HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-11-7, Page 1Vol VL
pAt-ipER"..Vr UST.
iiu•••xai the Rodger:ilio hotel, Immediate
Apply- to J 1' °Iai4SiiaU. k:set:r,
petit aA.LE iN \VINCHI;LSEA.--
t• eiheca8Z Let. Gums stand f„ra.shoema-
ker, A etram; lot. F.•rparealtints,apply byletter
or parso„jai:Iv to MARRY IIROWN.Witichels
"401 blo°L'Y FOR SM . — IRE
txtssarib r offers for sole two houses and two
lets. one i4tr,1 xted on liarot; street. east. in the vii-
iega.A i inter. and the nater on S 8icoe street,
1]ei:iGI`w*Qr013,Flt'1Y 00W. amyl tans rents for
six 8u
lite taller ler basca dt+lio, s t. Meath, They
ve.itu„,,oDtt together. ur sclr,^,rate,and nu moiler.
at teres. For Ra ticeaari. wi,plyto T. J. WILSON
Il�tu=ail, ur to the ,: area mike.
lagers for stile his terra, lot la.
1 Cou• ltti,'ri,tsuenip oI Usb-rho (ou8ty of Merin
80fx^t&» else► el, the rer(iuiude goad hush, well
fenced, laid in a good **tato of outttveetiou' hider,
tlrtx a” 'i,
9-041 orchard, altlendid• welt of nater•
1re)at' pato 38o8'), log stable 0138, leg house, and
gooi'e)4i.t-tt ti, actiOul'*ea thri:•s7 elit(;9hui.
a,rtherpnrticularatipply to
Alt BRYAN'S, Kirktnu.1.O.,or
+1T,. R. v. hehee r. Attorhey. i roto 1-.O.
10"r.EL Fait
Ili xt heirs tratne Hotel kuorn at' Tai: F31,IT-
11011•34." in e1S1NNTON with large (tame
i.tnblri tttsched, aituateAl tan tits aalta.3tat, 3(,7 and
V.453,Lh the, linen ut Clinton. contenting one acre
titea•,r, ur less. Tbehotet tint, a license and 11 now
d,:tab 1 tlr •0it1 t niiatM. Title affords a>ilden-
.Ii°IPl1,.•r!xuit5 for way one Acari to go onto
'Me ]i V.141 'Waviness. &acme Wrens aro very 1;k. ii1•
A KU li 1•:x.\181'! -t •,lawns, tied t•n ortikelve yesris
'!ax1•nrtattier rant:culartt apply telt.
(x111 le a1.. *it Ceti vatusi, r i•ar t9hlialea Loan
1VAltM FOR SALE.—North heti' 2.
teal, A. E• sea, s.r.d *mitt knit of Rooth
Litt of silage lilt. to 111*, acres: goad clay lt+aui.
unser „o.11 ttivati+•'. Ab'Dut tri acres elesrs•d,
lite rent wets timbered; Inoue boxa kart frame
house nn11 pawn besting taschar.Inut the prnmlais.
co. Min Mot et half frT In Brand Bend: glow to
s to VA to -4w. 1.irchsser may bey 95. 50. or 7:7
acres at hie 011115u. Apply tit AAM)b 1'AltENT.
(it .an l Beal P. a,
stt•phem,^act eral.ih e.
The Pail • Jiiucl Gazette in a lending
editorial ways r--•" `Mitre the Uuited
States Should choose this precise mo-
ment to publish what seems from the
tetehgraphic ouraroary to be rather a
thretateuiug deepatcb addressed by
Secretary Everts to the American Min-
ister, Mi'. Welsh, can eoareely be re -
gin dell tve
e-gindell1111 aeoid0Htal, All the world
can pec that we have on our heads just
now quite ae hitch ae we cell well deal
tvale and e. rattily friendly Power, with
a. gricvauea like that, would refrain
from cleating the matter in tw irritatiug
wry before the public until our orioles
ha) assumed a share peaceful aspect,
At any ride, this ie what we taight cer-
tainly have expected from Amerion.
The truth is that while the very party
with which the (Alabama) bargain was
made still !toltie office in the United
Strafes, the first opportunity is seized
to make a point against us just when
it ie reckoned that other diilieulties'
may force ne to give way. Nothing
else was to no expected. and for our
ownpart we are ittnituea to thank Mr.
Everts for teaching (aur countrymtt+n
that nations genetiadly are no there
inclined to forego their advautrage9
over one another in the 19th century
Chau they were in the 18th, 17th, 16th
or the 1st, Nine tudliaa dollars of the
Alabama iuiietnnity still remain tcitll•
out any reasonable claimant, and here
ere $0,500,000 mote to be retained.
But then we 'lave a iit•le sentiment
about n; ; for, in troth, the Whole story
1�1Pt' 1TA'T NOTICES. is olio of a 01tiuuattaattempt at erns.
1-m, and evia'rion of a yomttw hat &hubby
..� _
—z = - -`��" kind. Anil, curi•nt+lY enough. n�lvnm•
1ifplfti:at;1S. $•, d. c)ltl�, f ty,�;ago was taI e ( of tool re;uintinn8•--
the level rett;lntitns of the State of
New York-..•tu avte.t et)mptitaatce with
tither of the nl •Ft impudent $tipulati"1R-
of the 'Pretty in favor of t.'ttlaili in
elhipping. 'Therefore Lord 3:11i,hnry
hem open to hila some eery I'i'rt, 1*nit
ret',►rte. plait two wrt•ngs del net im:4tke
It right, and if it npp)ca'ta that the New-
foundlanders, wit t .tt) eat form ]part of
41STI.1}. CATTLE.—STAYED ON the Ptfl111t4l III 11 all nen right' to (Ole the
, .1 rite y,t.vsxi�••. •1 Cao, 8ta.lt.r•.i4n="+t, t'•t h;. E ta\v hitt thele own sheds 11) view id' the
ll . t 1. 518 "4"1'411'4° (1 t '(14 "e"""
of.naae trtettetttetns•n1 1 tttlttllh dinto 4411 tht•1r
•':• rpt h ifor reel s)r cia"taxa tR't et, %h+•. mow
Avera:terra, Sales promptly :(tteanleri
Pe fi Fd sola a to renge l at this office.
OST. --Ors Thames+ Road, near
,f It-40reavlr+, a 181.•1 :til Klein. Any
t,'r(nn tlr t,•`gtlt" 518'88 it'll 1st rntr8,•1is11ly' tux.
f..r.utai 1►. Eolithic, l.oetar Mini. or by lturiug
tat the Ilittofelt.•1aIl.)ttl. _
T ,l,
CLARK. Aleut for the I's -
et `t • eeree :est 1 lte3s+•+ L unseat etre 1ta^ trews
1.s .•drnr;n •= t•etUl',1et+tr- (►*deet: h,
1 •,mt ":1,', tt(t.tot. *1 t=+>
144.,4',4p4,4-414 41tit l r,rt•• 4•r 1" , tilr4,n:it'a 411141 Ild1:1)f, 't.f G.l1U'1te t't)uIt.ensatut111 Will
t .. • t') st.i ;4t1.1y. AM; ;a, •21`l t: i!, stave to be 1111411P. When, letwev rer, t11'•
bt 1 TRAY t:11.—Strayed from the limn. Anu•rieaue next* that the tvholti fishery
► t t ss se the sub cra1+-•l 411let IN. eon. 7, t'ta- question will have to he ro•ttpt+nt^d, tri=
1.- a140. tilt 9.5a l*, e.1:a•,, ..2(14 what, het&r. not
a'< 1 6,r it, l', t n, -t,•t Cel i r W a•°,i sit n•rc1 a nt1+7 rmti•+a are at lill0rly to disregard what they
1 • the a• els to of t.t •Arr. eft.. 1 . mutably
Int' IIAlin MAIM:IN.
i ','}tit-li CATTLE. — STRAYED
A.2 frAut lett ai t+met• .siren 41. Stephen, about the
huddle of August, a ;your 4,1.1 steer. red, with
white spot ou forehead, a -d a few white spats oft
tlto 4, a 12 nl,;•+ ah.lut t1t first of Jn rte, 0 ye.crling
Leiters, ae trlr all white. A suitable reward for
their roeovory-. I)lliOLL) ST.UIL, creditor p 0,
n;ut, ui31 pito .:a•,li iiitt•rfnatmn uCi isi lean'
,•„ „ say ; Or the 111i111ft a119wer that if t•t?,
solute other points would have to be
r(rt41)si(IOre(1 at the sable time. T11ue
it would be tit least alr„nable on the
pert of tho' Ctanadlmne that the very
serums claims for the monstrous injur-
ies Inflicted by American citizens o)1
Britioh subjects daring the Fenian
raids 411001d again be put forward, since
according to every recognized principle
of international law the United State -
were to the fullest extent respnusible
for those outrages. \Ve mention that,
however, only to show how trouble-
some it is to go too far back in such
matters, end to mix up questions
ehich ought to be kept separate. It.
may be possible that Lord Salisbury
has taken up a false position with re-
spect to a local or other right of New-
foundland, though, since be had all the
facts before isim and the knowledge
that he was dealing with a very thorny
question, we may fairly hope that he
has not done so. But it. any case we
shall .have the satisfaction of knowing.
that, whatever discredit there may be
in this talk of keeping the money baok,
or iu .suddenly epriaigiug diplomatic
mines at au awkward time. it is not
- James Gordon Bennett. proprietor
of the New 'York if8rald,•is on the way
to Afghanistan, taking with him•a cor-
respondent who will represent the
Herttltl in case of liar.'
i ''SS1IS. JONES & iiUSCi1IP
hes Barristers, etttoruoya•at•law, Selicltorn
n;sneery, (conveyancers, (Commissioners iuB.R
n,. Y,+tarry Pstblte, 1, Mary's
0. R JONIIS, tt'.0.1rOSCIII1'.
0 ' 4 Icc--Hatton'** Bleck, Waterst.,t, Mary's
1 all Iuterestod ear1ies, that ourtravallin,;
agent has been discharged from our employ. All
orders or monies given to him ore our account
will be as the risk of the party so slaying hint.
WI448o . do A1OO1i:
Henson, October 18, 1878
1.J • Laud Surveyor, dm., will 1.e at the
It ye] Hotel, Exeter, ou the first Tuesday in each
mouth. Orders for 'work loft with 2411. Jobn
Spackman will receive prompt attoution.
LAKE, Commissioner, Insuzr-
• ands. Laud and Loan Agent. OfHoo—
ne 00012101111 Royal Hotel, E zeta. Wilsons
Hotel. Henault, overs Mends'''.
PB1VATL+' FUNDS to loan at 8 per
i Ceuta
M4aoy loaned on good NOTES,
`...J saps, Ville, &r , drawn on reasonable terms
N0TrrE.--Having rented from Dr.
Cowen the sand pit known as R: PinOombe's
I am prepared to supply sand for all building
purposes as cheap as anyone. Any person found
taking sand without myauthority after this date
will be dealt with aocording to law. THOMAS
DEARING. - Exeter, Oot. 24th,1878.
NOTICE.--ATI parties having olaiirns'
.against the estate of the late Thomas Mc-
Curdy. Hibbert, are hereby` notified to ala the
same with the executors on or. before.FtidaY, the,
1st day of November, A. 0.1878.'
JOHN' 3•i1OURLAYt Exeo'utors.
Usborne, Oct, 8rd, 1878. ' 8 -in,'
S.S.NO 1h:RL'1
r1 88R B
A D a teacher holdi21 t► se8onelei' se
certificate, Ditties •to commence on the 1st of
January, 1879. Applications►' ivin-abe •repeived thy'
the undersigoe i lap to the 15th < day' of. Novgn' herr,
Applicants will please state •aalary.-exappeoteleina
their apppplibation, also. give retorencet, WILLIAM
JOHNSTON, Woodham, V. 0, +
'�18� AS4)N 8c 'HUDSON,. Henetall, tint:'
lYl scout �er7•sre„atloTzox��i•'tts . ; y.s.
Fire nod Life 'neurone nd fiensralC,op reission
Age,.ts, Lisurance two-tb'irde cheaper” thiIli pqtr-
ddsnnry ,coat, Also money .to,loon 083 resod „ 1Ve.
tame..I'rompt , attention tp ordsos' pale .m.p.1
or otherwise Far end. :Village property', foe
No 11
It is reported that Shere Ali is at Wright, the toll -gate robber, attempt- To the Editor of the 1 zeter Times.
Jellelabad, determined to: attack the ed to break jail in London oue day last Tfain13ing .that eonie news from Man
British farces near Kbadcera and Qnet- weele, itoba would be interesting to some of
tall, unless the British take the iuitiee- The Reformers of Bothwell, have . y,our readers, I send you a few extraote
presented an nddreee to Hon. David, from e, letter received from Mr. W. L.
.dills, Brown, High Bluff, Manit^,ebaa.
It is thought that the Asacol House "We arrived at Winnipeg ati safe af-
will not be called together until after ter a tedious journey of +ebout nine
Pion, Alexander Mackenzie, it ie un-
derstood, ie about to take up his red -
deem permanently in Toronto.
A banquet will be given in honor of
Lord Dutferin at Belfast ou the 25th of
Tho British ultimatum wee placed in
the stands of Fitz Mahound, Afghan
commander, at Ali Musjid on Satur-
day last, and a ropy at the wine time
poeted at l'eehawnur to the Atueer.
A Calcutta correepondent on Tu08'
day telegrap}la that information tlae
been received front Simla to the effect
tllnt the Ameer, in his recent reply,
avid he had been anxious for Bribes►
friendaltip, but the Itntis1i policy ebaa-
qed with each new Viceroy. The
teamleer declares he is open to make a
new treaty; that he is not bound by
any Russian alliance, and did not la-
the the Hamden Embassy to Calaul.
Col. Lindsay, Financial Secretary to
the War Depertuteut, ill a epeeelt at
Abingdon on Mmndey, said England's
ultneatum informed the Anweer that
the Boman Euabaeey must withdraaw-
land that he must Act enter into a lees.
eine etlianeo, but meet preserve a nee.
trap attitude.
General News.
A. epeeist from Oil City. Pa". Bays
that on Thursday of last week Robert
L''raser a "liumpty 11Umpty" troupe
gave a perfartnauee at the (+rand On.
era Monad iu that city, which wai at -
Leaded by a little girl named Bilge.
bury, aged abunt i:: years. She wee
at frighteued by a trick in which a
mall is apparently beheaded, that she
went into stoats. front the ell:..'ete of
which elle died.
The cultivation of the nettle as a
fibrous plant, whioh may yet take the
place of hemp anti possibly of lfax, lies
for the last fete years attracted much
attentlnu in Germany. -A, , pamphlet
recently published in Leip••lo pay 11<t' ,pushes .+tris, (bat! Jnatica Hagerty, ' before re 4+litiu ; the Little S:Lal;atollt -
4444*2e `rot 1'1ete04011.14418 44414 1111 arli0101tpuatdce il:lft, JiUStice Gwynue, •iustice wan, There 14 no good Intal call be
frr111a a l0Rtillin t,it'1'n14at1 lie vett 11111',tld-)hl, Justice �lorretot, lion. (diver :tot from the Crnvorument hearer than
h tth bearing lu-titch•+ily t.1 tilos vette, Cif' \L,w:43, and Cuetxt1•t•llor Slita:;.7,a. 1711 miles from Winnipeg. Th -re were
the nettle a'1 a ,:uleeitute fir Hemp, Al fir, lshl'i hire. ,Tu1111 lIOtherillntou 1(3entv,lli;t±s t•f country soiled feat
have been rt'0(0Ved at the 11.+t+artitieelt , , 1ultltn: r, A. great wetly p?np.:' as"A gO-
uf :tette front tilte Auierieen (4 ,15.01 ut wer.i benighted,.
fr®)n l;h'Lthatln filly
r •• wsere benighted, salts rL'inoi'lea ovt:r Cal iht le nett S'L.li'1ie,r1�1Ptti4rl, tIV.� 1leIn
lirt•141•'U. The lilt+'ett1=.11 In tilt' of : uCll , • tin:, t l ' ' .TroiI x11,1 fif:F 1111'. J byre 1t plenty of
night , le. 1bor mutt m :Mr. a during
tnt.pt•rta411cfe to t'ur (1�,1'iemltl11.41i'te, tut ti.'li t %% at 'L 1131 try. Some time d11r1U'- midair 145 10, and on the t' -4h ::llta)itte
its possible bs0Lr111;;8 1111 tll•4 CA1'1Calas,n the night t1 etteel+2 thief cut out one ill Meer. five 1HI.'e mewl' of here, th11'e
.14,1 1u.tt/uf teurd of heiUlt, thee tilt' the w111tltlty tial)+! i, rate. it.: 1(t 119 lest. ,
ltthlxjtlot hat,
1X1.11 rrift'rlterl to titt� :l;ri anti'rrebbt'1llAir0.lietho''icgt)u's pock.
cohere' Department, i'..1 tomb, leveed- `'' " 1
galit)Il as that department 31t1t,1' et)Ilslitar et book, tlttettlinr 21vor thirty dollars.
necessary. The pamphlet i9 the result
:att. 11. did not miss her m +hey till
of Modems Von llofeatt.r'Ia+l,e'a eehee1- ltoey ere on their \v14y home the 1)eat
soma 112 the cllltitiltit)11 of the 11!"LIIN,, morning, u'..anI thinktu„r it was heft at
and toe result has bear, brynntl her . 1Ir A3kaelv's tilt'v t\e1;t I) tc1, f,,r it, but
highest expecta4tiune. The clues i •11
Bettis 110W a plant possessing such a
Frank Sturgeon 'fatally shot 16lisd
Mary .Baffurn, a school teacher, at Book
Island, I11., nn her way home from
aiehool at Milan on Friday.. He, .was;
her d' arded lover. •
Wl�>ihe male priscners were• being
-siren from their 'cells at the peniten-
nary in 'Buffalo Friday, at young `Mau
named James Brian fell over the .rail:
ing of the third tier to the ground floor,
breaking .lis neck and kissing .Inm •)+s body oornpleinat, of.•some disease duiing'theia
ttnoet lnstaniiy. Brian had told a i I ,life. ;Whensitk„the otleet iq to, get we1l;•nue
low prisoner that his "right name tv.a, to say taai no person in this World that is:`But.
Jath erimet. t ring' with •D'y4pepsii'a,,Livo ' Oritliplaint sill
The draught pl1yere of Listowel
have oolameuced a tournament which
le to lest six !Apatite. Each romped
tor playa four galea with each of the
Others, 8o that upwards of ahoy games
will be played by each player before the
prize winner** can be determined.
Detective Newhall, of Toronto, be
left for Buffalo to bring black Drum• 1
mond, the mbu arrested in that city
for stealing the Australian eriokteeri
avatetiee. A temple of the watches have
been reuavttred, aril the •ethers will
probably talon be oliteiuetl,
For plume time past the postmaster et
Renfrew lite been lousing regt8tered
lettere. On Saturday oue contaiutug
$100 was abstracted, The matter wee
placed in the hands of the police, who
aeeertainrd that two ret+peetably cat.
uectet1 boye hauled Scutt and Smith
were the thieved, They !lave siege
Chief Justice lierrisou'a +neral took
place iu Torouto on Saturday after,
110�)m, Too weenhter was wet and the
notic'3 short, and iu cOnaequutl0e the
atteutlttuce tuns not 00 large ad it other
Wile wuulti have been. At noun the
Law Society met auti arrougeil for the
fuueral and paese.1 resolutions of cone
doleuoe. The pall bearers were Chief
data from London, Ont. Winnipeg is
a city cf about 10.000 inhabitants,and
air yore ago there were only a few log
houses. Atter leaving \V1►.ulpeg. the
the flrgt three or four miles k very hat,
but it is good grana land. sifter that
the laud begins to get higher, and is
well adapted for agricultural purpasee,
but not mare than hell the land is Pet•
tied on, although it has all been pur-
chased by epeoulatora, There is a. very
beautiful tract of salad within fifteen
utiles of Winnipeg, called the White
Horse Plato ; although timber is
4-caree the h4nd is of oxeetleut quality,
end tato told it eau be bongltt for $8
p)er acre, The next ten miles are low
Prairie, good pasture anal meadow land.
Seven miles of it are taken up by two
urea. Hon. Jtauu+.a AloKay, who wins
berm a;. Fart E.}tt►r)ntoe, and has been
a Hudoou leg tattier, r, and was for Citi';►
years e. guide to surveying and exeleit-
ing parties till over the North West,
lives five mites out from Wiuuipeg,
where be carries ou taming very ex-
tensively. He !rias also a stook farm
80 miles out, where be hap %bent 300
head of cattle. I saw 0 buffaloes
which he brought from Manitoba when
calves am".ug his Mord. They are as
tame au the cattle. After pasting tills
low prairie we 01109 to a place palled
Polder Point forty Hailes distant from
CVintlirec, and twauty miles frons. Port-
age Le Prairie. The lasts here is the
best I have eyes Noon. It is high. dry,
ams oar level as n barn floor ; and I atm
informed it is just as gond for forty ioilee
around. Then ou1114 souse low prairie
1 • 1 1 10 tihnbt'r fr.•1u; 1.1 1= lnrl.ee wile, Sseee
have to tlr•t'v th.elr tl'10 cer 8 1011.•0.
The ashlers ::rev tho crusts are not so
good this roar as 1.t�t. 1 lam been at
a4vcral t•lac08 Whore ths'y were tnrt'clh.
i11.o. 'file 81014134.31 3'Iohl of %gre+et is
twenty buell�'14 per 'tyre 3 w1101t7 plough -
found that it w�43 only not there, but ing was 4 sno last fell, the vitl:l 24 from
Hiatt quite a large sum luta peen per- twenty-five to thirty 1)n9hels. Rud snnle-
t, i) i 0 thirty ei -hr, that beim! the high -
Air. Askew's also. The i r e
}clued from I A al
peculiar odor which prevailed in the
House leads the inmates to believe they
were drugged, as they never heard the
first sound during the night.
The Duke of Connaught and Prince
Leopold will accompany the Marquis of )ower an trucks, 1404 charge four cents
Lorne and the Princess Louisa to Liv per bushel, for wheat, and three cents
retool on the fourleeut.h of November. for horsey and oats. Around High
The Corporation of that city has deoid- Bluff, land is worth from ten to fifteen
ed to give them an official le's reception. dollars an acre. Iu Uoberne it would
On the occasion an addte.s will be pea be worth one hundred and fifty dollars.
sented, which says:—” The relations ,
between the inhabitants of this port The soil is a black loom, about two
and our Canadian fellow -subjects ate feet, with black clay subsoil. I have
so intimate that everything affecting been digging time potatoes, they yield
their welfare is a matter of concern to about four hundred bushels -per aore.
ns. We oerdislly congratulate theta The weather has been mild until yes-
terday,npnn an event so well calculated to ad-
vance their inteMests, and to strengthen but will 110 all gone tomorrow. The
the ties which biud the Dominion to the but will
yhas great advantages, and also
Mother Country, The circumstances cougreat draw backs. I think the worst.
90.101 which the Princess •Louise visite feature is the very high winds. - The
Canada are unprecedented in the .his- roads are good in dry weather --in wet
tory of the Colonial Empire.. Tue aur- weather they 'are bad, and nothing to
pointinentof the Marsala of Lorne i9, mend there with excepting and straw,
therefore,** signal mark of Tier Majesty's which they use freely: ` A man with
favor, and of the reongnitipn of the , five hundred dollars and a team can
intake a good start here. F. M.
vtuiety of merit should hove been for
Agee regarded as the most worthless of
One of the most desperate gangs of
train robbers in the United States has
just been broken up by the arrest of
Big Mike Roark and the shooting of
Dan Dement. They used to rob trains
on the Council Bluffs, Acheson, Tope-
ka and Saute Fe roads last spring.
The gang had planned a robbery of the
Kansas Pacific train out on the pl•tius,
but a member of the gang gave his
partners away, Dement fled, and to
posse of picked men attacked them.
Being pursued by officers they cause
ou' him in a dugout on Thompson's
Creek, and Li.ht, the detective, called
on him to surrender. He was fired at
by Dement, and he sent a ball into the
robber's aide. .The wounded intim
fought like a tiger, and • fired seven
shots, when Light ehet ' him thronge
the' brain, killing • hitn instantly. A
•reward Of $3,000 hat been ''out for
Roark''s body for.eix months.
To -put down' the lightning-l'od'-agent
nuisance as far as possible, the Ver-'
'moot Legislature bits passed a' lelw inf-'l plowed Ioyaalty of Canada..." A luuolleou
posing a fine of 1,00b on Any :travel will be given ,at the Town Ball.,
ling ,pereon who sells' ur offers any of A gentlelnaa from Manitoba speaks.
them. 'for gale.• ,"To 'make' the statute' -thus ,,of , the , Mennonite settlement iu
prohibitory' and'•enforoible,• it'provides ,that ,Province :--.“ -Their. settlements
that the -license "shall be $1,4'00'' pee: are located on . Ood pane ou beth sides
yeer for °sob' agent, 'and ; allots dile ''of Red !River, They are;mnking credit-
quarter., of. the' .Atie , to the•infokniiug 'able offorts, :at .cultivation„ au d. they, sac -
prosecutor. ' • ' • ceod : well in, raising.: grain: •and stook.
'� ' 'Iii reference• to stook, they .haying no
...Id °Yoer:li 'Mirth `10 tieiita t' `' 'femme hever.adopt�ed the -system ,previa
Sickness previ ift `i 4er`yt+r)ti`re, arid, every.
est I heard of. (lets run from sixty to
eighty beetle -is. One man hall five
lintelred bushels from six acme. Bar-
ley is loot ranch grown, but yields from
forty to sixty bushels per acre. They
(1110311 with both separator and horse -
a, Weald ; M `, c it effeote Indigoes ion;' Co8ti'venege,.
E Witian',7i1it i piiiet4re'lliot Sicle,fi laada0l►e+ Sour.. :g64 ilr, Heaii''u$ e"'
At the inquest iu Toronto, on the
body of Frederick Still.,. on Monday
last, the Grand Think brakeman, kill.
ed at the late collision, some , me0ioal
stridents were summoned to eerie on
the jury. 014 assembling in. the Court
room they behaved in a disgraoefnl
manner, and the Coroner litut to hreat-
�en anti dismiss them and oflx}i au -
lent in. Kan and Nebraoka.:Of: having. other jsiry. , So)no� of: thee' yol u{�'' (t 6gti,:•e
a berd,law, .which.: keeps the cattle out were ;drunk, and �their.erbnduct ryas all
of mixobief ,by.dev, and at'.t,ight they
are locked'up.. r Bvtie doing .the expense
of .00nstructing: ,fences in . & .country
where wood is , scare : is ,Avoided. ...0ee
Phe more nnseemly• front''ttle fact thea
tihe deceased's fether acne in the i•squiry
rootn weeping bitterly over the body of
ann,.and,the attendance of the operator,
trurda'a ui 1e,isgrirl' `'•'thii•.t °•`e : a.4. put itatio of•a tile. cart, e. r ' �•.S irit;a:,, •.o.tt thee. •llZ;ennonite,:settlements is on: the AIel:nndeK..H•uy, wll� was also -terribly...
himself yi g 1 n ,:co': 1? . i�1. A e� R
b•..f"t\•04)ty.:twI) ilio11054 41. _j, it a�itinlene5s, oto., ' 01') take ( ne 'etAvatrsr1 west side of Red • River,.: nuidavay.be-, distressed at the awful position in which
, king rol)e`f apd atter: if tween Emerson.:awi W;nnipeg, . aid he found himself, but these ollnoi ad
: -4.1;`, ,.h '1' o F.?a Lt'1111•" Drulf'gtat'it41 ]fat a ) .
aloe the: Pembine brenoleof ,the: Can brutes kept t 0 their mirth anti ortureed.
°anfl:tary tl 1te,u_' [: p 1�
will relioveyou. (adieu PacificvRailway. . Unseemly jokes i4 spite of all.
Di (.1 i t':a 111PIih
ett19 ,. 01414 let .
sate Or to semis, A 9ftpon. A good business st xnds4.
and .residrngeaiinSe`n'ealt•t re`•log i+• . I,JO8N MASON, JOafPH HUDSON, ' - + ,
Cdnimiesiouer + :u0nveYerkeeri r niu4•