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The Exeter Times, 1878-10-31, Page 3
OoTotEn31, 1878 THE TINI:ES MR. VAN I3LIeliCO11`S NECI , l l etvay;; that they may baled universally rTARDWAItE ! 'PIANOS OS AND ORGANS at fa t itis ayiuti 4 are to be found at Cale St. B01)611110, the district arollud lnllicll, o<til(,d the forest t f Aoame, is uninhabited, The Cl;)tie Otlt Present r;.et • er Duk 1141.1 and b 4o1L.} 1f you .viol. any of the following it will paysou t0 {rend instruments of first-eluss loathers, fulls wut- - t t 't other _ to lay ta,lde talents, health told advantages ; that we Can increase cols- tett sat ratted, area at prices thut4,efv eoln tettittehl, f'o antiettatjes of tete island betottg to three sulnptioii e 1 tested prodllctton, yet caesh nr insttalatie34ts. Ai r:tt;'tF:tut9.l for iSAG^t,° superior .tell oA' 'its sate Planes. OatalOgle nistiect ettechs--�'Irc'•cialh, Boman and have]),Lore ; that au equal tight to the�� BY ��'y�1 mailed, Horace Wators cud tints, thinufactues ()hristiens. The period of the I3yzau- product of some; that talents are the 0tine Drakes lasted eine centuries; and result of chance, which intelligence Where you,gazi purchttse at etetonineets:- DISLOCAVLD, ,erect)al,ganitur::httseatetetonunrdc4.sa-- •DISLOCAVLD, B;.T PULLED SACS I`ITO resets.—Tnet 31AN' LIKELY TO itECOvurt.. —AN terE11ESTE1 G ..OACE 1 :)a wan pee - Toes. an I rleale-ri. 4'1 oast, ], salt';) .stat.. 1 agents lA+r Nbt10]tigers c'1et)rat4:aorgans Ex -Sheriff Jac Ab Z. Van Blereom, of aunoug many fine churches erected at ought to correct, 1x11(=), 111 truth, talent Axes,saweceeet;,btope,cost nes, Straw Cutters, a ry 0. He -tel seek N ei wee 011 'RbrirsdAy that retied ie btill to be ewe the superb is the )'Pt:a,rd, from geineretiou to gene- •ieents Oils (;baso- ram Locke, i1Au„rs.D:aila, L17 z �Ilc Lime, Bolts, Sere v,s, luide and Ptrc whet Cute morning last the most (Democratic Ottmh- one at \Iuuberit. There J8 a C011jee:tee-. ration, of industry, temperance and lery,(inrd's loathe of tett iS ltt't•Olvete, lh,wdex shut, CAI,s, 5eir"a)za, dldate for the IIQUIm4lt4t1G11 Uf Si 11tl in fur v1hi 1t Li w1 ground. 13 ILS$il;tled, tl::at 4+rgtlt'I Ca ; filet elle 11aSt+10nA1 need no Spoons, Sptvies,4huvt•ls:.ralluUre Berger allele. `. Yet, other strong De• the mor,utuerlts of that period set' alt ,• • •,.1, and that self-denial i$ a vice. Scoop Ana .briar Forks, Orate.4Orate.' , tie,.dts. Oita Cm. mocrets were booking for the sdtueneni. a great part destroyed .Lorin. Op -id to 3.11•. Van Iiliarcordi in. the that the ielalul was held be trace for 4)u uitettiou were Nick Dental. of Ji glttatl. 'est eutl. Sated Taylor, of U,1tt;i:t•nv:tek, and Ieatie liw•I)rer, of Saddle haver. Wil'3• 1', = , . '-111+ eeat :`"-<'le deed. and from 014 �1I<11C Fur i + :n-tti,lt c )rceruing the PINE An FARIYIIt`: f LANDS Li di fres Kecn9n3 (drR4tCt11 Illit in Ct•:ti'i"ltAL \itt 1iF t t S, tor Pule by the 1't •t. I. It t'll •,x' ia4 tete a " nature -1" Ii Iles Me. Cltaatts 10 1 at* p I :lig1\44 el Iit..ul., l\oto \its , t i t.:t, WM" L. V;Fdi1,1.1.►, Lind Coat., ^'+►"' w1^i1 ('N aY. = : ''a ..,Ira' of his claims 4)11 li•r.,ka, St.ty)IdP, lrar;la oa:t 11:11 rod l)_!I " lruu 'E CO LDL lei feeee. en.. ; .hilt, it he i:7 in Ale• tea teteletre h: .tee ince it re. re eel:ternes d`tz Sheriff Van Bl rc )m however, wits _ made ria eie ate h u - ] ,it, tattre+rn set noel Pul'A::,1s 1 l,.t:•- 1 ulr.ay 4:011., tots, right to tY• •)ie 11Pe:Ile; title lame Irnrt,: Stetted Lett* s to lidurk your t'utIce ;Anti 'Mint MISS, betel it ilmsites; Sans:ge I 3 1' �t4 113 tr4.ra , ...tele :) E;4" 1d Minn i to get him lbuhiu. S Ui1t :11•91t1 uta , ttull:lt r, 11,1,dsriare u 4 8i#i 1 }g ' n Ii t 1 ' a 1 t t bca,.l. f {1e,7RsELF. o L- - e a n :'a fntt,. -1: 1 4 ] • " , desalt 3itelec tel , t tete[ i.t•'C I, cense, t4- weather with illi- ht and main to secure Ile bed retu: ' , •est from elft ; - : 4" - s^•ti&e•body ought to decide F) , 1 : t' I t .la a Al.r -N..."1 Wig! the t1O11I lta:dl'an, de started tat a ctrl.- U Bremner vet t•. : as• t•' '•`- 4`t•.I • . 4 LV -f4 should do. regard- kelt.. tt e . ..:e, e1,:ta= 1 ,4:11 t,,;e. lel x last diytr1b41t,! the 1t:/•t):i• „o.�, 3ve la it', trent lr.tu 1 :s +a , _: 1 vtlssing tris) onll4)lldtag nlortt Ill a buggy, He wee #.;t4t1I1j, to built up •his vol tieai fa`ieods thrid. tetaud•bys ill Bei -i e4). county, ahem- M• Ilad.olm river, be stood i. 4 «'t ':1 • friend a gr , eta tae, - pleasures. * , day," lie resew.': IIe owned e lerto, itiitl usually role " :ILt1 `I" ruse , after bis own llttr,es. Fleet horses go in tt'o ?" Alley were too. I.a', as they were in " (1' Itee, he laited a h --tett and buggy tree a livtrl: hrable* 411 t•(atvti. The horst* 4�3,04 to be gtletlt-. A)• uoodl lie tt,t, 1 • $Ort Lee, fire eete l' ttl•14n1 how,.el.'l1 TORO theet,- rim 11 band down et, eft Nile. Ile bad peeet t1 through thu vi. lag(, null wag rettliteg down *LU elnin,l precipitous bill"telde, alid"'=''••120W it 2tee- Fetlr(1 eo 011e hoots -et laborer nu the rand lutes lie. Nan Diatom pitched I:rI III Ili'4 l)U{,.4'ety upon the etO31y ll+lgld way. I1tt «er1;t'k o11 ilia lead Buttsaeu My wee -inked. The laborer rim to Hugh Drttsala':Iittl't: store, tiv6 hundred a•er : , . d 1 r ugh. the proprietor, who tt ., t1 gory its!. • VIA a:; every r tet .i .ti Klly[�. of .. .)tee "Wife !or- day." or- dray. " held 411. 0 AFAdrtlttess of rdhAllt. ,111.3— wirxem 1, (�y 1 D1s1 to a n t 11 tr4, si7Q 1'10 r 5af1( t I, e.t a 'ae O -t- ti4r4•nete, Aa title •111• t Nest poor to enters 11 th { I''44 -11•i -omits i ".tare despot. err., 1" to^t 'lAt3 341• to re, t:ll 1i•11 it E t .411:,•1• ac,&nr,t4, a tt., - ,• ^mitt hitt t l .rift lA a 1 1 - t \ k A ,-1seauptitllm, regard:. -o,, ,m,,,.t C'ItEi)JT JN. lYt l rte. .1•I bur P....1. i11 111. ',ailbcat io 1C1.'rina„tal1:ir lire rs ted+:o .n4re. only p11+➢t c 1t =i1,R1 . ild'4 v tat , t • t A 1.1 011*{ 4' 1 . >,41 •'1 ust';1. S 44 •b ti,.rit 4a ti 441 * 2 ' Q t�t4 3 •a..It, -' t ,*, 10 .4ht^1;11C, lt'rp".iA'.nn yla,lugttl; utt'3a,1t'tltri. , N441.11 t. lei: 1111141, t°ii:tial'4tI U1'R *Ate ,e•• - . -R-• a tete 1. ++ hA' 11111:+- Ur .:liar It �,, 1"?tA V4 to, .reelal t .•aapl fl 1:.,Aa' . e tt: • Ct1,i.t`, Walla 14 a ,t r lute kALL„.AND \'41..;\,it1 tk.t",E1.1,J,Ii Na?'- t Y :a 1caattxr,4'aa - .._ _ •.taps of emits, t4 t - . •^^ MV CL'A, ttithhoutta•,44 t .. .' MEDICAL 0, $01+ 4 4.4+ : Sort. Y, _. _ /tt11At'i•Ai ea 4 04i )) la,, 4- I %:. 4w'U\\'l+:�i, OFFICE — MAIN �'.12{.Oltti elute t'id)'I`ll>Il;Itti, ^�"V ,)a.Gaut a t tt , �. to :, :, ;,, t,.. fi:xote •str,.11 ..• oda aurrouu.};o cuuuetyt .tsar tl,.\ l,ltS(e otic 25` t>. fit 1b 1: ..1;. 11u1ia1: t -. 1 tt''. •• rite 1t)elkl'a ; iYu t t Ii. C.:teurela. t: r pt ittinl^:1t At 11 litaU'4 t,1N•a ti*'04 \xitl1410*1 41 4)1IN,144}Utit 4aila:sevivitt„ assay flaunt of •111144 ret", r' pili Inc VOlCe to a °Prol))ntattoutittu• 49.11• Tweeds, ("outings, res:iups etc., titch, 1)11. 41* 14 r. 4*44 1 * * *, ,+ppu+itn t .vur•=i taut! r,tel. tli, a.Al t ',t cc u ! . a -)alta ntae4t Irit•i• 1+=tett 4)}altesus44.,,. faartlt r -c' 1, .+ 11 ...t 1 11i 1 a1 tl 14 t! • 1. -cues{.• "t the fact was bit({ u t r Member of „ l iter lllntlth shut toile* y -a-e? 1a. HUTCHI \ l* iaU- h 1 nthe College of Physieiaue awl tier •nous of i•i the1'1.41111. stvi4 s and lettterp'.:uot tope 4sseure4 that lataom atter otctot tiui'.'1Lt•y calf 1014. the uto9:tfa nti,lleUeat,MtOS. rr 14. ABBOTT L. .. . Nate four :.t' .(-4)a, btlfore , 4tatarioe etc Sv.. Vain n,-.•4^t.1114•ts•r. tete 14114.. reel{! • . see matte'. ♦1 f t ' 1. i Volt t t 7 ei0'L4'T txllAM'N4 ()Lit Ilf..t .11 ;51I1'H ( . + � let. l�'itilf �I1s\.'.�"��tI1�(l.\�tt 1 Vit Y� lj 1 �4 � 1;, ,. tt r.i.c as ] 4I4•�R t #■ WPM lr,,itill IAi t • ;fl". S. IC1Alrl".lent:,: 4AY11----::tre'tl ' at +t+: - tee t'OlAlat)'.)f IIRr.,)L. 9 li•A4CAf, 1i0�t Al,la)z t4A" r' t 1 u •t , too1141.44.1Cones{.•itf - 1 4V11v6 tett « go tlutll ► t41 . alt• button ltr.I. Citrlin ;'sstenre.,1,4:.'tt r- 14.nirest'e (Ct"arae 1d suleert. d•ecc'g.)�1a4 (1 .111' >~e-94114'rit'f. .tlo Wart ftp ti plump :, .. - sterid* • 't)S't l)art•A1i 1 dead, qy ICta11 is etre 4t 7 is i �. . �. . pont^ a.A4 levee., 1.:.tapir tal4alai lilts 1sad11, after a careful. `4' tet recalled tet tallied anti \Vera.' • • y,tiru,te et4• 4 -wt. -KT. t to t rr+•t1 (•tic« t, ,iitt )ttinA:tet* that, Ir.tieag ' ` I - 41at1 re•t,i.i4.aset•• Pre .44'1' (.cal .41;114'1 1�R-•.^tt t :a tt Monet cl►llclaiila'A ;, 1•a• "•1(•itnAlr+'4.. i " _ t.,Att-rt i f :•In _� ,Z,,,k. �;a ,.>:,. uta I t,,: 111• (r 41t4tm4hatli'All. ..salt the tirt,t CerSica111`e , t ;, rte I0tt ^Alae 149 !ACV" 114 I l' t 1 d the n 11t hit 1daldlt't *vatic. al t sn's ' *t C. diOinkt.. M. 13 4:.:1T. .1 tl. t at aa.,c 4)t 3M a r t wI1 t aaA tag a cc o' At: .>I rate, 1 S. ill."a.°Islyai11l\L • 4tL^4ufio to itis a^4)aaa1"tla, l d 1 I'" I•.1 P mil • l u /band winkle! rapt alit• its the I 1\ Itt O\\' i \t, M. l] \t e • 4* 1.t 4au4.. 'AI It n 1* lil tt^,:4 * • re•a t)•%t:l 1.:,1.1,. (Mr, .•! t • 1 lion n1A 114,4 While mete c t # tsj 4Ltt 4 tall lit l`rul! .i • 14 L o s shale{* ,, a '414021'4 Iter it "-" a tt. ten-. 314. t. lei i • Ad other eta sal hint, to tilov.ry twat style ' dlltl *freta .111441, Thole tvaa also al 4•IC" t)Y;l {tet ; not '4t .11441 • t1 LL1 O:➢4,*:4a:cas, t et.9 •.^A..t. akll-,• l ,.;1;,-- titre{ i t13 1 4 'tier! I(ztttalyait;. The pallet: wee 1I** elai^t'4 Ninl.1t -.. The as. eV: i, tet.elo,a. 1,4.14 i 0:41 414• )1,, 11i 1i.(Ir tx1lA1)4 \ I'1"a l \1-; b'picers �" �" ti 1:1.'1'.1] '1'rduttc C. lee „a• wttae•,l.t,rt^.41141.1;41 ^ 41.0. A 4, .4011111 1^f l)1'l0Utla 44 tt;l" ^I. 44441 front 41 a . 4 -1 �1 best➢11 WAS i°S84➢ lttxt then, atter ....veva haute retell A 1, ',t• -" t i tf 7 imettee esefnt attetlttt:e Amy pulling th • leooder tri: Ale, tete the hetirefs l'4ts+r4^uttl-.tee setalruua fres. 4.1➢.c4 sella„a;. P t eaten 4'•ad4v141tl ai or a(:1: his back tt'r 1101 • _-Alf}•-- t ti the tl• � eft lb belie 1l FRUIT STORE VC) L .:ea, tot {*lett l'a 411 a'1 *Ali.. l4(. :11J 1peaillta 441a1co. Immediately ;Ir. '\'+a.4 -hurt through the deur« whichsI 1*11111ed I,I Marceau:: opened 1"i a ex and -e•ttrtle l' 11('ltiull hie velli'elliog fume, heard 8 wild ,ai41 that the cluuieo of the 4"C-etl,•rifii v being {4t 1 auled over a Ilett retell and banged 1 , '• " recly "ety is 0xtreinei1' (lettetful, at141 iii+ t ,f f ly s. I that, Omuta his arcing 4Utllttitntte)u° Settee like unto that of a!1 enraged Wti. terns. E.1I•ltlplx0, E. W.li.tant1:4., IH.A,L.\1'n1TIi I , •tr11)nlloll. impeovetueEt will be slew. HHu11t 1414.\ 1 kI.(II"il. l n -, e.t.a stifled chide as of a human body 1 1 I AttDINU .1.1~..1111(I.4r. WHITE, Irl itftlll'tl to GUttht'luil YAtde. I)r, 1.atudlr 1141}.tons tt;4114'4' ti.1144.3111$ ('-Gni- hauled heard a 111111110(. 6 titbbtt b4 •1luxrov'b 1111;••1,, \tiat41 «114114 at Tl1/D DOORS NORT•I OF POST OFFICE. 4 I T:t){)1ISO\ ei~ t `aI)4.L\', .Tete.{{. (tllt)t'1:1U1 i4, :411.1"R �X1*.tT, fh1'q 441'„ tt(i {lir.' all Hiaticunm was taken haute ill t4'1':alo' thee 11114'11 and 111 let yen Up.• .+a 1i irrl,tt •1 t,, At ..self vs. t 0h/cit./rat tic, tl -oacll by 1)r. R. P. 4I'ertlutrltl and :ler. ,5011 \%Al1.4•y441 Yalta') !" money toe Leen out leters l:at:ate. Ihtvid Ackerman, of Hackensack. lite Attd the IACLnfailltat1C41, \vitt! it e'UU. retie 4'h11ioe.1.,P:xe1t'r as C011d0iuttt4, but 11i"t lliiycieiau, ler, tt„!Atte P ter wonder 81141 A11trtlt, tt'a-•,til rr 1o1)I:\1111II?, L'►. A,, 1 Terhtlne, say tllut 114. 11tttbt dee tits title, ort, rubbing his I1 iitl ill at be. 1,ilderre•lt r4 4 t r r . , ; '1'4411 Ittiy.it7jitlt .can't, tllttt• if the e(:rtrhtll: le:untu•r. 1 t e.ttl:ill.il,\OI t1t1, CONVEYANCER! ALL KINDS OEPBUIT 1t* SEASON. wu6 d retsIt t1 y t ie trot... , his recovery -iii rSC., Li,(AN,ONT l t..lefl ods delivered ltrotatptly. quality nodus Abe to remarkable nue. lluw the 9eci• Ir telt• t tOi'lll of a'lternit4 W1I3«ttlea 41104)41*) ;u4), whi(tlr nit IU•avnit 1411r;*�1f : 1'41rll arts the 1 ' dent came abort. no one can troll. It it, t*t4) ttltlstl4, may make melody. i£ 1 ,tt fttl ,, , HOTELS stdppo d that the baggy wheel etruek n indispositioni to exertion. weak L eree9 Lebo - -' REMOVAL! net:141. ms. R. &E. SPICER. REMOVAL! REKOVAL! REMOVAL! Ae eta it u t , v+ f� Pettiest ti leri;e Roue. eta). pito:tett 1Ir. ill t}44e back, eta, or area111ie•b',i wi:h 4111}• 4)f• Tli'TI 1t\ 11()11;1„ (41ta;411 t31 �i), --. 1V1 �ti I i nuts-, At -t a been .tat t Iy fitted a + 1:yery vote weighiu`r Lett Leda Ilea 0 )e hatched • ) Van 111arcoui, vel'lo is a heavy man, t f l v . 1 wed • 1 '* 9 y 1 1. ecttun t tin: �ea`.e. ra * rr,at., use il.re 1 tt l 13r•t'n� and t'va 1ltsr. It sin wows tllt. digest• lh4a hotel bats been leased fora tell% 0f REMOVAL! '• -• rt +, 11 e■ putters trete htr4'*144t ti 119 teen \\4^.lief+iha iU14 t,:Utuner t4), 4, *1111 1101*{ tl'At.•llt'r4. 1114. let.er * r \Ir)\ At' t brute. lltlGty pouteld, not. 110 Mali sputa:- debilitated organs, 1'ur salt' by ;ill tl44Ilers. ;11 brands of bottlers tate vO.tor4* at the _t,tr. too,,} la ;• r. handler ^ 1 (5){11T'a'rl:tti ILA I:1LEIB,1'rop, Said that it is not best for the political :tiniest; et good to leiliworms in. obit trrn do {*rand fiend. May :I.Ird, 144744. 4:•11, contest in his favor to be carried :111, 1•'t•4rrin,ut'$ Worm pwtlers. and llaol(eusttek residents think tilt, A 1 tax, rattle inclined to flirt, says most IIs ( \v Lard 0 44141 rid l 1. It ix the 441449. 1Ra4(411 i4) alt .} . I ' . , 1 `,' ! ,ata„ .it 're, where von will haul everything a.atallt• l44pa for the bhb111 4 °nice. (011 nleri Lal 91tno'lb tc by t of li nor 4)t l .• 021 Duly (i word or two to hitt et..i*. Ilei eve bath?. lou tet ta.ttntaule. NPII�AT.. HOTEL, ('1,I;14tel'Ily; P. FRAYN Raker ban remove to Ids new '.holt• lntely occupied by rut'u are like it eoid,vt•ry easily eaught,bttt vttty l4). ,u 'a1? pis J*tl t or. Ti1i4 Iloh 1 saes Perkins eC 0 -two Items iu'rtll of .1. grit,<'s book fleZi(teeL has put hill{ out of the race bevtt neat tutuis&alt nine flttad n t in tit t •1 ' \ t. alr;,t our tolnlk„.4 t 44441111• Ituu,n1i^P*1 i; a f1r,t•C1ass1Lar1tess estubli,innent, winch for ttt Um 14a1. Attentive {{others cleats on 14atul. gnaIity of material and style of tvorkni:u,,;biia u -Out. \y1l L(11f RAKER, IS NUT EASILY SURPASSED 1 the world to got rid of a c.'ld. I ,c llarraan's 1'lsrr0ltae, 13ALea3f, the great Canadian r•ctutttly for colds, coughs, 1)v41r,e11e:i,, Ill ouellitis, .teed 1111 diseases of the throat sold ltattga. For sale by all th ale.rs. CYPRUS. The island of Cyprus once before belonged to Engltud. 111 the middle itgee Richard Coeur de Lion woe) it by the sword from the iufidel, and it pushed into the puhseseion uf the Euights Templarc. It afterwards continually chauged its proprietor, until the Turks iiuully conquered it in 1571. As may be seen from tiio leap, Cyprus is the most eastern island of the Mediterran- ean, and lies off the coast of Syria, It is 145 miles in length. 55 miles in ex- treme breadth, 27 guiles i i its Darrow - est part, leaving an urea of 4,500 square .Miles—about the size of Jamaica. The pollnlatlou ie only about 2130,000. The climate is healthy. It varies in differ - out parts. The northern- region is the •4noet hilly olid wooded and the least •certile; i.4) summer, the heat is temper- - ed by the winds from the immutable, .and in the oiuter the cold is vary se- -were. lu the phtius ie the southern .district of Cyprus the heat of the snu is ,excessive, belt is moderated by the seat. breezes. The richest as well as the most agreeable parts of the isl*tud are in the vieiuity of Ceriuoa and Paphos (Buffo). Larualta, the chief seaport of the island, is about a quarter of a mile distant ft out the sett ; the Consuls aud Most of the i_tleepeal1 iuhabitauts re- side at a suburb on the seashore, tolled by the Italiaus the Marina, which is the chief depot of the conimereci of t1(e. v.hole island. The principal pl'udlictb ,of the islaud are wheat, Parley, cotton, Bilk, madder -roots,' olive oil; wine, ear. obs, hemp, pitch, wool, tobateee, :salt, flue timber and - fruit. The average yield of wine is a million and a quarter, pilaus; 'and of salt 200,000 cwt. The islaud is as valuable to the sportsman and the tafclueologist as ib is, or may prove to be, to tlio man of commerce. The hills and -valleys of Cyprus aro .described as swariniug with hares, part :ridges, bustards and quails ;' ie the 'winter, woodcocks, ” snipe amid wild •clucks are • found in great abundance;. '>1i11)ous,.:or wild :slaeep, and wild boars Y `I II ANGI�D II ANDS. --The under• .'1111 Ana examine my stuck before purchasing Feverishness i4) children is caroti b Free- `I the 1)ufferinBou n CLxtwhure- e.C e . torah PETER 1 i1A.YN .. luau's worm powtlele. u1JA,Pnrta ah it.veil befutuldlL 11-at•,'i t4> len. a tel, with evert* aco(m4ttodatioti for the travelling Tee VICTORIA. HYPOSPIIITR:S 11 emphotleally' muttteigarti 1 t tionv.the Abatr.stile Station. inentiro ttlletleri.,ll�i,jlle«3 �e�Ynry�rq.y{ �+ FACTORY Ley •pq-��t4 •- J--�'(.i' a nerve food; restoring the vital force, and re- 'h\l PIMP 141 A .! O . y invigorating all the fine tonal processes of life. It should be used promptly in Cveiy ca'40 0f loss of nervous force or general debility, from • t s, '9 also v1 )alt cause. t I. a e uv uf the rut whatever 1 sa powerfultonics autl blo d-peucratvls known. r et; `t1 ekes bottle. ];atolls i4) diet bring o11 disease -National Pills drive it away. Andrew Jackson said Napoleon stood alone the mall of Itis time, and that it would be five Inflated years before the earth produced This equal. It will also be fivo hundred years 1 v- lore the earth wit l produce a liniment equal to 1•Iaagyard's Yellow Oil, For •torus, brui,es, H wounds tire., it caiulut be rivalled. In rhea- 0 matisiu, neuralgia, spinal complaints, etc., it proves a messenger of mercy. For sato by all A dealers. tiouatl Pills purify the very fountain of life. THE EItRORS Ul+ SOCIALISM. The projects of the socialists ate based o4) the dogmas that man is bore free and good, when he it+, is feet, bore helpless, and good or bad, les be works out his• destir)y ; that the responsibility for vice and arum) is o4) so&lety, when, i4) --truth, it is o4) the iudividital ; teat nature meets wen at the outset with gratuitous houuty, winch some appro- priate to the extension of others, when, i:3 fact, nature he'1ds back everything, and curreuden; only to twee andlabor; that luau is endowed wltI* ” rl'.itared rigllte,",when, in truth, nothiug'can be affirmed uuivet•siilly,-of tete state of.mau by mature Sava that be is .horn to struggles for lets.« ❑ praservtation, uotll'iug 'but the family to. 11e1N hien, and 11othing but liberty or the security of.ugiig his own energies for his owe welftat'e, as a fair claim upon his fellow 1'uou that work is pleasault,, or boder bouie•circumstances, miuut be'so, whit the Brits 11, Work la Ir11e}i)lfe ; that Men uuivereally`way be made, by some con ditioual agreemeut or sentimental im- pulse, to. w,.l'k :for others to enjoy the product, or to skive i.4) order to give 0 0 0 0 4I 329 0 0 NEW and NEAP FURNITURE at W. DRE yam- 4' 0 r40l4l a:myeeet•a0x;14 a a ) W �'"t-1 �•0 • +e*4 1 c, ea , f a t/- . eve 54' et e aett gee, 1" 4-L. At Woodham. DRAY EDWARD atc o t' 41 0 - .. - silleral,le expense Sennrod. the. Best mal- i auitor) aua AuguriU the 1)om,.ti0a,1121alutve00 haul a targe stock uf Fi• rst -Class Pumps' and aro prepared to make to order on t11e short- . est notice Wu11 er Cistern Pumps. Wells null Cisterns contracted. 101. All amines by mail attended to. 1 XET'ER KNITTING FACTORY. _ J'-!The'uu,ler+U;nedwould inform rho public of Exeter and suer n,n'liugcountry that has open ed,ont 14 Knitting 1"aotoryinn hielutyre's old strait] and that he will heap constantly 4antly on hand, Gents, T,,ulies' anal C11i11ren's Stockings (Aswan' eserip- tidi. Parties,ulriy have their, Stockings, i11tts+etc. k:4}t to order on the shortest notice. A.1aar a sup- ply of Berlin wool 'of ovary color o11 hand. Flu c'r: lug yarn kept i41 stock. Also u: large stook of the host C.alladl inti stocking V411-4; kept constantly : on hall?: Trico for knitttrig n)eu'4. 84)01 B, 1'L1 coots, 1444i0s` 81001 1141;14 conte, children's l )k stent{' per pair: R'\V, A. '!AN TI{• L' D, 3lolutyru'p old stoma, ttle]n Strout, Exeter, 1-3.11, .the lff. D. McGloughlinW atch Be sure and get Gloughlinwatch'rti f the W.D. Mc- You will have no other after jseeing them. Al! who wear them recommend theta. Gold and Silvor,T,melte s and Gentleman's Bike. 77Duntiasstreet.,i.0-1(1on. Sue the testimonial's 1'he largest, b os ta. nal cItaeons tst03l of sue Gold Jewelry, Clocks, silver,uald 1'l.a•ea Ware, Fal lacy goods, 440 .1;. aL :! n Prorni•u 1 ht,sau Ovary descripLion W. D. Mo(iLO1 CIIL.ENr, 11 mooing st, T1udon • Shingles for Sale F1aO,u 43. TO 4 l P1;1: SQUARE," At .G• & 3 'Brooks' $7awriill, TWonilre S\VESTOF T131;LONDON - ROAD, '1'i' 01*' HAY, A good supply of Hemlock Lumber au;l Codas Poetscuustanblyon hate. ' KINSMAN, .T.4 • D. S., AS 013- t pian. • tiainOd his Diplulnia aodl.,ioense v 1 41111 -41033418• try and wilt be On bided ad. ,' lbs01uctolav5alt, TLlesdayes Fr]dtiys anti wS'1Ltll r (1 it y B. Office Ile\t. 11 -ell's 13akerl- -tea Street, Exeter 0414, It4 -;E•ptA. .11.•• .1 y 1 -1 rat nett Thor -.:01 C!, 3loner j,r_it:!, rrr,i; -. 19. }, 1'..r t .,.,.n M.,tY• •h 1' ,eery t,- •'4 Ilumers, fe 114..' weer •a tetrafnia t A a t ear tit^ t:1 a1.° , 1 ,tnplr P Eruption. yen r nr1 t el., •' : , . 4a titre eo'! ;I., 41------.1 't 2' :.).-h-innnev- so1•1 1 n to tf.t t.l. t' 1 sere ueloo. k1Urhowbn. For4Ptenser. my or Mulch Mkt. to s - e !1 t -: < r. •t 1: t 1'• - at-• P.:to t Ya•y lea, pm% roil. l.ui..;1, b, w:�1 ...ere a 14:. lar i It .:unit ,it 4 eta l et art• to merino* 114. r !dent i-,rlc 1 .1454 11.0114. Carbone!' 'Whti o btiic411ra ii. o, Or ire or Tis. 1. Sect, Cart 4.01.1114.8 Glands, 11 l a t`,1 #.0.4, •i'n t o" I:Matt41Lase e:J3,.••s• r.. ,t .e trtloc 14:11 1tatIIr .: Lent met; t k a 4).l* 4 r . 1 «Int 'Ad to 4 !it ;' a„ t. 41 11 11 .r '*1.443.3. self T . e. t ..., t to tt t l etas f r,'.,,ittsr4Ir, r,!•.r re. Au 4'. 14':-I404)401411 Nvtnt Torpid 1.ver f41111tou ewiw. " I t nem t,4)•, 4"t e .1.0v rte 4)u. Arta 1- t 1';art t ar .l0wtt '1i "veve,,. 8)t. .. Po t ;:ten tt '1 141 t)1seorcr) 3.i.4 to, clad, a."eta a 4,1 ,t;nut r:'twit 1-,r,-.. i e 1 4 nae 1 I ronc$t4ts,Severe (oaett I,w1 the 4,10.• . ... f Consumption, It hat. 9.4' 114*1.0.1 ten• t:.• e t Le ,/1"..F. ann4)ra d t . ph:.- 011 44 preuoanr,• 11 e' .• one tie • t La 4)14 al •t1 : •.4i•rr 4.f tin, ape. 111,11-' It. • t' •4 sero 44 •eu44 it tdren4"4h. D+nler1yt,t.m ,••,•pus 1+t'avb*! !c . •lit Srlt,1 44. t \ t e 111 . Ma' i r .,1a Corer, Dl: pvnEary 111101..1.431 e,' Ila.: re Isla 41 SIZE OV PELLETS. O 0 0 O 0© 1CnuPe of talking the laroe,rcpulslve, nauseous pins. rnn*pn lid of cheap, emote, anti bulky ingrcdlen's. T1'1 -•,e Pellets are searer171arcer than m latte'd seed& Belem entirely vegetable, no particular care is re• galea! while tring them. They operate without di.- 344r1)anee to the constitution diet, or occutr:Oltn For Jaundice. Headache, constitution, Impart Blood, l'aln In the Shoulders, Tightness of the Cheng D(8z1ee,,. Soar Eructatto4e from the Stomach, Bac Taste in tho 3loutb. I341tooe attueta Pall* in seer. or Kidneys. Internal rover, Bloated feeling abets efatnat'h, Itneh of RiOod to blend, take Dal f lcroet, Pleasant Purgative Pends. In explanation 1-f t4: remedial power 01'theae Purgative Pellets (.s r (. 1111 at a variety of diseases, it may be said that that's salon upon the anima economy 1s unlvcrsal, hot a gland or thrum escaping their sanative impress. , h t tines of impair the pro ertees oftheta pet trete aro sugar-coated u e -cg and inclosed In ir.Si lv,t their virtues being thereby pre:crt•ed unimpaired t a any length of time, In any climate, so that they. :,n always fresh and sellable. This is not the vete will )pills )nit up 111 cheap wooden or pasteboard hoxxe•s For ail diseases where a Laxative. Alterative, ea i'urguttve, Is indicated, these little Pellets w1t1 glee the most perfect entigeac bon. Sold by druggists. 1' V. PIERCE, 31. D.. Pn'n, \x orld•s Dispenser:, orInvalids' lintel, Buffalo, 1*. Y. SYMPTOMS.-Frenncent bead. C - ache, dMelt trge (Idling into throat sometimes profuse, watery, thick MUCOUS, //Indent, oirensire, (•ic In others, a dryness, dry, we er)', weak, or tr•Camee eyes, stopping up, or obstruction, of the nasal pat. sage*, ringing nu ears, deafness, hawking and cough - log to clear the throat, ulcerat ons, scabs from uleem voice altered nasal twang, offensive breath, impaired or total deprivation of sense of smell and tame, of ziness, mental depression loss of appetite,111.11RR:•s. tion, enlarged tonsils, tickling cough, etc. Onit• a few of these symptoms are likely to hhale present an; case at one time. • a , DR. SAGE'S CATARRH RE1IEDYt produces radhcalenres of the worst cases of Catarrh. 110 matter of Mlle long standing. The liquid rcmed3 may he snuffed or better applied by the. use of Dr I'1ERCE'S Douche. This is the only form of insane went yet Invented with which mild medicine can ht Carried mon ttP and PERFECTLY A.rru.l4n to al; parts of the affected nasal passages, and the Cleat, begs or cavities communicating therewith, in wheel: sores and ulcers frequently exist, and from whirl: the catarrhal discharge generally proceeds. Its us( Is pleasant and easily understood{ from direction. accompanying each Instnunent. `Dr. S.WOE'1 Ca- tarrh Remedy cures recent attacks of '•Cold In the !fend. by a few applications. It is .1111,1 cud please ant to use containing no strong or caustic drama 01 poisons, Ca Remedyand Dou,a mold by chug V P7.=am and Invalids' Motet, Bgffalo, \.1. KIM W13y reatiirit, the iuektim.) 'Lath, coi,- t•tinod in t. , u .+'teal brunt ever t lc T� a .L '1•tll?_pl 4 .;.) 1)14 Puce cult 1 ' 1214 nn rcce) I -4 : It treats ofl:ahrlustecl itnlity, Pr, n r :ut, Nerveus and Physical Debility, • , ' eae concomitant ills and 4tutolil t'....1 :nit thcrefrcm.elid contains more.;hn , •ra,1'die. - scri3`4ious, any on, of which t4, +..i • -r 1 , of t110 Loolt. Thisbc+1k was W1'1'00111 1 1:1u• 1 t r. thnaivoandlirobablythe most 81,11431 ie . •. mer in iime3Se,t, to whom was aware...I ,' '.. 1 n i> se-,.. oiled medal bytha2CntioualAlocbr-1As•n(1.aon. - A. Pamphlet, iltn1tr lt4a1 with the s try .',1104 - yc-1 o Lnt,uts•117,x- a t(7 Vl•13 � r vel Of art 1111(1 beauty- 1;,» sant I'n1.E-ci, RP.. Hind - �1 t fortt at once. Address PEAl3OD1' tDl i2Dt 4AI, a si I.N;STIT(T7'I., ha 413u1 - U140.4 St„ Ueston. gild 11