HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-10-31, Page 4SELF I TMLS
`, 4
The S B n k, its generosity. The inculcation of But what has 11 Ir. Bishop clone for
moral precepts, fastened by emulative riding, or the country either, for
seenterni res nY ACT or >':lauttaxn T, 18:3.1, that matte*, we should like to know.
example, is, in the opinion of mein who
'' have given moral reforms the greatest
BEAD OFFICE MONTREAL. study, the only meats by which the
Jessie :%101.;0•4. F,R , - - - - . - Pros: •)em+•.
Hex Timalks R'nnrozly "Cite -Firs 1 world Call ever be won from any of its
T _ __ writ
.spiral, $2,000,000.Rear $400,000.
True, if Mr. Mawat's Gotrernment rias
a blessing to the people, Mr, Bishop
has been of immense services for be is
one of the most workable links in the
Ars A L q.. Vim Pies Mt Mut¢t•1Ins Cu constantly besetting sins. Tile pro- caudal appendage of that monstrosity.
Blit we have a shrewd suspicion that
•t Shepherd, Pres Ottawa RfvarNavm Co , 1 for ()Obits S9i}' 1
3'f.3r::t e) Ne t•:3n. t P 1', ;files Williams. Ere$$ of tv)l11 eXa%UCetthe people generally do not look npon
1'. V+r om :iia+,t `hoar s. Esq.. - O !War.
M. jlua,,,,,, nee.- - - - - . nteaCter. sons, will necesserity be slow, and per- the Chri+titan politician's admiuistra-
Ij+:N;.+eter Bran/Th.- haps very often arrested, but by purse- tion as the greatest blessing we enjoy.
-urrcny C Dp. it Flt MAN AGloat trby Theypay
st'ed'a'.,t aF&'i'r'r{-natE-„-gfte, Gold and t.lra e1n^.Y inti a r1,• ,• al method, side side " ay X105,000 a. year more for the
draftsbe..aitnatis soil. Sta,lin;l:irhangebuu(;'stI with the advancement of pure send -
disguised—Hiatt they
eat sora did for :t, better Gowern•nent, and why
metes en :'Alt 1l:F.S. eluent, there is no doubt that iu the • they should seek to perpetuate a rule
:ironer, slam .i t, tai a •r., on . i„ a„v terms, on ulnar . -
uw,'mamas-1'1.y e) with one ur an s , ;ujd di:-: course of time many of the miseries re- which bears injnriously upon. the,n-
t,• 3rser3. TS:, n;1K t 1•t,real pa 1 .ni.ty.
Rn 3 Maras. i, -n:: pit ' rtn,.tt_a at, 1,tweat rates oft> 4azi.a:s. the ,rinC(t the ."blt�da+it�tc" ill Mr,r. :InlYttt'd
Mutter. arripat Lath 1O7S.
a -parts ei filo ll.tntit:i(:11. glittjn•T from iulelut eranee wilt have selves, we cermet understood. But
becoiue t)lotches Olt tips history of
past. Experience, the best of all
refer 'bots'.
OdToiz1 81, 1878
NEW Alli E11TIf3L111 PNT'S.
white a co.
1TRA.YEl),---Strayed from the prem.
#see of the Subscriber, on lot 2Q, eon. 7, Us.
borne, five spring calves, one white heifer, two
red boifexs, cue grey steer ,• aay person
that will give such information as will lead
to the recovery of the stone, will bo suitably
rewan'ded. ItUCh1AIt1)1IAIt(1L'a s.
Fa sluonable Dressmaking
Di.esses cut and made to order
(successors to G. B. Smith)
The bulk of their immense
direct from the markets of as,urojae and Anaeriea,
and although in our last Spring . ircular we ex-
pressed the thought that prices had reached their
lowest ebb, from that time to the present ninny
classes of goods have kept falling still further in
price, anti we heeitatenot to say t! at at
No period in the history of the Dry goods
trade have prices been so low as they are t -
It: maintaining our progressive business we have
Main Street, Exeter, talstm, advantage of eve+y favorable tn:a in the
iratket so ass, to bring wittuin tke mien of our
OVER 'l,IHE., POSrj, OFFICE. nut:u+roua customers goods at the lowest possible
1*e:et•s. we are in a position t.) day to otter
simaughout our house a ramie of lower izuotations
tiaan►nte e>rr boftl.e sitbuni:tett s:t any 1:1a::uu,
Government caltitttt be seen by the PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS'-eriotiofour history, Ourfacijttit•sareuusurrso.
naked eve, we plight ask what Soots, sed hi the retail trade, because we are Bart tit a
teachers, shows us tlrnt enforced mor-:Av. Bishop 1181s ever done io other Ie- -^ NATION
Vantlidatesfor Palate School Teachers'Recontl 11,,toter,on, wledoSti 41.17 Reeti, dealer., Tor
ewes Certificates. wt11 be aelti in rowki of f. ttea therefore earout be surpassed, Those are it
ntAt ftt out, customer, tit ale Iireie3t prices, and N1, Web \NO
.:Hits' is purely to break Perth iota exces• spectra. The answer is inevitable.— r•�II
__ -= elect vice as a realllt of its repression. 'none wlatatever, Ile htuc ha)en a each,
"aH1.I:sk.)A (a 1O13i:I1. Ril, 1'4175. The inclination isnot removed, it i, itr•tllebox, tit>thil►x fuitlt(r, lz()tlzineo,
ana"a 11sefill. IIa CQflh1 't, be if he
wont , i hl 1 not l fault, ,
- -• held antro, assts where the opliortttttity e le n het a ult it et hie
THE FAILURE t1I� Tl.11 I- NI1:1N o1T as, will not asstlretldy roue-hert itself. misfortune, told he Gliotllti be content
Ai: 1-). Like the c,nlpre,sse(l rnl,ber ball, re to teat tinder the afIlietlon instead of
> i -'c was
in lye the iuttueztec that holds it, and tt! flaunting the fact before the people.
'axile fat%t thtlt tilt. t a ki 1 Act a
s rinrys bark to its ori Yl. naris A speech Mist ,..i. ou on the
repealed ir1 the t eharry of grey about p h
111:at +ha -)e, If
l,,-ur•lltinar (Ittaatl:>Ia, iu W111011 116 ent-
ht petite eeeld be euttutpudett it at W411 trill• t�
tavQ we: i:iCt3 :iget, by the very lttxge at?a• Irl ..> I ir. (I thtl trtlttl of the remark made
jurlty f Oydr' SUM. is .m1(liliai141 evi- by legislature, then thele might, be by. the great dratne tic p(,et, to the effect
hope for *'ralubztion brit lin one that 1 l
a certain of tteof people "rash in
Once to that aallea(ty band it, its re.
same lot• where angel,' fear to trevlti.•' Hie did -
has yet discovered as scheme by dahl0h
peal i), other ea:Lad s, that the Dan• t elltS1011 of that eluestlol, 14 Raid to have
Lin Act wee not :e1 that its ', exy tan• this desirable t nd CPldltt be (>btt(inetl' given new light to the Minister of cart•
t,aliue fri iede vlaim.ht it to be. in the• THE I,O(::A.L LEGISIekt'L:1'•T:.--ill►. cation, who thnn:fht eel iolloly Of hall(I
talo over the inrtf.alii to the tarn of the •
oty a protabitor; sill lar Marv, Iiclzitetl tc: 3 ACIiSON - �•MR. BISHOP.
any til•.tric>, Aflzlaa'I at^I ,irabiy; In (P- -••-
talented tnember f u Saudi Huron
The idaav thrown Ont were strikingly
ertttien it is trite the r4vteree. M In (trey As the time ja ltt•t far tlisttint. whfll i nl"i.;ivatl, anti for that 1't?astee worthy 01
t ) 1 the eleeet1 wi fur the Loehr Legislature” being listened to. Til tilgh opposed to Mit Property
ild 1:411 tart 111 111:t1dy ether 4ttttlit#t+, t 9t? 'RJ V� a -•"tin, Via•
by-law was c•\3'rittl lit •3 tele' large lilac• tu11St the bels, according to the law, the idea's of melt Weise minds ha;lellla-
wholes:4la &r1n,:anu beea,nsr of the snu:rledgow•a
possess et the requil.ennezna et the tr.:•1,, .stud be.
. , , e rue of tine knowledge of the markets i.t which
Candidates, can be nbt tilled on a»,lae:ntiutl Cu era .e i • • ".•.-_-.
t +,tta buyera of aunutl judgniat :st.
the teeretary, awl ant: t be ret:n•t:est to prion, 1pxo•
perry filled up not later than tho twit November
(-audidates are required to forward t.) the See-
the aecea.ary certificates of success its dueeessor- to (3.I3. 5zlljtla.
teaching and utomd ch+raster.
\ THirTi
Oodcriela, O1si., `26, lfii$,
lac hoard I.xra: tit. 1ta'r si.
Auction a1cl
I 1 11 tho
: ba•. a t„ cert(, i
'which the a set of its provisions eert. }-care, tlheeleCtors $U0(Ul bpl;1U tr1 U. will sn,rceeet a veru t,bvieatl°l 1'eslS3)11. ol,, 1' �i•il:trlu,iTfodi;;t111 i . PI1 +lal:t) svlil - -
y >� ltr~11r;r1 lir thee, wee desired stir thentst-ives. The ort;aumZatiou t)i 1 1;a1, ti3;1 iget tllta 1i,*h i,nig, it:11� n1>1 .cid by a%nbllc tlttecat,n, art 11.,.1Cr77i;11.11i)`Fl la,
j;,rits, v,.lt lfter tt way short, but vert avl,i fle ueeh z -es tat that, ba)t1y Ctnucet hired and
;r Irl l.isll sp did not feet
Pit lC:ltteln, t D
Utlf Vile. 11010 releiketi ted rllperaatieta (1IIt1'Altl' re111t1itl1 lad [Sistt'11C4) lil()1'a' tllal„ ft'11r” t 1t lI. I't1 C d now -1 . I3 1
FA.IRIIV[ Royal mail Steamships.
r iRll(> ! !
t1 t
bt rr+tiv
to form lrejlte•it ell*illiter33 X*' ;:ardint; itis the Canse1'yatt115 -tarty at She Domin-i •1111>1t/+.r moving the world h' n no 1, In tttu' 111;1;n•ilf Exeter, on
oat r ( "",alai not be mines •,n1 te/1,nht, than .'ll .
( Bishop 9>»111ting on J:-Inctatlt.nel 1-31ee-
merits, the people la ve revereea their inn elections tuns 1 would h tutRb 1 1 131Jf 1
v erdi::l l>v 1a stili gerlitt 1. majority. A reetilted u the Unmet h of Mt, 1 01 tet l tion..—that woe tll eight fur gods arra
tail met 1eroh.i11tory l tcv. Prate aaltl Riaz alt the palls bad not uulattlfal Trifle t Use, s` loonh
pie, wia,e' l be mere rettiefe etnry to the been exerted against blit. This ut- o
Minty at tatriet3 and more buCcedl ftti ;Ruiz roue 81a9lnitl be kept alive in theA
itl its op,rratil n,+bat, 1o1si;int at home interests of Mr, Jackson', thu gentle- ;3{ll;'I;II iII1 1SI,I�.S'1:5.
of the pi' trietld 1a11ititl the exibtt>ltlev of uttui v1,o hes betel Inubecl to u((Rusa ! Our friend+ ;n \urtr `IialrllesaX, rye
the D stein Act bring;, tap for Solution Mr. 13tt,ltolz, or whoever the RReforizl--11(eartl,. are ab.li0 selecting their tettndi.
by the tt mper:wee 1:°)n1.t:ut,liv, We are t,uve the tllatrlt,l-•-nunl1itee lliati he. lame' for the Loyal noose. iia tbl,
y I lir. Jackson is a shrewd, sueeos:•ful
very d 3+thafui whether even'
mai ma . • t t lr : m:attor nn c enht they will be guided by
1>ruillbruou would prove dl) tiaitisfeet++te oueine$R man, azul amazingly tii u t 1>rtrrlt+nee3 and take no stop nl,ici, ie
and worst s', wi 11 ripe to insure its con. to the locality ill which hu is best) not certainly for the hest interests of
tented operation, even though it should , ut wn—n' and around beefed'', al, the t)nrt4. They ali,atii* be careful to
l e tar a time adopted by the l;eu,ltlt•. slu uu doubt carry a very large vote ill i the p rt more which widl,eralls,I) them in
M toy tit bete difficulties iteaLient to the that 81.116°11* Ile is in every way eat• I the future. The riding was won rants
afisr many year of unremitting labor,
:end it would 1.e a great pity to allow
the prize to be lost by any ilnpredent
affairs, and firmly opposed to the ex. -
or false move on the pert of the Libor-
travaa;;uut course which the Mestere
al Conservative Conseutien. We be-
Guvernment have Reeu fit to pursue. Neve there i a no diaguisinl; the fact
Ile is iu every wtay the antithesis of that ;4Er.:11owat's many deliuquenciel.
Mr. Bishop, who, although a "nine en -bad not so tooth ioi%u@nee in deter-
augh fellow" in bis way, has shown mining the result of the last Local con•
himself to be nail to represent au test ae bad Mr. lteD"onq.11 the sitting
member's great eereonni popularity in
every part of the Ridiug. and unpopn
Rarity of his opponent. This Rhonlli
he remembered. 'Since Mr. McDongnil
opinion dagradlua. andthose who seep strictest economists in the country. hag intgmnted bis desire to devote nil
He cannot deny that he used to go Its tithe to his bltsliteste. Ifi chalnslrlg
to iinpu,e tblastewlunsuusar upon them, his successor the Conservative should
be careful to select a maw who has all
the giret fications pnsseseed by 14 Ir.
McDougall, for in Mr. Waters tbev
have a man who as lieere- of Lobo will
greatly tend to re -unite those eletnents
which were scattered by Mr, Smith's
defeat.. It world be idle for rrs to pre-
dict who the candidate will lige shonld
the louse au draw on the Public fur Mx. McDougall refuse to enter x sacond
$4U0 per year fur about two months' emltost, bot the name r Mr. E. A.
service. Neither can he deny that
Dunkin Act standlikewise iu the was deleted to make an etiieiunt represent -
of the etweessf111 operntiou of the Pro• active iu the Letcal Houser being well
1,ibitory liquor law. Prohibition, tit verseti in all Provincial mid Dominiou
Limit 118 regards whet we Shah eat, or
drink,.>r wear, is in itself obuoxious to
the greet ulajorlty of the people, whu
maintain, t Nether rightly or wrongly,
teat being tile %thief eoustituent ele-
msnt of a free country, teey are the
best ju-lges of what they should eat oa
drink, and have a right to mould theiz Portant cunstiaueuey like South Huron.
tectious aecurding to their own dress 01
their ueca„itiea and desires. Subjec-
tion in toe matter of appetite is in their
Mr. l;iehop has been a ealculatiag pol-
iticise for m:wy years,aud when, it an-
swered his purposes, he was one of the
even though its beneficial effects iu ttirou.1i the snrroaludiug to to
X,lany lustauees• might be zonlessed, logging bees, barn raisings,. threshing,
usurp a tiatefil•.1'y diet:actin! position, corn husking,, and other rural galter-
winch human uatute revolts at and rags where ins services were more valu-
overthrul%s. It max last foie lb, while est( able tliau in Parliament, and denounce
a unvt•Ly, bot the self-aseertiug spirit the G•)verntneut of Mr. Saucltield jalac.
of the tree moo Mb': rang—ccs to csuetuu- doneltl for permitting the memb.ens of
anoe ttiHet he hitnseif opposes, writhe,
under the iutfcti w his nature feels,
and in the course of tiwe bite fed totem -
al effect upon the utiutls of those who
have beau guided in their maim.* rath-
er by a ,}'intaatlletic-sentimentalistn
than by common sense and a decant
regard fur the rights and opinions of
their neighbors; and as a ,farther . eon
sequence, prohibitory legislation be-
cJIIIPS a heavy burden and as liatefnl
as the ship -tax and purvoyal•ce were in
the time of our fathers. Oue man has
as mach right to the exercise of his
opinin13s as acether, and the average
ruind f.rils to undnrat'uxl why, e41,e;iaal-.
ly iu mutters etriotly personal, its pits
sensor is henna cu he arovc,i red- by the ATI services of the 'people, so dclubt
1Cttwf law V ILC •• • lt9 lt0h',lto» 3• le B'11..; liop; ,bot' still he elmul l snot
1 O'Neil, of Lnemn,. a gentleman warn has.
vibe., be got into the coveted position •a grout many years keen to prnmfnent
figure in the politics of the Rfiilne,
Ile was- as eoger as any of the 0 hers to aelggerits itself ns aiming the most f hely
to be successful. He' world make an
excellent candidntn and mad hold his
own on the score of popularity. Ile
has been for alinllt twenty genre n
member of the Mrrladlesex County Cnnn-
til, having snecesei'vsly performed the
dillies of Reeve in Loudon Tlewnship,
Biddnlph'and Luton. He ;*+ person-
eine well-known to nine -tenths of the.
`the electors, ar•d is exceedingly popular
with ail classes. He would melte Mr.
Waters nnenmfortabi'e, and no doubt
'carry the Riding by a, handsome ma•
'jority., .
receive the 1nrdens of the people, and
;:ugued a round robin asking the Gov-
ernrrit•nt—(it was to Reform (x•avern•
meta trove)—to increanle the indemnity
of the members to $•$00 for `the same
increase which he at few years before. so
lonc113 1eeb.tred to bs vastly Overpaid. at
$400. Ot,OSiatent Mr. Ri.shop. Sure-
ly this entitles him to the sn•pport of
the people he hies l: tiiubogguil. P.trti•
zan spirit, which does hot reeogniae the
ponntiy'ii” demands -for ' the : thoughts
will nailou Nov.,anber3, tali,rtratsee, j n+asago.For
p - ed.t••tlltfort: economy sial safety are equal to
r ' :fay outer 'Hattie Line, and befog n ea..adinta
. , 3e
r"1e ! la
((ff��uu Rla(ul patronized vt U •il t o! ss. 'o
i P n (e ut r t r
uttrtianUara as to pn.aa.tgo or ,p,rrtnrs x noitnag} dor
their f •1e de, apply to
The fallowing wtit,tb'tt prnla: rty : C' APT.. O. K[l1IP, Exeter.
in Ruder, ki>pt by ars.. i.tkl+ti ltk'nsan. IN CR 1'I)ITON.
Till. holm ' -pas lle8?ll fattdd lip. is situated 1:1 f Next Boor t,) Ilttlter's Rotel. Parties wantir
the llt•'trt of the hi>Killt..4 Hart of 11%e•ttr, 1- at first-Cla owork will find it to tileirativttattatle tt>
lirc�t rtt ,bind; a tir3lt-1:1x1'; i litsia>t :s, anti iv jh cavil before leaviin their opera else w'l,ero. t>z le
every way a desirable Investment for on elttur• uer t -(Oats materneatown. Sewed work.4Speciality
1(ej•an tog promptly attended to.
prisialn lean. CHI:IaTUI HI'ii I:AL'.
Cr , marsh 7.1178
Ali t at the same tear and plan•. at Rf1L"txH-
(IA8`I' DWELLING lie)L, F,, on II iron street. THE b .L.1>A D WIA'. J B TRADE
close b}• the ;11ln.ion H a114a.+. :.1,81211111.4.41.tivat• •j
room, parlor. kitchen, • , 'maroons. and lath an
excellent briek.stablefu connection.
O. aou cot.t d Eon.,
Also ono 1: Allot Store tact two Town Lata, .
Nos. It and 7, in Macdonald's survey. Exeter T.t]LORS and CLU•TlflEtlG`,
Nurtll. Property is rapidly rising int thistolaali••rakerleasoretoixfornithe.iimabita nttofl:xeta
ty, and this oak opens a ratre• ejlpurttutity to ,'atld.eurroundmR eoantay, that they have jus
�j1tBtlbatutd. opo.untout auencellentassortmetntof
There will ciao be offorett for sale on
at Bushey's Hotel, Take View, in the township
of Haty,14En.res of loud, roars or less, being
lot 30. Lake Road, East, mud situated about :
of a ,ui1e from the lake shore. There are about
if/acres Bleared and under good cultivation; on
the'pre:vises there are a log hause,fraane barn,
and a good orchard.
TERMS ;—Ten per cent of purchase miney,
ou eaeu,parool down, and enottgh to snake 25
per cent. on the. first of next January. Bal-
a.oce to snit purchasers,
I.IOBT• B1SSETT Proprietor.
W. 130D SON&J,OKE, Co. Anes.
-same rents' 1 which 1 1 ' 1 will a1.sei't itself :cull atteuxpt to.st.8 sin s,
43 B t'cGe1)NS.
weaker rninded neighbor finds uees-1+,ma (oot t po lunch -nit the f arty "err > irty x n ,d ire ys S tr
a t ! o ns oft Gr'anee system. for buying nay -
Bitty fur bus .r.vn ,government. Thefor the result of the Domiuinu enret1esjj, thing in my zine vz:.•�,
has amply denvwatreted tete tact that
contention, perhaps in top .nlai,ny in 1 Paints,eails. Glass, Pi✓ituro,6lrames,
@tatlees e1 these 1,!a very :large' siotton of the blotto Prrittlos, I5i ttl.ungs, 1Lottoes:
krurnitnro, 13ni1'.1era"i5a'rdtwere,
charltab a raoey, Glhat. cess Looin:.gttjasses,
lietalile who are determined. to holdholdLaloaiG]WaaP'r&yes,
man g:aiila by the restriuti •n another 10.11r rutiresentattivea to nn account fest outlay, enters,, stoves,
H vest tools, Jo,
imposev rni himself,, g les far nothing. their traalill,;re>istions.... \'eI eliev.e•'fhaere •
Otte -half the, world lists ten little Te card .are tb(Su in gout 1.1 Iltir wl tl I In order tore/Moe lrry present stock, I shall. con
III nano to
nil 11,, tOtl•� 1offer
for the condition, morel or pity -lee', obey were alnuug lir. a3i,•elhop'4: tnos.t
,active 411plt(rl't0t'S les, I'1•ew1 >115 contests,
of the zither half, to be m(.v. to auiy eaennnt endorse his Conduct iu, respect
self-sacrificing aot, and kept faithfully, to the salat.y crab and the gelakl'ab p01
h' jiee,11x h ea:)'t;i!ilXs >lee lip, to hie of the ;i octet is ''eminent.
especially in
r".--Sign—Golden Stove, now north aisle Queen n
.r (: G tr./ I MAIN ST9,141T FX! ..'rE1,
St Malys -
jek' ?&MN STE}T,. EXETER. 6
Hair, Tooth
and Nail
ETC,, ETC., :ETC..
I'^a•ee.ls, t:%s<f.Cbngs, 1"estivysrt.r.,
in tha•katost styles'andpatterna,and feel assureed
thatiattaem atteroectotaing„thoy cau suit the
1aoi:litta rid aaarrlut5tsa.
1Oa.pital S.,OOO,O00
Partiea requiring money can obtain advances
on apptlt►ved town or fame propeaty, at lowest
"rates. The above is a London, England Com-
pany. For farther particalars, apply to
Hay LT,tf, Exeter Ont
tT..11�kItY'S Lia1•IEWO KS•.
our draru.kilns being now in full oporatiar:and
turn rtgnntdaiiy a Large quantatl rri
that for all, mrnoBes
cannot be surpassed in the Domin-
Fartfesfrout a distauce eun:alawaysbo" i1ie8!
either at the kilns or deliyerd by toazns at lord
est remunerative rates. Oratsretrouz a distance
promptly attended to. -
Stamclazi,SashDaor aMina
-11* ACTOR Y,
is constantly kept on bend, all Binds of building
material,. 1• loorang )lard and soft, Siding btou0' i
ngs Om, sold cheap. Planing Jigging and Turning
promptly attenued to.;
itnd'satisfaction guaranteed.: As we havenni,
hand a large a. pelt of dry lumber, we feel sure oi'
satisfying those• who may give us a gall. -
iI awing received a lot of new machinery, L'
LL would inform the farmers of the slur-•
rotiuc0ing oon.atry that I tion prepared to mann- -
facture all kinds of Horse Rakes,' Barley
Forks, Grain Cradles. Snaiths, etc, and having
'oeeured the services,of a first-class Turner, I.
am prepared to do
01i the shortest notice, and for style and price
A I defy competition. Aiw•tys on hand a first-
@D(4MINit).v LAIJU1 A. i Uit 1 cl,tss.etock of Fork and Shovel handles. Mill '
half a mile south of Exeter.
A.' COTT'" LL.