. HAIR BRUSHES, TOOTH BRUSHES, CLOTH 1aRUSHES., NAIL BRUSHES, MUSIC BOOKS, SHEET MUSIC, PEN HOLDERS, PENCILS, BLANK BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS, Etc. Etc. Etc. All the above stock has been carefully brought • from English, Gorman . azul American Houses, and cannot fail to give satisfaction iu both price and quality. Toys, Berlin Wools, Silk floss, Mottoes of (011 kinds, Gold,,Silver, White and Black Card Board,Tiufuil, Gold and Silver paper for sale cheap, as we are bound to' clear them out. Remember the Emporium, Sept. 10, Sin • 134 Dundas st., through to 135 Carling Fit. opposite Mantas Dank, LONDON. JUST RECEIVED AT THE EXETER GROCERY AND LIQUOR STORE:, A LARGE STOCK Or GREEN, JAPAN, YOUNG IIY SON and BLACK TEAS, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, DRIED APPLES, CANED FRUIT, SARDINES, S, LOBSTERS, • SALMON, BITTER SAUCE AND PICKLES, BRANDIES, GINS, WINES AND SYRUPS, RYE, MAL SCOTCH, IRISH AND COMMON WHISKIES, TOBACCOS AND CIGARS, Wholesale and Retail. G,A,MACE, 14 lainStreet,Exneter. t: E NATIONAL POLICY Httving triumphed at tLtc polls, ISAAC CABLING Is prepared to give all his customers the bet edts that will menus from its adoption, and bas on hau3 a large stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines Liquors, Crockery, Etc., At his Store, Main Street, Exeter, which wi Which will be sold at prices unheard of under Free Tray The farmers of the surrounding country wi vantage to sell their produce withou fees, on the Exeter market,wh' to none' in the west, an call at the store of the s, Secure Icn there to be had in Overooaoia Doe skins, Silks, WVincev n3eded in the Dry D e inmost ver Opposite "Central I-Tnt 1 p y" maNs rr1%Ri 1, LYETBB. I Nc, trouble to show go and