HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-11-21, Page 88
NOVEMBER 21, 1878
Exchange rank of an. ada.
1.1':4:t! rad uta, - 114040.000,
M. R. GAL'1 T. President.
rli( I.#S e.#iis:R ULL Vee.Presideltt.
A. W. OCUI ti Ir.. lll.P+P., - E. X. GREENE
TKOS. MEIN, ALEX, 131:'iTil�-
J?t Scl;fix-R<.
V. B. 311 lilt.#Y. - - Vw:hier•
:MOROI%BURNS, - , - Inspector
Ni:w (xnErg Hots>r.-ilfr. L Carling has
erected a tleautiful e' uservatorc at the 'rest
end of his residence on Huron Street, He has
sor McLellan occupies conriderable apace to
advantage in explaining how to teach arithme.
tie to beginners in Buell a way as shall make
a -handsomely- finished heating apparatus iu the subject interesting to thein aiici enable
position in the inside. with a reservoir anal them to fully comprehend the powerand flesi-
pipes attatcbett containing water which is cal-; bllity of any number. The paper on '• Cram"
ciliated to keep the atmosphere anincieu4. by C. Clarkson, f3. A., is meaningless verbiage,
damp: Flowers and idants of almost ever)* ; but answers well enough Asa literary eccentric.
variety adorn the greenhouse. It is so situat- { ity. Vic typographical and general ]mechanical
eaglet it can be entered from the sstti2ag- i execution of the work is faultless. $l a year;
rem. • ' sample caries free to teachers.
BI>ni r Se entrF MEETIxo. The annual mein- g 3'atrx^i gess. S.tclat..- "line young men of
Exeter >'Branch- ing cif the Exeter Branch of the British and'. the Ct. M. congregation will, us announced on
Y i C' C. l Foreign Bible Society was held in tl•e Bibleevening
- 1 � 8 posters. isull "2 social toniurroty tFr^
llui•stiau church. The attendaute was not day.) Oysters, tri and other retro a ents
very dirge, but in every other respect tlltl tt i l it? e~L"l;c'l iu 213= haietnae2nt of the church
meeting was a Success. The speakers were z+, 6.30 e9'cl Ick, alter which an'exeellent liter-
' Revs. M. ears. With+, Centralia ; :t.11ila. lieu- ! are entertainment will be given in the body of
KM; and Mitchell, Exeter. These gelttleinen the a nrcllt. Ali Ire corrliat:y innsittnl to attenie1.
all bells e'rea neat a'ldress•'r-. Mr. ABM ne- @ Admission, 2a'Iaits, 2; gents ; children,I 3 rents.
eonutetl for the smallattendance inn the The to:lowing is the programme;
grounds that printers' ink was not usel, ojrunage-e tie:.t E. G. A. fIrcunt.l.
as fretly as it should. have been. Iter. �Ir. flet 1:Y Tuts Cuotr
Edwards olticiated in the .capacity <'f c"ttt,k 1',#it'l' I
I marl, 1:,39:9!d'n".2"S Address.
ai,�77(E tonil$'t. t4, farmers on their ow netts with
{(3o 1 endorsers. Pra-ts iss:led on ;New Yerk,
i ce• t aeltere-t c' lotted en deposits of orae
t a li'+ 11•ets-
tn a'It•t: ifOl itS—rsent 14 to 3; from lee to 1 on
W. A. cL z TINGS, \Its •ager.
Exeter, Anattst 22w1.1$14.1. p.:;:8. 51-14^.
Overczatinga i Heavy Tweets , tioR\ kt,T.—li a /ear i tient Ain Wm. r1 • 1.- 1} t.•te "•Wlbrit are the WI 1 waves sat nag;•'
r ltl , 711•115'4F711•115'4FTAMIL 2x1, :tin 1,
t1 n4..a',l x99.1 1 Ali site r to :
Beinearmtetean•dctrefulyselecte-lwear: �Lore.�-Dtte. Lon.:.:t.1;3aF..a ,t :t;i , 1 ;iLi^J}1 ."ttd.at is trnenb".e?•'
Mu. H. U. Amity, Leant.
"The Death of NtIsvn. "
B•as It -VMS j '4•lne
,_.1.___i ▪ t L Ir . ,4 #w L
Open to Com petition .t,.e•l; * 2 4,^44 e 1 442.' main of .id: t7 . at"Aln,1:. I:,16rrna,
tirl.•:ti n front Longfellow.
�I d a•r 1st ? Clan.* Aril /V414'1100 9'9 1::5e i,. 3f E1. 11.1 I=ticawDae..
1. L3.; l.i,^ f- 1 l nt=t•.f a least e,f fait11ds .1.:dcd....... •.Sts,•et Spinitt,1I42ir my prayer."
#.^:::.i,rn b:+ antint,le laic.1•e I1»:3 taltinis'4 1101^�5I.4►1iltb trl'Dv.
;,,,,-..ii s.:rl1 to tela:l hi; eehreIot.n a .sanies in 1' ti, 1b''..Lias• SO4).4.'101,4 lht' Breakers."
La•.'l'.a.Ls,.,7:! eli.t'rt4tinnl••nt5 Er: tl2w' t -I.3'. Ila if Mtss MALL It+'P4•..,ri. Loudon.
1iolI.,on I0\v
f: t,
.,t FurniFhii3gs a sjvee'ality.
11,1,14{ 9•. I1 'va, • e t la 4 cc's. 1".1,49 ,
1. 13ea:li.sg
ti I i• lei.., di 1.y A11 le' elt'tit•v in twine. W.•
a .rut w 4 1.1 r21ect. with the 4•ame? ,-Dicta *'a hi
new h,1ae as he has eeonet
iia r Ati Tttt a'- sx.,strn.—tin 5itDari1
et'euit Irk t Mr. $1w...(11i dl).1 lira t itin ni:'i Mr'
t AtiIJ2n1wert oin:t Daton llodg ••sn t 9
LOCAL NEWS. 1 tt..twra«a
29 n l 34'1- itnY`1 when a sleet ale-t:inlCt . 471x17 IJ
"$ @h'' sal,:t: lei. -'.e they were ti a ' :• a ey a A
Ill UR SPAY. No l+lll3R1i 2 1..1Wi a :nad.i:111 team l'e:,42;'a4 .,'lir 1447.1
- - _ _; • 1 TLC' 3141141/4 et. Fc Eta
ta.]e^in Yc i+.^S3 lions rate, nn -P: a,.;`•D 1 D,Y °P fl 4-9.; Dd
I' eaa:- t a (tv ti•'DE1r:. ^ 1: ta,::T1 tla=' ia.AA:,a 9. ,. t,. Chute":9 @144: ,i« ?'.•Lia@. .., d n.
rias:.:, :a id' ...s.;,^.4 4..:4..1 ':re's:: Ex, to r i "12'141Ia rD. kaC 11,4.1 r""1" 9, .1'4.1 11.4R`''+1 /"'"'
ei t 4 is tie', tat t4 -1;1 tau, .31
Tian u l a 1'I:rh..:•n lteaat't 4 ... 1@t14t 21,11 t:i,,., Ural b114 xra'a.3it:t a ,,
:`;lt'4.3s1n 41. Erni r•.t least I y 1+. 0. gF'. 1i:di971. 4l ie'°t itaij^Gr:e 1,; t.tt.• $.971„
t '11@1 .11, *. ::^.,,: f•D'.-- rine ,.:> Duo fi nt1131
;�.•'1i«;c.---;4411 lea,.w?1•: iE.e.•1^e4<-I M. Al,.'dI•.afl..,
,4,t•.sant,llir..'a g,Were 'LOA •I tJaatl C4J,:tr...3 44i
110-1,103,1t. or tit La.' font -f 0 a,1,,4,„t•1 e to 1
t�••ri Z 1 e 41492 D- ,.i-,tD41.f Cana "r1. •+1x1` 9
Vim 1444..a t. t tlr' 1'+ ' 2ar t, ,i t'=a n. •tl:e? their
tit • ,+ ] .,9 f .., Ip. t.ul.-a'r th9I :492-1 n:i " •.•-i M4..1141,444 who t :easel the warrant ".t,
. ,f , .. u , ,d, Si ta,' iwap;11•.1, tt4D4: to 11,19iaa. and ,a ,?,11:11 ,at ➢. d
1.4"„;„•i: , t t. 6 :ss.-. I'Dr, 'ow;; 1'.k' L:Y:at laza. sdn..•1 r-- I. i12 That L:Jtrti Bi,:• i9 �?ipw t:'i1a'• ,.;I
M. M. •:4991; i . f•a •': t•$ •dr•" s : 3:: t. l•.,.i1•L, el 1"4 t." -12-•1,":.r tlinl. ••f tI•i� t,l,.wti.
y .w> a
Dr 1 t• it" "a'J a" ^ r'^ y , who t. ..t 4i,,AN E6 ,a;a 14%14ej.Jy al'L'I .1rr.,-44 -I 'ttI'-
f i 4* iti9„2ecf •.'• tt i. l c 4 a•i1i*914 1
length of the building occupied by Bis.
sett Bro. a6 a tier and stove warerooin.
The increase in their bnaiine.s rendered
the addition rt necessity. 11r. 'Thomas
Dicii has taken npt►; residence perms.
nentiy among ns, lir. T...i. Wilsou"s1 Detroit, Nov, 18.—A. most horrilde
building is all encloseeT'ana wit' soon I and brutal outrage was committed Caere
be ready. for occe*paation.A hr. S. Pair- last evening, the victim of a lnnte e
bairn is the coiittactor. hr. Win. Oar- hast being a young ante beautiful lads,
file has purchased lir. Shaver's house
and lot en Brock street. Mr. James
of tlithe, nieceC9 14ilJudgeLyman C:c,ellrtantile superior t1 a1lrt of tills city, of
Dewar, formerly, of (rla71to11, is doing
whose family she is :til initiate. Her
horrible Affair in Detroit.!
Act amen nsrn 'RG GIRL. OUTRAGED SIN A
vItOWDrn STEER*. 11111
°011 business to the boot and shoe name i3 141.1. of Amhersibu r,.
line. Out. The young lady hard been 2et,e?nd.
tong the evening at the house t•f a friend
at is the 00o3 or i uwln. Matehes? on Congress street, one of the mast
Vent ll Lit 'tory a aaristseratic and frequently.
small portion of ycnr valuable splice to otl'leoelt ;sltatetsl utn i Drel1raitt,hoarlDt..!. Ill11244c,tnr0
taNlt this (Iileeti°il : .`11'Ii7at is the use of
WAS Cafferi+tl her, but. owing to the early
flowitlg snatches r Ti3ere is lin old hour and- the t'ntnb,=r of 1ne%:e on the
rhyme I remember hearing thrce I was 3trect she 2l&dittf tf. alumna, ow coal
big enough tut re80h UL) to the pleat reach her re'•i•lenice tvithent being lnol.
handles ; es,ted. She Ivo gone lint the length of
"He tlutt by the plow woui-I ahrise• half tt bhch, however, Geta. s a inter
, r
liliineac3 nM t tither load or drive ;
Rn a mashed face cache suddenly be -
and I can easily see wily tit° f!ariners , fore her, threw a heavy Omni. around
slnonld be :anT&ons to lieeti tl➢e team 1,'41- her head! seized her in 1 14 Iarta➢9 atlll
1 ilia;. licit tial 'aye 114 the scam: lfit:el tnr{a leer peto 41143 yanei of ilaa f}e•trt it
ttutanthy td wale'; can near own fanny a�
1 we see and ilydeiet 4ll`t111 being ti^�na RAO' ��""rGDnlalt�S atrli?l, 8+111}Gl ala+tRnf:o
away, on -another street. There ho
hatch .' 111 testat nay tier tilt so minis• i mnS bk'yanlnti 11utectinn,tanii. N11lrt•A➢fill the!
es p1a►2}t.te good p10 i{9g ? alit! t►'htat ji
pt►upr girl atral�*gletl gi;*,t�rt^n*l r, Clift
. gonal platting 11 11° eprtl4l louts a bit „bea.t succPPdt•ll in overpotvt'riu: hes,
Y°four rn uey ane! tint° every Lit1,l jn and. brutallytenting awayher elotliint'.
these tri:tIs of skill, and what do tvr get
PART Il. Witt return ? Is there one farmer in
I. 13:a,Iin;° The T2lriplit't liuppineris.•^ pp ally that tenth.' keep his lens riggel
Me. Thome; 2.'tin feel. " with sneer cut, aro coulter cat fel, work l what transpired aftercal?e WAS €+-anti
outraged her I•erse,,n---Clair ones, but
thrice. possibly oftener. Tho
beemg nn'rii
eanses, ec'oLt il'�t telt
! 6 , t
'::. S 414 •' i'he x,11 t+: xt.ut.'- :41..11;14;
a. 11, C;;n-r r.. ata hi•1 OWU VI U 0 ? 111 tht°l a nt►4 iii ul f ftp. ,alrtaln}aln i rug. t r Ctrl y twa} ltotlr t
3, iit'citati'n ••Ht:•lja tit the 1; t eiDgi.;' illotlsatdi1 Carat wanldl bat NtiIl-$1 el iilltia , uftf'rwar 1 , t Cif$ teTts' .let I, lift foe^' Cl�-
Mn. I1. 11. %2.2:121'. tnaar} -lid nn lure went lei 0, .dD.y t.l..a9i : c,areat with blood, anti her Beef; $•Masi:
••talj these prize -takers tI°' 111 ter a$- of too. lue t 1 1 I 1 le 1 b
I. Selo
d .. i1tgs.' ie nGa'r ta' 23211
1fi 1:19 teen C io -P. v too man.
Mu. (i1'I, nilne,.gl'. ric1lttlral 12nt11t!111f lit i Llinluttty ttf *lrt,rli
Thr. officer el'pd►lcteki hot. to filo1j G1r41+
"i, Il al 1]"_°,,.'•file Old 'Mut in tld Styli -'it 1„lotte in agiven time i•+ow id Ills ii194
bril<ea teeot, fallea S i Cil- ia , aril snit.
,fat".1' 31'4. 11111'1'1131d c.nri,16r}t➢fn'.,lin1Fi,lpw• tPfilPntly t her (4b11Ca'#4' llRT1,^caliir..l'e liet99a 11te'#1u,
41irtatches the (1llll➢ti 6'1'4 ihlatn$+
9 t
: , Id^Iteen tette farms liken it flatly let hit se'pagf^ift thereto toffy r4+, u$ silie >l'+
k D . , � ,4'i•.
J?2;� • c nl9tily t^ f my brotlik'D.. f krlDDa rs eta a thct$
I^":.die r c•• j4^1•1i-tel s�' fear that his leana.' a, •t'a1 they wool r➢eat, litavts ill" tr w.,1 t2lti<ei6"al ; (ai.9'211`tlet,
1 l '• 2 $'4 Laze ,t!ir17i4h 10 J@
4inli uta Moat trot Cts they At ;a$.1112},te•I1•.,
vi to ,I alt: 19.7.. • are I'''""''''11"!". $:a l,a.tin ;; a? 1, aIId that tia'y have almost 3111 L➢ys'' 1 ; f» :
t 't 1.1
(i;4t e i .9,•1 a D ;t•� +f 145,"_".ads 1 wife 224 Z ae n , y« : .Q-- _.
..1 ° ,-"*, .I �ta'1?tt liaise titnal 43iat'(•faal-g L.tlu9sct'ul i 1 tiD � ,•y �� ` e ° ! 4�
ti14k44.lata,!"ty:^a..i7d., itaxr„A ..p,,1Da,1 --.14rlarS manlier ineifele foll'i".i bt't"er �4 till RAs. 111 aJL"l=is. .�'' 1 1.A. ..El)
•.. v , .• `int:- a I 4 ,1 4179 Ca..d3x,-.y ..; tE,:, ::.tt..`raD r2a 1'tt
8w ate, ., "seine, $ tse@r4sDe V (•rg7ln, I� tlil'�+ lr " trtl4?, tliy ii SilQttt n $frit 1 or .,01 1-^.d 111, 1$ai, id' ,,,t C t• ^ 11-• t .119 An
('3Faatlh:' Will
if, (i, AR u, ti, I.'+'2a'.,t4sg7, girl D"i '1 .. t'T4ik t 1 1(1-
»1i 1 `«dfatl�i1 w`lpu `#re.•i t++l what ta't? want ,
NAT bI 1t„ 1� THEM'.
? " 1 ` i1 i t fc'arP'l lhel t1• •1111Jfa z°� 1 ^ (^'pt !• t'ain
%1 \ "4 dr.kt°792 j'15gy1::ne1. ft -w tn. n= 1 alit Pt the question 00114All$ne'r. A1; 411, e
,a 1'1,.11 t1h4.4G tains iia to Dlr lily Oat , There 114, no &a ti1 the ilet $i • y of bt
12.1+ re eq t,° tht, jt ib d tq1 f 111 t a inip,14 1 'an4t q ..t,„14 18 tho Ila itf td itvoing< twitch€,
`TD' x1.4;e'r . .4 a9OI
C 411 L4lAttd
' ttll'rRD .1.9. 1,• lfeI.,a,-i•21t l•,Di^•7J "f 11 single ser niv brother raiment 9t1.4:ea it 1:..991re:,*-
114 .1.11. Cal of 1In.• Id . ,* '. Th -4 was sittl.9ntit + this plain t•D me !1r id 141 ttIT et° kern Who
t' -1 l e a,; , ,. • 4140.. ,4;."4:1". 4 Owu -e ,•a,te ,1'1.'1 4i l it a d e'ril i2D1►.
nett aging tht ttAlll t i
J4 ^-1'1°11. iL M 11.1.11..1)
..I 4".e• sett 44:+1.• ^ . 'I� . ..1 • i
t n f ., ? a CIC ! -e
(4* iaFm41 1119.12 tli .*1'..i,.s- '••.6F'17.ru•II(2 •tdt t,t 1t •1'4• -1 . .lit thee were a*•'".1nnnnilf4 1 f •r .«1ta1. i'Ll.irDtv,• -a 9G.t1P..'4 kat Iin4t1: 11G ` 1'^k.I •ef 111•• 1 4 I. ,l 4 S t 1:
-.4 ,. •.a Ria .
nostril. It , t1A11%; ..-,
1 's Nov,1.7e :innt`st', 1..#D:*t1i.1t. ':. c• *,4 i :. 1 43'.1. r92a^ cn r ^ . , t -alta- 112 r,•=
;tf.. ti ".424.,' �l e''i9e.;1. •ria el•,.'tu,r 2211ta21` ., 1"'et 1Aia.a'4• i22,•I 111:101 ;V gave bol ter Iln•:r pro 229,*; . r e!.. 'tel :in 412''2D2'2atie2,T faith t12at In, '. i`sborut', N1tl, Ihr'*s 11"1 tt t r 1 p" o ,^ t tl 9,'-'•a.4.a.i tail 0.
r a •11 'l ! ''7 4 %Waal
x,4•.:tifi Ota• nl"t it ti2Cute.t.:an•1114•1t,tla, D: tt,4 * ii,• : i 4 l 144 :t^ -r 1_ a t l•.• 1. t11.9..tt 444" •h I 'villi •n * .� . =.r +.- 1
'.0--4 * I-,- �'r a' toe t. G ' 4 91 2"i ai.414.•.i4"12 1421'1'11.'-1 1112 t't.:'1,i2l 1,0 C', 411.. M ';:i/e1t'%1 1-^ . a' ,a limier uhit•• ,14,4: 1,, n.ii.1 141 r.'.
•iwt t•.e^.1➢ jl>-1at'•I t.l*�
'111, r .l .;' 211 rentie 11211 R. v, air. 1.n1t42er 12,24
Feifiiei''2:2: 1,CW:4'1e4 bin 1N-4 th 14.4 413 tdt'"t:
u 1,o 2a3nl,e as 4,111114.' -.MAI. 11 trillh.' 1.'221
4:..y": rt I•..fie4• lie ell t Irt' :112!4 to i*'.annke has
1.:;41 I4•41,:•
4 ••t41 ,2 M.^T. N. • fila Tdcsdtty 1a1.1:1 Miser
.:(411t.•:i.rin tie" Me. 1,. 11,, 1/r11* %OS ti3•,t for in
t•.4•'er. Ow ('-int. .tints lein;; *ir. 1L it.
.•s t3 r.•.tu. a1} a M'•. T. 2--..t4.,t°, ,'f j' -2e" 1.4•.
11.. 1.6... tea. ..i4 21 1,..• `V*-.1e.,`t .h -a e.k••t,
1:4 .Hilt •ef 114. 1,is-4'tt shot, 3 mit of In,
l .z a, v. N. f Min prowl!.
4 i tate fitt4 r,d 4.•, lll,'a ,if th,• late Lacy 1ph2nle'
e•1 the 1,. C. ' 17ar4tt i•tt rai.i'ath evening. '.
took a -t his t.•2.t the lth verse of ilia :,e3r 1
1'',1h42 : -Though I wail: through tide' valley of
Citi 1:;1,1 ry of 114 nth I will lea flu evil."
1,;4:1,'42'»: A,,'41a1,ns r. A!1 accident of a Pel i441Ir
1:3`211'e L t• a nl'. Wm. Carling i'hd day
17.4 rte+?:. 11e it•A5 cli.tfping w42 4,1 iu hbi f.t-
rla r"s
1,;n.11.w£u'n hi=:4xat.ili•I,.,l:uad.traciihiru,
a tl o cap of the Ina—e. splitting. 11 °346 a,
. 2. still G'012t4 1.•d ts1 tate lr':.1.
Cil..son •.r 1f:;uilN•: Nye:r2: —Thr' members
Af tett' 1,7e'224I1 M..11`5" 0311$4 rvatit.2 AF'*lieiattinll
hove t11.a m.... •,i th it it2,;lltuflue.•!i►Ir front mon.
41t1y to 'Titan:::,i4;r night. They me, -t 4011 the
f. 1'71 ThlirS1k49 evening of melt mouth in
I1 4:v':+ 11:.1.
• A. Citaxer..--11ee. F. Ryan loft for Ilrnssels
int rut:s,lt•y, and Rev. lir. Robinson, of Bins -
n 445, r:lin sncceeeds Mr.Ityan iu this too:n, ar-
ae 1-ivt tl 443 the sante day. "We trnst that both of
til: se gentlemen may be snccessful in their
tie's fields of labor. Mr. Robinson will preach
Sa Chri <t CIlnreh next Sabbath, morning and
Say 4t:,T1I 8(112001, SEitvlcIls.—The friends of
Providence Bible Cluistian Church, a mile and
a quarter front Exeter, in the Township of
Stephen, purpose holding services in connex-
ion. with the Sabbith School next Sabbath. A
sermon will be preached iu the morning b3
Rev. S. J. Alliu. of Licosai1, at 10.30. They
intend giving a scald crone, social on the arm-
ing of the-tlurd of December.
Y. P. I. 0. Eri•rrla'raiv»rss'r.—An entertain-
ment under the timepiece of the Bible Christian
Young People's Inuprevemeut Class will be
given in the basement of the B. C. church ou
Tuesday evening next, 2Gthiust. A. good pro-
gramme will be provided for the occasion, and
ars the price of admission is only 5 cents.
them will no doubt be a good turnout. En-
v tett.tiumeut will commence at 8 o'clock sharp.
A. DI*SEOvEn P01514.—The great trial of reap-
ers in connection with the Paris exposition
commenced on the 'lntl and ended on the 2tm
of July, 1878, and why an event of very great
interest. , A large nulubor of i iaelaitiAs, eom-
piisiug the best in the world,. were brought
into competition. But one nrize was offered,
j' Tlie Object of Art; and was awarded to the
:Johuston Wroagllt Iron Harvester. This ma-
,einiue is manufactured • by- the - Thomson d
Williunils ifa0uf.teturi lg Co., Strat.ord, whost
.•>t1•:(i 4.41 411411 !41,1 s 1 822 Ilial 1 t :*.'..4,,, 1.i" 'e'2 , . . rt t
- 1411 ,414,^ a4f :#. 4 VT, ti ' :r 2 9. r ➢, -vita
er :21. lire' otTe: C.• tt{d-a C:"tn1, 12te •1 ill .ill l„t 1 st'4l'2at4 l.i'e1,1..�In,t n>7:. the A. -tote lei'iaa;! I'l.DY •'et ,i A. fete ni;;llte ago the %level:lug bongo, taie,9l4 a t,,.1,244141, 1, t 1 1 t . r •
County Pencillin 2 F: i^I:.ty 4.' t [ i frit• I's 111.'! l li,$)
ie• 'Rpt Eta. 8°.••"i 1,11 1°." "at eat rjJ4,era a44t ri . ,�,�. free tot .1 ,i , SI -0 a ,., 7 : t4l s et «..•.
Lot. Y `Ith,.2at Lau a 1447 -•4, 21.-,? 4'f via 111"a.04r.'4tth4,' al9' barn triad t;lntA:2t1411;.°*411"14pU°4D4i • til
;-, iiJL A 'i=,Fit: ail 'v2, "< .^4 2 •�4, at -fl d,r
Is 'Will' M2" 2•. 2}21 hr:,l'9R eight 1. 14 it was: erd?•l..,e3 2%4 Mti3 21f 4•:14t1*te 1t2Dt.ih 1114..^-' 2;2'e'e;d214' rJatocs I.ntigty,^i•t12, i,,I("I>rill*111, were 1.1• IID 1r n 't2ni.,ga. 11214*4i4'A ;' 4411..4:1J:st,e 1'.e I1+;,
1 I • tally• l by lire. It i3 supposed ?estnttl �'r ' -
12 t,l the l.i, .°: t. 4224E 0"'2 fare. iL 9tith 1174! consumed s,4 v, nr .d;tri: that a ,'•:+ a 4:dt• all rr.i•le•. et t jI 1 � I q►d.i•Llt.�t sltn4* 47;1 til tl►e,j,r(,nlii�•
84,22 4 144.3!.*4' ;14 nth of i'. .e ter while 11•'212214-; t4. d 1242';3:12-e1': eine h4 tltl+"ttil.F nti t-ail"".141."d t°0 Mt' ilii! 1110 Vint1 C2iih1Y.'t$ by :1 tic&ct14u a - +t: It2 42'2111 s ,.a ". .1, Tout:-
pj" „+r 4.2'2:' tilt'• lay t�"1 hi, %inn•49g4 Cea122 is i yta4v{ , 2 2 Nell t `s"...•tir.ac• 2o -b'22 a :- r,t 1 4 til. 4.E t •tat t•.
1:,,vtor in 4' •14ti' t2i; with 1.2.2 -.liter, fi31 i e.•. a! 1"iIl - t 21 L4aera• Vets' It t:1ea r $ , 42,.2 a !"..31:0 1t t
-, `4-.2.1"'*4.'1129.! 1.4 `tell ttitit on,a 414. 44la,etl '1 un'l t r , S ~ , '4 tt• p71,ii-. 2.14 1' t', ,1•.16 •.° .4•:.i t
IMO lata. in ifs•` r., »,1, Who, •=l.e tt:9 a 1 . •l 5titl,elal t tI Keefe, 17f .hie 1. ail ia4 t11P r • i',t2xeieay. tti It.4,..:*I (`'Sl I.1.#n.
re -eat -.1 from Ill i' first .7271•W'latlie 1=.,-}ti..4l .he tit,. tidier +l,dtt, 12211,1 lltt' a� t•1:ro11a :-to nett 11.121.. 1 who t1:t, been lttlrlilt;2', 2112 1124? 14ttl,2*,.hl 1 24t -*4h. 24 rNt 1 t1,. i$ 4 tt
111.14 I.Ve tat S. \••2t" .4tt1'.i'+•t:4't• $t14y4•:2'.t26e 1 11:1"11tol-' t°:.`:LG;t94:•1.1*1ry 1°14740• w.044.'" 16':n Ya'l,� ri,Itlt44r1, arrested at 1l arplsthin tact a tc.ls t'la Is fl Il
b it twin.'n :-las• re •ext".i the villa -et slat we41L -tel t=a2• tYl-.e ii - 8t 3I'..1.ln't te,-en" 121 +te*'i1411 41;21411 former residents of t'hm,t'en—. . I1.IH t. 2 1. °‘,.1,4,.,"4,,',43
2ciC(c irtlii .t' jyrf'121-
q ¢ < D' Inn -144. 1• ( ,.i 1,a
•:t ,• •u 1`•1
1.110 rt t ,101.t•4e t•1 a frl01013221 g.it It r tvurdr4.1, • 1'Bale .af 114ia1:1 that ilr ttal•t 221'1142" tt' 1'.11' and •a. Komi- 1l,f•.-4211 se,,,,p2C1(in of heir!}, T.+
t f.ellc r, 11•2 4. ;•4' 1 .t a „•.I ,te'a 3'+t .t .t 'er«,et
i;11211t•;-'1)134 ,11'Yt 41 mei roll' 4t4itt,l2a:*41 pt. 0't 1.'1* 14'1''tlf••1' it 4' ( his frau or the 1432 431 413 41.•14 2;:47IiC!?2172'!1 thl'rl'rn- but its 21t1132liaiy' 2'.t411It1 ' 1124414 will ;me 24244.2* 1. *4247,42:4..1, .,n 4:.21 lead
• 2 ' - • t ,, 1 a 44 v pear- - ,. t.4 tits' rY,t}nit'1'; er 14 ,%, •. ^Iiia. , 3 II1 2.d*-tuttt2.lyr
11i2:u.2 tt'nt tout tr;2t1•:r: Iia4t; 177n'r.i btl•iase..a, that hal won, '1'Idt tarsL t a, - as he tp 1 be proven rent -dust theta they were tli3- ro tY146 led. 1:14'2?Ala• ;11.#1:,1"x5.
bat on lnt'r 124.111t'w;tt'1 j.'n111ey nits 1V 8, •.ars• my CO 4,t, ry a'f 32:'+ woe:. into theta of a ay27t- Clltlrnt•el.
, 14.41 .ire• : Intal, 4•lt4a 4 • L.' • %. 4 • in re: r. 024'
tri 141,1 yuan:;7:ali.n:116 -vitt ve'1=4ute,.i,-,l hi' imthi;:ing frit 11.1, lit' miter heard to cxt:2,4iu1 iia Clinton people complain of muddyOa DAN
avi(•ea, avid ;.*aided l
s*at•1 tf4,hy l t't the ei{'n 1 ` 141411114'er Stows that tae' eat1tl1, 111311 1124,1 streets.
lAtldd e. ltot •lay tis:' salle' 1-'.411.14 111Lif•:141'40'I2 timet! 114tro j'i.t u141127911'n. 1 I,dr••123a a+114' l.:alf Xaile
t tu•aro 31 Tula ,Oar lir`+I take hint tic t1' W.13241. A lamp };ills exploded in 1113 Bourse ‘1 t,'4 e.f fpr .latv.4a l u,d i'; I4 41 i•e.l tv ^I -au>
As' Etiniem•ers Iitennssio:s. -.Pr. IL V. ' j
Pierce. of 12O1f„lo. N. Y., the pr"eprittor 44 Dr
Pia'i-*'e's nattily Medicines, and a11.n of the In
valid& and t,lnri.t.' hotel of that city, has
mcently leen 414 dial to ('4.u1 r2 :_,. by the sere
ll:etterlug atajn.Lty o1 nearly 3.000. lie Il e
atlr..:-sly ser t••el his !1
Cn2tltR'^I'Py a.'7 State Fella-
told this ,sassed alelortt•lneLt WI•=t2911;e*
that his millets have been highly sati*faetury.
I'ii+ esteUSive j4ractiee in the treatment (Ii
Chronic Diseases will not, we are informed, lie
neglected or suffer iu the least when the thee
arrives for 1112o to take his seat in the Con-
gress, it being entrusted to his brother and
other experienced medical gentlemen.
PENNY Ills.ua1Nos,—Tito Exeter Di.isiou S.
of T. have every reason to feel proud of the
success tribe!) attended their entertainment on
Monday eveuillg. The audience was not ar
large as it would have been had it not been 101
the mud and the darkness of the night ; but a
fair Grow(' was present. The readings, recita-
tions and songs were all well selected anu
the manner in which - they were rendered
was duly appreciated by the audience. `The
iastr'umental selections were also played in
excellent style. Several of the songs were
lonetly encored and some ofthe singers respond.
ed to the calls. Bev. G. A. Mitchell, B. A.,
discharged the duties of chairman, and at the
opening delivered a neat and appropriate ad-
dress. In justice to the boys, who have been
charged with being disorderly at similar . Meet-
ings ice must say that the order was good.
Tax Saloon JoURNA4.—Wohave received
from the publishers, Messrs. Adam, littler &
Toronto, a copy of the above-mentioned
publication for N'weullior, 1t contains a short
.ketch of that great educator P:ofe?sor Gold -
win Smith. The article is etubellished with
an excellent portrait of the Professor. There
are besides several artioleis dealing with pies
.ioua which just uow engage ''the attention of
the profession. - But the unost useful'.portion
of the publication is contained in the space al-
lotted to mathematics, in which 4031.10 diflioult
;eolnetrical problems involving algebra aro
elucidated by Alfred Baker, .,df. A:, Professor oft.41.e 141 seme}ft appears in another ootuiuu % ? 1Atheauatids in , Toronto University. Profes-
e.4at and pitch him Hitt of doors. If any of our
readers t'hu;.31 hapi.en to meet withtit iufuri.
.tt2'el inlsban3, with the fire of b.attlt' gle inning
in his eve. and threatening to raiz: a big dis-
tult,a1atx in this town, well he's the man.
Goon star. Mr. Duncan Stewart,
of Tuckorsluilll, aged 90, ie at present
on as visit to his eon -in-law, lir Dewar.
The old gentleman looks quite hale and
New FouxDRY: Mr. S. Poinnie has
decided to erecta new fonudry, and
there is no doubt but this will be n
paying investment, as 10l1S*1 l is situ-
ated in the midst of it first class agri•
cult ni'tl district, whore implements
each as will be -manufactured are large-
ly use d.
SeII, oL WANTED.—AS the popula-
tion of our village increases the want.
of a school is beginning to be felt.
I'herela none nearer than two miles,
and ile this is too great 12 distance for
children to travel iu winter some of our
leading Men should attend to the mat -
Selmer I11Puot'Etissers. — There has
been considerable sidewalk laid in our
little town during the past few (lays.
About forty roils have beeu laid on
Queen Street, and four foot plank
Aid4walk lifts beeu laid from Pnrdy's
hotel to Queen Street on Brock Street,
MUD. -Owing to the continued stet
weather our streets are ill n very bad
condition and :the oaths of ,the pedes.
trian are oolnetimea heard when he
loses' his rubber in the mud. The
streets leading to the grain warehouses
have been kept in good condition by
our citizens and a portion of the farm-
ing oommut.ity. `
BE]2rovAL9, BUILDINGS Eva.--llessrn.
G. &J. Petty h*eve• remtnved into their.
beautiful . cottage on Qne('n Street.
Thesame gentlemen have ad<h.t1 to the
°f ,lir. 1'. Cavan, Of Clinton, our, flay Cb,el:a,td`at,�:Itea and ht.:04;4 ;quaint
lest week. It brake into about a thou- 111,414, reepairt,i1 and organs. and M..b.d4ansat-
sand pieces, some of thein sticking; 1n teitde,i s.1, Ttfuy4' 113 44211214 ,f ltia #erti2V'9
xhue;ld.1iV ltiiu a call In facet n i, ai- a y frtann
tlld '1'* 0°ti Worii°. 1 home. (7uil ;es moderate told entity' atilt:a:-
The verandahs in Clinton aro bring tion g;l:prtttt'.a.
torn dorsa
A. Clinton young man was fitted $1 j 1.4 1,TF.R KNI 1INCv I".t%i'O11 .
and costs for using abusive lnatlrjllage
one day hist weed:.
% %T ANTE 1)— IN S.S.NO. 18, I3LA.N-
sti 41mP, a teacher in •lding a secan,i-cissa
certificate, Duties to culu2uelteo ou the let of
Jauearv, 187.1. Applications will he received by
the audersigne dao to the 1:3t11 day of November,
#,,plioatt8 w 11 pl.'113e tate salary exjteetou 211
their application, also ;;ire roterenc:s, tt iL1,Is,9I
J'l1INSTON, woafLatu2, p, n,
.4 lite un.k•r.ie•n I el.} 4114 r.?) tint. Wager
of rotete r rad surrota<dia4'eaalntt1I that has 4ment-
041 nit a Knuth q>•'a^t..r• in SI, I1.tyre'a a:41811.11.1
awl t17rtlie mill Keep 4 nnt,a:t WWWIS P121 lam O. (!ruts,
L**.lies' gaol e'Ililelren •, tit.. I, 14a 4e!e0ery 1e 4erit'-
t1012 1'011105 may hate tlr it Vin:121115$, 3fatt°I,fi4'.
k lit to..rder nu the s0 4r, .t r'1.v'. n large sup.
ply ..f tieriin wool of every calor 4124 and. Fing.r-
tn11 yarn kept in stock. .411.0 a biro st,.,}k of the
best Canadian stocking yarn kept a 211,tantly oat
bend. Price far }2uit 1 g motes ...cls, 123E cents,
ladies stocking4, 14 cents, ebil area's 2413 cents p, r
pair. W, A. (1.. FIVL12, Atelntyre'S old stand,
main street, Exetrr. 5.310,
Having triumphed at t1•o pulls,
Is prepared to give all Lis customers nuc benefits '-Witt will accrue from its adoption, and has on
hand a large stock of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines anct
Liquors, Crockery, Etc.,
At Ms Store, Main. Street, Exeter, which will be sold at
which will be sold at prices unheard of under Free Trade.
The farmers of the surrounding country will find it to their -ad-
vantage to sell their produce without paying market
fees, out the Exeter mrlrliet,s hich is second'
to none in the west, and then
call at the store of the subscriber and
Secure Immense Bargair
there to ba hall 1141 Overooniviag, Fn11_oloths, Broad -cloth
Doe skins, Silks, Wiaoeys, Dela.ines, and eve]•ytuin;;
nDedediu the Dry Goods line. The Grocery
Department very Cornplet2'.; An inspection invited.
No trouble toshow goods ISAAC) CA.BI.1N G