HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-11-14, Page 44
NOVEMBER 14, 1878
The Maisons Bank..
1N4'ouron,s.wo 137 Acs nr Y.411tAII4St1F;.\r, i8a5.
atgsta7, $2,000,000. Rest, $4QQ,00Q,
3orf.„ err,soLL. 7 sq., - - = :1' faaieex►t.
MOW. Tt(OE3 4 lyAr.Ft7xA71, } ice• 1'a•ar,
.r• CzAxN, Tice-1''res Sun Itutuel Ina Co
?teal A x Aropl,etuon Senator.
W Shepherd, Pres Ottawa River linrig CO
xi:u'at o ?Seism:. lSI P P, Alitee Kiliianus,
T. "\Yor,vire rAv Trto»Iae, l:sq., - Caesi;cr.
M. lik +sox, Esq, . - • - Inspector.
, at€r BretliKtit.
:unrest airouc•r ut: deposits. Gold and currency,
diettsbought css4so\d. Sterling Exchange bought
and sold
neney advanced to farmers (11essy terms, on their
ow t urotuiss "•y flutes with one or more r;uod en-
d 19 rs. :tu wort;a,;e required us secnr:ty.
Colic ctiens made in all parts of the Domintou,
mut rc trerzls promptly remitted at lowest rates of
Exeter. A,tauet lab 5;8. 8.111
;1II;EFt 14, 1878.
Lest week we brielly anuo;lnced ,that
t3 protest had been made against the re-
turn of Mr. 11. C. ( ilierou call accoout
of corrupt ltritotices by hldaself anei ag-
outs. Thie ie the third time tlut lir..
Cainere,l e meat has been lliepute+d oli
the saute grounds and therefore !la-ither
he nor his Wattle otos plead that the
"big push" trade iu time riding, at the
Iste general election WAS a regretted 'in-
adverteoco.' eaueed bye the enthusiast
of riupportar;;, or the excitelzeut of the
ce peien. LA tete fiat case of proteei
Mr. Cumerou ealcapetl sentence by a
dte>solution, iu the seecnd lie was un-
seated fur grasely corrupt acts by tee, -
-etas, aua wile.* the action begat* to
grow wattle, alth diet courage aud
chivalry towards orpatueuts, for which'
that gentlemen i=i dietiuguieheti, flung
up the ape,-,iVe. and whiningly exclaimed,
'snough r He eoufe•eed to au expen.
ditura of abeeut ;$1O.009, aid had greatl
reason to thane: the clQ
metas y - of the
canurt, tiro, he WAS not smirched with i
the font stain of personate diyquttldtica-
ti.ru, In the third case, whieu ie now
tutored upon, we have no right or du-.
tire to ateticieate or fereehadow the ver-
dict, blit every iutolligeut observer re -
mime dal the r-idtut; define the late c.an
t.at may fthrtn 'a a rewd btless of whet
the result will be. And 'hie man Baler,
himself a Iti-former i What a mockery: ,
of the noble naive Reformer, a man
who t111us;s for the richt, argues for the
ri els, Tient, for the ri ,ht, yea, dies for
the right, but would distlttiu to be con-
na:ted with even a c,,loreble tr:ausat>a-
tiuu, who would spend his lheArt'1h blood
for truth and jtutice to his fellows, but
'not a shilling of his =may in wicked
nod deleteiug corruptiou. Far be it
eroe: us to rank all who style them-
selves Reformers iu the some low class
with this 51r. Cameron ; for we know
favored, educationally, socially,
and politically, to debauch the elector-
ate o
a eo this division, to injure the fair
fame of the many manly and iadepend-
ellt electors of this riding and to make
the name of South Huron a byword
and a reproach among the people
The welfare of our country can only be
promoted and fliailltitinett by all men
uniting in severely condemning say
man who misapplies hie fortune, either
an talents or possession®, in xnisieadiug
and degrading the simple-.I1>inded or
the ill-iuformed, who appeals to their
cupidity and not to their intelligence,
and befogs their faint perceptions of
right and wrong by the clinking of
• inoney or the pree so of profitable
place and employment,
Toe Llbertal-Conservatives of Soutli
uInron in again following up so pluck-,
lily and determinedly what they belies -el
to be another uelarions attempt to per-
patentee a disgraceful and disastrous
state of affelirn, deserve sold should re-
eeive the sympathy of every one who
would wialt to see right that: reason tri -
mph in political contests. When
+rfeeased in a fair field where there is
ah undue influence used, we trust we
that there are many wuo, anxious for
the success of their party, as they have
are undoubted right to be, would yet
scorn to use other than lawful anti hon-
orable means. It is plata to these
men, as it is to tOenservatives, as it is
indeed to all ilea without distinction of
party, that if the represeutatiou of a
riding is to be obtained by wouey, and
not by the honest convictions of the
Ln Ijeria}, then is Responsible Govern-
ment a farce, and our franchise of which
we prate so much'a worthless toy or a
valuable chattel, according as we re
g trd our purse or our manhood. It is
n,, answer to the Cunservatived of
S Atilt Huron to shy that men of their,
own party bate been guilty of bribery
and corruption at other times and iu
other places if they have,. then tale to
it that they lily the penalty which#•the
law se impartially demands. hat.
will be the destiny of it, coati try govergy
ed by a party elected as 1Ir. Cameron
has hitherto been 2 This is a queetiiou
which should engage the attention of
every patriot, without reference to po-
litical distinctions. Clan we expect
that they will be entirely disinterested
iu all their acts, and that they will not
seek to recoup themselves 10 some way.
fur. the tl:ueh atldtl' they have event '11,
tile purchase of Iheir power 2 In short
we exj)ot kat ► man's hublic acts
will be lofty tract pore when his privst,t
nets have been low, !menu and vile ?
Do wa 31 131ft Up tatter of roses front a
noise of putrid oars'lc)u 2 I1r. Cameron
6 a l)ert:oce of edueatiuu mid position, a
prominent uicln4ec of cue r,f the learned.
and ltrar+tt•iv profes*iort:a, and writes
himself Li ialr,tru” and " Q. ti." has
sat for sever•tl }'tart h!) 'the Commons
Frust "'if •face lit n set, ' and, if ►sin rr
sl,esl„ triple •, ; i ,et r, t%.`Itcaartaoil uf•.tt
G•1'tbitret ';11:iri tea I.13 gilt. ?but.„. .tzi!,' .
�tltflldlistention been s!t loii:,e;ll at '• he
pills On the tthernortabl,
bt•r. -What excusrt can 1)0 .t-S!i!at r.u-'
fhc r'ei eat.d attempts of ti,i., lsa :t t; •
call :accept our fate as gracefully as':
eer).; nod although we regret that some
itltebi„ ei t men should still adhere to
that effete anti uupletl'iotic party Ltd by
hleokerazie, we respect their
honied tlteulgh luistakeu auuvictions,
end are may put the more ouonr
tnutte to point out more eIe rly the
error in their reasouing and the sophis-
try used by their lenders and their press,
and to remove the prejudice which still
clouds their uuderstsuding, But Mr.
Cameron has hall his agents in dv.y
softs; by, and thereanent wt' are luuliu tl
to use this phrase. "IA octave. t+'9 realer
--Asn the master is, so itit the flunkey.
Ilow well does South Huron remember
the scenes of the olden titre, when the
approach of au electi n in which air.
Cameron Was t candidate was the sig.
nal for A violent; iuternal diautrbance in
the bowels of the Goderich law chem.
hers. Disgusting eructations of wind
were followed by a vomit, and the legal
fry were spewed over the county. Then
did the anxsizect rustle behold trudging
up his muddy lanene or
through 1
plowed fields, recently soaked with sem.
trier rain, a tadpole judge, a would-be
registrar,. or an nnubryonie clerk of the
eourt, and even me,bica,es were
knelwniu those olden titnes to be
ambitious of coronerships or seats in
the Provincial Aesombly. Same of
these men were, however, neither un-
able nor aahetuett f maintain from the
platform the cause of hi tl whom they:
so faithfully served, and we here list,
ellen with pleasure mo'e than once to
the vigorous though une lnvineting ale -
gnome of une no longer living in our
county. Iiut alas for these degenerate
days 1 the latter clay saints have been. as
"" dumb idols," opening not their
lnalths. 'Whether they practised the
art of " lIesmeristn:" acoordiu a tot,Sen-
ator Simpson's rule; ive biit,ttot salt tell,
but they seem to have thought there
was more virtue in a lithe black ststeltel
than in a whsle wagon load of blue
books. And so Saab Irina has been
won. But have the electors considered
how far they, by their approval of fin
proper practices, or their silent acquiee
canoe in the result, rebder themselves
responsible for the corruption that tnety
exist in the highest plane... If politics
he a " grab" game, then --,o to -let us
all steal. .Bat add will b3 the state of
any country in whish such a maxim
prevails ; let tie believe that there is
still houesty and manhoott enough in
Oa-ada to send howling back to the
devil whence it cadre, a doctrine so
ruinous and dettrnetive of all the nob.
lest a9leiration8 of our race. The Con-
servatives of our county are fighting
not in the interest of Conservatism
alone but in the cause of good govern-
ment everywhere, and they :call upon
every( le to see to it that no man, be
he Reformer or 3onservative, shall rep-
resent this splendid riding except by
the free, unconstrained and uncorrupt-
ed voice of the majority of our people.
During the progress of the late po-
litical contest in Centre Huron, the
Seaforth E.rpesitor published an article
in which, obviously for the purpose of
creating sympathy for Mr. Cartwright,
a contrast 'unfavorable to the Conserv-
ative papers was sought to be drawn
bettweeu• the conduct of the Reform
and Conservative journals of the coun-
ty. TSF TIMES, as. t Conservative
paper, tock occac+iyu to object to the
characterwlhiell our Seaforth .00ntem-
pornry so ,generously accorded it and
other Conservative co=workers. We;
piiited out that our oeusoiitus bro.
this ;,qu tl driver. ti:SS act "averse to.•
it,dirl•1i lig in ., lilbuss.e . and had used
t r„s•:ly it,stlltin, "ttingtisge••tawah•d
N hero tv `,ir'tii Huron's tried and efh-
!•.ee,s i ,.::,ea:,;iv,e. Ltst week our
y l i tilt, ti•46tor an21
charges us with ftt'lseuood and deities I have referred to will one day beuome
g � unlessl'a shionable Dressmaking!
that the epithets we quoted appeared burning trouble to the counts
hie e columns at th
e time alluded ,to. they are speedily killed by overwhelwn-
We wrote from memory, may tug and popular
have erred as to the exec words need
Dresse.s cut'aatd made to order
Quit Seaforth contenhporetr a """ABY--�--•.�.
ane the :time the abusive article Bp., y ea • p its M : s .. Cele, Boss
peered, but xre remember distinctly t of atwo-hetaded cat beim; horn.. alive, Gala Street, Exeter,
!It 11
Cleat the vilest, coarsest a ithets--tile will next be in crder to say at was " , ti x
N dead when It was killed, OVER'i13E POST OFFICE.
lowest, most contemptible language-- " ,
that peu could indite or tongue utter Ars the members of the Co iser-va-
T t .
were Llnstntedeti need tlaereiu, Strange (five Cabinet who had to seek the ap-
and unusual as it may appear, he is proval of their constituents have been
no doubt begiuuing to be ashamed of Ire -cleated by acclamatiou.
himself, and knowing we have not the) TT..
means of proving our stateuhent from ` CoNzl xroxallx has ' ^"Rotten eggs
were thrown lute I be hall of a geuth
the files of his paper, tries, by ctlargiug emu in St Marys." l�'hat puzzles us
us with false.xood, to wriggle one of the is to know wires ps;rtienllar part t,f a I
unootnfcrtttble position he has been geutlttnlau"s suet .• ay is called ""thy
placed in by hypocrisy that would have hell,
turined tial) Heep green with envy,
We ere pleltse4,,to see this sign of int- BON, li2i* Ter t..t*x goes to Ltrglaud
provetlteut, srnttll though it bo, for to. borrow money, laos'ibl•r; t"1 aid in
Virgil ?nye fucilis etrseensus Atrt-ra, and the eonstructiou of the 1 "41.1.� i►;til-
we should be very sorry to Iiuow that way, which Dr- Tupper bate �.; t-t11*hing
thrarl h to Bow lrali'Aia 1a7 ti.otln as )(s-
even a politica oppoueut was taking a g p1
premature trip tothet,pestifereltl•ere:;i )n,
However, we repeat diet the language
we quoted, or of a similar import,
app eurod, all assertiious to the contrary
tlotwttbetaading. Aud again, iu the i,'r seems, after all, that the talk we
early part of the campaign in South bear so much about see hard tinges in
Lionel--iu Bret iu tete issue of April 121 the ;states is mostly fancy. ,,;,,Au Aw-
�-anlr c.atew, alluded to the editor of ericau cunteulporery Boys :
Tun TIMES its such polite, courteous, "The haste witn which l''hirago was rebuilt
gent (+nastily, ruflttte terms as "liar," ; tarn tudltatriNnteittrit RtI1r l�i tf t+ta,y�ula3
" NOV '" barn' faa;,l," "" rogue," etc, have attr:tuttel w'e.rktae'tt thea {.feint etllur itttctr-
In hien we are to re and tilri. tas ello*ee ter& .int {;trait nttnallt'ra. tea tilt , h1 t01.'1•U lla-t 1
brt,u tli teudouey to over- .t•,:; tl1 • .ebur
English, in a �islteservattve aS vul;:,ar mnariv.A. the £riatten 11,.i� tote .e
abuse. And in the face of tine he lutes tile' itaquir} >,eu► tri t ta;• lni,.t_rt an,
eutiehtte b Betas ,the.' r.,:I, r li. \a•
elle hardihood to say that be elwaye b,edy N stsr\in nt the a \, seal pa*ctically a-1
who are ea ).•blu of w >«h1 , ltitrt wiling tel
work for living %eget., cite t ,9. pl+e; e.i—tiny' ta-
borets at $1 sal $t.1'2i nun' tidiest wor..me*
from 2 to $7 a day. Meese who aro waking
snob a bowl about bard times and nothing to
do ere loafers Ulm rail Illentsrlves wtrking-
me•r, but never work, uu".eft+ ceuti,e'lled to, and
discoutented lutenrers who Wary thtnusel'es
its, u8rd open be ams a they ran no lunger gut
the htgb \v.tgt,$ wbie:, patlaapled duriug the gun.
Beal "hurrah boys' of a kw ;Vitra ego,"
Till`: is set aly'a gond argument in fa-
vor of a proteeti'e policy.
ruble. The petition agaitiet air. Til-
ley:'s eleetiuu on the 17th of September
is vitiates by his re„•l stinal by' acole-
"" treated o[eponeuts with courtesy and
" respect," and with cuoluesa unprece-
dented asks us to " poiut to one ill -
't stance whore he ever used such
" terns to friend or oppoueut." Poor
fellow 1
Tho idea filet we are jealous of the
I:.rpostter " busts v e it merits and re.
"• ceives the cou#idenee of its friends
" and the respect of its opponents,"
exists only in his heated ituagiiation.
Our friend heel a gond business and is
no doubt accumulating wealth. We
hevte 11c1 abjection to it, and sincerely
congratulate slim on his worldly sue -
meas. His industry entitles hiui to it. MAltl;iAtr't.4.
That we dna not possess the confidence
of aur friends, as he aseerts, is news to
ue, and is disproved by the fact that
aur eiranlatiou during the last ten
months has all but double(; and as to
possessing the respect of our:opponents,
we do not wish to shake a l)Sir..de of:
the fact, end would not mention it
except in self-ti:'fee:0e, but readtre of
both Teems teed I .cporlier have several
tunes warmly complimented ne on the
reason displayed in our writit'gs, and
particularly one the clearness with
whits!' we have exposed our oontem Taos—Xtrrls,--By the seine, and at the
portary's political vagarlei and laid bare , same time and p'nce.ltfr Angus Then, to
his tergiversation. 'We have every Miss Mary Ann 'Martin, all of Stephen.
M►N' INd3— lcBRIng.—At.the residence or the
bride's father,by the Rev. John Plilp,li,A
Mr. Charles, Manning, assistant post-
lmaster,of Exeter,to Miss Cedilla McBride,
daughter of Mr, W, Mel3rido, of London.
,S-. ,wens, -•-In Stephen. on the 1.0111 inst.. the
wife of Mr, James Sanders, of a sun.
Pielitt.--Irl Exeter, of the 811* iust., the wife
n1 Mr, Thos. Prier, of to son.
\ir> ax - tiler.--C)al the titl* inst., at the rest.
tltetiC0 of the bride': father, by by IEre.
Thos. Crews, Mr. Henry West, lfrrcll.
:ant, of St.sfurtb, to Mi t•s Lydia, E., eldest
daughter of .1. S. Smith, Laratlou Tucvu-
1?nnwN--Yr.ovn--At the revidence of the
bri do's father.; um the 13th inst., by the
ltcev. G. A. Mitch e11,13. A.,IIr. John Drawn
yomi%est son of John Brawn. Esq., to ,Miss
11iary Jane Floyd, only daughter of George
Flo\d, Esq., all of Exeter..
Hnnrainn-TIIoN.---At the Mansion Ilouze
Exeter, on tllg 71.11 init., by the Bev. A. Y.
Hstrtlej ; bir. J7oifal, Hartleib, to Miss 1Mury
Ton, n11 of Stephen.
reason to believe that the outspokeu
sentiments of Tau Tines are infinitely
preferred to that snivelling hypocrisy
of which our contemporary is so thor-
ough a tnaeter, or more correctly,
which so ormpletely masters our con-
The Reform press of the country,
aided by one or two Couservative pap-
ers, are assiduously endeavoring to
cultivate a,.spirit of jealousy in the
western part of this province by dwell-
ing on the fact that the new Conserva-
tive Cabinet does not ;oontsiu a west-
ern;representative. These tactics way
work very well, for a time, , for the sue.
oess of a party, but it is very unpatri-
otic. No tru.i Canadiau would strive
to set one portion of the Province
against the other for no higher pur-
pose than furthering party ends. We
should consider ourselves, whether in
the east or in. the west, simply as Ca-
t,adiarie, „ with one oommou `iuterest,
the building up of a nation of which
we as C) lambkins may feel proud.
Thou there is the seetarian cry, not
somuch used indeed by the sects
whose interests It is claimed have been
overlooked, ns by those newspapers and
stump orators who w1411. to 'create dis-
e•►tisfaotion for the, purpose of itajulit:g
the Government, no matter hoer tdetri '
tnental to ;the,.harmony lend good•wila
winch shotildexlet aliionglala classes of
elle penpie Taie apt.ealiug to prejtt-
dfice we aiiavc niwi►ys carefully aveided.
We, here to,eeo ta►e iudependlut mind.
nti press of t"tie •o,etittt,v 'oxo nt in o'►i••
htenning the evil, for i.;sbeetki be borne
nind that these .same questions we
]Jlttsl> : 7n Stephen, on the 9111 inst., Lucy,
(laughter of Mr. Charles Dinnie, aged 22
Ars1Nsoa.—On the 13th ins'., Rebecca, wife
of Mr. James Atkinson, aged 31 years.
s s bowing the largest, cheapest and most deetr-
able stock' of
In iron's and boy's wear, ever before offered in
A fair Childron'a and Misses' Coney seta at a groa
Furnishing Department Complete,
cpomprising the following phos, viz:, white, and
Colored shirts, paper and linen collars, cuffs, silks,
Wienawlcatnbrte handkerchiefs of aplondid
tains, bows, ties and scarfs in all the latest styles.
etiotl} noel hid glhverl, iVt.,tii to, ;Scotch 1u111ba rope,
and Canadian soaks, braces, =idlers, as digoe't
jackets, oilcloth al,drubber coats, umbrellas, &o.,
rbcs 640, ,
Or Note the Stand—Next hntir•to d'I{ilne's gl►ee.'
stere, and op,00sito Central hotel, Exeter
iVERPV�o�L, �� t�7� 7�
L'O3„y D QS;�V.IJ.t'.tRE.!:r1
Royal mai 8teatns/tips
will sail on laysmber'2i. Shirt est sen I,a'sage.lt'or
sz'eedl.eomfort; economy and seamy are ellen) re-
anyutl er Ath,atic I.i11o, and ht tea; ,, 1'a --adieu
I.iee,sboulr be patronized by all t'unuatl=ens. tot•
Int -Oculars as to passage or parties se' WIN; ter c,
heir flu dc, sylely to
CAPT, 0. KEMP. Exeter.
3,87e.I .ALL. (1818a
White Q.
NOW (s`/aceessoryss to G.
B. SSmiUttt))�(/.y.
+ T '�.I ��` PE N I.i�. \ ',.�/,
choice isinea in
.i'y .4 -A GOODS
and*rilingtit priers to attract rite closest GaAs
weber° always been eonspieeous for basin:: a
Complete stock in both ihtauscla and lti•"nkett h
every useful make, we invite e,, n,,atianu here
with anything au the ua\rket. la's have never
been enabled to offer such baroins as non.
At no time in !ho )*.tory of the trade have
,, ruled goods u i s o ince as they do it Ute lin/R—
ent moment, and we are saki+.lied that no corn-
Sauutty In the wortdeau he so eheaply or be•tter
time tlu! people ort,an:ula to-dny. Daily
experience co vltcur all that tytuto S Co. are
hard to beat in these gnu Is.
We have intlnlnto knowledge of what is requir-
ed. The produutiuu of all the boat .makers are op-
en tune.
Gentlemen will and to, up to 8u'• 01081 atnllal-
tlyd at excellev.ce,nss.u1m,'ut, \a,ietc, value Roar
novelties. \Vhttry Drees shi.l is a so:malty, a full
renal of sizes of melt *nudity 3111 pric,,. lry stone
Will be left uuturued to wake this. asucees,.
aro extremely gond. We do not think any chi/m-
ot goods luta suffered so severely us they have
,Ione. \V13 continue to show the a lisle extensive-
viu•reties iu Sheetint,s, Shirtiugs, Deeks, i)euima,
'Pickings, Cotton Yar11s, NN lute c:ottous and.
Prints, prices make our friends.
CE.8 AND BLACK 4X1.'1'1'5.
13uyras of these goods will find it to be to their
advantage to holt through our ver fun and at-
ttavtite stuck. Weare, us a rule, z u•uucssf9,1 iuob.
tuiuing the correct thing lu styles, novelties,
makes and colorings in ell useful uud seasonable -
fabrics. We are fu a vosition to serve satisfae-
turily the most divorsiried tastes. It is uotnocea-
sury to mention our Millinery and Mantles, they
speak for themselves. Nothing builds up a trade
like small profits with quick returns.
We respectfully invite attention of buyers to a
careful comparison of our prices withany other
retail ions° in the Dominion. We assume otos(
aro but few families, if there- aro any in the corn -
meaty into which our boots and shoes have and
donut outer. We can wits courrdeneo recommend
thew to give general satisfaction. • .
Molt of energy and capacity never fail, never
complain ofhard times, and are themselves the.
le iders iu their respective ,listriets.
A friendly rte- e.xteedod to all customers.
WHITE & Cu.,
successors to G.B. Smith.
St. Marys.
Hsviu[,•,my new shop now Mien blast, I would 131-
1ornithe publie that I am prepared to do all kinds
of Blacksmithing, including repairing of all kinds
of Agricultural Machinery, such as Reapers. Mow
ars, Threshing Machines, and Horse Shoeing will
receive nay ;careful atteution..Porsesthat inter-
fere, end having tender feet treated in the most
- approved manner, and satisfaction given."
Chargees Moderate..
I have on hand all 4^tis Cif Agricultural Impie
meats from the Massey Manufacturing Co., New
castle. c ;
1.0'Itornrnnbor the place -First shop "•eat qI tlae
Post (Moe, Hansell.
Hen sell June 240.678,
,Borso3hneing,-Svagon aed CarriageMltaing,Dia-
mond ••farrows; and Plows. General 13eleksrnitb-
i ng.in all'tti.bran !heelat the lowest rates, and sat-
gil,lrariteArdf.-'.tGtce ne u Can _.and. examine ger
w•ork,befari, t; adtni elsewhere.
McNILT. AN At McRRIDIt, Ring St., He witch.
Henan. Juno 9.1. x878, ltpt