HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-11-7, Page 8THE TIMES.
Exctange Bank of Canada‘
eepoei ?aid u 1,004,006.
M. IL GAULT, President.
11101IAS OV Vice -President.
.4.. W. OGILVIE. - Z. R. OftENNN
C. B. =BRAY. . Cashier.
GEOltkih BURNS, Inspector
Exeter. Braila.,
Money loaned to farmers on their own notes with
god endorsers. pratts issued ou New York.
s Tier cent. interest allowed on deposits of ore
otbir and uPwards.
OEVICE 110U6S—Frout 10 to 3; from 10 to ion
W. A. 11/4.6=NGS, Manager.
.4xeter,Aumist ehtd,1878. awe.
Overcoatingsl Heavy Tweeds
Beingeompleteeuti carefully selected weare
Open to Competition
LEADINU ENOLISli anti On1111C...kli
Fashionon View.
rie- Ciente' Furnishiugs a epectiality.
Fassa oysters at g.emp's.
Bae dwell & Pickard's change of savt,
this week.
That Shooting Match which was postponed a
few weeks since, will takp place an Saturday
next. 20 in prizes.
Now Ooxs.—Tbe members of DeOniteu etre
company have uurehased a large new goug for
their engine. Tbe money Was raised by sub.
scriptious from member, of the eunipany.
Feseen tistasiteo.—On Saturday last a boy
named. limy Lewitt, had ono of fore zing-
ers so had y smashed while working in tke Ex-
eter flax mills, thet aauptitation was ut sstery.
Bitarit the ;,;rat sestieu isle of Loki
and two dwelling bents iu Lsocr,
day next. Alia u. faint ut Lake View ou
Mn -
day. It. Bissen.propriotor. 161g:ion &
"hunts:us Const•rvative vott s were grub: off
the Votere' last an•i wet lb•fornier apes)ing
laded be put on at hseter."
Tier aboto is from a county contemporary.
The old • t • • — • '
3,1% t'mtrolia. for bents anti
l'esse Itrantstas.--We learn that the Exe-
ter Division S. 4,f T. ititendsgiving attniy en-
teit.tinniunts anter. Arrangements aro
belpit matte to 1)01ii tin? 11444 of the scrit•s on
Monday -evening, tue Wtia inst.
n Ntarere.—Our Parkhill eontemporary
"leans attention to an Exeter shoemaker who
is charged with brinaing a pair of boots from
Loathes and shaving them as his 0W11 at tie
South "linen fall show. A mace .iu is sure
to Mai him out.
lientotress.—tast Thursday was Rollo -v.
Oen, aud it passed without a great amount of
mischief being done in this barg. The chang-
ng of a few signs autl gates, upsetting some
miweable buildings, etc. formed the chief am-
usemeut of the Exeter boys.
Yew, 'lent I—The geese and turkeys now be.
,in to look sad in antieipation of the fate they
must share previous to the 25th of next month.
And we, editors, ata people in general are fin-
ed with joy unutterable as we gaze with our
i'uaginative eye on the roast goose aux plum
padding looming up in the distance.
Fon Millinery gn to Walker's, Centralia.
n Anuintas.—Mrs. Skelton, who spent last
'Sabbath in towa, tufted the Btble Christian
Sabbath School and spoke to the children for
a short time. She bronght before their youth-
ful minds the Let that they were higily privi- t
leged, and exhorted them to improve the op-
portunities of receiving instruction which they
are thus favored with. .. '
Bocius.—A large number of spurious twenty.
five cent pieeea are in circulation, and are, so
very like the genuine that the detection of the
"queer" is very difacult. Theybother the ini-
tiated. All beer the date of 1874, and it is safe
liga preeautien scrutinize 'closely all Cana-
dian quarters bearing that. dMa
bow Deinnint Norzs..4n consequence of
numerous forgeries the DominionGovernment
some time ago deader' to eail in. the 1 and 112
Dominion miter's and make a newitsue. The
new notesare almost .ready for circulation,
and are an exceedingly elegant design,hay.
lag on -either -side vignettes of laird, and- Lady
Dufferin4beautifully engraved :and, excellent
liketiessos• This is a , happy tribute to their
Exeelletteies'. • ' •
Fos itats, daps, to., go to. Walkere, Oen.
QtralVtalita AtEETING.—The C. U. religious
quarterly meettiug services were held last Sab-
bath. At the conclusion of the usual morning
service several persons who had been taken as
members of the ehureh on Wel were admitted
into full Inembershin. In the evening the
ehurch was filled to its utmost capacity.
ISIrerige.—At a 'meth's of the quarterly
board of the Methodist Church, Exeter, the
following stewards were appointed after hearing
the linaneiel report of the Church ; Messrs W.
H. Writ)", John Triek, Ames MoGlaughlau.
Joseph Smitio,Thomas .Tacques,Ileury Hooper:
liensamin Swenerton. Mr. B. Swenerten was
re -appointed recording steward, It was decided
to hold a four day's meetins„,„ aud and, au invi-
tation has been sent to the Bev. Mr. Phelps,
of St. Catharines, ono of the most suceesstul
evangilists conneoted with the ,.1etliodist
Church, to come and assist in the raeeting.
Fan.—Two young men named Bourick
toad Melsaacs of Stephen, were brought before
Squire Oitiley on Saturday the forruer ou two
charges, abusing and assaulting Mrs. Holt in
her own house, and the latter on a charge of
willfully breaking the windows inUm. Holt's
hotel. The elia.rg.s preferred against Bourick
being sustained he was lined $2 for using abus-
ive language and $1 for assault together with
oats, amounting in all to S1S.54 Mister
was fumed to pay for the damage douse to the
window anal also the cost of trying the ease,
amounting altogether to .15,97.
Centralia, has the largest and best
assorted stock to be found in Stephen.
°Ana/tr.—A. young MAU named Joseph Rog-
ers, who has been working in the Exeter fax
and boarding at Mr. donee McNabb's,
deelded to leave Exeter. and accordingly pro.
cestird to the Central Hotel, and was about to
bile a livery rig to go to Lucan when a sou of
Mr. McNabb came up to Izinz and reminded
hint that he had "forgotten" to pay his board
bill, which, amounted to a considerable aunt.
After paying the money, and being made to
disgorge seine jewellery titbit he had opicked
ur in the house, Mr. McNabb allowed the
young man to mutate in its house until Mon.
day morning.
TaltINO .novo TILE Reform
ext,y of South Huron are working hard to
raise money to pay Mr. Thomas Greenway for
the Very patriotic and unselfish act he performs
ed in making way for Mr. M. C.Camerou. Tho
prtee is "-deceit at a certain sure for each salmi.
eipality, failing which Mr. Greenway falls back
on lir. Cameten for his pay. One suppostd
iu Leder gave Si. toward the fund.
and 'tildes himaelf on his liberality. Well he
may, considering who is to receive it. An-
other member of the faithful told the deen.
ment hawkers to pay a visit to Old Niet,, and
wouldn't pay a emit., a "1---4 cent be c
it. While they are abent it we 'night inform
they: that he ewt.s thin oilier an account of -$1
incurred for pmposes connected with his can-
didature,* They mtglit slip that ruiteunt
Mits. Salaam's le:CTIMI:e—The !venire de.
livenal by Mrs. Sialten iu the B. Vseltureh
lltursdNy evening teal not very largely attend-
ed. Tho suliket was 4•Intettipt•rance idol its
Fara,"rilesturess, who ha a ("stoma.
halittlea the enbjtvt in n manner wikich
ati..ftetiry t,, all present.
.\I.00103' 'VtI 1 81Colton &live •-
eil ipetitro on "Our iloys," in Fautetn'i.
hall. Mr. B. Nylon., W. P. of Exeter Division
S. of T., otatupied the chair. Long la l'ore the
Inair appthlteti for tho ketare ti eollinteue.t
the ball was tilled to the door.—The lecture:4s
said that the bop of to -day would soon be
'nen and in order to be useful and influential
men it was necessary that they should have. in-
stilled into their youthful liu3ls these princi-
ples which make true men. She maiutained
that parents are responsible to a very great ex-
tent for the actions o their children when
they grow up to be men and women. She
held that if a father was a sour, emuky,
tempered. man in his own home, as a souse
quence his children would be, like their pater,
unworthy of the name °linen. She then con-
trasted the home of the true mart whose delight
it is to make his family happy, and who teach-
es hie ebfidren by bis own exemplatylife that
the onlytruhappiness is in walking in the
paths of rectitude and peace, with the miser-
able abode of the ',elfish, ill•natnred man, if he
may be called a man, and appealed to the par-
ents to do their utmost to traiu their boys so
that they will some day make noble men.
The lecturess also appealed to the boys never
o tamper with the intoxicating cup and to ;tb-
stain from the use of tobacco. We shell not
attempt to give a full report of the lecture, but
suffice it an gay• that the address,which" occus
pied an hour and a half in delivery,was listen -
end to with marked interest, which proves that
it was interalii128.
Fox Iniblio.speokers or,singers. Oray's.13yr-
np of Ii"41 Spruce 'Gum will ba found ,invalu.
able in preventing that doles% of the nioutn
thrS'at complained of by therm who have
need the Ardinary cough lozenge:a or troches.
John .ndrow, Peg., Profeesorp of Elocution,
Montreal,, remarks that has ,been of essential
riga to himself, and that he has on many .oe.
cationtriedueed public singers to use it, who
have invaiiably expressed themselves delighted
1 O.
° Centralia.
BURGLARY.—On Tuesday night last,
some person or persous entered the
store of Mr. Walker, of this Om, and
Blois a large quantity of tweeds. It
• was thought that the robbers went:in
the direetion of St. Marys, aud Mr.
Walker went. in pursuit. The goods
• were found near St. Marys,aud brought
hack to' Centralia.
A. Goon Srtroverim--,Mr. Robert Moir,
of Hay, son of Mr. William Moir,
whn was for seine time a pupil, in tho.
Goderich 44301, ad - Snits of the
three mho .passed ihe firstintermadia,te
examination, and who has .since been Huila . 146
teaoluing in the t ounty,recently. 044i° '• 4.410, . . . ... ......:.... ,.
ulated with high' honors in the Lin iver.-
F011inn PENITENTIARY. ---013 Wednes-
day of last week Dan. Sheppard, who
was last week found guilty of burglary
and of two charges of shooting with in.
tent, was sentenced by Judge Squier
to Ove years in the penitentiary on the
()barge of burglary, and ten years on
each of the charges of shootiug, the
tet ins to run concerrently.
Agdoultaral Xeating.
At a meeting of the Directors of the
South Huron Agricultural Society held
at Exeter last week. the followine car.
recous were made 1.0 the published
prize list; 2utl prize ou two year old
filly, general purpoee, Duncan Mc-
Laren. instead of Tho. Colquhouu,
'jr, MePeillips having violated rule 9
in showing one antual in two:, I a es,
hes both hes prizes cancelled by rule
16. Sheep and pigs, Leonard Hunter
let prize for aged mw, "any othei'
breed." Hugh Love, Sr., 2nd prize on
pair aged ewee, Cotswoid, Aged War,
large breed,lst Thos. Ching. J. §tewart,
let prize on two varietiee late potatoes.
withheld on Recount of exhibitor not
complying with the bill. The follow-
ing were reooniniended tor extra prizes:
Straw cutter W. IL Welty; eingle cut-
ter or sleigh, R. Robertson; pair of
decks, Jae. DoWn ; pigoone, J, Bell ;
cactus, J. Beck ; hydranger. J. Beck ;
Jerusalem cherry, Mrs, Gould ; ivy,
Mrs. Carley ; red cabbage, A. A.tlen ;
squash, A. Allem ; pumpkins, Win.
Hooper ; fern work, Mise Alcock; col -
Lection of shells, J, 'ishbrn; upper
ather, J. T. Moritz; stoves and cop-
per We.re, Bissett Brothers; etuffed
wild cat, Tooth%) & Farmer; Horse
*hoes, let McMillan & McBride, 2nd I,
Haudford ; case of millinery, 3. Pick.
; case a fancy millinery, Renton
Brothers ; case of furs, J. Pickard;
dog- power churn, \V. 1. Hooper; paint-
ing on velvet. 1st. Miss Hawkins, 2tid
kiss Picliarl; etamping for needle work,
&Ira. Gould; tidy in muslin, Miss M-
aack ; sampler, Wesley ttawkshaw;
motto, Mies. L. Hawkins; bead, work,
:MSS K. McLeod ; card board work,
RAlward Lamport ; card begird set, Misq
Oka ; James Tom ; sofa
pillow, Miss Reddy ; rag oarpet, John
Bell ; toilet sot, Mb's Louis's Drew ;
1611111 mats, iis Pieltard ; collection 01
photographs, Chas, Seoior.
Provincial Plowing Match.,
The plowing match in eonnectintt
with the Provincial Plowing Association
of Out ario for distriet No. 4, emu prising
the Counties of linron,Orey and Brno,
was held on the Greenhank farm, one
mile southwest of Clinton, on Tlitirmlay
last. riie Weather was very unpleasant.
The recent rams had rendered the
a'round very ninthly, and it trate herd
for the plowmen to do gootl woik.
nig to the inclement weal her, the -cent
reittee of mitnagement, L. E. Shipley,
LAO ;8 White, Mathew ; W Young,
Barlow, and W. Bell, 110051.111, thought.
it expodient to allot only half the fistful
quautity of gronnd requirtti at plowing
matches, but, at the same time maid. g
it imperative ou the competitors to fin-
ish by half -past three, or be thrown
out. The ;judges in the several einsses,
were, for the first-class men, Jus
Thornas,Stratford ; P. L. Gni Us, Gilder.
jell A. A. McArthur, Lobo, and Aiex.
Monteith, Kippen. In tbe 2ndaaul
boys' classes, John Kennedy, London ;
Nfr. Hatchineon, Goderioh, and Joseph
Salkeld, Stratford. The bllowing are
the names of the successful competitors:
In first class—lst prize, Mr. Marquis,
nd a lvhorseits&
Co, Stratford ; 2nd,J B McLean; Tnok-
ersmith, $80 ; lird,Thoraas Gibson,$25;
4th, John Cahill, Ellice, a plow worth
$15, and $5 cash; 5th, William Dia -
son, Elm, $15; 6th, A. Thompson,'
Stanley, 810-; Thomas Ilteele, Downie,
$5. In second Courtice,
Goderioll, a fanningtnill, and $10 cash;
2nd, James Campbell, East Williams,
$28; 8rd, William Mallercher,Howick,
822; 4th,.jatnes Campbell, Fend Wil-
liams,a pair of Diamond harrows,value
16, and $3 cash ; 5th, J 13. McLean,
uckeismith, $10 cash; 6$b; .,D Me-
Ewan, ,Bayfield road, Stanley, $6 cash.
Third' class--Boys—let 'prize, Santee
Hammond, Hibbert, $25; 2nd., George
Martin, Grey. township, $20; '8rd, A.
McLaughlin, Hibber,.$15 ; 4111, Robt.
flunter,Uphorne, $10 ;'5tit, A McLean,
Ttickersmith, $4 ; .6*11, J. McEwen.
Bayfield road, Stanley, $4; ith.. P.
Stewart Colberne„ $8. ' ;
The following are the correct returns
of the eletitiou held iu Ceiitre•Hiirou oti
Saturday last:
Cartwright. 'PikIt
Godeiieb, .. . . .. 66
Seafortb 33 . •
Brussels 18 ..
• • 35
(Jolborno 15
Ttiokeritaith .. . .. . ••• 71 'T73 " . • `;
airy Queen'e College, Kingston, car-
rying off no fewer thee three scholar.
ships* • „ •
Comicra.—The council met in tile
tom:111dt, Crediton, on Monday, the
4th inst. Alt the members were pree-
set. Wm. 13alkwill'e bill of $18, for
Stephen's half for repairing Lonclon
road, neer Exeter, cannot be entertain-
ed, as said part of road was by agree-
ment to be repaired by Usborne,but that
Stephen would pay for one mud of
gravel, as per agreement. The award
to arbitrators in lkiskerville's Case was
entertained. Peter Flannagan gave
notice that at the next meeting he
apply to be joined toS. S. No. 2. The
followiug orders were granted
button. lumber, ,1,60; J. Taylor, work,
$36; Eilber and Schttarr, Itunber.$17.-
17 ; D. Robert:, ditebiug. $2.50; 3 El-
liott, work. $8h.25 ; 3. Eeeery, jr.,
work, $5 ; W. Hetherny. crossing, $10;
W Ottetlernan, lumber, $1.75 ; 00-Att"
Co., repairing scraper, $1 ; Ur. Brown,
error in assessment, $8.76 ; sKedden,
repairing culvert, $3.60 ; J. Reith,
draining and gravel, 7.0;$ J. Roopor,
work on centre road, $21.87 ; llatz
Sone, lumber and work ou culverts,
$33.84 •
t McDonald. scraping centre
road , $2 ; Lewis, settlement in
Oastiernan's back taxea,$$6.87; A Scott,
three circle, $6; P ditchiog,
81; R. McCoy, work, $6. Council
adjourned to meet on the lira Mouday
in December, 0. PROUTYk Clerk.
County rencillings.
The educated editor of the Goderich
Signal heads an article" Vive le Anglais.
Le ( ? ) lnglais is good.
Goderich is olamoriog for a railway
in opposition to the Grand Trunk.
The Goderich curling club has held
it aill)(141 meeting, and elected its oili
Inspector Buchan, at hie last visit to
the Goderich High School, congratula-
ted the town on the mereasiog pros-
perity of the school.
Judging from the squawking of sev-
eral of our Reform contemporaries 1,1
the (empty, eur comments on politics
and politicians are not relished, Lei.
them swirl away. 'When they can say
ins) thins. worth listening to, we'll take
take them tweet; yaw koees,14,, ta speak.
The pupils. atteuding the first session
of (3110 Goderich and Cliuton Nfotiel
Schools were ex:emitted nu Friday and
Saturday, the 27th and 28th of Outober
b* 1', Tian rtaloWitlit; Candidates passed
;k and certifi-
cates witl be iiitued to them on the 28rd
December next, and in the mean thee
those entitled to them will be allowed
to *atilt until the end of the year.
Bella Balzer, Jetiide Dutcher, Sarah
Otthlweli. K etc Jentiestm, Miranda Kirk,
hate .L Hera, lb-mica:I, A. neinhart.
Melisrot 11t4t, Win. J. 4tr1.11stro1.114.
TItutuus H. Alton, Robert Barb.inr.
Win. IL (Intone II wry T.. Dimling,
1.),,,eid, 1) doe, Ed want G hvatis, G. W.
1,:eloin, Wee 1:1,-rgn4's el, John C. I law -
trine, Th,,inas Ileielerson, W. 11. Ant -
won, Niarsliall t1iUer, -lithe MeLean,
Donald Mackelizie, Richard Nfiller,
.11attliew Parliitiame ;Tame Black. .1,
&die, Eliza Eadio, Mary A. roxion,
li't'xtou, Emma A. Ilogurt I), 131211.
nie King, Grace Login, Jame Murray
Catherine J. Megan Alin/lie Mabee,
Maria A. Rogers, Elizabeth Riley, Han-
nah Yuuhill, Joseph, Armstrong, Jos.
B. Drost, Edward Fee, Douglass Fra-
ser, Robert Harkness. W W. Hestia, W.
S. Kiug, Donald N.teelaughton, ;Jame
McDonald, Mark- Rumball,DonaldRoes.
Perth Items.
The entire clase of the Perth Model
Sehool, 81 in number, passed the pro.
festuonal examination last week, before
the Board of Examiners. The names
were as follows: Matilda Draper, Wm.
Climb), R. M, Hamilton, Charles Gor-
don, Gilbert Gordon, Mary Marty, 1VIi1.
ton Tibbite, Wm. Harvey, Martha Tom-
linson, Alfaritta Marshall, Michael
Steele, Angus C. Wood, Belli. Cole,
Charles Frazer, Lizzie Delmage. Mag.
gie Gibson, Francis Elannigan, Annie
•Laughton, Bella Love, Mary Jane Bins -
man, Albert Oliver, Alice Chusernan,
Lizzie Irvine, Aunie Freeman, Wtp. F.
Kc'binson, Jacob Doupe, Rachel Mc-
Donald, George Patterson, Maggie Bar-
bour, Thomas McGuigan, Wm. Pen-
dergast. ,
The addressee 'presented to Lord
Pattern) by, the town of Mitchell and
the %Monty of Perth, on the occaskin'of
"bis Exoelleociy's visit in 1874, have
been very handsomely embossed and
illuminated by Mr. John Owen, of
Stratford, in itiloordance with a 'request
of hie. Exoelleney, :and Are ,to be for-
warded to Great Britain at once. '
A, literary association has been form-,
. in conuecnon with the 81. Mary'a
Methodist Clinroli.- The' fallowing are
the officers: Patron, Rev..Dr, Bice;
President, Mr:11 D Rice, B A , View -
President, Mr. IL Freeinan ; Secretary,
•Ill', G. Y.-Eatonek Aosistans Secretary,.
Mr. S..H Huta' ng 3 Critics,' Mr. ,14,11
J meson scud A. Young. The
•reberthip is already large. '
oto.sr ,i:lit •an . attempt wise
• ' • , •••• Mr. Jesepli Kidd's
533 • ••• ,
. • O ; i,
i)n • tl b
fMg lira,
NOV;....MiEll 7, 1.78 ;kat
who were evidently green hands and
not up to the business, only succeeded
in battering up the vault door,
Monday evening the barn tuid,stacks
of Mr- William Levy, of the Townaltin
of ,'ullerton, were total ly destroyed by
fire. The conflagration was. occasioned
by the sparks from a steam threshing
machine while the wind was bi0WilIFf
gale. This is the second Ere lof the
same a IA. The loss will probaby he
about $3,000.
01M Ftiney Card;. with nainc,10c , piglet or go)?
QV Agent's outfit, 10ce 150 styles. Hull & Co,.
liu.•son, N. Y.
hereby fOrind any per-
son giving credit to an' ono Ca my ac'
count without my written order, as 1 will not h 3
revellaitAe for any debts aoatraateJ. bout myorder. Ali parties having accou.tts against
wUl lease render them
Bxeter. Nov.7, Me JOHN P.141ARSIIAL1.
TIOR SALE.—A First-class Farm. of
• two hundrecl and filtY acres in the Iowa
int:p of Stephen, about POO acres elearell. well
watered. also agood brick cottage:with tun
Mess of an 0050 01. laud eligibly Want. d in the
Village of Exeter. Far further particulars apPlY
to Ur. B. V. VLIsfOls.
solicitor. tee.,
wbo bus severtl other farms and Village proper.
ties for sale. 111.1.
Ths great North aMericatt Remedy San
tenets, noble, Asthma, Brom:WOO,
Loss of Voice, Hoareeness, and.
Sold by alt
gists anti ficueraiDeelers.
Gray's Syrup carte the worst
Reepectable Drug -
forms of Coughs and Colas,
G-ay's Syron cum Soso Throat arid Hoarseness.
lirai's Syrup gives traatecliatereitof tailrauchttiC
(=rare Strap 40 be host remedy ta- Asthma.
Gray's Syrup relieves Crimp and Whooping
Cough. •
(bray's sst?tp is an excellent palliative in Con.
tira?'11 Syrup relieves all affections 01 the
Throat, Ittnags tin 1 ()beet.
Gray's Syrup is Superior to any medicine ottered
Sar ell tho thew Complaints.
TO showing the largest, cheapest and most desir•
aldo stock of
In trel;',. fold boy's wear. ever before offerea it1,.1
A few Obild:en'a and Mi!.siV Coney sets at r,
Furnishing, 'Department Complete,
eomprit.intt the foliowino viz:. White ttia
Cob 41$1111. o. paper and linen roll :tit, euff,,
linen clot eataltrie hatolitereltiefs of smelt Id
r5114('. tem setirti tititil fin. 1,1 to,t
Cloth. !ma i41'ri licetrix 14041114 )4
m 001,
ut unite, 11 Wave% c85.thane
Piektits, telel.tthabil rubber coats, tunbrellas,
tic., etc.
izreNote the Stand—Next door to J Shoo
store. and apposite Central Hotel. Exeter
-- • -----
fRaorIIntgan111. w thlai'lla-Z1,')Ieparrdtio aukt
0f Booksmithing, looluding repairing of all kinds
of Agricultural Machinery, such as Bement, Mow-
ers, Ttreshing Machines, and Horse Shoeing will
receive my careful atteution. Horses that inter-
fere, and having tender feet treated in the moat
approved manner, and satisfaction given,
Charges 'Moderate.
I have on hand all ki-sds of Agriculture' mph,
ments from the Massey Manufacturing &i yew
a.:Remember the place—First shop wee of tL•
Post Otlice, Hansen.
'7714C. SANS)0.. '
Hensall anne 20th.1878. 6-m.
ourdrawe kilns being now fn full operation and
turning outdatly a tante onantit) of •
that fox aiiipnroosos
cannot be surpassed in the Domin-
Partielsfrom a distance can always beer v plied
either at the kilns or deltverd bytes= at luvr
est remunerative rotes. Ordette from a distanoe
promptly attkindenlo.
' 4
Groceries 8 on/ectionarty
'Smoking T9;bocco., 25 e018 per
, • , .
Scheel Beoke,?,,StAlic4ett;.NO:goOnOo
atitChts, Needles ofeveryitind..