HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-10-17, Page 7?CWzEB 10, i.?s THE BROOK, • • Alite +rook went singing. Tltid'Q z the thievery lea, ',On, onward must I hasten, The Silver Lake to see," • The little.broak runs Merrily - For nothing will si} stay; • Through stones autl pebbles winding, She slieeds her sparkling way. The little brook impatiently - Creeps thrinegit the bushes green, And threw,* the tall reed Nests, • Where ilia esc lea: -hirers nest is seen. The MUG brook runs merrily • - rur nothing jut•., she etaay, Till i;he comes Where the speckled fishes 1'urstle their nto:at:less 1lluy. "Stop, little.brouk l" they call to Iter, "Nor sweep us on:with thee; i'low gently through one ; Beneath th^• willow tree." Anal the !Rile brook, all loris ly, Flowed slo,tlylthr-oagh the pool Valera her playful fri"uas..the fishes. Hal their homes so Lige and e.sul. Then outman she h:lsten al; In cold. in run, in hint ; Onwardan•l on:vard springing Witit eager twinkling feet. floc juin y, ever Intel.ning- . Uutiriii . bright, and free ,; ;Vex, little brook -be happy-.. Tlae Silver Lake oh see! Then the little brook I.°alt°a wwiidly, Ana down the til :i site frllrings: (Per fern,: and tangled bronchi c3 A cloud of spray :lie Rings. It crasea--the wilt -1 sweet music Of a . f the ,s.►tete ,Away., -as uu tbet IAA clear breast Site, found her home at left 1 TIM TIMES TUE SCOTCH 1'EOPL1:, Piano TZ'rra'a, for the Signa OI' THE --.-. er•¢ • , THE - and a >�4► , . achino ! CrHE LABGES1 AND HEST STOCK OF .. Silverware, China and Deif ever seen in the West, •atee�t �+ �•t �+ ry•f �q�j -� E..in/ real # V' Sr lei S rh oc�l..Shc I . Mi. West lane Sant received art excellent eteck ' 1 I Surer Tea hetts,Butter Coolers,Doublenna Single Pfel7le Cruets, Oahe gaskets, Card Receivers, Com - 7 ._ ....,... a Has just colilmenced, business one halfmil West of Dashwood, and is preparea to clean Clocks,Watelz'8s and Sewing Machines. Um- brellas repaired and O Bans unci Melodiousat- tendedto. Tense in want of his services should give him a call before goia,gaway from homo. �i:hargel> moderate and entire eati.,fac- tion gnarutced. ST.'M IIIc :'S LIAi1 WORKS. ourdrawitiztlns beiugnow in fail oneration,awl termagant flatly a large tennitiel fie that for all purr/uses mn.ti.nSetta.etc.,ofthe Bost QuadaupleaundTr:ple cannot be surpassed. in the Dvmiil• Plate, au4 iy offering tine same at prices tbat would .t, Ttl NISI# YOU L'Olc C'1IE tP;1 E..S ! Ile hos just opened out a nen- and complete as- $at'teient of China. (Hess and Stonec-ares. A large st'ben ot Latnpijust arrive,!. Call ewdeatisfy year elf as to quality and allt:aness. Come and ,1 T THE try our iestrivateats. '.tTusia} Teaetler still oat .L-�, d. Services at lowest figures. Special attention called to the Raymond Sewing Sttnaar , as DOe B1 '- c ceiline. Organs and Pianos unsintpasseu S•x1 Ion. Partiesfrom a •listance eon Mtn.ysbear-plied either at the %illi i or dc111 enc by teams at low est rel zueretive rotes. Orders from a .lietattce promptly attended to. WHI SON $ SC14ATElt. beauty of design. and gelality of tone. 1h' A C T 0 It Y, DREW. THE MARKET QIJESTIO ISAAC CHG Being now iu receipt of alargo htockof Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines an Liquors, Orockery, E to., A.t his Store, , taiu Street, Exeter, which will be sold at N,3 armed : legions are required to loyal. TLOWEST MARGIN ON COST licca theinTherearo probably (� ...,t two thou. -and soldiers this day in fill Scotland, and they are there :purely' for recruiting crud keeping the feat eases iu order. The l+ol dation to -ally ie barely up to four millions, and will The inhabitants of Exeter and vicinity need not feel troubled ttt the • want of a market wherewith to make money, but probably sever be gyrator, for the at rite ;tore of the r��lllscriber and is eenstrxt1t let roe t ;lead. fat la 1'1dir,p in'ttertaa le is Iz F dof 5t ltn,t �tfi[.31e1: v* . •Lc., .o11; , 1:1 1 at: , tt 1.irnatt, ^ BUILDINtCasTutCTJ D FOB. awl watiatttctiott guaranteed. As we have*"on ]rami a large S ccll of dry lumber. WO feel sura u1 eatiefrittg those villa may dive 11.3 a cad. ROSS lint/S. 4e V YL OP NSW , UTorn bROP l riikeundersigned wouldinform the infield. LL tauta oLE:cter and vicinity that he has OPENED A NEW BUTCHER. SU0I' (medonr south othis lllaclionithshol, audtwpes tboeauteliberal patronage that haft been ac corded to Ilton in the li4AGK$MTli ANA wAQON )i*EsNo line WlUbee'cttrudeattohim Whig uawbranch Qf Illlsiuc.F. Ilia meat wagou %Mean at the reel. Ovule of the viilagetlzreetime* octet weekaud r,. E SFIT.1-44A.Tt of 411 Lao kept cotestanti) on hand et Itis M t,astcderslum. Illackenl thing and wagon makingcarrieal ou P, l) kl I.S. z,tetal is allies brant Leo NEW BLACKS31ITII AND young men amt women iu the lower'�j'� k-. " GENERALJQ$81UN3S}1oP,'IENSAU. y "" E 1.aI '"'�`H:B.GA.LL lilt int;>n >s,Wsh Y t walks (Jr life lm, in.:lite to the colonies, + f tray toe public that t now rtes an d do a! 1 nal where lately rise tel distinction and an- r t _ of Illerka eutdin �, iuehuttug repairing of all knots cumulate fnrttlu• 8. Beugii i!1 bold to there to be. had, in Ov erO0a Lu,, I,Illl_t 1oths, Broild e.otI1 of Agri •nitltmi Nimbi:wry. !;•ten ; Revere. 31,.�:. bk101/14 tcz the C+cnteb, nn nSeupnt of tilt von Skins, Silks, Ir\ inceys, Delaliles 111111 lk 'I 1' '111111" dtri'i•iuigaticiii titlntt•titiiiii tllrr`• il`'il'" 1141 I • u t nu►.g tender r, a •: nn tae ut approved utWIWI, allot ncttt fele•[ ion% given. C2 Horse!: s u. in era litany offices seen}Ileo by them. 'V bey il3etiediu the Dry Goods Mlle, The Grout' nett Ido t I feet t l " ti urn are tt hard. working people, rellli►rlcallle Department is Complete. Au inspection iiIl lte+tl troullle to show goods for the skill in farming and gardening . lou they have a mortal aversion to I No s►s fpiug streets or digging hurl ; and! yet t1ny sill work eighteen hours clot of tutimy four can their own farms in < the le,bg days of bummer and atltutlan., There is 1 reltallly not a single Scotch. rutin this day employed us a street - sweeper in any of Our large citiea, rI'l obs who are too }crotid to work enlist as et1}thl:vs ratitol than dig or beg. The reletiunt3 between the nobles and the IlighlanDders, whore the poorest, who hear the ualne of their landlords, claim kinship with thele and have the alogia allowed, Not a iandlord has been shot er murdered in all Scotlatad during the last t so huu(lred veers by his tenants. ISLAND OF SANTA OIWZ. TEnniunE STATE OP A:a tECRY--MASSACRE AND DEVASTATIo)N. Advices frdm Santa Cruz report that every estate between Fredoricketnd and Constitution Hill, a distance of eight or ten ;mics, has been ravaged by negro rioters, F, edericksted is iu ashes, aut3 destitution prevails. Tlia number of estates ctetltro3 ed is 100. Two hun- dred negroes were killed at Auarshope. The number of white soldiers on the iiolxnd is fifty. There are 26,000 in 'habitants, and of these 22,000 are ne- groes. Thirty years ago slavery was bu1ished on the island. A Labor Act 1)an Ven in °parathion which compelled the D egroes to de a certain amount of work, so as nut to be in absolute cbaree of the whites. A year since the offi- cials formed a new. Labor Act, by which a negro could do what work he pleased and le paid accordingly. They were obliged to support themselves. This Act and the establi,hment of a steam aa. sugar refinery on the island caused great dissati.,faotion among the blacks. The Labor Act went into force Oct. lat, and the succeedi,zg day the mas- saere took place. E- T a SHOE SI -IOP IN CREDITON. Next Door to I3aker'e Hotel. Parties wanting first-class work will find it to their advantage to call before leaving their, orders elsewhere. Only first -close materia 1 used. Sewed work a speciality. Repairi.tg promptly attended to. CERISTOPFLER RATT. Or ,March 7. 1878 DeUCK1NGHAAPS OLD BLA CKHMITH SHOP is stillgoing, Mr. S. Rockingham desires to return his sincere thanks to his numerous pat_one, w h o have support od bin in the past, aala d would intimate that, aving recovered from•4. his lona in - nese, he iuteude in future,to to take charge of the horse-ehreing department himself. Ail other work done in the very best style and at the lowest rates. S. BUCKINGHAM. Ezeter, Dec.13, 1877. ' ` Charges Moderate. 1►7:�:7a�� C:1.liLING 1 haveou hand all It1••4: of ► .rit.r,te,rr;al 1„ttdr- r meats front the 3laasey alearttantornag ku., Nen. cattle. t .seltertuenite•r the #Hare-i'trat shop went of the Poet O.tiee, Ila•usttll- YV Basi.' IVdt'agti o.i GROCERY JUST BEC1JIt-1;D AT TIIJ. EXETER AND LIQUOR STORE:, A LARGE STOCK OF GREEN, JAPAN, AN, YOUNG IIYSON said BLA.CIi TEAS, RAISINS, 1SINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES,. DRI''D APPLES, CANED FRUIT, SARDINES, LUBST:i,RS, SALa1ON, BITTER SAUCE AND PICKLES, BRANDIES. GINS. WINES AND SY 11i'PS. RYE, MALT, SCOTCH, IRISH IND COALMON WHISKIES, TOBACCOS ANI) CI*- Altti, Wholesale and Retail. Hewed). Jung. efith.1l.St . edit. 'alis GIt1;1T (o: L$1a Ole IirM AN aII EItY. d� .,ate• Just Puirli.h •d, in a sealed 1•.uvelope. ice^ ° Price Nix cants. A lecture on the Nature, Treatment, and Broil• ert1 cure of Act:thud Wooleno a, or spier titor•ehuha, Mint:sed by Nelf• Base. Invshmtare linusmi,ns. Impotency, Nervotet Ilti.iil:ty, will impediments to marriage guar rally. ('cusnmpti 7n 1•:pltel.sy-• unci rite • dleu.:al and 1',ar oe- i lttcst.teity, & 1.- 11Y 1(Ol!ear J. tiULViill.t1.14L, X. D., author of the "Omen hook." &e. Thu wo.ld ct' nwuod author in this adrnirahit T,e.•tdro, clearly. proves from his own exi.rrfogey that the awful er.use.lu melts of Self-Abnae:naav be etreetuslly removed •vithnttt ntmtu•ine. nus wilt out dutt4.lrul0l m1rgit•al .:p.ratinuv, bougies. inset it - wee t,i, riut;tt, or e•..rdi,le ; pointiu; out a mode 01 cure at once certain and etfectnul, by which every .etzfereet•, no !natter what his condition may be may eurohiulhOlfcheaply, arivatelymad radically te..Thiet Lecture will prove as been to thousand!, and taousm,ad;t. lieut, nutter seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad. drys,;, oat receipt of via cent., or two peahen.litetnl],3. /delved T1in C4LWELL 1EDXCAL CO. 41 Aun st. Now York. P.0.73 • a 4.;Sa LIMEfor -SALE. On and after MONDAY. lllniuStreet,Eeneter. ibth inst., we will keep tin- Beaohville Lime for sale at I Neel rg.G : FIRE/ vieweemeala The subscriber, S. E. Jones, wishes to thank the people of Exeter, and surrounding county for the lib- eralpatronago which he has received since among you, as a Watch maker and Jeweler °and also iv form yott that I have a large quantity of geode to dispose of, some of which are SLIGHTLY DAMAGED BY Jewellery! jewellery! jewellery! CHEAP AND GOOD. GIVE ME A• CALL,. S. E. eTONI=L'S C, & S. GIDLEY - Undertaker ; and WOULD SAY TO biose who • intend purahas.ng to do so from the manufacturer. The dealer who buys to sell again inns t necessarily have a profit. We":iilteinx to- give the purchasers the benefit, which cannot fail to meet the: views, of the !;#rangers. Our exneneea tyre legs than tliose of city mane.aetarers consege•ent. we can sell cheaper. Emblems F 1 i rnitur c Maiz ci.tacrlrer, of all tb5e Different NATE WOUL ' call specialattontinu to our undertaking depart• cent wifich is more Som plate then ever, ILe, we hare added several new designs of lata The bent coiling. ,baskets sltrouds,and every 'uueral requisite at the lowest prices. Our new Rearms is pronounced by aompetont judges to be second to note' in lib.' provinces Societies. 25 CENTS PER BUS.H.EL. Special rates to parties using large quantities. MONEY TO LOAN Or FAiRM 1'1tOFE1{TY. Mortgages Bought and Marriage Licenses issued.. O'BYRNE & - CO. H-1IDW HE nr'ALJ."RS, EXETER NEW SP.RIB'G GODS. A. KELLY- , has just received a.1ame stock of Wirt.fh.rs, (rtork8, Jewelliry,, roo- Iin$teintra Spectacles Ladies, gaud h:enis .Pocket Rooks. ; A large stuck of Fancy -Goods - card stautly on hnuli. ).syM--reat•u-t thou,: it hio-ct suriftiing proper,. tire. 11:: Ait•rC•' S (itid(a Ille:tic:e lese0a'1t'y(ICUTes an ll!uu .,re. Ir:n'i Site wrlr-i *croXubt to a ectuntt,7t l:letea, 1'iw '!u, t r grin/lion. \i, reariai disease, oat their tr < el are t ra^ic at ••r, alt 1 F,.,r- -: le .i:t7 rue' a 5(IIi,.Si a ,t h,rnt[ -1 a 4 FT it` t raalpwtae> asst•rh7eaaa, arer Seater Seat, or Itce9trbbia.o in fin rt a'i e'.---r-s•s C t •'i by bee 11 a t c • +, a xa 5 -;. iia ltowerf . etwaryli.g,«n<i inti . w. 7 sin . 1 c ° I a; i+ r..a9ltce-ted Its petencr let curie": Tette. IS -r.- !.with. boob., 47arbutttdee., sere 1 s.s, i- rcfe)oca tona ani bwelltnsa, tit#tte &tra.I:IR„'-•', lPS.2 tea er Tl.i k Lisd.. end d gall aged Clau.b.. lX r" r •I .. i ert.A;7S,r, . a :*..lair I lane s Il:•'r coati. , f 6: .133. t pakorivit4r.avn Faso vat f.ta (r baa+ y t e , tit. +oat ( r diastases, a s, bad ;•-'cin l--;...:*-, reel /Act . r e! .e ait.tt.atr.1 ,Illi. Let at lath n-.a,y f. ria,•, do gfi-,.ii r r an oa.; ; r f a , n y,;p pox t.ttiertal, fort laird d Laser. et M L';-ilou,cea.. a 3't t 7 o nt t-.... of >1i,er(araaplt&iwto Li)* tart ..f i1 5et•1,ual:t<neera. rete e n +• .1 ar.. }fns r13 a- . •It east% i? to a+t ei tt ° a! l:.- wrery 1:aa 1iu osoai...-e 'It rt.eatsl:rlrr i, de:'r.'S. Inzix care of iAeueit .e. tt,.veraCou•b., and tits C:.r a bra's s of Luaae eet1ou, it 1 s L; ed gas tat "a ea X cut r a 9 Cady oat 3..y' ttiankproutme n It i' r ;free, , 4:l rJt,a-. W141,1 11t a $1 , a=rer'- t4 as h. Sia rer.3i a•Itstieeby.tam. •v It tD Ylt i her �N'1. I . ,ic�lue V..;-.: s4 l)1 Iaa:ear and 1..sa:1-.1' 11Gt:). L'attal +. .1. 1" Slz PELLETS. 0r�00r^t, Q 0 a y 7� iteaSaIrku Welk24.4ale %e THE "A'ItiAnT Isle the ortoning letaIse .teem-1v,•.nanacrue set ut rosed or cheap, WONand belay tngrt it eta id.tQ'r.Mir lr 1arAan^e 11 171@vaCra ceatbtre4 alhPatictticesr rorceaear-tnduireirhiiewingtmc vs-eite, Fee .fseadtoe. 11CAdaeio, Ce1..ttt.ti.a. d•tp�aurr(t gpiedndr.PalFe., toor th1rue$be, *t!dnerr,ITtR oahthetorasatauet 111.i'b1Mt at rage la �tuDiaMeri lnlarwl rover, gloated ctiog abeam the Whew a to Steataeb, nein cod to 11e tat ierret #sa+a.t Purgative Pellets.In e•if tlt :nmtlial pilfer 1'r time rurrstrerotas Lrc•r br Rrtat.lvarit•ty ofdivasee,ttmaybe said thattkett aagile* antra, tate e.ta.s1 ewoate a I. Rulrrtsp4 not 4 *9.45 er Osseo oweve their sieatlral.a7rese. 1Abt i .amts not impart lite properties of two Amu Ther are.tts+er coated arta tt1. i -rot In la^sh, sites mot'v,"is fli11e thereby nreSersedrio ps:resit�t any tent% of titer, in any 14141te no Rat tatty .re always lreshauJ reftetle. Tenth, net Me ea •s! wi prole Fat up in cheap weodeu er 1 aster taro 1.,014 sat;r i7d1 diseases where a lecwati* e. Alterwt*rs, 41 1rtliraatl,c,18lndl:aced tt1,W 111*'. i r:.tet ..i 5 tat* t:.'t *1 f,17�tterfPct attlIs.k U*.n, a1.t1 i7 dr.g'C11r14 AF-1IuNAll'SA'1iPi•'.*,1luuXasl. s. . cs.>3'ala ,y+;ctau'# CATARRH sYN[PT0118.--iltrit1lntli!a+ ael;e IUI1s57irat+falltrall.totirase s.mttimt; ilrrrow. M Harry. nth a. 114100111. pa:rulert. e>:trttrex etc• In others, a Ary Bess, drtl' watery. wear or lu latrt t efcr .tcapplix up, er o.•strt a than, or the natal anti .aged, rltntriirrtr gars, &MR esa.luu+1'k[nit *Lel cntk .t• tos to clear 7Lothreat.otecratlene.scs atramulctes %owe altered naval twang. onentivoltra•at"6tonnall:: Cr total deprtratt- r of sone ,e, or smell t -C1 taste•, itis• a5,59., . trental depression loss of appetite. trellges. gen, enlarged tonsil% tlehltn tnnR a r t^. May a SOT ortl;. i symptoms are toLclTO: :tntlant13 CUR at 4GO MINN "' DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDYk prelates ra lt14 rares of the went eaten t weeter•1e ea matter or now tong at°tnilIi'.. The Il•uld rented) may he solace. aCc.1 or to• leer *pelted by tht. u-1' or or PIl *1I e'a!aaune. This 1-. she only form Grin s:re, merit yet lnvenn:4s11h which Auld mvdtclnrcen t1 carried :mu r1' acral 1 FI t l • 1.1 A'1•PL1.D IA al Parta of the affected renal p',+oi. . and the chant. ers or cavltltconneenicanew than vllth, In with t sores and Metre c"'1' e:fitly calm, and trout 'lint tie catarrhal discharge pentrally pra ole. 111 ns. Is pleasaut and Kelly ut1'b.l. Ue,.-4, from directives. acaccompanying(act In,tran.er.t 1lr14S'(Ri,n ('.•r toren 14'cut d • carr:, recent att..trke . t "('. 1 In tit tr.vtd,' by a yew sterile Mone. It 1.1 fell.1 en I plea • 4;11 ha rcr..enntalnnea nn Atr..ng.:r e•ZU ea • enr44 ut p el..rus.�y alelIlt 10unwiynmat li.:url;'.oldby�drtas twta, la. V. P1,;rt•r.3f.It.. Pr.-' '.\%..r;.aI/as Ewa, And, Inyaadv` 1Iutcl.11uJala. N. V. t o tj� ,.r ltir li mei + p.�rUc1ns. I�" �j t7ir ins: tits t' r. ••utlt•t cwt. t ant d in tLe x++ medical batik ever l a, w.rubricd +1.i.I'-i'l1FsEi t THIN � ' L •I'rieeonly$1 w nt:tyuiaii ntt Leel-ipt orf prii^r. 12 trews of T.alt nl.teal'Titality, Premature Deemer,, Ne n a cue and t'hyleat1)rliihty r and tire. clines* entre ominint :las and untold miseries that re enit tl:.^yeti om,:ntatcenteine mora than neerightel pre - e, -ds t:ons, any em of whirl* tetlrorth!bcpttet, of the hook. Milne*); wag written by the most es- t lode e rth.l pm/ably the meet shilfal practitioner m Anonie•a, rnwhom was atrardrdngeldamdlrw. ail. I nodal by the ;•diem:a ,Nledietl Aatociati..n. A 1:,m;alder, i!lnetrated with the very finest 24.1 e• acravit.t;:--s new- HEAL vel <•. art and twenty -- sr IA rutin to nil. vend for it at once. Address I AT:6E1i NI THYSELFINtiri11.7TE,\o. 4gni- etch.aDuston. Maas. A Special Offer TO TIIE READERS OF THIS PAPER. A Beautiful and +" owlt7e Magnet Ic Pock.m,Doper, renal Im Ladles Gold Wats, ,vnndsoe oroide Gave. Glass crystal,eteel and metal work,, and watmnted to denote correct time. A Perfect GM; for everybody de- .IrlognrollnbleTlmeRooper. \Pelt be Clyen away col every patron of this erect ata Free Q lft. CurouT TWO COUPON AND MAIL IT, COUPON. On recolpt of :btu Coupon .mid $1.00 to pay for packing, boring and Mailiingcbargcs, we promise to send by toturn mail, each _patron of tilts paper e Ge tum. Sw.ea bl.nxxvle'{1n *-1Crtar0n. Addroa, Magnetic Watch Co., TAUNTON, MASS. This le your ONLY OPPORTUNITY to obtain this beautiful • premium, eo order AT ONCE, sod do not miss tills Ci{nocc of> Lifetime. DO NOT RAD Tl .IS. aving received a, lot of now machinery, I - would inform the farmers of the sur, rounding ooueitry that I tun prepared to Itit111n• facture all kinds of Horse Rapes, Barley Fonts, Grant Orndlos, suaiths, eto, and having secured the services of a first-olass Turner, T am-lyreparod to do - ALL KINDS OF TUJRNING nn the shortest notice, and for style end mice I defy eolupotition. Always on hood a first- class stook of 1' r]t and' Shovel Handles. Vat half a mile South of Eaceter�, A OOTTEI.III,