HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-11-28, Page 44
The Molsons Bank.
(pita, $2$000,000. Rest, $400,000,
ztan. MoLsON, EFQ., - • - • - President.
Ross Ilimas WelrnMAN, s - Viee-Pres..
T 01.4.NioN, Vee -Pres San Mutual Ins co
lion P LAEsepleerson.Seeeter,
t W Shepherd, Pres Ottawa Diver Wavle Co
c Nelso, M P 1. Lde8 Williams,
Woll.VEAS7.:AN Thomas, ESQ., C ashier.
UNA,TON. Esq... - inspector.
they fail to oerne up to the expecta-
tions whish the reasonable electors --
not those who :are fault-finding in ad-
vance—were led to entertain.
The election just past presents to
all Canadian politicians a lesson from
which they eau derive valuable instruct
tion, It teaches them that the peopl
are not prepared to go as, far as the
were expected in the support of part
and it teaches them that iniquitou
:Exeter 'Branca L. transactions will not have the veil 0
bzterest alhx:red ea tkgesits. Gold mid currency
MAN46131: 1 obscurity cast over them, but that th
drafts bought an.laohl• Sterlingilsehange bought doers of evil will meet with pnuishment
etas sold
LOANS TO FARMER. Miff. and sure at the hands of an iu-
MoneY 041".atwed ta farmers oneasy terms, ontheir diffhilllit people. This shows a pleasing
t-tY. prstnt,d8s:ry UAW with oneor mere geed on- •••• • •
derseri. No mortgage
eoneettsee wade in erenqiereerds ae,spnot of mdependenee—not incompat ces rat
ible with the possession of party prin-
ter: refavromptiy remitted en lowest es of
essismge.cp1eseither----and from its growing
osoter, segest 10th 1878. 6-m t
power we augur much good for the
(country in all time to come,
s.scraL „..),reter
THE 1,01140H ilekei Useris growing
No.v.E.nitER is7,8 very generous of tete. It says the
:Opposition in the Assembly may have
— " Mr. Morris for leetler if they eitinee
liLLP DOWN TUE EXPENSES. 'This ie sefeeshing, put it wield haw
looked better if our cuitentporary had
It matters not which of the two great 0` waited nail its assent to the proposal
114 UI parties holds tire roles of Gov- was wit;e1.1. ,rhe generous editor must
torment in Canuda, the PeoPie bo f ot tailor!,
pay the taxer' have a right to dementl i who coone ocommenced n. eeiebrated .dthe threeTooley Streit oetuneut run th .1' t '
- -
pomp is not. But our readers, we
fancy, will accept our word for it when
we repeat that our contemporary did
use grossly IDSIlifing lemon° when
speaking of Farrow. They will
- not ask us to indict the article upon
e them, an innocent people, in order that
our word mey be placed beyond the
8 peradventure of doubt. They will take
f our unsupported word rather than sub-
s mit to the torture of reeding the proof.
If arrant hypocrisy has bronght „our
contemporary to such a position in the
estimation of his readers that he eau.
not make an assertion and expect to
have it believed without supporting it
by a "before God declaration" from a
theinterested party, that is no reaeou
lefty lie shook! expeet his neighbors to
become involved in the consequences
which tIft sit sf " withrithe
" truth" have tntailed upon binieelf.
• No ; leo ; Tut: Taws can be de
• petaled oe. "IS idle sled that lie omit=
up tu usoe; 'he batiolantruage tower&
oureelves, but eorry that the relaxing
toile of hie besetting ern eiroull have
pavented hint bout ineking a full aud
11,eoh_ilith as little eneusei11z ti wr2e,". We, the reople
eistent with the efficient dieeharge of:
the public aervice. It is natural toren . A REPOIMI contemporary away up in
times are good, money plenthtl, prkee Blui,4a says that the entering of a
high, ana everything serene. tied carte
1•Iti6".4) against the return of " 'M. C.
hostels:1 should neural the pl.ceo of ; conteroo, (4. i8 an act
IOU. it, is tit) 11941, , Riga by sroteLidera
re rot is, be expetsed that Govermeseurs dovs Ito moos e whore eto
ti -
au be guatel 1 tcoresinio formulae s!st his iet,eosetio , ? LLtt,hould
Ine;private iedivideals diteesotrd. jusgloset until be tows tIo eet.
But the (hues aro th't allwaYs Rt."11- '‘,.lence, of which the people in Brueseis.
,1 tni'f: n-101 nhlw. 1:11,10 Wijiti (of Leos.
u,a t.vilits, are not expected to ktiow
efilY "514£qr-Imr4'0:ery much. Mier thut, opfnioh
.e.eopitte c.i.f.-5,ton that he treed the
word, Li ittiger w Mega the blight.
t4eiutow of justWea:ther or (mouse.
we mu t counuend the ouud judgment i
whielt possessed him in uriting the
conclueieu of it week'e impotent
itidy, which t t : Wo shall take
good eo•tooto i- terfero with him
•* i ir4 about the wieeel
eotti.1 arrive At.
1140::tivy tedlixhaltib pull eilezillUttiunt
tot tht. titt• non. than uneo.
bg,, w;1 the ostiook has Leen growing would bo entitled to feie euesideration
GLA.Stei OW !
blucher ever eittee. ROrt'110.1thlt.Tt so long as it wail in nen,,rd with com.
the leoler of the day everywhere, in the
untaisions of the weeithy and the cotta. •
gee of the poer. Every unnecessary: OPE rs/316681$ brother, anxious to Ili;
1 WM the hill of exPowe is ent down noticed, sonde us it copy of his lata
without second thongitt in order to, iesue, in which a reference. to Ter
3"hke a `;aviug toted k"P even with tl:o Times and rorter i marked round
woad. Baas, stook enntrahh,e, and and round 'with a bine lend pencil.
m fact corpora:ions of every kintlare That's right. The editor hits a proper
appreciation of his awn SlIket, and
knowing that people accustomed to
seeing it week after week Inver reed it,
In the matter of expense for centine- has wisely taken the precaution of
tine the tasks of the country, Cana& marking, ostentatiously the paragraph
nue are uufortu ante. The coets are out to which he wishes our attention dbet-
uf all proportion to the beuefits receiv- ed. Ile quotes poetry, tote but docen t
f:d. The burden press( e too heavily glee the author's IMMO :
011 Ut IltS) pie to 1/0 long borne without •
murmuring. In frond times \V0 A little leuruing is a ilang"rous thine;
Drink deep, or touch not the Pierian spring."
not notice .tins burden ;
phichiug pangs of poverty which te-hthe
ghees hie paper is sufficient to
are the natural accomparnment of coot -ince the reader that the last prop.
pinebiug times have thrust the impala- oeition in the couplet has hem studied
table question of expense prominently by him with diligence. However, for
the infor
before the people. This .unpleasant matiof the .m Brussels gentle -
condition of affairs demands the dos -man we nute here stete that Mr. Par -
est economy in,the public service. Tile ter is riot "again astride the editorial
Macket,zie Government persistently tripod of the Exeter TIMES." and never
refosed to cut down the expenses, and was, notwithstanding the insinuations
that' our Seaforth contemporary saw fit
were ig orniniously expelled from oftice,
thns meeting with the just fate de-
reauded :by their refusal to conform to
falloe hes suit. Why, then, should not
Ottveraments be in &Alan too ? Why
not lop it' the useless twigs ?
in his peculiarly manly way to 111aliS
few months ago, on the strength, we
believe, of information furnisi ed hhn
the necessities of a contracting trees- by..that very reliable person, Mr. Thos.
u -y. Of Sir John 'Macdonald's A..tit eenway. I3ot should Mr. Porter at
any time"desire the use of onr editorial
oolumns we shall be only to happy to
accommodate him, and shall ask the
approval of no one.
Ininistration thus far no fault CAD be
found consistent with renew,. They
here dismissed several unnecessary
servants ; aud we learn from the. prin-
cipal exponent of the views of the Gov-
ernment thal: all the Departments will
be thoroughly overhauled and every
siuecure wiped ont. That is what the
ouroctry stands in need of, and Sir
John's protnnt compliance with the
demand for economy which was so nee
iniqtalcebly implied in the startling
result of the recent election will com-
mend the veteran statesman Dna bi
Government to the increased conli,
dence of lbe people. There must be
o, deviation from the policy initiated.
Every party fresh from success at the
polls no doubt i pressed hard by
4. desiring an deserving" h iends, axitl
. often gives way I o importunate imp( •
• Oun Seaforth contemporary again
der ies that it ever abused Mr. Farrow
or anybody else, and with a whole-
souled liberality not often met with in
these hard timee, offers to pay our way
to Seaforth and back and treat us to
syetere, champagne, cigars and other
" inctulgences" which are well known
to censiitute the daily regimen of a
blue-blooded Tory editor. and throw iu
a gouct day's wages to bout, if we will
only examine tlie fileg of his raper jr
nine' years (wk. Horrible, horrible. If
be had asked ns to walk barefooted ten
tniles throngh ripe thietles or to listen
to one Of lthi ;ornate' speeches on the
trade question, we might have given the
.enniusity ; but there ean be no excuse proposal our hest consideration; but to i
PT Sir John igitedonald casting a sup ask us to wede through Moe years of •
to Cerber us. He is strongly in trenched the Esi.positm.--it's awful, fearful, an
the conficlenee of the people. lie outrageouS proposal that only the Most
ihas an over svheithiug majority in Parchabo1i,a1 ingeonity could invent. \ine
aim-neut., an.'11 bailee, in the interests of liors? I Whew I We prefer tinick
the e.oentry. cost .fortenatelv ufford to before slow poison. Dear rerelers,
11pp:eel:tie-at their true valite the servi- 'assist to groan in' anticipation of the
cps of members 1,ho May will to 1)111(0 agony 2 We'll stick to the parsplirases
their enpport coeditionalu:be dintio- in tbo Scotch service.. They are well
iebing of the exeenditure trturing (be written, wuiele we wiebt ield for the
coming year will be expected of the 1,if.0.0Jation of those who have fortun-
Government, and woe betide them if ately escapsd reading it, ous co1!ceal-
Royal mall Steamships,
Win 41.11 "Coot 0o1,er7. 821 ntest TiaVingO.rol
Olt 81(41 Ortfot'st are I gelato
o other %.1alitio 1.11.e. vat.' being;
1.111e.1hol1e I...patronized by all rainetiens. er
eurt.eulats to missitgo er Native et wting. for
their Vie ale, (*11:17 to
CAPT. 0. KEMP, Exeter.
1878.) ZALL. (1878.
White e-4. Corr
(suceeesors to G. B. Smith) s
choice Lbws in
and selling at prices to attract the closest Cash
We have always been conspicuous for having a I
complete stock in both Flannels and 111 inkets
every useful make. We invite comparioun here
with anything In the market. 1Ve have never
been enabled to offer such bargains as now.
At no time in the hiatory of the trade hove
these goods ruled so low as tbey do at the pres-
ent men‘ent, and WO are satigfled that no com-
munity in t'ue world can bo so cheaply or better
clothed than the movie of Oituadu to -day. Daily
exporieuce convinooi all that White. & Co. are
hard to beat in those gools.
We have intimate knowledge of what is requir
ed. The production of all the best makers are op-
en to es.
Gentlemen will find us up to our usual stand
ard ot excellence, assortment, variety, value anti
novelties. White Dress Shit ts a specialty, a full
rauge of sizes of 011011 quality a tid prlee. No stone
will be left unturned to make this a eueoo.s.
are extMmely good. We do not think any class
of gouts has suffered 80 severely at they have
done. Wo continue to show the slum extensive
varieties iu Sheetiues, Shirtiugs, Dneks, Denims,
Tickings, Cotton Yarns, 41iits cottons mud
Prints. prices make our friends.
Buyeas of these goods will and it to be to their
advantage to look through our very frill and at -
ti active stock. We we, as tb rule, su.nionsfi.1-in 00 -
tattling the correct thing it, styles, novelties,
makes and eelerhigs in .111 usefel and seusenahle
fabrics, We are lo a oosition to Servo satisfac-
torily the most el 1 versified tastes. It is /aid lace es.
eery to mention ow Ulla Mantles, they
speak for theineetves. Nethittg bends up a trade
like entail. profits with quick retnr...4.
We respeetfully iuvit fateution nf' buyers to
careful curoparisoi of our prices with any other
retail:house in the Dom hue We assume Mere
are butleW families, if there are any m the eon, -
mutate. into which our boobs thud shoes IMO 0.114
(((81(01 enter. We eau mita cOntidenee recommend
them to give general sateefoctiou8
1(10)1 ooliergy and capacity neiter: never
complaie of 1. lird times, and are theft) seivai the
1844 0444(1* in, their respective iiistrrolit..
.A friendly ca.* exteeded te oll easterners.
WFIIUE (ctr, Ou-
eriuneseui d 10 1
St. Ma-yri.
K 4 on the premises of the subscriber, lot ST,
concession 14, Ray. about the first of Anglist. a
.red. and white heifer, apparently three years old
The owner will please,pay expenses and take it
away. ;ft/SEIM RA116E100.111.
. .
ll 4 the premises of the subscriber, lot 20, °en -
cession 7, 1;4mm°, a ram lamb. The owner is re-
quested to prove property, pay expense/3mM tete
it away n . MARQUIS.
- - —
.1.-4 from lot 8. concession 6, Stephen, about the
middle of August, a S year old steer. red. with
white spot on forehead, a• -el a few white spots gat
theboo.c ; also about the first of jun.x, 2. yeeiling
heifers, ararlv all white, A suitable reward for
their recevery, MOLD STAIIL. eretliton p o. 1
QTRAYED.—Came 0!) to thepremie-
1....., es of the Snit$eriberp int 7.00M,V1*itm1 7, Town-
ship of Stetphen, on or about the 24th of Oet•der.
a three years -1,1 steer. Ties own, r is requested
to prove property, pay AMtleneeti and Ole the tIn.
:In 1,1 aWitV. WI CALLPAS.
Stephen ';ior. IL I1.78 tit
fs.;11:1.t AYE D.—St rayed from tile prem.
1,10s of the Subseriber. on lot 26. eon 7. I -s.
!mane. five spring calves, one white heifer, out.
rel. heifer. cite grey steer2 At a steers : ;say vera..a
114.1 will give snub itaternietion as will lend
t• the reeevety of Vie sena:. Will hO suitably
nut Larded. IiIVEIAltlx fA101.71-1.
A. -4 from the vrentiacs of the extbseriber l at 7.'
5. StophOn. Pit *VI Of °et...CH.4. lont, three ...prim:
ealves. tuft of 01.10 bein-rs, and to.. other a Mill.
One o. tbe heifers. is grey anti red, the other i•-•
red. L'.1o! =11 it. al i.1 reds Alti pOOV,O. ph -LW
inforv2lctiO13 that will 1.1114 to their ICONIvery. -.. ill
snits !awarded. 31.1.TTREW WINED, Croat-
tim P. O.
-voncE, — THE couNeri., oF
A /J. the, VOrpOrtitiOn of the Ccanity of hater
sell meet in the town of (lederielt, on Tamils"'
Me last of December next PETER ADAM:40N.
Limier:iglu Nossenher 21,1878. Co, Clem
"Knowledge rather than Choice Go/d."
soneysseron shit ALL..--Atms.me. Comason
tts,1 UsivetedrX, lielleville. Ont. Ft .18.1, 1N:'5•
rollfrioto of stodv and examinabon for Metric -We -
tion m University, rourse•i fi,r w.f.'s. rs' ecrtill•
%ter., firs-rratarlielexels for all 4r1+ 'la Stnillellti
l.4.3)tUtttreita Colicile first-class. Teb•grephlext-
dusield ..1,r,,- %h e..mplet.s, Ale s3tS' iy.zt 1oth.1.10
[..o.lo.ti, /Mani tael Tuitiint onlv --'111 It r ammo.
Winter bean beeins. -km '.l, S'eril* tell Ill. -11'rli
le. l'iresifars,A;e., sent sx-ee 1," eldres 'dig Pref.i--
Ittit J.II.Jaques, It. 1 A. Belle. alle, •h;L.
(nsolvent Saie of ',EcaltDebts I
A.,- TT CT 1: 0 N ,
ne beef: &.1'.O .it'* and 3tA1fralt alti. h4.
eingltig to the III•402v Olt Oat Atit ..f aibmi 1•11.-.w., of
.:.xcter.em000toe. t e,..4.'s.14 xl• ,-q palmi e•ottrit..
CinUO 8,411 in' P xbfie Aurtio..,/t PliEW'S Ili ll LI.
'actor. mu FIIIPAY. 1')''::*' .11 oth. 314N. s'll 4
114xerit. p. in.
Any accounts abets? Mil mei/lvtil bo Sold
A list ortio AN:mutts mar be ittsoee.ted and al!
'articular.. Milt.), apish,. lam VI W.U01,4180N,
se- r Ircors or to ri. i,:. NELL1.14.
fore:Won, Pa. g illviaiabsmnre,Lenaon: out.
. .n.,:i .. ,
..f. .r 1, .:,.
t ‘",.. tt, 1 , :
'''' ;,,. ;
.., , ,...,,..4...1,.., -:.'''',•.4,14' •
,. ...v.. .
r=Wil.,_,., .4- ' "*.'7,74,*'..1, '‘ • '
"°....,..••••••:-...4c...--• ' ...: . •
Having coninieneed business for the
Fall andWinterTrade
re, ar(1 prepared to ptireliase any rplalitity of
Pork, subject to the following, regulation;:
Co will take off two pormas Per hunilrea. if
ry. and one pound if lea. Moabr stuck.
wenty-five eents. If any of the hong gut is
left in, 25 501115 extra will he deatictod.
ro pork will be bought at any price if
—AN D--- --
Pork Cuttings f
on hand at reasonable
Te want all Eogs Cuttings right through
resat to bead, and Hams opened ont to toil. c
G. 86 X. PET TY.
ix dozen. just opened to -day. 7he best (
, . ,
ratite /A Me market. 1
. I
Also a large and well -selected stook of Gent's I
?locket ,
liand.k6f rehiefs
. Al THE
110ETEP, , HAT, CAP, AND1.1
. , . . .
. .. i'
. .
t'zvNr.) i. 5 tho Stand—Next (Loot to I Kline's Shoo
..re, igne. (,'site Central. 110;61. Exeter
NoitmisEn 28 1878
Be sure and get (g.4.t..ktiie W.D. Mc-
. .
Gloughlinwatchi.'.1..y14You wilIIiaVe
no other atter:.,:f..e.V•ciseeing them
All whoWeir them recoin- it-th7R.
(*ntd and liver.Ls3ie1.11.11(1 (tentlantt•Wit sizes
77 Dunits,s street,fenele 1 see the tostinie)(iels
The largest. het cued, ex,..,-,pcste ce,f; et
Jewelry, (leeks. silver...Aid Plated Wan-, Palley
ir. Province. 711 171. .ring
every description
W. D.
77 lineages st. T.enl4011
717011. tin..1.t., •
Get an Accident tiscitet or xeses 1,0110i -in the
Leal Agete.". or railway Ctatien.
Is pis pared to do all Mints of
House Painting, Puper-bauging
at.remonablepriet Saha pane: 'tally.
J.10 :Ulm), fit
Michigan Lands'
For infoueitt IA concerning the
PINE AND FArarc Lamm
in t'l-S1STILNL. 51/111141 ‘N, tor en l coo :4 1
wad Per: Marquette Laileny ttenerrt.y, 11.1 l c
W.M. L. WEBBER, lettid Confr,
JUDGE reR '''". 1'21
?sew er toes ate, ixeir, you nil
yetatim noel .1 come.
YOUR6E1F. .4 ' 7
0314.41 or v,lte, with mane and 'anti, 417 loartiaite
WI, re i4 W. Ha •Iratrer 1*o:1oif's,
Look 1/ers, 27 lovel."-. Isted.s, 117144 h. . - e.
vies of. photo Vist.dx.,,ie. Sainte ,,,,, ,OV. 1444,
Pt.IfItT.Naessei, S. V.
-17 A DAY tu ste,,(11~ ...ts.rts..w.ing for Um
Yuresun: visoron 1'111114 MI Ott*
/211 1174(0, Acl tress P. (4, VI( li eil,V,
Avignsta. Maine.
Rh mum', jr e. Out- I
- at io et$.. VANN :coral N.7
25Vtrtritt,c.148:qpil ('02('02/4'-,nue:tof, 1.1 ewers &,
ri.t.t.e, :0 c, ::ILS•st :Ora 00.
Nelson. N 'I
• Stylps of Pails. le 0. 1.) •1* ,orool Pard -4, 1 n•
• cth, %lira Muth .211 lins1e.I.Nas1.tit
rvnixed ra"•18, wit!. Awls t;
outtmt lit ets, t'll :satoilill 74 7,
Valley rar.1 wane. leesie,to gold.
Agent'e outfit...We' LAI 0t31e144. /lull J4 Co,,
lancena N.
ewspaper .1.1g ertiefint Sprure st., Is.
you WAIL any of the following it wi1l. pay you to.
ei0.1 et
Whew you earl pOreht.SO Ot hcttom Inlays Axes, saws, ch ilia, Ithro. Can neg. )4m,
Pair0i1, Glass, Plat., re wits, ffinges.Nails,
I.1me, Belts. Serews,Table and poerost oat-
lerv, Gurd's make of theis, Revolvers,
Powder Shot, Cart!. Seisstws,
Spoons, Spades, Shovels,Manure
and other Perks. Gratia
Scoops, Scales, Bird Ca-
ges,Seeend Growth Indian
mailo Rieltory Axe gaieties, Me-
chanies' Tose:» Apple Pourers, Sad
Irons, &once] I otters to mark your
beet, Wheel Heads, WoVO Wire, 1. tehaS,
1100103,.StapICS, Perm and School Belle, Iron
tel Lead Pipe. Lame Masses, Itazers, Lanterns
Coffee and Paint Mills. Paint Bsushes, Swinge.
faehinea,Oilt Mout lingo, liufkihrie Hardware a.
veeialty. Money to Loan. Marriage LicenseS 03 -
suer is still going, Mr- S. lieckinghate
esires to return his sincere
ban u to his,DOM e r o u s
ateons, w h o . 4. , have support
Imola. intimate
d him in the 4...„1. past, east
that, having
eouvered from „,.,.:."?...3-s- us.....,- his lone Bl-
ess, he intends in future, to
Ake ch.grge of she horse-shreing department
Art other work done in thevery beet style
lid et the lowest rates.
— 0—
lavingny new shop notv in full blast, I would M-
om the -public that I tun prepared to 40 all kinds
f Blacksmithiug, including repairing of all kinds
f AgrietAtural Machinery, such as Beapera,1101Y,
rs, 'Threshing machines, and. Ilarau will
eceive my careful attention. Bursas that inter -
ere, and. having tender feet treated, in the moat
approved manner, nit satisfaction given.
harges Moderate.
I kayo on Intuit kieds of AgficulMral /mple
tants from the 8*8010) Manufacturing Co., Row
'itmeItenitsinber the platte—Firsif shop west of the
est Odic°, Renstill.
Ronsall jime 20th, 1878. 6-m.
making Tobacco 25 Gents pal'. 11,1
always in stdek.
cliool Bool,a, Stationery; Namines
.13.--41om Utiol..rs. NocAles of every kinds.'