HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-11-28, Page 1Vol VX.
Na 14
p`ti4aiE'clt.t' l LISP.
nnstsa ugAPO; to�J1' d410111i/41,. Exeterto
ipiilt hamil IN \VFNci-[b;1'4SEA-
II n .ano 1 ,,• (*Ain h stmt- fork u ehnentoz-
her. A area 4'i rt. t'•4' e4' 1121.mmap lrhzlettor
o. p 44'.;1. ►l�dt r„ iAi 1La 11.1t+iLV .;'C',nebele! PP.l?
)tlt011EliTY FOR -SAT. THE
r°air&peals+,utp=c:f'rsrlll:two houses and tAca
,..S, *la 414.1,1 on Hat street, east. hi the til•
:.^4t 1 Y'ter, owl Into ,At'ter oat t;de w ze sheet,
le eta(f . 3 a^o noway r1V 111 r , mid one realty, for
ewe '3tt',t ate wee., f r 1•e;4 1 .b1;r n month, 'i'i'oy
4.,11 saes eel t edit r ,a• S4(',. end fou tt *talar.
ate term . 1,,a r ei a9ar , nn1*ly to'le e, WILSON
ltceacali, or tun tat) `items zrt.le >.
F irst-clasq Farm of
VV.) *•4.14'4 t 1''1 fifty teres in the 'Town
a -(e 4; 1 td tllm144 ut e' *1 3141 a:r(s elver vl,
e t"re.l.41':'. is ,4.'s , b4' .it vinery with two
i7 t•a ee, 1 t r.. ,*t l is* 1 ,oe ,;(lily ,iota 1t 4 t4 the,
V Hi.14,•.• a. .•s .4:r. b •4'i t*t aei Particaal;traasi,fel}r
ۥ, Tr, 1'
tali tatnr,,4C.,
4hobea.t •e:• -;..I .,:1.,•1 •:!;tl i 114 Iia, roper.
ts \-o Village par
'at:on for *•.a,(lrre,. g a t, } 11t4�.#q.)
Aih7"1 1°t)1R 14e4a^T^^i-Ilii. $1�13-
. hi`r►] r earn'•. , f•,4' E ;11> las-. farm, Lot Et.
£ eta -11,, t 1 1e 4.t I la .4'•,e lu-u:.t' tandtorat,
▪ 4'l 4'l •: n: ¢ :,. ,1 * .hrii3q 1'°11,•11, we,11
!-.::s-4'l••a.,leea a;, ..1 !.t�„fi=al.4tgtior,; ':•' .r,
tl `e ( 7 1 tr.l Sharif t°S
¢ A'
O a orf,' i 1 1, 11+aE•, (1.4
a '1 P. t a + t Le)r t ? 431 etOr4( al, beer
ger .'r, s t !.
e] 'a. t i\. (hes.:... Tea/.. -e4'
SIa i 1 va' gt. ,vegv2..
tr▪ iU;1. r"'•),4 F L .
Pro 147, ?i4' a' "al s 4.0 fa nen TIM 14P.1T=
T dl ll 4 7 1 t'a Ramie
,, *a,tlrc)i;r•:ar...,ra'l.,rn.A flotr.e
1,4117":t. x*'era.;:'0,l.317and
4 • h 3i'..% .,,. en, ncr.,
tt.'er.+4','r 1 , Plot; ,t .9 *ta'* n Yt,'t'r,•( nail is new
"Ir ie, b .,w a, 4' a 'u ; ,
a f list 19 rt�lremlAat.
Al 1 thgr a I , f 4' Oat..410 .1,-311i•41 TO 01
1P.2.• 1 n 1 , sa 9 etle.• eura4e 3 aro very lobe (cal.
+ RN' "il A ..a ,a- t told t •i. 4.r L^VriVe F euro
f rl,ll•..a 4,..4' a .. (ilei+o•,ziere nettle 'a
t11m1`EN.% zhc ¢> r, .,49 v .i.,r fn.: Dolotfai,+u Loan
T{':ARAI FOR SAJaE---Neyttt l;aIf 2,
a ° n ,:t T t saes . 4.•.4 N rth not4.t Setttls
l r41f.4, n e.. ,f i it ,<,ael. t l• z44 t chit; (,runs
l t cart'. tivne 41, tat e, . acre- *leered,
re,e a Ar I 'telt °Value horn tool 7raa4e
to.**eeile1t•a'ec.•a assattmelatr4t04*'L prA'aali',•
11. Mit, car t-!as7( 10 Aat 1;rau'1 Bend; (1.,s,' t4..
el -* e•e1 ba ; I't, 4.,1 -.^r ere. tete .e. ,tea, or ^+
! P.R. •S' he a wi,t .•a. eeet to .taO13 Ptitnx.e.
l,4'.fait 14 e t P. 44
hoe"1'a • , fa'.,, 4'r 1 ^:44 lltl.
1 elIlei1l.!'
Vtrlle)11tlSt)N, 1CJ. ()ILO CO.
• t'a•t*^,; , •�. •i;uleea pruf:eral5'rtittvnded
-(]: °3`. �•s()*n Tlislues IC(11te1, near
J 114 •.9 1.•, ed 1'arn' 'liT %it*, Any
X11111 eal a i4a m ae, wzil lits rrs'f,+l4,4. IA,r lzt-
ulre' t t as /I./toterStili., s87b 1ouvi*a8
i1 at
NT 3, (11:11tl%, A.geut for the t --
«l • : ono. ae ',ase •ta9ere rt "llama *`ire Inuurauee
{ ,al ose +c - t ,. reyetre:LA theirs by
4.r ail l•4' -+e 4 sie,. a te•..1 a1 to,
YrICi .•-I lter ally forbid anv per-
. eolo 1; *•.'••.tit. to any nue aa1 ma ao•
c•latnt r . -a a, 4.t,: t r •tl•n or+1.r, at: T will ant ter
v. -Isere -1°e, i - :ere t, 1'+s o(,ntraeteal weelau4 e4'
re• a r see la t .^
teeing aaecotat'ts 1(g auu•.t rue
11 p,,•r:.t 1"4",,:!'r thtu:o
l atter. *. a ., 14.74 Joni; 1'�1LAlt,II1LL.
'. O.1'et'l': I:i- HEREBY GIVEN 10
r \
all ' at r 444 •11 parties, that ourtrl4vAllu,:
cot '•tt lass at lit neer:ed innately employ. .all CItr DITON,
n4,lera , a 1., ,nn,•„ 1'4 14 to hint on aur arcnunt
trakl be :1t it.e r:-1; (,n the pan!? 4'* T,.4xiva (.inn.
TJ1E..K811 i13Y AWARD PAM. ARRIVAL OF THE MARQUIS OF ?c. ; Turkeys, per lb., uo, ; Geese, 40
-" LORNE, to 50e, per pair ; 0biel ous, 20 to 400,
►1'asltillrten, november 21, In pur-
%LUluee Of instructions front the Secro. iialifttx, N, S., Nov. 25. ---The Mar.
my of Slate Minister Walsh to -day q:zis of Lyne and the Princess Louise
tendered to the British Government bad to grand receptiuu to -day. Tlidy
$.5,500,00J in gold, accompanying the left the Sarmatian at 1.40 p -m. AO -
payment with the subjoined communi. oompateied by number of bargee, and
per pair Heags, ;.3.00 to $8.75; Bides
W8 REQEPTTON AT 1TA.,irax, u0, to 7e, per 1b.; Cordwood, $2,50 to
W.< WITH THE Akli1 ER.
DISDAIN.••--41.»Y.;1C1 OP THE laltITISTT
T'ROUPA••••THE x1 Y OP TUE git visit PAS1
C'APTL1111M--,Ft'1GiIT 07' UN (IARIiTiON
T. L)t:rt COVFlt -.4' til:itl r.
eatiou. Receipt of iiia pavinehit was were conveyed to the landing, the war
vessels firing a royal al4lnte 111.1 the
yards being manned. The j'ieere•gal.
party were received by tau Doke of
;toktinwledt;ted by .14-lxd St411bbury in due
1, Legation of the U. Sas -
Ll7>ndotl, Nov. 21, 1578,
44 a[v Lord, -1 hive been iuxtructrd
by the President of the United Status
to Wilder to Her dlaajt:sty'd Government
bhv sutn of $1,5110,010 in gold coin,
thk bids(; the Su.ui n4IIUIHl by the two.
0eeucstlrint; I11e11abtird 01.. elle 11.14111(1eie8
Ueellnniien irately eittittg at Halifax
rtnder authority imparted thereto by
the Treat' of lt'r42t4iugtsm, to be paid
by the Government of tike Unites( States
4'u the Government of tier J4itaunic
" a
i0 I
14111 a. m 't
1 t 113, # utlby Pres
l file e
11 1
.Knit t.' e -k that 804.711 pilynlerlt 1y rondo
rtpon tire stunrte1 that the frt)V0tnnneent
of time routed ted Stales de..iLC' to place
tit omin((Utancel of goad faith in treat
ies slid the.tesurity sod V8%iuu of arbi-
U t tubetween nations sL
>n ail Rut
tion in ill r4'btLtot•s with her Brltatlui0
3Ii4jestyti Goveinment as with all outer
Ci•¢avEr,lm1TeLts. L'udcr tilt,; waive the
rlr"veruinlnit of the United States d,e-
•Iit;" 3 t'* he.p1(tlite the * Ue',tiIU l'f with-
t1^altling the la(ylnelit trent the con.id-
(a atinalta touching the obligation of On,
l) meat j which�have been pre.'-nlod to
Her ltujebt,,'tm a,-overnnl(+ant ill Corn's
p '1de.ne4, 0'11 which It reserves sol tl
1 .Sint** 11V;411.
" 1 am besides inalrueted by the
President to say that the (i- vermian(
of the Unite(( Stelae de;enl4 it of the
greatest importance to the choana►u
ani( ftie=udly iuterests of the two (>itev.
•rnlllelnt$ in ail Sastre treatment of
:toy gireetiens relating to the North
:lnelPicaml fisheries that her Britaneic
1leieesty's U,lverumelht ehoul41 be
tinctly atfvietd that the Government.
of the United States cannot accept the
result of this Halifax Ceenitnieetun as
fnrniehielg any jn,t measure of value
of participation by our ('it,i Lns in. the
inshore fisheries of the British Pre in -
eon, and it protests against the a�tu(1
payment now Illade bei.11g ooi*ailtered
by her :Majesty's Government as iu any
sense an acquiescence in 11lell meas-
ures, or 1(8 warranting arty iuferelltto to
dila. effect.
" I have, etc-,
" JOHN WIi . g."
T1tlfale.7I, Iletober 13,1$78
'; j U kF 1'..--11Aviug rented from I)r.
-i. ' Cow, 1: tl*n send 1dt 11nt>\t'4. *L'811, Pinental,e'.Y
1 ale 'o:a)atr., t to sure ly' sand for all building
purpose•rt (11.•.41, a,4 tinValae. Any person found
t Lkiug,';tr.).t,:its, *4.f 1{lt '.*uthnrit}•attar this anti.
A. 4.1 b'• ilt',,tt with according to IOW. '1 fl0'LtS
rULldliiNii. Lxetor,cot. 7-th,1818.
�• hand SurSt,'ser, deco will Le et the
114'0l Hotel,]a.c„t11 t
first I
foaIy in o each
mouth. miler:. rar
wor]c left with lt1>, john'
S1,ncktnant will roc vivo prompt: Lttentinn.
LAKE, Commissioner, Instar-
• auco. (same 1(11,1 Loan Agent. Of ice -
t door !troth Royal Hotel, L xotu. Wilsons
1 MI, He nsa 11,:avevvINIondety.
1313114 A.TE FUNDS to loan at 8 per
N,TUi{TGAGFS DOUG-11'r.LE.M.nuy loaned on good\OTES,
NJ�10t V1)YANCINfr --Deeds, 111nrt-
gages, Willa. ti • drawn onreasonableterms
Barristers, Attorneys -at -law, Solicitoria
usnaory, Conveyancers, Commissioners in13.R
au. Y..tnrica Public, t, 1llary's •
0. S..TONi S. W.C. elosoEIP.
(el, 'tura-lluttOn's 'Block, SVaterat.,t,Mary'.
ASON &:EIUDSON. Hensttil, Out
Piro and Life Luisttrauc- '.nit Genyral ColeIII ie8ien
A4tlnts, insurance two-tblrzls cheaper than or -
d 1u14ry (Mst, also ulonop to loan nu roascnnh]e
° terms. Prompt -attention to orders per mail4.r otherwise. P.m and Village property for
stile or to loose, •Lilo 4(014 o gond business stands
ti 7osid'nees in Heusa1l.
&ttkaa KAsn,r, Jossrrs xtnnapx,
Comntnsioner Conveyancer.
g .R. ABBOTT L. D.S.,M.B.C.D.S.
�.3 •
Graduate of Royal College of
Wilco 'ove. O'Noil bank, and opposite 8utnwell
xIN 5111 A.N, DENTIST,
_ •
Licontisto of
the Dente'
' cell* of On
tario, may he
,conettlt'd any
dray. CMMHce--
1 RE flnol' to
.41w Poet, Ofaco. Exeter, One,,.,,,
JO' -rises. - Several • ealee Anti ex -
(henget; of property have recently tak-
en Place. -Mr, liobkiilt, teacher, hats
been re-engaged for next ye tr. lie
has purchased a house and 1st.-°1'bree
teatehers are now engaged in conduct
tug nor public schools. -Tho town bell
`'0]' which Sub10rileti(lue have been so-
licited has not heal) purclmased yet. -
The mein ditch to drain the village,
%metiug,150, has been completed,-
Mr, Part,ons in'ends erecting a very
Liam stare cza the corner opposite his
presetet place of business next spring.
-;Mir, Richard Youttg, 5th colt., has
sold his farm to 0. Kuhn. Mr. Y. in-
feuds -retiring; from filrmiog.-Three
Veer were shot iu the bush 87(1180 miles
wet•* of here last week. .A. few of these
beautiful a; bride still wander in un-
fettered freedom in the large blocks of
wooded land in the bacti part of th3
township. Although It is legal, still it
is almost a1 pity to slay them, and ulna
exterminate the noble beast, -A good
many people in Stephen 'are leaving or
intern( shortly leaviug for the West,
111auitobt, and the States.'. I 'tall(
eetrougly of opinion that the populatiol)
has not iu;creesed for the faint three
yearn in the prnportinn Calcnhlted by
the liegistrar'General. In fact I'think
if the present state of ahings•o0ntiuues,
we will. find in 1881 very little increase.
-Mr. Henry Switzer, has left his farts
and come to reside in the village, 10 14
comfortable dwelling which he erected
for himself last suan•ner.-The sketch-
er (or "Belden, County Atlas" eahortly
to be publi d e.d was recently in town
sketchinb views for the work. • He exe-
cuted several orders. -it is possible - a
Library Snciety,.will hinaugurated to
occupy tonne of the evenings of.the com
injl whiter. •
frhe above was recci'rea too late forlast: is-.
i, rliuburgh, General Al*Dungi411, Viiia.
A.duliral I(iglebeltl, Lt,. Gaveruor Ardis
ibald, the principal 41ittist4+ra et the
Dominion (aovecurneut, anti .mans' nav-
al, military, 411d, , 1Y11 su1i*.u'lltetl,
eliaeriug. On the laadiut of the u.,i '.
;Luis 0184 I4ieeee8, the ureces,i4)fl tot
(wee funned, mid proceeded through
elle principal sheets to the Provincial
Building, where the Marquis 44as eo.vorll
i11 as Gaveruar-Gt:nerttl of the J.tntuiu•
iou. Au Ind dress of weleou10 wall then
I)retteutt..1 b•' the Mayor auu Corpora.
1 a
1 1 t@ ,.ill t t
yr 1m e � .
a a4' u ► -
, ai , . li
1 (
Die llxua4,ateie,a then re-formed- and
went by a circuitous route to ;1• iirliral
House. The etre at ... t; line(( with
people, •wt Ito chive, i to : Marquis and
l'ri;teodd heat lily. A..anhg the roads the
sidewalks were ct'•(eltleu alai 1•eot:le,
there jll'ol:ealal) !°0ing 2...1,4.1()0 in este
street' -4. 1F"tag., terra llyia,g in all parrs
r the etre*
e,f elle clay, and , eat the roar
' ,
ut c[
hoed'. and 1
i occ Ile i
with spruce, hunting and other deeuia-
flolas. The procession hatted at the
i, Pievinciel 13ulidiu,z and then proce((((ed
to the Assenii.ly 1'utiw, Malec the Vice-
reesal. party anise- at twenty miltatee,
to three. Judge Ritchie, iu Iris criu1•
4utt rubel*, wet t4 rent a4 the left of tl,e'
rllrelue. At the richt eat Sir John A.
�1tIottontalll, 11r, Pope, ile. J3aby and
1)1'.'l'ueoet. (Jae the left sat How.
�latiae4urt0 Bowel], alas,ul:, Atkins loud
I1t;r ltuyzl Higlinees, the PriIced8
Le.Uise tout( t( seat to the right df Sir
1''atrjck McDougall, 104* Administrator
1,f the Goveru.nent, His 'Wyatt liigh-
ness, the Duke of L''diubnrgh, beiug. 00
hie left, in full C.44111)10, tad Captain of
the It. N., his breast eovt'red with
')4'11(•('0 anti (1*COratlnl]N. TIN letters
1,7%teut and col nlseion, appuiutieg the
(renins Governor-General, vera road,
and their Major DeWinIer, the LIlur.
quid' Secronl(ry, pftteetl in thn 11a4ut18 of
Lord Lorne the malt of 011ie, whilst
Judge Ilitcllie handed ((tan the Bible.
The :Marquis of Lorne thou read the
usual nate of office. The oath being
given while the jurnt was beiug signed
by the Judge, the Governor-General
handed toe Great Seal of the Domin-
ion to the Secretary Of State* Zion.
StInetor Aikens, sa,lins : -"I hereby
give into your hande the Great Seal of
the D(tuhinieu for safe keeping." Sitn-
t11ta11U0U4ly with this 14tinntl41400leut
the Governor -General's ling aas least. -
ed over the Admiralty Denise, the bull;;
of the city cuurcmle:e rung out 1a merry
peal, and a. sa1u e of 17 guns was fired
from the frets and forts, proclaiming
the fart that the ceremonies conneetod
with the swearing in of the now Guv-,
arena. were completed.
After the conclusion of the .ceremony
the A•lrniui 4re,tor made obeisance to
the Goveruor•Geueral, the Princess
Louise soil the Duke ot Ddiuburgh.
Then Sir John. Macdonald, as Pre-
ttier, stepped forwa4rd t4ta(1 introduced
each (4'f his Miuietors. The band play-
ed God. Save the Queen and His 1°;x-
celleney descended from the dans.
A. Goon ONE. ---A few weeks ago two
of our etaterprisiug school teachers in
the two seotions west of hereput their
Made together, and i41 the absence of
the Governor-General- esel cised - his
prerogative, appointing ad11y of thanks=-
giving for their eehools. Tate schools
were accordingly closed anti the pupils
left home to eat the Thanksgiving (1111 •
ner. Your ct)rrespflldeut wishes . to
know what they ialte1111 to do with t'11e
approaohing one. 'they will got a
deubl'e share ,of goose.
CONUNDIRUM.-1f'a protective tariff of
44 pet cent. lowers the price ;of furl'
and factory produce ]' the United
Scutes s0 -that they can glut Canadian
markets, how high have Canadians to
.a41(e their rev.)lltie tariff to lower the
price of their products 80 as to glut
the markets, of ' -ohne • other free trade.
country.? '•
(Ja:N'II AT he, ,Metaxems.-Jii'aiII wheat, 82
to 86e. ; Spring 50 to 80e'. ; Barley, '40
to G8e. ; feats, ,27c' ; i'dultrl', per'1L,,
Leiildlro.: w+•:,.Aber 21. ---Lord Oran.
b10ull's 1441144t-78 i:u Lewd llytton con•
cer4alug the Afghan trouble states that
toe Aule e4',. having repelled 1 ilzgtand's
frieu,lly n4ivtsllces, persisted in ins nu-
u-:iemldly 1* elation, *404 ultimately hay -
ng two years two declined t0 receive n
B-itiall envoy even temporarily within
bis territory, 0u the ground_ that he
could not gnar'auteo ite safety anti
would tllerea£ttir be left without any
excuse for dechuiu,t to receive a Itue.
shin Inidl+Uill, has welcomed with every
appearance of satisfaction an embassy
from. the Czar, dispatched to his court
at a time when there wore iutlicatioue
that au interruption of frleudly rola-
dune heti: w ee a 1114;l*I11d. and Russia
mightt b •t4lll 4':t, The
eer s re -
caption e•f 1tlau l.tieetite mission at autpll
time, minder Such e'arealn1tanee8, left
hi' mm 1,0 exe"Uae for t'1 receive,
.at Itis oatnted ton Envoy from the Brit-
t 11 (xe3veruluuut. The conduct of the
A.nleer was tslr;lly without j4. °lficatiun.
110 was aware trout venous -•:Oii'Ca111-
attailcas that the Itudsieau' Govlsrulueut
had given a1su7anoe tope Government
ll,1r'Majesty to regard his territory
'Its completely beyond tho`•'epbere of
action. 114* was 0Alnl4liy aware that the
wwLulu pike of the Bash Government
since his 14Cces4uU to the thr=one had
been to etreugthtfn Iris.., ;las 14ud au•
thorny, and to protea 141 21 Frain foreign
Aggression. Y'iy every 1114110 *4'f interne-
tluual Courtesy, 18.8 whit as 0: the t. a itw'
engagement of 1851, . esistil:tg between
the two countries, biuding hila to be
ibe ftioua of our friends and the enemy
of °tor enemies, time Atneer was bound
to a lino of couduct the reverse of that
IA WW1 1:e adopted, In replrrting to
Her Majesty's Government the forcible
r- jectiou of your friendly Iuieeien, your
Etxeeliency expressed the Couvlction of
the Goverulueut of India that this act
deprived the Auleor of all further claim
nocn the forbearance of the British
(Gnverl]went sod necessitated iustent
netball. Loris Crtanbrnok'teamed Lord
Lytton of the cordial support of liar
Majesty's Goverun.e rt.
The abortive ending of the missions
of Col. Sir Leais Malley mat General
Sir Neville Chamberlain, wlii0h were
undertaken in pursuance Of these il'-
etractions, and shows that the latter
%as suggested by Lord Lytton, who
thought that after the ostentatious re-
ception of the 1ltissi10 miseion, a policy
of inaction W:1x no longer teu*ble, and
that the refusal of the Arueer to receive
the _::British mission wee improbable,
and would be iaexctlsable.
Toe proclamation concludes : " Upon
A.meer Shore .':Ji Moue rests the re-
sponsibility of having exchanged the
friendship for the hostility of tue Em-
press of India."
Khyber Paes, Tlhursell43' afternoon.-
At da ybteak General 130 own stood on a
little plain beyond J*(u.lrootl watching
the march to the front. A. "deeper. of
the euei037's cavalry was visible ou the
top of the Shaga(i Blit. e, beyond range.
The advance guard marched briskly on,
and presently crested a height, whence
at ten o'clock a skirmishing fire opened
on the enemy's ` piequet,- The latter
retired after a desultory reply, the Bri-
tish force pressing on mid. occasionally
firing, reached Shagai Ridge. At niton
Ali-iVlusjid fired tLo first: shell, which
burst iu the air. - A long halt ens ne-
cessary to allow the heavy battery to
corne up. Fort Ali.Musjid replied, and
the firing because somewhat brisk.
Meanwhile firing was heard to the left
of Fort Ali Muejule. and sone taersans
conjectured it was t11c:Pliersun's turn-
11J.e4113)1 1h10i1t on our right coining into
operation ; but the Afghans about Fort,
Ali 113nsjid held their ground, although
they a4)l,arautly threatened our llau.k
sod front. Our 'horse artillery fire was
fairly Nerved. rho .Afghans- replied
with spirit' from Fort Ali Mosjid at
first, but aftetwards slackened-. At
one, o'clock the 40 -pounders reached
the scuta. 4180 Ma'gi:mite nine -pound-
ers. Abort :two, o'clock two 'forty
pounder 8he118 uruelled 111t0 the central
stubborn gun of the enemy. Soon
after two o'clock the enemy advanced
briskly. The Fourth Brigade took the
left slopes of the Valley, pressing on
through rocks toward Fort Ali liusjid,
while the Third Brigade took the right
Ride. When the last rocky ridge on
the left slope was crossed, t4 rocky pla-
teau followed nearly up to the foot of
Ali :'1Iusjid roil. Four gune previous-
ly silenced game into aetio11,and tilt
i1perat•ious were suspended pending tbo
cte•operation of two brig,"nllea despatch-
ed on a turtling 1T10veiTletlt.
London, November' 22.-A special
front Arcola says the Afghans Oen-
tinned Fort Ali Il-usjid iu the course of
the night, Tytler'8 brigade having 00014 -
Pied t4 defile in their rear. Diyjeosi.-
tioes for adv€4lleul!g are vow being made.
Khyber Pass, Ebureday night.-
The advanced detneliuient of the T11i1'd
Brigade moved forward until they found
themselves confronted by successive
liuces of intrencliments, At dusk, when
retiring in accordance with orders they
were severely handled. Major Birch,
who commanded, and Lieutenant Fitz-'
eratd Lilted, and a lientenant
and over i0 Setayeand 'four ortilleiy
men were wound,' d.
A. London despateli, dated Jamrood,
garrison i .4 the .4 17 t o Ali � ns-
Friday, says g x a n f ,� i
jid has bolted precipitately, leasing
arms, food, twenty-one Cannon and
forty or fifty wounded. Considerable
( t'� have t ,
numbers u 4'l 01 4's } a o been al4 n
nib s f le
anti it is reported the Afghan command -
e: is f4n1'lug then(. Causitter14L1e firing
was heard up the rase on Friday luelr-
ain:', It is believed the Afghans are
not in a condititu to u.ake any furtl it
II0I'4Ii11.iL14 SL"IC11iEe 1sY CltE\IA.
e 1S.1V 11'Aihneo TJ S1I.)OT RI,i1SELI', MIA =HMI
I%Iontg rreery, a German painter
on Thursday nmrni ig attempted sui-
cide by shooting, but failed to i i a
deadly wound, and suceet d)11 in carry-
ing cut i111I detel'nlihhl8.tioll T.1'hur 4'1ay
evening, and that, too, 111 a trltgie 111;141•
tier. isitv.tgolncry, with big 1twobaey-,
oeoupie:1 a 4lloln in the St. P14n.. lionise,
Upper Third street. Abort t,80Time.
day evening the room in Iwhieh Mout.
+,ornery lay, watched by inns yotllag('st
sou, ledwltr41, a, boy tef ((bent 15 year(`,
was 711dtleuly enveloped in flil.rn -44, from
whi(h the boy rushed out in one eons
of fire, the flames enveloping his e+rtire
person alio shoeuti;lg t111 over his i.e id
several feet, The astouislledoccurauts
of the houses, as 8o0n as they 01.14111 re-
cover their presence of 1k.1.td, turned
their attention to subduing the ba uing
clothing ou the boy, but not before be
was 83 badly burned that his life is dea-
pailede4f. In the meantime the alarm
of fire had been sounded, baiuging tilt
the tiepin tweets, and iu a ahnrt time
tIlo flames 171 11loutgonlery's r0CTn, and
which had eetelt1ed to an adjoining
room were subdued. Entrance being
made tc Montgomery's front, the, her-
rime significance of the fire was first
realized. L
10n the floor, leltlcharred
reinuants of the bed upon 17111011 ho lay,
were the remains of Montgoinery, burn-
ed to a crisp. The exact unmet. em-
ployed by Montgomery to *ieCnre his
cremation is is riot known, the bnyb••ie4„
so b idly burned fait to be linable to give
any intelligent acorn -alt. From his die
connected and incoherent 1nLtteriugi
itis supposed, however, that Montgo-
mery, carrying out his suicidal intimi,
as evidenced by the-morning"s shooting,
by so. e means got possessiou of the
large oil lamp.' n the room and broke
it 3VO.' Ili -1 heal(.. - -
(.3I29Iv' lU\.
being made by the farmers cnncerlaiog
the condition of the road lending multi
from the village to the Preebyteria((
church. It is cutup 80 badly that , it
is almost iwpos.ible to .la iavel'ou, anti
in consequence thereof vet), tittle age*:;.
cultural produce i'3 coming iuto our.
market. ` Iu fact" every street 4L*, tate.
villege is a sera of 11)tttl, a*ad,baehews4 is
dill], looney -ie as 8Uaree a8 ellicl(ets"
teeth, and all the. atnnseneent we 14a.vo.
1s to stand in the door- and Inugla lot.
pedestrians tvt4110lviu'g through tele:
cuand and shish.,
PBO11MCrtIONS. - 0417 ;-resent ' public
school teacher is.let:eying a, good a•ecurd
for ltim=elf. H'e has inial`** a u01ubeu'
bastion and Ci'LIWbled a oreeet`un7tinn of promotions froni.tlhe fourth to the
of it, appal'outl3 dia111Uuu,t10, tllu:ki*O.t fifth class 1'1,L'etht13