HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-11-28, Page 51 ovEubHR 28, 1378 'TR UN E FA THE TIMES THORNE kt FAR Try the STAR GROCERY for Teas, Coffees, New Raisins & Currants,Sugars, Groceries. Just received a large consignment of fine Wines & Liquors, Viz., Cham et, Old Port, Sherry Cognac, 3randy,Rum,Sootch and.. Irish Whiskey, Canadian A full and general stock of Flour & Feed always on hand. Red Sign, Main. Street, Exeter Red Sign, Main Stre TIME '.CABLE, L. U.S B. 11 0t)1No. No&T)1 Nixed 8.05 a. in. za til .. 3.35 p. m. I.::pr...s 4.35 p. m. 0011rO St)ratr. TS SHOES The Largest Stool, The Greatest Variety THE EX.ETEB AN STOVE `I .i a — The Best Value in all IIS Subacribnr begs to announce to the if:habitantsof Exeter aril trr that he has o a not TIN and rex' • , - ; A. "Iasestxrocery et'— Liquor store, .slain street. Exeter, where he is p for S.•49 a. na, 1It e•l.. .. 2.50 p. na. Exprels 5 p. nt. t,ar..sac SALE REGISTER'. t :lza tl;. i)t•dsv;)ber :3. ---Tann, 11nrth half 4+i 4....', v •!1, sl., a:t•plte:l, tete teropt;r: y of A e rant, 5.11,) to bike Ialaeo at O. „o',, 1t.,tt•l, Pasha-.lu,l. Il Unit, routs. Tut'stt:;r. ikecte:i:er 17.—Ch eco factory,1 nd, IO ,ee:,trt, ex., the _property of :i. 4 J. S )' :i•r,1•et 10, con. a, Stephen, L'tilttga 4.f Ci.•.t:tun tlotigson slugs, comity 4taw,ton, i• 1.. —to Langston, �Iieh., on the 18tkt tht alio of 91r. O. II. Sant, , form ::1y •)f Exeter, of ft Sun. DIED. 1 tt1Ex)..- In Kensington. ou the •23rd in,C, Mary ,i;,i..' Mutt, dangittt•r of Ur•, 1; t. avow flout, of Exeter. au•i Wift. of itr, dor t u s+ Fitt.111 1''tI gteulr;• .rd'.3RKI T! W1111.V, . iV lofty '. heat ... ... Stott ..• .•. 5*1UN(i w AT lire ... ... ... till ilttrl:•y' ... ... ... tats ... ... ... x'oas ..• ... ... Jat}:d ., ... ... iittttrr .•. .•• .• floor Per 1,1114 .. ... Potettur.., In r ieag ... ... ... Apples. pc: bug... ... 1)ratdtpl•t,er l.r b .. ... ... 111411,: 4l.cree t rcr J00 ... ... , ltt,t h)atu•pp).ins,Niel, .., ... ... Htty pier te:u .., .. ... <ltnnua l:tr bu51t ... •,• ,., 1 and ••, . 14'm4F,per U. .., 0 $o to 14 ::! Turkey,J , . ,.., 0 ter, to 0 C tactso kinds of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Overshoes, and .Veit Gootl5,is try, p d row, DEPOT 1n the store • �AeN. 9S, Haim sit. Exeter, whose store is leterltlly crowded from top to bottom. with every 1' scription of the a'•,)ove goods. Sweeping, reductions have been made, and it behooves all to see wh:.=re their money will go farthest. Men's Sioga Bots, $1.65 per ,4 Kip 4t 2.G0 44 44 Clump sole 2.65 1.4 Knee Boots, 3.10 4 "atiai1A,tn calf Boots 2.90 44 44 44 par, 44 44 14 44 (dee those Doe Packs at $1.85 per pair. Bay's B' & ts, $1.3!$ per pair, 8.'1to0v, 44 44 1.50 s4 41 tll ;2, w a, 4 t Knee Toots, 1.90 44 44 0 (.i< tat 0 1�;,; 44 4 4 : 4 ot3:toe7:. 1j11 al1G'eI Boots, QQ 0 40 to / ito 41 .t1 tot a,'�,+ A job lot of Men's Carpet Slippers,at 5.1o. per pair. 1!4'itn^µ, 010 to 1; 15. nfwt0014 404 to4:fa • 0:,0tilo,3 Hama Sewed Calf Boots, $3.50 par pair, CD to 1 ,tV 014, t. 044 44 Pegged, 44 44 3.85 ,( (1 44 ,4 Chirp Sole 4.00 41 4, MEN'S CAr 1? BOOT:.;, . 1 ri400 :..e1 o •t Mn 5 Ito to t1 ill 24 to 0 75 i 40 to A 141 0 50 to 1 oil fri to 0 10 011 to 111.: Ducks, per pair..........—...........,........ 14 411 to a at UENS.111. dlArltE.TR, ....tt wheat ............................... g 444 0) 80 }ed whet tt .... ,. 0 $1 to 0 8... "wing 'tiLoat ................................ 4..4 i to n K2arla.y ....... 4150 to n 03 iet8 .... ........ t+ 3rl to (1 ,'.) 0 its .............. .... 0 23 to /4 181/1 4 Hutt•4 .‘811111.8 ..4 ... .............................. 5 110 to - :11 ../.00pO hillJi.. . .. ........................... •. 11 75 t.. 1 1111 lioJ a 4 (i to 4 .10 3,Ilttei............. 1s; ...... .. •110 to o Y' � "nutnn}' 1\ ue2• 0 22 40 t: 21 ST. It t1:r s • (Reported re ;•ti•trly by A. (i<albraith,(iiorh, Delhi wheat, ler bushel .... 0 8a to 9 91 Spr'n$ .:u.at..................................... 0 :5 to 0 82 Battey 0 40 10 0 09 peas 0 444 0. 0 :.7 Ditto 4) 20 to (i 2.4 0 70 tn 0 $0 :Apples " 0 40 to 0 85 21e:ti per lh 0 03 to 0 03 \Cotton •• C 05 to 0 t,0 Poral oar oat 0 00 to 3 50 2'1•16r, per dozen 11 14 to 0 15 I}ntter.... ............ .............. ... ....... 010 to 0 14 Hay................ ...... ...... 8 1.0 to 9 00 AN -4)01 t) 2S to 024 aheuj kit:v 0 40 to 0 71 1'utat4>,.4 1,or lutlt...... BEATTIE c•:s sILIC 'WARM -1.013M L0\ DUN:, You will.find the Largest as- sorrtlnent of Silks, Millinery Mantles, Dress Goods, Kid Gloves, Laces, and all kinds of lFancv Dry Goods. 'qr Mantles and Dressmaking 7r unser the , management of - a Lady of long experience. Lad- ies can depend on getting the latest and most Fashionable Styles of the Season, at Mod- erate Prices. Wedding and Mourning Out- fits got up on the Shortest No- tice. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention, E TTIE C i R 140 Dundas St, London T XE'.it1�Ii KNITTING FAOTORY. J The undersigned would inform the public of EseCar(tad sulk'teielingcoi3,ntrythat :hehas re- 111oyed his linittlug 'aotury'to the `)uitt iug 0n• ((ocr 11011,11 '0M, 0 , 10 liatrd Davis' 131acllsinith Shop and that he vivl•heop,1oustautiv00 hwntt, Gents, Ladies' aud..Ghildi'en's 8toeltings bfeyery:ilesclip-., tion. Patties Inayllav0 their atoCltiltgs, )44itt$,alt. haft to mdur on the shortest not14e. .A. large 8111)- ply of Berlin wJlol of every color on hand. I ing.r-. lug yarn kept 10 stock. Also .e large stock of the 1,091 (.%anadian b"toolditg yarn kept coroitttltly baud. Price for knitting 11101('8 .44)0138, 12A ,Dents, 1.11)108' stockings 1.4 cents, children's 12i allots per pair. W, A. (.AiN)'IlILD, 111cintro'e old stand, Main street, Exotor. t5.3m, Men's hand sewed French Calf Boots warranted solid Leather, $4.25 per pair. 'All work that I warrant, will 14 repaired free of charge. Have you. ever done business wit1. me, if not, wi.at is the r'eson. " Ladies will please bear in mind I keep constantly French and American Kid Button Boots, in half sizes.. See the '4 Prixa.oess 740113.,S2'3" and 'th "Ale= azra.dria" iA.e :- adaed'ia,r (Remember I sell cheap. Ladies' Prtillella Gaiters, 45 cents per pair. Ladies' Carpet) Slippers, .55 cents perpair. Ladies' Kid Slippers, $1 1 • per pair. Ladies' Plush Slippers, '„l; ,00 per pair. 00 pairs woolen's Leather Lace Boots at 90 cents. 180 pairs woolen's Leather Lace Boots at $1.10 cents. EEEP YOUR EYE ON THIS. Men's Overshoes, $1.1240. per a4 ]fanny Overb11oes 1.25 " " Rubbers 55 " Heavy- Felt Boots 2.50 Ladies' Rubbers, (88c. per pair. " Over8lioes, 00 44 e4 Ladies' Buttoned Overshoes. $1.12o per pair. Do you wont Overshoes, Rubbers, or Felt Gaiters In Men's, Boys, Women's Misses' and "..3iiildreu's; if se, see my thor3nghly assorted stook, it will repay you. " pair. C. 4• IC JOHN KLINE. opposite Central Hotel, Main st.leet, Exeter SPFCIA 1 THIS WF � �K AT SAMWELL 8c PICKARD'S • BLACK CASHMERES N ew makes, COLORED CASHMERES New shades, FRENCH TWILL DRY GOODS Choice goods, MILLINFJRY & MANTLES. The choicest goods ever shown by 115 CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER b'y first-class Norkn)on, and a at guaranteed. Also a fine assortment of READY MADE CLOTHINGr CON•ST?.1.N'TLY ONHAND. CAIRPETS 110,.,. NEIN PATTERNS. A filet -class assortmo,.4 of •alcor Broreries on hand. In- spection invited, itomsmber the place. SAIIWELL& PICKARD. Exeter, Out, Cook, Tailor and otter AtManufacturers tinware, cheaper than the cheaper workmen ou tht Grow-Trougillug 40,10 to order,. Carriage Plat vary best 11141 1102) Intruding purchasers will al..4 a iind ins as my and prepared a all titans to OW customers eourteo to .)ct i4) u. l)epentl upon is dot nowhere eau you g. hhe very highest price int Cash pe ill for Exeter P 0, October 15 1877. Facts for the Po OF EX1:TE' i A P Si ltllt}CN1)INti COUNTRY att 1t lQ1M E Tl:n (ireelt i)r), (4'o1i ltotaiter3 of I. teabei, Out., intro flecrile,1 to 01(40.450 tbie 'trl,el•.• tli.ir iulua•t1;,e bultuuas. In the pass, t`ioy wit';! mbar ton len rehanta thnagbt that a large Laciness coal at, , be do without loving ttidiscrtluitibtu . .. B. Powvell &, Co. barn now determined. aft*r due d.•liberoti-'e% to diaanntivae the ere.:it part of tl eir l a. co le: a. string 413 they will, Ftncily to this rule, a'i onoof their eaft+ b4t..one+144,)1'aenroo, VOW vitt bo c•nao1( d tope 044) inr)tll t:1e}r lurch:e t,. Tutt tl„tu'ut•1 from witolt'3u1•• .do11tflet,in a.t lar;.• **3 ,.)54, Wtuou loftvllutagu will enable them 51144)44 Weft g04)als atoll at tsr.tine 4 w t,dt.4nle mkt •.. To f'unllioslir}nghome tliot'tnen from 1.02.501,, Sirs. wean say iltat ,`ori will save, +' t n'i V 81 least. item 10 to 15 yet cent.lev t0atkin•; your pttrobt4,41 tram Mem. Tt:ii great rasing loll 'ay rho 0xpenaus four times over, wbielt you way Incur by coming to Loudon, oi:t)urbytrunvey an . ,43 31x)1 way. t, 1+3 • , 1 Their st 18k18kof n•cdo, forvntnme or quality unegnalteel in Ontario. Tion store c�rrr, t . 3.'t:c+ of a whole bl o43,Ir,or. loon, b:e to t•arho,t its. Boob of the tour ft.tts of the outir' bran;,+ r'nlne ono or tin, 110pn4'nort t. of ilia, bultncas ortor .alauufaetur)na l)ttrlstll,c:s, Their at .a to 11,Jri tht',.eoillu by attention to bot sinews. GOOD Ili: SIN15$5 Irl It '1: 3. Oar house has rISen in a very few yearn from a small r.4o*il sto one of the largs,t in Western Ontario. A call en us will be made Profitable to purchasers. Sept. 18, 2m A.. PLOW 11314 a Co., 131 Duntlaa st., throu4lh to 15; Carling rt. 0141)0site 'Maisons 0.tn20, LONDON, T)RY 000DS AND R113 C AT RIES 4/ LOWEST CASH PR CES! AT IficCLELLAND 'BR® 9 SEE THOSE $12 SUITS! Made to Order. Furniture a r; d Undertaking. S.FA11RBATRN has on hand at Hensall as largo and as handsome a stook of FiJRNITU1i.11 as eau be found i» any establishment in Huron, all of whieh he IS ,PREPARED TO SELL CHEAP I UNDERTAKING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Hating procured a Handsome hearse. ho is prepared to 'attend to UiiUERTAKING•, On the Most Reasonable Terms. In connection with. the Under•taking,Iitteintss, ho -uses the Anti -Septic k'1t3i1I, which 'preserves hu body un.l 4108t.oys all unwire o.l,)ra, an.l ll.380lit9 contagion arisiog from detvl1)031100. A. cal 1.0quo ttnllysolieited, S 1,741 „tp., 7 TRIT, 1