HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-11-21, Page 5A •NOVEMBE_R21, 1378 'ME TIMES & FARMIIL THORNE AT; FAIUIER. Try the STAR GROCERY for Teas, Coffees, New Raisins & Currants, Sugars, & General Groceries, Just received a large consignment of fine Wines & Liquors, Viz., Champagne, Clar- et, Old Port, Sherry Cognac, Brand `, m,Sootch and Irish Whiskey, Canadian Whiskey,&o. A full and general, stook of Flour & Feed always On hand. Red Sign, Main Street, Exeter Reed Sign, Main Street, Exeter. VIM {../.slLE,, L. II.u5• D. R 4.644116: Zi.11t'Fli. "4.05 :L. t,a. 4 F:A p. lit. 7.3U p. tn. :lle4tl fi.•1:4 a. tn. Mts.,rd 2." p. to. 1:O•rest, is 2; I•. an. tSttAIF:3f.1 A'At.a. hii$4 . Ela toet :.Q:.a that a. $t Ziffeort a Speedy Sale, 0110, 0 It hlte tit hN,tt •• AP. ` E.. BANKRUPT STOCK FOR SALE AT Chisholm's Old Stand, LONDON, LONDON, LONDON. I. o .. Thu undai,iitucd 15..ering !:ought the Bankrupt '+t At of the Estate of 1). 1917t"lY .XAN. . L,4t lt..4t ab rut halt tato uliolesale cost price, uow ()this 4646E lcltolc stwrli 1 4S c.t a at saris • seh7V:44 tl, The Stool. coin -ills 4 4) ten ,►77.42. • +146� Yf °. .. t, -0 t�Dry-Goods.Millinery. c e Clothing, .. IJ 116 t.S ' •. u CS r 4'1 1:4 Tito 14104 of til r:ta,L'lt lately parehtved. It ie new. very hag', ORA ae4 SL`:';44rt46,1. 4 679 to 4 t 't ,.. tlt.• atop., 1t.ao li:374 P. -1.14"i. for a, shirt Om: only, the Raids nln:7t he livid at dance". A tit,.r. to tat to , nese 1vE Jl a 011.4 4 IC 1 q� f� T 7 P 1r, 'Yl p AND '[� r T �(f �1 NEW .TI r[, (� + �r (',� n2:i :.i.i$k' 1)1 ESS $114At.8. .1RANJ.J ES A l�SD IlLANEE.t.s:', E rrIUUS SEASON, 11 u ;71 tO 4: 400 taala+Lw F a^ t'•^ :41141 46.19. 444,4 we ., 45 ,4' t,. 4a e4!1 44 : w to •A 44 •• 11 . tel al n0 • 4a a t•. kA •. L4nnel4+1, 04,.4.40 ;17 :.1.1.74, which 1s:ii bs eliered tom" 1.etm4nl!lr"r the 11 tea—t'1Bi;llJitle 1 ttl.l S:aen I. I) iitit/ptts St., T. �tptay,/i �4�.ii..�,y^,; V . 1f R' . BB1/d+.EI rift' a ad'•1 '» f, 411 6:721 a t, tr:;9:»rcLStiha'l.+r' 4..1 ,1 .:' * r'w» 3^;w' 8 ..... 4a' ti ha .a.4 tiOto..4 1 u .4 ., .._ .. 4.4 7.7, t"4 44 "Ad l'4', 46.44• l"x44 76, ,T 6 0,4 ;a„t , r 1.. 9lbtt al. 1%41' Al r .1..»r,.raa Mists . , .. 14.44 44 gpt Eu ,5 4+1 t, i; 6110; t'. 40 esti . 44 et, 04.n! S A IVI T L 80 TI C CRD a j ..- t , 4 to 46 •4 ..:l o4t4 ;,; t It l;i.ACK f`;a.SLIMEitl.4 1\ew makes, \ TT -T -1s \\ 1-1 AT BANTON BROS. show this week NEW MANTLES,. TRIMME HATS, MINK FURS. BUFFALO ROBES, BLANEE 'S, AT VERY Y LO PRICES. cK, ; STOC They sell at, Close prices for cash or ou short time only. All :t(1C4►111rt: tie awl mailed ()11 ist January, est April, 1st Julys awl 1st October. IINTEREST CHARGED ON AL1, t'NPAII) AFTER THESE MIES. Iii .Aw41T.i O,►N 131%031 WELL ASSORTED. ED. surit.A13. laAr ZETA. Whitt.” . )7. to .,. ?e VI to x•ai if• x silk 41 a! ;.i to f4 V: .. it VI 4'411 ?~ tietio•Al ltfari4^+ 1 t4 ,N f.,,t . Ids!•.. c ol„ , 1, .L➢1 f 11e .. 1%v�,• Al !2x67,•; 414t6 «at 144 1 ,.i 44i tNo The choicest g oods evershown by , 4•, I . iiS . •t ate to t AO . 0 lel tat s lS .. .. :«Ail t.,,4 It . COLORED C'A IIM..EHES New shales, FRENCH TWILL DRY GOODS Choi MILLINERY & MANTLES., ihTTLE 4 tot :f CLOTIIING "NI.,11)1; TO ORDER by flrat•class w43rl.anen. 4,x44 7t ilt 111:Lrautz•L .1In,4 at. flue AA -it i-i't7t44A,t of j RP A�DY MADE CLOTHING Si sILit" WA 4a t-1011SE cc)NSTANTLY c)NII.1ND. LONDON, CARPETS IN NEW PATTERNS. You will 1111(1 the Largest its- 1 llrsl olaaso as:nrinie ,t of New Ifo t sea 4uL baud. sorrt)lit'lit of Silks, Millinery; 61144.414,i011invited, itemumber tbtluL,co. Mantles, Dress Goons, Kid i SAM\YELL cC PICKA.ItD. (ilovns, Laves, and all kinds of Fa en, I)ry Goods. Mantles and Dressmaking under the lnana ellieut, of a Lady of long experience. Lad- OM. nes can depend on. getting the latest and most Fashionable Styles of the Season, at Mod- erate Prices. 'Wedding and Mourning Out- fits got up on the Shortest No- tice. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. BEATTIE & CO., 140 Dundas F.t. London ST. AI U Y'S LIMEWORIiS. ourdrawn kilns being now to full operation and t taiming out daily alarge quantity of LIME that for ail;purposcs cannot be surpassed in the Domin. ion. Particsfrorn a distance can always bee*t plied elthor at the kilns or deliverd by teams at low est remunerative rates. Orders from a distance Imo wetly attended to. p� WHITSON 4X6 SCLA.TEIH. Groceries e VTonlectionary. Smoking Tobacco 25 Cents per lb CHOICE TBOACCOS AND CIGARS always in stock. 1 SPORTSMEN'S DEPOT. , School Books, Staatio)iary;'Magazines WITII'ALL THE LATEST news N.B.- ::cuing mac!...' Needles of every kind.. 1.. BOYD. Iu- Exeter, Out, (J(tl% , { Al •– +.xn"gars 1 x1' • :71111 lot . .. Ta Eaerett'cl 111.4'6:, 4!41,!6: itr :` 4nt:-4 11 t1G 14jelhir a1• ». 1± t '*^-r. Facts for the People! ()1 1:;til;T31 AND StintorsinNt1 Ct)1'NT3o, . Wit, 30WELLap Go, The Ore It Dry *totals Retailers of l.ou4l',n, Out., have decide.1 to ciitLli%;e the %their trban • t,r t:t Voir iisu:teuse bal,el:,.iea. ' T1L the past, they -with other Tr*u^l.'u Merchants thought that a lark, business rr;nitl n..t bee c4 o.t, S4athi'tt !;,ring ,u,liser,u,suato extant. .A... ( Co. 11445'@ slaw dVtermine.l. after dao .leliberat len. to tli4'!a,ntinue she credit !.art of tilt ir'1477;+it,.'nh b:. t1.1. 'nowt; :a> they o ill 4x667!) t +for Lal. , LLT u7x.401 their .4afe itnsi 7e•„ plasvoirava, thee will 1,.• t"n•hi lev1 to ratio i milt tsittai tag! mill taut e th1em to M tixuu7g0041ilt iii: At ordinary wit •h o.al frit 4 s. tl:a e4,i4:. To families liciu� 7tm73e aliat neai from tonlou, they 'coon say that you will saw- tit the 1e. y I.04 4, from to 1.i per tout. by uL tkiu„ your pu'eitnat• from then. Tide 4 at swine: is ill 1 a1 Vie four tittles over, watch you may them by touting to L union, eiFitth bl ounreyal.eo t r i 16.161 Their stork of colds, foe volume er quality is unogn 111.41 in Ontario. The store elvers the 1ene% "" N},� - • of 7L whole block. from Dundee to "arliu.. tats. Each of the ft ur it tta of the entire initialing isuseL3 fur �► -' ` ` some one of tiro Departments of the basilicss or for ifanufacts:1u:; purposes, Their aim is to ph t:s. the people by attention to business. GOOD 7ltSINFSS IT' IlIT9. Our !house has risen lu a very few years from a small retail store to ono of the largest in Western Ontario. A call on us will be made profitable to purchasers. A. B. 1:10WEI1L sa 134 Damian st., through to 135 C trlingst. opposite noisous Bank, LONDON. awry s Steam Woollen Mill We are now showing full lines of TWEEDS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS and YARNS, of our own make, from this season's wool. ever was there a better opportunity of laying in a good stuck of heavy woollens than uow. Goods ax e at the Bottom• Our Bed Blankets are equal in wearing qualities to llnmv-mado, also our 65o, 75o and 80e. Tweeds, and our 40c Flannels. Farmers who do their market business in St. Mary,s, buy their woollens from us. To those who market their grain elsewhere, we say that it will pay you well to snake a trip to our place to get your Fall and Winter Tweeds, Flannels and Blankets. f -'Socks and Stockings from our own yarn on hand cheap. DUTTON && MYERS, ST. iefARYS and STRATFORD Sopt. 5, 2-m. THE EXETER TIN AN ST O E 4•` T 1 RS Subscriber begs to announce to the i,•habitants of Exeter and the sirronuding eoun- try, that Lo has oprned a TLN and S'1'OVL.DEPOT in the store nearly opposite 11Ir, O. A. Maces Grocery and lxigaor store, Main street. Exeter, where he is p.epaied to fill all orde,'S. for Cook, `Parlor and other Stoves At Manufacturers Prices. Tinware, cheaper than the cheapest, and exude up by practical workmen on the premises. Cave -Troughing tioue to order,; Carriage Plating a Specialty. Coal oil. Ghinineye, lie vers boot and none Cheaper. Intending purchasers will always find' lne.at my pos:,,roady,to attend to my :own business and prepared at all times to treat customers• courteously and, supply them with,a good and heap antic e:' Depend upon it that nowhere can yon get bitter value for your money. The very highest 'pric'e lu!Cash'peid for.Hides and Sheep skins; E H. SPA CR MAN. Exeter P 0, Oetobei 104 1977. Sept. 10,. 21n DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES AT • LOWEST CASH PRICES! AT MeCLELLAND BROS' EE THOSE $12 SUITS! Made to Order. Furniture and. Und making. S..i AIRS AlliN has on band at Honsall.as large aud Is handsome a stock of FURNITURE as oan be - - found in any establishment in Huron, all of which he. • 18 PREPARED TO SELL. CHEAP UNDERTAKING IN• ALL ITS BRANCHES Having prooured a handsome hearse, he is prepared to attend to UNDERTAKING,. On the Most. Reasonable Terms. In connection with the Undortalcing Business, he uses the Anti -Septic T?hi.id, which proaervas - the body and destroys all oifenaivo odors, and prevents contagion arising from dead bodies. ai call respectfully solicited. • 0. V t II moi,\=Iw F.