HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-11-21, Page 3IoV2Mals>« 21., 1378
BATTLING WITH A DEER, rowthirty dollars to buy you a suit
The deer paddoek in Prospect Park,
Brooklyn, which covers several teres,
is enclosed with an iron fence, ft con. -
tains a'•bont thirty ricer, some sheep,
numbers of titre douxestie flow! and
Swans, asci nsltally hes tate•ot• two sn-
t:red ertttle within it. The Ifeeet'er of
the paddock, Michael Kenaniif, of 599
f ergen street, Iiroekiyzevisits the Part;
early every cloy to - feed the deer and
coilee, t the Avail eggs of the fnwle, Ou
Thursday meriting, he took ilia' four-
teen -della -old son, joint, who ts83 to c
ick ceme ehe,stunis within the eueloe.
tare. Mr. Keeeiff went to Clean with
tnrpeetine the glass that covers the in '
a.eritptirm iel I3ease on the steno .lark-
ing the Fare of the Anac•rie:tat derf&kice tat
tort lettt!A' e*f Leer. !s'sand. while Elia etoe '
Fettled d the fence cabal stat ;rti 1,011,14111 eh4•
rtte'stnttt Ince+. The tlrneve of deer wet.
gree e d veer Elie Eieti:a•'4.4''a; Manta$(. -anti t4.
titre 1 axlular rn4;lnetI tlaary ltrielc ,•al cal+
traria` tit re creel Clue Et4ri;a•,t, ee elre her$, :t '
fast lia)eee, et este al cant and tattartl'd' I.
ward :Konen!, a asking and watching 1
the hey frit, oily. `Pine hey Ikiekcd up
the tl4aeh ease$ of a piece of rope and
t,lev. r it at the alter, t;ttcrting hint a
lttli'. Then the hey turned, thitakiait•
tan mire of the animal, and weld attrlg
t cl,-lair; 111) sense chestnuts-, While he
cal thne Beige_ ed, the steer cane.:a-aftlr
fip Leith d vim ttiel it''reel Lim with las
aftli•re ire fixer 41.14t I04T, liinu kitlT Mani
41a479. Then the ennui! hacked ell :led
etartt.'t1 at taiga testae, lint ;sewing Ketito fit
eentei.t bibs !=v the :asatl'erti with petit
fete le ,areal held him Welt. The etee•n
tet cm--eetl/ A tag t free, lett, the heli 411:taer
ttttt4l' t ikx t ;trey, ealtiten: It Illi wee keel
E'lx hie f,•.•e. Lei see 14 41 41 Metal: b tio,
iittitl,,al. 14 zee as 1:,+ caaaA.i
'WV tt easels^tan
104 tl;,tl:-till thrill; :dart lli +Iitatxtl and eta^2441•
eel ',nese l+i, se tee to get on hie toot. I
Taco lie c.":Mat=s tea rue ln:te"et9$tax',i tie
ward IV tester's l.eilset, r;taz! eee piee
tater tI€: r"•4 tattlers ht Lis hands. JIe
rail Meng e"ra'litt.' for help. The 0,3tit11:ti
iltv+Itioi URI f3+4.
Wall they r,•aeheal a little bill:aetlk,
tat tb' Ala 01 tt tait'li Rtaa 1144 Ilion'i+e. stat
h.,ty fecal 11.1141 tees an to rd)U over and ever
tarp Ilia t,.q t hie Molar on the antlers, fear
ing that the manna he let go the alter
would run the sharp mono through
bine. The hely relied all' a a inet tie
tWt1lt.e and theme. managed to grit on hie•
feet agent. With one had holding
the deer and the tither against the lamer-.
he oracle his way along until bei con
to data doer. Ile tried to lift the !:tech
bat could not, nnti there wait no one in
side to atiewer his cels, Then he let
ho his hold, made a dash for the en
closure where the hens are kept, and
tried to get over the fence ; but the dem
ran upon him Bud krtockeal biro down.
Then the t uitnal struck him twice in
the farce with his antlers, cutting a gash
near his right eye and tearing open the
flesh of the cheek. The Ltd oried pito-
molly for hells. A. boy passing along
Flatbnsh avenue view the deur bucking
him, and informed the driver of a pass.
Lige horse eat. The driver and two pas.
sengers scaled the fence and ran at full
speed to the boy's assistance. At thee
sight of thein the doer ran away. The
boy was taken to the City Ilaspitel,
where ins wounds were dressed.
A reporter saw the lad in his cot in a
tinnily ward of the hospital. Ile way
in a burning fever of excitement, alat
having rt covered from his fright. His
shirt was bloody and his clothes were
grass stained. He described the attack
minutely and said: "Oh, if the bigge:a
deer hail got after me I'd been deal.
Father keeps hire tied up because he it;
so fierce. If any stranger ehould come
into the paddock while he was loose,
he'd be killed sure. The one th tt carie
after me was fearful Strong and 1 is
horns were fearful sharp. I thought I
was going to be stilled entirely." 11 •41•••+
The boy's injuries are severe but A w. . rather inclined to flirt, say,; most
not fatal. men are like a cold,very easily canght,but very
hard to get rid of. It is the easiest matter in
the world to get rid of a cold. USE manures
A SHARP LAWYER CAUGarr. PECT014AL %tun, the great Canadian remedy
` _ for colds, coughs, hoarseness, bronchitis, and
A fair story comes from ane of our
°enrts. One of these shrewd, sharp
' And sarcastic lawyers, of that chess who
takes demoniacal joy and unmistakable
pride in twisting a witness lute a lab-
rynth of difficulties, had occasion, some
Lime ago, to cross examine a trentleman
of some little prominence. The sharp
lawyer managed after much skilful mau-
muvering to so confuse the witness that
the only answer he could obtain to his
question was, "I don't recollect."
When tire lawyer had had this answer
returned to him a snore or so of times
his patience gave out. " Tell me, Mr.
J.." he exclaimed, with bitter saroasm,
•" do you ever remember anything 2"
" I can," was the response.
' "Can you carry your memory back
for. twenty years, and tell me a single
instance that happened then ?"
14 Yes, I can," returned the witness,
who had regained some composure.
" Ah ?".exclaimed the lawyer, glee-
fully rubbing his hands, in orthodox
legal fashion. 3t Now this is cousoling.
Come, now, sir,- what is this instance
which you remember so well ?"
It Wel, sir, I remember that twenty ueal ,rs,
yer:rta ago, whenlyou were admitted to N..tioual Pills purify the emery.. fountain of
NM Bir,' your father oame•to mea tc bo'r- life:
that you might make a presentable ap-
pearence at commencement. and I have
a distinct recollection that your father
never paid the thirty dollars back to
iiODE11N DR»=sti.
Alna Tedlema says; Ido not agree
with you that niters is litartuoni•3ns and
tretlienl. Nature items to the rather
to foliowthe principle of surprises and
compensation8 ; handsomely shaped
teodels nearly el ways Mayo ugly, or if
slot ugly, ignoble, eoininon-plaee, vul-
gar faces, such as could not be iutro-
duc, d let° any eoxnpositxon of an ele-
vated scutal, ai:d pretty •Girk are often
i.1-bh t t•ii, and still olteuer deformed by
compressing their fornxi to snit the ex-
i,6,'eu ee of the me:tern these. Tide i$
a Perfectly natures stet none-. (f the beau
diti de nt ee¢etaitnt , A itterutii'allly-fetrm-
e'l *moan .thaw to poor at[r¢tttttz!;t? in
molten drapery. She appears to (tires
trained to ;Admire a purely artificial
out ti/re•, thick waisted and straight up
mut Bowe. The relaeon i4 not, remote.
Molten ¢ca'tuint' le made not to reseed
b..nattc, but to e twee! d.ef+ects. The
deed ur vieettire ie far too low rand rix -
ri=les. 114e le l4' into tt4ta teirti, lk'el•'ien
ly led aacilli4ittily, beside.; weld merle
the musele4 nn whit"h Aa h4'•uitifdil al'ali
schen is hy sale o:*i,eg t}:ti`i! int:h•4u1 of
lent: swig ;leen *41fe1+»+. �,, sheet elves." TI,e
tri:i+t °ledema. will he se•eseid 1 by every
ieereeescrit- taf eorresp en4tinr.t effects,
Keel; lett`a;aeety tr4 unit -mei le 444 ' •
tile:aeitalg teen titixxbted beauty.
" THE FIRST I'1Ut•,iTl:.",
A -.are specimen of solilierly human-
ity onee appeared at a sontheirn Motet.
In the large bar room of the house,
dining the evening, a diaeuision arose
Untold. tg ce. rtein events that .tranettired
the battle of Slailolx. The dieputy
waxed warn. Many of those present
had leen. in the war—some eugaged on
the teal fide iLnd sone upon tate other
-and being military oxen. and officers
et that, they were very emphatic, :1 .t
length a ni+edest gentleman, who had
been sitting in a corner quietly liston•
iug, arose and cane forward.
ttentlenien,` said he, ' I llalapelxthl
to ba in that battle—wag in it at tlw
beginning and came ant at the end --
mel if you like I will tell you jnst how
It W5,"
Ali were respectfnlly silent while ho
spoke, and they could not be otherwiere
than attentive ; for the man's alncrip.
tion of the battle was so preciee, so
oiroumetantial, so eloquent, and so
startlingly vivid that those who had
been there seenlel to be hying the nett'
Beene over again, When ho hats con-
cluded, all understood, and there was
room for no more disputa, On the fol,
lowing morning the soldier of Shiloh
went to the office to settle his bill pre-
vious to departnre, and asked the
amount of his indebtedness. Said the
landlord :
" Yon were in the army 1"
<4 Ye8, sir,"
t' May I ask what position you held ?"
"A very humble one, sir; I was but
a. private soldier."
" Is it possible ? Well, sir, I shall
claim the privilege of celebrating this
rare, event by making you a present of
n receipted bill wilt out further cost to
you. Of the thousands of soldiers who
have stopped at my house since the
close of the war, you are the first pri-
all diseases of the throat and longs. For sale
by all dealers.
Feverishness in children is cured by Free-
man's worm powders.
IF the storm of adversity whistles around
you, whistle as bravely yourself : Perhaps the
two whistles may make melody. If you feel
an indisposition to exertion, weak nerves, pain
in,the back, etc., or are afflicted with any af-
fection of the secretory organs, use VICTORIA
Buome and Uvs. URSI. It improves the digest-
ive powers and strengthens the weakened and
debilitated organs. For sale by all dealers. 01
per bottle.
NOTHING so good to kill worms in children as
Freeman's Worm powders.
Lire VxeronxA Hm osrBIT,s is emphatically
a nerve food ; restoring the vital force, and re-
invigorating all the functional processes of life.
It should be used promptly in every ease of
loss of nervous fordo or general debility, from
whatever cause. It is also one of the most
powerful tonics and blood -generators known.
Rl per bottle.
Eanous in diet bring ou disease National
Pills drive it awry.
Andrew Jackson said Napoleon stood alone
the man of his time, and that it would be five
hunched years before the earth produced his
equal It will also be five hundred years kit -
fore the earth willproduce a liniment equal to
Hagyard's Yellow 011. For burns, bruises,
wounds dze., it cannot be rivalled. In rhea-
'mutism, neuralgia, spinal complaints, etc., it
prov,,s a messenger of mercy. For sales by all
Shingles • for Saleisate.Q= IT1f W
PROat $t TO 111.40 PER SQUARE,
At G. & , • Brooks' naw hill.
TWO 511Li S 111.STOF TIIF I 0 D 1fi
1 .P OF 114.1i,
A good supply of hemlock Lumber and Cedar
1'ostscal:attutly on la'ta.t.
TheW.D, oGloughiiuWatob
Be sure and get • t; the W.D. Mt;-
Dtoughllnwateil ,;You will have
no other after "seeing them.
Alt who wear theta recommend them!
Cold end Silver.I,a+iiesand lientletnan's sizer I
77 I4uudcsstrect.London. '.sae the testirnoniels
'Atte alsrgesr.bestandcheapest :doe kof fneGolrl
Jcc•c)rj, t loc']Is,-ilver.t,nd Prated Wort I ::nes
g<ads,er ., et., in the Province. I:e14,,ring
evert. deseritrtion.
W. 1►. 31d-cf.UFt;11LIN,
is Deadest, London
Mare do A Xe t. _, nx t. t 1 W
i'..1)\‘ EN, alb°%ICE — MAI
n t t• Silo t,aat -.1o, , uta rue• ,..+41i1 -et 1, Ad- pIyyp
r . 4Dr.:II r31 at ut-shale's Shoe t tt4rdn n 4''I r•''eiA't
44,- t, Ii. t_ 014eu."14.
Koplin intention. 0-+y i
I' rli TetlINS{)''t Member of.
L. F
the 0,1k,ge '4f "i t., •lets awl ^• n.y,; orasa.r
04.4:tri.4, '' ♦ Ay., 1' 1 me. et,1.*°°t•t••r
I:.IIYtit.►1I AN,•---Ct)l;t):;l i+ FON
Como V of Huron. t i,'t,lie"4td+;ur to
Aik I.alar4446 ,e•,. 4 ¢t -'a'
w. 1sttt)1t ) I�, tr
r r.•, . �M 1)
, 1.
- . ti. air Cit 1`:1.'4.7e4•tl lrae•,.
tend rrea,titoy, 1e r 1,•11 .seta t tet,., .
i 4 AlG 1lt)t)t1t. M. I). t` 3I
IL. 4ir. i., Z..,E.•.e a.ill t n. ,vAiet 1,,nt-,',:
`A4:.,• 144-.4 1 �.ra F:4:0814014 C. [t'.c:.....i.,l::los—
d+t•4:44,1- La .:use ;to lnom t:e
lA..1. A. ltt)LI.INS. M, t' P. S.
da., i , a _re'=• 4'e, iii0'^^4, 44:4t 8144.1•T' 107.1414
teen, '•t tad x+ +a -.,4.,'41 1r. tai.
1Y. I4.iINO t. lit xt. tN1
Al. Ar a t i,+11'4 reiqt4V. f -=a;, n. .,•44S t,1,14•011,
h14p14144i1 14.44.. • » .e'e N.44:4444,,
AI+I�Ititi II11�1.)I\CI,ils-«'t°lTh.
i lill...etS..1At[,,t4.',4. 24:41114'..81,80,, C'om-
M1 alunets,)4
t is *1.-4:-Itt-rs++::'y xts.o.o. Watt : ,'ct,
. .4 Es.
a sutras B. )r,an+axtie, C:. w. lr doers.. UI.A.L.Wxaty
't rt1.l:<OUMSU's a: cr.i. t.)1`,
4 4a Arrasten N. At; '1 84' aw+ 1•eh4'iu'ri &c.
Mow 814 a.unn Ott it 4414 hereto.
ran+sult d olid, it, k•:x4)44 r
1 1,r :tieDI:1,.il'\IIl, B.A.,tt t itltISTI'iIt,NOTARY, CONVEYANCE'.
LyeAt datiT.
s 11ii+ La4 loom leased r a term
years.ttadl 1 s' 14cea4 nicely fitted uJ4. Every ry eoa4-
vtnitave tn nuereutl travellers. The beet
brawls of li+xunra and eltaars at the bar. Wed
hostler in attendance.
Grand fiend, Siaaysl'Ird.lb;,t. G11.
ei =wee Baker promisee.. This Hotel 11n,
been newly tarnisheduiul fitted u' in fn4t.alaa•
style. margo and C»)lrenit•nt dhow hooray f.•2
Commercial Traveller's; bent of liquor. and etear
,tt the liar. Attentive hustlers meso s en shad.
21 .:.3m. WILLIA d la,1li•k1RR,
(stilt �Iv'GI I)
HANDS,—The ender.
\.Jaigutlihavinnreuted t11d± Unlrerinlrettse,C*+n.
truth+, for a term, it will befounda t1-st-class ho-
tel, with every eenommodation for the travelling
public, Coavenientto the Station. tloodLiquos
stud cigars at the bar. Attentive hustlers.
102 Ir.
t1-i�KE"i'1tlit KNITTING FAOTO1i,Y.
The undersigned would inform the public
of Exeter and surrounding country that has open.
std oat it. Knitting Factory in Meintyre's old stand
and that he will keep constantly ou hand. Omits,
Ladles' and Children's Stockings of every descrip-
tion. Parties may have their Stnektngs, Alan -tote.
k.lit to order on the shortest notice. A large sup-
ply Of Burlin wool of every color on baud. Fing-'r•
ing yarn kept in stock. Also to largo stock of 4he
best Cauaditut stocking yarn kept constantly ou
hand. Price for knitting moue socks. IN cents,
ladies' stockings, 14 centt4. children's r3} cents per
pair. =W, A. CANL'I1iLD, McIntyre's ulct stand,
main street, Exeter. 5.8m.
Standard Sash Door d E1i17,d
is constantly kept on hand, all kinds of building
material. Flooring herd end soft, Siding Moulra-
ugs 4kc., sold cheap. Planing Jigging and' Turning
promptly attended to.;
and eatitfactiou guaranteed. As we haver•on
hand a large ad ook of dry lumber, we feel sure of
satisfying those who may give us a call.
0. South ott a Son
Take pleasure to irfornt the innabitantsof Excite
add surrounding coun4ry, that they have jus
opnied out au excellent %seartmont of
Tweeds, Coatings, Testings eta.,
in theta test styles and pattern,' „and fool assured
that into= atter ofmotcing,:they tau suit tbt
• mostfas tldion s tastes..
At Woodham.
,tBRAY & EDWARD have, at ton •
siderw::lo expense secured the Best ina-
h Limn and Augur in the Dom inio,l,audhave on
hand a large stock of
First -C -lass Pu l'ili'es
and are prepared to make to order on the short.
est notice Well or Cistern ' Pumps. Wells anis
Cisterns.- col;traoted for.
All orders by mail atten.lod to, '
nesse shoeing, wee<+nand Carriage Mkaiug,Fia•
mond narrows. and Mora. eiewr al
highs all its branches, at the Lowe -t rates, and sat -
guaranteed. Mae to, a edit and examine our
work before teadine el+ewhcre.
3xe'4i1Lr AN & A14DYtIWYi, Iiing St.,1Yaneail,
Rensa1l. June 2'3.1b;r1. gin
P� ani-. Mill Sash,
William I itchzug
WItthestoinform the public that he is4•bettele`
prepared torel,aip ail kinds of -
Sewing Machines, Snatches
Clocks, Guns, tic,, than any
ether person in the country, as
his charges are moderate, and
he guarantees to give Satisfac-
Exeter " orth
Ileingingood crorkin rr+1ergive4 ever- acetone
dettera grba'n•r; and llleir eg :'uta•
and mill fit dl lelirere 1 tdx parliets iea:a t,. their
08411 , bef,.re c rad• O chielt at J.13+,Lf. S linker„ r: r
,'3'Is1ti$il#.sCe>'r,t:-hnal came day
,ES 0.4:A.S.FI.
dW ..4b' tf7-NV7,ZC=,
r 1111. et:11; ;' 'fit' t Se 0,.
Donne to order.
11c:eetubertl:e pia et,
D" 3,' Cave ki,� � ax
Havitcg nems r n r f44eLlit5ei f .r l cnufeetea4 ns;
from', tint:t ae4\ etiier a<; - rt 711 t11 ,.. - n 124411
pr. 1^.r4 1 to,f<ar_ra ' 111'.4 ea l 404 w4:11-• 0,14 th,`
1a.prt: t ,,iiia.•-, wet wort crit :.;t tv,u«• 3:y le.a.aa
1.241.- a.faear t":e
EiR$T PRIZE, AT TI'tta PAIL Sll011 S
n r.aierit n 'i:- 844.244,14 °,!-*.4,rs. 1 con r a
C.,4t04,1201.••i cc .,4...•_134 r,:._
iLIi,FRl;litlA1;11111. i». *bx.l. 1il:a149DOM:
re, Slsep-41ue-ei; tte-r mai, north ex Exeter
1,802.1' 84 11442441. Ilug 1". 41
I:4. ter. An .:+414.11 '-. faro.
rias note iu a took a 04. ople1t' line of
atoi Triun111141s of Every Rinds, in
Latest Style and Lowest Prices
A full Stock of Faney fiondls.
1i s
Berlin Wools, tfa
ii W n Lace, I3rnid4.
Patterns, Cardboard 1lottoes, 4&o,
reeeraekets cut ankl u1ade to order,
stain St. 13 tete-.
Mowers and Reapers
o f our celebrated
Single Mowers
Single Reapers
n all kinds ofGrass andGrp in, and on all con
itions of soilaud sarface,
We also niter a Trial of onr Wrought Iron
Two Bar
Machines anpulied with
'J. wo:Pitmans,
Two .Orag.b ars,
Two Finger -bars.
1?our Knives,
Forked and Keyed.
Self -oilers,
etc.,- to.
can be chanted from Mower
co 'Reamer
13yremovald.tfour bolts, an =finless chanllfteen
minute s'time.
Please call at our works and inspee
our Machines before purchasing
Send for Cataloenes
Manufacturing Co., Stratford..
4\8 14 1- 4 .
1:1,„ 4 t 4r..._IA. .1 a 3'1r4e $.t r-.'!2 44f
rarsftfR,. lOtia. Jerivell(r?i,, rm.
it I$ Air .3l; c. spFrta ciev, Latl3e.
and +r„ ata#S' l'or1.r+ 'Pooh's..
A large '.toeli of Fancy hoods con-
stantly on Ixalad.
•1i'atll" til;E.'.. t'.lUi-1: tA;r* 1:1:?.:1»` : 1x .
i lit,
1a..11, 20 a c.,•11e4 a,ezveic3le.
.i ". ;arra ,+•:4 al t: � '4 anti klad1.-
caa c 4 � a 4 s;, a 1. , 11i i s • lr r 4! 14;14.108384
tar t a a -1 k.c ti .3' ib1.2 1•:r rA 1.: a t •,a'.
la4ai4 4.?., :+11•74-+;', 14 * • wet I80 '6 Oar -d4ti
t:+ t acrr a 6 r s t .9y t , s x t u 1;1•44a144.,
-.t,Bxit a1I +.1u>4fl dye.; 1140 141ei81. dt.•=-
lag litre 11:I J t t 1.11.11:t 1;,.I . ,4. i'., wither of
8111 •"e:rceu 1 cul ,e
84;04. 14, t. Gt 4t,4o' l ora 1a¢µ 4:a 11410 a:•Iuairal,1%
tit *:-acini arIF Aei tri.44444.. 440411 t•t.l :rie-osis
'Br 1444,1404 i4 , a .dei . + . 1 , )f Mane, tas•a% 8.3
t.1)x11r,lie. to .•+tene.at 1::d4ai4 :tx.t41a ,stt4
4141tai , 4•-eutiA P 4.,ec14,ptrat.e 44 7, .214 4 std'
:sent 4•Btlnh lir deb Flinl-4 V.1141,441 4eAt a 20.610 of
entreat ow* C(`Faettn+n 14 f rttr ai 1 U 0.1)48. 411. e,-+
e,t'ere r ud4 rr tarn r nL,t t)7:. 44114414tt4.44 n.,u kg,
1au,at ta:8'¥14en tlflrht'.dl.21,l.rtl+tri\Una rbl.,aklj-,
i 1 ids 1.. t414415':1111.101u a, l +++'41 t•1. t101P4t:O04
N'il t ut**40't.:N,
ti nt. natter ti enx, in •a plc in ctriixt+re. to ram t41•
'11) .10. . no aeet!it•t let t 43 et'si4s, t•r tale le, teas,
ant: crx.woreemereeer.cn.
41 Ann A. NOV: '14.4'1.
does not effect the ow prtees sat whieh
& T. 13/SeErl`rT
areoffering their stock of
Exeter & Hensall
which consists of all the latest and improved
styles (f Kitchen. Cook and Parlor stoves,hfilk
cans, pans, and pails of tele most applpvcd
pattern, and everything in the line ; Also, a
good selections of handt'ome
Rave troug-hing
as usual, receives everyattention, and done
at the lowest figures.
Having opened out a branch aetablishment
at Honest], our friends in that neighborhood
eau be snnplied ou the shortest notice,
Packing Nouse!
Any quantity of Cured Meat
constantly in stock. .Rolls,
Bacon, Hams, smoked, sugar -
cured, Lard, 9t0.
Any quantity of -
constantly on hand
Wholesale and Retail.
i -All orders for cured neat
promptly attenders to,