HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-10-17, Page 66 TIE TI3V.[.F S MARY'S LITTLE CQRI3. Diary baa a little cora. Upon her little toe, Atid everywhere that Mary weut The corn was sure to go, .Oanuten Post. And to the cooling ocean's shore It followed her one day , I34 the little ache corn was so sore Site coal/het play croquet. -7.1a>td Irerie . ".What melees the cairn hurt Mary so?" The other players cried. +•Iieeause she nears her boots so tight, A'ioo'Ler-on replied. Seaside Press. ,,"And you a little Imp upon lour c:* sae gross to snit, 1:;' .tutting on a 'tire' sized foot nu.uher two sized beet:" -.hasten.:trace/der. AO so silt elector slug it out, tile.: rale goer Ifary bob; And ue,s uo corn she k:towa shout Exeaf*¢ what's ou the soh. NEW G; -tietc surf Graprti•. cutting away the entir. hoof, or the greeter part theretd. Still it roust be FOR YUGNO rEo. dont+ in order to save the animal's lift. P.t.E. The reason for this is, that the larn, glace separated from its natural attttell- Tee jueeemes!laye a new gture stilled Merl never will again unite, and in- FOOT ROT IN SHEEP. This is a disease which invariebiy eommeuoes in the foot, and usually confinea itself thereto during its entire course. The tllceratiou of the root soon attracts the natural enemy of the 0T0131 R 1? 1873. ' 1878) SPRING (1878 THE OLD RELIAB1 ,1144 I`1010'6E At alltimes, snd particularly ata period when Trade is universally depressed and money searce. It is in the interest of every buyer to pueehese where he eau get the article he wants at the lowest rate, iu calling your attention to my present stock, I do so with eve"y contid- sheep, the fly ; it deposits iia eggs, ecce: it being; mote carefully assortea and selected than that of any pct. vious season. which soon pass through the season of --_0...---- incubation, and are, by the heat Anil . In the Dry Goods ¢llolatore the part affords, batched into Every :department is replete with the most seasonable and fashionable fabrics, Marked a wt.geots, These Multiply over the en- prices whioh shou'.d command the/Attentionof the very oloseet buyers. .1i1 Olt: iat;telD airs diseased sarface, atld burrow under OitO7.`BIN stili has'fli. V I\'ESatit,.head the shit., causing no inconsiderable %;giant cd' ltuea einesa and eoestitntional disturbance aid itiflatllnaatory fetter. If the disease is attacked at an early ,stage, it ie, subjugated easier than a virulent luablady, seal as it is, would be expected to be. It should be treat- ed with decisian. Poultices and emol- lients "only increase the growth of the proud flesh, or excessive granulatious. Itnd ellonid not be used. The foot ulna be carefully examined. e 3 sal. rend est rt veetiee of louse or partially • detached horn pared off. To earry out this literally will sometimes involve In Millinery Ihrderthe ivauagetneut of miss McGloglslou, we can suit the most fastidious. Our stoek Gi tiroceaes, Boots and Shoes, Canadian, English and Anericazl t Shelf and Heavy Hardware one of tue largest and best assorted in the Oouatty. Intending purchaserswill consult their bestinterests by examining rn stoek before going eleewnere.. 1.1 ICK , GURU'S COG GUNS, waorxS.1LE AND ==AAL :GocI1 L sreoF Baal - GUNS 44 s eco GOOIDDOiYl1Lli SHOT GUNS 11 cn G(lte» RIFLES 11.00 GOOGOODItt.iVOLVEiiS .., a 00 Send for illustratedpr1ee list, post free, to CURD fe SON, Box 57 London lint.. JUDGE res y scndtt,g 3ac.aritlt ale, lard lit Gator of e,cs mud Itair, you w i1t YOUR receive by return nasi a,sorreot YO R I �s . photograph of ,our sntora llus- buml or telt, with name sod date of marriage. Act reps Si . FON, drawer •i0, Ft'Stonv lne4 D; thehigaiiLam1s For inforinati,.0 concerning the PINE AND FARMING LANDS tat Cl NTlt #I, MICHIGAN, for sale by the Flint. and .'ere Marquette ltatlsay Company, address 'WX. 1.4.t, i�i�EBBEII, I�Rrld Come, AM P -5 -' . HAST SAGINAW, MICH. „• -, ,tato. of doing go, has a tendency to in e•11t11I1:t �1ttu'a 1l ti;litary, out of mock they are " ttin41 lots art v LC tion '►nitl'C' 'Woe further selntrattan, as it acts as n llttslli of„ 1 ,.,t• a1 ' foreign body, at1.1 Ce neer pain and ludo.- tl�4ts ilii pally i� tlliu tiul tc' i uud t*lii(e lite is e:tu.ltillt; teCrtlL •Lice+, motion, and ollt :mise f+ingue eltr4ttt- dote adhere Nage ttieutre,i'ee, ad unatti•t• 111;.•,% l,tuesni.i.y ail ltt,;;illle it, a rusv,ae l,t•1t1 (lit away every portio., of the horn out miter :ones. Tito ..4iitld lu:if; ' svlut a ira4 either separated or has li rlstpts aoutebudv'a h:►.1 no tit the atuue te,relency to bee elle so ; also any fungu- tiilse iwtltutiud. t'�'4 ha lira you :''" �tio ' r °sills wllidsll apk#ears omit be re- tuutl;eter.l:t t Sed rather ilii "olitely re luev.II summarily with a pair' of shall l £ hos, b••NrttI tllf 'your 11r int. ¢ '" sea teen ,'ct`•ara, Z�'nch the f:,vt then Shalt a u ., ts, �+ t►'a r lona: ttf "w"ler to :< gali•t¢1 t•l •..:state ft4 W the aotiIId trE hip vAi4e. IIs ; w ;ter. "1°Ili, will remove the ?'et'`tAr, r tit gtte'SS brit owe, alit: if Ito fetus, , a, p t ,,r mai ut¢v tetleltsncc 111Crt+ may he. t: LL l of try SWitI.Ol GisU' until be t,nvast , tl"¢tiltitt:; And nitlr.a s tt. s bleu art' ti?Ise, exile It thr' tines whom he il�trctt, : , • >•nnJ to cavi ..:sate+ th. Z • f 1 .1 -bleed nem' is alit '+ed to �gue10 his • s.dnli ut of limn. its tiie lire*pertiou et i,.c�onies '•,etc luau." The game tic.'fs,lt11• } t,dy a +-last ^ti*t:tiess of tsar, sig well raw : tte:i¢rtietlt of foot rot. Where any run•' e.e 0 ON 4 t 1 1 1 ' ' , 1 l . ,n . , tot /rid or proud flesh exists, apply with n Cou tette dslltllty' to dt ul e the ctlica t i � FURNITURE Recess (AWING to the very large increase of trade,,i t kJ have been compelled to enlarge nig prentiEe null have just received. a largo t,toek of all kinds ttf.1 rtttnitur.•--iia fact, one of ¢lie lar'rs:t north of f.on• d n, Tito', in:wilt of a tinct ttaaslutieie in ilio Ii.tntoFltritisl4ieg Lite. should tall awl t^xnw.ine :1a :east; and aseerlcaitt my prices and tie convinced that . ran sell ctut 1. er than au -ether Itt•a.t-ia die trate. ilntu. users ana ^-„ed ;mottoes/4, slat'i0t; Irish of till kinds !base else opened out atletcltl-;e,t cknfe'1+alio Watches and line Jews lrc, tit fact every arts sle faun, h. u Arst•ciety+t•-t:=t•ti,'knt, t.:t• Iftealee trlti.t that 2 can r=ed at 1'rte„that will sutisty the .+testi•" laud us low 11 er:,n bt. p i e1 creel anyYther -- t'tocl: emit 1Vateh'•s rev:tired at neolorizto rates, nail r,;4r i"(l ae't4.1't gita'amiss',:, tot r.tnt- 1a,•t. eat t:,arkulcll. A9s4 tir,feto ere• l Masted instruments Ml,ee ird tittt•itt'ut1 to t.it,ltretltliittE, l��asltiiugc col:tteleteiI fir. 71; ti„Db i ' t. ETEB 11.f S.BI1O.',1i S wititnalste,bymail l0ets. S.11 A -'W1141:, Troy, N 20t"l�remo Cards.irerfcet :standee: With normo, 10 eco OUSAS iii e. '1'c too' cox t e1•, ltai:l:tta;1 PIANO lict,14.0 • C utlo t lea tett 1 t 2.. mss, e0,t 1taretl.oaa¢t 3":. A .14 ht"l,4 lx tx r ti.0 E nlitlCirP $"dtalfltt , µ t,5t 11a,a, a viij 1 tt'l,.tnt i' right 1', .;. e";t t^, only $1 .'4, New t~t %it' I,rtn Ise rtu , s .11',',.'+' t'l'1 m.; Ovi101 t, l: tope, ' .. t la at: h tot tea, u: slutt.,c.+:•t aunt. 10r,. II rt:litmus Ttlpr 1 4 1J0. e„Ily Jnr',. '1 -.p • l..+ty s:,erl!z .' t4 close trait pTta,tht r.44 u. Aser; £.t.--;.rl l'e;+t t' aunt. to by ere, o 1 At•t, a1. q.. r r.•9t% es el. itafa.niu,t' .it about gest tot 1:,....o.4 err. at.... - ..T k l:lfi.. Mute a,l.lre,tt 1+1111:(, F. 111:ATTY. Wo t.4Iagt,,n, ' PAY to Agent. ei n1 tea its„ tett the 1'Iltt:t:Ilq: Vit -111}1: tt1 t r:,t� nu tlut- -, tit 1'le•u. :tit+ices: t . O. \ ii lii:ltl, 44444 2r1 cute+ Cara, t4nt•usal;,•, Pau eft. t•^. 1,rtc.1 la G�t�l' styli With nuatv.1U rte 1 as;a't Cara ce. :\a !sit,.:.. Y. PRICE, TEN CENTS, !Newspaper Advertising OW dlitla':111'rur.v, t t tatailrl•10 a e4anrict'• 1441 •Y .53 t14t . im tot i t It S 1't.4A flat . 1 e uu i^ir ISA r' a 1 t . . r .Litt: tte't:�r'1 tithe tee, ;..:t t , ;; 44 r'04441 Lt ilea^m at aha ret 104're d ri f, to a p r1 t• -t. Vi elebeerit+t'r bege to at'tt t!IIt<`: e? to the le l ehltante of 'Exeter and tate s'Irranudisa, 00nn. 10;01 1•ireltiot..=,1, 4444 et4 .•t t3.e t t tet r t 11 rt. 41- tr t". that .lel' I,a,. ..ha 544"41 :t 1't\ nett es rove 111;1't11' in tit*, GI.'ro pearly 11111(O$1t1" Iktr, t3', - £e'`. at; it 11 e14 ,. t": t:.,c.t's13I 4 -145 ..1 t rt"'Ala' 1-1gm:estir.a-:,rv.0 ,� 1+0.•j+7��o -+t,:ar•",.liben-street. 1:at'S4'r,wIett'.11(!ti p.t'1°:tatot tt",lilollearetess iaa4j,rAj I4:tJp`itYict'silg, Pt1041i,,aj. P.' %01 tee ^1"4• y Je.U� d4 '�'fisott dire q' n si4 sic rL 1 1171 ,' .`t ••}t�l,,��-�-• �••� r� y j1; p•y� �}•��+ ; 1t t etn+dt, Gltt tateDt � a l rat +`t e.-t•itl alar l a,nt 0aaa,, .� arior and o+.theJ{. Stoyes`�titQli¢rfi:li�a.t� n�ia,Ec Sat 61.!44.114, S s114%, a`,aQ{��e�tl; c110 s 73 i nti rfe diffeeetaea ill diel isiice elf t.ttL', f; stetw,1 to a 4e telt, $ 9n11. t t+ t• +lc ..ilt.i .10 UAL tit (a, .r l' t+l+9tr 4 I' . 1e. •- 4 introit of antimony. a�lnriate ill anti- �,T - 11)T1k etlllf?1'� ):�1'ICGeSt q tot %t'l.r. i l' a„ tie t"rp:il,rr:i:ltlrl: ,.sae. r o ta% t 4.4,14 in b3td1 rt,lael2t8. ; , illi t ' ¢tt cart '.L • N. Y. loony is ante or th3 beest 1,04: eplta a t- I ' Beene We.shote ; it iti Sfkt+t tit tl as a MI.i'lil\t tL1 C cheaper than the t, 1G1l�al's , 7111 wade 1 j FLOUR and GRIST XIII, ... A. CI:EErING PLAGUE. t + 1taiv fever ►ltlttvith�tataliu tha de. 3 where it is applied ; it becomes tlihltc'd. in•e-Trolge"llin done to ureter, ('tu ingo 1'l.stiner it Saeelaltf'. Coal oil chimneys, the i!:‘,14,iNim.1;,, Rre tel wt;r14n crlt':14 4%4ueru4.4a at +sl tf+ cal s rt tt . ; .tet$ tltie:r nt„ t lat4 'L't! of 1;1Ltlic a'teastlsm it attract.; fl'I,tA'.etiid 11:t: no injurious effect, as mast wry best 404,1 4101.0t`II►'UI*e1. c9td 11111Afi. trh•i5» 4 d tail•-:t't4c�11 li heels! tl:t,.' t t oilier crtll•tit s would. Whore nuteti nt mlt�•" '- lower,1<.•r r.^.l;e. url•a.11 ;it d 116:1.!:t9lt,i1..1�,.',1 tulle Q0 time id nevi:Wu:lees t dide.atte t:h •tit ti'h:t:l► elle general ttlbhC ittlt)iv Clift 1►d+rlt 111:5 ..tett removed, wrap elle Intending pa.ellteern will allrlt'c Fitts. t1lP el alt; ;;;., rally to attend to mg pica Irlteineas trio:mit: tC 4tt ts, pr at will.A.11St,, .;its. vas ..tilt, and mai 'elf flea + cuomenn t Not to tow, liming previously greevit ` end tiriewee t►t: all tial••: it, treat vat^ttattivre mall'h.4a+dy rind a.111,111iF them with a good and ....�.c.,e® y l , file feet to prevent ttlOtli sticking tt• :, l!'atl ai'C1C t t1^ill ilii IltttrlY 11 tlt.lt llrl:t`Ilt,l t' C:►n 1Ultt!t il+ tins value Itlt ;(,lit sttllt,r ; �,1p r of its germination :tort spree"! are hilt u 1 ' impel.ftetly wttlt'r;ltucd liy throe who z each other. .keep the sheep when 1.he very j ip,,jzest price in Cash veld for Haines and Sheep shins, have1 studied it most. In view of its there is considerable straw, so they :cill-...-.0-- r Cyr f .- it nn th» :diver iliiisiet.irri scale not have to step ou lu►rti grontul. II x l. a •I r t dlup by �rac ti 12 7t�. .t*tl.r c1rti l t pt•1 Qici'tl enu:tio. It readily e tl.lbintee with the natural Heide of the fiat ty tlrlitllull on the premises. Exeter J. O, ()doter 1:, x3• E 1I, SPACK)LI .V7' orf •�e •�tt 7th facts regarding it will be read with ill. i the animal I ! seta hack to 4neiet pas,, `�" �v nicest. The home of the disease prop. • tare, the disease will again return. Tin t.'r is in the Fest Itldies ma neighbor. j foot should be dressed deity, and any isg coast. It thrives ©uly at low ele- ! eeparatiugherrn removed, and the mai. an high temperatures and humid j mons applied to any fungus which inti} tltm•esnheres. It is indigenous at Vera 'appear ; also apply the caustic to the, Cruz, where they Ale rarely river with- new horn, if it is soft and flabby, but vat it. It appears aullllally at various not otlit'rwisc. As soon as the animal can walk conveniently, tern her int highland dry Itastero. The oollvellee. cent sheep should not be permitted t,. juin the fleck until they are perfectly well, the discharge from the feet being Atlantic cclsat stiles whither it it, brought on ships foul the West India islands, but is rarely conimllnieated 1 from those who bring it to others living is those cities. The rummer of its spread where 11 become epidelnio i, infections. Prof, Dick and others deny mysterious. In various cities *beam- this, still many have, from observation, tions tsllteu show that it is not cnntagi Affirmed that it is infectious. ous but terribly infectious. Still the direction of the wind seems to have no infiuene3 upon it. It progresses at the rate of about forty feet per day from a peliut of i:ufecti•eu. The stratum cf in- feeted atmosphere appears to lie close to the ground and a high wall some- times appears to arrest its progress. It is by a knowledge of tllete peeatiarities that the disease has often been master- ed and stamped out in New Orleans by the USE OF DXSINFECTAN1`3. In interior cities, away from water courses, the disease does not boom infectious, unless the sanitary condi- tions are execrable, nor has it ever as- sumed an epidemic form in any city in the United States at a greater elevation than 460 feet above the 'sea level. It nearly always happens that when the disease prevails on the lower river oc- casional _cases find their way to ' tbi,t city, but in no instance has it here at- tacked any whe had not oaught the in- fection further south. Yellow fever does not prevail in the East Indies nor iu China. It has ap- peared in most of the maritime cities; of :the Atlautie coast as fat north as: Bos - eon, Quebec and Halifax, but. has never texteuded far iuto the interior or remote 'from water _highways It baa been observed that its epidemical limits coincide very elosely with the mune or limit of else growth of the oak, the cypress and the Ioug mosses. The northern limit of the growth of the cy- press isnot much if at all north of Nor• f alk. Yellow fever has been considered by neatly all writers as et cliptinct dis- ease from the autumnal remittent fevers. of the temperate zone All agree that :it is indigenous at Vera Cruz, on t11e, 'Gu`,f of Mexico. Wligt ;Seexamine in'' ' o the climatic conditionalis local- ity nothing ocality:nothing special or satie actors as an ,explantitton of the origin` 'of the disease tau 'be discovered. -8e. Louis Repiibli- .('arrr. ,. TUE DIFFERENCE. There are two enterprising mnuagert- of separate omnibus lines running into the City. One of these individuals lives up to the letter of the law by pay- ing a Iicense fee of ten dollars ; lie runs only one bas. The other manager manages to run two busses and pays uo -license. He was recently up before the police court, where he was fined five dollars, which he paid, and Contiu ued to run as usual, thus proving that it is cheaper to evade the law than to abide thereby, as he cau run two busses for five dollars, while his coni" etitor trust pay ten dollars to run one, {"There is a difference you. see, 'Twist tweedle dum and tweedle dee." "1'Vell it's as the old Dutchman said: 'Honesty may be the best policy, but it keeps a man tom poor. Pat O'Haggarty was a printer and the edi'or of the Irish Stingo, 1'at O'- Haggarty was in the habit of stinging some people rather lively, and he was put on his trial for insult, be baying called iu the Sting° a certain Jack 0' Idanuigon, "Long Nosy Jock." Pat O'Haggarty - was arraigned be- fore Lord Kunppelhuly, who before his asoeusion had enjoyed the plebean name of•,lohn Pat O'Eaggarty had no counsel, but defended himself. Yat O'Haggarty.added insult. to in- jury by referring in his defence -to the prosecutor several : times by name of "this here Long Nosy Jock." assent: on, my :lord ICunppelholy ,got very 'an- gry, and commenced to talk to the de- fendant rat.-er sharply, as follows: ",14r •e0 Hago.rty+this Cour6 does'not perintt.4any dick -names to: be sized, everyone must be called by his own Proper: name." And Pat 0'11I g 'arty azaweoed quickly : . 1 John GODERIOH FOUNDICY Founders, Engineers and Machinists. MANUFACTURERS 08' ENGINES- AND BOILERS, FLOURING, GRIST ARDI S11.'viamiLLs loT'AVE AND TIE A1)INC+ 111 WHIN E 11y Itlidaliug Purifiers of improved kinds. Agricultural Implements COOKING, PARLOR A.ND BOX STOVES Potash Kettles, School seats, &o. bean and Brass Ol stino's tolorder For sale cheap -Second hand Boilers Shingle, and Heading 1llacuinery. Repairs on Boilers, Eugines,1liills, &c., proreptlyattended to. and Engtres Stave and aODERICE FOUNDRY and MANUFATUR'INta Co. GODLRICIL Ont. T.EIIS IS N0 BOMBAST Truth Concerns You More Than Counterfeit, ata Therefore, road, purchase, altd enjoy its bargains. When I say 1 manufacture my own •furniturel am prepared with my proof.eheet that tbo people can inspect at any time by calling at my Ware ant a where they.w111 see a superb die rias of Furniture inAll Its Branches is mum -fact trod by nmyself tun I ntv eoma>iued ,ertistic e'di11,•witri good workmanship. I der ?are ant iesatiaiying the people: with a close of Furniture that c:lnnot be equalled for quality! or price in xeter,ailbiowing to the contrary, notwithstanding. WHENYOU WANT ANY FURNITURE GIVE J. BRAWN A CAR. Corder of plain and Gidley's 8treet,gEseter. DOMINION LABORATORY. -Pure Dru. s ' • :.. . Dye Stuffs. Patent Medicines. PER,`UMi rwis 0.; is 1. Ti i T'i ft 1' O. II/rowers and Reapers. • • 1�'1 i WE OFEE 9 =TAT, of our celebrated Single Mowers AND-- .t Single Reapers n all kinds of Grate and Grein, and o all con :tions of soil and s arfaca, AND GUARANTEE SATISFACTION OR NO SALE Wo also otter a Trial of our Wrought Iion Two Bar JOHNSTON'S COMBINED REA"ER AHD MJWER Macbiueesupulied with '1'woiPltmans, Two Drag -bars, - Two Finger -bars. and Keyed, Nuts, Self -oilers, etc., to, Four Knives, Forked. can be changed,_ from Mower' to "Real er AIvD $EAPLR TO MOWER Byretuovaloifour bolts, ant`inlese shantliteen minutes' time. Please call at onr works and inspect our Machines before purehasing elsewhere. ice" Send for Catalogness, THO PSON & WILLIAIG'LS ' ariufactjtriu•o:Oo.;, Sir tfds{d,