HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-11-28, Page 3NovE tIt 28, :1$78 THE TIMES IJANDTO HAND WITH AGRIZZLY. 'Tlae following account of a fight with u r is given, by the Calaveras (OM.) .'t nick of a"reoout date. Mr.. N. Ro- gore, who lives near West Point, Cal., -bad Beau out squirrel shootiug during the dray, and was arnned with a little rifle. It is said that though grizzlies bad beau frequently seen about the ran- che, no. danger caste's apprehended from them at this season of the year. The moral of the story, however, is that where there is even the remotest pos- sibility of elacunnteriug dangerous genie the hinder should be provided with a repeating rifle. Terrible as such 'a foe its an enraged bear is, tbeee arms do equally terrible exeention : ";11r. Rogers was ea successful in ithat gunning g net by four o'clock his guano sack was well filled, and he deterwiued to retrace his steps" In ,envie, the timbered ridge on whioh he had been shooting. he had to cross a patch of comparatively open conutry, the only growth it supported being a species of furze awl an o4casional bunch of chap - Arral. He had gout only A short din• }i. • twice, and in deseentli,rg from a little blind ravine, came union a huge grizzly bear, feeding on the carcass o1 sheep. 'r1> The boar was not 1 r >, . n as o e than tdv n 1 n ty yards distant. Man and beast dine covered each other at the gann.e int...Walt For rt w meat Rogers stood irresolute" Hie first imptllso was to ruu ; but hi bettor judgment told lhiln tflaat if he tilt t:o, and should be persued by the griz aiy, escape would he impossible. Dreaed fid as was the alternative of facing his terrible enenay,it was his only Nolte, and Rogers resolved to stand his gro:thd and sell Ins life a1: dearly as p„sillk. t4 These was a elh'eateo diet the, t'riz zly might not attack liian if he reettned tt bold ettituel',e ; but eelaie'evs•" h tee: 1 o;;ertl built np'n that f,,,i,7:tlet.`i,et %%ere speedily dispelled by the beer .tiviug a row grew', dropping hie unwell, and advaneiug towards him. The limiter'� hart leered iutil his tnriat, twit then, with every nerve and nineel•a dram, it tit it.a ntnnsstdegree of tiled el, lir: attai!ed tete unmet of the beast %%i it Ile numb .0001f1t"rx AS tbt, n4.h 11i4 Iife aibi lee ria. 11(a141: on the l ud'quul hero;; .tits. ":1s the grizzly elowly edvatuend t.t. w et'tlr hind, aid ,Lot within :t ttast,eltee of Menu fifteen steps, It•'gt'rs threw tela rit1ti to his shoulder, and faith a stead) aim planted a tartlet in the bear's low. w ,intit ills-ido the p'tint of the ri;;ht shone t der. The animal was hit luted.. lint Iv sixty-to•the.ptlnud bullet (:ver et ivy. it ns grizzly, With a erowl re,embling at ,roar, Uminfuriated beast rtllrited for teat ;atteek. Thruwinl aside the nrlev INV- loss rifle and.drttwitltr Ili. knife, It" ge- r' rved himself for the death struggle'. Ale the shaggy monster reared upon ite Ilanuches, fes great, black, convex. beard towering two feet above Regent, the latter iuvotltetaxrily threw up his left aro, like a. pugilist on guard. The bear seized the arm in its mouth, aunt, throw• ing its great paws over the atloulders of the limiter, hugged hire hi an cur. brace that forced his eyes from their . sockets and the Woad from his nostrils. Rogers' right artn was free, anti he Grove the long- keen blade of his hire to the hilt in the side of the gn•iizly, close to the shoulder. The little retied'. ed a vital poiut, inflicting a fatal mould, but its immediate effect was only ta fin- tensify the grizzly's ferocity. It hug- ged Rogers the closer, its long, sharp, chiaelepointed claws tearing gapi.zg wounds in the banter's back, while tL1r' bones of his left arm were crushed and ground to powder in the bear's vice-Iike jaws. " Wild with the agony of his wounds, Rogers plied his knife with the energy of desperation, driving it again and . again into the vitals of the bear, literal- ly carving it alive, while the latter, with • claws and teeth, lacerated its human foe most frightfully. It was indeed a struggle to the death. Rogers, weak from loss of blood and half -delirious from pain, now fought by intuition, eflRV} g only ]y a vague eonseionaneas thea:• hisjlife depended on his killing the bear. • The terrible wounds of the grizzly be- ; gan to tell upon its vitality, Rogers' • senses were not so dulled hut that he I knew the grizzly was relaxing his hold. :and the ray of hope the knowledge af- forded stimulated hits to renewed exer. tions with his knife. The boar endeav ,.tired to support itselfdespite its worceds, 'wavered for au instant, and thou, with a leer moan that sounded almost hu- man in its expression of pain and des - .lair., toppled over, dragging the man 4witbait, the Utter falling •partially be - mouth. ,S m,noning all his remaining ;strength., (Rogers plunged his lanife ia tibe viz -fairs abdomen, the hot blood. and viscera spouting full in leis halo. pula and clavicle were broken, the blond trickled from the terrible wounde in his back, and his legs were literally furrowed by the crooked claws of the boar's hind feet. Conscious that he must soon have help or perish, he sum- moned all his resolution and staegered along in the direction of home, more dead then alive, a trail of blood mark- ing his footsteps. He managed to reach a spring iu sight ofhis house,and then his endurance gave way. Ile fell in a dead faisnt by the H'ater's edge, He we . 60013 discovered by his eon and was taken home, "The grizzly was the largest ever I killed in the county. It nleaeured nine' feet in length, "over all," and weighed 1,400 pounds. Tho left side of the bear was literally backed to pieces,there being no less than twenty-two knife wounds, nearly every one of which reached a vital point. One of its fore- paws just covers an ordinary dinner- plate. "kr. Rogers is lying in an extreme- ly crieeal ctendition. In a•11i:: ' ,;; his horrible wounds, the ,Ih .4•a re ;:is l ayrtem WWI a,, terrible one. liis b•it a arm litosttllr" rnautzlod acid darn to shreds, had been innnn,atid at the shoulder, We left elation i.n.I scapn. la were (metered, and the t•eArt4:i lower • ribs on the right aid be -lien, The Shelf and Heavy Hardware • 1 11..4alld tmuseles on his tatek are so 3 THIS IS NO BOMBAST ST Truth Concerns You More Than Counterfeit,, Therefore, road, purchase. and enjoy its bargains. 'When X say 1 manufacture mr own furniture in prepared with nay proof -..hoot that the people Can inspect at any time by Caning at rely 3Yur uta where they will see a superb die Oar of Furniture in.All Its Branches is ,nv nutaotatr� i lis ala * a i my enw')taed artistic skill, with good workmanship. I der ?aro not iusatisfyitlg the 1>auplo wtico gs 1• u. of nitule, thrtt c iunot be efjgalled for qualet,y, or price 1+, ,all blowing to the contrary, notwithetending. WHEN YOU WANT ANY FURNITURE MEI BRAWN A CAUL, Corner of Main and Gidley's Street, Exeter. 1 1878) SPRING. (1878 rT'ii T OLT) RELLA.B 1E 110U -Sail all times, and particalarly at a p,.riod when i'rada is universally depressed and money scarce. It is in the interest of every buyer to purchase where be eau get the article he wauts at the lowest rate. In ealling your attention. to my present stock, I do so with eery coned-' ence; it being more carefully aasvrtee and selected than that of any previousseason. In. the Dry Goods livery department is replete with the most seasonable and fashionable fabrics, marked, it priees which ehuald command the attention ofthe very closest buyer.,. 'irk; Qltlalmi, . 4Lorli[1ar stilt liar \fee. II. ]ti,ES At itallead. Mi]li .erp i)udertbe ensea;etuentof :alias'Sfecl ogialou, we eau suit the most fastidtaus. Our stoc t (Traceries, Boats and Shoes C` nil tlilili l Ball h did Alileri a calf • H • The bear released lig hold, and I,iu1- ere, torn, lacerated, and bleeding, era N yar eD prouga away to . escape being! /'hiieI? g>jaer,ei1 if. the terrible death et °u Ott .rile I •1 lye 4.lthough vie-, t, gt' r • r. rt r 11. 4^toris,us, ogt>,rs rP911 1k1411 ter is ,ogiticaa ! -ri -. t was .a a nd a;, in t3ie extreme. � e • ;{6. i?\11 ,qi half toim ►nme, se Wens :and fink t that,' h3 Gourd },nryly stand, Itnti ig ,rltenger i of bleeding ,tq ,tileaett,h before 1,e ,unald t1101,044.',19 hre icrushsd' reach tell?, and pots i''"fi8N11.1I .p 4tel LItJ tt fit sea Ote t,1re and abraided that the vertebtaey one of the largest and beat aiore,1 in she Qonny. Inteuwtingpurchasers will consult their aro actually visible in places."I bestiuterests by examining 111y4 took before going elssweere. MEDICAL. �� T )R. COWEN. OFFICE -... .AIN t G 0 D E Ri 10113 Street. Exeter, upstairs, opposite Central It. del. Si,Ie muumuu,. ou .lea a.tutu -atrc'et leta+l- u;'t t , B. C. t:hanch. 1;1 '1 °rttera 1 'ft at ;~line's slat.' ait''r' will receive pr4.1111 r latte.¢i•:'R. iJ•1y. \R. 111 'r('tIIN',t»; .shay of the 1•.41 ,:.4,f Plat 1 s 1d: ,,,,t „inrgeonsel • Ilntdrio, ,vC., X4!.. •"ai11,1 tire . ; ::.'.\. ts•r. t 1(. I1YN.--3~'OROSl RFOR' the ('na ' 4" ta, t'e114•.+,taeSt'-a"for t. •Ir.I..-atlt.,; ter. \V. ,.sat) e•NIN(, M. 1). M. . S. fir 441.1'N ti irturin!° diversity ti?;Ice and residence. Don ..iwr 1 nLurat,+1 I:xt,te 0. NO()ilia. 1f.11. C. al. 1,,• tira:luntt> of •.c)iitl University, Montren3, t: tee Itn.al'Us.dotte , 1,:‘,..tor, ,kilt. 1,':lco 1:4,nirn^• 1 nth, 111.a. La and ? t,• 1U at. 1+4 !AIL IL a. A..Ii(alaLisy'M. (' l'::, to , l'act+rin n 1•tedlhen,Ont 0:1I .' home ir••to 0 to to a. m.: 2 t1, .1•, tn. "tit. Int'\ IN(r, 1i: 1.11. ii i l Ni + IC'sl"PY , raid.} ..(t' I.er ''li. . r,rj:cu 't', 1 t.tr,;e,kalt (til-. . re'f Il'e.t.•'.. LEGAL 5 I AIMING I1..Ri>INt: ,a: 1i'UITI5. livid Ors, atteiuuy at, s theitors, holo. dine, til, IS. lt, Qlc. to a tt t--11urruv's 13 Loci: Water treet, yt 1 tI a ry a. e ,eta [:. tI:tunrxa, E. W. GGAltnt;`o. II.SL.Wortla ' ciLCO11SOy iC(.`.A.I?taY, ▪ . liarrigtn,et, f.tG tr se re. Solicitors ate. Money uaot.+ t..i to 00 1C•ntl !. itl►ta. NEW t � MA.NTLA' 7, Fau'slrauol;.I;ttetur a �, JAMES PIC ARD Mowers and Reapers, WE OR 'ER. A TRIAL cf trltrcelebrated n t e Mowerc nge Reapers rt len lei 440:4 Grass and Grew, ataafMI ail Ge.t4 paten. Qf hail tent, at.71'faee. NTa AND GUARA_r a KE SAT ISFACTION OR NO SALE e oder a Trial of oar Wrought I*Qa Two par WINSTON'S COMBINED REA"ER AND MJWER Z,Ittehi heti si lnWh.d wit Is I WWI ltrnallt3, Two !Four Knives, Forked and Keyed. Nuts. i�Qli'-oale♦re, + rate.. tt . Erea frail ower. F O LT N D RDrag-bars, rs, Two Finger -bars. Fou .c.ers, Eia.giue3rs a .d Mach/ xis s. t NGINI a .A.ND BOILERS, FLOURING, GRIST ANI) SAW bTA\r, ANI) HEADING 31 WHINERY1 Middling Purifiers of improved kinds. Agricultural Implements COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES Ie•ktasih Kettles, Samisen seats,. tie. Iron and. Bl`ea'r, O 1s1 iru + to"o1`t). v For hale elneap-St'eontt bawd Boilers Muffle, and Heading. Maeniuery. Repairs on Boilers, Eugitbtes, ;Binh+, i&e., promptlyattended to, and Engires Stare a GODERICH FOU TDR 1 d IU.NUFATTTRIXtr Co, GOI.HUCII. Ont. 1 ^ �fbwch ReaDor ANI) RE: TO ',OWER Tlj'4'iyt'.34t'oli,effetiTt4+5ta, fti2. :In:* nu t:4taSl.taltet%4 ra.eleates"time. Please call at our works and inspoo iaur Machines before purebaasing elsewbert-. (sled for Catalogues. THOMPSON& WILLIAMS Manufacturing t:'t.a.. Stretford. E A T O l`qi B R O S. xr, 3Ie )I ARMID,13.A., t IU 1S VER N0T.UtYI CONVEYANCER Lilt a.V,ONT. HOTELS ESTI;B l' HOTEL, GRAND BEND.- V fns Gael has boon leased for a toren of years, a' 1 has been nicely Wed np. Every con- venience m1 ". unerinal travellers. The best brands of liquors and cigars at the bar. Good hostler in attendance, UIII'I'TXA\ UM TLEXI3,Prop. Grand bond, Slav 23rd, 1875. G•n. vLN'.I'l'�AL HOTEIL, CIIEDITON J -WPM. ]faker proprietor. This Hotel has been newly tarnished and fitted up In first-class style. Large and convenient Show Rooms for t:otrmercial Travellers; best of li.luors and cigars at the liar. Attentive IHostlera always on Land. >\i 21-31u. WILLIAM' I3A RE, f1RANGED HANDS. --The under- lsignedhavinprented the Dulreri»Ronse,Oeu- bra>.11a,for a term, it will befounda d -at -class ho- tel, with every accommodation for the travelling pub, to, Convenient to the Station. GoodLiquos and a igars at the bar, Attentive hostlors. 180 Iv. t�OWN 8rLDAN, Has jest: commenced business one ball mile Dashwood, andis West of � re a,•ed to Olean 4 P P Ctocks,a'atohes and Sewing Machines. Um- brellas repaired and Organs andtteiodians at- tended to. Tnoso in want of his services should give him a call before going away fro3n home. Charges moderate and entire satisfac- tion Rnarn1e.Jd., AT THE standard Cash Door a Mina FACTORY, is °oustantly kept on hand, all kl ads of building material. 1 looring hard and v'oft,'Siding monle- ngs &c., sold cheap. Planing '.t ging and Turning . promptly atte•utted 10. BUILDINGS 00 'f'1I'tACTED FOR, and satisfaction ge;,aranteod. As wo have";on hand a largo stool: of dry lumber, we feel sure of satisfying .'ilea, '.vho may give us a earl. 11095 73RD$. & TAYLOR THE FALL AND 4ViNTER TRADE SOUt,h0Ott Celt S023.. show this week T1;IM_ME1) IIATS, MINK FURS. BUFFALO ROB1 S, BLANKETS, AT VERY LOW PRICES, STOCK WELL ASSORTED • They sell at Close prices for cash or on short time only .All accounts due and mailed on 1st January, ist April, 1st July, and lst October. INTEREST CHARGED ON ALL UNPAID AFTER THESE DATES R. .rrsorT ;BROS, Eacrett's Blook, opposite Samwell & Pickard's, Exeter. THE BEST OFFER YET ! T H E TIMES AND T H E "LONDON FREE PRESS" will be given to all cash subscribers FROM NOW UNTIL JANUARY, 1880, FOR $2.60 FOR $2.60 TAIL01,aa and eLOT11IEIte, This is the best offer we ever made. "ounce pleasure } ,o itform the inhabitants/if Emote ,akt. surroumli ng country, that they have jos at once. ope.tell out aneacoollentassortment of Send along your name. T'Rrci (s, Coatings, 17°846'98 "C" B REI EitfiiBER-' ONLY $2 60 FOR THE TWO 1,,Oslater, t styles and pnttern.,and foe/ assured .lay }ntlld 4444, atter ofototning„they eau asait the mostfaetadioustastea. SEPARATELY THEY COST $8.00 r , t ..r •.n 11 l • 141 ..4".444 4'. „ 1 3 t. .014. 4 . 4"4,11. 4, 1 4 . t `.gip• .iY i" 1,,,' t 1 lr - , t 1' ». 11',411.41:4144441.44, t.. n' -a r al st 1' 4t 1' , d ! ,r 1 61.a ' a ,xr Yater. fleet, Vast:, '•:•rn1'alauo $ern Mud r - 0'1,..4 4, 1 ! ..:.h.n,•,. :rostra or Tb1 t. hta, •'e 1 Elite:v.4 V 4 i f•' 4 t i 4 . . ', c 14, '" "u1 e , r 4. •. 4.41.4144, . 4,4 c. b4 •.1 r !s 4 u frt ,, *nth + t r .itt t to ' a -t `s1lhN t o Hurl I t t t,, h,1 r l4 4 T .4 vita. 4.'t os_ Jet.' 4 • t-71`$ 1 P f' ! r' 1 t1 a:i '. nom erpld *44 'e. 1 •'1. i'euntl.44 • 1 , a 'y e..4 r,4 1.,4.rcoutylatnt!'..;4 rote tie, .1,11.x4„{.re. 1 4 4 0 1 . 1 t 141.4 4 f,l' .4 II e, a t ate., tit, l rr t t olds ntI. d ..I lea .4c,'p i u • 14 • t :nal, b•+ .C+ ' 1.114 a;. i 44'x1. 1, 1.. Iu 1 ..:rt' a 1 reared ls. taut 9n Cou lrry 011 Itol IlIl b! te4 . r Coa.unp 1x11, IL . . 1 I., .1 1::. n Ic i di ^41 to i 112.1,051114'610! 05 p1'tg11.11M• .1111 era 411.t11e1,alto., ett1vs4-444 inst. ,an: it 4 514 4'44 tfolcN.*11r.t6t.8 5rrilMei stem a:ttt urtC.M the, blood. na41is. 11oft ...t.rn Ii:rEns i l and ll4• 1Uin. ,� fawn ZIT gige THEMag. GIANT " CA No use of taking the large,repulSIve. nauseouepilrn composed of cheap, crude, and bulky Ingredients. These Feller+ are scarcer Diner Ulna moaned coeds. (king entirely vegetable, no particular care is re. puired whale ut ing teem. They operate without ells, turbanre to the constitution diet. or occupation For. Jaundice. Headache, Constipation, mpsraf, Blood, 1'afa Irk the Shoulders, Tightnethess or the dater, DizzTette la the MoEructations0attacks.from 1 uls, aStomach, erten or EIdness. Internal rover, Mooted 1 1lt.g abets Stomach, nab of Blood to Head, tike Dr. a'lert'e1. Pleasant Purgative Pellets. In explanation of remedt.a.l power of these l'unuttR0 relicts orar. ec great .a variety of diseases, it may be raid that theta action upon the animal economy is universal, not 4 gland or tissue escaping their sanative lmptess. "VI does not impair we properties of tin se P11I. t:• They ,.re sugar-coated and Inclosed to glass bottles Moir/armee being thereby prtaerVtd unimpaired v. any length of thee, in any climate, sa that they er: pills fresh and reliable. This Is not the mere wits, For alltdiseaseskwherwooden xative. rAlterative, .•1 Purgative, is indicated, these little 1'ellet4 41•ill gls the most perfect Batlot:setIon. Sold by d»uaststs. 0. V. p49441 E, ,lf. D.. Pnoi"n'ti'or1(1'8 Dispensary and I,tvallde' Hotel, Buffalo, N.Y. CATARRH sYffiPTOHS.-Freg4n nit head, ache, discharge t1llhlgin qulro.14 sometimes profuse, Watery,141c:;, mucous, purulent, olltnsive, co, • h1 others, a dryness, drv, watery, weak, or inlhnllet eyes stopping up, or obstruction, or the natal p to sags, ringing in entre deafness, hawking and Moat lug to clear thee throat, ulcera t Ions, scabs from nieer:s voice altered, nasal twang, odens1 ve breath, lomat*. or total deprivation of sense or smell and taste * 7 :- zincas, mental depression lose of appetite, ha ligeo= Hon, enlarged tonsils, tickling couch, etc,. Only (ewe these symptoms are nicety to Le prawn in a,ny case at one time. DR. SAGE'S CATARRH RE1bDY produces radical cures of the worst cases of Catarrh: no matter of how long standing. The liquid renndp may be snuffed or better apf111ec1 by the use of IN, Mottoes Douche.. T11s Is the only f.rm of instrte went 4..t invented with Which liu14 met icicle elm 11 carried NIGH nil' and PERFECTLY 411LI1:n t, 4.1 parts of the tttfectcd nasal passages, and the tea ml. hers or ea1'llt,'4 eonlmluticating 14ue 11 tt'a, its 41,111. sores and ulcers ''equently exest, 411d frt•nt wht.l:. the catarrhal a.acbaree generally proceeds. Its use is pleasant anci easily undctstaoel faonb dlxetioaa •u ernopaayhn each instrument. 'nt SA. 1 1.. PA 1:0114 itrmraly , 1n, s recent att44)4:6 4 a "Cold cld 1a the PAPERS. Headbyat411 pplicaiIons. itII1 ill 1111d, t, 1ort oat .cont dn4rr no strong er en u 3'1'11.1 .1 111)114444'. .41 114 h 14. nil' ,\ n l h.,u, hr sold by drag 1.44,68. rk. 11.1 1 Il nal 11 11.. t', 4 a • \4_, r. a 1.114. / o,•u.,e.,1 -34.1 le4:d1ts' 11044.1• L,,11141 , Y.