HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-12-12, Page 3• D> ovinnR 1.2, 1878 THE TIMES OU'IWO f BY' A BOY. 1 oppressed from countries nearer to Pal. I%tine, many of whom are familiar with A lad iu Boston, realer small for hie , agriculture, and would make . good col. years, Nodes iii t n. office as errand -boy Quiets. The difficulty ie to induce the who do busluesa I Porte to cede its adtllinidtrative rights. .for Tour gentlemen g there. One day the gentlemen were i It would be useless to attempt the de. chaffing him about being so small, and'velopmeut of any dart of Patestiue, un- said. to him : less some security fete good government ' You will zlerei amount to much ; , were obtained from the Sultan. If this you can never do much business ; you ' emit(' be done there is uo end to the are too small." money which would be subscribed The little fellow looked at thew. throughout Protestant Christendom for t Well,' said he, ' as small as 1 an I a purpose which would carry with it so elan do something which none of you muoli ee it tural authority. four men eau do.' Ah. what is that ?' said they. ( I don't know as I ought to tell,' he replied, But they were auxioue to. know, and urged him to tell what lie elould do that none oi" thein were able to do. '1 eau keep from swearing E' said the ittle fellow. There were some blushes an four THE" KING- OF 1 L''PU1trEIts." TEl Atal.E ?t#titit:a t c wuICK EM 1d;=TS 11I i u49Ta. The sad news coneee Irene Paris of the death of W. Seutun, the Hing of American reporters, who for seven or eight years past—so L. E. Deschauwes manly fee and there seamed to be says 1n1.4; Figaro—bee been erawmg 0,. very little nusioty for further inform, - tion 'el the point. A. DREADFUL( MISTAI E, of ll -worked v as She gave b .cru S 1 $ g s pair of alippore, and althiughthey 'IMO 211 inch too short and pine•hed him aeross the toes, he eileutly sub- mitted to the martyrdom which they imposed, and vowed they etzould never Ieave his feet. This reckless statement will he re- (3eived by the reader with becoming cautiouano 's. And leo the young man made a raturn of her afforing. 14 was his picture enlleed in cr(it &a rat oto send d wframe. ith it, and while during the 1raz eu-lira➢ tan war at the e:Uue time replied angrily to anlea floured as aTurcot lilticlltir that hfol, a Zouave ora Phalan, Lica t:raitog as the exigencies of the situation de- mended, This accontplistled journal- tet was about three woeful ago in tt l great German city, whore the salutation of the time wa a troupe of trained bears, There were :,is of ti>m, and they went through titer drills and nth - or i rformance 4 with t cult startling re- gularity that it Wa-i very generally suit. peeled tl G they werenot beam but men disguised in bear -climb. W. Ben.1 ton thought ax Mooch, and offered to wager with the manager that he would enter tho ➢leu, but the .utatitivr declin- ed to tia31c0011 hi=t enterprise. W. Ben- ton thereupon invited all thio j' huts ofthe city to diener, assured them that the .bears were frauds and itrvite:d tlt(tln to bo present at the afteruuou pprior- tnauce next day, when he intended to unmask the humbug. having bribed Stn. employee of the menagerie. itenton, deeeguieed as ai, boar, entered the cage. „ Hit; five companions :.eeuied furiously excited, but he attributed this to their desired to fend off s wpiciou. The pub- leo applauded most onthuainsticall} , it was theu that the unhappy being, de. airons of carrying out his plan, turned towards the press box, removed his bear's head and bowed politely. A tremendous roar of laughter ensued, 'Wowed by an rinmenee shriek of terror. Tile bears on seeing this human face, precT:tated themselves np.uz the un• packing apples, first, good clean In packing man. Before the tamer could. Lake steps to save Mini, the reporter, frightfully mutilated, had breathed his hest. Thus perished the Moor W. Ben- ton, whose editor-in-chief seeks vainly a man to replace him. to crowd thorn too niucb, end if the ap- Cut this Out -It May Save Your Life. Plea in each layer are of uniform size There is no person living but what suffers so much the b iter. Now spread a more or less with bung Disease, Coughs, sasond layer ofoheff, just enough .o co Colds or consumption, yet some would die ver the apples, and work it down be rather than pay 7iii tents for a bottle of meal - tweet] them by pressing the bund over clue that would cure them. Dr. A Dosclleos German Syrtis has lately been introduced iu this country from Germany, and its wondrous cures astonish every ono who trys it. If you doub what we sae in print, cut this out and take it to your druggist and get a sample bottle for 10 cents and try it, or a regular size for 75 cents. fantastio Salary front one of the greet, American dailies. The lttnirntiet W. Benton aeattered abroad the dellarseof Lis journal wtill princely Mali if sante, was on intimate terms with all the poi. itieal and military colebrities ofEuroile, apoua (iightlangna,gea with perfect #luen- ay, and assisted at all the wars of the Old World as a toast eoUse entions spectator. Ito had gained admission to Prince Gortschakoirs preeenee as a tailor, to l3isuiarclee as a dog merchant, to the Coligrose of Berlin as a photo. grapher; bo had gone to royal banquets disguised ae a waiter and to royal bur- ials as a cotllubearer, In 18:67 he made the acquailitenee of Mlle. tia:.lus'ider in the role of a Brazilian diauueud miner, oft-rep-erated dun fax an unpaid suit of clothe filetr,ave a boy ten cents to deliver the pnultnge and notes, giving escplieit directions as to the destina- tion Of sash, It was an unusually in- telligent boy with a freckled: face, and be discharged his errand in a manner that sheulal give him a niche in the temple of faire. Thyoung lady received a note in her adored one's handwriting, and flew to her ro•im to devour its oentent,. Site opened tato missive with eager fin - gore, end retail a 'Int ge'ttin'g tired of your everlasting attentions. The snit is about wornnnt alreedv. P never anionntod to ninth anyway. Nome go tn=tlanelelr !' And the the tailor was struck utterly +ituub when he opened a burry! and die - covered tloi picture of his derlimeneut eustnm('r, with a niche that said : When you gaze upon the features, think how tench I owe you.' Whet that nnfortuuate young man capped amend, that evtwin:,r, to receive the happy ackuowlodgolu4,nt of hie sweetheart, he was very ostcutatiouady ehuved off the stella and over the f.'nee by the young lady's 'father ; and in the morning he was waited at on ley the tailor's lawyer, and imperatively order - ,ed to settle or suffer. PACKING APPLES. barrels ate necessary. Over the bottom of the barrel scatter a layer of back. wheat chaff ono inch deep ; then put in a layer of apples so ;that they will just teach each other, taking "care not each atrcLtutn a few times, Continue this operation until the barrel is full, always pre:eeing your apples down tight after you have inserted four or five lavers, Apples picked, sorted and cicely packed iu this way will hardly a-eeee.4 ver rot, and should ono do so the chaff TICE best known remedy for all affections of (wilt absorb all juices, and those lying next will not be injured Farmers who have owl al,few tic, av y es, and these mostly bearing fall fruit,their geau keep aliples far into the winter if packed in this way, and winter aapploy, indeed, do not get fit to eat until about ,midwinter. No chaff except bnckwheet will do, as all others are ant to gather dampness. A scheme, is nowon foot to colonize Palestine with Jews from the south of Russia aud Itotimanitt. The project is still in embryo, but there are such weighty political aucl financial reasons why it abolllcd bo carried out, that there can be little doubt that the day is not far distant when the prophecy will be fulfilled of a migration of than race to -their own ancient lend.' 'rite rich Jews of En;,lelud and America wil', tloubtle.s look on approvingly front a 'distance. There is no prospect so unpalatable to r,;prosperous Jew in nus country iu Cbreste:udom as 0 return to the Holy Lend. Iudeed,'quo of the Rothschilds is said to have remarked when the scheme wile first broached to him, shall cortaiuly stipulate to be named Palestinian Ambassador iu 'London." But it is not the Rothschilds who would be expected .to find the change an agreeable one,'er who would be °all the chest, lungs and throat, is Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce scum. It has been tried by thousands of persons suffering from the above diseases, and in every instance it has given immediate relief Iu eases of troublesome, tickling cough, where the patient passes sleep- less night', ono or two doses of the syrup has such au effect that rest ensues, and the eough speedily disappears. Seo advertisement. A r,Any, rather inclined to flirt, says mos men are like a colil,very easily caught,but very hard to ger rid of. It is the easiest matter in this world to get rid of a cold. Oen H. rAnn's PECTORAL Bins .m, the great Canadian remedy for colds, coughs, hoarseness, bronchitis, and all diseases of the throat and lungs. For sale by all dealers. Feverishness in children is ourot by Free- man's -Werra powders. Tire, Vrcrrotita.I3wrosseirrns is emphatically a nerve food; restoring the vital force, and re- invigorating all the functional proces'+es.of life. tt should bo , used promptly in ovely ease of loss of nervous force or general debility, from whatever cense. It is also one of the most Powerful tellies and blood -generators known. 'ti per bottle. E,unous in diet bring on disease -National Pills drive it IF the storm of adversity 'whistles around you, whistle as bravely ,yourself: Perhaps the two whistles may make melody; If you feel an indisposition to exertion, weak nerves, pain iu the bacic, etc., or are afflicted willi any af- fection. of the seeretor•y organs,, use Vroronsa Buono and Urs'Dasr, It improves the digest- ive powers aucl strengtheos•the weakened and debilitated organs. For sale by all dealers. 01 per bottle. ' aa Norrxrtzc+ so good to kill ehildrerl as 4(1'fruit .q.411'.�;^ is'' i,1 the poor 1J..'(k-.TQ u;l'itWorm tlo, .a,st mesassasmaremeassoree Andrew Jackson said Napoleon stood alone ( IIE GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN MIS* tile peau of his time, and that it woull be fivej BUY. hundred years before the earth, produce his I Just Publfs n 3n n sealed Enve'ope. equal, It will also be five hundred years le -1 .ra yrice six scuts. fore the earth tclill produce *liniment . equal to A lecture on the Nature, Treatment, and Itadi. Flagyard's Yellow Oil. For burns, bruises, ! cal cure of Seulinalil a true -s, or Spur: attrrheea, wounds eke., it cannot be rlvalla+,1. In rhea- , {ildnCLd lJ}' biif Al lrsei Invo olden' 1?..an,sbionai, 1tuleotene.s, :�4 rvo:rs De belts, and Impedireo is nudism, 1letralgia, Spinal complaints, ..•te., it to nl err age gen rail. • (o:i,,ruptf',u Z' pitepsy proves a Messenger of mercy. For sale by all anus Fits s 5ten'a1;end "A reeefi1 Iucat'.unh, da.— dealers. liX ronl lr l' J.1 t:1.Vi'it titrl.l,l,. et. D., tabor of the Grct nJ 11001, A e. National Pills purify the very fountain of , Tho ,u hl neuolNiird author in this admirable Lecture, cic'talt I,ro+ve'4 icon.: 1➢i', own en4erience that the aufed con ecin ccctsof�,lf abuse MeV 1,o effectually remiss e 1 with nut medicine, rush with out dun , eu surgical operitc4mS,buatgleS,inStrn- ment , i s, or 4 oraiel { ri .ia , tut u ruade et lid d earoate ➢ Ee ce rt a a,i41e fe etu➢al by hfeil every Sara., L rel. !i aft 1 S: silt Li eondlion nra� be rtfav t t kYiur lrctaeuliiv iv'elaattl� uai:lreli•a11c. ra 7 it , I E. ecru whit pruvr a bu.lu to tlluUc ciOJ , and to (. ,.de sent, ute 3,r seal, in a pie ru envelope, to any ad - os receipt. of affil cents, err twa pobtogo st'.:n➢l e. Uterus Tui Crr wEr L SIr=1,r('AL CO. 11 Aran r,t. New York. 11102( n a gm g 74. TVL 2.2 444.4 4.4 Li" M Z • rt i LE111. ALL!V.AL itEUOV L RE 3MOVAL1 ItL:iilUV ,b REMOVAL! JU IO'r ALI P. P AYN.ti line ►e nueee to hs n4 r: shop 1st le 4eee opbe,l leu isr Teti s d (,e-.tctee d» Drs ue rtbr .401. (,rL Poet; t S,.t:1 a C4• .ccc , tllfin ;1 cv, r 1tee3F:4 - a ens' %s lit .1 0 brit 1•I .•:e lift➢itevl 4-411.10,1h14.414, rdeivil ter let ihta „ ➢,ball• Lit asst t>lylo %.; tree e:ne -tip N(Y,l' EASILY SI'11,PASSE1) !. Vail and examine any Eitel 14tefore, pur.hei.eing -.'where. PETER FIUYNE. el1H FALL AND WINTER TRADE 0, So tho tt t So= 'I'A1LA)lte and CLO'1'ItIEltte, Take Volume toitGerliatb lanabitaatetsofExeter add surrounding cnnnu•.that they have rout tipo.Iod out au oxcrlloutus+(ortn,cutof 1'4 (reels, e'(itaingS, 1'cvliu;l� Ch('., IN for latest styles and pattftn,..so.i tee) awaetred thatiutucin atter ofetetede p,:they eau suit the tune Oast Wens tastes. THE ENE'T+ I J PlaningAMill Sash, DOOR AND BLED PICOn71 ALL KINDS OF TURNING - Done to order. Item ember theplace D9'er Coke < c Iloward BUCKINGHA3I'S OLD BLACKS 1I1id erzor is still going, Mr. 5.13uekiugham desires to return his sincare thank u to his ,t, num0r006 patrons, iv h o tr have support ed hila in the a ti tl •' i a s t, a d d would intimate „de"' that having recovered from v.,:`.� , -. ,. his that, ill- ness, inteuds "`" _ in future, to take charge of the horse -shooing deportment All other work Bono in thevery best style and at the lowest rates. S. BUCKINGHAM. ThohighPrinfrioar! does not eiteot the ow prices at which f4. ac T. BIBS TT are offering their stock of TINWAIIE, STOVES. Etc., at Exeter & I-3ensal1 P.a Bax. Baa i er's Grocery FRUIT Two DOORS NORTH OF POST OFFICE. ?I,QI"IR, FEED, �S, {t}r �ry tenon hell..',, s -1t1 I', ALL K IDS OE FRUIT IN SEASON. reeGo i,,s til aso;ell, r:,laptly quality uusu R. E. SPICER., t 1 rdranakllnR1,eltaewnow' 111fe/n one t73ririrl'4atit,tul3,raLarge .44aotats tins a LIDICE that for alt„rurieoses cannot bo surpassed in thio 1Doxuin. Partleefrotn w:lictanc..eaanaals:ayFhoer rplied ,eitl 'rat t•:%• kilns or dulirrrdl,y taauiis at. low 4r' r r4'ruRnrraetitie rutes. Or•ierttruul a aieran(:t• a d of er r t . v n t . 3 t u t u t 5 1 15l11rSON & SCLATER. which consists of all the latest and ,improved, styles of Kitchen, Cook and Parlor stovos,Milk cans, pane, and pails: of the most approved pattern, and everything in thio line ; Also, a goodseleetiov of handsome (lave troughing as usual, rocoives everyattention, and done at thelowest figures. having opened mita branch establishment at Hensel, ono friends -t Iblit -,t tghbeiliood e.1L;l b. ; 5.,-� r: , :.� ,, . .,.,{ rs.l�r terp C i,Y. a,.: a' 'a shim ble Dressmaking Dresses cut and made to order MRS c. L0SS, Ittllt tried, EXe'ter, OVER THE I'OST OFFICE. e .44 '11i1'y G1tEAT;;S1' Wonders of 111,odern Time QU owa y►s, ?ills &Oint ,ent The Pine P'a f;:the.Blood en cot: t II -order oftlae I ivsr Ston,,.et la:d , 5 ': . 1-, and anve:nable in an co1ul,in ! t5 ir- 3 ttilt10 1 e na➢aa (¢. X14 thra:l:riit 18 the, 0.33;: r0.1.51.7.(. a c e+lYfor • 11 [ +s,1)11 Vi,14401 tier%t,n1 , 4 r long .tunditg. For hrY ee 6 p, tl,%•ria rtuo t;oldou,uu(iuut<lual. , 1(iu 'nlutisn„. 14 a i., ea catitlt NEW.f&RE OF New York Courtorfests Spurious inutatioiis or :1v,19,J. nc'e Pills 4 nR i (i tri. nout;' are uiaeirli ct in : u 41 aurid ua It r the name of iie,*h,s r s C t ., i e J. F. lftoty Curran 4(our:pans 14n g• L'- fire •➢ r4. ee Sit^ al 41f c 1:::••••531-..4,61.41410 a i .,yak, of ( ,;i,1t4.r5t.t-:4'ttea,' teen,,.,,: , 5*1e1- .Sri, neo 1,3• pt 111 tin 't1, ii„ N4 -w 'ror . wit t- eual , tt t :--ve- Jo epb llrasdl ,rise V'4•rr, ,all '. own 10.,1.4.' unelur teeny , Oo heeineforetrade nir... u 46:.,o-nt nal S eapout; tielicscc+u & JtutiFritab aJf i& c. marl: nut ci,t.:t� for tlaoeat,ce. *' o -1+p1' 4.. Ili ' t. rt tfer to d. (e, iw,. t tvo 3c r tr &n* tN,11t1c( plrt,l 1, a xl.. 6:4;,0 of rl r% s,(' ctllxr'd 10 the.n7 szaek.Lerwee, Alb are i+, etti thea rUrwwlte iia tnta(eL4-, t4, 14."41o0o t 7 6 oat,3as Peelle ra (+t t ', ti.:C At S.'r j'. law 1 ..e ,t crit t, (i tet to i . e cera d ea limy a,e 0 lr 1'a Y a r,:i ("1.r."!..01,-44.. trete 'se ar 431t•,a e i 11 ;31+1+4,a1 (Slid (Yerfs t4em(1*'4t$341au(ata4, c i estsrs3Ys t,d t➢u 1. 1l ittgenerally of Del! +.tire. 5,1h.cf I. a.'el tl' it t 4 e ugly 141 ficoes. t+4 eJrt _ air.. dl tri* "lL t e -a frou'1.. tai,1ai.e.eer„(uhil4.x,i!5otne,ol.(1eat not hes. If is°e a*Alrees t In 1 bt t,L.n epi•tuts are t.:4 rc4 a t zt t� D' e,,:a. a3nal -sr t4 ar. ritisla U44crrencont eetanile. s:Y*l f..- se•r:i•2 114 1 t e. tS s 1'!3.1,9 stn' tea t tis t . 1 . t9:4)6'1 4 3 ..t:aty+vl 41 , t neat ('n, t16t, le 1 icover,' . ares t,l rru.o,,,C'de, i, .,.. .t ,y ares 'tl,xear4reatun•,t,. Pact d Woe1, i:- leyltnit e1 F4,11[egrpurc'ita (1 Men cal a9 auy g amieel•o u t4 t1 (a. ei'ni. ann!1}Canine. the lrirticeibitk to nee. Poe 111:114EjC- M a tit rnxtd a.:(1 .t1 in ..ie .c s. , "sa.f.4e a ( eve 1 ria c 1. Ti1O11 4S 1Itr14i.OWA leml4u.1.ut;l•tni A BIG DRIVE GENTS WINDSOR TIES. MEDICAL I Sixdoreu just opened to (Ia,q. :the Leet x(114(1' a1( the niar;,4't. 1 113. COWEN, OFFICE -- MAIN1.l hircet L'iotrr, up•et.tira, 4,ppulito Ventral facto Si,tc (ntr:auce, un the saulhmatreet lead - Ian to 11. 1'• Church. 1_s Orderu 1,•it at ]cline's shoo Stora will recciVe meant attention, y Also re large rine welt•selectedstoek of Gc111,4 1) ' HUTCHINSON, Member of Silk the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, &e., &c,. Mahe Street, Exeter, L,1 .lYNDMAN.—COlONEIi FOR ➢tae Conary of Huron, Oitico,next dour to Sir.I. Curling', store, llXoter. '3 _ W. I3110WelING, 11I. D. M. 0. eJ .e. s, Graduate Vietoria,University Office and residence, Ilaar.. akar i.aboratet 7.xete 14 0. MOORE, M.D. 0. M. EXETER e Graduato of 1SeGailCraiversitY, Montreal omeeand.ree.denca.F. •eterr,Ont. Oefico hours - cm 10 a. 111 and i t4 LOU. cit Pocket Handkerchie R. J. A. 1ROLLINS, M. 0. 1'. S. 0., Victoria St. Crediton, Ont. Office hours from to 10 a. m.; a to 5 p. *n. FIR. IRVING, txR ADUAT L f3NI- 1�Vi;itSITY Trinity College Member College Pwrsician,s and surgeour Ont., °tlhee1Urkton. LEGAL AIDING HARDING, & WHITE, Banisters, Attorneys, Solicitors, Cern- sloners, B, tt., &c. aert,tcn--lleTroN's Bnoox, water trout, St Miley s. Juuai 16.HAnnING, i';.W.HAnntxa. H.A.I.watxu 1°'' ALOOtilSON & (.DO , itr ' 6ta, 5,A.t eau a s, .SolJait r s &c. ;donor to Loan 00 heal Estate. reueou's B lock, L xetor r McDIARMID, B.A., Itt tttISTER,NOT•1RY, CONTEYANCLE LUCAN.Oi T. HOTELS V VE+ STERN HOTEL, GRAND BEND.-- kf ;his Rotel has been leased fora terns of Fears, al...4 1.65 been nicely fitted up. L"very con- veuionce to, no ifiioreull travellers, The bell brands of liquors and cigars at the bar. Gooch hostler in attendance. a 1.11tISTIAN IIAPTLCI13,Prop. Grand Bend,;tay 93rd, 1878. sol. `IENTYAL . HOTEL, CREDITON J -Wer. Halter' proprietor. This Hotel has been u+Jwly furnished and fitted 011 In first-class style. Large and :convenient Show Porous for Ooumercial Travellers ; best of liquor- and cigars at the Bar. Attentive Hoatlers alware on hand. M 21 -lbw. \VILLIAM BAKISSS, ('IILS.NGED HANDS. -=The no �Jsiguecthavine'Panted. the 1) utferin house trails, for term, it will befound 11-st-clae fol, with every two omulodation 5'or thn t hnlblie, Oonvoniontto the Station. (4 and cigars at the hay. Attentive hos tl 1021v. , PBIN °' 0L' WALES Ctirki VON. G, S`Vrt'ei:T$, hav the above hotel, and. fitted it fors first-class acebrnn',ollatir liquor :and cigars attho br 1ia,t, "olio ,a,'. zests Al THE HAT, CA GENT'S FURNISH! I 'Note the Stand -Nes store. and opposite Centra Ae P T T1'llii t 1.Stanca ra Sash D FACTOR is constantly kept on hand, all kine. material. Mooring herd and soft, Si ngs &c., sold cheap. Planing Jigging d promptly attended to., BUILDINGS CONT'RACTE and Satisfaction guaranteed. As we Mand a large stock of dry lumber, we fee satisfying those who may give ns a call. ROSS "33130S. Si TA JOHN SOLDM i, Sas just oominoncecl business one tial West of Dashwood, and is prepared Clooke,Watches and Sowing ills; brellas repaired and Organs an tended to. Tease in want should gime hila a Sall before honkie. Charges moderate ak blew [(nun