HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-11-7, Page 6THE WAY OF THE WORLD. Satan. If be wears a good. coat Lift him up, lift Mica: up ; Though lee be but a bloat, Lift him up, If he has not eomti]ou sense, And can boast a few pence, Lift him up. 'hough his face shows no shame. Lift him up, lift Hina ins; Though crime is in his value, Lift him up. Than h their lis mea be his sport, Letyoar daughters Lit oourt.— Lifit him ult. la't?IdA:t. If a %roman once errs. Eek her [town, kiek her down ; If miefartat;te be hers. Rick her down. Tlaouqix leer tears fall like rain, Flick her du:vn. If a mann br, alas her heart, Kiel; ho down, latch her down; Redonlio 4ia.? •saint-- &ieb. her amen, taste if in law teeteait'on. Ott. on tit petition titch her down, 11'U D lll";1oi'�, bus. The squirrels are laying in their winter coal, the beavers are putting heaters in the basement their lodges, rn t of lr l gas, the bees have killed off all the drones and lined their hives with sheet iron, the uluskrate ars flyingsouth, wild ducks are committing suicide, the goose-boue is black sixteen inches deep, Western editors are soliciting wood in exehaege for subeoriptious, poor families aro buying an extra dog, and we have had a ,ew collar put on our overcoat. "Ethel Vette" sends us a poem, "Why Does Sweet Slumber Shun My I Eyes ?" Why ? Sit down here, Ethel, where we can tickle your rosy ear with the waxed end of a short motietaelle, while we whisper to you that wtueu a girl scarcely nineteen years old eats an 8 o'clock supper of cold tongue, broiled steak, salt mocker- ; el. fried potatoes, doughnuts, cold ftp-" pee pie, fried eggs, fresh peaches, slice of water melon, and two carps o coffee, horrified slumber will pack its trunk and climb on to the first Cretin that will tape it farthebt away, end all the poetry in the Baptist college won't u bring it lacer to yon fora well.. Don't to,Zi any more Knelt coalnrdruaue, Ethel; [base the stirrilcg, earnest times that thrill with peril aud impending daanger, ante cllir liar is tut.ed to loftier strains. lath EASTERN TROUBLE. PIANOS AND £%R n. Sat fatvr-pricoa, (:reatredajotiouto close out present stock of 200 new and second hand instrumeats of first-classma.;crs, fully war- ranted, and at prices Haat ale#y competition. for p , cash or instalments. agent, wanted Waters' atorR' superior Dell organs and pianos. Catalogue nuatled, Horace llatars and Sons, itautff+eotetres nue dealers. 40 oast, 34th st. N T. Also genera agents for Sltontuger acelebrated organa. Michigan Lands P or ipfortuati.:n concerning the PIN AND FARMING G LANDS to CENTRAL :1[110111[1 A' -C, for sale by the Fli vnil Pere Marquette Railway Company. ad dre ZI't. L. WEBBER, Land Colli, EAST SAGINAW, 31ICR. Juni r fiRry sending 3.,c, with Age. heith "or of a es anti hair you wi1 :ceave by return ma,l a correct YOURSELF.laoteea;raeh of your future hus- l+auit or [rift with name cud date of mannage. Aet:ress W. FOX drawer -1 k ulteut ilit l Y A 0):tx to Agent.' canvassing for tine 1.1RKS5D2, vise Dl Caws au out- rltVece [duress P ex V1a fetaty. Augusta 'dune. 1p varies cuaite� tratri z:dens au fi,471 zw i 1: ets. No Talakee trasl., C Vuuu 4 CP le:urtt Chatham, N T - umcords cupids, mottoes. Flower° rf bice, with nanme, tut C. Nessa cane e stales .-'f cauda lea t<, or 2111 s u t+Q o orris, :10 eta, with aaarno:vest ped, ,111 ttstateil,Naaslu AAiataxed carinii. with ntuee. 10 sae is iget 4 ejntalut 00 cis. L.lt), l- 4:' ec Nissan. N a ts, a,+ c•ta .~ . n., e tame, attb name, ee ii IItn1;ll, aralevit Bridge, IS f, y l fi'stgltiugtola, D. C., Oct. 3t1.• -The DENTAL. its Ilei r aatltra. She gives oxer aldilt. alum 11a been t?xpreaeh>tfl within rt i Iiii;h churehwen. •14Sef3 who sit in few trays at one of the legations here, e the gallery. P most likely to be informed iu retard uta Tt R. A13I�ClIT L. .S. 1'1`'10"I!'S" Ji Oysters have a taut uaai a the& tbo e"Itetiiti^aUi of attuirs between the sir"t`Q•tat+t311+eyttlCr.,.ltegee,f owls, arial claims. stew. various home Governmeuts,, that wars Z)E N . AL SURGEONS. }''eCUtit,rll t3 wealth.. the 9t?\f. between .i'1n,'),leani Awl i!•'ytlti`iit c(coolClot)0;11,,,oce=s 8';1[11 haul:. arnl oiopne. to Srmawelr y , . vnow he atv,tld,-al, lhtr very long delayed, t t aei::txot, pine is llllruiug oa l' wall ata 133.} still• As tothe 1' t' likely to for s out. au Curilla tC:t latus sense', l NS MA ;. tele Qlnitt'a?tt WW1 further ail*re fit d that t • to i t'.i Buuy P "3laauma, can't we have anything , i¢tdtt .►ti slid in der the suttee of tati'aalrt. d t [t etc ¢at, ¢na tend sail '' we want ?'" ...Yes, my dears ; tint be ape point etr3iloly •t•lle.irda a t; s erctl r, t ai a tat ci , carefot and deli% want anything you *'-. °tu eel - • can't lesiva,"' l,tirt,p t an tsar. dtie F i,t +< 1 1-1 �"nbir,"il, 04°t. 1R. 7 at. tn.—sue n 'i a,' art ee t 1•' "Pt n 9 t at.7ln.a a'�6t.. .A.notiuer height—The height of pe S&etrleeu,-I bl'llevee drat the t.atbiutt't yes, a* , r as u .5'S , t, ,t ;' 9:, st: lat0t,t'+ z I }'.aesQil;! round 14P^+tIIt the op. l [endue, al,;telde 1 t,o ri'p irI' (rem all 40r1• e Q '77'ai^CiFi. pII' ls. site bide ti' t, 1i14. while walking ceerure,l, the tttriet snot liberal olt,ely' with her, iu order sager to step upon her `ctoflatatao fBrlu, and TARDW ettadow. l hi treaty ithe , Visitor -"Why, Pat, to you allow appeal wbice[ it will be hngktutl'e relity; i1yc"attrentnnyoftBZ'f��9'win actrinloopg,:aatet the pig:3 to come into tun house ?" , t•) melte to her ce-si9zlsttorit1s will net .PS it—"Why not, ywor 'annol ?—sure beatttcudi�tI ten, �/ tr . the house has every acc',nausolatiou Iilllllotd prevalent concerning auat.•' L BAS t)13- t.teet >e to 1•rac- "" a litl1C0 between l.lt`�land, An'trii and 14 whir, 1 ,sa can tnr..aar,eatl le triefe- ttealt a pit; requires. l �*�� when a plane and his wife are nu_r ranee ere nllll34rOds mai Calttllietitlt;. li 4ta:ica,t`tnui_n .1Qa=1'e,{ na l"uts•..+i¢i's.weaster' r: i, k/�/ T i ft and see it low of a b41111044 ft SI'x:t°I AIJTY' tN 0 gees, Ilcal -mads CI thine H t`I'S, t°a41'y NG 'EMBER 7, 187 fODERICH FC R417 Founders, Engineers and. Machinists. SIANIMACT4h381ts OF ENGINES AND BOILERS, FLOURING, GRIST AND SAW Al STAVE AND HEADING M eCII1NERY Middling Purifiers of improved kinds. Agricultural Implements CQOIT FO', PARLOR AND 130X h'rOV S Potash Nettles, Scheel.&wets, &o. I17011. and Brass Cz-istin r;.s i oloP'rlt''I' LLS For sale cheap—Second hand Boilers and l ugirps Stave urlt Shingle, and .heading Machinery. Repairs on Boilers, E ugiues, 5iills, &c., pronlptl; f t iotl to. GQDERIC, FOUNDRY and MAI7` r`", .• rte C GODERICIT. Ont. ISIS NO IRO.MITI Truth Concerns You More Th Therefore. read, .'partes e, auflen4o5 its ie'at ,airs. When; sat+ t ida;ata ,f-etteie tit twit frtn it•trel tea prepareer with my proe4.,1wet that [las lat.ii,lo Fan tssre - o¢ u¢.3 [.rue Ly° t iiliia¢ cat i4y Waris ivs wherathee airs eee a aul:erl, die ltla3- of 1 6 ,9 Furniture n A l t its ranches lis w ztt+lt.4.tlray cn-arsauart•triti nany3;c„it's tra„it . ,ctys+ztttig. 1,its ,tti isf 1egthe reut.^,e ants n eta+a �,f 1� e1 fut tri' t t t••o^t9 ,t l el ulk i tUr ti-aaluty,lor j•x k e eM•r"alt l,iu:F0n t. t?xtcart .at-, its t..ithit3.a lOn'. EWIINYQU WANT 4NY FURNITURE GIVE 3.. R AWN A GAIL, C'oruer of Maiu and Gitlley'e Street, E;;eter. C:ALI, AT F L •t.,.[ t,lr ,.' uta a rsa to tint+ati{ SAMW ,. W P1. u +,� No 'G”" OpeL�, NEW d :,r INT S, NEW 11.1.NTI�ES, en 1 a - .. Italy fourth Linn[ lurk. •tt;"' 1 aloe[ claret r', t lie ¢ t tic: y traits in teen, alliance. :� !11'}11 antllhr. 4 nano aie,ree settee le Ivry,.lt 6 e1' ,t, let a dtlk)14 ltllitl+.)eV, [hail' are both of me , , l 17.741.;,1.414. .R it'r 4toe•t, 1 tl.,. ',,,�+-nr-,, rttlntl. She asaslts to g, buy it, dual hot, however, asserts Unit no alliance If yt,,a,ano e•! tl�a,,l lt.1% i \f:atealt) I tants bl,Et1 fa,ritltiT anti tetra[ ©)Iry a t©tt• tsl•1 , i, r 1 . r: britt: N Mat: to o b it til;. y 1 �' $ e „ t . `1,1 1 -, Se :alt , laird eti, I taativo understanding„, depending on l i , ee + tae nal tit Rttrtaati n .A. very eareftd I,ridgeport lean al- 1 coutiugouues, line beet* arrived tet. ` t a ie itse cry° Ax tionbtlee!+ Mo. ways carries a bottle of whikkey in 1)iy.. Tl hectic[ as an antidote for rattlesn:111(31 bites. He is now :illy -three years old Huff iiae never' once died of a riattle.l titmice lata; and h,; attriealttis his es. cape to the antidote. A man may sneer at a woman all lit:'; will becense she can't sharpen a lead 1 t } penin, but she nes the smile on hint CI,lCI.tCIt SCANDALS SN AIIi ale- thanks to nix ., i [;sot rent t when he steeds holdlllg au nuoeuupied ICA. 3atat:ttlses„ tv h o laavt'etasptutrt sal Mut in slur E '�p li tt h t. as u d suspender button in his hand and won. F„ There ld no ltutl;er any doubt as to the rt� atttiet.ip�� i�;tree a ` ialsit �ir j;rltl , fdr •.' i` .i \ f1 f$d:tea'°P:tatlta �, action ttfRussii1ill fomenting the pleas ni;i sx,tYiNi1';atix�,.14t,t hitt t xi'. i , {• ;e 11 . i.arzif tits 1 t.att t lea ,lm" linin New ),stat I'. mor rust t, ha rt; islal.t,yitst r.. y tots ". t'llt tl! ztnr )ant a ill Eastern lwtttl1t1e1it'a 1 n)t I Lt all I'elto i.taanp tilts .m a tater or : I:.[sate me Q u u trete ta: ee r,utl r.t Iis. 1aentt aru sat a, z:c^as s,u and �\latCedOuhl. Irlelte'atl of ttitltt;lraaw- tis:rla3ncmtiiltAl,aellat)!•„Irtt nirr� tiurtltstzre a t t r e• , SEEDS r e ir4111) ANT, 'Alta) a,1s +2T'.EDS lnl", ht;r troops, she contrnne:`; to hove d3,tecfalk3*. 111"11": to Lwiuu, tnrsrrtar eLieael:it3 i's. awed. theta southward, and aetua➢ly to strengthen them with reinforcements. *1>;(-TaXiiMUI.3 OLD IlI,\t is,:+1IXrii ane,h is atiat zpoixtj,'. .�1r. S'.la,n- h)A,'a)ttte oloairea to return ht- [[sneer[, waned intimate .,,-"— that. having in- tieringwhether it will hurt less to )u➢➢ 9 , recovered from ,, ht•: lana: , 1 Tile deposition of bishop :4I Oosrkl: nese, itc mulles au future, uta Turtdi,. titan't,:i n rraet.10g c.41Z•,versnot Tim idly. Owing to the great,ia pra'Rabtn of trade. we [,halt offer Per ['salt new girttoa'ti-"ta ai.he t "„al,l t at b tet' prim. than told Job or itai,itrul t stete; teal it iteeetefe SA, A% ELL & PIC'iiA,l J). t ,• take olutrirtt of the horse-ettt eint¢ tieport,nent the needle out o his thumb that same! by the Alneriean bench of .1.4Su )psi', fttr Ail otater were beret in tate cry best style Way it went in, or push it on through. 1 reftlriing to appear and answer charges and tit the lctweet rates. "Forget thee?" wrote a young nine: of immorality, is not the only religious, 331t('lti I �lr li ASI. to his girt—"forget thee '2 Wheu the l scandal the people of the T,; uited States REMOVAL! earth forgets to revolve ; when the I have been eojnyiug lately. The pastor stars forget to spline; when tiler raid of a church at Charlotte, North ()aro. E1 1OYAL! \, ItEi:O AL! forgets to fall ; when the fletworel forget l Una, had to quit leis charge because of to bloom; thou, and not till then, will , his propensity for breaking the law and j REMOVAL!. REMOVAL! I forget thee." Three months latter he (be necks of chickens. As he cousin- was going to see another girl with a ued to officiate he had to be "pulled F' 11�YN i wart on her pose and $10,000 in the np" by one of the deacons, during the. bank. service, in this style :`Strip! Stop hasrenaovo to his new shop. lately occupied by ric,lot lar. A further sposition 0t de Perkins A Co--ttvo doors north of d. rlrigg's book It not unfrequentty happens, in this sacred Scriptures ain't a gwine to be world of mistakes and thonghtlossnt-ss, allowed from you ! No ttaa,h 1 you'he that a roan, even the best of men, may been too long a tellin' of die congrega- once or twice during a long or other- tis„ 'bone dere brighter worlds, and wise faultless life, kiss his hired girl by von ain't been leading the way." The rnistake for his wife. But no man, of pastor enbsided, and spent next day iu ages past or of today, was ever 'mown gaol. A Philadelphia minister has just to kiss his wife under the erroneous been charged, not with stealing chick - impression that she wits the hired girl. ens from his neighbours, but the pul. The Detroit Free Press says it takes pit from his own chapel! It train- s Japanese girl thirteen hours to dress pined, however, that he had purchased for a party, and her lover must nit and the pulpit at a sale held to pay the wait and coneole himself with a two- glouncl-rent, and he was dismissed. cent afternoon paper. This is rather So was the congregation, for having irksome, we should say, and if we were no pastor and no pulpit the "church" the Free Press noan, we'd either swear disbanded. To these cases and the off going to see a Japanese girl or tarry constantly -recurring Beecher scandal a history of the Russo-Turkish war in must bo added the fact that a breach our coat-tail pocket with which to fill has occurred between Moody and in the long waits. Sankey. l: tt.11 t) VAL1 ► -Y- It is given out that ladies will wear vests precisely like the gentlemen'sAPPLE SELEMENTS. this winter, When a married man. Vast quantities of apples are regu- gees to bed he will have to pit a chalk larly shipped to Europa by steamer. Mark on his vest, or next 1110r/ling he Tl1A manifest of one vessel from a Ca- may slip on his wife's and nob discover !Indian portia:lt week showed that she his mistake until he inserts Ins thumb fend forefinger in. the right hand pock- et for a, pinch of fine -out and ,fiudo nothing but a ,pieoe of chewing gum and tIn stub of a soft black leave pen - oil. Then he will suddenly remember that there were a roll :of ten -dollar greenbacks in the left ' laanil pocket of hos vent --that is, if he is an editor, 'be will --and he will rush back home in Rarns'hme. If signs dein fail, the coming win- ter will be the coldest.experienced in this latitude since the country was die, /severed by a man mimed- Mr. Colum. auturn6. sture,tvbere yon will And everything usually kept ie a first-class harness establishment, which. for quality of material and slyle of workmanship IS NOT EASILY SURPASSED ! Cali and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. PETEP. FIIAYNE. NE W PUMP FACTORY ! At Woodham, ABRAY & EDWARD halve, at con. sieera:.le expense secured the Best ma- °uinerl anti Augur in the Dominion,,audhavoon baud a large stook of First -`Class Pu mus and are prepared to' make to - order on the short- est notice Well or Cistern Pumps. Wells and Cisterns contracted for. Ail orders by mail -atten.led: to. bpicer's Grocery —AND- earned 4,671' barrels, and telt outgoing tt steamers are weighted them, FRUIT . e1�11 ed with testi, A RE • Boston steamer took 6,000 barrels on the 23rd ult., the largest shipment of TWO DOORS NORTH OF POST OFFICE. apples ever made from that port. Three stearnahip lines from Boston have en• gaged to carry over 40,000 barrels,aald the export from New York will •reach an enormous and unprecedented total. If the'frait is carefully picked and de- &C'dcC, t&C leoted and well ,'packed, it reaches En- , - rope in good condition and brings a ALL BINDS OF FRUIT 1N SEASON fair profit to the sender. Apples ought to be plenty .and O'htlap in England 11318 t3e'Good%delivered promptly Quality unaur ass qd ., R. &E. SPICER. FLOUR, FEED, GROCERIES, SYRUP, MEAT. a A R S RANTON Are now showing their laser stock, and direct special attention to the following departments: Ladies' Mrantles, Shawls, Trimmed hats, Flowers and Petitions, Fors, I)rt•s a elpiens, ate. Gents under clothing, Over Coats. Rubber Coats, Beavers, rs, \Worsted Coatings, Tweeds, ate. Clothing Made to Order, Their carpet department is, more attractive than ever before. (iI:CEBIES as nsstal choice anal. fresh. Chills Tea Setts iu all the newest designs, Lamp Goods anti Glass -ware remark- ably cheap. 'Phey have jurat moved into their new premises, in Mr. 1 aerctt: s block, opposite Messrs. Semweli tt: Pickard's, and arta in a better position to serve their customers than formerly. Tboy cordially invite all their old friends, and new ones also, Call and See Them, and they will take pleasure in showing them throufhthe premiseseauti stock. An aoeonnts will now be made out up so lst October, and mailed. A hearty resplsse wiz$ be pleasant. Butter and eggs wanted. RANTON BROS. i acrett's block, 01)1,4:ito Messrs. . Samwell e'.it Pickard.'s, Main street, Exeter. 1878) SPRY (1878 -0 TI {E OLD .RELTAL1-T] I -1O L �. At all tunes, and patrtiealarly at a period when l'rativ is universally depressed and money 'scarce. It is in the interest of every buyer to purchase where he can get the article he wants at the lowest rate. In calling your attention to my present stock; I do so- with evee•y aonfid- eneo; it being, more carefully assorted and selected than thar of any previous season. In the Dry Goods Every department is replete with the most seasonable and fashionable fabrics, marked as prices which should command the attention of the very 'elose: t buyers. TRF OBDE RDD CLOT.S.INLr still has MB. WIVES at it,beatl In Mill i„ ere Underthe monaoenlentof bliss McGlogillon, we can suit the most faatidtans. Our stock of Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Canadian, English and Ameri;.can Shelf and Heavy Hardware one of tate largest and best assorted in the County. Intending purchasers will consult their beat interests by examining mystook helots going elsewhere. JA1[ES I'ICKA,RD