HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-11-21, Page 22
NOVEMBER 21 1878
A cross-eyed man in Ia long linen
ulster aua a tall hat ran the bell, emit
when the woman of the house opened
tee tlt'or, bile WAS satisfied he had an.
v_ye to the spoons (tile straight eye), so
she snapped
4 1,Ve.1. whattda you wan ?"
a41laaeni. be calm," the cross -i
fw'ed elft!!! 411 a enl•>Oth Veale,-.
" Stole 'eln."
"I.Wrrhere did you steal 'em, Clem?"
"Oh, up in your side hill lot," re.
plied the other, w elle a grin took entire
possession of his face. He got away iu
time to save We back, but that former
hasn't bal•t;aineil with hila since to steal
S7."_LUTING -i_ BOY.
Thu great IvaxthAmex'icanIttinetly far
.'o»glls, 41o1ds, Asthtlla, Iixt•hitis,
I ase, of 1'oiea, Uoarsoness,aud
Sold by all
Ile peeta + e tum
gists and General l)rairrs.
Gr^1 a Syrup cares the wori;t
t lit" What at fear " $114 leeli111: a til, suel'icious• ' A lonesnllie-lookingboy was yeetel f erms a'' C o.1a 4C an 1 Colds
1,•. • flay 1iatigne, around a wood -yard in �i t; T9ii' 5w.•. 1114 : ¢C Ai 8422`;A �T Te "iladtl311," diel thtj crosa•eved zntttl„*lie nurilatirn hurt of the fiiv, \Whoa the tr;l; opt wa iAntlnnd t. aIle+Esau, Cant a22t,,
oww'ner laf the j'tard, having; Lyth charity t r;:} m,b�r o a In t ie s: t, 4 r,•,ay f- t w ..ua m.
"have y,"u a viii!$! .a" tira:a a t ~tale 11•!`,-1415 Cr+nl, 84.14$ wi+ oal.ing
"Yes I have," reviled the wSa131tn; .ii2at Dilli;tlitl;f ]tlj 1141111 tears in their to ^114.
+, *' , .,., 1 1, , 1' Gr""'s a�r'lp4 is aa, a:st ^13a•nt Pa !$"five in Ctiu-
r.'ltttt o. i• . 1.14,-5, 1ati.atd the Intl 1 .i�' 1*e ,didn't ped .ntaenen.
t•. 1 ■:,• �•" ,''N d .tD: -: ,-lee apples or do eonietL11tfr, to earn a 4'ra)•� Syrup t i res r n r;eteet.'' ee et the
A little �c.l . Tit l2 d the cr 149 11 !!!teat, t tat •a.
CyCtl 1L"ti{ £Esti` ilei@$[11 5. 1114' boy rGlAllttl tlltlt tic: c;ta: 147. ,l:y, 11..5 •* t , tat ;Remictee eteer.- i
- tirr.1
^ No ; tit b.'\'..A rt turned the woman. heti no capital, and kllta letj:ett.yar,1 man for all w«a.a
elf ee•Atu,t -:a b -y,'" reported the, tall; oaste, nickteland t,aid2
crone a 1 1)1 t11.Li1 ; is peeing; "hay--uo t ' Now, lily boy, I'm to - start you 1'.1IT n1
ler ottl :° ; life, Tait this eie'itc'l and go and ; r _ ? 144., +ss f� S:
Wonderful Discovery,
PS `L'•
aAn Internal & Externa
'F I¢ a -r . P,aa:a to 1, arvi 't }, r lei
k u. .atl A eget aS 1221 ;•
„zayp 7ara, $,84,22`. n,r.•'.p.e,np•
114 :4, a, )5 1 ., f :i S 1 L tl' r til. if
tan t :' 1 1
s t tet,...
QPY it tial t - is cR r It a /0; 224 ,tr.+.^ady,1,
141"t .+.trot.nL rta.•14c te'i.''•a?, 1 •'a
eetre: eh,
e't rag in ch.,1 •,in.. 1 ilia:?.. t as u :
I'RIi,-. - ehttee..tr.. i. C n.:1t:t:- 9 t::: tic,
,°. �a CENTS.,:.•,._._ :• -- -
'" Al'4a11t that leg a. " said the woman ; j make it palrellase of Atituoalhiate* or other,
what Arent ttlr•elnt hiu ?" add 111 bay it of you for 10 eents, uo
" °,<l'. ant, dt, not get excited,"" pur- !matter what It id. 0,nte, now, let's,,
Fuel :le?, cross-eyed. !113!1 ; "'bo brave tir4a wheat eat e•f to Int -dews! heed you!
anti calm." -11ave all yon.'
":derv.' till me 1 ' te'elaSlme aI the REI, The bug tt't41, tlio rdekel andwent `ff,
man, in tirpr i e; "a A hent's the twitter?" haft in ten Iniiniteei we'. belt'!$ with as gIa1- 4
"Gently, gently," sola! the eiet s.ejt'tt i ten jug ~~'Inch he heel Iaalrich115t it +w.ltit
luau, 11, a a lathing mann ; ." restrain 3 the tale Ilea, c
youtsele. 1 ilii not diet little boy go ! "'Well, you are a keener," replied the 1
ant, to ploy thio ul !ruing man, "1 never saw orae of those etde
"Yes, vet,,,• said the woman, e'CCitet1' for lees than 11 C'r'ete t,tany (ate, i . ,
r to price.
u':1841* Doul! fling', awdlt j/a R it far 1 lc ,1
teat ter :414' u, now, mei Ly out year 1ff Cents in i
•4 : there of i.. •o1 f track `oases a eiee. and I'll buy half your steek.
I� *her n.. lata!!! 141 a wt,l t It
the next street 2" (I'teri,•t the cross. The boy did not return, Perhaps Ile 1
ryt,'.t diel11 in a Solemn voiee, 6 fell into a ,-ewes eomewwhere ; but you I
/"Yes, oh. yes," ejaculated the '-wo- m can't male the weed -yard teen believe!,
rnaen in great fear; '4th, tell lila what so. Who) bo lifted the jug from undear1
liar, happeniel, what-------" the table where the boy had cerefu11y't
Be calm,' interiupted theert)Fs•eyt''1 1al,tetad It be fantod a holt? in Ow bett'e rat
r,:ttn, seethiti�ity. ; '"het brave -e - keep c'1; large, -fate h to let ill a blaideatad•tan
fair your child's guise.' terrier. I
Oh, what, is it, what is it?' nailel'
the women, wildly ; ' I knew itee, I fear. TUE MICT:tahCtli'l Al ,1 PET!' Cr- - a
1 it Tell 111,- "1143 worst, 1131.. I^t �
ly ; •'1\I1;tC- why• --is thereat)) t14it1g the
• a•
14 Gt*i 4f --ti' dere ti lilt" stir iT2; � �V .
'"\ '4' titin,"' teethed t "tw Criiethe ed ti1L' author tie', 1 to ' 4l1'Ctty 404 ''"4 h Its .
1ge "hitt a 1laarrel wv11i^1a,+ln bring t1I p:tt»eit4•d
leen. gentle', I feet tills moment saw tit
l4'1t:e ba )Ravin on doe tl»L L ; as 1 from a (E 1't(till at,atl:)ai e)i16talntA4I Aver
r 3
l w -• " eein,bad during the ouritey, t) its dee.
1.A.)lte41 quit: ilii!! lee.,Qecll.td ko he--" 1
/ telt. dear 1 oh, dear 1" t ereo'tu''d the tguatit)u,been inap't i'') 01' it ti e•,tlYt(^i/ti it nil
woman, wringing her bands ; "ell me Clned with t lade!, ]f - r hallllen tun" l;u 4'1111'4
telt' worst. Is be •-•.--" to the perpetrator of )L r ,-les-r\ ettultt
..lie seemed tobo daubing ltimselt' ai'.a ]14ered ; but;.t leag;itll a karned pro
1sit11 ta11," ctrntieu.•t1th*.erose-eyed elan, feesur having been teammate! an the
q ut kt dr:twin n b4)ttltt cretin his puck.
H', "mad I've got laet'L4 the best thine! In
*tie world-Itieiltnitn, Ut'eeelc+ T rtttl`ttlta•
t sr -only twenty-five Glide a bottle,
tit t l 1 1 b 1 3 Setae 1'l, tine it wag tate iv, re I b.
e. Arrantt'tl
There was to broom behind the fluor,
ten: \with one lel gwwv ,-hep hunched fats tall
hat over his eyes, tants with a)lotlier
weved him off the steps and throne:11
the hate, And ai the crass yed matt
ne.vtsd swiftly up the ,stretot hhe 8111tn14
the illro.int at hila, (;)okine for all the
1„11'1,1 Iike an ancientgod of ulvtho1ocry
uith a lallgiiiiinatit di•itnrttid face and
111;;hIy eeclted reel algals.
await .
The (mly way to step all this NA
air int early marriages and the amount
of money it is prudent for a young Iran
1 14 marry on would seem to be for the
marriageable young women of the coun-
try to band thon.selves together, gn
own to Ottawa in a body, and cam-
pei Parliament to pass an ROL reguir-
i'ig all year.;; men who have reached.
the a:;e of twenty-five years, and who (::ego at twelve o'cloelc last night.
Among, the passengers was a lady
named Dixon, with a family of eight
children, seven buys and one girl, the
age of the eldest of the former being;
fourteen years. As the train `Sped to-
wards Milwaukee the children one by
nne dr')pped into a sound slumber.
marriageable young wmnen, id alarm- I The train passed Lake Station at the
incite on the increase. It is time to take . rate of fully thirty miles au hour, who],
stivere measures tnwa''d them. These the mother missed Ler eldest boy from.
ng men !mist either do their duty to his seat, and 1.laking in the direction of
their cnnntrv, or put their bands in the door of the car, caught a glimpse
their packets and pay fnr twleir refusal. of his slender form as it pa•'sv-d upon
The proceeds of the tax levied rlp.in i r.he platform. - She hurried after Hint
theme unwilling young men could he
utilized III asliiAtini; impecunious but
-tilling young men to take unto them -
.selves help meets. Widowers ehnnld
be taxed double. There is no excuse for
them not marrying% for in nine cases
rent of ten they have the house already
ultj+'et- celled lig the tth,1UP t1)@ !mere, #a•ng 11,4 e.:uP+lu m'a•t t^'ikinteeone letli Wet'
0 �;ti SaLOA 1,
Tothiei •11
$sacaitre..e ➢ . 1 4 ➢ `fa. c lin; a ,'
18.162:.,. tt. il-•-4".. R':.aA n_i 24 ,1.
,A 1 'seta ¢ a 11,.;..
t .9 1.4o --s. • .i.S117.7 a' e,➢ c t ..1x_14
r s aa
... ,4, 4�is• 84,2,:,8 3-; • .-. if'..a
,t 4a
.. 2 2- a.2 ..a 2 2
t.- .t-4 -.r1 a.
} at11
ti Qp4.44 a e,,; 8. psl
«t AI.8444_--nr• t«9.:'ae' ,:a4 ha
, , t 4' '0 •, 1222a.2 e p.;t 4 a4 4tt•°a,
Liana la r, du pat -.,.14,1...1 to i-'•,+1 ,.at 44
41 ver epM.,>�
•77s2vorros rt
- 24
1ti 1 3 1 1> 3^..crest 1p..411 r tater
:raw ir, >1a1 1242 222 444 1 "At.o: it altar
,a Ila ,r, £184# ur %a,aa t;., 1L'am 4, hati.•r. '4 1 24^4
of tae UV,- Loactosil p,.222 22I enl'Ar lobi,!°,
w 111 t all at tlw (Ghee ti,:, a
Ltae 844,444 1 414 11 ^.;,'tom*+• la="ate A 14-44s•e.% I r •+ not
f its taati:,Cµ,•{Il4,ilti"4 r waver pita. au
1 tP1za .sa11l "foto all ltlr^ fit .I, if t tla t 21
rn•^' 814•.1 1 488 t` -'t 4Qa ,, Is 1+ 8 a. 44 :4- a °•H4 4
len ria 0 t taa-4. ( r toy
-'444.8!,14444-til aa. a is it a, j. 414 -4 ,7 1.4484-14
tit a. t': c+1891 c 14. a"r-- -t 8s8 r. 1n 4-- t nt.42,8k,
as 311 a,ta . 11 4 '^ '. 9,
D it ttt ti „di Iry
1 '_•^. 1 to an 4.1. {,4 ,•.@. 4,48 10 ,, t a 4
in dg's Ar(4(.447,e-&w1'.'1s.w{Aa.¢:,e,-,4.9•
t l
a... ,,,.
.51'4, it to ibta14it`1'
°t}r1,I°tt 4 t: CII
late .ca t t4r,w,a
e 4a4 1
1441 '1:,1
., • 14,4:7,14 0."G a'
}� (pi.
Sae s• o 1+" r'1 Xy g" n
44 2.“*Ateed2
rgp ,4a� **r Irl Ca .a €0/i;11'1 wY
142 1 4 C;t1a r 1 pat a1 41 aa8la.r
pat :e• ➢ 'a it a P c- .., n2..a1
Sr 1�. 4 . w.t lig. a.. .,a.. ., i , ....t ➢t.... A.:4.tc,.1'te
1 taakia 4LA. a
4)4 _1221 ➢ - a a ;.. 1 t 1 •➢414,-41454 fee
1.30 µ1w ,A o-r,u1 ,� Ys Bcc-E.n.:-
4t n tic 8 4 c 4 s r 104 Lt arae:
:. 8 - A 8. • ..a Q...:•, *4Ne
7'1'17 n k'avbt.�.F 't$ fr
�"�f :,y'.�4 141! ,y�. p-s�gry e,'A y+er;,gn��+Rr�
�a »a+Y•+y2r :i'W4,wa,u.tt*�r,K.+ik�id,wt�.
(14 4n-
1144.414 4' al cad: '.4.141
v..t 1 r i.. J. and ➢ . I174Aa',,.
1 , .:slaa:.e•
° e r ,744';'*44 of
17 a a.r t1'a4I,'.
Al Yfi'•"lt�,rl .. +G lea one
V, •flf.-1*1io..
1 tel 4 t.it.`'4,4 bin
4 :41 'a z t"n-A• 82,:.21:,4t,, A.,11
1.84'448. •w t. . 14144s , €, +^ s Me ala xr3 ;i ('r .t*444.
a.P4at ti. Ig4a 4(. §8 lean • 44 ,. l,x4{4ei*aP- of •'N811414 talk
eat+ ti,4e1is648'tH4 of: Loo.
11122,=." 4 a `*44'11. C at 845187..^T 14.1 1.'6 f 484. 8481'; 8442^
(' I Qweaat , l4 4' n(2t (14, 824 ('1411 l t' ata 44 ..t.i) t t°4•ta4,
l e74f 43lrftt l4>A1:an8Klt1 tea 841 n 1144 484 a0 S'S. 4:1+Et"1R
fore tie' 114 t est 4 alt8441 . 897 414 r:4:e t... Jai -ware ar
ry t 4'7atab ata at,.'
1'..8 Iiap R4aa 'ft 1 , 1.,0"An B 848218141 '11,4141 M vicar t-
feast ga,a •, 4-111 411* 41144 t 4 A^a 4 828 VatOat%
la B.•A 14
1 •Ai A sa ,,SB 8. a ; €¢a-241 44441•;, i8otLb
t•.4a1 n 4,44lYn 4.e- .r, 4111 a-89..?n3ira
•P 7 '. rt 7a a' 1 ..^i 464•. *8 $44,-'-1 �i 44: :1441,4ra^
e 82o C a 1 4 282,1 14 ,14 t 114.8 414 ,.2 1441.41' 8814.
0':40.1 4114-W, 8, 4a1V14,4% tal4ii.a` l t•(a 4 *lam 1BGatd
;,t + -' . ., 12114 140 a
214,481r2, 4r 8.a • IA4t'aAret
{ a t > ••8 14 4 ^Ase 1-t4�1:
{, A•l `1e t 3. 4{ a ,., '.;e.,1 a '40,41:'' e a'4 144 414 v
1 r284t 4 rt'.=4'111 et4 C al's,. 0, a e• 4 44,.114
1 ¢ 2 r, • +t a 3: r 1� 113' a c t '41'•4 118.2 t .Ail,, 8,42 0.14 1.AA:,2 0.818-,.
14,1- ,. 41 t1a4'ra:4 14 r 4141 A 2 1{ 0-'i 2 4 0.1,4* 'Mia,
104. I4:41.8444 4888 1484£144, a..t4 l,u 0.p i7 4afl.:at ore-
10!et 8 Meal °1 , tr '414 (221 era 1 Purr: u, t 1 , . a 4 1 a• 41 3 •, a'.i^w4(
Ola 13.2 , i22Qa a t 1),e= Al a Wi0 r e 0a t us : 9 ..4>, a,aaet
�0j�' t�},"Qr 1 ii i 2010-.8841, 4 2a+ nit. s .144- t 8 43 t",iii,
I M4Fc t e 44414444: 484,1£ 11'4 n 18{ ," 244:
4 fi ' A"'4 4 rl➢ •18 '{'4'^
el 481 {;er«4i4.14r1 {:.al e,a:rtD °.a 1.4',•a ",h:. A.,a.
1 1 rIe teetee 111841,1 t1W %V
. ° ..y,r
10x•"," •,1
4 ,C*+
•r 1.Aru'ta1¢
e;tpe. :L*id t11i11 wee $taw the (Wel was W,-1 et 11-*d4ew -Ism i. '6,11 pi prep:t't•el tat 844'1411 ''
1`/111141 ottt 'rhe iwrifesior knowSin, w'Jbt•l w ettele w,'""Leel+ )4E44'citta•,;; I'm'
till" 1'14441* 1111itua;'1 to thO ,Mill llhNat 41 t ter4•:.5) rf•1:a11 r •.41428 til !2101 .;1;,1 \144-14++411 it n 141•
4! tt•1Lt. 2i 14.4 ie e+e lag L' 4141 1:i1564:7„.:',.,' r4t ep.�'
p;l'(80 t111are Rao Lee di*II)il'1(14,• (11'11'4 ta, Q •; „y4,al'1 4L .':.,,i181:'`.:47.:14.
4)8144 4 '',-;:144 L1 ';. ft ,41
111 til(' (+atilll full11t1 laP•la'r 111++ varl''U'4 etla• Benet`. clime. e lie etni,a4 .4111 « Witt' -1..4 fa:. 4
' , • !
SPasllj4ll"1 of it frutl menmentf the i 1,(144•k 1 -
1. i:1:
"HYPE' 843111 10444 1'tIr..)l. With t14(' tide. :LONDON Si (Ili' i A /0
r t l
tn)tls along the railway lbw, Rent f U• 1;lots ,;•i16rt4tet..l '
tura",!i which the trial" e4antttil.iug tint
`.1.149 444x' he then t5:ar441u1v exa111111e'11 flit• ..4 I, `
-.Bial11, and compared it v:ith the 4tilnll' I\\ Ehru .,\ I' ,()(.IL 1.1
faint$ in 11)(• lfa)14L 1, and time id,•ntiiied -
aw ..
the s3ttt,1n11 f14,as wvulatb tele !later` had +,
$wenn product (I. Having 1n this ingot -f "illi 14.4 • .4�i`),�a�l +(��I'
Illus manner found out the stately( 1)+• 1
wattled, little dlflleulty )'r111a1Un41-f(11' 114a'tltFre'n11a'itl;rtie envt'l'41e obtain 14;1,11114"
the railway servants eullllovrd at i'' by • p 'lel hove i a i +nt le!" l.a; lttl4.i Coln.
melt itj+ln n\,'t1 121 1411 2 ,1' florin prplk, i., at 14"w1'nt
'i tit wa A. 11,14 i /.
one Of Wheal the roblth11. 11t1d het'n cow )Cally. Vr turttlt'1'made *lure, Itpl,l' 2"e
lt:)I31:14 t 1'lC'I::t,It1t, Agent.
witted, were so few in number that tie, -
Said 44,6• (l+
148t'f1Pra -lfl Iar{rr;ie>4-,.
Ttla. 4au,,'^.t ' 141 ,_,*
{1)v i.'75`[ht4 t`. {! •rn Lw t'Cu.
Ulm d,a t) a or. mea,ietu
back tw+r1.4e.,4 tet„t]','tl
'•I 1.1'-lefil . 8 14 114 1: t
Irl to ta."\ pl. ;r niav{natl
1111 r(c 114 4•f gain.. It
tt.4t, ofI Shan tctl14 do ,n • IUt 484.111(4. '1..•':r.,
" 1.2a:s ta2.tPi,y�t•at Utbis 814, ut:'7 tit 4..11.4'4
concomitant 114.4 :241 141241:1 ene..tie, la 1* r suit
(l:t'ref0Olm,i82.14ecnt uea4lmi' . t'+ t'5sor+ < 1)1..
1 seri }itin2Rs,env ntl. ofnh,e1411445.If11th #n ;•of
t14et,,.ok, T1n tit. 41.48.ns%r4tta11.8.11111u••ttx.
t=a4ei14eand prof .14181!, •141..-te).,1181) r,4 Umar`
InAnietn,.,inwhn111xt x .1:arded we.4a, 1til)
8, v.
tdla',)mcllnit'y Ti,'' * e nt71111,.'...1.14. nm. ta•'a.
A 1'amr171tt, attar ,t .1 'a till t1.1 114rs 144.cat
'44 1 14 far_ *114,^• •a natl... F 'tt' '
rel of art :,tint 11 :ray l. L1i* 11i1G I.
Dal,n (u at 2'.'n.!
fan #t nt 4 4u•.t'1.1 it •14.4
I'LAGUfY .141 Ulf 1f.r a -.'
3:44TITtlf.,:4e 441411. " Ysi7r
*Web F1,. Bustuu. , i.t•>r,al Att
culprit wa.s readily t1'•teetl•d, May 1' tf, ]5::+'tl•r Cgnt pieces Grocery
bO11.AM13l LIS'1'. IiIN-11AN, T. In, fi., !us
tII t U, , s i emo a ni 1.{14.'"1414 to 1' '4 -
A renlarllnble incident occurred dor- utee.
ing the run of the express, train over try lad 114'iu
the Chicago, llilww;tuk�e and Si.Panus b°`4'14 hang$
Chicago, t s nt old, oil
Railway, dee at Milwaukee front Ch1- :4011.'1.144.
0Tiles a ay...
2'riday.t ;tad
Sato rd a y s.
Office nest
Irzll'sl3ukery 11
are in 8 position to support a wife.
either to marry within a specified time
or pay a heavy tax to the State. The
).11ll:ber Of young men who badly defy
time-honored prece'tents and cnstoms.
and wh:r are ope 'l,y and avowedly nn-
onocerned as to what becomesof all the
as quickly as possible, but before she
nonld reach the plaattorin he was gene.
Ho had stepped off the car and plunged
into darkness. The poor woman be-
came frantic with grief. Shp were
instantly taken to find the conductor
with the view of having the train
backed to the scene of the accident.
By the, tune this could. be accomplished,
however, Milwanliee MMS se close at
hand that the condncror decided to go
A. farmer who Was as niggardly n man On to the depot a' (1 send a number of
as saver breathed, contrived b ' -his nor -yard men to search the track for the
Pimonir ' habits to alna;1 great wealth. ltl,d. A switch engine was accordingly
Ito ,vas 11ke.:'iQe no)°('i"tlaeless, and despatched, which proceeded its far aC,
'se'u,l,d at nothing that would add n Lake station, where 4.tie youth 8.48
dollar to his pi1e. Not fnr fromhimfound wandering about on the platform
livers tit shiftless snrt of a fellow, who jn a,state of bewilderment, rubbing his
loved to ,-teal rather than to work, and eves and feeling his shoulder and head,
the fanner said to him once, ,"Clem, T which bad snetained slight -scratches
%lilt give yon a shilling a bnsbel for all and bruises. Beyond these not the
the potatoes you will brine; me, wadi slig,htest injury could be discovered.
'don't care whore vonget them." The lad onnld give no aocount of his
Chem jumped at the chance; but ask "lingular "lotion. He knew only that he
'ed hint where he could get them.,had' fallen asleep with his brothers and
"T dent care where. Of course oll ei»ter; and was awakened ,by the shock
will .teal them, but that's none of my of striking upon the 'earth nn' Lit shout.
business." Toe bargain wag 8telleii. dors. The -violence of the concussion
end every ni'111t. for a week Clem would caused hien to roll over and over down
itriv-o to the fa'•metes with a 1 a of po- the Milbankment of, the road -bed, and
itttoes. carry them into the cellar, and 'by the time he could cr>i'lect his scat.
recoive Iris ray for them. At length he tered senses, and regain bis feet the
:asked 1'2)1!1a where the got them.. train was out of sight.
in. Street Exeter Ont.
If you want any of the following i
call at
will payyou to
O'BYRNE & 80`8
Where you can purchase at ha ttomptices :-
A.xus, Saws, Chains, Repo, ('owv Ties, Straw (hutters,
Paints Oils. Glass, Putty,Lnoks, llingas,Najls,
Lillie, Bolts, Screws, Table and Pocket Cut-
lery, Gnrtl's make of Gnus, laevol'ers,
P„wvder Shot, (laps Scissors,
Spoons, Spades, S11nveis,Mantare
and other Forks, Grain
Scoops, Scales, ]lied tin-
ges Second Growth 1118.1.14
made Hickory Axe Handles Me-
ehanics' Tool:', Apple Paa481a, Sari
Irons, Steuoal Litters to "nark your
brigs, Wheel Heads, Wove Wire, L talipes,
Books, Staples, Farm and School Bells, iron
and Lead Pipe, Latlnp Glasses, Razors, Lanterns
(toffee and Paint Mills. 1'atillt B'•ushos, Sausage
hineliilles, Blit Mont lings, )3uilrlers' Hardware a
specialty, Honey to Loan. 3larriago Licenses is-
six is still going, 11x. S.11uckinlham
desires to return his sincere
thank u to his ,, , 2iutn $ TO n s
pat ons, whir . ' yt1 havosup port Bleeksntitliing and \wagontuakin�earried 110
ed him in the ��,gg. tl¢ast) lm a s t, a., til a ue.2a1 in a)) its breathes
would "$bleat,- ."--"'a VII ,-
recovered from _ .„,„,‘-'1"-m- that, having R. D2chis low, ill-
ness, he intends -" iu future, to
take char^e of the hers.. shnDing department
G1(4n(7 1tl1S,
&C'., tllC., &C.
".'Goods delivered promptly Quality amour
a seed.
R. dt;E. SPICER.
rjlhe undersigned wouldiriforn the inhabi-
t tante! of Exeter and vicinity thab he has
)nedoor south of his 131acxsrnithshnli andhopos
thosalue ifberal patronage that has been as
corded to him in the
tine~ llbeextandodtohint.inhis 41088' br18ncll o14
easiness, His meat wagon willoall at the, resi-
rtents of the village throe bin] ea. eeel. weekend
T-� ' 1�-c :ESI- MEAT
of 41.11 ]ands kept oonstantl3 on hand' at his
butcher shop.
A,l other work done in thevery host style
and at the lowest rates.
pAINTIN (x 1
Is prepared to do all kfncls- of
HousePaintn g , Paper -hanging
Whitening, deo.
at;roasonuble prices and punctually.
J.KI'SCf'IING. Main-st
Exeter. •
No need of the Smarm system for buying any
thing ill my lino, v>1•.-
Furni4u o, loi1ders"1't,lydwere,
Paints, a 0111. GIass, :l'ietnro Frames,
Motto i4.ramos,Mouldings, lifettoes•
Looking GI:tare%
Looking Glass Frames,
Outlaw, cruets, Stoves,
Tiny/rum, 134 lashes, H evositoals, ate,
In order to reduce my, present stock,,I shall con-
tinue to offer -
especially in
1_ Sign._4 5hton Stovo, 160W north side Queens
t• :J'
.ALLAN'S A44T•Pier 14 the greatrr,rela for(*.Alm.
itney. It 1 -portly vegetably, and 14414,1,00; 11.21 n>t. -:t,
It aelgtf lite foiel,1, Vie ,t'.118i 11. 1.1elan: lief 11,42 ,:•-.
Version into Gat 1 4a,"4 w oos:llr,' t tat 12, :),.It
will re,l neo *Pat person from 2 to to p:wads n 4t 4 .•l..
In placing this rena ly 1. fnr 411. 1„ 14,• a« .. pae11-
Elve care for (1141 itr we, tbrsaItawria^ Its a.ttr' to
vitro, as atec.,14'1 ay 114nuret14 er tectitatabils. or
1sh1,'l, tett•afl1' 1nfitrotn a ltl.iyin -elumlle;:, (111+$„
!s 84 5.111,1,-1 "Gelltic•tcrn: lonr<81,1i 81.1tWas.i.:ir
received. 1 took it aecordint to directions 1411'1 1r
redace4 motive pounds, I was So elan a t,to'r 141,' • wt' -
salt bast 1 hn14t eltetety sent to ACICI.1 ,t w1 a' dru"
Pro'+• for the nowt bottle." Another, a divsi.l.w,.
writing for a patient fix+111 Pr41rt.leli t I2 I , tat t,
+Fear 1 Deep's hive redaec.i Iter 1telgot ``2844:, 1414$
poll+lis 10 is.144itinds, and U1trels,a lit ntr til i,1.ravti-
meat 11, 11 •dih." A gentleman writing Irani Mei-
ton,sin. st "Rideout speetat ratmite or atta,ltson to
due,(tv,bona, lir AilatI'4A1414t Fat ult,edIn,•1'4,r
and ma -quarter pounds." The welt -lame n Whalesate 201
1)ruglit.ts irIt, Mourns: al .31ttt1. of It,;s-
ton, :Russ,, write as Pulleys:" Mina's A1,tt-l4, 4 14,44
redneed a lady In our cit} seven !rounds in throe,
vert A. gentleman in St.Louis writes: "All:ul's.
Anti Fat re,1uced me twelve pounds in three weeks
and ru
altogether 1 have lost tnty-the a emir Stne1•
Commencing Its use." 3Ies4ra Pawhtd.& Pt,aa11'T(l:I..
'Wholesale Druggists, of Buffalo, N.1 write: "To.
THE I'11orionrolt OF ALLAN'S ANTI -PAT: AT: Gentle!-•
1nen,--1 l,e following report is from the h"`13' who a led
AllnnaAnU-Fitt. '1t(the Anti-Fat)lad thedeolr4.'d
erect, reducing the fat from two to liveennuis a.
week moil 1 had lost twenty -live pounds. 1 hope
never to•reg;atm what I hare lost.'" Antis at 4« ,ems
unexcelled blood-purldcr. It promotes (ine5tin14.
curing dyspepsia, nun 18 also +ilpstent remedy Gar
rheumatism. Sold by druggists. Pamphlet on Obes-
ByBy sent on receipt of stamp.
BOTANIC MEDICINE' CD., ' t010125, Balflln,l,1,Y%
By an immense pPractice at the World's Dlsp3en-,
eery and Invalids' 11olel,1having trented malty tlmtt-
s4u1d e1.8e8 of those diseases peculiar to wanton. 1
have Leen enabled to ptrrlbct a must potent and posi-
tive remedy for these diseases.
To designate this natural specific., I have named it
Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescript:1ltn
The term, however, is lett a feeble espressit411,.0t
any high appreciation of Its value, based upon per-
nnmtl nhservaticm i have n hale. witnessing its pest-
tive 7.1311115 in the special diseases iecarlont to the
organism of stemma, singled it out as the ,limas or
crownhag ,rens of my medlenl career an11, inert ts,
rasa positive, safe, nail elf011nal remedy for this class
ordiscasos, and one that will, at 411 times and under
met circun>stalt lsract 1:111.11); 1 am y911111g to stai:e•
tiny reptitataon 118 at physician" anti sn Confident ma
I that tit will not disappoint, the west snngn1ne
ee tittious of n 141 egit: f avalld 1,u,y who uses it for any',
or the aliments a >r which t 1','eonanend It, that I offer
rind tell Kander A.POS1TIVE GUARANTEE. - (Y'or•
conditions, sec pamphlet Wrapping bottle.)
The flab:Wing,,o' among those diseases in which.
my Favorite Preseriptien has worked cures, us if bT'
mat;it. cud with a c.ertnh>tyuu14 er before attained 1,y'
1N14: medicine:. 1 ,•ucorrheea,' Excessive F1,o'1ale,,,
l ,,inati lnoutitly Periods, Suppression 'when freta.
unnatural causes, Irregula ritla-s, %S (14111: Buck,:1'r"
lupan.,,. 11 11. 111ing of the Uterus, An'arvorsion an l:
Retroversion, Bearing -down Sensations, internal:
111,11, Ni'rvous' Depression, Debility, k>aspoudehry,
l4l'e:netted Miscarriage, CI>rnnie Cong.stinn, ht
11:unniattinnand 'Ulceration ot thullterua''Imtmpnte{ucy .
Barrenness, or Ster111ty, awl Female'etdt>1os8. .!
(lo ui m
extol this cdtl
clne as n ••rare• -nil," but 14.
•at1u111sbIy £Dins n ,luglenrw of pun -pone, being a,•
most perfect specific la all chianti: ritsetoes nt fha
sexual lsystem 'n woman. it will not disappoint, tete'
"`141 net harm, to any state or cc.ndltlen.
'Those who '!wire 44,rl her information on these Ruin-
leers nap obtain It in Till: P1➢eri.,t'S CnilralON 14x18,8,
.811tulrwt ,tn4141818. a boost o14 aver 1140 pages, seat,
:post- nld, nn reedit of $1 ,10. 1t. treats Minutely nP
those diseaS'14 :wenn nl1 n' to F,nunles, and rives lmuck
camerae.aedvht" 1n regard to the management oL.
'10di o.'"ii 1484
I8ovorltat'rvoe,4pttoe mold 1,y 1 r,i**felts, fr?
t.) .1'11:Kf E. 11. I)„ 1'ropp'�r, Nel'11'e 1)lspl:wt18 i
Ind invalid,-' lintel, Bulfalc,14N Y.