HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-11-28, Page 7li N u ]' '2S, 1 78 WIT AND HUMOR. There's one sphere that belongs to 'everybody—to women as well as to 41m—um], teat's the atmosphere - "I have tmosphere."I1u4ve Se theory ab,ant the dead TIE TIMES bock, .and to the day ofpia death, 1O!Shingl'es for Sale y .ears. later, be e Hs fever freefroni the „ FROM. *1 TO ;61G0 >?zan sgz,AR1: intermittency. "I am broken hearted," .. he would Hay, "pliyaically broken -'.1U `• & S• Brooks'bawmi11 hearted." And be was l but the kr.onl- wwO midge n•>vs'rOF 1''13F I.ONlaa° BOAT). P(1PliAX. edge of the broken heart tempered mer. sa 1 • of Hemlock Lumber and C.eda venously his passion and saved hien oestse0anetiula on hitter. languages," said the new p student. many yeli.rll Qt really neefu1.1ife, He a, '"Whitt, is it?" ;a i,eci the professor. died ultimately from an acute febrile '�(( indeed 4 n setae - book eaae- uth ver ..That the • were killed 1j bel„ stud- tlaeorder. Chatltbrr s Ja.urrauf. cis l ;led too fiord. r ------- SLF-1'RRSElis TION Wol.L ' THYSELF on had been Eve' Paid an . D 1' NAltit `A MECIIANIr, Prceonly$1. ntnTtn.tl , tett q� , nn reccapt of pn e, It ire :so rnolnuetetin atality Prewature Dee' urchin to ta, stingy old mint, proverbial . �'� Nerroe,a rand PbssltAl Aebility, and Clic ct. l sa fee her meanness. 'Why so rlee. A young mon commenced red tilittnn m con t sane" do renitent ills and untoldmiseries that menti ' 'you 1 1 9uh) wuwan, and R a reared to be well t erctrom. eelecnteieseiereteeneeeneisoprc. cause,' said 11@, 1 au Tonle bane eaten - ll ainazote anyone ofwhich i9worth the price or all of the Apple instead of divid• ing r. ' ' la iaNeai, One evenbe cnikeit when alae nen . nen ben: cwaswritten lm•the ecestex, c,inb it. k teltaiceand prehublvtbemr•takufu{tanctitioiur It Ives (suite fit:t, a►ltioh real thn l sling in America, to whom eves elinreleel.eee:elan,iy,�r- �i- Ilttla h. ny :ver Bent t� a store for onelentoeeteennea.s'n'e ese'1ettefi nines, RotnEa @,2,i,"H, Ill'f4)rt3 reaciliti� hoflle ll@ llcdy to kipgtlirU a9'lier6 li@ IiRd llle$it. A I'ato:lal«tet, ino.•rarateal with glee t;cxlr ono dropped ed them. In RBA to hie ""I lead Ota asurk ta•llight.' titert - .ra.l•I _-a tsar• k 1 p ',whoa, d;, you w telt fur ai inn__ n.. � Tel cf art rind beauty- AL Wither who asked :'Dill yell break ' sant > rte to a1: Seed " T kt .ae iiinoired in watollishrnene. { far la: a• nitre. natives nF ?' h@ replied : vee. I aiiain't break , nn anonv eine sen any, lint the nhell'i ozone off of aomt+.' "eelituoly, replied the young man. p Qa rt -rue noaas4 ]Btai.THysELF 4 t MU i1 iitetlhanlc A lecturer who had been > ritisiee " a'% titplilivi flits „spas of a nlechmlile,` ? . ; OP . for sing too lalnf wuldttil, referred tie' and she turned up her pretty nose. !DOMINION XI IIIb . `.� " this fad, r-nd said , I a jell ;Meru; vas', Tine WASthe plat lime the young man long as I Please.' The critic, wile was' cidltt:ti t11:3 you,h;,; lady. ire ianOir as in the an lienee, oriel Qat : '.ill right• i wealthy noon and bee one of the butt if Via t'll wily 'stein Welting When Y" tct101011 in tete i „,hitter ben. wife, oto r yo ova "halt bo t:tzti'i el3. 'Ilh4) petitereal;• who ditlliltr•a3 the A fashionable young miss Teas taken 1 „,onto of thu macho/tie iK ;near the wire tri a miserable footeeet rcegtal:tr sageent &about grog sojis, verdant, silly, miser by her ot niter to the a .ontree find eel. fbrava I)A..Lberftelhy for treatment. The doctor re.'; a knife ander iter belt, t elite girl is obliged to take in washing in preset: -o of her mother, instantly hi "ilea to eltil)p')rt hereof „nil; child- eeverieg it, eon teaclaainling : 'i' sty, ren`,* mad.une, don't you knew Were are np {,uta dislike the name of mechanic, tare of thirty verde of be)'vela ennt'e.n- t oh f `ma who hrothert, are beet well nil under billet girdle. Go hunt'•, ger'ti ` t#remitted i'•er'ertt, We pity any girl who natueefair pla ..send yot1'll have no need! ; it,, 1,,,„„ nt a•ti°aftt, ti t t;,,fi, tea flit .lt It., of a: prescriPtien,' l of a rating meant far lei•ittg a reetirillit'-« n A fair and hn' om New England nil I our ofGod'sIItneltleetnen --the mint airs,one on, Mil hail paned thre�r 11nal,aelde. re.trilled their litioterable taertioitugee of hew •eentty went with tS gentleman, w111, in ve'1l';t ort.•tatures. Vial yo'latter deans yn hall llai'l her marked Iiiaafarce. pillow,let lion, him I, .,,t Lvov aattention, to inepeot the grmvea of her l y ,Dina! men who work for m li, io,;;, for .7ear departetle. After coy*tetnplhtingyo') malt' one of tnlrse sitsys be menial them in tnoalrnful ailencr+, ahomur{unr- en1 te her companion: '.Us, dmmea, you nigh! have been in that row now, if to nit of thief„. Par better to tb'ohaargo 1 the wen -fed pauper, nitre eel 11ie rings. ie9selry, brnzoune ee and polnl1oeity,anet ij you hod only hal as little morn tours t sire to pint' it reotiontt the enlloutl. age,,' ha is1ed, itdantci an,i meheataie. P. T. Barnum says : 'I tell yon, as n Thom anal l;tavo 4i t Orly repented ;rlinavti]hat1, you cen't make animals I their folly who have turned their bnekr dank whiskey. They know tater.' on !omen imluetro . A few years have the N)rrietnwn "herald” says tins '•taught theta m eevero lesson. 0441'.17 *Wm i.; rietelcen. We onee beard a women call one of a Pec nit-stnrcy Por.trxrCsa.s-.1 brace, active, intelti• window to an railed that loot for noar• gent terrier, belonging to a Indy friend, ty ar hnnr leen trying in vein to tin. one day dieeovered a monkey belting. 1,4 the front door, 'Drank again. yon if; to an itinerant organorrinder, seat• Bald are ytln?' And if a hog isn't ,1d upon the bank wiaxil) for heal The thin the ground -1, aid ,elwhat la it and at oneie made a t g M:UN STJ1 T, EXETER. R. TO LET 24R,•4.414S so P, PEI ' �`Ml.i.', Harr', Tooth and Nail RUSHES ETC., ETC., ETC. a, rr,canrr,, �a f� ,)t)1IIN tO L:113O1t.' Rfl 1 .3 1dl :LT �x T EET, F.,X i' T I l,t., Complete 1Etoc NEW and CHEAP FURtIT1U EG LE. to my new tuns, Sprint; stere, I h prices, avid first quail sfatction net eve, foxed The ibis tut asp TRERS FIRE Ilio intn4ereba r S.1;.,rnnPq, wislaeS #� tlaraul� tiro people of 3%ea key, nraal pkcr+lntat a cs hfrb Dan ha, rcveirc:l e;n 4 o un,a+�nn Tutt, ass „d w„a c o b ''n f„r,youtateer A have to large vtt;a.utia to ellT;max r IGHTJ J :wellery„ ” ! Jewel/derv! ! Jewell; CHEAP AND GOOD aitasln7;'4. „nil Jou ,,, aoataa of tvh JUST ItEC IVLD AX THE X E .Tm R GRO AND LIQUOR STO A LARGE STOCK or E. ;11 OMEN, \, .Ifi�7,P ),T, YOUNG HYSON aalt1 BLACK. TEAS, .1 A!SINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, DRIED APPLE CA`ED FRUIT, SARDINES,LOBSTI� RS,. SAL5 O`, , an Thewereanntribtttiug tnwlsr•1a m :haanil;c•y, who was attired In It>alzot antit r1I'rTEIt S.ItrCE AND i'Ia`iir.r.;;, BRANDIES. GINS, WINES ANTI STIMPS. RYE, MALT, it • a "j a ' TEACHERS" i f,' Soo IIusii. AND commas W1'I'iISK1F 3. TtnesCenni Ann (Itian e, nand 1.4r the "lingni'lnment of the heat, airtttted the. onset witlh ouch nn• PU I it., SCHOOL, Zl..lCH 1 S" Wholesale and Rct:zll. disturbed imam J ! f him „ilii' that the dog halt- ed within a few feet o :ins to recon• ware. R d1i nniu)n1s tools o lung, steady stare at nee other, but the dog evidently WAS rtect,vnaing from hie euro prise, anti about to make a spring for ale intruder. At this critical jtulienne% the inonkey, wlio had remained per - The .011" Letter.—A. Coektiep iii- fectly quiet hitherto, reseed Itis paw Clilired at the post „moo the oiler day and graecefully eaaiuted by lifting Ids fur a letter forI?nery Ilogden. e batt. Toe effect watt unigio'1l ; the dog's wen tend there was eons, 'Look 'er@," head and tail dropped, and he sneakedakesneakedtie •replied R little angrily ; You've hex - ermined a llodd letter for my name. It doli't Aomrnenee with a hhandl; it bo• gins with a ho. Look in the ole that's got the 'Smoking in holland,' said a travel - ter, 'is so common that it is impossible so tell one person from another in a (Atom full of smokers. 'How is any tae who is wanted picked nut then ?' asked a listener. 'Oh, is that case a writer goes aground with s pair of bel- lows and blows the buloke from befure each face till be recognizes the person called for. Faet, gentlemen.' �1h,lreh it the other evening ata "ti f �re3t \a�varl; couereR:a• EXAMINATION. Pion. 'I'll onntrihntn Sell; seri one brother, 'I'I1 go $t30 better, mud rntiltei $;511.' slid another brother. And Dieu the fist cnntributnr, in the ex .itelna'aat of the moment, Raid, '1;'il call von ; whet have you got ?' aiN A BROKEN H.EA.RT. A. mn ii1 said to be "red"or "white' with r e. In using these expressions, we ar 1:hysiologicaliy speaking of the nervous eonditioii of the minute Cir,' mutation of a rnan'e blood. '•Iced" rage means partial paralysis of minute blood vessels ; and "white" rage means tom- eporary;enspensiou of tufo action of the piitne mover of the circulation itself. 13ut such disturbances cannot often be Produced without the occurrence of permanent organic evils of the vital organs, especially of tate heart and of the brain. Oue striking example is given by Dr. hiohardton, in the case of a member of los own profession, "This gentleman told me that an orig. inial irritability of temper was permit- ted, by want of due control, to pass in. to o,dispoeitiou of almost persistent or cbronio auger, so that every trifle in his *way was a cense of unwarrantable irritation. Somiaetimes his anger was so vehement that all about him were alarmed for hairy even more than for thenlselvet, ; and wilon the atimoli was over there were hours of sorrow . and regret iu private which were as the prerious rage. In the midst of one of these outbreaks of short, severe mad - twos he suddenly felt, to tiee his own expression;, as if his .'heart were lost," r He reeled under the impression, was rlauseatetl and fniut; :then reeovering, lie put his hand to his wrist, alai dis- bovered an intermittent action of his Leila as the cause of his faintness. Ile A,+tdioants wen pion'so etuo Rainey exnecten in ill: ver e Ix1 .11ytel' ratllied from that spahxoplaesatfott,alsogiro.rcferoucos, WILLIAM 1 iIINSTON, eyoodltani, p, o, m off and entered the honer.. refusing to leave it till be wee satisfied that the polite but mysterious guest had de- parted. Itis whole demeanor showed that he felt the monkey wag some- thing '° annum," and nut to be med- died with. Is the sterns of adversity whistles around you, whistle as bravely yourself: Perham the two whistles may make melody. If you feel an indisposition to exertion, weak nerves, pain in:the back, etc., or aro alfiiotcd with any af- fection of the scaretory orgaus, ase I'•xcronxa Buono and tJvt 'tins/. It improves the digest- ive powers and strengthens trio weakened and. debilitated organs. For sale by all dealers. $1 per bottle. NOTHING Ito good to kill worsts in children ar, Freeman's Worm powders. Andrew Jackson said Napoleon stood alone the man of his time, and that it would be five hundaed years before the earth produced his equal. It will also be five hundred years le - fore the earth will produce a liniment equal to Eagyard's Yellow Cil. For burns, bruises, wounds iku., it cannot bo rivalled. In rheu- matism, neuralgia, spinal complaints, etc., it proves a messenger of mercy. For sale by all dealers. Natioual'Pills purify the very fountain. of life. Fon public speakers or singers. Grey's Syr- up of R• d Sprain Ginn will be found invalu- able iu preventing that dryness of the mouth and threat complained of by those who have used the ordinary cough lozaingers or troches: Iohn Andrew, Esq., Professor of Elocution. Montreal, remarks that it has been of essential use to himself, aurl that he has on many oc- casions induced public singersto use it, who have invariably expressed themselves delighted With its effect upon the voice. Cut this Out—It May Save Your Life. There is no persou living bnt what suffers more or loss ' with Lung Disease, Coughs, Colds er consumption, yet some would die rather than pay 75 cents fur a bottle of medi- eine that would cure them, Dr. A Bosohoe's (woman Syrup has lately been .introducer) in this eountry from Germany, and its wondrous cures astouish every one who trvs it. If you deub what we say in print, cut this out and take it to your druggist and get a aaittplo bottle for 10 emits and try it, or a regular eine for '25 gents. ANTED -IN S.S.NO. 13. BLAN V SHA.1113, a teacher halting a socon!-class sertilloato, Ditties to eolnm,nen go tile rat of January, 1879, Appiinations will be received by the undersign° 1 on *o the 7btle day, of November, 111E Salnli•nnnn'el examination of eeneet•etieaft,rlitbiar, sehont F,'.t'a er. tic,v'un Vitro' rtialcutt'., wiil tet' •n bt to row n 'ef tau tor. it la. cntntntawiug,en Motility, the letat litcember „sink nt 1:1tt p. tn. Perm; of w,to.0 tn be. la•+ei'inue:il• riven by tial. tIo.nd.ieint,'4, cue bo obt,,iva,l tab ulgtfit.1tiun to the seertttarv, anti must 110 returned to 10,10,, pr4' 111.11y titled up ant hater tutu the lees Nutv.tntieer ne,Ct, c-:utdi tato9 are regoirod to forward to the Sec- retary the tacit t my ctertifieetee et heroes lit aching Ulla tuuitl c11 erecter. 1'i•:TI it ADAMSON, Sea iluurd Earl. 0oderieh, net., 3R no. CECDIR HEALER IN GROCERIES,CANNED SALMON,LOBSTERS, SAfDIN ES. CONFECTIONERY.; FRUITS, &L`., &t;, Has always a good and fresh supply,on hand. Also in TOBACCOS, lending brands, CHOICE CIGARS, foreign and house mails, all the boat brands. Gives him a call and you will bo sero to get satisfaction. TOBACCOS ANI) CIGARS, 1YHOLESLE AND RETAIL. Agent for Great Western Steamship Line, New York and Btieetol. REMEMBER THE ADDRESS: SHIP GROCERY and TOBACCO STORE MAIM STREET, EXETER. IiE'NIOVAL! REMOVAL! REMOVAL! MATO VAL REMOVAL! REMOVAL! P. FRAYNi has remove to his now shop, lately occupied by Perkins ek Co—two doors north of J. Grigg's book store, whore you will find everything usually ]sept in a first-class harness establishment, which for quality of material and style of workmanship IS NOT EASILY SURPASSED Galt and examine my stook before purcliesing elsewhere. PETER FRAYNE. DO NOT READ THIS ILL received a lot of new machinery, I would inform the farmers of the sur- rounding country that I am prepared to manu- facture all kiude of Rorse Rakes, Borley Forks, Grain Cradles, Snaiths, etc, and having secured the services of a first-class Tamer, I ani prepared to do ALL KINDS OF TURNING on the shortest notice; and for style and price I defy competition. Always on heed n first- olase stock of Fork and Shovel harulles,- Mill, half a mile south of Exeter. A. C0T'.K,G. G. .rl, :N.LEA, 01 tfaiuStreet,Exneter, Iurga foz' 'ilea Sign. lel" TIIE Piano and. Seurinm Machine t rrHE LARGEST AND ]ZEST STOCK O1' .1. Silverware, China and veif ever seen iu the west, at Z. 'i7�9S STC�i-�. Mr, Drew has just received an excellent stocker Silver Tea tietts,Butter Conlers,Donbleand dingie Pickle Cruets, Cake Baskets, Card Beceivers,Cona- mouton Setts. ote.,ofthe Best QuadrupleandTxiple Plate, and is offering the satueatrrice° that wauld ASTONISH YOU FOR CHEAPNESS! FIe has just opened out a new and complete as- sortment of China, Glass and Stonewares. A large stockof Lampsjust arrived. Call and satisfy yourself as to quality and cheanoss. Come and try our instruments, Music Teacher still en hand. Services at lowest figurea. Special 13ttontion called to the Raymond Sewing ifaehino. Organs and Pianos unsurpassed for beauty of design, and quality of tone. E. DREW. THE NATIONAL POLICY • Having triumphed at the polls, ISAAC CA.RLING Is prepared to give all his customers tno benefits 'that will ncorue from its adoption, and has on hand alarge stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines ana Liquors, Crockery, Etc., At his Store, 1Vlaiu Street, Exeter, which will be sold at which will be sold at prices unheard of under Free Trade. The farmers of the surrounding country will find it to their ad. vantage to sell their produce without paying market fees, on the Exeter market,which is second to none in the west, and then call at the store' of the s'z•bscriber and Secure Immense Bargains there to be had in Overaoaitirig, Fitll-cloths, Broad -cloth Doe skir1a, Silkw, Wi.noeys, Dentines, and everything waded in the Dry Goods line. The Grocery Department ve.ornl? � ,rComplete. An inspection. invited, � '.t. nl)le $d Ahow goods ISAAC CA.RLINGI �Cl t t`7