The Exeter Times, 1878-10-24, Page 1I . • A , • et- att. 4 • Vol. VI, . • - EXETER, ONTARIO; TIIIIIISDAY, 00T013:6R 24 1t$78. Exchane- 1:;ank of Canada. BEAD OF4.0E, MONTREAL Capita/ paid up, - - 1,000,000. pICI;;;E-ORS: • GA171 T, a••••iiont. 4`..tvtattimu Vice -President, A. NV. OGIVX.111-% X, ;;ItEEN1,1 THOS. •c'N. ALe,X, JAI:1ES C. IL - • * Cashier. GEOltilit. DUNN% - Izispector 37(1x(?1: 4-.r Tirtereelt. • GENERAls RANKING RESINENN SAC TK:D• No 9 Huron Pencillings. --- I of Miss Ryder, causing an ugly wound,' turn will disappear. An attempt to aa- 17sborne. et. number of sparrows have been lest doctor's, aud attended to. flern- the friendship of Sitting Bull. Walah baste' was arre ted n 1 ta) t i 1 t li th t i II u 0 n SI 0414 his farm let 2,tem 2,1;4mm,, a a t eert o aa . scenes o ave A o tie c ovei 1 - Faree Soen.-Mr. Stephen Jory has , • fiCell in and aeound Clinton lately, A trotting match will take place ou LATER.-Itiss Ryder, who was shot ting Bull. consisting of 100 acres, to Mr. 'i- dle Clinton driviteg park on the 29th of by Ronal:IWO, the Poslinch farmer, on this month between two stallions, one Mondy:eventng,is still alive, ftlICI hopes are entertained of her recovery. Paris Eepoeition Awards. i FIRST Praze..-Mr. James Wilson, of reborn% has a young, horse, "Pride of An accident occurred in Oeen Sound --- T UK SINICESSFETs CANADIAN ENIIIBITORS- , tho Dor:ail:ion,' which took the firet on the 22nd instant which resulted iu TOTAL: OF PRIZES. 238. r,-. don tide fell, eompetialg against Rix 31r. V. Laing, who removed from We- awned e'eneY. It aPPeere that be WAS , A cable special to the Glube says :- other bores. She was at 011C0 conveyed to the near- sassinate Majdr Waleir failed through Sample, for $0,300. belouging to Mr, George Waitety, of Seeforth end the other to Mr. A. In - lee, of Stanley, for $100 a eide. Information has been received that prize at the Western Fair. held in Lon - the death by drosvoing of a yonng map waned', to Nebraelte. about twelve years lying on tbo itig Ros'1A partly d'lleeP. "I am suabled to give :0 IO, of% ago, awl slibiequelitfy to Kittlict1S, was White the crew of the City of %mei- ( the ewarde of Caria.han exhibitors at Blanshard, reg. were shifting that etennvr in the ' a short time. Iwo murdered by Indians, Paris. Grand diplomas of hour Imre M hie when robbed, children otaragetl, ow,. lona .4 tr. fare-aept on their own notes wits nver, a rope gave way, catt-ing the tug g ae.f41t.i.:64-4•,•16. Masts b.610:4 Olt Now Yorit. ' and lee family driven from home. to roll, when Feney fell overt/mint. SAXIXten RANH. DEPARTMENT. A very destritetive fire occurred on Every effort waei made to rescue him, ) 5 pr "„t. int„mt :awed on 4,,,,,,,it, of cm, Sulitlity morning last, by which Mr. (. : but 110 souk immediatelY• The hely is ollar an 1 opt:anis. MOIlitO8f1, Of lila fourth concession net yet round, saterettee. OFFICE ficsUltS-1,';•:m 10 to a; froui 10 tft 1 011 Godmioh Township, loaf all 1)14 WU. .....-----...... 'W. A: IT AsTINGS. AL1o3Ser. igtifi, II WI ilY10011111748 anti Ilia entire There were in tha buildinge at mown/ay — the tune about 1,000 husliele of grein, neo.r, Anfy.tat 2.!shi.;1,76, Genera News. 11111.10 *RIM been (warded to the Education Dared- 4,, Conancelone.-In the Dianshard parte mentor ef Outerio and Quebec, to the ' list Mr. J. B. Sleeper's natne was men - Geological Snrvey (Montreal), the De. defied 45 having talien several prizes. pertinent of Agricelture for food pro. It should have been Mr. J. Stepliene. ante, and abut cereale, mod the De- T. M. Nay, of Usborne, was awarded (et pertmen t of Public Works for tenni! the first prize for brood snare and foal =dole. Diplomas having the value of general purpose, 1sprize for foal gold tuedale have been awarded to the (generel purpose). and let rize for The ouptain of the Dritieh schooner Education Department of Ontario, the heavy draueht foal from imported .„....--, - _ 20 tons of as, new reaper, also e large ate -8 alen of st. bete N. B., hos et., Minister of Education for Otebec, the horee, instead of T. Rae, as it appeared TO RENT. number of other valuable Imphauente rived, aud reports the lose or his eeseet Munster of Iutertor. the Gealogical in last week's 'Vince. OUSE. UHnd machinery. The buildings were in a gale, Ow ctober 12th, the etoard Survey i„..Mohltr(al), do., minerals ; to- Doer Ceoe PureeLlor.-On Satan:11V :wino Immediate worth $1.500, The whole 1,88 will not and two se smen waelled overheard. tu.t, ovo tuP.1",umse, Of tb? vacuo of !net the roet crop belonging to thot Apply to J P MARNIIALI6 Eset.ra. less 010.11 q't 000 with only $900 silver tweet Atontreiti Proteetant ezhibitars ut the late Manahan V T11 e captain, mate and two eurviving 1 e'in, nALE IN WINCIllitoSEA- insurance, Tito coulee of the fire r.‘ed tobt. Mil./ *vol.' for a, no-..... eceurred at 9 a. ne, mohnown. It chains awl for fottr atom drifted with. Dtrirtnmit' th't";" 0", rsu 11111 a 1 Tartars -1k, . which 'sttilore !oohed themselves to the ini4xeii 1/°3"1 °C 8°1'4." C"In'llIsskrrS* EAR"' WaS judged, and the following ere the tee 3,0 ele r).4. F..r oar:ie.:4:mi. opplI ayletter or leiv‘4,..;:lf: no II A11111' MOWN. wealoo, aims is cmjectu red that some trempe nviy out food or water. Oil VW 1 tli they 0 the 1,,eeeereity, C.nninissioisse- of Aeri- il. A, Switzer ; itud.Joliu Hooper. Car - 14)1c -same._ i"--iiie suet. hare b& 1 in the barn 1 1 tet II ' were rescued by the bear Atelei Katlier. oittfaio Department ef public war4e. i ' Hoover. Itlaneolde-let, Johu iferreet; oultute. Ontario '..lituster of Educvlien, rots. -1,8t, John Leet; 2nd, Jelin that negotiate:ma aro rending between , , / , , s Acstria, Franco and England, with the °et e'''elrevee2.1-,,fce(!al,11,11„141,e,;.„„,(eirLd tenni object of eecuritig a COMMOla treatment. i '''''' "'" 5"'" "4" '`"4"'"*" ''''''"4" I Apparatus Conipeny, Hon. Mr, Chau- - Goderich. of A Europeen questions, tut a coma. , veau, Ur. flettgine, Tomato, the Da. Tun Aeszens.-The tie s at thie tepee% to Ritesus, and to anbstltute for : 2 MR. IL V EL; WIT. AttornoY. Exeter r.n. A, large Lumber or MAW are canvas, .. 7. • t, I t_ Mtt11011 Of Ct11121•110, rierahago Vompany, Place closed last Friday. wbon Chia me esettetruunti an entente ue'weeil . ::,•:,(:•r ;or rs foe form • • . n A Vienna correspondent telegraphs Quebec unximr coloolitsien. esskei. 1,1141 John )0 „er tin fire in. mac way -as on other occa- sions persons h.'s° tukou shelter in theta dining the night. cou, 2',..rxtkuijr• 110e Cctinty tht; Inuat. t ”peci. eo•ii•t ;feel etate.Aczoltzvatifin; nt:ItY• draio..4, CA tg14. sriewili water. trouu• 1 cm 11, leg Infuse, of:4 e.)avez.i, ut to tlebo:..1 raid three elsucetce, rer weave Labe -elm. •- t Dominion New. P.0., rta, FO t SALE'. sing Strathrey for subzoriptious to the ensue e England and Amide. Count Profeseor Mod, Mr. Deaden, Montreal; Ju4lIce !Wart)* Passed seuregeo nu the Tittt luta frame Hotel tuetwit as 'TON BRIT. yellow fever sufferers. Von Bettee's apoointment aa Arnbessa. „' ' Dr Vox Waterman Bros Watson following prtsorters convicted r-Ttios. dor to Paris is believed to be connected ileir ; "Howland: Foster, common asettult, fined $100 x-nt m1„,. masetee mot i„rgo /saw, A young man no med James McGrigor. leeeper, Drookrtile ; 4.sitnate•fl on MC; .3t's), WI cool hes gOlifessed to burning the barn of with project. Toronto ; Goaderlinin. Toronto ; tote!, and cos, John Logan, rape, eoven • iu thl town of Clinton, containing one acre tfr. James Itichartition, Drummond, a New York, Och 22. -:rhe Herald btwolvo. Silver thirty-four ;„YeareLb ine Provincial Penitentiary ; • mon% fir log% has a, license and t6 now doing a flutsrlosa loudness. ThiR affords a sPlen• fortnight ago. He wee arreeted on ele opportunity tor al, one desiring re go into pliblishell All extract from a letter by tiroeut:ze, lieventy•nino ; honoreble men. James G. Moore, forgery of two prom- issory nottn two years each In the the )1.1tet htuntle88, Wit 0 tering itre very liberttl. eighty.eight. Grand tote', two Monday. . Jet:femme Davis to a friend in New A fire broke out on Monday mnilt 1 York in which ha nee :--“The noble elicest itight oclock, in It woodelled ad. • generosity of the Northern people in 1 A sui .11 payninnt down. and tra or twelve •po..r6 hundred and thirty-three. Proviocial Penitentiary, to run oanetne Sorb:els:fee. For fanner particultsr0 apply ;OIL 011YRNE, Exeter. valuator for Uonli111014 Loan randy. in the ease of John Sharpin, -- 1 .41AlleNI FOR SALE. -North half 2 ei • l'on. A. Stephen, and North halt of Santll • t • eeetetr, °gantlet whom a true bill was found for the murder of Ilobt. Mcailligen in the 'Village of Gorne, the pry brought in a half of bRaRe ZOLLS Rh* 7:4 Acres; good clay Maul. under geoll eidtivntion. About 0,7 acres cleared. verdict of manslaughter. The prison- tainse. and young hearing oinliard en the prefuls• cs. Wile and half from Grand Rend; close to Prouoial Penitentiary. seleee Ionise. Purchaser may buy 25, 50, or 75 acres, at las optims. Apply to AMOS PARENT, Grand Rend P. O. Stephen, Oct. 8r4, IS78, vi - - --.. joining the Markham High School, and tide day of our extreme affliction has The Eastern Queetion. m a short time the -school was totally been felt with aeep gratitude, and bite , , . destroyed. Meat of the furniture and done more for the fraternization of rt'''"." " THE WAR THREATENED ••••••••• booke were saved. i which motny idly prate thee would UNEASINESS III triton. - IMPORTANT The Orangemen of Montreal liave 'many volumes of rhetoricet assurance .. orrerat:Leenti PREVICNT1N•0 A. SEPARA* entered actiout for damaged against • TIM thn '4fityor f. r feleO arreet on the lttli of July. David emit claims $12,000, end each of the others $5,000. On Friday night last tile residence of Mr. Elijah Moore, cf St Themes/ wits tottered by tblevee, wbe robbea tie piece of two gold watoes, out) °hale 41.0 rest 0* -11 tilut4ered; frotuo tilirtt tsltd Awn° er was sentenced to four years in the ...1}4.0 IMPORTANT NOTICES. • NV.• ?„'?„.?„,s4P,sig., pa.r.can9tIhr eitended •E CO. t0. Days of sales arranged at this Okffet ASPIA NT J. CLARK, Agent for the Ue- 4e II borne and Ribbert Mutual Fire In surenec Ceinpauy, Residence- Farquhar, Orden; by Mail promptly attended to, OST. --On Timmer' Road,near Rnsseldele. e. large OH Skin. Any mon finding the same will be mu -aided by in - Presbytery of Hann. The Presbytery of Huron held a reg. mows.. Constantinople. Oct. 22. -Fears nee expressed that the &ottani Bottmellan 001mi:deo:Ion will encounter great ob. Bentieene.-The jewellery store of T. talar meeting on Tuesday of bulb week, atomics ftoni Itueshe the Porto veld the Fieteber was entered by burglars heat It was resolved to separate the 0011. Bulgarian inhabitante. BUSS% is re- Satitrday night between twelve ate/ mei gregrattou et Forawicti from flint of :Alyea to 11Mithighl the present admin. o'clock. Entrance was obtained by InaVilet? 0119 Vet of pearite a revolver, WrOleter, the latter to be eulf-sustain. and a lot of wearing Apparel. ling. The applioatien from Gorda for The body of Patrick King was found organization was grantedotud Fordwich in the b.ty at Kingston, on Monday. and Gorrie were moiled to form one At the Coroner's inquest the evidence pastoral charge. Moderations in cans showed the deceased to have been of un- were granted to the congregations of sound mind. A verdict of accidentally &Worth, Egitiondville, and the Thames Road, Usborne. A call was taken up train Bluevale and Endies in favor of despatch says Admiral Hornhy, in the Rev. Mr. Bryant, of Gionallaa, but as it had not been signed by a majority of the niernbera of said congregations, the Prosby.ery set, it aside. A. letter was read from Rev. D. lic0rae, • of Grand Bead, teudering the resignation of his charge on account of continued istretion until her troops have evacuated boring hake through the (liar, thus re - the province. The Porte iodide on its. moving the fastenings of the lock. sinning the financial athainietraticu, There wee supposed to be over a him- subjeet only to the aupervieien of the tireddvatches mut a quantity of value - 00111111188E011 ; and to coutinue the agi- bis luwellerY stoleu, Mao $700 in tation in favor of annexation to Bul- InonoY• No clue yet to the depred- gado,. ators. The express office :led Settles London, Oct. 22.-A. Conetantitople bookstore are in the same building. Ur. Fletcher had his money ad u jewellery iu a Taylor safe with double doors and combined look. The burglars opened the safe in the usual way, indi- oatiug a familiarity with the combina- tion, and forced the lock off the iron till inside. The safe in the Repress of- fice contained a large amount of money, but was unmolested. arming Mr. k eumck, Pmdrowtied was returned. eter Mills, or by leaving ft at the Ruaselditle Hotel. The danger of naing firearms in a crowded community was illustrated in Hamilton on eionday, by the narrow eKcape of Mrs. L Ootteril from death by this mays. The lady had just sat down with her back to a window, and bent forward to fasten her boot, smell a bullet whizzed past her head, and buried itself iu the opposite wall. Had ill .healtb. The congregation having the Indy been sitting nnright she would been cited, appeared by delegate, and London, Oct. 23.- Sir Stafford nave received the fatal shot in the head. the Presbytery agreed to accept the res- Northoote,speaking at Wolverhampton, It seems the inmate of a boarding-house ignation. A °emulate was appointed admitted that he was not able to say that lie was sore there would not be a renewal of the war. It was impossible to ignore the fact, he said, that dilticul- ties were being raised against the exe- cution ot certain parts of the Treaty of Berlin. Ile deolared that he wished to impress on the powers who signed the treaty, and, above all, the Sultan, the importance or not permitting this great work to be in vain. FSTRAY CA.TTLE.-STATIOD ON the premises of the undersigned.lot 1, S. E 13., Usbornei on or about the 8)th of October, one yearling, heifer, and ono yes.rliugsteer, Theo wner is requested to prove Immo .-typay expenses and take them away. SAMUEL MURRAY: NT °TICE IS liEREB y GlIVEN TO all interested ;fatties, that our travelling agent Use been discharged front our employ. All orders or monies given to him oa our Acconut wIJt bo to, the risk of the party so paying him. fc moone, *Hansa% October 15.1.11/8 D8. CAMPBELL, PROVINCIAL s Laud Surveyor. :to., Will Lo at the It yet Hotel. Exeter, ou the first Tuesday Meath month. (lidera for work left vita Air. John Spool:man will reedy e prompt attention. LAKE, Commissioner, litsur- * vto. Land and Loan Agent. °Moo— no t door ,,t1,itoyu.1 Rotel, if seism. Wilsons Hotel, RenlJl4IoveryMoflUzw. 13RIVATR, FUNDS to lose at 9 per JL Cent, • HORTGA.G-BS BOUGHT. Money loano4 on goodliOTES, riONVEYANCING - Deeds, Mort - NJ gages, Wills. Jet , drawn nn reasonable taring NOTICE. -Alt pieties having claims against the estate ol the late Thomas Mc- Curdy. Hibbert, are hereby notified to Sia the same with the °mentors on er before Ftiday, the 1st day of Noverabor, A. D.M79, JOHN GDURLAY I Executors. ' JOHN 31601711Di; • reborne, Oct, 3rd, 1878. • 8 -in. *SON & HUDSON, Heated], Out e.o OUNTANT S, AUCTIONEERS. Fire 0.4111MHe Insurauc., and Genural fiammissien Agents. 4..3la31rance twn-thirds cheaper than or- dinary eakt. Also tuonoy to loan on yeitironabie terms. Prop attention to eiders por mail er otherwise, le le.m and Village property for •intle or to lease.. .4Iso son good buLiklaBS 841;ida Aud residences Algae/inn. „JOHN MASON, jOREPII HUDSON; • Commisaion,cor Cowvcrtoo/AY, I 11.31ETER KNITTING''FAliTt)ItY. Om undersigned ...mild the nubile of Exeter ansitsurroundiegeountry that baatmen- . ed out a linftting Facteryin bleintyre:o tea scale teat es writ keep donsaantlison!'hoinct;Gefitist Ladies' and•Children'esiltockinsgs of every descrlps .Partfea may hams Rode Steaking's, Mitts4e, • . ltdit to eider Mrtheldrortesametice. A largaitape . . 4 i}t fitl ilk wool -.• tiv0rrylkor ou Vtntl. Finger • dispatch boat Helicon, has gone to Cy- prus to meet the Lords of the Aelittiral- ty. On Ilia return the fleet will anchor in the Gulf of Is.niel. The intended withdrawal of the fleet from the vicinity of Gallipoli has been abandoned in con- sequence of recent movements of the Russians. iu the vicinity had set up a target for rifle praotioe, but missed his aim with the result stated. The Orangemen of Montreal have been acquitted on the charge of form- ing an illegal assembly on the 12th *f July. Judge Ramsey charged the jury to acquit, on the ground that asaem, bling in the lodge -room was not illegal. 'A man named Henry Whitney, was hunting with ;Iodine Dodds in Mosquito Bay, Demorestville. Dodds shot at a consisting of Messrs Thompson, Cam - iron and McBee, to grant a suitable minute anent Mr. ItleBae's resignation. It was agreed to organize Fordyce into a mission station, Mr Leith be appoint- ed to attend to this matter at his earli- est convenience. Mr. Leask read a re- port mi finance and statistics, setting forth the average- contributions of the congregations, &o. It was agreed to print the report and circulate copies of it among the people. Deputations duck, sitting on the water some dis- wore appointed to vita congregations Sickness prevails everywhere, and every- Dince ahead of Jilin. Whitney raised in arrears, widen view of having "Ms body complains of some disease daring their in his boat and the charge struck bfin removed. A oummitie was appointed we, When sick, the object is to get w&t; now in the back of the head, blowing the to arrange for holding a Presbyterial to say that no person in this world that is =f- laring with Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint and its effects, such as Indigestion, Costiveness, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Heart Barn Palpitation of the Heart, Depressed Spirits, Biliousness, etc., can take GREEN'S AUGUST nowszt without getting relief and care. If ypa &tot this. go to your Druggist and get a Sample Bottle for 10 cents and try it. Regu- lar size 76 cents. Two doses will relieve yon. • • Is Tour Life Werth 10 Cents1 upper part of his head off and killing Sabbath School Convention, to be held him instantly. , at, Blyth in the month of February. A conference ou the state of religion was 11.01(1(111ring the evening sederunt. Next, meeting to be held in 1:31intou on the 14th of January, 1879. A rather serious shooting affray took place in- Guelph between seven and eightefeloek last Monde), evening. It aprears.from till that oan be learned at preeent filet two young men mimed Ryder. with their sister, were driving along,the Elora, Road, en4 when near the Baptist Chime) they sante lip with two ,Wen named Oent4eld Horn - b a at el fern:mm(4 .libedipoh. Who were ander-, the influenee of liquer at .the dais, and conviiming-, in a loud -tone vole% One efehe Herders cridd 0331.to .thein, Wbat. &ye etejer .4461 stepped inlO til'o;''gpittate titthe le woe. Al *isiarg stock -cif she read end, deerrierevOlvee, •seid exclekyne, te,e(Ageediel=4,06141stnisti aroing.'• t.Atelieorde the (tiakitig 14.• e • reeve as. r. • itkk 1 pet 144,..2, /„.0'1.4;, Pe-eyone show you 'valise aef,„ teket„,. c.14.4iitke3Fs'1/4K:s4elity2.:)kor iil tua-sigilioneek, teeter tioietennett • Sitting Bull. . New York; Oct. 20.-A,-Bisriiirek • epeeist says, :-Ce . pt. (Allen, of, the Meittreal Polioo, arrived ,yesterday di- rectly tom Sittinge BnlUs clomp, elle eeportie the hiffaloeit scattered ire:every ' '134.tilig;*11, Aeternaini4ot and, with, .some of ,hie !jo•Pee,, I.OoRil.§4. to la: the' United . 5S0.4 A japanese husband, it is said, can get a divorce if his wife disobeys hie another. And if he dis.lbeys his moth- erdn-Inev he tioisn't get a divorce, but this probabilitee are shot he gets an aw- ful tangos lashing. ',The religious papers of England are diecassing the momentous question. "Ought clergymen to wear motional:b- ee e" e thinkas cold weather comes States., Alltrreseyeestethe renegialkynii,. they abould, and nn days of ex- ijhetnnpe en Mitis itn&oi irerne severity, the' might add it pair of C4lekiiitrelltaineffs fittiffdfiqo 'bud it thiok vest, •••—•-.--•••••••••••••11-4••••••-•4 Port Blake. SAM OF LOTS. ---Mr. R. Staulake, of Exeter, having eurveyed a portion of his property here into village lots, held an auction sale not bug since, and suo- (seeded in disposing of a numbert,of good seleotione at very feir prices. The purchasers mostly ieteuibuilding: Butor.-In view of the neer approach of the time for closing navigation on the tektite this .Port has presented a very busy appearance of late. The steamer "Victoria" is busily employed,. having cleared the Port twice a week during the last three weeks. She had. good cargoes eatth trip. NEW FEATURE. - SOMothillg out of the way in the lino of ahipving was done at this Port the other day. Mr. W. Drew, of Exeter, had a boat -load of excellent furniture, bought in Chicago, nnloaded et this Port. He aniline that he saved money by bringing the furni- ture by water iurtead of rail. BRicx. - The brick-kilu Messrs, Blake & Co. were burning hae nulled out lirst-olass. Mitt demon- strates that the clay in the tonality is suitable fer brickonekitag. That al- ready made has turned out to be Ore briek, having stood the severest te. tie and sold at $20 per tie:newt for cupo- las, ovens, &o. This is the only .fire brick made in Western Ontario, Memo., \ Blake & Co. intend going ante „eivety into the mantifecture of white building' brick, in addieieen est* Are brittle/ fa the spring.