HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-11-7, Page 5NOV,—:MBAR 7, 1878 THE TIME S wiiwT11011NE & FARMER. THORNE .t FARMER. t, Try the STAR GROCERY for Teas, Coffees,NeW Raisins & Cwxrrants, Sugars, Be General Groceries. Just received a large consignment of fine Wines & Liquors, Viz., Champagne, Clar- et, Old Port, Sherry Cognac, Brandy, Rum, Scotch and Irish Whikey, Canadian Whiskey,&c. A full and general stock of Flour & Feed always on hand. Red Sign, Main Street, Exeter Red Sign, Main Street, Exe bees MARRIAGES. TnoRNE—Dent.--On the Ot1t inst., at the resi- dence of the brides father, Exetet, by the Bev. F. Ryan,incumbeut of Christ Chnreh, Mr. Lewis Thorne, Merchant, to Fannie, eldest daughter of Wm. Drew, Esq., all of Exeter. TRmx—Coln.--On the 25th ult., at the Manse, (:liatou,by the Rev. Mr. Stew- art, Mr. Win Trene, of Hensen, t4 Miss Margaret ;Moir. slaughter of, James 11'Ioir, E.q., of Usborne. CAuP the Manse, Kippen, on 1\'s•sinr"lay, the 23rd inst., by the Bev Mr. Livingston, Ms', George Card, to hiss Niton, both of Hay. Dtsur,ttoix---ta niexo;.,--On the 24th ult., at 'be Nletllodist parsonage, Exeter, by the 114•v. G. A. '•litehell, B. A., M. Isaiah 1451'1(1,1 w, to Mies Alice Grafton, of the township of iIay. SALE REGISTER. Thursday. Nov. 7. — Farm. farm stook and implements. the property of Richard Youug,lot 13, con. 5, Stephen. Iloilgsou et the county sues Thursday, Nov. 7.- Farm, farm, stock, imple- ments Saw mill tnaehiuery, including en. gine, belting. log turuer, saws Bic, the propelty of David Brown, west half lot 27, South Bultadary of stay, 11 wiles west of Ilashwood. Orth cot 13ussenberry, ales. Saturday Nov. 9--fotel,dwelling llousa.frame, stem slid two luta in Exeter, SAC to take pisco at the Royal Hotel, Exeter, Fer further particulars see allvertieemeut in another column. R. Bi€nett, prop. Hodg- son tR Oke .0nnty 80C3. Monday. November 11..—A splendid farm, lot 2e, Lake 114 cast, Hay, the property of 1i. I'i,eett. Sole at Bushey's hotel, Like Vtew. Hodgson cC Oke county suer. 1lartiee getting Mgr sale billy printed at his aillee will receive a notice similar to the bore, free, SRK1F;TS FAr.r. w11F.AZ Mao R heat, Skutt " 11pRr o yr A'r vifr, lied vt air " strait. ... i'+acs nutter Hoer mar LH. , . Boh.to •r. p:e. bah ... ... Apl . 2 . ,11.134 ... 1.1n1 Apples pr b Hogs, clre:aa+ed per 100 ... !tool .. ... tildes ... She epakius, °nob ,.. Ile,:, p.T O% . Onions per biro' ... ... ... Lard We 45,11..r lb ... ... "1'urk.,ys .............. Geese .......... , _.................. 11* ehcs, porpail'.. _. . ............... .... nil:16, 1.1, SIA1'IEEXS. Fail wheat ................., A '75 to 80 Scott wiieat............. ..................... 0 75 to 0 70 spring wheat 0 70 to 0 80 Barley 0 50 to 0 70 Pecs ....... 0 50 to 0 58 Oat. 0 25 to 0 25 Bides ...„.i.........- 5 110 to 5 5O asleep slls0 75 to 1 00 Hogg .. 400 to 450 Butte' 0 10 to 0 12 Tol4 0 11 to 0 11 Wool 0 22 to C 24 ,=":8,T., Ar to rs (Reported regularly by A. Galbraith.Clork. Delhi wheat, per bushel 0 85 to 0 80 Spring wheat..., 0 70 to 0 77 Barley 0 40 to 0 70 Peas ......................... 0 56 CO 0 56 Oat{ 0 20 tb 028 Potatoes por bag... „ ..... . ...... ,... ..... 0 00 to 0 75 Apples " 0 40 to 0 60 Beef per lb...... ....... .. ........ ...... 0 01 to 0 09 Mutton " C 05 to 0 07 P..rlt por cwt 4 (10 to 4 75 Rags, per dozen 0 10 to 0 15 Butter 0 10 to 0 14 Clay 800t900 Wool 0 23 to 02.96 ahoepskins 0 25 to 0 75 • • .A. DIG A L E. i Facts For the People! BANKRUPT PT STOC FOR SALE AT Chshotm's Oct Stand, LONDON, LONDON, LONDON, 0 The undersigned having bought the Bankrupt Stock of the Estate of D. BUCHA.NAN. London, at ab.iat half the wholes?de cost price, now elTers the whole stock for sate at Bitch PrjQes 'hat:avast raeot a Speedy $a,1s. The Stock consists of Dry -Goods, Millinery, Read.yrnade Clothing, (to, Tltr+ bulk of the stock loos been lately peruha-ell.. It is new, very largo, and well assorted, and as the store has been rented for 0 short time only, the goods must be sept at once. A tiew lot of DRESS SILKS, MANTLES AND BLANKETS, NvA'4t <'zliS SEASON, which wilt be offered CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP. Iietpember the Place—Cbisholm's Old Stand, Dundas St., Loudon. t? W. BRODERICK. London, Oelober 24, 1878. 'ECIA THIS AT OF EXETER AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY. A. D. POW LsIaCo, The Greet Dry Goods Retailers at London, Ont., have decided to change the whole character of their immense business. rn the past, they-nith otlterLonden Merchants tboaght that a largo business mould re.,t be done without gi'zog indiscriminate credit. tt , Pfiw 'll & C1 *taro new determined, after due deliberation, to diseantt.rn.+;lie t , edit putt , s tF ,•it 4, a.t oohs by ads haring es they will, strictly to this rule, as „', • ,f tit,•ir a lf, ^,•tqio, v pb.r,k,lr e.. t hilt bo enabled to pityeash for all their Purchases, and daf1;,11 i t out Wholesale 31siiiif et'tre;a at large ,liaconnt, wiriest advantage will enabluthem. to _ell tee ;+nide rrt,Ril 4t ,.r Hoary vllnlesale prices. To tarwiliea living some distance from I.na ton, that. wool.l sav that you will saw at the tory least. from 10 to 10 per cent. by nothing your t.n•'ebon, fr stn glen,. This great saving wilt pay tate ea pintoes four times over, which you may incur by cawing to Lundoa, either byoonveyenoe or Rail- way. Their stock of gouda, for volume or quality le unequalled In Ontario. The store eavers the length of a whole week, from Dundee to t'arltng ars, Each of thew four f1 sts of the entire building is used for some one of the Departments of the business or for Manufacturing. i.at.++.Fes, Their aiw to to please the people by attention to bltstuess. GOOD IOUSINRSS H:1 MTS. Oar house has risen in a vary few years from is suieU retail store to one of the largest in \Yetern Ontario. A call on ue will be made profitable to purchasers. SAMWELL & PICKARD' BLACK CASHMERES New makes, COLORED CASHMERES New shades, FRENCH TWILL DRY GOODS Choice goods, LLINERY & MANTLES. 70 to 0 01 77 to 0 82 The choicest goods ever shown. by 075 to087 44 61 to it 72 0 44 to 1 70 027 too 27 u ;9 to^u5 012 to , 12 u OS 40 an 4 50 to 4 50 075 to 075 75 to 1 75 0 00 to 0 07 3Si)to400 4(5)w500 500 to 000 25 t0 1) 73 7 00 to 9 60 060 to0801 010 to0*45 .. 024to021 ... 0 50 to 0 75 O 15 to 0 50 ,,.. tl 40 to 0 50 A first-class esiortme",t of Now f,roeerles on. hand. In- spection iuviied, Remember tho place. SAMWELL & PICKARD. Exeter, Ont, US CLOTHING I‘rADE TO ORDER by Slrat•elass worlimen, lull. a 0t guarpnteal. Also a fine asiierbeeut of READ' MADE CLOTHING - CONSTANTLY ONIIAND. CARPETS IN NEW PATTERNS. BEATTIE & COT'S -(SILK WASEROUSE L 0 N D 0 N', You will find the Largest as- sorrtrnent of Silks, Millinery Mantles, Dress Goods, Hid Gloves, Laces, and all kinds of Fancy Dry Goods. Mantles and Dressmaking under the management of a Lally of long experience. Lad,, ies can depend on getting the. latest and most Fashionable Styles of the Season, at Mod- erate Prices. Wedding and Mourning Out- fits got up on the Shortest.No- rice, Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. BEATTLE: 140 Dundas tro London iarommommerogoismononmennnOmow St. Marys Steam Woollen Mill! We are now showing full lines of TWEEDS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS and YARNS, of our own make, from this season's wool. Never was there a better opportunity of layingin a good stock of heavy woollens than now. Goods az e at the Bottom. Our Bed Blankets are equal in wearing qualities to homemade, also our 65o, 75c and 80e. Tweeds, and our 40e Flannels. Farmers who do their market business in St. Marys, buy their woollens from us. To those who market their grain elsewhere, we say that it will pay you well to make a trip to our place to get your Fall and Winter Tweeds, Flannels and Blankets. I 'Socks and Stockings from our own yarn on hand eheap. DUFTON & MYERS, Sept. 5, 2-m. ST. MARYS and ST'RATFORD THE EXETER TIN AND STOVE DEPOT 0 THS Sabsoriber begs to announce to the u'habitants of Exeter and the s'lrrounding coun- try, that he has opened a TIN and S' 1'OVE DEPOT in the store nearly opposite Mr. G. A. Maces Grocery and Liquor store, Main street. Exeter, where he is p.epared to fill all orde..s for Cook, Parlor and other Stoves At Manufacturers Prices. Tinware, cheaper than tho cheapest, and made up by practic't1 workmen on the premises. Gave -Troughing done to order, Carriage Plating a Specialty. Coal oil Chimneys, he very best and none Cheaper. Intending purchasers will always find me at my post, ready to, attend to my own business and prepared at all times to treatcustomers courteously and supply them with a good and heap.artio.e. Depend upon is that nowhere can you get better value for your money. 'The very highest price iu Ca,shpeid for Hides and. Sheep skins; Exeter P 0, October 15 1877. 1 I3. SPACHAIA ,' apt. 1;1, Orn A. 3. POWE eI4 cS Co., 354 Duudaa et., through. to 105 Carling AIL opposite Molsons drank, LONDON. DRY GOODS AND #gar R O ERI t " AT LOWEST CASH PRICES! AT iCCLELLAND BROS' SEE THOSE X12 SUITS! Made to Order. Furniture and Undertaking. S. FALRBAIRN has on hand at Hensen as large and as handsome a stock of FURNITURE as can be found in any establishment in. Huron, all of which he 18 PREPARED TO SELL CHEAP ! UNDERTAKING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES! Having procured a handsome hearse, he is prepared to attend to UNDERTAKING, On the Most Reasonable Terms. In connection with the Undertaking Business, he uses the Anti -Septic Fluid, which preserves the body and destroys all offensive odors, and prevents contagion arising from dead bodies. A oall respectfully solicited. S. 7AIRS.A,IRN'. rashianlb03 1 smoking! Dresses cut and made to order — BY MRS. G. ROSS, .Main Street, Exeter, OVER THE POST OFFICE. LIVERPOOL, <. LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW ALLAN LIME OF Royal mai/ Steamships. THE PERUVIAN Will sail cm Ngvornher'161 Shixtest sea pnasage.For speed, oomiort; economy and safety are equal to.. env:WierAtlantic Line, and being a Caoadiaii Line shoule be patrouized'bytolt Canadians. ' dor particulars as to passage or !parties seeding, for 6heir fie de, avplY tti CAPT:, G. KEMP, Exeter. CEORCE ILTM13, DEALER IN • GROCERIES, CANNED smagAhi, LOBSTERS, SARDINES. S. CQ:IiFEOTIONEBY;j +'RUITS, 40., &a. w Has always a good and fresh supplyaon band. —:o:-- Also in TOBACCOS, leading brands CHOICE CIGARS, foreign. and home made, all the best b ands. Give him a call and you will be surd to get satisfaction. TOBACCOS AND C'IGGARS, WHOLESLE AND RETAIL.. Agent for Great Western Steamship Line, New York and Bristol. REMEMBER THE ADDRESS: SHIP GROCERY and TOBACCO STORE MAIM STREET, EXETER,. TIME TABLE, L. H. d B. Ii, 00IN6 NORTrf Mixed 8.05 a. la, lY1 ail 3.35 p. an. Express ' .:'.......... 7.35. p. ni.. 0040e sOtalti' Mail.. 8,49 germ. r Mixed'..,, , " g..00..4. na. Express .. ... 8 ,m.