The Exeter Times, 1878-11-14, Page 88 , Tau TI].VU: NOVEMBER 14, 1R78 Exchange Bank of Canada, 22.a.- inst., at half -past six o'olook alllarp. ss era an a tea. Re►reember it 1.E.1 attend it., It will be excellent. HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. Tanta ie to be a meetiug of the Huron Live tStock Asseciaton iu Cliatott ioaanerrow (Fri- C'apitarl Paid zap, " - - $l'i000,000. day, A large attendance is requested. 1IsSTrxo.—Mezubors of the 'young Men's Liberal Conservative to � sexy itis ASFOC a onecill please re- st Association 1s 1 member the messing in Drew's Hall to -night, las business of importance will be transacted. IA. full attendance is desirable. 1 Cors: ro Toaoatao.e-lUr. Wm. Fenwick left for Toronto yesterday morning to attend a Meeting of the Ontario. Millers' Ausooiatiou which is to be held in that city. FnArr:s.--Tramps, pretending to be s:.fer- ers by the yellow fever epidemic iu the South, are tradiuglen thesyrupatbies of the people just now in the several parts of Ontario. Onr etti- zeas should be on the look out for theuh ttrnr.--On Moinday afternoon last ascnffold which was erected in Samwell & Pickard's new building gave way, and Mr. John Mortimore and Mr. Fuke,whe were at work thereon, were precipitated to the :door, Mr. Puke escaped un- hurt but a heavy plank which fell upon Mer- tituore injured him Fo that be will be ie^apa- citated for work for a few dept. Btnsr or Tux Sleasex.-.-The Exeter Divi- sion S. of T. iuteuat laoldipg the first of their penny readings eutertaiuments on Monday evening next (18th inst.) A good prograinuae will be provided, and as the price of admit - L1 AIaPvt ENGLISH and AMERICAN tansy is only five cents, a full house itrexiled- ed. Doors open at , o'clock t shah to be tat - 14.1 on View. eaat730• Goss.—An event that we have been looking LA' Gents' Furnishings a speciality. for has o,.curred. Mr. John Brawn has been sacrificed on the hymeneal altar, his ladylove DT c , lt� alts x 91. H. GAL' T President. THOMAS CAVERHIbL, Vice -President a.. W. OQI1.11E, zua*.r., - r E. (TR ENH TUOS, T FEIN, ALEX, 131;NTIN, J4.luES C1tATHs1i\, t' E. 911.1tRAY, - - - Cashier, GitOktul. BURNS, - - inspector Exeter Branch. A C. ENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRAN- SACTED. '!.i ,ney loaned, to farmers on their own notes with g.,odeuduxsers. Vrafts issued on New York. SAVINGS BANK DDEPARTMENT. :per coMt. interest ailtotoed on deposits of ore n".lar snit arowards. OI &(% 7dQr1tS--Prom Ate to 3: from into 1 an bat.rrday'a, W. A. HAST/NOS. Manager. $"•xe ter, Aeaarrs t'-ud, lbi3. 5t -iv. OUR STOCK Ai* Overcoat ngs G Heavy Tweeds Beingeantplete and oarefully selectedwe are Open to Competition I'O$, FALL TRADE. W. GRIGG THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14 ,1878, A, lf.Otiic UDE. We meet ulaou the level and we part upon the square; What words of precious meaning these words Maeouic ata: Come let us contemplate them—they ars worthy of a thought ; With true hi ;heat awl the luwest, and the rar- cat they are fraught. Wes met upon the Level, though frozen every station cove, The rich wan from his nratubiOu, and the poor mat from Iris home ; I: 'u: tan u►te tuna leave his wealth and stat eutbidu the lfasuu's door. 'Voila the other finds his best respect upon tae "ciaeekered flour." We part upon the square, for tho world must have its due , We mingle with the multitude,a cold unfriend- ly crew. But the influence of our gatheriugsin memory is given. And we long upon. the Level to renew the happy scene? There's a world where all are equal; we are hurryi,lg toward it fast. We shall meet upon the Level when the gates of death are passed; We shall stand before the Orient; and our Master will be there, 'Ta try�the Blocks we offer with his owu uner- ring Square? Let us meet upon the Level, then, while labor - fug hero ; Let us meet and let us labor, though the labor be severe. Already in the Western sky the signs bids ns prepare to gather up our working tools and part upon the Square. Hands round, ye faithful Masons, form th a bright fraternal chain— We part upou the Square below, to meet in heaven again ; Oh, what words of precious meaning, those words Masonic are. . "We meet upon the Level and wo part upon •the Square." Thorr..Mozgini,:$e8.5Q,for labor; Henry Sots ton 610.50, for tabor ; Jas. Baledeu, $9.75, for labor; l;'.'Ilnnt, , $4.50, for labor ; duo,: Mc- Donald, 08.45, gravel; and Messrs, Jas. Pick-' and and G. lfutthart, $16 errcb, for charitable purposes,—Carried. Moved by 11, Bissett, sec.. oiaded by �5 . R. Verity, that 100 copies of th., ., cp Market By-law ba printed, and a number of therm posted up and distributed. -- Carrie, Moved by 'tS . R. Verity, seconded by Geo. Barnwell, that crossings be built at the follow. ng streets : one across Main at Simcoe, one across Maio Streeet at Thames Boyd, one across Wm. ou Huron, one across William on Gidley, oue across Wellington at William, and one across Jolui at W!illiazn,—Carried. Ou motion the Council 'adjourned to meet at call of Reese. Tuoss Doors r'oi VIE Turn) Tttzu.—l:xbib- ltor again returns to the question of the boots, in a letter last week, b4 which his writer, after amusing himself by throwing dirt at the edit w of this !paper for exposing the „'•crookedness" played at the expense of the South Huron Ag- ricultural Society, evades the questions we asked bird a couple of weeks ago, which were as f•"llowe ;- Were they ttbe boots) not made far the Western 1'.air iu the City of Lanyon Did they not take the firet prize there ?? Were they not 'borrawed' or • hired' fur eatablon in Exeter? Were they not returned by ex- press to Mr. Lace,; of london? And will net Mr, Lacey rants them to their owner?' These quo:,tions exhibitor attempts to answer by having the following letter added to his reply • To Editor of the Exeter Reflector. "Dear Sir, ---I notice in your town catem, a " statement to the effect that we supplkd lfr. •' Wm. I`auson with a pair of boots to be ex- being :hiss .Flay d, 441014r of our townsman, +" Wilted at the Exeter Fair ? 1t� a wish to Mr. tier- Floyd. The happy twain left yebter " state that there is to truth in the statement. day morning for a wedding tour. We aish "es we olid no such thing. It. F. Lamy." thea: tell joy and other pleasing fruits of mat- �l e ask the wader to carefully examine the itatooy. tlnawtions and the let#er? Does the letter Bums Sot r> t r lfar:risar, --- The annual answer the questions??" ltlr. Lacey is made to fueetiug of the Exeter Branch Bible Soelety : say be never sent the exhibitor a pair of blurts sill be held in the Exeter B. C. Chinch to- for exhibition. It will be seen that we uever night' Thursday.) Addresses will be delivered aeenced bits of doing so. but asked the exttibi- by Revs. Edwards, Walvis, Alliu and Mitchell. !tot if be did not send Mr, Lacey the boots a A collection wilt be taken up in aid of the So. tl few days after the e:.•hildtiou here to be ,ieliv. eh'ty fund, A, good attendance is r' quest. d. er:dd by him to the owner. We ask exhibitor S,rotrrn u .Me rtrt.-•--Tho Volunteers` shooting if be slid not send boots to Mr. Lacey. Mr. match was held last Saturday. The distances Lacey is road& to say be never sort boots to were 21RJ and 500 yards. The following cum- eelihitor. "'Who stole sheep?" asks ono: "I petitors took prizes in the order given: •A. didn't st'il;e Bitty Patterson," replies the Leavi:", John Sanders, Thos. Horn, captain, other. The letter therefore does not prove that Howard, S. Fairbairn, Mr. Thrown, sr.. Thos, dtc cxhibilor did not obtain boots from Loa- BrowDarrenl, Joseph Rodgers, F. Iluwnrrl, lir. dun, Whether he did so or not, can bo judged Brown. $r, from the following #nets ; The proprietor of Dene;e r,.- Mr, George Sanders, we regret this pari r, having business nz London, wade e to be inftrmetl, bus beta in very low haelto •lt eioaaveniealt tea call on :tlr, Lacey, w}to very for some time. About two weeks since his chest was tapped mud about two quart- of fluid tukeu away. On lfonduy lust he was again tapped, when between three and four Tarte of fluid were removed and. a draining tube left in the opening, which has remained ruuuiug eon. banally since that time. Mr. Sanders' condi- tion is very much improved. Tuts Per.rrr.—Owing t r the continued ill- ness of Bev. Mr. Butcher, the B. C. Pulpit was tilled on Sabbath last by Rev. Mr. Edwards. —llcv. Mr_ Mann, of Granton, preached in in the C. P. church on Sabbath last. Bev. Mr, Lempmnn, occupied the pulpit in the English church on Sunday evening. SAmzArw Scuoon Seances. -- The usual In conclusion, was the letter which appears quarterly services in connexion with the C. above, hearing Mr. Lacey's name, written by M. Church were held on Sabbath last. In Mr. Laeuy? That gentleman says be was not Fanser oysters at laeuap's. LosT.—A gold pin, eons: icing an Australian s.u..u. inc ►luder will plua.e leave it at this uriice. Tiiz'; Market By-law will be printed and. posted in a few days. The Council intend to strictly enforce it. List; -Being's London a few days ago we called into Mr. Broderick'sstore, Chisholm's old stand. He is selling gopds at a sacrifice End, is doing a rushing business. Etat r Cor.—Ou Monday last Master Samuel Sweet, sou of James Sweet, who resides . a short distance south of Exeter, cat his foo ver ' fi idly while chopping iu the bush. To 'Ter, PAuusns.-Any farmers wanting boys.er young aalexi•to attend cattle for board aud'tlothese daring the winter had better apply to Constable Gill, who eau procure plenty of uelthe1p. IallROVEMENT CLASS. — The Improvement Claes'' in couuexiou with the Exeter B. 0.' church held their iogular; me4ing'on Tuesday evening. ,t good programme was provided, which consistent of ,readings , recitations, ete, "reous" Oars .ifez;tzne.-A meeting to be continued fol four days will be co,iiilciicted iii' tine U. M. church next 'Sabbath. .It is expect, - e l that Rev. ' Nosh Phelps, of St, (.latherines, Will assist iii couductiug these services. SoczAL,—The yuuug men of theCanada Metburliet ohurch intend giving g outlet: iu sill' of the Saabbath $o. ool fund on Friday, the rt' uetantty stated. tlznt he dM receive a parcol by express froiu 'the exhibitor, as well as a postal card requesting him to deliver the par- cel at Mr. Webster's, in 'the same building. This Mr. LaceY d'i'd, giving them to Mr. Web- cte•r's foreman. This parcel contained the boots. Tho foreman, whom we also saws, cor- roborated Mr. Lawey's statements; and 11 the exhibitor wishes to hear anything mere about those boots we wonid recommend him to apply to Mr. Webster, whom we interviewed likewise. This trouble was necessary, as we wero oharged with telling atala 'hood. Is that enough? If not, we eau tell 'the exhibitor other truths which »tight be unpleasant for him to bear. the morning the childron were seated 011 the centre row of seats. The black -board exer- cise, which was very ,interesting and instruc- tive was conducted by Rev. Mr. Mitchell. The singing of several Sabbath Sokol hymns at intervals during the exercise added to the in- terestof the service. The Sabbathh , school in the afternoon was also largely attended, and. all appeared to take a deep interest in the les- son. In the evening a sermon in behalf of the Sunday School was preached by Bev. lir. Mitchell. even aware of the existence of the paper to whose editor it is addressed ; nor did he, not being connected with a newspaper, kuow the signification of the words "your cotem," which appear in the letter; neither had he ever seen iu the Exeter Trues any reference to the boots, as be is made tb assert. Many people would call the concoction by the clumsy term of for- gery. " Concoction," though often a syno- nym for forgery, does not sound so terrible. We leave the proprietors of the paper which published the letter and the exhibitor of the Lamers—Mrs. Skelton, on Friday evening boots to settle between themselves as to the last, delivered a lecture entitled "Our Girls:' automat of responsibility each should bear in The audience was even larger than on the repeot thereto. 2inally, we draw the atten- tion of the Directors of the Agricultural Soci- ety to the following rules :—" (5). All stock and artieles exhibited must be bona fide the " property of the exhibitor." (16). Any per- " son infringing on rules 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 shall be " deprived of any premium that they might "otherwise be entitled tu." previous Monday evening, but the address was not litseued to with as much interest as the lecture on "Our Boys." The disturbance was :neatly occasioned by the boys. Mr. Wm. Grigg, jr., was chosen by the audience to dis- charge the duties of chairman. Mr.. Grigg made a few appropriate remarks, at the con- clusion of which he introduced the speaker of the evening. She pointed out the auty of a mother to a daughter, and vice versa, and ex- hortedeach to discharge their duty faithfully. She showed the necessity of girls, and young women taking a bold and decided stand :on the side of temperance. Although the description she irave of the vain and silly girl may be ap- plied 'to girls an some localities, there are certainly no such girls in lffxeter. After the •leoturess had concluded her address' quite a nut `Mier signed the pledge. The ;ladies were the first to got forward and sign. The coiled tion amounted -to over $11, CouSon..-Tho .Council met by order of the Reeve iu the Market House, on the 12th inst. All the members present except Mr. Howard•. The minutes of previous meeting wero read and confirmed.' Moved.liy, W. 11 Verity, see ()tided by'It. 'Bissett, that orders he granted for the following sums:—W. H. 'Verity, $725, for repairing engine, etc. ; M. Eaerett, $20.96, fat services at Court of Revision and paiutiug uu No. 2 eiigine ; W. Hodgson, $4, for `oou- duetrnb ,twcz sales; A Iaewis, 75c foe ':glass in Market House E I3fseett, $149.7r3,'reontraot for side walk ; A. Holland, $23,62i,'for labor ; Thomas Thomptou, $2.25, for labor ; George. Hodgius, . $12:13, for labor; . John .1Viligsc r $;.81, for labor ; A. I:: staid,: Wid,:12., for li Lor; MAGISTRATES' COURT. On Monday last information was laid before the Exeter magistrate against H. Prang, of Zurich, for assaulting Mr. Schnttier, of the sazno place, It appears that Prang had some time ago placed a sett of weigh scales opposite his premises, and in front of Mr. Schuttler's property. As Sehuttler desired to put build- ing material in front of his owu premises, the Conucil ordered Prang to move the soales, which he did not, or had net done, and Scha- ller placed some shingles near the weigh scales and ou Saturday ,a load of hay was brought to Zurich to be :weighed, and as, the scales could not be reached without moving the shipgles they were"hniidled rather rotighly, When gohuttler replaced them acid Was defending his property. Plaintiff was fined $1 and costs; :On the sante day a Mr, Weaver, of Zurich, was taken before the magistrates for assault- ing Schuttler while he was sitting ou his Shing- le^ on,Salturriayri„ The charge was lit ausu7, e4.' This case arose iu counexiou with the af- fair described above. . . . Wiii.:and,Cbas::Wilson, t of •:UUtbornes were t►1'so up on a charge of !thlrowing acmes at the house of Mr Wi l'ity1or, of tltq ,wino town ssitip,-on Wediiesd4y night of last week. The 'rea}se ma; distiulrse4 fur want of proof: A. DENIAL. To the Editor of the hives. Dian Stu., -;-hat theta* issue of: your vain - able paper, I .noticed an errotaoua statement pertaining to my supposed rascality, and I beg leave, in justice to myself, to give it a flat con. tralietao through your colunnot, and suP1 lI the facts instead. On the evening in question I proceeded down town for the. purpose of tzurchasiug a pair- of bouts --.not a Lnudoa make --•and while thu,e, 11tr. McNabb, laboring Hil- der the eoppositiou. that "`all men are tllshou• est." and that I hadabacoulled with that"con- siderable sum," proceetted furtliwitlz to the station to intercept me, while his young hope- ful son beat Tiaras' time rushing around fran- tically endeavoring to a'rcertairl'whether I had received my wages. At the same time my worthy landlady, Mrs. MoNab, iupatioutl; wended her tray to the north en•i, asking sun- dry questions of every oue she stet repecthv; my "whereabouts, when one of the parties in- terrogated, having leash some of the wild ejaculations of the small boy, jocularly Worm- ed her that I was lit -t wain the livery stable engaging a rig to go to Lucite, which halt .he desired effect of making her soanewhat un- easy, Before amyl had re -assembled, I, the ixauemeut cause of all this turmoil. had return- ed, wouelering what made the old domicile so nunz a,..ly quiet, aid knew atatltiug of the stt a •,`,i • until next day, when a fr•ierr l ins farmed rue. I then paid my bill and haft for better and more peaceful quarters. With re- gard e- ,ar l to the "picked -up" jewelery, I must gay that in the entire absetzee of such article„ it would be extremely difficult for any ono to pick them up, and the absurdity makes a de, ream unnecessary. 13y inserting the above you will greatt_ oblige. Jesuit humus. Hay. Gann Inst.. -•••Mr. fames Ianadrean, of Hay Was offered $230 for his heavy draught brook mere, a few tlnyt since, but refused it, He wee also offered $160 for his yearling faliy, by the sauce man, and refused it. Hibbert. Hibbert plowiug match was held on Thursday last. Prizes were awarded as follows ; Extra class -1, Paul .Boa, ti;bbert; 2. Richard Audorsotl,L'sborne. Ciaeri 1---1, John Hoggarth, lot 20 ; 2, Joists Iioggarth, lot 28. Class 2-1, Voter :1fel.,atchltau ; 2, James barren ; 8, Joseph Campbell; 4, J. Stewart. Class. 8-1. Henry Dalton ; 2, John Living- stone ; 8, James Carpenter ; 4 Cliarle:r Unairall ; 5, Jas. Miller. The judges were Messrs. Alex. Millar, Fullerton ; Wm. Kidd, Velma() ; alai Joseph Law- ton,131anshard. Rodgerville. Hots:.—Last weak, Mr. Jelin Ross rotrarued from 1 izitoba, where he has been residing since last spring. lie looks as if the atmosphere of the North Neat agreed with Mtn. Mr. Boss has purchased about thirteen bemired acres iu the vicinity of Emerson, and intends to return to Manitoba early next spring. Me, .Alexander Moir, of the 8rd eau - 'maiden of Usborne ]rani the misfortune to lout a valuable hors° last week. It received injnties while working on the horse-powor of a threshing machine, which canoed its 1 a.h. Tam PULPIT,—Ou Sunday last the pulpit of the Preebyterian church was occupied by the Revlllr Mann of Grant- on. The Rev. gentleman preached in Hensall in the evening. Impressive sermons were preached at both bervices. Taokersmith. FIRE.—On Monday (-venting of las: week, the bean and stables of Mr. Wm. Horton, of tho 3rd concession of Tuck• smith, were totally consumed by fire, together with their contents. It ap- pears that Mr. Horton bad just souse home with bus team, and was putting them 'in the stable, and while he was putting the harness away the horses ran out into the yard. Mr. Horton set the lantern down and went to catch them When ha returned he found his stable on fire. Efforts were m•sde to extinguish the names, but it was use- less to try to save it as the fire lend gained great headway before it was discovered. 'Fortunate for Mr. Hor • ton, the horses that were in the stable were taken out safely. It is thought the fire origivated by the lantern falling oyer and setting fire to .the straw. Phe fire was seen by a number of Exeter people,who thought it was in the north end of the village, but after making inquiries were informed that it .was u'p in the conutry;' Lorean. Homxc ez Casrc.—The Court of As- size has been occupied for pestle* days with triol of Mary Regan for tbe.mur der of her husband,"' Jolln Regan, by poison, at this village, on the 18th of August',1877. The medical testimony, including the evielbuce of Prof. Ellis. of Toronto, wept to show that: Begat) died. from: strychnine poisoning, the. drug having been ;taken with some fried pork at breakfast., After partaking, of the pork tl►e: deceased was seized with ' a violent •illness, ^and • expired in half an hbur. The meal was prepared by the deceased for himself, and his Wife' ditl not join him thereat because they had had a+ quarrel..; The theory of murder' rested ou the suppositiou that James Hewett, son of the prisoner by her first husbaud, hada principal share iu it. It Matt proven that he had battalai poi- son—both strychnine and Mettle— shortly before the death of Begun, ant' t I80 that lie had sent at piece of pork as, x present to the family, he living somas distance away. Considerable evideazce was taken fur the defence, but no rtta< five fur the 'crin►e on the part of fists" prisoner was to be traced. Her shat, Hogan, lately absconded while Laing brought to L:rnalon to he delivered up by his sureties, Judge Patterson could see rletlziug in the evidence to go to the jury, aril directed an acquittal, where- upou the prisoner was at once disel arg- oa. Root Crop Competition. Tile following is the report of the judges of Root Crops in the Melfi, for the South Biding of Huron Agricultural Society : Competitors,-•-T':trnipe, John Manuiuti. Exeter ; R"ibert Charters and James Ilrukson, °Tuelterstuith ; Rr,t,ert McCord, Usborue. a'4laengolds, James Dickson and Appleton Llcoat, Tucker smith. Carrots, James Dickson and Robert Charters. Turnips. — p`iret prize,•lolan Manning ; gto.vu on wi eat stubble; 20 loads manure ear sore put in the drilla ; sown 20th June ; 1,Q2R buellele per acre ; drilla, 20i• iuchee apart; art; variety not ascertained. Sec- ond prize, Robert Charters ; grown on fait wheat stubble ; no manure ; 40D pound. salt per acre ; eowu 18th June ; 1,002 bushels per acre ; drills, 25e in. cites apart; variety, Aoyal Norfolk. Third prize, James Dick8an ; pea stub- ble ; 20 loada immure per ricre put in the di ills ; 200 pounds of salt per acret aowu 18th Juuo; 805 bindle's per acre; variety, Providence; drilla, 20 Welles apart. Robert McCord grown on spring wheat stubble ; 18 loads rnaarauru per asare; sown 22nd June ; 928 bindle's }ear sere ; drills, 20 inches apart. Carrots —First Prize, James Dickson ; grown, ou spring wheat stubble ; 15 ]oadr man- ure per acre put on broadcast; sown 19th April; 1,258 buelaele per acre" drills 2 feet apart; variety, white 13e1- giaa. Second Prize, Robert Charters; grown on spri:ag wheat stubble ; 20' 'oads naauure per acre put on broad. oast in the fall ; sown 10th Awn ; 1,- 197 buelt•:ls per sae e; drills 80 inches. apart ; variety, white Belgian. Jaws Dickson ; Grown on oat atubblo ; no manure ; sown 19tH April ; 1,508 bash- els per acre ; brills 2 feet apart ; variety, long red. Soaoud Prize, Appleton lel- emit; grown ou bath plowed last fall ; no manure ; sown May 10th ; 1.2023, bushels per acre variety, yellow globe. We found alt the laud upon which elite routs were grown in a good state of c ]. tivation, especially that of DIr. Manning and Mr. Dickson, which was exceeding- ly clean, The judges were John Mc- Millan, Huliett ; Wm. Sproat, Tucker- sanith, H. Weatcott, Uaaborntr. An Exemplary Mau. - There tvae one very exemplary mart among the directors and officers of the City of Glasgow bank, who squandered seven milliors of money confined to. their charge. This was Lewis Potter; Five goers ago he built the Burbank Free church, and because respauaibie for the greater ptrrtion of the cost of fabric, and in eousequetice of this liber- ality enjoyed great tame for pious zeal and benovelonce. Diving all the yearn when, according to the inspector's re- port, be actively assisted iu falsifying- the alsifyingthe accounts, in making r►way with the cash reserve, and in deceiving the' shareholders and the public, he stead - firstly refused to mite in or read Hon - day's newspapers because they were, printed on the first day of the week. Of William Taylor, also, another direct. ,or, it is remarked that the occupied a prominent position as president of the- Glasgow 'Young Men's Christian Asso- ciation of St. Enoeh's ohurch in Ile goners] assembly. WIMISSX/1511=MISIta TSR. J. A. ROLLINS, M. C. P. S. 1J O., Victoria. St. Oroditon, Ont. Office hours from 3 to 1Pa. in.; 2 tot, p. m. STRAYED. -Gauze on to thepremas- es of the subscriber, lot 7, concession 7, Town- ship of Ststphen,on or about the 24th of October, a three year -.,vat steer. The owner is requested ►r prone property', payex.nonsos and take the an- imal away. Wtf,LTAM CALL]AS. Stephen Nov. 14. 5878 • St 1\TOTICI!.;—I hereby forbid any per - .1.1 son giving credit to any one on my ac- count without mywritten 'ostler, as T will not be responsible for any debts contracted without my order. All parties having accounts against me will please render them. Exeter, Nov.7, 18711 JOIN P.MARSHALL..- FOR SALE. -A First-class Farm cif two hundred and fifty acres in the Lown eb:p of Baddulpb,about 204 u.res cleared, well watered. Also a good brick aotinge :with two flftlra of an acre of land ;eligibly sitaat 3' in the Village of Exeter, For further particulars apply to Mr 13. V. EL OcTit or Solicit, 8 0„ Exeter, who hits several otlsor farwas and Village proper ties fax sale, 11t.f. R E M" CRi11a,w,ould romitli1 Itis nnmeronxa• . Castors, � # e,t 110,515!, t�emote<i to tHPK shopfvi>nidrij,micu,l3eil by fr. Rens, Where.bo'' will be fond over Ye,, y-tn sifts id•t o eU,buyiu in tho HOOT and SHOE Line. I 1. [l,• Crediton.