HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-11-28, Page 22
"•Oil, dear me ! what shall Ido?"
said Mary Lennox. "It's just exactly
like those working people, to go and fall
id just wen we need thew Most. And
every napkin in the wash, and not
.enough table linen to last two weeks.
You must bo a very poor manager,
grumble, not to nava Thele of such
things." -
Oid 'firs. Lennox sighed ae she rub-
bed the Masses of her apeetables,
•' JIy dear,,, said she, "I should have
bad more if I could hate alIorded
them. But times are hard, and—•.-"
"Yes, I've heard all drat before,"
said Jingy, irreverently. 'But the
r;iestioll is, grandma, wino shall we do
about the wa•ehii:g,now that Katriva
cannot cisme?"
Ws. Lennox heaved another sigh.
:she was old and rheumatic, and the
great piled -up basket tit' el ^the s Rented
a terrific bugbear before her eyes
"I'm sura I don't know, said she.
"But if you girls will help a little about
the dither, I will try and see what I
Tau do. It must be got out, I suppose,
Bet here a slight, dark -eyed girl,tvith
e Weer, Oliva Ccarilplexlon, and wavy
blaok hair grouiu; low on her forehead,
tamed from the table, where she wad
rinsing china.
"You will de notbiug of the kind,
"grandma," said she, tri resolutely as
if alio Baal been eeveuty indeed of
seventeen. "You attempt a day's wash -
beg at your alae?"
"But my dear," said grandma Len-
non, feebly, ''wine will del it ?"
"I will," sail the dark•eyed lassie.
"Georgie, I'm surezieed at you 1"
eai.d Mary, "Wiry you never dill such a
thine.. in your lifer !"
"That'll no reaeou I never should."
"Bet Georl;i.e --If any one ehould
see you r
"We don't getjernlly receive company
in this kitchen," sail IJJ )rale Lennox.
•'And it any o;te should came iu "
"Il they late my ocoepatian, 1 shall
be very much plettetil; if they don't they
are quite at liberty to look the other
wily l•"
r lel li;ies Lomax tied a pro1igious
erarli apes.hu tironut1 her, rolled up her
sleeves, resolutely toast her stand iu
front of the wash -bench.
"It seems too bud, my dear, with
th we little whits hernia of yours :'"
said nlii lira, Leunnx, irresolutely.
"Ull, my hands !" laughed Gt orgie.
"W at ate they good fur,if not to make
thorn -elves utierm, 2"
Mar drew herself disdainfully up.
"well,'• mill elle, "I never yet
gtnod)el to sue1i '(le;;redation as that 1"
' .t would be a great deal worse deg•
redtttiou to stem' d by and let my rheu-
matic old grand mother do the washing,"
observed Geordie, with philosophy, as
she plunged her hands into the snows
mese of ands.
tlhet eiree. Leunnx had been tuft with
a picturesque farm -holm on the edge
of ,idoni:► bele, and nothing else.
Al1d so 01-1 airs. Lennox bethought
herself to eke out her slender nieaus by
the reception of sllmtner boarders. And
in September, when her two grand-
daughtere ebtaiued their fortnight's
leave of absence from the type-settiug
establishment in Troy, where they
earned their daily bread, they came
home for a breath of mountain air,and
help granola ► Lennox with her b,>terd•
eras For there was no girl kept at the
farm crouse, and no ont,ide assistance
called in, except as H rtrina came once
a week to wash and Scrub.
'It's drudgery,' sighed Mary, who
wtr:, tall and slender, aith a fair coin-
plexiou, dull blue eyes,, and a Byrouie
dissatisfaction wit.' her lot in life.
'it's fun,' said Georgie, who had no
Buell exaltectaspir .tious.butliked to Make
eustau.i , wash china. and doom ate the
tea table with flowers.
'Y Wit fang out these clothes for
me. Mary, won't you ?' said Georgie, alt
she Hang the last red -bordered towel on
this top et the elothea-basket "while 1
wash the pillow castes !"
'['s tend I shall not,' said the sistef.
'With the Dlise Pulleys playing ero-
gnrtt in t•lain tight 2' Never.'
Filen I must du it myself,' said
Georgie, with a li ale shrug of the
sllo(11d(re1, 'And"---
hint jot as he spoke there 'came n
tap at the kitchen licll)r.
'Coale in I' cried Georgie, valiantly,
w; il.+ her sister, wish hornirng cheeks,
el deavoretl to hide herself and her oc•
en,'.ition of peeling Quinas bellied the
big roller towel.
Aind Mr. R•►yin ind Abbott 'walked
'I beg your pardon, hiss Georgie,'
acrid lie, rather blandly. '1 dou't 141iow
1 should disturb yon.' •
'oh, you're not distui bing eine at all,
Fetid Georgie, serenely, resting oust
dimple -dotted, rosy (elbow on the wash
board, and lo.lsi •g at hien like a prat-
out• of aeload of soap;' steam,
But,' hu went 011, 'I was goring to
ask 'one r'f thii servivits for a basket to
;brio' fill
l wi;l get it fur yen ttiith pletbs .e,'
hili'' Genrgie.
tieeeieed copy of one of Guido'ss angels
And as she turned to the dresser,ber
sister answered the puzzled expression
of ;air. Abbott's face.
"You are,surprised to see Georgie do-
ing that ?' said she, with a gesture to-
wards the plebeian tub, And I don't
wonder. Bat it's only for a frolic—a.
wager. Girls will do such things, you
know !'
But Georgie had heard the last
words, and turned Around with oriel.
soned cheeks and sparkling eyes.
'It is not a frolic,' said she. 'And
it's not a wager. 'It's serious, sober
earliest. I'm doing the washing be-
cause Katrina has sprained her ankle,
and there's no dile else but grandma to
do it.'
'Indeed !' said Ur. Abbott, 'Audi
Can't I help yea ?'
'Yes,' Georgie promptly made an-
swer. 'You can carry that basket of
clathee out to the bleaching -ground
for tile.'
'Georgie 1' exclaimed her sister, es
'..‘fr. Abbott cheerily shouldered the
load and strode away in the direction
indicated by Go'ergie'e pointiug fiuger.
"Ile asked me,' said Georgie.
shouldn't have asked him 1`
'Judge Abbott's eon !' groaned Nary.
'The richest man in Ballston !' He'll
never ask you to go out rowiug on the
lake wttli hila again.'
But the re -appearance of the gentle -
Melt is question put a otop to the die-
"Miss Georgie,' said he. 'I would
have hoisted them upon the riggings
for you, but the wind hikes 'pie C41 so;
'Ta'il's because you needed the
clothes pins,' e•aid Geerrgie, trawling
thein to hits with alterity.
'Couldn't you Gane and help ?' said
lir. Abbott wistfully. 'Two can outr-
age so much better thou one.' '
'Oh, I'll come and help,' said
Georgie ; *and be glad to get my
clothes out drying.'
She tied on her small gingham run -
bonnet, and ran nut into .the yellow
September sunshine, while Jlary burst
cut crying with uliugled vexation and
'I shall never get over the disgrace
of it. iu the world,' she toad—never,1
never. Georgie has lei dignity-- no
proper pride ! No ; don't epeak to me,
grit dine, or I shall say salnotbing
dreadful ! I declare I've a mind never
to own her as a sister %aiu !"
"Iiaveyon finished the washing ?'
said Mr. It'ly mtlntl Abbott.
'Yee, I've finished it,' said (Georgian.
Lennox, I3nt I shouldn't like to earn
my living as a binu(irees. 'It's very
tiresome bimines ,'
Georgie was 'eoe.liug off' ander the
sl'adow of the frust grapevines in the
woods, wi'b a book in her hand, and
the early Incite bl mu back from her
pretty Spanish forehead.
Mr Abbott look /d admiringly down
on her. All his life long, bi'tl experi-
ence had lain amore the smiling aril -
ficial dnlls of ennventional society. He
had admired Genrgie Lennox the first
time be had ever •een her ; but that
day's experience of ber frat.k, trite na-
ture had given depth and earnestness
to the feeling.
'Miss Lennox.' said lie,'dayon knnw
wlubt I have been thinking of Pince we
hong out those towels and bible cloths
to•zether ?'
'Ileven't the lea(tt idea,' said Georgie,
fanning herself with .wo grape -leaves,
pirated together by a thorn.
'I have been thinking,' said he 'that
1 should like my wife to be just snob
a woman as you are."
'A wasiterwoman 9' said Georgie,
trying to laugh off her binshes,
'L am quite in earuest, Georgie,' he
said, leaniieg over her. 'Dear Georgie,
will von he my wife ?'
'But I am only a working girl,' said
ingenious Georgie, begiuuiug to trem-
ble all over and half inclined to cry.
'We are type -setters, Diary and I, and
WA are vary poor.'
'My own love, you are ride in ell
that heart could wish !' pleaded Ab-
bott. taking both her bands in his ;
'and I want you ler my own I'
Raymond Abbott had fancied
Georgie Lennox when he saw her play-
ing croq'let, in pale mink muslin, with
a tea -rose in her hair but the divine
flame of love first stirred in his hsart
when she Ionised at him thlrongh the
vapory clouele of the wash tab—('rruida't
angel folding her fair wiuge in a farm-
it"use kitchen.
Jost Rn curiously are romance and
reality blended tngethter in the world.
picer's Grocery
—:ND -
& LADY, rather inclined to flirt, astya mos
then are like a coid.very easily, canght•,but very
h ir(1 to get rid of. It is the easiest matter iu
the tvorld to got ritl of a cold. Use Harmu o's
PtorouAL BAtseu; the great Canadian remedy
for colds, coughs, hoarseness. bronchitis, and
all diseases of the throat and lungs. For sale
by all dealers.
Feverishness in children is mired by Free-
man's worm powder,.
i '.('!TI✓ Vrmroau. }'•IYPORPFIIThs 124 emphatioally
a nerve.. food; restoring the vital foroe, and re- I
, invigorating all the functional processes of life. i
it •shonid he nand promptly in eveey case of
loss of nervous foroe or general debility, front
Whatever pause, It is also one of the most
powerful tonics and blood-gonerators known,,
.41 per hot Ile.
Enema; in diet bring ou disease—Natiutsuil
has exives it away,
t_• 'Gooda delivered promptly Quality uusur
11'111E GREAT CA.USI OF IiU.ddAN dIa-
,» Just Published, 1n a sealed Envelope.
fele.' six cents,
:'t. le('tarn Ju the
cal Clint of So01in41 ll\,aeteugraed +Tsr, eoar
twe(nr tanudrrIhtatrdti-
Iduced -b} tlelf:%Luse. Ivultntury :mtesruus,
ttoupetarcuy,NgtrviuashD;l.icynsarnndtiIomnlEphnnq s,ty,e
aua 1ts;$andPit%ateal
Incapacity, It
BY ROlilsitl J. t"i'LVlill ti 1:LL, N. D., anther of
tree "t#rt•t'u honk. ' Sc.
'rhe vo.Id coneweed author in titin admiral 1n
f.ecture,eletsrIv Proves frena Ida own experience
that the nn Ia1Ce.uaequivlees of Self•Al,uase 24la1 be
effectually r. ulovc.l ,vithultt Inetheitte. unu with
out danc;e:oussurgict(l uperattens.hengie,,111,1,111•
Iueuts.ring,, or cordials: I'ointiu" out a tirade of
cure tit uuce certain an4 effectiu.l, by which every
sufferer, no matter whet his condition may be
way cure himself cites plv.privat.lyand radicall •,
t-•:,e.This I.acture will prove a boon to thousands
and thousands.
Seat, nutl.tr seal. is a ]•lain envelope, to any ad-
dress. uu zeceitet of six Ceuta, or two restage
TRE ert.wr(•r. MMFFICAL 40.
11.1 .t1 st.
tions not effect the ate prices at whirl)
nreoffe'rtng their atat'k of
TIN WARE, tsTQVES. kite.,
Exeter & Hensall
Which contIsts of all the latest and improved
styles id Kitchell, Gook and Parlor staves,Miik
Nine, pans, and pails of tut most *previa
t)att•'1 u, and everything in the Hue ; also, u
goodselt•ctioi' of huiudiunne
J1tibve tx'otI4rhirtg
as usual, receives) ovoryatteution, anddone
at the lowest figures.
Having opened not a 'branch astablisliniput
at lien>sall,our frinuda ':i dint a'is;llburlt. od
eau be su»ulie.i on t.td shortest notice,
Wonders of Modern Time
iolloways Pills &Ointment
The Pills Purify the Blood, correct all disorder
of the Livor, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, and
are invaluable in all complaints incidental to
'rhe Ointment is the only reliable remedy for
Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Soros and Ulcer , of hot -
ever long standing. For Bronchitis, Diphtheria
Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, and an kiu eines'
a nes e110 equal.
New 'York Counterfeits.
Spurious 1 uitattons of "Holloway's Pills
and 0inineut," are manufactured and sold
under the name of " Holloway & Co ," by T. F.
Company, Drug -
by the Metro*
eine company of
an assumed trade
---A gain one
of New York,liko.
con n terteits at his
Floury, Curran &
gists, and also
politan bfedi-
New York, with
merit, illus --
.Joseph Heydocl
wisp passes off
own make under the name ofHol-
loway &Co.,loolingforatrarle mark a Crosent
cued Serpent; Moliussen & Bobbins of New York
are agents for the sante.
i'bese venous, the better to deceive you, un-
blushingly caution the public in the small books,
of directions &Nixed t0 their median es, whirl.
are really tltespnrious imitations, to Beware si
Uusoruputous Dealers obtain them at vary
tow prices and sell them to the eubtc in ('ane
da as any genuine ?ills and Oiilbments.
most earnestly and respectfully np /ealto the
Clergy, to mothers of families and other ladies
and the public generally of tiri blab North Amori-
ca,Mint they may be pleased to deiuonnee un-
sparingly these frauds.
Purchasers should look to the label on the pots
and boxes. If the as -dress to not 833, Oxfore
Stre •t, London,{ they are the counterfeits, Each
pot end box of the slonuine Medicines, tears the
British Government stamp, with the word�
engraved therecm: ('n the labelis the address,
303 Oxford Street, 1,onooh,where alone they aro
Msnufaotur.sd, Parties who natty be defrauded.
byV' enders gelling spurious "Holloways fi11e and
Ointment as my genuine wake eh, on com-
municating the partieulals to me, be ateply re-
m( nerated,sn l their t seer a never divulged.
!. 1 erne l it., rV,J., l.u,adun, England
I\ ovEltf2ER 28, 1878
The Groat North American Remedy for
Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis,
Loss of Voice, Heartiness and
and Throat Affections.
Vet -
Sold by au
e.. *V--. Respectable Drug --
gists and GeueralDealers.
Gray's Syrup curd/ the worse
forms of Coughs and Colds,
ars Syrup cures Sore Throat and Hoarseness.
ay's Syrup giros Miro ediatnrelief iuDrove Mist,
ay's Syrup is the blest remedy fur Asthma.
G a 's Syrup relieves (roup and Whooping.
Gray's Syr;:p is an excellent palliative in Conn
sun:mai n.
Gras's Syrup relieves alt affections of the
Throat, Lungs an Chest.
Gray's Syrup is Superior to any Medicine offered
for ail the above Vomplrunts.
Wonderful tis ;ovary
An Internal Externa
le cures Ilhs•lunatisin and Nen a:letin a• el
.Jia 1' tan i•^stitlltl%.--" telly It who eau
i Ix�1� the only kneel to remedy for lhOlueiati' to
y,,,'034th(+ ,in.rlean ('otitinelrt, pr,ayedhy others."
�Ry}'ls (tnrt, a9 at+ .lis°d it {.ices Instant. wise to thefn'M. :,.IA. !"^�MA4MF.4R4M•4„u.wir.-NrA.
utifnr'tiuutt s t fever It 1R r 1't•tly ;iliac+rtictl,
rs uttrates to the leers bene, enters the eneta]tt
',rrio% wandering all "lig, nurtte Pnis,la"(4r.
cul'ttiug in the Mood, and (-xlli:la i" t 1*4.1 i the-
ystera through the natural outlets,
Horse Ski wing. Wagon and (`nrrintiolfleint iiia -
mond Itarrawe. att.l Pima. Gowenl lraivksutith.
tat}; to till its branches, ut,the bn'4t rater,nnd sat.
guaranteed. Cite tri a cull nod examine l'ur
worst before t:a,lin% elsewhere
melill i AN Si. 11"llltll)l•:, Kilag St., il(ttsnll.
U"n;a1l,June de. th7S. tl'n
Tmtth olio I arnclte IIs adaehe, 'Somalia
I"o ttuateen Strtnr.3 R11e11ings.luilaniu(iuu.
burns, Cut t., armies, Plein in Side*, Pain in
Pj+' itnck. Pain an Chea(. Patin in shoulder, (`ougb+-,
(-ei ts,i'ro.t Riees,(`Ililt•lains. Men hoea.I>ys-'
;oaten. Summer Complaint. 5 (1 • &e.
It will cure the most agonizingrutin. inter
un ur �Xt;+anal. to (>ne tn,totit t•f flute i'nnitrS
yo+ir pre )"utiles and giver it a laid ; the invent
nleut is smell 1u1.1 relief eel tail'. The great:
secret of its success with alt classes is owing
trt(1 the filet it is safe anti harmless, pleasant
take. gives instant ease, and eau be appliedLt,i
to a wider range of disease in every da} life.
with greater sueeese than any preparation
which research skill and "'Medical Science"
has -et trotlite I,
v; As n, lino Tiflis groat power over disease
6, BOiaTOCtl . l�R0pRIET0R. fatrr p(ranrr, Ito math r whwhon itis smay uilcrillnrt•', Itifrualtt
;i 11r Poe.r. fs1.t or Taung, ,
9aey of the at.uye niunr.l �ra seta complMute,
flaring now granter farilttiea ter inanntnetnriug l
1.utnps than any ether factory in the section I tin(
Prepared. to furnish pinups Cud dig wells on the.
ohm -test Cetus, and waren eft ell work. My Venire
have tureen ttio
attain+t Ionto}- e.tnpetitnl'4. 1 ran recnfntuonn
them, and sell as ellwtp set *my aeeond Otto artielu
N.11.—IJA11t WORK o]'` ALL KINDS DtlNE
311:$. BOLTON.
Shop--film-quarter mile north of Exeter
London Road. any P. 0
Exeter. Au , sib, 1F;>3, fem.
Has now iu stock a complete line of
and Trimmings of Every Bind, in
Latest Style add Lowest Prices
A fun Stock of Fancy Goods,
Berlin Wools, Iionitun Lace, Braids
Patterns, Cardboard Mottoes, Se,
h-..Jnckots cut and mode to order.
Main St. E rater.
William Kitching
Wishes to inform bhe public that he iaebetter
prepared to renal' all kinds of
Sewing Machines, Watches
Clocks, Guns, (Sec., than any
other person in the country, as
his charges are moderate, and
he guarantees to give Satisfac-
Exeter Nor'tit '
Il%iug in good working order gives every encoree
dation possible in gristitg and flouring. Flour
and mill feed delivered to pasties leaving their
urders before one o'clock at J. DELL'S bakery, 01
,0'11YIiN E & CO'S, or at mil same day
TE MS • C.A.S. H.
W M. r i7- ,FSI 77 e8 C a,
EXETER 1' 0.
A . ELa-
has just received alartlo stuck of
6radr.11•?R, Clocks, J+"1vrllcry, f^eo-
d1.11 SIrdttfv, Sperlaclea inches)
(414(d (rias Pocksct Botska,
A large Oriels of Faitciy Goods 0011-
Iltau4iy on hand..
}will call at tiro t)ltice in 1• root°, ane Clay of
the week, um get praet it p of "scree of
charge ; , of its magical power over paiuin i 1205P13 hal UM •
Testimonials from all pacts of the Dominion
are a uata the tenni tog to howl, peeing espree
si,+u to the m'rd arettoed gratitude for as•
4'81r.'( r.'.( wbtell ft least pe•rformed,afl+r
lwn w,tuia lie pleased to r' reiv.t testimonials
fr.rn all others who u;e it sueceastully.
Pliytiic'i(waia ref the Irialu•et r<vtt—'—te'ettsl.ility re-
coumend it as a II/,St effectual "domestic.
st m.'riy for the relief of fa121 in eases of suds
'den ensert may.
Carry it to sem* homes, and it will prove a,
l'h saint; to you. family and atllicteilfrie'n(I4.
insiegist,ar.•'cal]it+s onormounquauiltioaof
it %mitre '.w iiutrudnee 1,
ii ctuJleint.. t1x worl+1 to srodueeits (Anal.
The Trails. supplied tlir',u h theth(' 1tltr,lean�lit
Drug and Patent Medicine ]lone.-; of lionize -
T(route, Ilautilteu rued L'o 41013.
Price 25 frets Ice PGtt'e!
Soot by all Enterprising Druggists.
,,i Sept.19., I,•.
The undersigned wonldi'iforn; the inhabi-
tants of Exeter and vicinity that he has
O'teener south of his illacesutithshop andhopes
thesame liheral patronage that has bean a0
corded to him in the
nr.errsMITn Air» WAGON MAKING-
tinewi]lbeextendedtohim in his new bran ena
nuiiuess, His ]Hent wa.gen w•illoa)] at the resi-
dents of the village three tins et ea a weekend
FRESH M ]-til A T
of all kinde'kept constant's ou hand at hit
butebor shop.
Blacksmith ing and wagnnmakinganzricd t
a usual in all its brautLet
No need of the Grance buylug ny-
tbing in myliue, viz:—
Furniture, Builders
Paints, ( 5115. Giese, Picture Frain es,
Motto Frames, Mouldings, Mottoes.
Looking Glasses,
Looking Glasse Frames,
Cutloy, Cruets, Stoves,
Tinware, Blushes, Et aveat tools, &'e,,
In order to reduce my present stock.I shall con-
tinue to offer
espeoially in
r3 Stgn—Gordon Stove, uow north side Queen a
Marys ()GII.PIX
Planing Mill, Sash,
D0013,, AND
R .L \ 1 G
Pulse to order.
Itemolube% Mit Place M. .
Dwemitliirer Oke cM- y 7e•.n.ee, d.