HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-10-31, Page 1:vox VL
No 10
11111-U'1;ItT1' LIST:
isesevu as tlae Rod^ertine hotel, I,u,nedtato
3a,beb..ion, Aptly to J Ie X,t1t3HALL, Lxeter,
(1 t)11 'x:1.1.;:; IN W1NO I LSSA-
Aon , s .,•a.t Lot. Goon stand for ,t sttaenxa•
.wr, A corner Mt. Forlareiculars, apply. by letter
ter personally w HARRY BROWN, aP.O
01t4Pi It l'Y FOR SALT;. — THE
s • subscriber offers &,r 331e1 tt..i ;louses and two
lots. one Sit•L trail fit lleUeau 8tica:t, rest. iii the vii
lege of Exeter, ani r:a •. tier mi Sumac. street,
'Roth abodes are 1 r.,:. .2.'an I one rents for
six auct thee other tl ddc, elh:rs a month, They
w:ll be sold ,' charade, a11,1 on mnder-
:,t:+ temps, Fi veal area. apply to T, J, WILSON
' Ileusa11, et • : > . , 1,11 3/
U tl b';1,tt SALE. ---:.11.1;+ SUB-
scriber otters for sale his farm, Lot 13.
Co . It Township of Usbeerne County of Huron
459 acres cies. e.1, the remainde good bush, well
fenced, cued in it amid state of cultivation; under,
arainte•l, geed orchard, splendid well of .rater.
€ratite barn :itis4 O. lug stable•' 1130, log house, and
teurretlievt to %Hamm and three churches. For
yrtherPatrWM to
BRYANS,Kixttlon, P.O.,or
MR. B. V.1: 141atOT, Attorney, Exeter P.O.
`'lil., FOR, SA.L
That largo frame Hotel known as' THE BRIT-
ISH hi(rrtel..' in t'1,IN1O' with largo team°
a,tablesatt•deltod. situated on Into 880, 301, 3617 and
3sy to tit' town of Cliut'en, cientaiuiug ono tiers
mord or less. The hotel has a lioens0 and is now
awing a amt•e1as. businoees. This ail:Pols a splen•
ilial npp•irtanity for any one desiring ro go into
tate hotel business. as the terms are very liberal.
ton it psy,u t VV.M. n. ami ten or twelve years.
f•» • balm len i e farther partiot4urs dimly e o 11.
crnlcltt'., i:s .ar.::alaatter farIhnittuion Loan
'WARM. Ft}lt SAtd':.—North half 2.
Com 4. 4 p'ecen ocid worts ball of snout
nett of mi.•ar ket,atoh, 73 acres; good elite laatn,
u:ador h.I t atn,ut eu, Ab•Iat n,, acres cleared,
•cite rot well timbered; fraud, baro and frame
ti.nrro 40114 y eon: b taring orchard on the ,rutin
e:+, \Bice nit.t o half Mein Grand Heald : close to
sellout haetd:'e. Porcltde:er to tv buy • 23. rad. nr 7;
arses, at los notion. Apply to .1 MOS PARENT.
Arnold Bend P. 0.
Stephen.' let. 2ra1,1'+.4, Int.
IMP(ettTS.NT No:rlt.I:S.
Attera•.iaoeraSolos promptly attended
^to. Day, ot soles cu reln„•ttl at this oiliest.
()ST..-- On Thane:. Itottel, nt-tai'
1 .4 hurt tl.l•el•e. a lar." .)it Skin. Ativ
i te•rson tin loot area rta'ute will be rawauded by nt•
formula titr ,t'i ta.dl,eG, i.et.ter Siitla, or by leaving
it ft tine list + id alar H 4ci.
J. CLAIR, Agent furtha l:s-
. 'borne and Ittbnaert Mutual Fire Iua•u'aue0
t. omp:aut, ilesidenete k arquuar. Orders by
tau:! protnptl-' attended to.
A 1 the priemh'aea .i' the undersigned, lot 1, S. A:
li. t shrtcu,', on or elem. the 10th of Octobe •, one
ye arinl,',t.•iter,andoneyoarliugstonr,Thoowner
{ et.,a.lae st•tit to Prete urnwo:ty, pay xi es .mutt
t•.hc them away. $.1U181.. NICHILLY,
dt ()TICE, IS HE1tE131 U (VEN TO
... all interested onrties, that onrtVavallin.
agent 10' F beam disc larged from our employ. A11
onion; or monies given to him on our account
vial be at rho risk of the;mrty enpyiva lain!;
Ii"nsa11, October 15 1871
T"1 S. O \11r1,1+;L1.,, PROVINCIAL
1./ • Land Surveyor. tto., will Lo at rho
it yal Hotel, Exeter,cu the first Tuesday in (each
mouth. Oa dare for work left with D1r. John
Snack man will receive prompt attdntion.
General News.
The schooner Star, from llillpoint,
Ont,, went ashore on Wednesday nicht Lord Salisbury, conceruiog the fi$hery
of last week at Charlotte, N. Y., with a award, forms the heels of what may be -
cargo of 12,000 bushels of wheat. The , come a serious imbroglio between the
vessel midi cargo was Wrecked. The. Governments of Great Britain and the
crew were taken front the rigging by United States. The case under consid-
the life easing crew. !oration is this—lay the WashingtonThe annual convention of the -Fenian. Treaty one of the fisheries scoured to
13rotllerlro d, in secret aeseiou, aa-
joltrned last Thursday at New York.
The result is the almost complete re-
organization of the Fenian Brother -
The Fishery Trouble- anestiou as to whether the .American
A. lengthy letter of Sec. Evarts to
.LAli1t3, Commissioner, ',Isar-
-Cass 41100. Land and Loan Agent. O(dce—
next.lo0r north Royal Hotel, Date:. Wilsons
Actel. Heusern,everyMonday.
)RiVATL FUNDS to loan at 8 per
1Iouoy loaned on good NOTES,
• CONVEYANCING — Deeds, Mort -
vv gages, Wills. Sic, elrnwu on ro4eonabla tarries
NOTICL.—All parties hnciog claims.
11. r against the estate of the Tato Thomas Mc-
Curdy, Hibbert, are hereby notified to filet the
same with the execrators on or before Friday, the
1st day of: November,
301•IN SafcOURDYj :xecutors.
'Osborne, Oct, 3rd, 1878. 3 -in.
1‘, rented from Dr.
11.. Cowen the sand pit known as R. Pincnmbe's
I stn prepared to supply sand for all building
purposes Ito cheap as anyone.• Any person fount.
taring 0411d without my authority atter this date
will be dealt, with according to haw. THOMAS
DLA1tLN 0. Exeter, Oct. 24t11,1t178.
S 'J from lot 8, concession 0, Stephen, about the
'ladle of August, a S year old steer, red, with
Lite spot ou forehead, wed a few white spots on
tliouauk; also omit the first of June, 0 yo.rliug
heifers, deans all white, A suitable reward for
their recovery, DIBOLD STAHL,crecliton p o,
11 iN'1'ED-IN Se.S.NO. 18.13LAN-
• SHA1ID, a teacher ltnl itng a secowi-class
certificate, Duties to commence on the 1st of
J,Lnnyrry,1870. Applications will be received by
tue undersigne lute to the 10th day of November,
A,q,iicants will please state salary expected in
their app Slieatfon, also give references, WILLIAM
aOr;1,Li1e0N, Woodham, l), o,
Aft & HUDSON, IIetisall, Out
Fire:mud L• ibe tusuranc, ted Gensral Qonnuission
Agents, insurance two-thirds cheaper than or
(Unary cost, Also money to loan ou reasonable
terms. Prompt - ataoualon, to orders per mail
or nOierwise. Ta,irnt and Village property for
sale or to locate, Also son: e:good business •stands
and mid! aces In Hen sell,
io1r. MMAON, Jos €ten 41De0N,
Commissioner . Conveyancer
the United States, Was what io called
the frozen herring fishery, prosecuted
on the Newfoundland coaet. Lest year
a fleet of twenty sail went from Glau-
bo'd iu tido oulultry. The office of °ester to Fortune Bay, bat were driven
Head Centro in this country Iota been off by the Newfoundlanders. They
made complaint to their Government.
auti the matter was laid before Imperial
Ruth eritiea, wli , commissioned Captain
Sullivan to itivestigitle the facts. He
reported, that the Americana had no
cause for complaint, because they had
violated three meal leave, namely, 1st,
by fishing on Surielay ; 2nd, by fialling
abolished and that of General Sucre•
tary created. The ac1ie'11 of the Cen•
vendor' ereato i 3ooeiderablo excite -
meat as It is generally regarded ns a
virtnel dieca riling of (Ieneral Bourke,
O'Doltnvan ltossa and the lelnaining
prominent persona who, has° had
charge of the Skirinitlhiug; Fatale. The
change 1s supposed to be the work of between October and May, and t rix, by
Jatnos Stephens, nx•Chieef of the Bro uatittg seitt ea. This report was accepted
tlherhood, now in Paris, who it is olaim• as ooncluaive by the Moate Government,
ed will a portly arrive here to assume and its purport sent to Washington.
charge of the affairs of the Brother, Sec. Everts refuses to accept it, in the
hood, absence of the full evidence. He also
A London deepatclh says it is udder• says that if there was It violation of law,
stood that the notion of Bassin. in It should have geen punished by law,
t.n'ving atftl bnildieg ships of war and 01111 not ba a uiub, aid euntends 'maid s
contracting ft'r supplies of munitions that the fishery rights under Treaty
..f war in the United Statto1 has formed cannot be controlled by local law.
the tinbjt'et of recent cn1'reepondte'4Ce - - ••• — .
between the JMtareuie of Salisbury and Illness 0. Lord. Beaconsfield.
t113 Aul.'ricau Secretary of State.
former takea to very high tone, and tie- A I, uldon des',atcll sere the air 1.1
•i•ta that the Uuiteal :lt1tL1 I will be heavy with rumors concerning the held to to a vary bidet eco )told on the newt of Lord Beaconsfield. The Cat.b-
tiueipleaa laid down ort the d fb0!ititlll ei facet int» been summoned to consider
nat i.m ality by Soeretaa y I:vaa1 ts' ',retie- what should be ""°iu 00"of Isis
Ces3ore and which have received for• Lordship's death. It la now known
rnal saection in the three ru es adopted that after the last uh•,etiug of the Cnb-
by the Joint High Ceulnliaainu. :not he Was attacked by an epileptic
h', and he wads compelled to remaiu for
several hours in the waiting room be-
fore it was eonritleled saafe to transfer
1401 to his citrriage. Ile was drivel) to
passed through the hand of as toddlerhie home in char'(' of a physician, who
1 •1
L14XE'1ER' KNr.v.rrbN . , FAt,;TORY.
.The un,lerelignekr, ould inform the pubiie
of Exeter and in rro.udiug'donlitry that Wks open,
• 0,L out it HnittinaeFeeotiorym Melntyre's old stand
and.thabite w&11 keop.n enstantiv.ou •it!Lnd, Geute,
Ladles' and Children's Stockings of every ,ieecrip
• tion.•."l'ai'ti•z S1nu-y have thrix Stockings, A2•vttsSc,
k,,ittoordpeen, the shortest notice: A'1ar esurse
• hely of 2.aerlinwool'-of•everv,olor on hand. l i• ++pp1'e
tut ~ern kept in std,1., Alec a large, stock of ihs
best Os aelianetc kliig'yarn kept cnnetautlya.otS
hand. • Attie •Ili; l nitthpg, men's. snok• •` IL'} 'coutde
ladhesr a c,00nas,:}4.ogntet chiteeerei :1+ s, nib Ver
pair.,: il, C. N+i IFY11)i b1c t.sru'ii 31l i'thtid,
nlain•etreet,Itxeter. • ;seen,
The assassin who Net week attempt -
ed the lite of King Alphonse, of Spain,
tired from the sidewalk in front of a
bowie. He !tinsel too tow, cal the ball
self away, having to return to my (1u-
fi+hernneu pursuing their business undtr l ties at'SViartotl by Sabbath, if possible.
"Ou Friday morniva 1 started ou my
return journey to Coel(s'ell s
where in the evening I preached again,
and on Saturday left for home, which I
reached on Sabbath morni:.g, very
tired, with my clothe'',, hat and boats,
much dilapidated. If spared till spring
I will #u up astain to Toberm 'ry, spend
a week with them, and hold Sunday
School anuiversary, when 1 shall have
tweed to appeal to your (hristiaa bane
evolenee again."
the solemn treaty,. are liable to violence
at the betide of petty tocol authority for
infringingthe local regulations not em-
bodied in the treaty,is too iniporteut to
ba settled by the British
for itself upon the report of a naval
officer, As the time fixed. under the
Ualifux Award for paying over money
ordered by that award wilt expire on the
24th of November, it is obvious this
matter must be sharply and immediate-
ly pressed upon the attention of Her
:t):eajesty's Goverment, To pay over the
money ordered under the award to bo
paid without effectually breaking down
the contention of Lord Salisbury as to
those offenses, will put the United States
in a false nositlon, and seriously embar-
res their diplomatic action. The situa-
tion haw becomes decidedly uucomfort-
abl"ia within the poet few :lays, and the
e3rresl)ondenco on the subject between
the two Guvernmeute has assumed a
serious character.
Extern Noveste 88. •-••-• Hicks Lodge,
No. 610, L. 0. L., will meet at their
lodge room on till Mb of November at
one o'clock, and then proceed to Gen- obtained $120 front Ili)8i thruu;11 do-
traiaa,. whore speeches are expected in
aepti:lll and fraud. On the luaa;;i'itratua
the Methodist Church from },leve.
Messrs'. Jackson, Scott and Walsh,
commencing at two o'eIuek. A. C;ille3-1 when asked for his reason of his witlt-
tion will be taken up in aid of the
1lroteataaut Qrphan`s Home.
dirata\1 of the charge, created pinch
\lxssloaatat Tot7ll, --- The i)llofving •amusement, Tire cave t was dismissed
w tit Costa. IIUOWkdlate,y on cnueIudioll
Rev.extrcts from a letter George Dunkley juet will received
read f with
"f tlri» Cayo 1! •,ltab art» WAS elr>t, eel by
much interest:-- I1r. Joseph Golley, of Morris. with
having practiced mull the same decoy -
"I left Wiartou for the he ail of the tion on hila. Inc arae WAS adjourned
Peninsula, early on Tuesday morning, fora few d6ye, to en )ilio the latiscator
Oct. 15, with ley gig, and travelled all to get \\ituess to prove eau alibi if pose
Last week at the Interim Court spins
more offenders were ul:tde to feel the
stern realities of the iaw. One Daniel
Sheppard ward tried, County Judge
Squires presiding, rand Toned ;;nilly otr
the tree followiug charges, viz: Shoot-
ing with iutent .at T. S. Marks, of Bay.
tieH, slie oting at John Rutledge, of
13.tylield, and burglarizing; T. ',..Barite*
store, and was found not guilty of steal-
ing'. The safe key of Mr. Meeks' was
found upon his person after arrest.
Sentence was deferred till Wednesday,
80th 1ue1,
A regnisi+•iou from ' yowiug asking
for the prisoner 'who was wanted there
for burglary' was put in, bnt our County
Attorney said he could not dispose evitla
him at present, but if after eight or ten.
yeatra Brother Buck wanted hien he
would be at his disposal.
County Penciilings.
A. certain person ri i litl•: not a great
distance frontUolrne,vi lie, al wave noted
for eccentricities, hall gone further than
usual this year by not enttiu8 any pars
of his crops. He Ihatl to h',1218114 field
of fall wheat, and hasher gr,dus, but for
some unknown reason thy where not
touched, and he turned his cattle in to
graze thereon.
On: Tned(1hy of last week, a man
named John McRoberts, was charged
before D. Wilson and John Neelands,
J. Ps, of Wingham, bl' Mr. R. thomp-
son , a farmer in Turnberry, with lrtriug
calling the class it was wi.li il't., t by
the pruaeentor. Iiia anuoutoseulont of
a'rlaerc's no note against due now 1"
tint wa3. by nand, 1. art'1Veat tauou tr;:iI.
in the evening, just back of Stoltto•'
Iia,, about awe -curl :a half inildas inland,
and sent a buy around to the settlers to
t . since admitted the had tears of fa- tell them that I would preach to 1.11001
ataudiug; ell guard on the oppnartte alt. a at 7:80 - by wLeialt
time I bad a coo
of the strut, The Hug sews tide flash, teal results from fatigue by this means,
and sitli au involuntary 11w/remainof transport. gregatic a of 35 or 40 permute eager to
checked his borne .notuetltaril He A bulletin announces. Beaconsfield. "hear tue word of Gori, and to whom 1
} pro tolled Jesus and this great Salvation.
Ilan I boon an angel sent from lleaveu
to them, they oonlA nit€`have expressed
more joy and gladness -to see me.
"Next tnierning at dray -break I was
on my way northwards again. At 11
o'clock p.m. I reached the end of the
present cat -out road, and had before
me 20 finites of unbroken forest. I now
took my horse out of the gig, (which
was become much the worse for the
their rode ttangniliy onward toward the lir better health.
palace. Several Wanlen'statldieg near ----.-
pointed the criminal out. He was 'at .1 THE EASTERN TROUBLE.
once secured, and did not make tbt'
slightest attempt to escape. The pris- London, Oct, 20.—The leading En.
uner (Replayed great coolness doling gli'+lt journals declare that the Treaty
of Berlin is a failure ;• that it will be
impossible to arrive at a pacific solu-
tinti 0n its lines. " Pence," they say,
must bo commanded by commanding
the arrest of the reckless Power which rocks and the mudholes I had ',)*seed).
has kept Europe in commotion for and loft it by the roadside, and tied the
years past, and• now threatens to break bones and tracts you so kindly tient
away from all hats and restraint." no with some oats un the horso's
Rrrssiauh papers say .if the Russian back and prepared myself for my jr lir-
his Co*nnlitttnenl', a9 he insolently
drew a cigar from his pocket, which he
coolly lit and began to smoke. He is a
very thin man, and of medium height.
In a trtal'of speed at Lexington I%y.,
or. Saturday last, the fatuous four-year-
old trotting mare laud S. made the
remarkable time of 2:171. Twenty
thousand dollars had been offered for
the mare by as party supposed to repre-
sent Wm. H. Vanderbilt, on condition
that she beat 2:20. The mare made
her half -mile iu 1:06.
Airs. Marry Fields, wife of Tom
Fields, a member of the Tweed Ring,
was discovered in the street in New
York ou Saturday la• t, insane. Fields,
when hefted to Canaan, deserted her,
taking with him another woman.
Fields was his wife's uncle. He had
her educated and afterwards induced
her to tnarry him. Mrs. Fields has
been very destitute.
Ou the 27tH of June George W.
Stile., of Philadelphia, shot his wife,
cut his Qwn throat and that of his
daughter Lily, aged 4. Father and
mother recovered. but the child died
last Satuaday. Stiles, who has •Leen
on trial for murder, was acquitted ou
the gronud of insanity. .
Between six and nine o'clock last
Sunday morning masksd bni'gllars en-
tered the Menhattltn' Savings Bank
broiling, corner of Broadway and
Bleecker i treeta, New York and after
handcuffing the janitor t:nade him, un-
der thre;,t of instant death, reveal We
combination of the safe and•deliver up
the keys of the bank. 'Th.e. 'aifr'oers of
the bank admit that the janitor'posses
sed the combination to .the vault. It
was Riven hila Sere _..months agr0, f+0
that tie •onulJ take out the books and.
Make madly for the business of the
bank.' The officers state that. secnr1
duel WerebtOleu to the amount of '$2,•
Lard Bufferin. in Ireland.
Londonderry, Oot;. 28:—Lord -Duffer.
ill, late Governor General .of Canada,
who arrived to -day, leas welcomed by.
the,141ayor, Higtl. Sheriff and a number.
°€'other gentleWttn, :tell° presented ,ale
'address of the : freedOrn of , the city.-
Earl'' Dufferin, in returning' frJ &}nks,
Aai* lre'hed left .Canada ars, egetteated'
atirl. l'dyafi• se. Gt;eat Britain eould.(leskre.
a a
people were consulted thsy would un- ney, leading my horse behind me. For
five hours I found the road lay through
swamps and over logo, exceedingly dif-
ficult to travel ; brit at length 1 reached
Cackwell's saw -mill, in St. Edmund's.
very hungry and weary, not having
tasted any refreshment for eleven
hours ; also wet up to my waist, and
had to strip atld dress in lumbermeu's
anla ou the basis of humanity and clothes.
justice. without a fresh Wilt.LeOn Wednesday evening at 7:30
A German St.70Petersburg journal o'clock I preaohed at Cockwell's mills
saps rimers are persistently upfront to about 25 or 80 persons. Some • of
them had been there five years and
never heard a sermon. They were
overjoyed to bear the word of Life, and
here also I distributed.a portion of the
books and tracts you furnished me
"On Friday morning I left nay horse
behind me at Cock and anil started
on foot for Tobermory, or Bury Har-
bor, at the extreme point of the peuin-
The Halifax Fishery Awards. sola, a distance of 12 miles, through
-- the unbroken forest—wading through
Now York, Oet. 26.—Tile TVorldl:$ swamps and climbing over rocks, and
London tetter, October 12th, reports over pieces where the roots of trees are
burnt off and the timber.''alleu in every
direction. In crossing nne cf these
"burns" as they are called, it t0011 me
45 minutes to accomplish one mile.
Sometimes I would .be travelling* 15
feet high from* the ground on the fallen
.trunks,. sometimes oreepiug under them
no my haul+ and knee', and frequent:;
ly over oreeke on poles. At length I
.thankfully reached the settlement of
Tobermnry at 4:80 in the afl'ernoou.
i'As soon Etc' I arrived I sotit a tees-
Newfoundlend, (mit, their fidhlitg tackle stinger around to tell thein that I would
destrnyed and busineae broken up. Capt. 'prenoh to them that evening, and the
Sullivan reported tiisft'114s outrage wile whole settlement came ntit in a fleck to
jeustiijed,;by ttle,•ltte l,l'aw of.Newfoiii cl- hear me, and rontiuned with me till
1waud,,proh brhgg S1 llitii}v fit(biug, and 11;30 p.tn. Here I diatribnted the re-
the,:Marqitie;of Sealtebury, 0coeptedthis .attainder of the books and tracts and
report as enlboa`iytug,:_,the (GOpnr.alrient v organized a.prayer meeting and a Sun
views, ;s,nd' so,sax fortntd Atte, "United day tichoi.I rl't. people at this place
hebitatiugly declare for a renewal of
the struggle. .Despite the expedients
of diplomacy to arrest the natural
Course of historical development, it is
evident the inevitable crisis in the
Eastern question has arrived. There
is no apparent prospect of crnnpleting
the oroatliration of the Balkan Pettit, -
that the Russiau (xovernment has t3e-
uided t0 offer active assistance t0 the
Afghaus against England. Thi same
paper stales' that by order of the High
Admiral 110 torpedo boats have been
distributed among 61 war ships. •
A. Vienna despatch says England
has addressed a protest to itnseia
against the nou-execution of the Treaty
of Bernie
radar the 13116181 i Oreton 1\'It,)leaer, ,ir
Salisbury, has been invited by the
Aulerican Govervtneu.t to consider the
.object.ions syhioh it is. disposed to -melte
$giaiust the Halifax award inthe new
circumstances created for. both Govern.
Iments,by the.report of Capt Sullivan,of
the British ship, . Sirius, wlru was scut'.
bythe Britisn GOvern•anent to iuvesti
gate eveuts of- Jo ,nary 8, 1878,• when a
nuniher of. American 1.s11e1.1nen were
driven away from tl.eir etatlous on the
New BexLDINos.—Mr. S. Fail bairn
has just completed a building for Mr.
T. Dick, who is going to hove into it
shortly, having rented his farm to his
son. The 'Messrs. Petty bare let the
contract for two buildings. Air. T. J.
Wilson has also let tee contract for two
builinga, and Mr. 5 ltanuie is busy fiu-
ishiug his large hotel, he having sever-
al chances to rent it, He also content -
templetes buildiug a foundry, and when
he takes any project in hand, he Is n,.t
the man to give up.
PORI: PACKING.—As soon as the -sea -
sou opens, the Messrs. Petty intend
going into the pork packing business
very extensively. which will give more
life to the business of the village.
GRAVEL.—Mr.Reynolds, of the Itlan-
•sion Iioose. has put a heavy coat of
gravel on the street in front of his ho-
tel, which wad badly needed, awing to
the amount of trrvel up to his door.
ATTRACTIVE. ---The jewelry store of
Mr. A. Kelly's has a very atttractive ap-
pearance nt {'resent, be having received
a very large fall stock of clocksite.alches
and jewelry, wisicii he is selgiug very
cheap: 1' •
Owing to-t.he''resigiiatiori of Messrs,
Psttersony Hodgins and McDougall
to run for the House of Oonemolie Nt
the hate election, eleelione sere heal
for the Local Legislatnre in North
Essex, West Elgin . aid Sonth Srincoe.
on Monday last. Ida Essex, Mr. Sole -
t120/1. White, the Oppti'sitiou candidate,
was returned by a majority of 657. In
South Silocce Mr. Parkhill reeeive:1
majority of 233. West Elgin has heen
retained -by the Government. Tots
result' leaves the parties as they were
before the resignations. •
Mr. Ernest Gdrtung,, of New Ilam€_
a' a '' '' ' • •elft •. it entreated me with tears to stn. with bnr , last•week dug a Blood beet o:et of
$titygy,,ia.rhe AtXrertcalt-a ,(rtta'd1.tt1; , , ,, . eut ea ed y 8 .
is etltjdlF, flteu, ku)orined• S ,i} ij1}i ltalt tlte them, .but, iikesPtaul, I had to door nay, hie gni d.:u three feet eight inches loin,,