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The Exeter Times, 1878-11-14, Page 3
} -} NOVEMBER 14., 1873 SCIENTIFIO AND USEFUL;,\ '1'o Powsa Bsass,•--Oil of vitrol;a$ne ounce; sweet oil, one-half gill ; pulver- ized rottenetone, one gill raitt water, one and one-half pint. Mix and shake when used. Apply with a rag and polish with, old woollen. To COLOR AND f.'9EVENT WHITEWASH mon RUBBING ore.—Alum is one of the best additions to make whitewash of ,fine which will not run. When powdered chalk: is used, glue water is also good, but would not do for outside work exposed to much rain. Nothing is easier thou to give it any desired color by small qual,tities of lamb black,. brown sienua, ochre, or other coloriug material. To PREVENT POTATOES Tamm ROT.— Dust over the door of the bin with lime, and put in about six or eleven inches of potatoes, then dust with lime as before, then more potatoes, using about one bushel of lime to forty buslf- els of Potatt,e8. The time improves Um flavor of the potatoes, and effects - ally kills the Alegi .vllieh census the rot. Hanxnes Fows.t -Take two ounces iuiuttoll i*RPt, t+iy. „d 0e8 bees' wet., nix ounces powdered sugar candy, two ounces soft soap, eat one ounce inch; or lamb Welt. Dosodve the soap in l' pint of water; then add the other. in- gredients ; melt win and mix togeth er; add ,a Bill of turpentine. Lav it on the haruesa with a sponge, and pol- ish off wit,,. brush. Ossiese.--Afoul and plaster of-paris well mixed with water, and used in a lipoid stuto maktts a very good oetnent. It will be found quite haudy for many purposo't. It forma a very hard ootnpo- eltion, and tor faxing brasses, eta. on damps nothing soap, be better. ROST PREVENTIVE. •••-• To preserve bright grates er lire irons from rust, make a itreno t'`.'.''te of lime and water, and wish .u. due brush amear it as thiol: v t- t=,tsiiit,l(1 all, over the polished au:hte .e•gnirilg preservation, By thin ample fossas all the grates and flee-ir"ns in an mei ;y house may be kept for Months fret, from harm with- out further care or attention. To itUo A lichee OP BATS -- Wet a few pounds of unstacked lime with etroag lye made front potash ; let it be quite soft ; spread it around the holes so that the rata catenot avoid treading in' it ; lot it remain a week or so, and if it gets dry serene it off and uuliSteu again. The Mixture burns their feet, &and they will not be lkely to make a second visit. Do not let it come in ' nil Fath or coated titch 11611 iprint. too Deese Sltlu.--Sprinkle with salt fir two day*, letting it lay exposed to the air, 80 as to gather plenty of moist. ure ; shake or scrape off what is loose, and rub on powdered alum—a couple of teaspoonfuls for a rabbit or muskrat skin or a pint for a deer skin ; rub a Mali, thin skin, at the end of the third day's exposure, with alum until it is pretty dry. A largo, thick skin must be "adorned" a week. Skins will be white and not red on the under side when oared by this process, and make excellent rugs or garments, as 210 poi- son is used. German Syrup bas lately been introduced la this country from Germany, and its wondrous euros astonish every .one who trys it. If you daub what we eav 1u print, cut this out and take it to your druggist aid get a sample bottle for 10 cents and try it, or a regular size for 75 cents. HOW HE LOST HIS BET. Ain old fellow named Joe Poole, very eccentric, and an incorrigable stutterer, was a constant lounger at a tavern. in ;Waterford, Maine. One day a traveller from a distant part of the state arrived at the tavern, and was loot by an old acquainta, ce, a resident of the town. After same con- versation on different topics, the travel- ler was addressed as follows : "By the way. Brown, look out for your old freind Joe Pomo, to -night, Yon will knew hint quid, enough by his sta,nnleriug. Ho will be sure to come aud offer to bet that youhave not got a whole shirt ou your back. If you t..ke him up you'll be shire to lose by a trick lie s Rot. He invariably offers to !ay hie wager, and :tlwayswins." "Very well," said the ,stranger. "I well 'hit let hint get ahead of lite. Much obliged f"i' the caution." Tile evening arrived and a large crud o"llectyel in the bar -room. Our friends were there, and told Jos was in hiq element. "1 tell you all what. Yah or nice- ly dressed, belt I'll bet you ten dollars you have,, t got a whole shirt to your 1 back," "I'll take the bet," said the stranger. "Put the money in the laudiord's hande." Ibis being dune, the traveller pulled off his coat, and waft following suit with his vest, when old Joe cried ont: "lin•ho-liold out You've last. Ha - half your shirt is in fi-front, and the ether lits-hrtif is ou your ba -back." There was a roar of laughter, but the new canter slid not mind it ; he pul- led off his vest, too, aud quietly turned to Jae, displayed to his astonishing gats a hhirt neatly folded and placed nutlet his suspenders. Of course the laugh was turned upon. Poole, who acknowledged he hail lost his wager. lie never offered to bat again, MEDICAL. How TO GET T131N.—Take regularly three times a day is a little water, fif- teen drops off-godide of potassium—at- ways after meals , and a little metiers,. tion in eating will help. TR0UBLESOMS FEET.—Persons trou- bled with feet that perspire or smell offensively,can effect a permanent cure by bathing thein every .night or oftener, in a strong solution of borax, using a heaping tablespooufuI of borax to abe- sin of water. To GAIN ELEM.—Abstain from the use of tea, coffee and tobacoo,and acids. of all kinds ; take a sponge bath daily, and dry with a course towel, using plenty of friction to promote the gener- al (nictitation of the blood • thencon- sume o eume with your meals a large bowl of. oatmeal porridge, with fresh tnilk. - Soun STOMACH. A sufferer from want of appetite and sour stomach can be greatly benefitted by leaving .,all medicine alone and for a time existing. entirely on milk; ago lime water;; a, tea spoonfel of lime water to a tumbler of milk; If this disagrees in any way, in- crease the quantity of lime water. Borax is gond, if used properly; take a small,pinch several tlnietra'day ; too mtll;ll inig1it nee eallsea. ^ LACE of APPETITE.—USE lime water to correct acidity of the stotlianh, and the following tonic bitters : Gentian root, bwo nuuces; dried orange• peel, one. nonce ; card-arllon,seed,half an ounce.— All to be bruised, and the same placed in a quart of whiskey ot diluted alcohol; let it.sta,ad for two weeks. Dose,, one or two tablespoonfuls in water ` two or three times a.day. , This is good for dyspepsia, loss of appetite, and general weakness or •debility: Cut this Out -It May Save Your Life. There is no person living Ent' what suffers more . or -less with Lung Disease, Coughs, Colds or consumptionyet seine would'die' rather than pay. 75 cents' fora nettle of medi- cine that would cure them, Dr. A Boscbee's "THINK. AtAi13, I P1l:AY YOU" AN' ANICDOTE OF VICTORIA. Queen Victoria was 20 years of age wheu she ascended the throne. Oulu till.,,' into a posses•iuu of pita ee with n heart fresh, teuler aud pure, aud with all her inntluuts to uleroy, we nmy be sure thus, she found ratty things that tried 1 er strength of resolution to the uttuost, Ou a bright, beautiful morn - tug, the young Queen was ,waited upou at her place at Wit tisor, by the Duke of Wellington, who had brought from Loudon various papers requiring her eguature to render thetn operative. 011e of them wits a seuteuco of court martial, pronounced against a soldier of the line—that sentence that he be shot dead 1 The Queen lookek upon the paper, and then laoked upon the wondrous beauties that nature had spread to her view. '-What has this man done 2`' she asked. The Duke looked at the paper and replied : "Ate, my royal mistress, that man I fear is incorrigible. He has deserted three times." "And eau you not say anythiug in his behalf, my lord ?" Wellington shook his bead. "0 1 think again, I pray you 1" Seeing that her Majesty was so deep- ly moved, and feeling sure, she ould not whave the man shot in any event, he finally confessed that the man was brave and gallant; aud really a good soldier. "But," he added, "thiuk of the . in- fluence." "Influencer stied Victoria, her eyes flashing, and her. : bosom • heaving with strong emotion. "Let it be ours to yield influence. I will try mercy in .this man's case, and I charge you, your Grace, to let me know the result. A good soldier, you said. ',0' 1 I'thank yon: for. abet. And you, man, tell him that your good word saved him." Then she took the paper and wrote with a hold, firth ,land, across the dark page,the .bright,saving:word pardoned" Ir the storm of adversity whistles around y,,n, whistle as bravely yourself : Perhans-the two whistles may make melody. If you feel an indispositiop to esertiou,, weak nerve's, pain inithe bank; etc., o`r are afflicted wit, ati;y fection of the secretory organs, use Vlamonn Boon and Urs URsi. It improves the digest- ive ipowers igestive'powers and'strengtherie the weakened and debilitated organs. For sale by a1I'ilealers. $$I Per bottle. • NOTHING SO gond to kill worinsin children as' Freeman's, Worm.powders., ' • A LADY, rather inclined to flirt,'- says most Men are like a oold,very easily oaught,but very hard to gee rid of. It istth e easiest- matter sig he world to 'get rid of a 'ooi`d: 'Use'' IiAGTAnn's PECTORAL. BALSAM, the great Canadianremedy for colds, ooughs, hoarseness, bronchitis, and. all diseases of the throat and lungs. For sale by all dealers. -m • • Feverishness in children is cured by Free- man's worth powders:, • THE TIMES Shingles ` for Sale Fitox $l TQ s1.60 PER SQUARE, At G• & J• Brooks' awmill• TWO MILES WEST OF 'PER LONOON ROAD, T'P OP 1L& , A good seiner ot Hemlock Lumber and Cedar Fostscoustantly on hand. TheW.D.cCloughlnWatch Be sure and get Gloughlinwatoh r, y?lAi, no other after*.'`p. the W.D. Mc - You will have seeing them. All who wear them recommend them. Gold and Silver,Ladiosand Gentleman's sizer 77 Dundasstreet,Londou. See the tostimouiels The largest,bestandoheapeststeekof ane Gold Jewelry, Clock, sllver,and Plated %Yare,7c ancy & goods. ,k., in .he Province. Repairing evory description. W. 1). McGLOUGHLIN, 77 Dundee st, London MEDICAI, 1 IR. COWEN. OFFICE --- MAIN - Street, Exeter, upstairs, opposite Central Hotel. Side entrance, on the south --street lead- igu to B. C. Church, t,.-s'Orders left at $line's shoe store will receive prompt attention. 49.1y, R, IIUTOUINSON, Member of • the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, &c., eke., blain Street, b..xeter. R. H`E'NDMAN.--CORONER FOR the County of }furan. tptfce,nextdcor to Sir.I. Carling's store, i:xeter. W. BROWNING, M. D. M. C. s. Graduate Victoria University Onice and •residence. Don neon I.aboratml cite ^- G. BOUTON, PROPRIETOR. .S AA,CEBMT 'ET TO NEW FIRM, INGRAM'S OLD STAND Horeeshoetng, Wagon and Carriage1ikaing,Dia. mond Harrows, and Plows. General 13alckemith, Ingle all its branches, at the lowest rates, and sat. guaranteed. Giro its a call aid examine our work before trading elsewhere. ROSILY AN 4 DScBitID I?, King St., }Tt nsall. Hensall. June 20.1878. s n THE J. XE 1' lel Planing Mill Sash, DOOR .A..ND B1IRD iACTfl ..PILL KINDS OF TURNING Done to order, ltomembertheplace Dreg a3G I3ow,ra HAY PUMP WORKS j 0. ti100Rta, M. D. C. M. .11. V • Graduate of \looill University. 3toutreal Oihceand resideuce, Exeter, tint. Wilco Loure- a to lea. ui and 1 to 10n. m IIIc. IRVING, ialtADUAI' TUNI• yCRSITY Trinity College%tomberCoilege Pov'eicietus and surgeout Ont.. Guice Ridden. LE.tGAL ARDING HARDING, & Bariaturs, Attorueys, Solicitors, Com. siouers, B. it„ ate. ltltuby'Y.rte'e:-llnTrox'a BLOW:, Water tract, St V,uv li. tfAnoiso, P. W. Mamma. B,A.L.WmTB ATALGCM.SON & U.U)UY, r B urristess, Att rcueva, .Solicitors &o. Minterto Loan ea ,teal ,;state. Fannou's Block. Exeter `\ T atleDIAI.tMID, B.A., rllttltISTER,NOTARY, CONVEYANCER LL;CAN.00NT. HOTELS ['ESTERN HOTEL, GRAND BLIND.-- r t h s Rotel has been lanced for a toren of years, and has been nicely fitted up. Every con- Yentuace ma eft imeretal travellers. The beat brands of liquors and cigars at the bar. Good Ravine now greater facilities for manufacturing trumps than any other factory in the section I ant ['revered to ft nnel pumps an,t d•g wells en the shortest notice, and warrant all war k, lily pumps ha;t, taken the FIRST PRIZE AT TILE FAO, SlIOWS against many competitors. 1 can recommend them, and sell as chaap ad aiy sewn!. Cato article N,13.-.12Allt WORE OF ALL KINDS DONE MRS. BOLTON. t^:e. Shop-.One•quarter table north of Exeter Laudon Road. flay 1'. U Exeter. Aug. Stb, I8?$. G -,n. MILLIN.EGRY MISS CGARLrCK,. Ras now In stock a complete lino of SPRING HATS, BONNETS, FEATHERS, FLOWE'aRS, and Trinunings of Every litr.,i, In Latest Style sad Lowest Prices A. full Stock of Pitney Goods, Berlin 'Wools, Ronit„u Lt'. , Braids hostler in attoudance. Patterns, Cardboard Xt.•ttoes, &e, CHRISTIAN? HARTLEIB, Prop. Grand Mond, AIav •i3r4,187R. 0•11, t l.Jacketa out and mado t., order. U NTBAL HOTEL, CRE]ITON 1 lutein st.. E toter. J -Win. Baker proprietor, This Hotel hes been lowly tarnished and Acted up in finagles, style. Largo aud convenient Show Booms for Unn meroiai Travellers ; best of liquor, and cigars at the Bar. Attentive Hostlers always on hand. ,t 31-0in. \VILUtAI1 BAKER, MISS GAR' ,ICK, (-1a,NGED HANDS. --Tile undor- ' )elgnotthav1nrrentedtheDuirorinliouse,Cen- tritlla, for a term, it will befouuda tl-at-class ho- tel, with every acoommodation for the travelling vublic, Convenient to the Station. GoodLiquos and cigars at the bar, Attentive hostlors. 102ly. .EXETER KSNI'i'TING FAOTORY. Tho undersigned would inform the public of Exeter and surrounding country that has open- ed out a Knitting 1'aotoryin MoIntyre's old stand and that he will keep constantly on hand. Gents, Ladies' and Children's Stockings of every losorip- tion. Parties may have their Stockings, i\Iatts,&c. trait to order on the shortest notice. A large sup- ply of Berlin wool of every color on hand. finger- ing yarn kept in stock. Also a largo stock of the beat Canadian stooking' yarn kept constantly on hand. Price for knitting men's socks, 194 cents, ladies' stockings, 14 cents, cbildreu's 12f cents per Pair. ; W, A. CA I'IELD, McIntyre's old stand, main street, Exeter. 5-3m. AT THE Standard Sash Door ,Mind FACTORY, is constantly kept on bond, all kinds of building material. Flooring hard and soft, Siding Moedd- nae e&a„ sold Chea,,. Planing Jigging and Turning promptly attended to.; BUILDINGS CONTRACTED RACTLD FOR , and satisfaction guaranteed. As we have,;on hand a large st oak of dry lumber, we feel sure of satisfying those who may give no a call. ROSS BROS. d TAYLOR THE FALLAND WINTER TRADE C. Southcott & Son TAILOR' and CLOTHIERS, Take pleasure to irformthe innabitantaof Exeto add surronnnding country; that 'they have jug ,ope.ted out au excellent assortment of Tweeds, Coatings, Vestinys is the lit styles andnetts rna,and feel assured that into= atter ofotot'iing, they oau mnit:the, mostfestidioustastes. NEW PUMP FACTORY! At Woodham. BRAY & EDWARD have, at con- sidera:de eiipense 'secured the Beet mit- hiner,j and Augur ina thetarge Dstocominkoiofa,nudhavoop. Fixst Cl, a:ss Pu,mnS and are prepared to make to :order ou the short- est notice Well er Cistern Pumps. Wells and Cisterna contracted for.' ' ' A11 orders by mail attended to. Mowers and Reapers, WE OFFER A TRIAL of our celebrated Single Mowers —AND- Single Reapers if all kindsofGrass and Grp lII, and on all eon itions of Bolin ud aurface, AND GUARANTEE SATISFACTION OIR NO SALE Wo also offer a Trial of oar Wrought Boo Two Bar JOHNSTON'S COMBINED REA"fR AND MJWER Ma chi nes supulied with 1'wo',Fitmans, © Two.Urag-btirs, Two t'inger-bars Four Knives, Forked and K'ved. Nuts: u1e' oilers, . Seto., to. can be chanF,ed trail Mower t,1 rReaper AND REAPER TO MOWER' Byreluovaloffour hilts a,it tnleesshantlat'een minutes' time. .. !leasecall at ;our works and inspect our Machines before purchasing' elsewhere• , 1'' Send. for Catalogues.. :'• THOMPSON & WILLIAMS Manufacturing 0o., Str;,tford. NEW MACHINE SHOP, - William Kitching Wtshoe toinform the public that be ta,•better prepared torevair all kind* or Sewing Machines, Watches Clocks, Guns, &c., than any other person in the country, as his charges are moderate, and he guarantees to give Satisfac- tion. Exeter North FLOUR and GRIST MILL, Being in good working order gives every =come dation possible in gristia$ and flouring. Flour and mill feed delivered to Parties leaving their orders before one o'clock at J. BELL'S Bakery, or YY,1 tNti & CO'$, or atria same day., TERMS O...&SH. EI1: o 1” ,fid+~ 1' 0. NEW FALL GOODS= A. ELL1'" has just received a largo stock of fralritee,(J1ea'r ,Jewtiler'U, Pia. i*f Strings, fpectacles.Spectacles.,iLatite «n4 Gag* L 47ci:E't naafis, large stock of Fano' <r'oads oort- stautly ou baud. THE GREAT O.t SE OI' iI 'MAN 3iIs- y ENV. JuetFnbUtibrd, in a sealed Envelope. Price at! cents. A lecturo on tho Nature, Treatment, and RAO.c,sl calms: of Seminal \\ ea,:no 5, ter Spar ati r'hora, induced by Nelf•:Lhnsee. Involuntary Emissions, Impotency, Ntrvuua Debility, anti mvv,..monta to marriage generally; Gonsuurpti)n ]:i'hepey, an kits • stmt.:e1 aud 1'nysic:tl Incapacity, .t..3.•-• Ill ROB!•;lt'r J. C17LVE1ZwELI., til. I'.. author of the "Green Book." &c. The wo.Id renowned. author In this admirable Lecture. clearly proves from hie own experience that theawful conse,pimces of SuU-Abuse may be effectually removed without uiedictne, ant' with- out dangerous surgical operations, bougtee,inatra- ntonts,tinge, orcordials ;pointing. out a mod* of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter whit bit condition may be may cure himself cheaply, privately audreak:01l . t .Tbie Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and tuoitsa,ut;p. Sunt, under seal, In a plain envelope, to any ad- dress,, on receipt of tis cents, or two restage s tamps. Tan CULWE17.I11I:DICA7. CO, 41 Ann at. New York. P. O. B.ax 4596 ThchiEhPriceaRld does not eitoct the ow prices at which ., & T. 13ISS ETT are offering their stock of TINWARE, STOVES, Eta.,. at Exeter & Hensall which consists of all tine latest and improved styles of Kitchen. Cook and Parlorstoves,Blilk cans, pans, and pails of the most approved pattern, and everything in the line ; Also, a goodseleotioi' of handsome Eave troup'hing as usual, receives everyattention, and done at the lowest figures. Having opened onta branch establishment et Hensel', our friends in that neighborhood can be supplied on the shortest notice. YORKSHIRE 1akin HE N SA LL G, & J. PETTY ,I err ;;r , Any quantity. of Cured Meat constantly in stock. Rolls, Bacon; Hams, smoked, sugar- cured, Lard, etc. Any quantity of PORK CUTTINGS constantly on hand S XIS ACES Wholesale and Retail. Ali orders for cured meat promptly attended to