The Exeter Times, 1878-10-17, Page 8Exchange Bank of Canada. 1140-.) O XoE, )tOI T1 Az. Capital paid tlp. - 81,000,000, =BOWESa M. R. G A.C1 T. Presideune. THOMAS CAVEDHI/4 Vice -President. A. W.OGILVII . 11t.P.P., - E. E. C=BEENE TROs. TIFFIN, ALEN. BUNTEN, a ArES CJ .&THEBN. C. R. Atixt.tV. . Cashier. OEO11tirk: BUITNS, - Inspector J xeter Brauoh. A GENE1RA.L BAliEING BUSINESS TBA -T- S ACT1.D. Money loaned to farmers on their own notes with Pod endorsers. Drafts issued on New Toth. SAVINGrS BANE DEPARTMENT. per cent. interest allowed =deposits or orae o:l,ar and upwards. e11R',ri(1•. ILOURS-From 1e to 3; from le to 7. on Saturday-. W. A. 11ASTINGS, Manager. Exeter, August;•:tad,1$713. 51-1v. OUB STOCK, OP Overcatingsi Heavy Tweeds Beiugcomplete and carefully selec t e d we are Open to Competition T 3E TTMES of the wagon to fall out of theueckyoke and Msxrrse of TUE Town Peek:Ens. L. The pulling Mr. Cooper off the wagon. He fell be- Villages Council met. pursuant to adjournment tween tbe horses but still maintained his bold at the market house on the 10th Inst, all the on the lines and stooped the affrighted- ani members present, except Mr. Samwell. After reals before they had gone far. Af'r. Cooper the minutes of the previous meeting were escaped with slipbt injuries. read and confirmed the following business was Suooxlxo Acc:Dra -On friday last Mr. transacted Moved by W. H. Verity, second - George Dyer was M Ifr, Wm.. Iiitohing's ma ed by J. N. Howard, that orders be 'grouted ehhine shop, -when two men came in. One of for the following sums : D. Johns, 812.70, for the men picked up a revolver which had been stove, rte. ; and A. Robinson, 812.50, for sera brought in to be repaired. Neither Mr. ices, --Carried. Tenders were received for Bitching nor the man who was examining the the. construction of sidewalks as follows : Geo. revolver knew that it was loaded, and while being examined it went off when the muzzle was pointing towards i1ir, Dyer, the ball lodg- -Carried. Moved by W. H. Verity, seconded ing in his leg. Itwas extracted by Dr. Lutz, and the wound is health?, as rapidly as by I. N. Howard, that the ;Creek notify the could be expected, parties having control of the weigh scales Sronal.-•-On Monday night about 12 o'clock to discontinue weighing on such scales teems. severe storm visited Exeter and eicinity. Al- lintels, and to remove the same from said though the appearance of the sky betokened a street on or before the 2.1:11 day of October. --Carried. Moved by J. N. Howard, seconded y R. Bissett, that the following clause be ads lea to the market by-law :---"That no person r persons shag purchase any dressed hogs in his village except on the Market Square;" -car- ried. Moved by J. N. Howard, seconded be R, Bissett, that this Council adjourn until .call of the lteeve.-Carried. BLANSHA,RI) F. LL SFHO:1T, Hodgins, 82,50 per rod; E. Bissett, 82.17 per rod. Moved by W. H. Verity, seconded by 11. Bissett, that Mr. Bissett's tender be accepted, storm scarcely anyone thought it would be as severe es it proved to be. The thunder was very laud and the lightning exceedingly sharp. and the wind was so violent as to shake many, houses to their very foundation. About 1.30a. m. rain began to pour down and con- tinued for a considerable length of time, and was followed by a heavy bail storm. We have not heard of any very serious damage being dome. Ree, nu, TRADE. A G1laCrT o:: aTo>in.---i1e learn that in a. a. - ---- , certain publication it is said that a certain person canoe near meeting with a violent LEADING ENGLISH anti AMERICAN loath one night by scene one epringiug upon him while he was passing near the Thins of - 1 cls .`.t ' . 1 o n s o Tl 1 e 'lir . lice. The idea that any person tlealt the r ' (.. ,its` FtrrnisbirigS a sperialgt blow ivllieh carne so near being fatal is sero. The annual fall show, under the auspices of the Blanshard agricultural society was hold in the villages of Sirkton, ou Priaay, October 11. Although the weather was very unpleasant, a large number was present, thus shlmvin; tient if the weather lead beau pleasant, the crowd Irauld have been still larger. The outdoor matins. The ghost of a departed game rooster, ' departruent was extremely well represented'.-• W . G R I G G . mo the ghost of Mould's father, zeturued-to the borees, cattle. stwep, and hogs lasing all of earth to have revenge, #iapl+ed him over the ttret•ehtee quality. The implementsahuwi were ileal with lei, icings, and the ter'ritied touter such as eoul•l scarcely be excelled at any of T_i 0 CAL NEWS. in ills wild imagining Conian.l up the bind- these larger show' The exhibition of buggies. } _ - _ gran story. Thus doth e.nlscienee 11141' CtN5- was good,eLud the work un thein refleete.1 great 'i'i.1.CRRSP.AX, ry OOTOBER 17, 1878, ora" vi tts all. credit up s.t tit makers. Th./ indoor d -•pout. --- Extern TALENT IN (eionreIe•rt.---Tile Gude- eneantwes unt as goo l as it Iris h. en other e ars. 1'it..I.rr re. lies l.a:t+:rhroot: bas a serinld 'Oil sdt• tar of last reek iu seribinl au en- but a great deaf better than we expected i to erep t<f t+k'.iron of this year's growth ;u his eetr• tc rtaintta.•ut held in the (lvleerieb hole{ duel it on styli tx day. The fruit. was gnod, and ;suis Sschool Sr(ttks vela highly of dins Jennie also the vegetables. The, grain waitorsuperier /eve Ilttee.-The 1"seter base halt club go Ilitteeher as a re:a.it'r. Flies Hotelier gave see. quality, nod eould not be sun:eet ea in any to Mini:ell ta•day to play the Cttlb of that end readouts amine the entertainment, alt of part of the l ravftnc e. Tito l'eel'ues'work was all t.att. wtnieharehifihlyspokt:nef,lutaurcottm,make. well executed. Below will be fonwt the prize If. 11. Atmore, I..D.S.. Deutiet, hal removed special mentionr se a pies+' eutitleai". Tltw cheer First ;'- hies rtle e' to alvei O'nvITs Dad:, , t,lap,o rte Sant- ctf Lift', whieh wee einisia retl by all present manse;~. tit;l a Pit•kartre. n. to be en exeell'nt selection. Perhaps the Geld- Bast span of Imes, draugl•thtnees in ]iar- B rieviite-Mr. George Savants, fartuerly of erielt people w,111,1 bo surprised to learn that tut, :l,tl:tiegn House, Exeter, relieved to Clint- . Miss llaeteber is the anther of this exevllent ,tu on itoueittw• to take Possession of n 11ut01 iu : pros u: tit u. Miss Bute`, o 's ttenelinfi the Godter- tivit place. hell Model tiehool preparatory to entering upon Ar=rusetoo 1- -theta O'Byrne a2 C empany's ' the duties of a teacher. advertisement this Creek. They are selling Prs+tr Orarllols ut Kernp':: Ship Grocery, al't Liu'.i t of hardware cheaper than ever. Call To At'vr:rzlsees.-Common sense tells an a»hal Feeler yatneelves. , advertiser that in luaudng known his news to :ears:.---Iiehueluber tlr. 'rapson's side ou lot the public be shuntel select the newspaper 11. eon.:,, Stephen. on •Montlay next, The whitll bas the largest tionetituency of readers. We eluinl to have one of the largest cireuln. tines of any country paper in Ontario. and tit leant a; Irony readers as nue. paper published ,les to tl,urpany's Comity Atlas. is in town in it town the size of Exeter. There is scarce- tukine the views of the village which are to 112,. a ftrmee in tine snrroun&ing townships who e,aabelli.;ln the forthcmninfi wink, does it read 'Tun Truss, awl it therefore ,ll ecRTist. Parties tlfaR: sgn;tn advertise ite c stands t reason 'trod this is the best paper r to •ahuul.t do sn through the paper that 'will reach talk to the farmers through, Advertisers the t reatteet mauler of people, The Torn; recognize these farts, as witness the large has a large circulation, and tale will be eonttnetcil by stessrn. Ilodgsou J: Olio. eo,rnt: auctioneers, Ir 'fawn. --`it'. Holmes. the viewer far Bel - parties advertising uumbcr of adv rise newts we ar + evt Y in it get returns ter the money expeudesl• week favored with. Merchants will tied tha. tv.•-11 a are always thankful to par- advertising in; this paper will answer every ties who call at the ufllee and give USiteruS of purpose. news. If any of our readers or friends know ('oaaucTnees.-Intho prize list of tIle south of anything that would be interesting to the Society . e, fi Huron Agricultural Sucrtt� ns published last readers of the Times they will tenter a favor week, n cumber of errors occurred. The pour by acquainting us with the particulars. priutcr of cunrse got the blame, but we object Demur Dswee--On Sunday morning as lir, to shouldering it this tune, tee we have eu- Ir. Batumi and family were going to church the ough of onr own faults to bear. The mistakes shafts of the voihiele in which they were riding neenrraai in trataseribing the numbers of the la earn ,letatcbed from the conveyance when near the Sable bridge, and Mr. Braund and family walked the remainder of the distance to church. NnwENrsnrnrsia.-We direst the special at- tention of our readers to the advertisement of Mr. Palk in another column. Mr. Park is a civil and obliging young gentleman and a good salesman, and has opened out a Gents' fur. nishinfi establishment opposite the Ceutral. Give him a call. He can suit you. CgAvas. _Tho attention of the pnrchasiug community is directed to the change of adver- t(semeu of :Messrs. afcClellax d Bros. These gent'.emeu offer goods cheap, and if attention to business, politeness, and a desire to please horse slaves ; pump, T. Horn. enatomers deserves succors, then 'should the IxensesED.-The property fever has again lneasnre of their success be laageiudoed. attacked Exeter, and changes in ownership IMPROVEMENT CLASS. -The members of .the during the past week are numerous. Wheth- Bible Christian Improvement Class met er it is owing to the good tines which are ex- on T'esday evening last. Iu the abseuco of peeted to return soon or not, we cannot say, the President Mr. James Down occupied the but the changes aro a fact nevertheless. Mr. chair. As tbe Secro`•atty failed to appear with Jas• Swenertou has purchased from lir. Sam - the programme which had been provided,,the� gel Treble for anent sum: that valuabie prop - time was ocoupied by volu.:tary readings, re- eitations and music by these present. TAxPINn OPERATION. -Ur. Peter Drew, of Exeter went to a Detroit physician a few days ago and had seven pints of water taken from the vicinity of his lungs.' The hater pressed against the lung, seriously injuring it and causing shortness of breath. We hope Mr, chased from Captain Howard that very desir- Drew will be greatly benefitted by the opera- able residence near the planing mill formerly owned by. Mr. John Ross. Mr. Suhram will be uelaorue to out . pretty village. This sale enables Mr Howard to carry out a design he hes had in view sortie'time, namely; the band- ing ossa bonne of entertaiu(nent on his proper- ty • roper-ty• on Main street facing the 'Market Square. We learn that _ he haps commenced' drawing brick. Mr, Fenwick =haft' also purchased a 7nrge strip of laud in the. ueig{lbo•hood of the market Which le intends t6 .improve.. The noes. large zeston9e in tlici'amount of land •;aiireb;is° Aged boar. W Henson. e+ ;+ ;e A;'eit 5aur, G 13ently. ed sluts tlie',estnbllshme,it of .the nrnrkeE''has deeidod•th' ,a. :v m6d `eutl nr n o zl:l •Aged oar; littered; iu 1'878, P.A Sperling. . e bo alta . , g e e u „na. c, 1 ,y„sv, littered in 11378, 1Y' H 11Aisoy '2nd rhes,:. 'I' b,sstuer ; 2un, t i McIntosh. llrotul mare . null feat. !heavy draught!, T ('atiqulltnut; 2nd, 't lirah,enh. Twoeyear old filly or gel.lwgalwnry tlraugbti I..1 Kirk t 2tu1, Angus Mt•t'atletu. One ,year-old filly or gctttillg,llwnvy draurglitj J llarhuey. T , Foal, tta.eesvy draught) Cnlcluln,nn, .,Itd, 1V McC'ullouglt• Spon of )general parpoee horses, in haroess, J hackney; 2w1, lr Melts. &rout mare asutt ford, !general ptirpoetg It Briditeuu m ; .Fuel, 3 Hooper, Two-year old filly or gelling, (general pur- pose) II Jt?uPS; 2214, (r Elliott, One.vear old filly or gelding. (general 1tur. pu-'e) 1V Cornish; 2%1.0Melutaslte Foal, (g,euerallutrpnaey l Itat• ; 2ud, J Iloop- or. Twit -year alt filly or geh liug, (C.ur:alien &rant la) .1 $ntlerlaunl. One-year old silly or gelding, (Cenastliau tlr.utght) .1 Har, tented. Pao -year uitl filly or fielding, {blood} Imbert Bridgman ; 2ud, 1) Sinclair. Oue-yeatr u1d fitly tir gelding, Nowt) John arcr.,tray, Fo..1, (bloudj It 1)celbrigt: ; 2utl, W 3 Mein - tyre. Span of earring° horses, in harness, T Ke t- ner, Single baggy horse, 1) McLnrty; 2nd, R Berry. Saddle horse, W 3 McIntyre; 2nd, T Hyde. Best foul, heavy draught, from imported horses, J Rae. CATTLE. llurl,n ns. --Milch cnw,a Youngstnn; 2nd, S exhibitors. 'We took them from the judges' Stephens. books, and in •alnost every case we were cor- t One-year old heifer, 3 Campbell; 2nd, S Stephens+. Bull calf, .1 Stephens ; 2nd, 8 Stephens. Heifer calf, A ltae ; 2nd John Hanna. Grades. -Milch cow, J Hooper ; 2ncl, J Hoop - rest uceoidinfito those authorities. We have to take the numbers as given by them. In one or two instanc's. we made corrections Benne e knew a :azistnko roust have occurred i er. in sumo way. But we are not ubiquitous and Two ;year old heifer, S Stephens ; 2nd, W therefore can not be erpeoted to know who are Predha,nh prize -takers in every instance. Below ase a One-year old heifer, J Hooper; 2ud, S Stoph- ens. few corrections : 1lull calf, W Stacey ; 2nc1, W Boyer. Thomas Bisset, lst prize, single driving Heifer calf, J Sutherland; 2net, 1V Boyer. horse ; Thos. liissett, 1st prize, saddle horse ; Pair steer calves, J Campbell; 2nd,J Hooper. , Mr. Jas. White int prize, carriage team instead. 8 Patr of two-year old. steersJ Hooper ; 2ud, Stephens. of Mrs. White; B. McCord, lst prize for tire- Pair of one-year olal steers, J Hooper; 2nd,11 othy seed; McMillan Se McBride, 1st prize for erty on the cornet of Main, Wellington and _ William streets, facing the Market Srfnare. There are three houses and three lots. We understand he intends building a brick block on the Main corner in the spring. The loon - tion is excellent. Mrs. Schram, of Centralia, desiring to make Exeter his bonze, has pur-. tion. BAtILIED.-An old horse whichevesbeing dri ven through town on Saterdsy aftennoon when in front of this office came to the 'con - 'eh -felon that it ,had gone far enough, and "stop - short," and the driver thought it would, "nee: go' again,•'. and it didn't until after it was put in the Commercial stables and regaled with hay and oats. HuakwA'r.-A span of horses belonging . to Mr. Robert Cooper, Of Usborne, while passing lou o t " n load f furniture helou�zug to, lir. Swartz ora. Baron Street on Monday beeame frightened ..entre n sudden spring, causing the tongue Mg the purchases announced.,:•.. Delbrige. Fat ox or steer, 'W Boyer; 2nd, W Boyer. Fat cow or heifer, D Fotheringham. sHE1tr. Leicester. -Aged ram, J Stephens; 2nd, V. Somers. One-year old ram, W Somers; 2ud, W Mc- Cullough. Bann lamb, W Brock; Zit Somers. Pair ewes, having raised lautbs in 1878, W Somers ; 2uc1, Abray tS; Edwards. Pair of one-year old ewes, W Somers ; and, l� Predbam. Pair ewe lambs,W Pretlham ; 2nc1, W. Brock. Cotsttioids.-Aged rata, W Spence; sad, A Kirk. A Switzer. One-year old ram, II Bann Iamb, ti A Switzer; 2nd, H A Switzer. Pair ewes, having raised lambs in 1878, H A Switzer ; and, 11 A Switzer. Pair. of one-year old ewes, H A Switzer; 2nd H A. Switzer. Ewe lambs, H A Switzer; 2ncl, H..9. Switzer. Grades. --Aged ram, J Hazelwood ; 2ud, G Bently. One-year old ram, T' Middleton. Banilawb, \V Spence; and, W Pridhnrn. Pti.ir of ewes having raised limbs in 1878,W Hazelwood`; 2nd; G Bently. Pair of one-year old ewes, W Pridham; 2nd, lV Metiullunh. Pair of ewe lambs, T Russel; 2nd, W Spence. Pair fat ewes, 1st, D MoEweu ; . 2nd, 1' Prier. Aged boar, (small breed) J Anderson.. Aged sow, (small breed) W Boyer ; 2nd, 3 Scott, Sow (small breed) littered in:1878, John Mc- Curdy ; 2nd, W Hazelwood. FowLS. Puff cocbins, G Bently ; 2ua, D Piretlirour. I)ark brat nas, G Bently: Light Brahmas, J Walsh ; Il. Bebinson. Black Spanish, 8 Ford; End W kI Paisey. Dorkius, G Bently, Genie, S Ford; 2nd, W Fi Paisey, Polands. J Bently; 2nd, G 1lenfly. Bard -yard fowls, J Hanna; 2nd, 11 Robin - eon, Turkeys, W Stacey. Geese, W Gardiuer; 2utl, W Anderson,. ineLznimirs. Covered carriage, 3 Stinson. Double open buggy, D Moice; 210, s Ford. Siegle open buggy, D Mice; 2u4, D Melee, Lumber wagon. Iran axle, 1) I\feice. Lumber wagon, wooden axle, W Robinson; 2n4, James Taylor. . Iron beam plow, J Jardine; 2nd, H Bonner, .Iron barrow, D Gibb; 2nd, John Callender, Wooden pmmp,J Sbuebottom; 2nd, 11 Bridg- man. Combined reaper and mower, las Laing. Single mower, S Crawford. Turuip seed drill, Heid c& Wood; 2nd,Augus McCallum. Gang plow, Reid a Wood; 2ud, A Mulberon &: Cc, Horse hay rake, W McLennen. Set nurse shoes, 1) Gibb ; 2ud, John Callen- der. Turnip cutter, Reid c2 Wood ; 2nd,A stingier. on & Co. Set of W iftletrees and Neekyokes, John Cal- leutler, Scot. our. GRAIrt. ar11 wheat, white, G Bently; 2nd, I3 Broth - Fall wheat, risi. W $taeey; 212d, T Tnfta, Spring wheat, W ,ureal ; 2nd, R Dolbeige, 1)nrlt'.,v,two rowc d,J Fla, lewontt ; 2ud.J t'itlev. Oats, 1 Wilkinson; thnl, Angus 31':s',allum. Large time, J Healy. Small peas. CI S,umerville. Flax in. saran., li Hanuah. Indian cern, 1I A Switzer; 2ud,P A. =parting. none's ANA Ti M:TAtBLES. l i,lnev potatoes, 1) 1,retbour; ',:tett, A.. Shier. Early rose ltotatotes 1) Urethuur; 2nd, II A. Su itzer. tiarntet r{tillis. 1) 1)rothour. Swedish turnip's. Il' Spence; 2utl, U A Snit- zer. field earrots. Jas Wilkinson; 2ttl. T Russel. trar:l•u carrot, Fr.urt; Middleton ; `Intl, A ;1#et'cllet+ars stnn.,.'Ie1 \Yatrt ,1, T l nsee1; •srt,l. 1V Royer. ltii,''as, 1:t" ttolew.on; :hot, F J Kirk. 131,+,tag lI e't�, Astg•ni It:t'attalo ; Ind, l l.tvid nrushuur. (abb:t' t'•, W Dover; 2114. 1V Robinson. Touu:to. a, W t ley ; 2n•1, 11flsizelw.,erd. t'etnlitl.,ut•r,e..T fie tltly. Celery,'tV If Paist'y. t'itrtm. iV Boyer; '9ud. T Thompson. Pnult,kin. l' ;1 Sp:triiu:;.;'I,td, S Stephens. 1\'atterrulelou, Angors .l'•('.tllulu. ral`Ir. Northern Spy, 1' A :spoiling;. Menlo Islnn'l trrecuing, 1V siarsholl ; 2251. W Marshall. won:+udw apples, \V Hazelwood; '2tnl, 1V Flan -1- u. til.itztnlarrga,.7 Wilkinson; ,nd, 3 Wilkin. San, King of 1iihinx 1) Switzer; Switzer. Pale apples. 3 t Atty. I'la",a.auatra, \V Iltzctwi'Ott. 1l•nauuters, Tbtsrnas lfy3r ; 2m1. Tbos,llvrir, Twenty ounce apples, I) Iirethour; thiel, 1) I3 e'thour. Sweet pears, 1) Bretllnnr; 211.1, P Brethour. r „a �) tie ltib .t rt . t to •t n 1 L Hyde; r • Hyatt. s l » 1 n, T Golden rnssrew. ti Beaty;Beaty;., ..Sets (; lieutiv. Collection of apples, 1) Switzer ; `.'.u,t, I 3 Kirk. (.'rub apples, (. Vide; ; and, W Marshall. Grapes. grown iu open uir,111tubiusuil; :Ind, 1V 1'leaym. I'eaebe;, 1' (rowan. Plums, U Bently. Pall pears, John Stentt;12nd, T Ilgllingalread. Wiuter pears, ; 2214, t ' ) c l aL s, A Rea iv 1 ollzns< u. TWAT rroDrcE. Rog abutter, 1V Boyer ; 2ut{, A Shier. Table lilt•ec, NV Moyer; 222d, H A Switzer. Che)ese,home-made, J Bently; 2.1td, W J McIntyre. Cheese, factory -made, 'tiV Gardiner. arlticnXLA:CEors.. Home-made bread, 11 Creery ; 2nd, Miss Somerville. Full cloth, home-made, T Hyde; 2nd, G Mc- Irrtosll. Shirting, home-made, J Irvine; 2nd, W .Matt shall. Plaid, all wool, D Switzer, Pair of Blankets, ail wool, b Switzer; 2nd,. T Hyde. 'Union blankets, E .7 hlrk ; 3ud, A Kirk. Honey in comb, G Bently ; 2nd, G Laing. Strained honey, G. Bently ; and, .1 Coley. Canned fruit, W Marshall ;2nd, 'W Marshall. Jelly, W Hazelwood ; 2nd, G Vicks. Calf skin boots, A Jamieson. Gaiters, A Jamieson. Coarse boots, W Anderson, Oil chrowo. Miss Kirk; 2nd. H Roadhouse. Pencil drawing, J 13 Sleeper;2nd, 113 Sleeper. Portrait. J B Sleeper; 2utl, J 13 Sleeper. Drain Tile, J Gilley - IAMBS' IMPARTMENT. Socks, home -spun, Miss kiyde ; 2nd, T Hyde. 'Woollen stockings, home -spun, Thos Hyde Miss Hyde. Woollen ritts,homo-spun T Hyde ; 2nd, Mins Hyde. Fancy socks, T Hydo ; 2nd, Miss Hyde. • Fancy stockings. J Beutly ; 2nd, 3 Bently; Ptuley mitts, F Middleton ; 2nd, lv Ander- 5011. Braiding, S Doupe ; 2nd, Miss Maggie Jamie- son. (scuts' shirt, hand -made, J Bently; 2nd, Miss 1•Iyde. Gents'. shirt, machine made, Mi's Murrliy. Crochet Werk, J Bently ; 2ud, A Rae. .li,mbroidery ou muslin, Miss M Jamieson; 2nd, Miss M Jamieson. Patchwork quilt, Miss Sample ; 2nd, A Ur- quhart. iCovi•li. erlet, home-made, W Mashall ; 2nd, Miss 11: Needle work, T Hyde ; Miss Hyde. Fnucy knitting, Mise':llyde; 2nd, -T Hyde. Rag inat.,.7 Bently; G 'Vickers; Home mettle carpet, 3 Abray ; 2nd Miss M. Talniesou, • ,Beit gbllt,'Miss M Jamieson. Crytat painting,. S Donpe. "Paper f1owert;,.A ,[Girl•. ,S1lellfrai`ite,.I+',Micleloton;2tnd,) Hanna. Lace work, Miss Sample ; 2nd. O'Switzer. Feather flowers, J' Stinson;2nd•1) Brethour. Ho nc-ulade'soihp, J Benptiy ; 2nd, 3'ttieGreg- OCTOBER 17, 1878 Hair wreath, F Middleton. Berlin wool work, for framing, 3 Wilk'i 2ud, P Middleton. Embroidery in Cotton, Miss MJamioson ;2.ttlk;; S Donpe. PIT Pair of slippers, W Marshall. Sofa Cushion, Miss Gowan ; 2ud, J Douro.. Tidy in cotton,J Hazelwood; 2n1,J1leutly. Tidy in wool, 3 Ilazelwood; 2nd, )Liss Sam- pie. alu- 1 peHat, Canadian straw, 3 Bently; 2nd, 3 Bent - toy. Wax flowers, Miss 3l Jamieson. S TERM, N . COUNCIL MESTI\G,----Cannan wet ern the 7th inst. ; all tiro members present, tha Reave in the chair -minutes of 'i'Or- wer meeting read and signed. Moved by Mr. Schoarr, seconded by Mr. Eit- her, that $50 be grouted towerds aiding Crediton people in sinking and covering a ditch. Moved by Mr.. Schnatr, sec- onded by W. Baker, that $5.50 be granted to aid iu digging a ditch on 5th eon. Moved by Mr. Sohuarr, seconded by IIIc. Yearly, that Mr. Baiter see about getting a culvert fi:;:ed near Wm. Walker's. Moved by W. Baker, sec. coded by C. Wither, that $5 be granted to aid in ditching near S. Staubrke's ou condition Hay grant a similar amount -next meeting- of Council to be first Monday in November, `fits Beovo acrd Wm. Baker to greet Mr. Bunter near 11IcOoy's to see what is to be done/ towards opening mit a drain between Usbe,rrte and Stephen. A number of accounts were ordered to bo paid. 0. Paorry, Clerk, Li CAN. Liousgs IKir,l.t:n.---On 'Monday morn• lug last four horses belonging to 11r. Jaluee Toohey were killed on the G. T. B. track about two miles eclat of thi:, place. Sort► Orr. --'Mgr. Sider, Shoebottoln, who keeps a lIStr4 stable, has sold out to Mt. Jetrces Cratiton. We lose a good citizen in Mr. Shoebottoitr, who is going 12110 business in one of our northern viling,`s, Z:cartnr:rr.x.--It is strange the north. ern sparks hill not light upon the rent. tivi-err of last. Thursday arid 1''ridety switich took !dace in Al}sa Craig last ;Thursday and Friday, 11ad one•tenth the r,•Ievaiattt tnktn place in Lateen the sparks would blaze it over the country stile as "rant pant rowdyism ettraot•tli- nary." Wo aro safe in saying that sl' much drunlcetress a.ntI quarrelling has not ttrlcen place in Lucent for 1110: 10'tb 1 Iwo yearn. Wo snarl bo meat ltatpl y to quare them our town constable after the Quarter Ses,i'Ins, or in his absence we can spare hila his right hand aup- porter. --`"4 hilt spea}cin;; of our town constable, , we might remark that tit�1 charge of CDnapiratey preferred by hitir z, ., d s against John O'T)•tnaltue, of this place, loci triel by Spike ended in nn honorable Requital of the defend- ant, S. Lbuing relieved of $18.60 in the shape of costs. White fia (successorstoG.t B. Smith) } n l 1 II AVE BEEN Iil.('I•:IVI:S.G FOB, T111 PAST '1'1V0 WEEKS Tito buil: of their immense FALL 11IPORTATIONS alitect front the markets of Curopo and America. and although. in our last Spring .ireglar we ere pressed the thought that prices had reached their towost ebb, front that time to the present many elassos of goody Flutes kept falling still further in price, and wo hesitate not to say that at No period in the history of the Dry goods trade have prices been so Iow as they ere to- day, In maintaining our progressive business we have taken advantage of have+y favorable turn in tlw market so as to bring within the reach of our nttttllerous customers goods at the lowest possible Prices. We are in a I,osftion to day to offer throughout our house ,t range of lower quotations then we ever before submitted 212 any previous period of our)listory. Our facihties arennsurp as. sed in the retail trade, because we are part of a wholesale firm, and because of the Knowledge we Possess of the requirements of the trade, and be- cause of the knowledge of the markets ie which wo buy. Our buyers have access to the chief sources of supply. Our buyers are G, B. Smith tC Henderson, wholesale dry goods dealers, Toronto, and therefore cannot bo surpassed, These are u. tow of the, reasons why we can place goods before onr customers at the closest prices, and which we think cannot fail to he appreciates by iudop4 .j2 ent buyers of sound judgutent.a WHITE & (JO., successors to G.B. Smith. St.Ma••ys. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW ALLAN LINE OF Royal mail Steamships. THE SARMATIAN will sail on Oatohor 23, Sh'ertestsea passage. I'or epeed,comfort;-economy andsafety aro equal IP anyothor aalaaitia•Lino, and teeing a Caa.atlion Lini,shoalt• bepatrouivAd bylallCanadians. i?'iir pnrticnlitrri as to passage or !parties sendtngl foie CAPT. (3µ I EMP, Exeter, ,