HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-10-24, Page 7a.;11 24187$ THE TIMES
GOLDSMITH'S FAMOUS MARE. mare. Bingham and I went on to
Goshen, and a sicker elan than I was
THE ARAN W1l0 DISCOVERED HER TELLING you never saw over the sale of the
01901111g was saturated with the liui• TIE FALL AND WINTER TRADE
went he had used, which contained! L
highly inflammable iugredients. rilhe
(UM HE. NUL'\D iTB'lt—PICI(TD EP WILD mare, Something Seen -left() tell Ina, spark coming in contact with his' elo-
ASD war:ma:se ix Tun PASTURE FOR tlhat she laid stuff in her that Was I thing had been funned into a blaze by C. Soutucott & so=
$100, AND SOLD colt S2(),000--Ilow MOW Wall good. A. while after 1 got the wind, and instantly flashed where -
AND war siD: GOT THE RAW: silo nose„ to Goshen I was so thoroughly (lis•• over tile linieeut was. As far :as the
IT R. AI3I3OTT L. D.S.,l1:1.1 .O.D.S.
Graduate ofiioyai College et
()Hite oyez OrN4UU frank, and ogpuadite Smirch
rick arils.
with liniment had. penetrated the flesh, the
Take pleasure to it foe:utile lnntibitautsof Exeto —.-.
`Y- opo_led oat au eacellent atsortment of
t �, , twined his it yea acla 11x413.1 ca vo to vane-
gttstetl with myself fair parting
1talmeti t l adtl surronn,lfug country, that they 13V366 1318
IiI'�ESIIAN, Tt• D. S . Ii<A OB.
Ifonesd:ale, Pat., October 1. -.John her that I mode up my mind to get fire had followed it. 111•. Decker lilt
*we Ile:) B:s-
try nr d c'ili
T.[ n Isuntd
b (af '4,1, ora
p T 77
tiEMO\'A14 Irabive alba
.t -:a rdu 1.
aii:ea i a:it
I.Fn 0't AL' 1 112 Role ; ?I ... ,_.. • t, Eat, t• r6kV::.
IL d)ccker, l 1t. iq., a brother-in-law of her back again if pessi�ale. 1 nut lily. eyed IU agony far nearly four month;.• Tweed's, (`uatiruis, 1 t eli/rfis ele.,
<:ss• l ud a \1 lt.l.alu Fullerton, died at his team in elle harm at Goshen. William Ile died on the Xst lilt, His vtido v is Y(tlae.d,teet styles anRet attern,,act,? fcca o5513Tit•ta
re,i•te:l:eii mar 1)entou, Olftilgti Comity, I. M: Graham,' aftertvnh�ala Suite Senator. a; sister Of Jn lge 1•'ttlIerton. that iutuetu atter tfuste Iii g,:the „cat suit the
of the 11 illkill Ilit,nI 1 --
rnatar a t1U 1 +turd rlutaaltng wild in a past -1 wept, straight to the telegraph office it always i!isi-5 g31,1a 14431e V. tlt:c>< atte•l.tiou
a f. -v- slaty a ago, He wata elle was President
tare 1 't ii1 Net Jar<t'\ alud first brought; and asked ]him by wire :k to articles :sinter :are dietc•r%111, pa iuil;1 i. peat.
ren a•;n. Probaabit no "'nick. e•ie•r a,2lcrVli 141
to 11•�ttCE,' of horsemen the plate Gold-
'IS Jeri -01,' BUS cheque good its your the 11111414. IRIS tut•;;WWI flat. adorer .-nee its
last, rifle .t tuni he'd. tit. world as(sold- balk for $1160 ?' tints Spruce, .luau. 1'ea.,anaQlr +irt+ekeu -pt-rst;
smith :i:u.L A short time before his!
The answer calx:(' back : Jrii her of its vaflcat• a- as f:atrai!y ce,cag 244 a4an4,ar.
at least 111acess Mr. T), t'iieer told the stor 1 •It is goal for $:;410•' having usa•1I it ,. a*lart+t I
fete It,f
ref tikes bt et:..a¢tceR of the Ivulldorful So I went b:eek to the hotel, and
ItE 11UVALt•
141. i1fl t r LI '.14,0 - 4
alar arficl4. aaa is sura •n a1a4.r,a,+, t 1,=.+1 f>e•as*.f?e SUP and fgetfd � ; t a W
Our &WFitte to the pialel:tr at Law.- k tt. try its
It.4a-4 af tial Bingham ti hat I had dame, SOMI tirettes if tial- `la."u:irQ nrafort:oavatll,: (meat -wit
It, 1' .'.1r1 Bi:agi:Jun and myself, i that 1 was go:atg straight ht to Ila mptatl, ealttrtaamaks ",r cot..i,i.
Mr. 1) •(:,•.01-• - xt+I, went into, a little Spe- and take that mare out of •Jereey Bill's - -
eul:i.i •rr ,l 1 ' 4fnt tort:01s and caittie barn. Bingham was a lawyer, Raul he
t-SIro��•;1 t 44,1 +:err.^t:. 't\ o both lived ! told the 1 licit. y itt get n th`attt n 1 urut
I"t N • t. ' .• • - t !!r..t: •;like. 111 N4Die era- try, ro
such a t+eeetli'ag. While we were
her l: trove over lotto ; ill,eassiat the matter, along Cl4,ille Ell -
'SIP ..-, 1.1'tal at. Jolla I. other (lisp:deli from. (Grahaur, : ,
lie. - et ,•i'tawll. etohuei t'
1 ,° t Jersey hill has tuada his cheque
IL, e ,•.a ,I, rs try Illy uncle igood.' i
1Itt 4t atria t v'ry 050 in the I That settled the while lnleine,s, )
v.-14 - r kf,ew about. fur she was l and that i3 how I lost Gold -amid) \laid. 4
1 lit i •..:,tl wickedest Piece of; The next st'r'ing I defer Alden fiuld-
1, tr.. 11 • t that (\'4r lived. This mare lsmith,the Blooming Greve horse -
was ::r tete h.a'tau'0 1-t with other hoc- • hreede'r, on :to Erie rnilr.'a11 trail..
t• r5 `ie. a laity we weut there, and as I1 'Aide,f,' said 1, `giv,+ me it hullilrt•d.
1 +ta.the btOnk silt' 04,150 froom, 1 want• and I'll tell yen whore to et the best I
e l to ltay.• :1 hair at her ; but we could- i piece of h:tt'ntt tlt+ h that Ei(atllt'S an 10 g
IA got tiitlliti g'lplshot of liar. Her in A111eri(<t "
tale wt;:. totes E to .11 1 ntlatetouiau, t the said he'd do it if the animal , a fE G1:T:HT1: U
1 told lam t Wolters of �`i od,P1;`n. Times
stayed aril 'al:4 at rite10 Johuny's.1 seemed a good one to hint.
Soma -tow .:r taloa I t ii tt grout fMaes 1 where $110 was. .Els wout to Fee her,
t�taagh a2•r+atala Yea vitt have
re=rove t ;, new -.1,1,14 ➢r t ls• n aipir,, l' ¢
Y'e i C 6. ,a at r 1:1,..11) :.. ) t a I<. t, , Ir,..ala no ct e er a 'ager •
,.., e ...• c' r Itfnns'.
8 0. .t Ft. Val feg4, thiL+r:ti 1 Ll a..ert
laa a a a tm E.° e S italq a iter
lat.tct:,r1..Yae ; »Lie.+ of tsaaot.-.aat,.;s.ip All WI r'O .rear Man recd t:Ife nd them.
440.13 1333i in.'ilelibit .rev' rt r, I., .:.,re i' ,4 'i •.' it, t .:.. t r , ,., 4 t C .• • " . aa`i,,1
t i,,".1:ear.i': ,r e c F ar
i'::r11 l I_'liA�.1 tNls. a et VH.a t;
TO !
At Woodb am..
I)I►1TA +t EI)11ARD 11aSe, at Cosi-;I
i t+f,14r t,.ont!ta,•t• erntre•+J tike I9est aaia•l
culaa£'tt ut tt SU..;3.• 23a t a+' JrotaakeaYtta,z»tatlltavtoaa
I+ataoil«.l..4g... toci a
First -Class Pi,irn s
Cala :Eta•l.re,'al4oftolaan2:eto order on the short-
estto td3s' wild Iuato, sad otic red 4' 1 d) for but afterwards tad 1Tle site was ne' tu•t rt• \1ri1 • r Lint ^a'ta Pumps. S1a•na R0+1
(hawk grab &Ointment u taIIa:b a rata" tett'.
her ; lett the plot gEtnalemctn dlllu't want g,00ti.
to sell 11(.•r, 'Allr11)IF,' eal•i I. dant I knowiter t`1'iaE'1LSll.ia'a:ito'tira•150°,s',3.eaartct+i-0liu ox;tet'sl All or Y''r� tat s;;ail ntC.'n➢e.ito.
,e t.)b, what S tits ii&e of heeling' thait a Y t llytla1 ' siEfhest •"eta o hiter. +e,tur'ela
l}et'gree, u artticiltatilta 331 all
acataaIl+laanar faacidc+ttttldt,e.
;non ? Paull his wife. •• I.et Miert have in the market. Ask :►Int. 1;•i+all.' ; : el.r:a➢t.8.
tier. Oiler hon $10 lucre, "• she sap, Allied 'IS Ptat tea (lilt, Easel:, in
to tet•'. " anti he'll take it.", Ga91,it„11. kart found that 1 knew what A
1 (•aauttr'd out ••;‘,411;11 and Raw' 11 was telkiub ahoy. Then he struck up
to fait :lapis. l.'nelo J4Ihu hesitated. a bargain, and ga\c Jersey hill 4f10i)
lint tar. sated : 1 fur the Illa Attd t1 .., in an old, wa.
1101, blazon at dei the (kart- rehail remedytvfora
ltr..t t �,ta1 i '.4e313345., 34,4r,'tytial a liver .tet Woo.
over Mina tata;a0ti5u, I"an• itrrtaleD,ati,tfipiatlxtfp
JOlu.Goa. libi aaaat141a,na, aaa..a.0 laflk gdea'4 ,
ua 4 ti ttoo`1 and,
o• 'UI raAt. You may have her, hut .roti. (jietldeufitll gT"4at 1;. Iii - hint+, Sl11Yt row or Counterfeits.
tot l u I, wa044 tte.r fir •. I"' and the tall leas elle' trltclt at gait
i haul ho
' S{,alert+are 1at42tataaatae t+2 •'U,DI•,e:eig°a 1•dllb
lotto lltu;,31,t'd 118 if he Ltd fly in t1 tio*iit ttlo ware?'. 1 datla.•t think any one 0180 awl 4lfatm eta.;' tart, as traandaatt'arral and sold
411.11`r 1544 Ratite t] ' , " ntiu
would have had the faith in the animal,
Gracer!es Gon/ectianary
Smoking T (ttaceta 25 eel" per Zk
ttitrap in steel:.
fl . C'•f'.
.M AT; [•
AIXRH lSOFnurr 1 SP.4.— °:•
�+€'f(ava•-.ly 4l.`➢a4'f-ra-8 Y
I',fl°1,12"1':.;ti"l" NetTla.:3 $.
1It)1)("i;t(1N. & J. OKE, CO.
t•arupany, •Ytrne.T,'clhaol Books, Stationery, :Magazines ” a ;\ttatrasea•a-. Saks pra.aas I3 carni.e!(:ct
s , a. ♦ + 13, 1t rat#'i
•,1,AT�.S1 Werra, _ ''a
arau^a�lfuatt➢traeate: J. CLARK, G�➢+t lit f°�1` the I.e.
-:t>tiyuu }tea,•-0:�.lt,.-54itifleC ltaet+.a,, \a•(•dlesotarceYy Kind, � *➢aoraaetlla.lJt,ittu,rt lfattntt2l'irc-tr;sfaruueca
,e I called two or three of his men neierp'. t
together, and Wel wout out and drove thing out of her. 13111 Bodine says
1'trr ata
and the patience to try and mace alp titat+. arae! aJ+u t.v tt:o ,te#rro 11)4” t 1 sts8 s uareti ^-t
eel i t uta_ Medi -
New 6»r cu,irnany ttf 11'I'I I1 AlL TH
ilru horses all in the barnyard. File ti
• lilt to smith would hose trusted with ,tw6,e tit IAttdncl ,' t 4,thecv\arkPtka:•
t.4oi•rl.sety, IIs +t.etfe- i';ci«f.ia;ur. ti 151°r. le\*
mare SPillt titter the it:at'u, and we relit her for almost anything. itlfy time for cvisaiD �at asrs uaI caat+itera itsof itf A. Emil,
her in.. `boon we got her hitt a Stan
and after f1 lung; while are Illluiagaal 141 four men to Mitch her up when they ilii har+itto fim 1'n ;c Jtuboiun 441.2%(W xpr1»
grad( it :.:titt'r On her. $I1 hadn't looked data. etamnl,•lit til oil her, and s
s, - .sera: tuuke 44tdd4,a' the inooe of 11o1.
�1+ mon I or two after ire gttt 11£`1'. 1C tottit to. aay,tro..letvn forcatr•oa.itr load n C`rocotlt; �^^�
Mita ins-+uaptb uttea..lt at 111.
1 1 1 +:$•• `'C�'1+' "12 I OST.- -•t)It Thames i;clrnt1, Itt lar
vJ I .f J.ra nt 11 !a . i] lass.. at r
lie came J'k4 a' persons the better to ,le'eeivi• you. un- ' � � tel' t t• tr 0.r.,, ;thy
MO/ r,.:an,t• colt ]:e aan ta•.a.l It ftt-
tt•rr'p°t,�ta fi eatli.ar 111 Four yt'atrs, She,
was •e•vers years o11 at the time. When
1'ue 1,•
John saw that we had her he
WAS •fete ttf his bargain ttUal wanted tel
h.t.ar out. But we tied her bellintl out
wag:1u and drove off. Uncle John haat
fa mare. a sister of till one, that ho
id.-.., ru••1.' E•i•.4it;stole ua UR'in ttta. •eta' allbo'lae.
near killing Bill Inco or time. But 11(4 1
0atagtu•rt•ti tat r. null people began. to e.c•tr t' r. 4.,131% Zit% to n n r t t
.Y . 1 - , ) 1 " : l(t!4 41.4: Mr. 14 i4Uft'ai, Es. ter 3:111....4 k.. i i ':":.111,•,
of •1aroa•t4irtt•l artier al to tllefr nae•QYRlaat•a. 4rhieh . li i`)1 1 r it .at Ltz' l.u4, t t 1:41. /Y4dtt
c:ap .i1331333 n i ;a i.Pui..441 U.,cctu'5• ,t bi +.1 t►V.iu
4"out rf �.
tli r(• wit., eel 11 in her. Instead (If t11c Cost rupulous 1t+..riers nhM•,in tt.era, at vers
r' 1 t \ N
1 ,• .,,, •1' a ut , s
• i.cuaat same), ), r, .4't.. tt 102 1 t' r t t l:v
!L ;-aa li+S•'i.1:Sa•tt•1•.a•a, tl i• liaet 111..11:-.1.:1..
tc .apt .. h
t:tat,tla. '4'1. re for ...ria i" ft v alta ler, d4,1 u
e f r 111 tui ••,24 .alert. .+el. a .+Yea t +t a tfitlYv a ,r+ aitt+ tete t ullghs, l olfl +, Iit'nu#'toil and kill"bruit :lf-
tar ti tut a volunteer cult x d t a
this ii much or viilittatcer stl.t'ltthelt, anti t'2t•aces.t.trrVettil.P. Of f+ttaifitncatad Itiat ra•Yt4^K fel'tlitYly, tiles Yttt ttUuiY➢rr vatepa+•ta+l+t iLts r a'•e
• Flsafte Ginn. (De. LAKE, Gulllnlissitrnor, Inenr-
:y,urira l ' t1a• . f•. ii .. Idritna hYuvor
A t
. ,, .�`�.. true+. l.an+1 au41 I.4,:taa :ia,aa,t. Y i,,,+--..
ti.' 'o •,' IS;tI•::uaiit•, ti,+otY,au •. l:�Y.rciui'euat:tad T.•udc. ,a4•et •roar tt•aat°a It+a,ti Yi�at••1, 1: s. # a. S\.Y-"aaa
tit:al.1h•a"uatla,eyt•rt.lits41& -.
pII•IVATk FUNDS to loaalt at Iter
4411111 lltletl IlPlnlre l tO f:1Ce 11P It°tri .taw pr.e,Aates•ls11441. *, 114tI t'1rie14 rn e,tua
1 to tai telt „ utt nt 1 .d as"1 a 1 trine eat .
a , .
t4t4tow,Imue4"neralltofteedtl*1t. ttta.\aeri
w(,tiltltr t tattle lt. I told Uatld;triltl! I '" t tlur t!•„ s tai fi Le• id,' a,e+a est decant a uu• 1°repos<•ai fru• i fait f ut t I,rd
\'aiiut•ti tet titialt). IIt' :aitiel lie w4ltllti wonid tall it squarer if lit:'t1 last Yfle' ,R•am( f''utt:ni'aa'rt ah(rdd luuia La/ChtA1at411 n
'*lvl• lllf that 11ffa''e' i4...f. ad, llllt I dltlli t tl a w t t t'o ca•ll 1ler I' Ilii awed 1 u,e.,a, it tike :t.,,lt.'•.., is /sot tau. 11 1
e tar I 1 to
. urs, cln:aus're,
1 it wanted t t Stet• t,LpfuIon,ttu,y aro tInt euuuterfoits, knell -- `
want lu'1', 11 r. Iiiliaatt$ '.k bought t hat ,
tone *44' tet tt, t ]•r4 ri
It r IlYv will I,'tt lhltai] wlititetl ,tont statue,: of the Uenu4ne'tikalfeatcn 1,0;11.,•, the
4 p414' afterward tta4d took bur to Chili las a1tllne to her, and he 444444%4 her
with him ; hut I never heard that she UUldatnith 1laiit, and that's the wiry
amounted to anything. On our way in theinattel• stattltis to-daay,
frolu 1.'.1010 4411.8 to 111y faitiltlr'i• While Bill Bodine waishandiing the
Lome, in the plata' where I live telt, mere, 1111 met Ed, Brom), of Port Jar -
41e broug;ltt- over u ton of titrlcaye. I vial DOW one of the under Sherif a of
ti -i t1 the speed of the mare now and
tlat-u by Itinuitlg ]fly horses as fait a
they could go, bat she could trot faster
thou they run, every,eitue. 1 never saw
such tt movement fur a green horsc,taud
kuew site would make a good one.
Well, we got to father's stud pelt uta
fat the night. Next tn.u'Iling Tom Bing•
]tam counted out 13() n.ud offered it t,
rue, and said he wanted to go iuto part-
iiershilt with ilio in the inure. But 1
told Lilts 1 wanted the mare for my bro-
ther-in-law, Judge Fullerton. While
we were getting ready to start, after
breakfast, who should drive up but Bill
Tompkins, or Jersey Bill, firs ho was
then known, and is yet. He kept a
hotel at Halnptop, two or three miles
tiwe). He'd heard that I had bought
Johnny 13's mars, and lie carne over to
look at her. The hired moan had the
]rare oil of the barn, and was showing
Ler gait 1p and down the lane. Fath-
er and mether were both lookil g at her.
Mother wee very muc11 put outbeeause
I ball bought a horse that was a trotter,
and fatlher didn't like it, either. !Jersey
Bill fell in love with the mare right off.
British (i+rC""rnmelat stamp, with tla4' ar.,rtk Solo Prot ri. t40'e and Mtumflaetnt't'r...
John,' says he, ' I'll give you $200
for her.'
I said 'No.' Father and mother
were both very auxioils that 1 should
nice the miney.bnt I waited the an ire.
•Three hundred and fifty,' still Bill.
But I didn't want the money, and
started to drive away.
'I'll give you $EGO for the mare,'
said Jersey.
Father wanted me to . take the mon-
oy. and mother said she was sure I
would go to the bad if I kept a trotting Ile noticed a spark.fly, from. the match
horse, and so by-and-by I. got out . of or oigar inside -,his, ,coat, but supposed
Iia,r,r.41WAV a PILLS ;,1t, 111Sr31EIT. L11411(44
tuna—avid thereon: t'n the label is the naidrx'io,
4$44 Oxford Street. Lonuoh,wl ere shine they arc'
4t;4uni.tatur '1. Portio, w110 may be defrauded
tav\•aud.,ra r:e11ata4-.l4uru44 a ••Ilullowalys Pa22.r and
tlirltut(nt ars ray genuine •rake sh, nn emu -
monies ting the plu'tieulal;1 to nae, lee nt rply re•
kelt nurtatetl, :l 141 their I saw uteve1•di%Il1ae at
this. county. 13;oau had as mare that 'I"ll{)\iAS IIE)L1.1.21'i"15�'
he thought was a goal(. Olee, and he and S:i:aa) afar 1 5`.. 1V.G., L,ntluiz.l;uglau.i
Bill made a match tor $ii00 to trot.
Lady Brown, as she was Called, agflinst
Goldsmith's mare. That was the first
race the Valid was ever entered i'ur. It
was to come off in Middletown, and the
forfeit Was $50. But Goldsmith would
not recognize Bodice's action in the
matter, and entered his male in a race
at Goshen the same day the race at
Middletown was ro come off. Bill had
to pay his $50 fol felt. The race iu
Goshen was with the New York flyer
for those days, Gen. Walker. The
maid beat ]aim easily, and that was
her first public race. 1 don't know
whether the price that Goldsmith got
for the mare when he sold her was ever
made public or not,but he told me that
he got $20,000 for her, and that was
cheap enough. I take considerable
pride in the fact,Mr. Decker concluded,
that I brought the brilliant little mare
up into notice, although I feel that I
let a fortune slip when I accepted
Jersey Bill's cheque.
• John Decker was the son of Richard
Decker, President of the Orange County
Milk Association. His death was the
result of a diaatres•iug and sin+?ular" ac-
cident. Early last spring he was suf-
fering from rheumatism. A friend
in Goshen gave him soilie liniment to
bathe his sides, arms, and shoulders.
On the 11111 of May last ho bathed
himself thoroughly with the liniment.
He was driving home in the everibg,
and; struck a match to light a cigar
when *boat', mile •or so from Tome.
1tatiene,e, and told Bill to _Ilttnd':ove his
money and take the Mare. Ile drew 'ti
cheque on the Wallkill B}a,aall lit Middle-
town for the amount.. I didn't want tc
take the cheque. e'r otic of his wagon, Mr, Decker' rot-
'Let me see it,' my father said, loll about in the.diupp:,grass, ' orad ex
I hs,geded tum the cheque. 'He wrote tingauished the flfames. He felt, that he:
his naive across the--baok'of it. waas.frightfully.hurned,b.ut he ID :ted•
• 'There,' he says, ''1 guess that'll go his Wagon and drove home •The fierh.
110W. on Me Decker's .tacit, -arms, and side,
Of Bourse that put the• matter out of was, burned in places to the bone, at'areadonableprises and punctually.
c}nest•iont. I took Lha cheque and Jer-'. and the fire had entered very deep in J. Ki-roFIIlhCi, 14laiu sta 1 GraanclBendP. O. e p tl y d to,
aey 13.11 drove off to Hampton with. the all laces. Ths th:or was that his Exeter. 1 Stephen, :)ot,;,r41,19i nom tl attended
it had geue ant. .A. moment after.
wardshe was enveloped in flumes from
his hips up, Vol horse sprang, to one
side` of .the road, and threw 11Ir. Deck
Shingles for Sale
FROM i.T0 51.60 PER SWAM:,
At G. & J. Brooks' oa vvmill,
1Ctl i U, I'i' 01 like.,
A gond supply of Hemlock Lumber and Cedar
rostet:uuetantly on Irmo.
KERRY, 'WATSON & CSO., Montreal. i I t)1;"1"(_= Atrl,ti I2tll'trdl7'.
Wholesale Druggists,oliare ,� ateuee• 1.4.1•x1'11.11 1:4'4441 lat4Ti:ti,
N.I1.-The words "Syria. of Iced 54arnes Mee
euastitut*• our i' a'tter.'•1 'Prado Mark, and par
%real,pt a• anti label, tart: nisi; ;egiitert'+1.
tiet.1051, Ir;t+. lnl.
"TUNVE .NCINU --- 1)0',144, ;11srf.
0.1,14-', %Vills.int .draawn one r t 4,444.44.5 t.+rn s
" U'TICE.—A1l parties havi egt eIuh is
:a..1 against the estaate,.1 the late Thomas Me.
Curdy. 11ah1'ert. are ir+•r.d+y t+•,titled to 111'0 elan
44441141 with the t•Xt e'lt )rs 4414 or 1'o -fere Flaky. , tit,
14441114,. of \uceaut=er, A.31.1 7H.
.Itlliti (iOl'1RL.', " 1•- t.11t„r•,
JOHN McCL'Ie11Y4 .
i'sborne, fact, Lrd. Isle. 4:.114.
LOB SSrElth, _4 Thettudar 1gn t*r,rll,l ftafrri1 ti+e I4tat•hm
t'.' .BDI:' FS. of Ix(tera4tatenla++tat•lltr eui:t:u} tla::lau.opa•n.
ed Out 4* lt14itttng F:tct.'ry in idt•It;t%re`s, 41 Ffeu+1
4m,1 that 1t( ailI keep e.+n .tt:I,tle on hand. Gents,
1,41,lles' awl Children•x. $t+tekiugs pf t•v4'ry dt:teri1"•
tion. l'trrties nt.ty have the it ::tot 1 inp:r, 411111 ,4; c.
ahvays a good and t'rbsh supply on k.rit to order on flit ,.h.n t t n.,ta c lark, ap-
ply of llerliu w 4 4 i of ever " color on hand. I• inger-
ha13t1. ingyarn kept r stock. Also EE large stock of the
Iaest e'ana,lian stoeI:uli: yarrn kept constantly on
--•"4:-- ]tants. Price for knitting ln4'n'14 444(41;,. 1.21 cents,
Also in T454,ICCOS, leading, brands, CHOICE ladirs'st•,ekintis, t4 cents, clafltiren'. i'2b cents per
CIC} 11LS, foreign and Monte made, all the best plait. \V, A. t'A `F'Il'LD, atelntyrt v1E1 stated,
main street, Exeter, 5-3in,
Capital - 8''000,OOO
Parties requiring money eats obtain advances
on approved town or farm property, at lowest
rates. The above is a London, England Com-
pany. For further particulars, apply to
May 17,tf, Exeter Ont
r,Javing received a lot of 4104'! machinery, I
11� would inform tIe farmers of the sur-
rounding country that I am prepared to manu-
facture all kinds of Horse - hakes, Barley
Forks, Grain Cradles, Suaiths, etc, and having
secured. the services of a first-class Turner, I
am prepared to do
on the shortest notice, and for style and price
I defy competition. Always on hand a first-
class stock of Fork and Shovel handles. Mill
half a mile south. of Exeter.
b ands. Cave e him a call and you will be sure to
get satisfaction.
ANDRETAIL. racking
Great -Western .steamship
Agent for
Line, New York and Bristol.
g:1Lyy-g-ABDWA14L 1
If you want any of 1110 following it will pay you to
call at
Where you oai.n purchase at ht. ttom prioes
Axes, Saws, Chains, hope, Cow Pies, Straw Cutters,
Paints Oils, Glass, Putty,IEocke, Hinges,Aails,
Limo, Bolts, Sorewa,Table and Pocket Cut-
le1•v, Gnrd's snake of Gnats, Revolvers,
Powder Shot, - Cabs, Scissors, Spoons, Spades, S11nve1s,14ianuru
and other Furlts, Grain
Scoops, Scales, Bird Ca-
ges, Hocond Growth Ioxdi u
made Hickory Atte Hn 11t11e s• Mee-
' alianics' Tools, Apple Pourers, Sad
Trots, Stencel Letters' to mark your
Ungs;,Wheel Needs, Wove Wire L tohes,
Hooks, Staples, P'4tim and School Bells, Iron
and Lead Pipe, Lamer Classes, Razors, Lanterns
(loli'eo and Paint Mills, 1'aint I3'•ushes, Slanesgo
Machines, Gilt nosh sings, Builders' Hardware a
specialty. Alouey to Lean. Maaliage Liuonsos is.
14-1ARM• FOR SALE.—North half 2,
Con, A, Stephen, and, North half of South
Is prepared to do 'all kinds of half of same lot, in n5, 75 acres; good (lay loarli,
under good. cultivation, About 65 acres (loaro3,
House -Painting .Paper -hanging the `rest well timbered; frame barn and frame
7 P� t7 b� house,'tuldyoung bearing .orchard on the promis.
Whitening, &C. . es, :Mile and a half from Grand' Bend; 'close to
school house. Purchaser may buy 35, 511, or 75
acres, at his option. Apply to AMOS PARENT,
G, & J. PE TTY
Any quantity of Cured Meat
constantlyin stock. Rolls,
Bacon, Hams, smoked, sugar-
opted, Laid, stn.
Any quantity of.
• coa:staiitly on hand
Wholesale and Retail:
All orders for cured meat