HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-11-14, Page 1Vol VL
1tXE.TER, ONTARIO, TU1FiI.A.Y, NO' • MBR 14, 1878.
PROPERTY LIST. The Fishery Dispute.
Known as the itadgerrino hotel, Inunedttto
dossersiuu, Apply to +lk UAW:MALL Exot.r,
Hume and Lot. Cloud stand for a, ahoema-
ker, A earner hot. k"r 1,articulare. apply by letter
or poraoually GO HARRY BRO%VN_11i tncholaoaP.O
subscriber offers for sale two houses and two
lets, ono situated on Huron street, east, in the yd.
I tga of Exeter, and the other on Sitncoe street,
Meth houses are nearly new, and ono rents for
six and the otlwr for aeven dollars a month, They
trip ba told together, or separate. and on moder-
ato terms, For pa Oculars, applyt.o'I'. J. WILSON
Ilsus,tll, or to the Timms ()Mee.
scriber offers for sale his farm, Lot 13-
Von. 14., Township of t'sborne County of Huron
•0,1 twos cleft oil, the reniaiude goodbush. well
vowed, and in a good starts of cultivation; under,
tkatnc•a, good oreberd, atAendid wrdl of water,
trautobarn :t6xC9,10Establed )G, loft house, and
convenient to sellout and throe churches, For
Water to
tV h1• lt1tYA\S, Kirkton, P.O., or
Ult. Il. V. ELLIOT, Attoruuy, Exeter P.O.
TriE boluM ; "TIM11S" ON THC A51ERIC1:3 cox.
London, Nov. 0.—The Tunes' editor-
ial says :—"When we Hear that public
opinion in the United States has suds
denly beet) thrown into a ferment in
the revival of the fishery question, and.
that .Evart% lies written two vigorous
despatches, the publication of which a
couple of weeks before the decieive oleo
tions has ceansed ptttt•ietio feelings in n
manner no do .bt profitable to ties lit.
pulihean party, We can only wends) t►t•
the capacity for being eaclted by small
things wl.loh the Atnericatis possess.
Everts' despatches are cm -teemed with
what are Apparently rather antiquated
subjects --rt lisbertnan's quarrel on the
tweet of Nowftnttiditted,iu January last,
and the payment of the Halifax award,
which the arbitrators announced near-
ly twelve months ago. Whatever may
e the course of the Newfoundland dia.
it can have no bearing upon the
ayment or Hon -payment of the Hag
ax award, That must be determined
the American people upon general
rinciples of honor and equity, and
itllout reference to subsequent diY-
: o' EL FOR SALE. t
'that forgo fraise hotel known as' THE BRIT-
ig liana,.• in embryos with harge frau;, p
attached, situated on lots 369 361, 367 and f1
in the town of ('Tinton containing one acro
or lose. The hotel hes a licence and la now
oiug a: first-class business. This affords a splen-
i't opportunity for ally ono desiring to go tote p
IC had hoslrreaa. as the terms are very liberal w?
ant •11 payaiu'ut down. and ten or twelve years t•
rrbalan-e. Far farther particul apply telt. , l',
'11111' :. Exeter. valuator for Duuiiutuu Loan ' w
11Alt1f laE.---Nortll half i . sl
L Con, A, Stephen, and Nortlt hut( of Sattti 'I'
alta! same tut. iu all, 73 acres; g.net elan loath.
atter gond cultivation. About for a teres el,:arr•d, ti
ho rest well Mothered; frame barn and frame
mien. and young bearing orchard on the 'Imm . C'
r. Milo and a half from grand fiend: chose to n
eltoni house. Purelraecr rias buy :gip, rat, or 7.1
at his option. .Apply to AAR()ti FA1tl:\T.
Wand li.•tul 1'. O.
Stt-plant, t)et.Ord, halo. lin. '•
- -..-,. . .,. _- a ... ... ... ..,_..-.__W._....r ,
`V. IIO1)GSON, & J. ONE, CO.
1 e Aeintu,neera. Sides prnriptlyattended
3, hays of rales arranged at this Wilco., _
OST. ---Un Thome- Road, near
1.i Russeldele, a large ;lit Skin. Any u
tortoni finding the same will be rewamdet by in- r
orating .lr. 1',•nwiek, Exeter Mills, Or by leaving 1
tat theltusaeldale Rotel. _
T. CLAIM, Agent for the Us- 1
L• borne and Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance
,nnrpany, ltusidencrt -- k arquuar. Orders by 1 C
mail promptly attended to. 8
.i the promises of the undersigned, let 1,S. E 1
it.,1. sbnrne, on or about the '26th of October, one
marling heifer, and one yoarliugsteer, The owner }
srequestad to prove urn e:Cy, 1pav espouses find t
,aka them away. 5:1.M1tIL \LGItRRAY. ,
"T1tAYill —Strayed from the prem• t
i.- isms of the Subscriber, on lot 96 eon, 7, l: s- i
ferno, ave spring calves, one white baiter, one
rod heifer, caw grey steer sed steers ;any person t
that 'will give such information as will load
to the recovery of the some, will be suitably (
rewarded, RICHARI)11I. 7 Q1 11. 1
i from lot 8. concession 6, Stephen, about the t
middle of August, n 9 year old steer, red, with t
white spot ou forehead, soda few white spots on
theb.tz.k; also about the !ret of Tune, 4 yearling 1
heifers, nearly all white. A suitable reward for 1
their recovery, DIBOLD ST.1HL, crediton p o,
JAIBarristers, Attorneys -at -law, Solicitoru I
uDoerr, Conveyancers, Commissioners iu13.11
' otnxiea Public, t, Mary's 1
tin soca—Hutton'% Block, Waterst.,t,Me.ry's '
1 i an interested nartios, that oar travellin g
anent has been discharged from our employ. +Ili
orders or monies given to him on our account
will be' at the ris,c of the party so paying him.
WIt,SU:. At H10OR:
Hensall, October 16, 1678
D • Land Surveyor, .ltc., will to at the
ti Ful hotel, Exeter, on the first Tuesday in each
month.. Orders for work left with Mr, John
Speakman will re(wive prompt attention.
A.LAKE, Commissioner, Insur-
once. Land and Loan agent, Office—
neat ouruomtltRoyal Hotel, J•;after. Wilsons
Hotel, }Lomeli, every Monday.
PRIVA.TL++' FUNDSS to loan at 8 per
bfouey loaned on good NOTES,
gages, Wills, etc, drawn nu reasonable taxies
TOTIOR.--Having rented from Dr.
X1..11 Cowen the sand pit known as It. Pincornbe's
1 ata prepared to supply, scud for all building
purposes as cheap MP anyone. Any person fouind:
taking sand without my authority after this data
will be dealt with according to law. THOMAS
DEARING. . Exeter, Oct. 941h,1878.,
INTOT[CE.—Alt parties' !raving claims'
Lr against the estate of the tato Thomas 31n -
Curdy. Hibbert, are hereby notified to !IQ tits
same with the exoontors on or before Ftiduy, the
lot day of November A. D.1S78.'
Uabnrne, Oct, 3rd, 1878. 8 -in.
SHARD, a teacher' holding a second-class
eertiAoate, Duties to commence on the 1st or•.
Tan!raryy,1870. Applications will be received by
tue;lpitdersigne ion to the 76th day of November,
Aµ1,1• chute will please state salary expected in
theirApplication, also;. gi'e.referenuos,, '',WILLIAM'
JOHNSTON•, Woodham,• p, o,,- '
It*,ASON ' & HUDSON., Helilutall,' Orit
,:. •' ,-, nuNi 'rS AUoTIONE7 ES. '
Fire apt life Insureuc, .'nd Gan'-ry14opnruisoion.
,Anent $ Insurance two-thirds ehpap, r than nr-
dssest y,' pee t. Also money. to loan: on :reef:m..l•1e.
te•> i;,Prornpt attention to' etolbrs`p0 ,t• mail
•'r• 3ttierwise. 1',rnt-•and 113,l1'egu.propbrtyfor!
Logo or to lease, Also ROMA good business shawl"'
ant" reaLt.•noes in Henault:- •
(tuuxn isrionpr
yesterday. It is believed that the por- I Mr. John Beattie. J. P., is going to On Saturday fast, the store of Mo-
tion referring to the interference with be Mayor of Seaforth for the next year. Donald and Pinch, tinsmiths and mer-
Anaerican fishermen is satisfactory to iu the room of Dr..Coleman, our pre- chants, of Paisley was entered by burg -
this Government. It is probable the sent Mayor. The Doctor lets fir. Beat- lam. Cutlery is ntiseing to the extent
Halite% award will be paid on Nov. 23rd. tie jump into his shoes unopposed, of $50. Tiro game alight a vl;luabie:
GOOD ADVIaa Fti031 THE IISItALD--•PAX FP, ' . Birmingham was. tried in Gader' .horse, worth, $15Q, was stolen fro_,
AND DROP XOne. SQUEALING, }ch one clog last weep, on a cllsxge of the barn of a farmer named Armstrong.
New York, Nov.12.---`.f'Ihe Ileratd titins stealing grain from Geo. Churchill, of No clue to the robbers yet.
morning says the amount of the Hall- Turnberr..., and found guilty. He was Alfred Herod, charged with the roar-
y g
fax award is about 12 cents per capita sentenced to ton months in gaol. der of Joseph Calvert at Cayuga, on
for each iubfibitantof the United Stites, Michael Hogan wse taken before the 25th of June last, and found guilty
and the number of our eitizene is mall of manslau titer bee been sentenced to
Judea inquiet, tit Goderieh, ►► taw days K
u.lr:erl who would not prefer to pay since, an a charge of getting a turuber ten sett)@ intbePriivincial Peuilen'iary,
their )+hare thin to witness protractch wagon uuder false retencell from R,G, I His sentence would have been fifteen
diplomatic 11igghng over a subject which Cameron, of Grey. He was found not years, but that the jury receinment ed
tend ea the National honor. Our. Gov- guilty, hint to mercy.
ariltnaut liaving.fully oat forth its views, A. little over a week since, Mr. L. Tile captain of the propeller Champ
we trust will not pursue the controversy. Renville, of the Maitland eanceasiC1, lain reports that a little boy died on
We are sorry Cungrosa renaereg it i)0- Godericll township, • fell stud broke ser. his boat on Friday evening last. The
ce8sary for the Secretary of Stats eral of hie ribe, which, it is suppnaed boy with his mother were paseengera
snake any rnpreseutatiopS at all. When penetrated hie lungs, as ho died on Fri- bound to (;hellaygtlr, Minh., but the
we agreed to refer the question to WA- day the 1st iust.,from injuries received, captain did not know their Maines.
tration, we virtually bound ourselves to Pembina despatch says that a Texan
abide by the deoieion, whatever it aught
At the union planing lr atoli. bold 0)1 detective )lift one date notorious Texan
he. We cannot honestly take refuge T I. Ata ri b3 in
pf Goner East
tatpvnabb.r. train robbers in the post office at Wins
behind the arguments so skilfully set carried a$ the first prize in rise first nipeg on Friday evening. A. fight en-
fottlt by the Secretary of State ; much sued, during which both were sunt de til
class of inen,
less are the entitled to take advantage
within five seconds. There are Vita
do ce or want offore- While Mrs. Millie of Blyth wet
of our own iwpru a athero of these robbers who are cup,
sight. workiug around :< stave, her clothes posed to be in Dakota or Manitoba,.
iuddeuly caught fire, and °he hent(• A dariu burglary was perpetrated at
have boon very badly burnt had it not the store of Reid Bros, Douglas street
;tete Aunt other matters. if they The New Governor-General.
tell to repudiate the award of the Hal -
811 tribuua} they may refit assured We . raEPA8AT10Ns Ar HALIFAX AND t1TTAw
fall not go to war to recover damages. x•.et HIS ItIrCEPTION,
hey have nothing to friar nava loss of
Moir national aelf respect and the ttn-
ntpliineutary surprise of the old world
Ottawa, Nov. 10.—It is stated that
Sir A. T. Galt is in the city for the
rurpose fat assisting the Government in
he preparation of the Canadian ease,
c Fishery dispute for the information
f the Britinh Foreign Office.
Washington, D. C., Nov. 10.—Sec-
nary Everts' letter of Sept. `37th, to
sinister W'elotl,giviug his views on the
ward. of the Ilatifax Fisheries Coin.
mission, is made public. It preceded
ty one tiny the letter on the Fortnne
fay troubles, already published. The
atter Pays that if the award in respect
f the fisheries had relation only to the
um of payment involved, considerable
g that is, this Goverumet.t might pre -
r to waive any discus81tm which could
.ifect no eauttuuing and permanent in-
erests of the two onunta'13a ; but this
xovernment is not at Liberty to treat
be fisheries award as of this limited
nterest and operatjon in the relation of
110 two countries tit an important and
iitliculb conterrtioii on the subject of
iabories. If this Government, by a s-
ent payment of the award. should
earn to have recognized the prinoiplea
1pou which they proceeded, as they
hen maybe assumed or asserted by her
tXaiesty's Government, it will have at
puce prejudiced its own rights, when it
hall become necesitery to insist upon
hem, and seem to have concealed or
lissembled its objections to the award
when Great Britain was entitled to an
immediate avowal of them. The Seo-
retary declares that the United States
still maintains its interpretation of the
privilege secured by the Convention of
1818, and,proteste against any impli-
cation from the magnitude of the
)►ward of the Halifax Commission or
otherwise from its proceedings under
been for the timely assistance of her , London on Friday night haat, ]'..ntrat,ce
husband, who extinguished the dames. was effected through a rear window by
A little ani, titter of lir, John Trow 1 the abutter with a poker.
den of Egwondville met wall a fatal T1yangbow casco. containing a large
The naval authorities at Halifax. are accident on Monday of last week. The quantity of vafiabla goads were strip.
mailing great preparationa for the re- little girl, aged about two years, was ed of their' best contents, consisting of
,option of the new Governor-General. running around the floor, when elle & 11 gold earl, eneils, card cases and such
6 against a pot of bailing water,and spit- like grads, p Tho value of the goods telt-
en it over her. She was en badly err is estimated at between $7.000 and
scalded that alto died shortly after. .:8,000. Frain the stamp till about $5
here. It pill go out to meat the "Sar- I A few days since guars. James
„ in silver was taken. but the thief aver-
matittn at ata, and escort her up to Thotnpsan, rind H. ]fall, of Morris, , looked the sum Of $80 in bills which was
the harbor. The "SermStieu" will fly
Toe fleet ander command of Vice-Atl-
miralingleufiold will afford a caval.
upectaelo such as has rarely been seen
the Royal Standard, and on the fleet
coming up tvitll her a royal Paiute will
he fired, The flue` will then form. into
lines, led by the "Bellerophon,' flag
ship, and the "Black Prince," and will
aedomll5ny the "Sarulatiau" up the
harbor, the forts saluting as she Faits- i Oa liortday of last week, as :lir. JRs:
es. She will anchor off the dockyard, Elliott of Goderieli towuship was driv-
the ships of the fleet anchoring in fug home, he overtook a man named
double lithe, and when the` time for James Fisher, who asked him for a
landing—which will probably be about ride, which was given him, He asked
half -past one—arrives, the Marquis of for work to get stoney to carry hien to
Lorne rind the Princesa Louise will richigitn. This Mr. Elliott agreed to
embark under a royal salute on board Ave Lim, and suou afterward; Fisher
the Admiral's b s barge. A iveElliott ships' leaving him senseless on the rend, and
b rata, and will pass down between the drove off. He was afterwards captured
double lino of the a -war to the by Mr. Elliott's man, and taken before
larding stage at the dockyard, be where lir. Crabbe, of Goderich, who fined
the various authorities will be in wail- him 2,0 or' two months in gaol. Fisher
ing to receive the illustrious parson- has been in gaol several times.
ages. __r____._ ,-.....
His reception also at Ottawa on or Dominion News.
about the end of December, promises
to be of a most imposing character. It The township of Elderslie voted a
is proposed to have a large platform a bonus of $35,000 in aid of the Strat-
erected at the crossing of the St. Lawr- ford & Huron Railway, on the 9th. Inst,
enoe and Ottawa Railway on the Mon- by a majority of 80.
treal road, where the Yioe•Regal party A elan named William Thomas was
will leave the oars and The
the ad- drowned on Sunday last, while boating
dresses of welcome. The field battery with a than named David Terry on the
wilt be•>'statiened near the Protestant Muskosh River, twelve miles from
Hospital on Sandy Hill, and fire the Graveuhurst, by the boat upsetting.
proper salute. One of the most inter- John Armstrong, a shoemaker, of
thema features of the reception will be raislev. committed suicide on Monday
the massing of the Public School Obil- morning last. Ile took Iwo doses of
dren at the platform, and their singing strychnine to flccompljsh his purpose.
of "The Campbells are Gaming," which Intoxicating driuki supposed to be the
cause of the crime.
A special from Duluth says it is ru-
mored that an American tug has been
seized at the Sault by Dominion offi-
cials for wrecking is Canadian waters.
The tuts was trying to get ata rile Steam-
er Quebec, aground for some days in
tori ulageetic shoals. '
On Saturday night a man named
sowed (tome wild rice 111 the mill pond, % under a wortt•bnx, There is no nine to
The grain came from Rico Lake, Acer• the identity of the rolbnrel.l;
thutnberland Co., where ill grows iu On C'ct. z5tll ItiTr. Jolla Henley of
great profusion, This was done as toan Delaware, was accidentally drowned by
experiment, and the sowers expect to the upsetting of his canoe, en a small
have a crop of rice iu two or three 1 ,
years should the seed "take." lane dear McKellar, Parry Sound Dis-
trict. His friends made every endeavor
to find the body, but failed, and on the
25th it was fount floating, an inquest
was held, and the verdict "Accidental
death from drowning" re carded. After
the inquest the deceased was buried by
his friends, of wham lie lead many. He
formerly resided at Delaware, and was
well known to many of the London
A. T. Stuart's remnine were stolen
from the family vanit in New York one
day lust week. No clue H9 yet to the
perpetrators of the dastardly deed, and
the motive can only be conjectured.
A movement is on foot to induce the
depositors of the City of Glasgow Bank
to accept a •composition of fifteen shil-
lings on the pound, so as to relieve the
Three out of the four men found
guilty of ballot stuffing in the .7acques
Cartier election in the interest of Mr.
Laflamme, being linable to pay their
fleet, have been sent to jail The
fourth paid his fine of $100.
A. French judge has decided that if a
person calls out to a deaf mute who is
in danger of being run over the said
person has done all that could be ex-
pected of him, as it is not his fault that
the man is a deaf mute.
The Turks are great connoisseurs of
drinking water, as Western Europeans
are of wine. To edit particular tastes
the water sellers at Constantinople
supply the beverages by the named of;
the sources from which it has been"
procured. The waters of Kanlikavak
spring, near Armour Kloy, is perhaps
the purest spring water in the world,
the Treaty of Washington, that thetheyhave been practising for over a
Uuited States sanctioned or acquiesced 1 week On Saturday Ald. Stewart,
1u, or by the. payment of that award, , chairman, and Ald. Berber, secretary,
would tsanction or acquiesce in, any hard an interview with Dr. Tupper re -
leafier measure of the privileges seen), specting the reception prelimivary to
ed tv the Ua, ited States under the Con the ono to be held on Monday. The.
vention of 1818, than they have ai• matter of the national societies' ad
ways insisted upon. In the next place dresses at the present time is unsettled.
tho United States did not submit to The Caledonian iiociety have agreed to 1 t J
the Halifax Commission under the join with the Ottawa St. Andrew's So- Coogan of Picl(anoclt, was accidentally
t ld
Fishery Articles of the Treaty of (slaty, and later @t.illit liarr:beeu propos- ,;loot dead by Dennis Downey in G. Ii: for by careful analysis it llusbeen proved
Washington any valuatioiu, any gen ed that all the St. Andrew's. Societies hall & Co.'s shanty near the Eage!arty. to rank next in purity to distilled v(e,•
oral economic or political advantages, iu Ontario unite in preselltink it joint His remains have be sent to the rest- ter.
which grow out, of access to fibbing a►ddre1s. Should all the nititioitrtl °so• (lellco of flit father in Wakefield. The minutes of the British Wesleyan '
grounds for the develgprn ut :.of the clerics agree to prerettt a joint address
The British Columbia elections for Methodist Conference have just ween
mercantile or naval marine; and which the Irian Catholics Union and the Ur' 'the 1Ja.t1liit ou Parliament are over. issued, from which we learn that in
therefore, it might be argued 'would be ange Order will' unite knit; The:. rah.' liunster, i;on.servntive is rte -elected for Great Britain there are 88058 G ohtircll
enhanced by addiug the area of the in he atld High Schools have signified V,►nconver •} listriat 11 ergo. puajurity. members, 24,000 on trial for ehnrcta
shute fi.ihetres of the Gulf of St.'Lnwr• their intentlpn to present t►ildres+iea. 1A11 the delegates from the Province are membership, 1,412 ministers, 208' on
fa00 to the fields for that enterprise Count.
villin e. . , saliporters of,tiie Nluct onald Govern trial for the miuistry and 2,xSt super.
1'roin that enterprise. froni.the .earliest y fl uumerariee. In Ireland there are 1P
;lent. ' ' 050 members, 506 on trial for church .
period to, and occupied by, the bold The gunpowder plat wan celebrated Qu ;'1 uesdn3 mort?in Hist afirelrrolco
} 1' "y' seamen •• of this eon ntry' f Bl ,1 b •o t ill the 1term►u Catholic Separate tnember:ehip.
IHt'lt by the Orangemen o y 1 y a pro u
Still 1 lid the United tat t submit). '
fay C , le it e$ An Il
¢N$Q1Ori rand., a „grand snuper...
Siolroil1 et Chatharn.; Owing to ;the
to Haat _commission. •the pecuniary i Several:blocksof mica were discover- St:aralty of water.t t1o, building nos al-
rnensuiemer(t of the removal.of ,ecca-i eihiu aC ',gderipL, }ast woek, while Boma nlirett; totally, destroyed. Loss, about •
%ions of atrife between. the'fisheriiien i, .;:,,. , .$10,96o insured tor ,.$6,000 in,. the
• melt tiveri •drggirg. -
or t lioui derstetidilig between .tlie Gov- eve al of fed of; diphtheria Alum. co-
ernmentsof the two.. countries, by the ' S r.- (ho boundary
purred on the boundary between Tuck -
line teorary
ovine),►tion of the restrictive ,ereaiith .and Hibbert. One, erase has
line dividing cGe,iushore from the deep proved"tatsl'tline far:. . t•1 -
seta fisheries ,or portit,ile• of the' coast of A tun lad by;the name of '.Sl,'i,v,
British N h "' young
ort' America: ' who follows the profession ofbarlbb1ttek;-
New York. Nov. 12. -Tisa 1' nres says was taken to UudericIi 11011 Iadt S,itutiityr
Queeu't+•1nsuranoe Co.
The .ingtwat, into the cause; of Wel.:
death of Frederick Still, who dieti,from
lirljuriee snetaiued,en' 1110„oeesta1op of
the, Recent collision; the .(1rsud., Trunk,,,
greet lted'On:Friday last in a11.yopen ver
dint. Alex. Hay, the deypetchar, who,
Maliabtlty.'s'reply to Evart's letter, con, for threatening to; .4111 his stepfatiier, 41►4 been arrested tux suapiciau1 was
SOoIAL.—A'neel: -tie . social was` lige
itw Iciikt,ou tin Wednesday night, the
7th inst. The chair was occupied 1, v'
Rosea Porter, Eaq , Who diechaviged
the duties aft that position in an, excel-
lent lnannsr. The social wall. fee. the '
purpoa6, of, raising money tot build"eid6-
well;.s,Hud'orer tbirtydoUartnwer`o taken '
at the door, thus showing• that peoplt
axe ixa favor of }rxvi;ng< 8bf1 'tc'461te.
Tosarxr tywzy KM,: a cernin the fisher a ,tur't!', W5s rt eciver>r ))host rlulne to ]sorry. C ,ns qn u y g •
..: tl'upr0yatleOY i± y
r '