HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-10-24, Page 22 TAB TIMES
Vows MUTT. •— Fry together two
ounces of sweet dripping or butter,
half an ounce of chopped Paisley and ring well, and when boiling has ceased, her grandma, and swore at her ; that •
n,bout four ounces of eltopjled onions; gradually add, five gallons water. the at some time during the night he had Piano
,carinii with ,aIle level tablespoonful following day ; when cool, the lime and a fight with her grandmother, and that
>E ttell of powdered sage, thyme and salt, salt having beat of the right kind, he thou Ricked her and struck her, and
and a level tablespoonful of pepper, there will be found on the surface a afterwards stamped his foot on her
Steak half a pound of dry bread iu tela- coatinz as of ice; break this gently and Meek, the little one illustratiatg the ac-
id water for five minutes, then wring it you will blase a brine as clear as water, Sion by fiercely bringing down her own
gradually until it boils, then stir it un ing present, was asked for her story,
til the lime is dissolved, then add on and in : an artless, prattliug way related
one tablespoonful Ashton's salt, stir- that her father during the night abused
dry in a towel ; add it to onions and the lune haviu gone to tl?o bottom.
herbs; stir it until it is se:tlding hot,Thi' is sufficient brine to fill a i) gzt1-
add the fried liver, the yolks of two ion jar with eggs; into the jar should
eggs and half a pint of b siliug mill, or first be put a thin layer of the slacked
wa,tter and stcti: the pig with it. lime, then a quart of briny, then the
AI'I'Lref1:LI•i.--•W9.4.ti soli quarter eggs, laying them in gently So as to
Fie 'i *101••+ net rt•Enovintx the a'orteK and ' aveNid breaking, fir broken eggs will
tiny heel. When asked where her fa-
ther stamped, she replied :-"On grand-
ma's heal and here,'; pointing to her
own nark. Mattis also said that her
father afterwards got her
elf her rtrautlmb's face and neck.
t.;;ianfs chill boil them with sufficient spoil and mains the brine unfit for use. The girt, although bat f.)nr years
waster to c av'-r them. Wiwi very sat As the eggs axe addled, so add brine ld, tell, Iter story in a s trai;ftitfvrwat d
strain tit, throw '11 a ielus tt;t • with. until w
'within tea metres of the top., rand intetliR.;tlnt orumet', which ',Jaws
t u' Rel tt :-.,in+,*,. ;11+<a: ur e the ti illi i Put on dean muslin cover over an inch I:0 doubt as to its truth. She also said
:anal! tc4 C'lt`.'A rim, part apo not Aaf vflx3:i rtnn,.a'Qa !n amulet' tb ui the "site, dlt that when l,angnaa;;o whispered to 11tr
1•1 • tr li "'' it Jlowly woo. at Ft'llt .. iiA . omens:sons of the j'ar; tacit it Ill snugly ; iffier bein,4*, arrested he tola her not to
t'de spal:tlt, +� oat this put the ren minder Of the black:- :ttV aeily tiling to tttiyllt euly or he would
1' Tiilra' ed Ilnl=. which seals it, and the eggs whip tier.
+T:exaa�a n ...Tuna% :�tisl.:,, ,....
e,!'1.7,, t' aa,a Lthip slparataftlIS of 5 rz#:u', Ek5 are l'Rt'tletl f:pr jest so 1')ii„ as you lit e1) ; The it ty Willie Clairk.states that dor-
t.il.),,s, . t:.r' p cif eviv t n«ilii, tura.. • tilt tlii'g lime w, t 1'1 ftt'nlnt+ttt$.P. ad' gin, the t'Str,in`= he was standing en the
, .., .. te.,a ......, an S. ,a,•,r net.t rt {'. . front
=`n ,, -gee. heard
tat e a t tam: YPRi:ti
t1. ..tr, t1.
t t t ; r
• .. .1 iRt•::.' , .:t l'. • it ,`a -rtup
a..-e,�.■, :. r':' than 1.'cr jn this t.Cetion. Agrt�Itt-noiase of ridging up -statins, and
OCTOBER 24, 187
dura a'% for tW $ Sign
and Sewing eco
Silvertvart', Chitut alai Dell ever seen int
the \v^uat, at
Dia.,74'177'S S t a'QZ.a.
Alt. Drew. h'es.A""st i, r )w<• 1. an a s;ee Bent stork o
Silver Tea n. tts,BButte r (:+,°ic•r I) ,osier n 1 Sitigle
l'Ia l le
Cruets, Ciike Baskets. t-. C•atd Eceelt ei y, t•otu-
)nn,,ie'n Settt.tte..e)£ t)i. n,.:.; to ;adrutt?et .lei r,il)le'
Plate, 1t11e1 i5 ut •ritig the .•.....t apt l,'s'taes t,ictt sv is:1.1
t$Tl)NISII.)all t'OU 1IIIf'i �NE$S
11e has iliaaltor,et,aet:nets., eietn il:21eu�.
sorrow:it t f (lino. to )�, htoea:t.a'c6. .v
::LJ t flaA'ta t.felc,+f a- .i„ivo.l• c u,evlsati-fy
your,elf as' t/. ,1:mait:
try our in-=trateau hr; i ; Te sl,lee) �:i11 vu
4� . )t tir)aio<satI . _.f..
Sat : -1 •etat.ution c .tl f t-, S . cnizor Sewi, ti
Dr;;ati.. ae i , ... n aGl't:,.dat f. r
be; taty cif elr=ivrt, rt t i -:..' .g t.t•.
r if( ,
tresery d a, above. will not boil f Ares nfr aid to go ilp. That anca) 11rs.
t ;i :; pjerra'ti (trf the l:trre tax air boil 1'atrrt ll put her head out of the window
.c.44 viARKET Oti
• to : + las nr:,i it pin,. Per largo: titlitutitito the, anti yelled ilnstlrtfe.'r 1 and shied bins
lirottia)rtion,, etre less.
,1_t•, iiaR : •: g -r the= IIO1t iI=I 1 31["1llti l«, idle matter. As he opened the floor 1i
} to go for the p +lice. He was h inhitor-
ed and went tip -stair's to Bee what was
. 3! at:r h -'f r: se'r-itl;.o not tri,+ s Y ti41y Lunguatt,e poling .tL.ra, Farrell
too : .rt of soup one tt•:ttlt) two- •
' bee from the window ly the hair of
third. + 1 -f rice, one of attained tonal,- 4 IniTZ."IT WO:1AN hilt 3i1:Ctt: nrt'nu:x , her head and ltickit,g her furiously.
toes. o ; own, eat very Imo the sure
lei g t t . l.•r ears), three or four Ilols tl
(f ,o;::.; t' :t tine cross ways ',the lt;'d`t•
Sono, ll i<+ F. few slices of onions, bat
Colt t1,1 eetl on their taste.
SPI,rpt! ot"is.�^-To seven petunia di
Stun , e+ three food pounds of sugar.: A sigh to L auttuage in his cell at
ASI, 1i1:.tD RPi IT C -Pi: ; Iia ME OWN ", ,ilfraid for bis life the bay rite tfowu
fuN- --- A" IN "LI Prs�k.NC't; Gk 111.8' atairs and took refuge with a neighbor, DryGroceries, Wines and
INFANT CHILD, FIf;) Ii 1 ci 1WLI.t A Tt) for the night '.Dile tw') children were ) . Goods,
Being now in reecRnt of a large stock of
1t•:`I.I) A J A IP vt!lit.l: T'lli: 1:R.n':i!) I' teattC n Willa central station to await'
5tbsul eared for. iAt his Store?, Maid .Street, Exeter, titt'llielt will l e sold at
o o n '
ow, ri:.et of vinegar, cloves, glace and 1 After several attempts Detroit has at 1 the veto:rid station revealed nothling;
et a'aatru'1in to bort taste; sprinkle tarei, latit a genuine molder t:f the mast her.. elfish will throw further light tint the iLOWE ST 11ATiGIN ON COST
toig;rr ova the fruit; let it stabil over. tilde character int:,ginab e. sirs Mat- trant,ac.tic:u, lie denies the euwrulb•
idorfit, then Wil the junto tar' -C ,C- fit- tie l: arrell. an obi Willaau of G yetav'. •6ia,u of the-uuurttural ciinme, but i
tct-ti tti:tniltes. 1'a: i_ .. '.i: 1110.1 " ate' a: widow, who followed waildufg for, Or No I:\PI.ANATIOS The inhabitants QI' Exeter ant i'iwlltitl' need not ken troubled
- ;t
hAi tot mitatt.. • living, but whose !titbits were not j which cleats away the frightful circum- at the want of a market Wherewith to Make money, hist.
'1') t't.t.A- L.s:n' i"nrr i.y .---lL,ltl tea -v+• rt• )navels, gat at 14.1 Fr'atilllia) stances whirl suint him out as the -
l st I I i I
th in O%' .. the nose ofthe tea -kettles , street. Icerom rooms were in an old ten- murderer of l.i (mu soother, lig i:+ crtill at the store of the s'1ktsG�rllat�r and
whit sail kt-ubo is boiling Ws process,
of eitt bniltlito., inhabited by st•verlll rather a s1i h -built man, a trifle un. , eE
a a
character,. but has Buinetimes worked. ,
Ile hue leen latterly employed by Mark there to be ImAl 111 �)t'ereoat ng, I. iall.•t'lot,lls, Broad -cloth
Flauigun sussing paving Llocks.His Duo skins, Silks, Winee3's, i)elnines, and t��-c•r ening
wife is living and is how Nerving n Medea in the Pr Goods line, The Grocery
three month term in the house of 1)t'ltttrtlllt'ut i' Cotiflilote, An iu'lleeti�)11 ntvitea
correctiuu for di;ordetly conduct. A.
teasO olein '4 powdered !Bras. Die- i Willie Clark, a lad of 10 years, distant- laroe.bladn•l pocket-knife was found ou t, trouble to show gooas
sole,• y•iii is on' in past of the water, o lc rt').4teai, Nieto) also lilenberS Of till' j
Liquors Crockery, E ('',
the atrivatt of relatives who will see!
de or two repetitions of this process• a taluilres. With h'•1 lived her son, iter 41) years ()f age; is a wortll.e s
►� ill m ke them beautifully clear. Uf Ileury Languag , .t man of 40 years,
cause they must be wiped upon tt ;,incl a bad character gt:ueraloy, wit has
clean cloth. beet! arrested several times for minor
Nolo U I.,>, sY STArr,-u, --- To three offences, he being a son of Mrs. 'Farrell
env.; of water, three rounded 1.14‘9"0011- 1 by her first 1ombawd. Language's lit -
lois of starch, a pinch of sal: Iola one; r.le �;u't Mattie, aged four years, and
his person when intrusted ; also a small •
thett ;,al; rtaroh told t,ait ; dip your c'1• • honst•lrold. The rooms occupit•d by • stun of money.
1.1rit, sial+ and h.)ao.ns jut„ tl: r starch.; this fancily are the most squalid and
Your irons Must be good : ratb theta I lifthy in that vicinity.
with b-•nswas, and the ptt•Iii1' ' pal 4. the '1'tte-day evening of 1;14 woe];
still', glossy surface with Dever a fail '. Mrs. Ferrell retturneti'wane from work
ort. in a half inebriated eouditiun, tall at
I3it,swa GI:tvr.—Three onions'-lie'd her ri,arlrs tut't ler sou Henry, also
and fried iu butter to a nice brown. somewhat boozy. Qnarrels had here-
ToaSt a large, thin slice of bread slowly tofe,re leen frralueut between thran,eilti
t:r,til trite harts, and of a deep b,'owrs. as soa)u as the pair came together 1e
Take these with any 1)iceo of iueaLt, dreadful ratol;i•t began, which was tel,
hone, etc.. and :bine herbs and t;a*t : up until a hate bony.
them ore t L3 fire with a pint and a hall'' The ftilloning morning, about 7
of water and stew down until it is n „'cluck, Lar:Atlage was been to cotut-
thi:k gravy. Season, strain and set in out of the house road walk up Franklin
a cool jtlaeo Until you want to use it.: street a couple of blocks, when he en -
It will he torrid very nice to warm +lp - toren ...10hatlaes of Ann Intl ley and a
any hind of cola -meat or for voel cut. 1lrs. Corkin, and told these wolneii
lets. that his mother was very tick, asking
IIr:Ftxs.—Ogre heaped teaeupfnl of theca to go down and see her, Uu the
flour • two , ...,.ttunfalls of baking -pow- way he further stated that he
Wonderful Discovery
An Internal & External
It cares ITht'untntit•n* awl Neuralgia and
Nutt I111I 1':ntallt,V.--"1 t -wn' eau '
t tc may Iowan remedy for 1tin,uu at
on the late rieuu Continent, proved by otht r s. '
1s Rent as applied it gives instant test tel tilt
twfortttnate sutrercr,, Itis rapi v tZLsnrl,nti.
der ; one of white Filar ; one l,eateI! ,+ penetrates
the eireula
GiEtiSED TIM OLD SSe1t1S7vAS DEAD.' yarn, ncuianeutralizing elf' Rh;ntinIciaun t ir.
t •g - one tablespoon all of melted but- , .c•nlating in the blood, and expels it tn rn tlet-
ter ;�one tete tpful of sweet milk. Drop Euteri:lp; t,le house: the three went system tlroughthe natural outltts. -�
frfroma 5j)o+)u into muffintmuffin ri ig set in r1I)-ct'Ftire, tool, opening the door a boo.
)tit1.611S Mid bake,' in 0 well-Iteatea rible sight met theft gaze. In the
uyt•,), front room, strotclled on the flour be-
t ti nide r:.te f1'.:aPt:s, — Take Concord e the bred at fall length, ley the old
or 't'-nt hilly ripe and sten with- «lagan, face downward, great clots of
0..; ; i i:;. .t, low a little more awn blood oozing through ]ler hair, which
ft •: •L j of :itd of .uoltr to each wits plastered to the boards :with gote,
1'•'•t,.•i of frnir just to boil in it. i>ua splits -hes of which were visible on the
the grapes in o,ans before they crack sides of the wall and on the furniture.
ojn'n, and seal them tightly. [n the back room was little 'Mattie
Language, Drying bitterly. Turuiug
ov.'r the body, the beriified women dis-
covered tbat Mrs. Farrell was dead. A
huge gash, four inches in length, show-
ed itself on her right temple, while oth-
er braises about the head and face were
equally prominent. A further exawi-
na4tion proved that her neck was a also
broken. First cutting off the Lair
whieb held Iyer fast to 'the floor, the
women lifted the ghastly tlliug en to
the- bed and hurried to the Omit -eel
Police Station, where they told their
story to Sergeant Britton, who at once
tlisprbt,lhed Officers Chas. Draper and
Ct u I'OR NEURALGIA. — A. or r i'es-
pontie• t who rend an appeal published
i;i the Sunday Tiles, from "A. Uhroni-
r.tl Sufferer from Neuralgia in the
Limbs," recommends application of
electricity as a positive remedy for the
complain t.
\1':tsr; A WOOLLEN SHAWL.—B it
MU/MTh soap to make a thick lather in
it titiaantity of water enough for two dips
of aatr:r to rinse, unlesstherearo col.
ors, Then tIre water mast be cool ; baste
neatly and loci.ely two sides of tate
s'eawl together (if sgilare ;) get two
IT cuP.Es
SzTooth 'e1e. Earache, Iieolaehe, IvonraIin
Rheumatism, Sprit Swellings.Influi,nttlon•
Burns, Guts, Bruises, Pain in Side, Pain in
Beek. Pain in Chest. Pain {n shoulder, Cough,.
Ca1ds,Frust Bites, Chil•+Ilius, Diarrhoea, Dys"
euterv. Smuttier Cont;)la{nt. eco., &c.
Itwill cure the most agonizing. pain, inter-
nus ur extorrial-, in ono{nstinti)ftiino. Pocket
your prejndi".e and giie.. it a trial;,t"� he Inve,t
K;neent is small anti relief cousin, The Neat
secret of its nnecoss with all classes is owing
to the fact it is solo and harmless, pleasant
to take, gives instant ease, stud can be,ippl1nd
to a wider range of disease in every clay life.
.;with greater sueaess than env preparation
which research skill and "xioilicel Science"
iias yot prnducoA. _
Ali a proof of its great power over disease
.rany person, no matter Who it may be, Teich,
• or Poor, Old or Young, who is suffering from
any of the above named pain •ul complaints,
will call at the Office in Toronto, any dey of
the week, will' getpratitical� uroof "Free of
charge,:. of its untgicall power over pain in one
al'r)liaiit on.
Testnnoninis from all parts of the Daaitlnrnu
aro o nstaa'atly Comity to hand, faviilgexpes-
sion to the most grateful gratitude for )a5•
tonishio cures which. it hperformed, And
we would. hits be pleased to receive . tostbnoniuls
�fro'n all others who use it successfully.
sticks a little longer than the shawl,
1?hysie{ate the highest r •spectability r.
slid after aa�hin ass the sticks John Hogan to the sefne. Arriving at. commend it: ae a mast eifoctnal ...domestic.
{� i (tenedd•forthe relief of Pain in cases of sud
the, ht111:'e the officers fo"na L'L" *,uag9 deu other
tilr�;tlnh the o(;euiti�•, rent tile -ends of canny. •
mie.'01) the chain' backs ; the other will still in the bAsk room, whispering to Oarry it to our holncs, nn1 it w,ltptepe ati
the little girl Mottle and exhibiting blessingt yo t. firmly"and atllictedf)ionrls.
\tPl;jll it down and keep it in - shape, - - Dragglabs nroscIlia'euorntous;gtuant{tli)Sof''.
partly tly dry Orate oat the thread' and touch agitation. Ascertaining froth itwharo•erit/trodnced, .
1 ate tip the other two. sides, and ,:Pe_ him that lie wile the only. grown per- Iel, ailange-tlie -world to n�ocm se its e ear.,
T�OIn dulin Lh0 !)?gilt t,lle The .Grade sup) lerl throng the whalesnle
) eat tt' filen will.; make' tvllen, dry, the yin in the t ,..g„ - Drug and Patent Medicine` louses of itlontre-a,
1•nrt.are jieifect. A writer ;says,;:: "•Ott officers t00a Iilih - i0t0 ,011'to y,,,.�10 al, Toronto, Hamilton and London
tl�is plan 1. have washed inv fallible foul' .laloauw)lile
tulles ;•, i't-tlooli5 like ,new brit the• )oat "PROTESTING IIIc. INNOriENCE.
time tha+pltrity,, of the 'white; wits lel t Th,e, officers al"1 an�ied. the house; r, 'Soicl by` aftEnterpiising Druggists.
1.'wed, so, I just dli.peil.lt ill a attl11110 l quieten the iniineniie crowd which- by r (h'; r •;
of )ogtwo;od .And ivashiti; blue, malting it this tiine had gathered, and bore : the, Sept; 1.9., Iy...E,.
it delicate,gray. prisonerto:thei station:•. ;Officer Drat- , .
per says that 1ringn age,'..0 potr, I11ovtng,
BRINEiBRINE • `1'HAP WILL, KEEP -EGGS awovlafter whispering p :to: his littleglr)., ,. 1< . ,0 .,,.. . 0X
,. .
,:°;.iI :iIIONTHS OR !'ORE.;:. t�ilrnedoand•iib:ook I11a fiogel warningly , IN'CREDITON. „''a, <-.
• ',,,,g,..,. ;athes=a ri :,b
I<iFite at }lt,il,. or an enl•the,l jilt is betwrt;rskeareiit)trter •::vl>ittad.• rho ,l elltGir .ttlid;,:faiit•alasn wor>34.I.VrlbAia, iota the rvova;�kasgn to
for at it is 1 leis absorbin t co1J'r)'q�,�trti 3fnt ind the corpse decently lai4t::9ut.i an.• ouubefore lokv,' their orders el,',ewhare. Only
, � •fV ,! � P 1 first-C"?tt?13 ]Iia�lSY� lYetfitt'.�a��CNiBtt V,� Y{l fi1-Bjle'Cl(Gl{G'Yr�,
.t ill not stain conteuts ; into it put one the bed, with a crowd of old. women Repairing promptlyattendeaito.
titan lime, (joints;) to this add water watching it. The little girl liauttie be- CrCHIEISTOPHF,B.RxU-
Dlarchti, 18Yk1
Frac!25:;�. pe:Bot-tlet
p1.•111. 11104•1.111,
A I.AItt:1: STtlt'K 0l'
Wholesale and Rs,tail.
G. A, MA OE,.
Main Street,E xn eter.
The subscriber, 5. I;. •1on:as, -wishes to thank the people of Exeter, and snrrotmeling countr for the lib-,
eralpetrouage which he has received since among you, as a watch vitt Icer and Jeweler, 'turd also ua
form you tout I have a loge quantity of goods to dispose of, some of which are
15LIGI3TL-5.'� - DAM..GED lay- FIRE -
we11er 1
jewellery I
CHEAP A : `;; GF:
s. E :. JONES -
Compl@te, ptoc1
NEW and. CT:IA? FIIIII\TITT1712 at W. D
to ms. uety d zoic of'1;irltu-'iaila ]leclroom Pt. '.i-
= tur0rSpa ng,Beds and Alattretases, Pillowt•:•aui lio,1-
_s; r ze j ,gas 4 ' o' �stere::: Ii 1i7uve:nredli a Tory great reduction in thya
"• i;� 1)riega at}d 'stilt bei ibi`,ees'a 6c`t to nnp2i13ygootit of the
i , •�� .+�.� ^. 'rs't gkialitS.;,Lcilnliiielltll .hone to give y0tl„ever q vat.
` Ill115 ,. > ,.• isfaetitn • niys'tocl 01'BedS,.Ola ai syliene tsork,,.'n
t - 1tiet,evelavtrii l7 11'i lite 1'.ttluitnre t .ipe,is' ,beiiie itis '
,� ,,j?ose�,,ofgt tti.;iiscc%Lutt.;o£,1r�;NIIr, cE}rat.pr;haefr.;
r the Unclarttllrine it snecialt v;-..ab•ta.. ehealidst' "1)05
Next'Doo ta` i akor`e tbl'f i''u -ties swantizg '" •
tii tat` ,11
sine r(uto's: ,Tiil,6.CI3.HJBS,,r0 . -;SAIiE •a'.
e:i a sa`o 6.