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The Exeter Times, 1878-11-7, Page 7
tOs NOVEMBER 7, 1878 TWO LIVES. My Mewl and I, each launched a gallantbark, And freighted it with all we leve the most ; And glee as Spring, and singing like tee lark, We steered our course alouglife's rocky coast. And he, with swelling sail tine pennon gay, Passed on be fon' me, lierwa ripen the ase;w I saw' him anchor in the lie el fat hay, I beard, the welcome that le., kindred gave. While I, with shipwreck' i pleas and awaken joy. Ana treasure buried in Tittle's roaring sea, (lung half dere to hope's treacherous buoy, And w.xidtc-rea if the depths would swallow me. ' THE &IAN WII0 SAW DOUBLE - A citizen of Detroit stood gazing at hie Own house so loug the other after- noon, that e. pedestrian who knew him felt called upon to approach him and see if anything was wrong, "No, nozzing wrong," replied the man ; Everything DM right! Tip-top 1 Bully f'r me!" "You feel good." "Speck I do. When I went down town 1 only ilia ane 1101100 ; Come back now an' find two." "Where ?" "Right zliere, znr," answered the home owner, pointing to his doroicile. The pedestrian was au old roan. He remembered several occasions when he had seen double, and didn't oare to dispel his friend's pleasant illusion. "When I went down town I lead one house worth free fousand d )11.'r ; cum b!le.k an' find I'm worth six fonsand two houses .-- melt again --- shake 1" ThHv shook. While they were shalt- illr. the man'e wife appeared at the I fruit door, he turned awl saw her, and !grow pale. "Do you stilt see two houses ?" ask- ed i ilia friend. "I do—I ;101" was the earnest re- ply; "but bang me 'fi dean' also zbee tah•wives,too, an' !)oaf of 'em waitin' f`r me ter git inshide or door 1 Wish I wasn't worth but free fensand doll'r !" And thoneh some baud a friendly rope did tliug, Ana though I attached it in mine agony, Awl so was &viol ;—Vet every 'pre -cities thing Ideeides ney life was beried in the wave. My (demi roes on in gladnese, end he saith— eiel1e et a impale thing, for ervery 1101IT 11F1 hopes like Nide eepsteluzel ever death Is but alae fe11 nnfoleing elf the flower." Ana I go OR in ila,r4Posi. wondering lieesere wastod when they seem to fall; 0 , eau it he that every, precione thing L lost indeedthat it before the gale 1 'Whit knowee lint when the restlese sea of Time Shell 1Pe dried up by 0441's eseeeding Might, 510.11 Uncover all thee. jewel* of mine eyleelt mete call /est because beyond their i t g. Vueover all m jewelel (hers gift to one, Anil tienee Lareng greet, again reitere, um -••••r.••••-••••••7•••• Lord Dafferin's re -appearance in the Hong° of Lords will be warmly wet - the I. se bright fir 1stp, in the sOa. comed, He was one of the best, if not But from vartifs tarnish washed for ever, the he'd. orators in that body. If any •,.ee fancies, hovrever„ that his ilipee01108'' ay. Vie work of a marcieut, he is great - Sq, lOty W:410 teepee.. rem nie repine. alum. They are prepared with tueent M.; au rzrairpr 511 that he the greitteit caro. He works out 514:,7 test:. ikrir frig on eaytle while sceeeh generally in (ho morning, foul v.leite mine. then seine for his sliort-hand writer, Cella only doatit•lt in eternity. erred Campbell, and dictate.; to hina. Campbell then transcribes his notes up- on large sheets of ioolecap, writing on every second line, and leaving a mar- gin of half the page. Tho extelided mannecript is then returned to his Ex- celleney. who polishea and itnereees hi coinpottion mild sometime scarce- Whielt WWI the ruvatetl.and whirl* the h`SA, ly a word of the original noeption re-, Only eternity eau folly slow. mains. The 1%11100(1ml copy is then re - --- turned to the secretary. who makes a WORDS OF WISDOM. fresh transcription. This in turn un- dergnes revision, and a third, often a Virtue %via not go far did, not van- fourth and a fifth tr inscription will be its escort her. ordered. until IiiExcellency is sntis 'We have not strength enough to fietl. Then commenees the task of follow oar own reason. memorizing. Lord Detrain is what Th4 desire to appear clever often ▪ preveuts our being so. One should seek for others the hap- piness one desires for one's self. Immediately relingnish any advan- tage that has beou gained without equity. what wo wish to do we think we can ,ao, but when we do not wish a thing it the profeesorain of McGill University beelines impossible. on being made L. L. D. took him over have The angels May wider spheres of action, insy have nobler forms of and admiration in Canadian and Rue. duty, but right with them and with usisi learned circles as a piece of °Ir- is one and the some thing. hand scholarship. Tho moist accomplished persons have usually twine defect, some weakness in their characters, which diminishes the lustre of their brighter gualifizations. THE TIMES 111.44USIMIMIN11111W '41•01111411IIIIIIIIMIKSYNNIF Oorn.plete Stook ox NEW and. CHEAP FURNITURE at W. DREW. cosy all reef, 40.111,1 be, why o'er Om foam Ile vete reelieine while til' biline raved— Wile was shipewele I in the sight of home With Lee of ail -then eit 1 atyeelf was SSD a. wt* tall this ha:mimed we eau only guess, That 11,41 le love, this, title alone we knew ; 1•101*•1111=1•• actors would eall "pretty good study," and it does not usually take him long to gi t bis speeches "by heart." He ronds and repats hie periods over elowly, walking up and down, and re- citing paragraph by paragraph to Camp - bon, and not till ho is perfectly mile- fied With llimeelf does he cease work. 'rho reply in Greek which be made to a week to compose. It excited wonder The good man when reviled reviles mot again ; when smitten, he is not angry ; when treated violently, he re- turns love and good-witl ; when threat- ened with death, ho returns no malice. The criterion of beauty is that it increases on examination ; if false, that it lessens. There is something, there- fore, in true beauty that corresponds T BEG LEATH. TO CALL YOUR ATTENTION .1. to my new stook of Parlor and Bedroom Feeni. titre, Spring Beds and Mattresses, Pillows fuel Bol- sters. I have Ilifele very great reduction in me, juices, and still being resolved to supply goods of tbe tine quality, I confidently hopeto give you every !mt. Election. My stock of Beds, Chairs, •Cane -work n feet everything in the Furniture Line is being dis- posed of at a discount of 10 per cent. for mole. The Undertaking a specialty, at tn., cheapeet Fos slide rates. FEATIIEBS FOB SALE. W. DREW, Filtra FIRB! Tice subscriber. S. B. Jones, wishes to thwart the people of Exeter, and surroundingcoantr_f or the lib* eraiPatrolugge whiell he has received since among .4.4u, is a Watch maker mni Jewrier,and atso in form you that 1 have a large quantity of goods to dispose Of, some of which are SLIGHTLY DAMAGED BY' FIRE Jeweller! Jewellery! Jewellery! CHEAP AND GOOD. Ir the storm of adversity whistles around yen, whistle as bravely yourself: Perh'u' the two whistles may make melody. If yoa feel an indisposition to exertion, weak nerves, pain in the back, etc., or are afflicted with any af- fection of the secretory organs, use Vurrolux Beam and UW, Unsx. It improves the digest- ive powers,' aut strengthens the weakened and debilitated organs. Fur sale by all dealers. 61 per bottle. Nirrnino gond to kill worms in children at Freeman's Worm powders. A. MAE, rather inclined to flirt, says most , men are like a cold,very easily oaught,but vet y ' hard to ger. rid of. It is the easiest matter in with right reason, and is not merely the world to get rid of a cold. UBE TIMMER s the creation of fancy. PECTORAL Demur, the great Canadian remedy for colds, coughs, hbarseness, btonehitis, and all diseases of the throat and lnugs. For sale THE LARGEST HOTEL 1N TILE by all dealers. WORLD. • • • The glace Hotel, San Francisco, oecupie the entire block upon the south. west corner of New Montgomery street and Market street, 'rearing its huge fro3ts 120 feet, extending 275 ft. westerly up Market street and Jessie street, and stretching its vast finlike 840 feet southerly along New Mont- gomery street and Annie street. 96,- 256 square feet, or nearly 2i,acres un- derlie the stupendous etrimture itself, while the sub -side alit extensions in- crease the basementarea to upwarde bf three acres. Its general form is an immense triplicate hollow quadrangle, including one grand central ghtss•roof- ed garden court, flanked by a lesser and parallel court on either side. Sev- • Feverishness in children is cured by Free- inan's worm powdere. Ths VIOTOUTA HYPOSPEITES is emphatically a nerve food; restoring the vital force, and're- invigorating all the functional processes of life. It should be used promptly in every case of loss of nervous force or general debility, from whatever cause. It is also one of the mest .,,,:. cr M powerful tonics and blood -generators knowpiano and Sevina* achi.'neu. n per bottle. Eames in diet bring ou disease—National Pills delve it away. . GIVE AIE A CALL. S. E. JONES JUST RECEIVED A.T TUE EXETER GROCERY AND LIQUOR STOR. 4%, Mittel; STOCK OP I BEN, TAXAN, YOUNG HYSON and BLACK TEAS, RAISINS. CURRANTS, PRUNES, DRIED APPLES, OLTED FRUIT, SARDINES, LOBSTERS, SALMON, .•1 .4. • • ••••-,4 THE GRZATEST Wonders of Moen Times &Ointment The Pille Purity the Bleml.correet al; ili.orelev of the Liver. Stomach. laineys erne Dowels, aro are invaluable Lis all emnplattits ineeleurreeee Fe:Males. Dintmeut is the only reetederemedy Beet Lees. old V% fiends. ?sores and 1 leer .of Low - over ten steelingleer itroneettis.melee( yin Celds, Gone Iti it;' till his camm nu. 080 Ottnikl. BEWARE OF 1\levir T.rk miter/eits. Sporirms lista:atom. s,r -4 If rst lowayss Pets and Ointment," dn. ealtitlialiettiTra and Beet under the items fit '. Tit:Pt:way 4: co," by J. I • Henry, Curran k ('OinpaitY. Drug - 14T the Metter I4 it an Moll ri csUe coinvenV 44 New Yea.. wail ovati,entod Cm le mark. thus-- -- ._-...igstrn one 'Joseph flay4loe4of New York,lihe. Wade pasoes of cruntiuleitsof :94 limn Mulie ttiol"P tie name of 044r- 4 Inuotv 44 Ce.,:i4tving for 1. trade mark It FTOStN.It STA 8.•kl,F,at ; eetteissee iv ttoleins of New York lore nAezas f4 t- the ft:use. rcieso uorsilus: the I, •tt....,r to .leeeive you. Int- t,11i ,444:. wilititta tht, iliadti.SU Lk. swam neeks of airoet:,..1,.. •PeE.eil re t tee% meiliehrles, whf01,4 aro re-. ilf t reqmaltsus insitetir.re, to Beware 0 • Canteen! •It 1%1<....rnpu..,a1 1t'1 i. 01,v,in illega at VO) .... KW lit'it.t 4 at 4 eft/ teem re tee eetee te Calm, da es toe if, ':iii. • Ni.... in:O. ^iliimenta. 1 1 **1st i tt^41444lre a4,04'44.- feiTtlik llhii,nIte (NI 1 elerttC, i.'. lai 4 'WO, ili j. p,ii44... ., 0,1 eta C111)41 the" 1,;`i''f: `.1e•V:e'l. e ,f , ,;t1,- or Vr.ztt- .1470tarn. 1 moult le ee ie iee e iv- e Ito emeatrze (Ee- Rptirill24 V etre feM4-. i Porirlaised•-. isoui'ail :••••;; Coate label fee the prate and Itotit'l. If Vie Rialrees Ill net rm. axtor41 Strn 41,14214e% now are tee eaantvripits,_ Fame Irgrii.„vs,7=7,,in'irgi..:„.41."Isi,Legle8i11':,'IlintrTg. Heet.ev.evei Moot Ant: tiVITSINT. 1.0c.101,1 '• eugravoil theretion lata int, Init.'( is the faidreee, :413 actoroll Strettt, renthedetvittire aelue they 11 tli etnerafeetered. Partliei veto new lie defrauded Ihyveriebire selling anterior a "Doilenvoye reigned ointment ne my genuine iridic eh, en cove municating the perticulais to me. ho amply re. rat tiereted.auil their t eve never eivulgee. Tilt:Kt:1AS IIOLLOWA Y 4.330 mar / se, w,e„ Temente Begley/ BITTER SACCE AND PICKLES, BRANDIES, GINS, WINES AND SYRITS, RYE, MALT, SUOMI', lima AND COMMON WHISIIIES, TOBA.CCOS AND CItieklike, I)13M»t & tI OKE, CO. W• Itnetioneers, gales promptly attended Wholesale and Retail. to, DR yft two; tirrnmgott at tem mace. mmore . wz4e. • A, MACE MninStreet,Exneter. ISAAC CARLING Being now in receipt of alarge stock of Dry Goods, G-Tooeries, Wines ane Liquors, Crockery, Etc At his Store, Main Street, Exeter, which will lie sold at LOWEST MARGIN ON COST The inhabitants of Exeter and vicinity need not feel troubled at the want of a market wherewith to make money, but call at the store of the subscriber and SE©U E TE ARANS there to be had in Overooai;ing, Full -cloths, Broad -cloth Doe skins, Silks, Winceys, Delaines, and everytning n3eded in the Dry G-oals line. The Grocery Department is Complete. An inspection invited No trouble to show goods ISA.O CA.RLING for tb.e..QMiczn. OF THE 41100•11••=m111.•••••••1•MMIIIMM••••••••• • Andrew decks= said Napoleon stood alone the:m,an of his time, and thee it would be five hundeed years before the math produced his, equal. It will also be five hundred years le. fore the earth .wiliproduce. a liniment ',equal to liagyard's Yellow Oil, For burns, , bruises; wounds kc., it cannot bo rivalled. In rheu- matism. neuralgia, spinal coniplaiuts, etc., it • peevesa Messenger of moreY. For sale by' all dealeis. 0 • • e timed Pilla eerily the very fountain of lite. enlofty etoreys surmount' the base- ' • bent, and threngh considerable pot- NEW BUTCHER SHOP tion it has eight. The lower storey haw a height of ,Oiler27 feet; , the, it p,"„. '!,The undersigned Would ieforta'the '' ' tants of vicinitithat he has tion wall te 12 feet thickperniost, 10 feet. The deep founds- , ,OPENED A NINT 13-UTOHEIt SHOP O do o south:Of brick and Marble are the ,chieiftsmactearni.:1 the earns aboorottLintzunentilintitiehtte: boon O als. Of bricks 'alone, struetton 'Consumed, $1,090,900..: miiaitto.nin b vikaoiz StAnnin, The total number of rooms exclusively ea thimth 1,18 ti eV/ lir :Mb ef t for guests above the garden floor ,1„„o !FEE URGES I: AND BEST STOCK OF Silverware; China and Dell ever seen in • the West, at E. :1011E177'S 0STORE. Mr. Drew has just received an excellent titmice Silver Tea Setts,13utter Coolers, Double and Single Pickle Cruets, Cake Baskets, Card iteceivera, com- munion Setts, otc.,Of the Best Quadruple and Tr iple Plate, and is offering the same atprices that would ASTONISH l'OEr FOR CHENPNESS 1 He has just opened out a' new and complete as. sortment Of chime Glass and Stoneware& A large stookof Lamps inst arrived. Call ana satisfy yourself as to gelidity and. dimness. Como and " try our instruments. melee* erOaoher still o2 band. Services at lowest figures:: Special nttention called to the Raymond. Rewe g gaehtue. -prannt. ape Pinnos.uesureassee f,:r beauty of design, and quality of tone. E. DREW.- • .. . 755 --most of them are 201deGetyour Job Work done t square, none leSs than 16 ft. by 16 ft —they are beautifully fprnislied. This struc• M EAT of alt hnds.:kort comstanti) on hand at laic butcbsii AT.TE • Dire claim to surpass not only in size 44Le and Aentirica. —Builder. R. DA.VIS. IMES PRINTING 1-101.15,F.: _ !thing and wagon mekingoarried on put In' grandeur, all the hotels in Eur- n i iti nil its I:rs tl ' • e • • 'ewes ALLAN'S ANTI -FAT Is the great remedy for Corm. leney. 11 14 porciv vegetable and perfectly harinh It act, on the food 111 the stenutehorevem lis version Into fat. Taken according to dirruti, It will reduce 0 fat persou from 2 to 5 pounits gtreoti., In placinr this remedy before the public as five cure for obesity, we do so knowing its nliiiitt cure. as attested by hundreds of testimonials. of which the following,from a lady In Columbus, teAl h sample,. " Gentiemen:-Your Anti -rat wab dub received. I took it according to directions and ,t 2191:iced Inc five pounds. I was so elated et er the rs suit that hurne4.1141tely sent to AcKnnatalS'S dreg - shim, for the second bottle." Another, a isivse e, writing few a patient from Providence. h. I, sm.-, 44 Four bottles have reduced her weight from 8* pounds to 102 pounds, and there %a general 110300., w ent In larnItli." A, gentleman writing from nos - ton, Says: " Without special change or attention to diet. two bottles of Allan's Anti -Fat reduced 1,git• unit one-quarter pounds." The well-known stile Druggists, StilTil, DOOLITTLE & f.f Bos- ton, Mass., write as follows: " AThu,n Antl-Fat ha: reduced a lady In our city seven pounds in thr,'•: w eeks." A gentleman in St, Louis Writes: ...:11.etei Anti -Fat refit:tied me twelve pounds in three ,sec'. and altogether I have lost twenty -live pounds commencing. Its use." Messrs. POwELL,t Wholesale Druggists, of Dutfalo, N. Y. wri e: Tilit PROPRIETORS OP ALLAN'S ANTI -PAT: Gentle- men,—The following report is from the hely who :evil Allan'S Anti -Pat 41t (the Anti -Fat) hail the desire( effect, reducing the fat from two to liVe poinpli week man I had lost twenty -live potintiA I liepe never to regain what I have lost."' Auti-Fat is el unexcelled -blood-purifier. It promote, digestion. curing dyspepsia, and is also a potent rennolv for rheumatism. Sold by druggists. Pamphlet on °hes- t iv sent on receipt of stamp. BbT.asie MEDICINE co., Pewees, niiaun. NX. OMA By an' immense practice at the World's Dismal-. eery and Invalids' Hotel, having treated many theme 81001 eases of those diseases peculiar to wnniam C have been enabled to perfect a most potent and posi- tive reme.ty for note diseases. To designate this natural specific, I have named it Or. Pierce's Favorite Prescription' The term, howeeer, is hut a feeble expression,,et rely high appreciation tit its value, based upon pee-. slow observation. I have, while witnessing Its pus!. tire result -9 In the special diseases Incident to Die' organism of woman, singled It out as the elhunit or crowning nom of sW eureed On its Merits. ma positive, safe, and eilbctual remedy for this class of diseases, and one that will. at all times and under dll circumstances, act kindly, I ern wining testithe sny reputation -es a :physiciunt and so confident Virt • O that it wiil'not dIsappoint the most sanguine ex- pectation, of a'singlevalittlad yOthe ' of the ailments for which I recommend it, timtlwifer and salt under A.POSITITE GUARANTEE. (For conditions, see parephipt wrapping bottle.) The followIligt are' aniong7those dldeasos In wilich my' Favorite Pry:meant-Ion worked cures, as if lur • magic, and with s certainty never before attain:el by r ar,,' medleine: .Lencerrhons, Excesslye Flowing. Painful Monthly PeriodS,"Supprossions when front unnatural causes, Irregularities, Weak Dock, Pre- inputs, or Palling of the Uterus, Antevorsion tura lictroverelon, Bearing -down Sensations, ltiteendl Ileat. Wervout Depressioli,Debility, Despondency. Threatenad ,Milfearringe. Chronic Congestion, tlanunation and ulceration otehe lJterus,IImpotency TitrrannesS," or Sterility, and Tenialo 'Weakness. KID not, extol this 'Medicine as a " euregill," hut It raciruirably. ft(IfIlls .slugleutom of purpose. being a • most perfect specific in all chroblc diseases of Die sexual .75(880 or wOmittLi It will not di§appoInt, not will (1 .10 harm,10 any stateor condition:. ' Those who desire further information en Riese sub- " '%cots can obtain, it in THE PEorraes.cosnao;r 511(0(51.I • nbicai. ADTISSII, a. book of over 91)0 page* telit. post-paid, on ?era:inter SIM.' It treats 411111UtRY riff )f.,(t diseases ,pueilitur tosFentales, and riVV.,4 Mit* 0 able advice in regard to the management Of r, • aft.c.tlom. . : ,,ortto ProawrIptiou sold by Druitalots. World% Dispc..serjr • 4