HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-11-14, Page 22
DON'T STIMULATE t'I3E YOUNG. Liverpool Theatre was not, one of these. muzzle and took it off; No sooner had
He itlstautty ran off the stage, thus af-
If you give to a healthy youilg man fording another instance than the garb
of twenty,who has never tasted either, does not make the fireman any more
tt cup of tea, or coffees says the Boston than the iuufornt the soldier.
Post it will keep hila awake all night. AtoliTrt Ptl\Ics,
If you give to oue w3,° haat never drank It is curious to note how those Palo
+either fermented or distilled lilluera, a ice ill public boii3liugs. seem to came in
gas of beer,wiue er tve3k nhislleeyand batches, like railway accidents and the
tater, At will make 1113n 113.0.0 or less like, Within a few days several stun -
dizzy, Mated, perhaps give fiiin a head- ler panics have taken place iu houses
aelle. If iyou persuade one who has., of wnrhhip. No less than two occurred
ileo• r 8l3144, to try a t/i„1.r, it will in Jewish synagoeues ou the day of
p3obabty nauseate hien, aud for a time Atcnemeet---sue rat l'esthe nod one at
make him severely sick. Strelene, hl the province Poaeu3 In
Now, what is the coi'e1usion from the former place there was a great
these facts > Simply that tea, co1Tee% , erush, and some one being hurt cried
err�ieu a t . out, `•]`ire l” 'This caused so wuch
bacon are in their nature medicinal ; xlariu, trod such an increasas
of it Vol
tire, is brief, dr(]ge, and that, at least Y presauro that the railing of the stair
;chile ate bolt is growing. while it atilt case t:re t t to the o was the
does not need either the preservative dctvli, and malar of file buret ti who
v r
stairs were f r d ,
open the t 1
the di s-
were u
a or h e
a t or ee
• s eft c
P rte f , �'
r e
p forty
another. From o �
"u one upon on h
f ll1
tics and tante one of )sine, beer or a g 1"
r the soothing one of tobacco, to flt'ty were thrown down to the
r ly o
brandy, ,
tr •
3 0 1 r the
3� t thee before 3
, t.d It t4 a l n
w ' e buGtgat
e n
t silo l
t b health or
I t t and either is t aarllecl in dal uncen>acions state into
, . -. i5. t leaveinjuries
s ..
proneenee 1, is the re ul . i as ltrot;t'n At Strel'eile the 3allia
What tertilde responbib3lity, then, tic its } l
r•n 'o the G lit
was eaused by a p rtl ng
tt' from
incur ti
(l tl
t . Adhere Ii
1.•r and f t3,
allowed their little etlit1reti felling iii, t~Lallt thirty persons, Gliiaf
bab} Il t d al d l traali en 3t/ r Mare Or lees Serini'Sl3
# t d and distilled li liquors and to
has sup ralimid trace ('f vital fume, it igallery
1 ,
t l a. 1. '
eel a !.
1 e'
• .'e Many • n all>t u were
ist s allayed. tl.. t
l i 1
alt e
1t }
e • 6
. l 1 •
tl -E it mad& $�S
"� " when the i l3f i
it .tag
tau the 4 It 4,
teen 18 Ali 3t i llttttlr:4 a 11.e lt. t- ne.igliborieg hau`:ee. Six women re -
t•ftered it disturltaltet', *u re or les,
' d staters iln ural•+ and a child had
V 1 , ,t {'
1 -- R before � -
i et n
drink tea and c ff ,r
d �
1 11
'i 1 died, andt is't U8 was CQn•
itlails'ed, flue ltd, sat Gil 1tt;d, i� At night, when � lenx eat.
little thing., would Clunk of asking for':
fetared several osiers will :succumb to ducted to his apartment, be almost
`t tempt there to sip it out of their own
i the London revere to the condition .which lay across tate threshold of the
are a.ttetts arlxintia to be in fa, luau, the Loudon theatres in case of fire, bedroom.
They will fire -s their children as near- :11 ;1st of them are siingl� fire traps, "What's that ?„ said the artist
ly as pf•st ible tike the evict, orate of Bea' rule ; f rile paper@ 1n:►kes a tensible +FQh, nothing," said the valet -de.
eon Street and Fifth fee, aid why alt r'rehtla3n, "the members or the stall harnbre who acconluanisd hiul, "only
wee tie).n t feed them al'3a as tilesfl t' c
' o -a " , ? of it theatre should be taught to take our atelr wolf. I'll drive slim off.
litt.(r "swclla are frit A :i woo
of alarm (1 1
he done this time the pat bounced ilial
and Oowwenced to "thaw' on his
throat. The crowd thought this was
only some part of the sliow, and look-
ed a 'with increased iuterest. The
poor man yelled, but as i e was in the
habit of yelling and malting a great
noise when he was exhibiting the bear,
no atteutiou was paid to that. Pres-
ently the blood gushed out, and Bernt-
ohi fell. Some one then rushed up
to Ms assistance, and found that he i
dead. It tlien flashed across the minds!
of the onlookers what had happened.
The struggles: of the mail with the
1 were terribe. The
bloody mousier a e i 1 .�
bear ►vas shot, and Deruiciti was buried l
iu the towu cemetery.
From a French pallor•
One fine day 1rieusternps, the 'viol-
i -t, was ii vite d to upend a few day
in a,. 11 " d 1
at file residence of a rich. Russian
He was nota
nobs l
e wee wing
and scared, when, as h a la 11 n*
'r 13 tr on his wayto dl
3 the1 G F
t ctrl ,
uer, he saw a black plass on the Iaud-
in the 3niilbt of whichglowed two I
i l,*, ini
tery eyes.
"What's that ?" said the artist,
our i 1
at1 'n out. ail it dol
1 � u
fl 1
, l;
wolf ; he's hitters." said the hostess.
1 , " their Werke:. Attention is drawn by
teaspoon t Women, from Miall to tow, 1 '
1 n � , of
stepped ujlon the same blllck melts,
tip particular Ftatta3ue 3U ease
• thought
b e' ,•e
be horrified tthetl
ilc r would l 11 rritl d u
Clint °' " , or • li other arils so that b� morning, t3 the attention
t titretiny p� Furl}' ]lest m rn3n�, s
l?31terad Yionxtornea room to open the
Abutter, a frightful fusillade was heard
iu the co:irt-►er:I.
"Where that ?" said the artist,
starting up in bed.
"Oh, nothing t3nfy our black wolf.
They've shot hint for tilling the cook
last night."
of :time her eltik(ire%u (either tea or cof-
fee. Plenty of the richest hill: with
oat meth or ntuth, or hominy., simply
poddities. 1j►ney meiit and cod bread
f 7¢l
let ter. form the principal diet el 1.
sieges rich children, who look so rust
mall •o hltthlseme. Tea they neverget.
And if their tubers drink tea it is not
the stimulating. 'lemur: Japan, Oolong
or greentea. No. it is the mind, so
called "Engllsb breallfaet tea" that is jt,urnevtrip; to a email town in the vi-
ciuity of Pittsbn'g. As the train
st:amed into the depot it was boarded,
by half a dozen men who, after a hur-
ried ooneultetian with the conductor,
approached the conductor with beaming
11Ir. Murphy, 1' believe,' said the
spokesnaaal, bat in hand.
= At your service, sir,' replied Joe.
their hti133enee order isles stand a bettor
of belt:; hept groan;; the awn -
THE TWO ;flu
A good story is told of the Irish. cow-
edittii .Toe Murphy.
It was daring the „lilaribbon" ex-
citement of last reason, that Joe was
dr auk in the fashioe'able world, tent! It
has been adopted simply because it is
more favorable to beauty and health
than the others.
The present is to period of panics in
England and other places—among bank
dope:atore, owners) of gas wares, the Deli riltetl to merit you, air. W
ladies, of the short robes, and those of tr
i see the cotnmittee to meet you in
charge' and they fairly dragged the
astonished Joe from the ear, placed
him in a -carria;e, and they were
whirled awiftly away.
' God bless us,' thought the exponent
of Irish peculiarities. 'This is very
loud. Never was 1 in Cilie( town before.
A mau'd reputation does travel, and
that's a fact.'
In a short time they reached the
hotel, and the committee having placed
Joe in ibe best parlor suite, prepared
to depart.
1 We will call ff3r you after supper,
said the � i
' One moment, gentlemen,' cried St.
Joseph, as he palled the bell•cord rig-
orously, ' ',Waiter, driults for the party.'
Drinks I' shrieked the aonclave, in a
eborns, ' Mr. Murphy, are you mad ?'
'mad 1' echoed Joe, 'not a bit of it,
Name your beverages. gentlemen.'
• 0b, this is most terrible backslid-
ing,' Said one. Mr. Fraucis Murr'hy
ordering drinks !' .
Francis Murphy,' repeated the per
plexed Joe. ( I'ni Joe itilurphy, the
con dist.'
'They saw it all and rushed wildly
from the room in search of the temper -
twee apostle. who was even then toiling
prinfully from the depot on foot, ' tot.
thirty-seven people were suffocated, tag' a huge carpet bag.
might have been prevented if the exam Both of the Murphys drew large
ple set by a German audience had been fences that night.
the lengtraiue atthe Dukes, and theatr-
ical a:idleness, The discussion about
the Argyll still goes on, and the end
will he that the periodical fit of mnagis-
terial cant will be sueoeeded by the h-
ceusieg of a score of ...rgylls, in order
to prevent the obtrusion of the ladies
on the open street. The Lord Ci3ani-
berlaiu, on refusing to license a grow.
in ; dramatist's vulgar adaptions of a
Freneh play, has clwiled about his sera
a hornet's nest, and the result will pro-
bably be that we shall soon have
e e of the Cock-
uaugh;tier, and, in the ye
ney, nicer plays than ever. The own-
ers of gas shares still tremble. Edison
has wrnnght more ruin titan the direot-
ors of the Glasgow bank. The Thames
Embankment and Billing.3gate Fish
Market are to be lighted by electricity,
in the former ease to be panic of the
lovers who occupy the benches from
Waterloo to Wastminister; in the latter,
to display the beianty of the Fisli wives.
It is said that the mierol3hone is not
used in the said market, as the ladies
are gifted withvoices qnite strongenough
to ewer by. The panic in Manchester:
atnryng the depositors of the building
bauks has partly subsided, thanks, in a
great measure, to the eloquence of the
Bishop of Manchester. The panic in
the Colosseum in Liverpool, where
,1egreat%AiionitiaS for
4teg Vlds Asthma, h
LOSS Of Wien. Hoar+<oness,and
Sold 'by all
llespeotablo Drug-
gists and C,eueralDealera
ray's Syrup cures the wowst
forms of Coughs sad Colds,
drav'a Syron carts :fore Tbroat and 11natsen(sn.
rorsS rupgivesItntuediaterollerinnrnucllitis,
oray'a Syrup iu the best remedy for Asthma.
nays Syrup relieves Croup and Whooping
Gray's Syrup is an excellent palliative in Con-
(*ral'a Syrup relieves all affections of the
Throat, Lungs an 1 Chest,
(3rav's Syrup is Suparlar to any medicine offered
for 4413 the above (iomplaints.
A few days ago in the Neustadter
Theatre, at Pragne,dnring the perform•
ante of the hioiningerDramatia Troupe,
the notion got afloat that the building
was tottering and about to fall, and'a
rush was made to the entranced, In
vain tbe.Director of the Theatre assur-
ed the people there was no danger and
bade them be tram -inn, The tumult
grew worse and tbreatened'to become
disastrous, when su.dtlenly a`Graf Bom-
beiles oane 'to the rescne. Bushing
the foot -lights he urged the people to
A telegraphic despateh froth Weldon,
N. C.., of the 16th, gives the following
particulars of the tragic death of one of
the individuals who visited this city
with a performing bear during the past
summer - '
' A. few days ago an Italian, oalling
himself Felix Certliohi, came to this
town with a big black bear, which he
exhibited on the streets," The animal
was trained, and afforded entertainment
for men acid boys. It danced; turned
summersaults, stood on its bead, arid
be calm, assuring them there was no, performed all the tonal tricks." As it
was inclined to be ferocious' at times,
its master kept a heavy muzzle on it as
u safeguard, and never upon any ocaas-
ion took t!iis off for it was made large,'
and in such ' a' way as to afford atlip'le
provision for the animal" to partake of
its food with' it un. To day Bernichi's
receipts were `greater than e sual, end
on the strength of this-fitct'he betook'
i limas f to a eft n11 e -room`, 'Yl(4i1x v,
Nerve the Paint purpose.,if he 0 )tlfd be where 'he."got' `gloriously 'd lark He
i vi a forth again 'wit•h Te'rifi nd�'
Blit, Eo exhibit tile, ref! t InoiinG f Hien came g h end
' j r4. that Ire
c nhnees. Mr. E+`recle"ries( Czyr,e tthu suits the crowd of'b •e;tairtdltlrtl
was on Cha b"aids singing a fil'etnxn'4 would Shaw them *0 033.;@11 . dilly 1 nr
song at the time the panic arose iu .1 .er saw before. Ile }, - t, • r;..'
danger, and that the Crown Prince of
Moininger was remaining in the house.
This assurance had the effect of at once
restoring order, and the piece was per.
formed to the end. Several accidents►,
however, took ,place. Unfortuuasely
princes cannot. always be reenred to
show the requisite' amount of boldness
at the proper time. Pt-rllape a less
august personage might, at a pinch,
Tinder taken
Emblems of all the
Wonderful Discovery.
An Internal c.& External
It Cures l;t]eutu1stis1l and Notlrala!a arta
all iii tinea L"yt,utt v•^ >t 11a it stn ala"
It 1s• t2n• only timti n n 111 - ly torsi t rat ut=ni
nn LIt . I, dent, t oat Renc prot•edl y °them '
E to the
�S (ee3l ab alr)'iC:d it F11'ea Jr! Carat ease
unfortiiti txt nittrt r, r It is a apt t1• absorail,
'"r.'„w""""'"..'r t
oue nntersthe circ tla
lmuetrutea nr tt:o veryb
tion, no.ttralizing uiL "l3hematic 1'or i." civ.
tui ttioa lathe blood, and espo3s it Yrs ' the -
system through the natural outlets.
7foath testa, Far c1•n, Headache. Neu -11ia
R til
C n " -tt Oat (
S 1. lla n I S
1 ll R
n,+uD uC r
Il u 1
Ott nut in
.. Ak Pat] 1]
n t 1
eel:, P3 lu *1Ohest P.siainslatuldor
entt' ,1 ro,t rlttt's,Clti2lktltla 13iur'h. "4..
4 11 8•
ear, ry, SI'iu n -r t'OSn,>hOnt & '..41e
It will cure We tiros, rat i:niZi11R Pain.133tt'4
oatoy.±w.• ,no •`-l•"'rel•^„vst ant of Moe.
nallerexteanatl.irisin+Yta,tatat.'ttuu,. 1',4r)aa'X
4 4+Fxt•
your prejn111Ce and ,nage 1G at 1141 t ;
meat is i,nlall and relief o01 'rho great
%met °tits su" ,:e3$ with alt 1.'t i$ses is owing
•c the i
3ss, anh
sd Oedema
1 take,Rises instant case and to bnapplied
to a wider ran n, of disease in exert' day life.
pxtltla greater success thou any preparation
1cinch research skill and "Medicalica- 3 qletw
.,A„3„ ,
haq vet Tri lucod.
'•' 1"� lit `14`eoI •1f iii greet power over Il ttie':R(?'
a143' person, rap water Who it may 1,', sorb,
nr Poor, (11d or young, who to Sunt . iso( fru=
Inv .,f the 1t°'ov0 named 11.31" ill complaints,
will call at th.' ()Oleo is TI.mnt.,. I4S• day OI
the week, wilt get 1al Pr of "Fre* ot
__arts _ r of its. aslcal pot, tji over pain 14
Tt '.4n044i515 Iron all patttOt the Dominion.
a .l ( 3r.3a '.t►' c •ta1'44 to taala, e`it in;t expre+'
«,car 4.4 t13e 1110.t rrut,'C4'1 grattttde for as•'
fs3tinge.tres wwho.% it has 3°('rflar33r.1.4111.1
would be pleased to reserve test'utectiali
fry mall Mlles who use it successions.
I ystennis arx tho litgli 'st fr ctN Inial 3V se' conintend it as a mast t'11Ietuat drmo3.n
LC 413os1y ' for the relief of Pain in cases of sad-
.....3 -_--es_
it to �oaar tomes. anal •'it iviltprtivi+ n
311 3 t.3 your 1311111v mid ilet, .t fttendq.
Cir llg+ier iarfr��r nouns qqu ulitittoe c,(
l r i:il3413' t tht• txtlrh1 to 1rt3duct' its t°nuns.
fie ns1341111'004B 010 •(cilirlesnl('
3tng and Patent Medi 4444. 111.1 two ot fdontr
1,Toronto, 3lauultou and London.
tilts rE `Bottle!
' Sold by ail Enterprising Druggists.
Sept. 19., ly.
Wonders of Modern, Times
I I101iovra870 Fills. &Oint+ment
1 The P3114 Purify the Blood .correct a)ldisorcler
of the Liver, Stomach, Biline' S ant' 13ovre39,und
aro invaluable in all complaints incidental to..
Tho Ointment is the only reliabloremedy for
Bad begs, Old Wounds. Sores and Ulcer , of boys-
lover long standing. For Br(lnebitis.Dipbtheria
1 Colds, Gout. BIleutatatiam, and all kin elates
L -i Baneequal.
New York Counterfeits.
Spurious imitations 0t "Holloway's Pills
ointluent:' aro manufactured' and sold
under the uemo of "linutrtvay st Co.," by
Company, Ar
13 tL
p S.
, 'n•
ei 1Wati
n n •
vino cman } of
nn assumed trade
Again on*
Now ,. t k1.
r tic
t otmterfciteofhie
floury, Curran tt
• Yti
gists, and also
11o11tan Medi.
New Tort;, watt
nark, thus----
Joseph Haydocl
' a : .R
wise n ec Off
y f
c name n Hol-
melte 3t .dor It 1 .,rn
a n n t
Inwav kC'o.,liaciug for a ,r.tdn mark a Crosout
and Serpent: afolfe weld 3 Ltobintis of New York
axe agents tot the 1-ame
These persons, t111' hotter to .1s ceirc you. uu
blushingly eautioutlln public in the shrallhoeka
of directionsaftlred rn their inrdich os, which
are re -11r thespurior.a fmitlltionc- to Beware o
3'...c rapulous 11oalei 1, 4.4.Cain tlarl3 rat very
low 1 lees and cel! Mei...! e.+ etre 4•:37,,14 in ('and
da 1.5 rat 1"nnule tea. see t3lhtraentq.
I mc•5tearnP Cly is. .i • ; t•etful1'. appeal tothrr
Clergy. tomntber5 off nlies and (11 141 ladies
and tin, 4.l13!3 ' !Outer:: ilx ..f Nritia3a'4ox0'Arnett-
ea, time they may in. 3.iea4edto tt(+ao3ance un-
sparingly' these frauds.
Pur, linsera should look to the lobol on the potty
owl hosed. It the ire:dress to not .711,3. Oxford.
Stir •t,I.ondon., tney are Via, ennrat?rteit8. Each
Vet andl.ax of the.'1cottine Medicines, hours 'CO n
liri:tt•Ll Government stamp. with 4.11e• words
iTOi,r OW.' X'8 Ptt.t x Amp 02N't'e1:4T, :Loudon,'
,•4gravnd thereon: ('43t314'3413.'11le the address.
u l °sea t Street, T.Ont,oh.wiaere alone the'r aro,
Ararluf1%d(ured.• Parties who r0„aav be defrauded.i. r ondors 44911tng:311e1rio3R"flollmvays Pills mid
Ointment 1.e my genuine wake eh, on com-
nunieati113 the p4lrtieul•a341 to nue, 144, etipiy re -
rat nentted, and their 4 (nae ne•verdivul1at .
5510CoraSt.. W.C., L,,nib.n,Fuglaud
Ras just commenced business One half mile
West of Dashwood, and is prepared to clean
Clocks,Watches and Sewing Maohi'nes. Um-
brellas repaired and Organs and Melodious at-
tended to. Tnose in want of bis Services
should.givs hien a call before goit.g away from
home., Charges moderate and,.entire satisfac-
tion gnarn.teed.
LONDON - arid a x
Gly; >lta l 82,OO4aOC
1 l 1. , b
Partie3Tequiring n oney"can' obtain adyaness
Ole app,t•a)ved.town 01' farm propelty,, at„;lowest
Sate n- The 44hC VA is a, London ,England'yrxl-
paby.' r1.,,- 11333i'1••i,attic Aare, 10'
13 ',l '1".PICA 1.1D, Agent.
�W 317 inestimw a p. uctictnn
theiuIE1n111' 1• '*title,eu1,
tsuntd in me 48 medical
boor( ever ism..1. rutdied
THYSE'111 F -PI E,SEl. TI(1 3
LFI"r11Y'nbi4.,iS !'1 ,gmaU
n1. rcer1Nt of 3lu '•. 1t
treats ofExhaustcdVitality, P'rcnllttur arsine,
Nervous and I'tq'nlcml 1)433,31147, amt the c:.tA• `st
conenmitant 11ty and untold ,nmrie that r• Arlt
therefrom, andcontniDeMore them (s,ur1'11:d3"re.
serijltions, nnv n1., of wt110111Y MCr(11 !ht. l'' "Of
the hook, Tillsbcokwnswvrittenbvthe tmostcx-
toast veandprollablvtb('mmt sll31P113 rartittmur
inAmoriea,towhom was award r.1a, wed an.ti.•w-
riled metierslytlloNational �ledic.•1 A4 Ciattom
3. Pamphlet,
111ai—almnrowith the wry finest
steevel of art Arid beauty —���
neat stun: to al,. end
for it at once. Address +l
IwSTITC7 L, Ns D4 pulh.r� M �
each St.. Boston. alms.
&C., &C., &C.
I Goode delivered promptly Quality uneur
asses. R. &E. SPICER.
The undersigned wouldir3form the inhabi-
1an1aofEaeterand vicinitythslt hehas
oue door south of his Biaoxsmitl1shop andhopes
the same liberal patronage that has bean 1.o
ooraedto him in the
line willheextendod to hila inhie new branob of
business, Bis meat wagon tvilloall at tile resi-
dents of the village three times each weekend
of all, kinds 'kept constantly on hand at his
butcher shop.
Blacksmithing 'aud w1. en Deakin parried no
aus;lal in an its i.)ranehe.s
No noed of. the Grange:/or buying any-
tbingin ray line, viz:-
Furniture, Builders' liardwere,
Paints, toils, Glass, Picture Frames,, •
Motto Frames, Mouldings, Mottoes
Looking Glasses. t'
Lookiu Glom/ Frames,
` Cut1ey, druete, Stoves,
Tinware, Brushed, 1Ht(vest.toe's, &o,
In order to reduce my present stock I shell con-
, "t1nue,to offer
1 05peeitaly in
? 1 3-4.141434ttta,r•.0 ,ta,st..p•r4'tin,tr, r' -
1' po,t, 1 11 .• 1 1• (•.t. •t4 ars8
tit lltal.04,. tt 'tti 4'. • (11 8Mrnri.ta in u , none
1(1011- , 1'Itnntc or Erut rico., y 144 MIa 1 1x11,
'flats :t 1'• el t.am ` to -r • • us • art.,hese s't!d,
ulr l ,'guru• • litAtli ;.!' •t 1 ^43 1. ti thlt4•it
31`•ite ,. 1,w'!petawr 1•.='t ri -u r. der bores, Sealy'
or ltaugh Mtn in tot. t tt t r• toe. .:' 41) es,1
110 au'(•. I as1r (, 3., 1" 1.1a•.41.r 11,3 'aa ; ier,,auto
I: 1+eda11 feat It ua,.3 f • tad Os potency' 1.1 vortex
Tvtter, hone Bush, Aotte, ('urbutte A, Sera i':co,
Sarandon. Stray 11.1 1-ol :Mugs Whitt. 1.Volito4'4
Goitre or Thiel; Ne(11..ti11 Enlaitrtd Glenda
1f yea fel duel ,t 4'4.4 1hta4 l )1.xtallow'
colld'.n n „pm, ,
to f,c. Cr
belly. irecauait heralaito or • t's1111.;4. b:ti: Len in
1(1Oiat 3, internal 1.(51 ! r chin.; a slitrant .1 Av1 t3 lmt4
Itn•tu ,1„tvt ntit• (1 Apkinuavf 14 Inaing3.ir1rgu4ar
t., awl' lawn-r It . y•.1. 1 . S11i1''rI13 AVAILTont Id hives, or •'aillou urn.;” In Keay (:uses at
,' ('UrnplalIt" (443) rot ,ft'3 . symptoms are
nip, rli tired 14 a 011ie y for en (1191 vases, Dr,
Pierce . golden Medical 1ifsttn•(ry IMO nu annul, 43
it erects pre ewe t tend r.idle at a e.rrl'.
Iii the
Buri. sr 41r01e1dt(s, &averts Coughs, awl MeConsumption,earl, stages of Consumption, It has a'.ou shod the
1(14(110111 faculty, and e1.tlneeit 141144lttpb pronounce
It the greats St Moll '•al 114.4 •34.7 c r tlu• see weirs
11((04444•severestCoughs. Itstrengthens the spinals
anti urines the bleed. S 3 ydraogls(s,
dna 11333141')' 1i tel, Ilius .flu 14 IYOrltl s )lspcuitnry
® • m0
No use of tat Mg the kirt;e,repalslvi•,14anseous3111Is.
composed of cheap, crude, and bulky Ingredients.
Tltase.Pellets aro searlteIylarger than mustard seeds.
Ming entirely vegetnblerno particular care IBM.
(4utred while u: Ing them. They operate without dts.'
turbanee to the constitution diet. Or occap�4atten.
Tor Jaundice, 1leodaches constitution, Jainism
Blood, Path In the Shoulders, That(am or 1340 Beat.
Dizziness, Sour Eructntlons from the Stomach, Bag
Trate In the Mouth, Bilious attacks. Pain In resew'
or Kidneys. Internal Fover, Mooted feeling about
Stomach, Bush of Blood to ]lead, tike 11r. 1'ierriel
Pleasant Purgative Pellets. In C tpinnation of t la
remedial power of these Purgative a repots or. r t
great @variety of disases.Ittimaybe said that theta
notion upon the animal economy is universal, not a
glans or tissue escaping their sanative impress. R; t
ones not impair Cue p,•opertiis of these Pell. u3
They are sugar-coated and inclosed In 311355 40111aa
their virtues being thereby ptescrvetl unimpaired fee
any length of lune, In any climate, so that they are
always wash and reliable. This is not the east. wilt
pills put up in cheap wooden or pasteboard boxes
For ail diseases where a Laxative. Alterative, in
Purgative, 1s indicated, these little Pellets will glut
the most perfect,1tlisfeCtiOn. Sold by druggists.
1t. V. PIER('LE, 31. D.. Pitor'n 31' orld's)lilpensar3
and Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. S
K �
SXMP'reaIS.—'Fae3uent heath•
ache, discharge fanra;1rue IA moala
sometimes prOruso,wtltcry,th1,11
mucous, purulent, mllenstve, sic
In others, a dryness, dry, watery, weak, or inflamed
eyes stopping up, or obstruction, or the nasal past
sa44(11 ringingttt ears dearness, hawItitrg and cough.Ing to clear te throat, ascent l ions, scabs from ulce431
voice altered nttsulStrung, ollenslve breath, impaired
or total deprivation or sense of Arndt and taste, diz-
ziness, trental depression loss of sppetht'0, huirgcs-
tion, enlarged tonsils, tickling cough, etc. On 1' s
3,w of these symptoms are likely to to present in au3,
case at one time.
produces radical curet; of the worst eases oreatarrIt ..
n0 !nattier of how lura standing. The 343mi(l retried,
may be snuffed, better applied by 3110 nee of ns
Pience8 Douche. This 1s the 01)17term of lustre -
mem yet Invented with which Said meditten can hs
01101)511 3110)1 yr null l'tttioseT(,Y •Arrl.IZD to at
parts of the 1411/10/0 11 14 5 9 31 Pa9sngls, (134.4 438 (3111111'. •
6444804 (4.901es C0(111luntOating th0rrn•ltl5 3)11131!14
sores and. ulegrs7eg0ently exist, and 411.0n1�wh 1t,
the catarrhal dsehar7(4 4eneriaity proceeds It•s .Use,
Ispleasant:.and•(aasily,unticl'stcwai .from. Streatham.' ,,:
n':1 Wp m03y reel), x»3913 nicht b- 5"lays s1 tb.3
t 3'rh Remedy curet, recent nt nit t 1 s '•Cold to the
ll.•ad-"' by a ARV npliliealinns.` • It 15 1511d:(11.1 DIOR&'
••111.I4 contidnin• n0' s3rnn +.ata s1. x5^ -a ,at;,. •.
•(0t �ttt
pn)t1un5.. k 3r •t V. t'i111 C3 s . 14 ..enu l , nvld by drat
0 t.,, V. rtra O , :1f. ei. T M ��. s'Dly, -
L7 It. T[ t.t.�aa ''4.P:,••.. ....`
• . ;, G. 0 (YD. 1,, U 7t' JET I T. iU'.jL' E
4? J. II
• N &
y�Sigh—:.ioJut�n.3ia4t/1+.Ian}v::aortlt sicl'a (dueen°g. �g� '')�6�Ci1���
St Y'L1317s 1 Y 'e Aucltoneels. Stalc+s plpr1a)itly atteotiat
J C GIr.P3'< to, hays of solos arrnna14 at (1143 otfe