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The Exeter Times, 1878-10-17, Page 4
4 'PIM TIMES The Maisons Bank aHMUfronatru BY AC.T or PAItL1A3tE\'7e.13;i,i. spite:, $2,O0Q,QO0. R heat, $40O,000, REAR OFFICE MONTREAL. r *av Mons x, Fag., - • President. •noels`. Wonssiszi. Vice- 'res, a ti.vrivs. Vice -Pres Sun atutail Ins Co 1!on 1] LMacpherson Senator. ,, ]7 Sl ephs.ttl;Pres Ot ,wa River Nang Co Aor:t*, u Nelson, ht P e, Milos Williams, I°. Worrh':rsrns Taexas. ESQ., - Cashier. ^i• I3xa o r, 3sq., . - • . _ -MVO' WO'. s xe e r Br aiieh1, lIFN1.i t . z3li]'11 ER - ?if AGER Interest ateottr2 en de tvsite, Gold and currency dt alts bong ht at soLt. Sterainv, sxchunyebo> srx card LOANS TO FAli1,SERS. tl3o:tey lvu roe l to i:tr:aar; uneasy terns, on their NR'.. pr... nSttrw' t.' lees with ono or num, gu41 en- d,rs_•rs. +,u ria srr•a..e telttired es security. tbllerttru, wide in ell parts cf the Dauhinion. e:ad seteri.s e,,:aaeptly remelted at lowest rutesof oc^"hs::ge. l:xr_rr. aagnst .nth 1r 3. The THURSDAY:, RSDAY, OCrOS R 17, 1$7S CENTRE 111110N. '11e dee=d ha* been eousel:aittated. lIerta.a has resigned, and the startle .Iteferruers of Centre •Huron !Ave been rt►:ti and handed over iu a body to Jnr. 1tiehard dolt° Cartwright, tUe eg,otisti- eel taoueutity cameo stupidity tied stub -1, I,arfirless diel more than alt other causes etrurbirietl to plunge Csitiada into the;; law l►os.tion fillaucinlly and cutiinler- vially which she unfortunately occupier toeles. In Morton they a had a worldly -respectable nobody ; iu Cart stt•ieht they sae taking a man Wiese utter iucap;acity to 1lil the Bich and c► serous laaaitiaa which he bend by acci- dent ea Finauce l,Qiuister, cause,* the people of Leunox to spew hien wit of their ut uthe as au unclean thiug. et ivy the toot& of • Centre Huron are neiug tlaem elves nu boner in choosing ltf Ish:uaelite as their ret^resefltetiv'e t • Haver in the history of seielatific• f6evernunent were the mast [important u.aties of h'inanco Minister entrusted tt f:eb art nnecientilic man. No one but Curttetight Could exhibit emit baugliu fie roar I:ichard John was guilty of. Ile w:14 entirely unfitted for his poli tent ; he possessed no I;nowletige what - over of the eubtlee titnancita] questions ht t nutted to deal with only to justi- S the milt' of to Witter awl muddler' ulneh deli Glebe applied to biro m bet ceeituating Lis ability al a fletaueiet% loei when the melt prescient tuitel esetld not hove foretold that he wont. tow day become jealene of Sit Frauei- lliults rola the next bit cheek by juwi unix .ler.:11nellenzie in a Reform Cabi- me. Hie iltrlaUCia1 engineering.' art ileum of Leceuurioity, and,. instead u, the merciless criticnous to which thee reinjected, they would have provoker, It feeling of contempt ntiugled wit* i ity. if the results of hie speculative Lgi i1atimn bad not been too serious to the country to admit of trilling. A.ur yet this old•tiane Tory, whose Toryism was bred in the bone, is to be claspe wwith fund devotion to the bosoms of the advanced Reformers of Centre Huron ! This is a sight for gods and men. Yea, veiny, Centra Huron is dbiug herself an honor in falliug dew] and worshipping the man whose inca pacify and insufferable 'elf-ooncei• drove him from the home of his child- hood. But misfortune makes strange bedfellows. 1Ve present n few examples of that peculiar ability which characterized Liao in every •publie transaction. The electors of Centre Huron will no doubt hoar ti good deal said about hisser- passing and surprising ability, and in N iew of this it would be. • well for the independent -minded voters to whom e address these remarks, to paste these proofs of his great ability in their Lets for future -reference: een when it is remembered that in the two first years of office qtr. Cartwrisllt's supply bills, including the indemnity vote, reached $28,000,000, or gout $4,000,000 neoro than was required, and iri 18:76 dropped suddenly from over $28,000,000 to $21,000,000, while. toe expenses of the country were grad - natty iucreasiug. This thea is the incepabla Whom Centre Huron is called on to honor, This the man whom unselfish and pat - of his self-abnegation, and they know further that in lienthereof he has been sppoiuted to a lucrative office which his lack of education and brains only will prevent him from -filling. A WAR CLOUD, A. rancorous controversy is at pres- ent raging between the two most en- lightened and paogreseivo States in Saut.h, America, the Argentine Con riotit Horten makes way for after re- federation and mai,the cause of dia- easing u littndsowe retvartl• The f pato relating to the region of Pats- , man's bnngliug and twisted record is before the people, and if the Reformers Boole, over which no complete and ef- of. Centre Huron elect blot, which we fective coutrol has been held by Any doubt, it will. ouly be added proof that nation. The quarrel has been brezvinn many people are willing to sanction any a lona tine and hies touched the v O wrong or overlook auy defleieucy or, 4 + 'ergs 1ttxB inca laity nu ate part of a public man of wear ; the attempt to settle the gees - ...es wl *eu the intones is of arty ren Hiro the Lion at issue /.using miscarried anti the i P I abnegation of principle. But thegees. c, tion o! their sate, as so many cattle li would Ito transferred Ecom one owner to another, shoals receive a little con- sideratiau fenfenn them. It is an iudig- taity cert uoeu there which t e,y should proudly resent. It has COMne to tl:is : ,A member of Parlia'neut sees in the defe=at ('1 a l.tili¢ie atL Chief au ttppurtuni- ty to rep rich advantage', Rut, with the couuivance of a few Leading spirits in the ri:lillg, and the assistance of a moribund Adruiaiatretiin, says to hie eu3stitttente "Yon filial! be tepee a" seated t►y wlaotntoever pleases rue. 1 " can melte a respectable competence " out of the traist you have reposed in foe. I eau sell yourvetes and my posi- ts tion aud shall - not even consult your "' wislloa in doing so. Your votes are Aly property by Divine right," and an too many instances the clectore affirm this u*ost extraordinary d©utrou I. of ownerebip, We await the inane of the contest new pending iu Centre Huron to see what estimate the Re - ferment of that riding place upon their i ulcallliuod, _ A (HYPOCRITICAL JOURNAL. Ito 1876 and '77 the supply bill granted the sum of $19,486,610. A further sutra of $1,625.393 was voter* it= iudeuluity during the session of that year, malting a total vote of $21,112,. 011. There was expended that year. the sum of $23,519,000, beiutr $2,407,- 000 iu •excess of the total vote. The following year—the expenditure in ww hiuh is not yet published -.--the entire vote. was but $19,000,000,1a sum very nitwit below what the actual expendi- ture must have been, and the estimates for the present year are only $10,458,-. 000, a SUM quite..ivadegaate to -the e:epeuses of the couutry. "' The figilrei e.ein all the stranger Our Seaforth contemporary is a study. By the most artful ""trimming'" it has succeeded iii establishing a repu- tation for fairness of dealing and iude- pendeiee of expressiou in pitlitical wat- ers which a **ear acquaintance with tilt riattert3 treated of and the motives which ectuete the editor, fully shows to b. :winded upon an artificial foundation Its rel,ntatien is a bubble witieta mn,t-le eriekedl and its h'+ltowuese exposed td. elm. Its 1'eckeuiffiau tactic -i, employ - at every available opportunity dur ng the recent ;''elections, are a.;tait. wrought lute play in the iuterests of the eatleruan whom the electors of Leu - .,ox were sick and tired of. Startiuy, at with a:] air virtue which i l refresh - in these days of political numorttlity, ender the thin disguise of bluff, (it elf 'milt upon its babble reputni w), i'. ,titles, and defies eoutrndieti.fu, tliat Mr. Doty, the Collector of Customs at .xoderirh, Was never approached by Mr. sword. Horton or anyone in his behalf, askiue (or his resignation in order that Mr. Burton might accept the oflre and rake room for Mr. Cartwright. In his, as in mostly every matter which it ouch's, the Expositor is at fault, Mr. Horton did ask Mr. Doty to resign, and ••lireatened him with dismissal if he did dot choose to accede to his demand ; cud in saying this is untrue our totem. tolls a deliberate falsehood uttered with the iutontion of deoeiviug his readers. He further Pays that Mr. Doty himself iosired superannuation, but that DIr. Mackenzie in the public int. rest could lot acquiesce in his desire. This is an- ,ther attempt at deception. Several months ago Mr. Doty, having other op- portunities opaned to him, requested to +;e superannuated, but t,his Mr. Macken- zie declined to do. This circumstance, occurring several r]iouths ago, when there was no demand for Centre Hur- an for a defeated ininister, the organs on the party, for oLvious reasons, rep- -resent as occurring •within a few. weeks; With reference to MM. `.resignation of lir.,Doty, that gentleman positively re - (used tel aeeominodate Messrs. Horton and Cartwright. It is no use iu the :tarty ti-ying to , make the people be sieve t1at.Mr. Horton is,above accept- ing a quid pro Rao. Those who know him best do not entertain any such SUS- pioion of his generosity ; they do not hold his patriotism.'at such -a high esti- inn's. IIe is human, and verb• *human respect to "oesual" t tivant gee. No; gentlemen, it won't work. The people cannot be. biiiirbiozled' .by such- ben- ba'isibe; and they kuow Mr. Horton wauted the Corlectorehip 'ae the prieo Congress at Buenos Ayres having pledged themselves to support the Ex -1 e:iutive in a spirited aur agressivr pel- icy. In 1847 a Chilinu colony was founded Ponta Arenas. Ttllia was con- sidered an encroachment en grounds tecbuioal y belougilfg to the Argentine Ceufederetiou, although their snort southerly establiehtueitt was a Welsh colony on the Cllabut River. However, the matter was amicably settled. Neither party at that time thinking that Pitagoaiawas wortheuteriug into war about. But the natives have not been able to withstand the aggression of the Argentine troops, who have sue- ceeded iu pushing the bounds of their eouutry far southward and reyeeliag that P•atagetlia is of great pastoral and agricultural veluo. Tae Argentine Urovernment assufned control by right of conquest and began the all- minietration of affairs snit the allolt- nneut of hauls. Against this Chili. having discovered the native wealth of I the country and liaviug prior claiwa of oconpation, protested, deolariug it to be iu violation of the status quo of 1810 ea established in 183g, Counter clninis to time of the c.rgentiues were then set up, and these have been grow - lug until they culminated in Celli au- nouneiugthat she would esteem as efts- us LeiEi the app tintmant of au anti -Chili au Minister of Foreigu of lira and the .elhlttulonts of any more lauds in the disputed country. 133th inhibited acts were fertliwith performed. 'Ma wa- in 1376, Bat atfa:rs took a favorable turn owing to the feet that *Brazil c,uld not see her way clear to au aittance with Chili, turd war was for the time averted. The settlement was heft to a soinm1s:non, but the notion of the Chili ell commissioner was repudiated , and as a natural result the gneetiou has been re -opened with the prospect of the anprou]acy of the stronger tenantry being asserted and sustaiued by the CONSERVATIVE GOVERNMENT. On Wednesday of last week Mr. ll.telteuzie resigned, and Sir John Mae. Inlaid was called on to form a nee Government. The ouly mums which can be mentioned with certainty yet, are : Messrs. Sir John A. Macdonald, Dr. Tapper, James McDonald, John O'Connor, S. L. Tilley, and :Masson. Ian SOUTH PERTH the Conservatives have evidence which will disgnalif) Trow. Disqualify him then. THE morning after Sir John Mac- donald was entrusted wiih tiie forma- tion of aCabinet, the leading " organ," in noting the eveut, bewailed the fact that the hard times still continued. Yes, it's too bad. Yet this little affair shows how the defeated party iutend to eonduet themselves. It is part of the programme whish we in our issue of two weeks ago pointed out as that which they had adopted, Wit DON'T think the Divine Ruler Oj all things has a• great deal to do with , politics, although we think His infin• Be sure and get'; "`t5 a the W.D. M ence would have a beneficial effuet. Oloughllnwatoh 1 ! You will ha OCTOBER' 17 1878 It Ix es rumored, on what foundation we know not, that "M. C. Cameron, Esq., Q,C•," is to make way for Mr. Laflamme, the defeated of Jacques Car- tier. This is riot au uulikely story, as an attempt to foist a characterless tramp upon the riding would out) be in keeping with ItIr. Cameron's past career, however, between the two mets the choice is six of one and half -a dozen of the other. `incur have been b]S recounts of ballots since the electieus, three in oonstitueueies held by Conservatives, and three iu constituencies weld by the Free Traders. Result : The three Conservatives retain their seats, tend the three Reformers 'tree theirs. Does not this say something concerning par- tizanship on the part of the Deputy - Returning Otlicers? Though perhaps it is not quite as b;t,l us that wiscun- Herat which occurred in Bay. the *intim of which is to be puhiialaed to the full extent of the law. IT is amusing to see the great con- solation which the organs of the new Opposition are extracting from the foot that Sir John Maodunal i has a very huge majority. They are gleeful in suticipatiug the trouble that issure to Surround andoverelislw the victors. Let them pesetas thetusclvea in pa - deuce. That was one of Mr. Mackcn- zie'a many tuibfartunee, but our friends should remember that .he was f.rllowed by a lot of men who were hound to- gether by no ether principle thea plun- der aril tate guild of office. But with the present dowinaut party ii is dif er- eut. Sir John's fcllowiug is almost entirely composed of men who said that the country had to be wrenched 1PECIAL BARGAINS. No need of the l ranee system for buying any- thing in nay line, viz.-- i:'uruiture, Builders' tiardwrere, Paints, t,ils, Glass, Picture Frames, Motto. leraatnes, toulliugs, Mottoes Looking Glasses, Looking Glasslerames, Catloy, Cruets, Stoves. Tinware, B. ashes, 11 west tools, &a, In order to reduce any present stock, I shall con- tinue to offer SP1;CIAL BAIaJAINS FOR CASK. especially in GOOD 1••U;1tNITL RE 1.2S35u—golden Stove, now north side Queen st St Marys J C GILPIN I7 ?1itDWAJ 1 l If you want any of the following it will pay you to call at O'BYRNE RNE & CO'S Where you can purchase at be ttohn prices :---- Axes, t awe Chanes,] ope,Coww'lies. Strati Cotters Prints Oils t,i:tst$Putty,Lo ' n ilin t s. ails, ' Limo. Bolts.Sere%e Tai,lc urea react Cut- lery, Gurd's make of Gu is, Rat ohvias. Powder . Shot, tap s. t-tissur', SJ.ones. grads, Shovels,3tacura cud other Forl01. twain Scowl y ++Cults. I3irti nii•etlu" mi!aa.n) Axe tdl a Me - chaplet,' 1t el 'ipple l'&t,h rs, twirl Irat,s tit—•e44 l,4etars i,. u+ t: •we r • ba o.. Whist* Lit.•,.; .. Wave It t, t Clog, #inlets, Staples, tart t Clea i 1 i .i. x , • r,.n and:.ea d *'t .e, i,uttt 1 .•s s •••. l i.texht9. t °free and i'aint :tl.11n I .int t t.. , Naussge Uucltanes, Gill.foati leu,+, d.;t' a il:nduutu a specialty. Money to 1..ea.. .t ::alma,- Licenses is- sued. • !• . iia. s+".r ► DEALER I:\ Ifats,Caps, Gents' Fur- nishings, STOCK COMPETE inEVERY DEPARTMENT ALL T11E LATEST STYLES IN from the grasp of the tnuapablee or ,elle to ruin, They, have entered elle Shirts, Collars, and Ties political arena from no hope Of plunder or office but front auardeut and praise- worthy desire to do their utmost in al - Minting the distress of the eouutry. Phey will feel auxious to know that the Cabinet is eutnliosed of capable malt, MOLT Underclothing a Specially. but will continue as they have begun. At reasonable prices, — So LONG as party uuintaius its pres- out cofuplete ascecidnney over the mi:udb of the people, it will be the iliiaf.,rtiule t r-+ ytatui---Next door to S ]dined Shoe st and. opposite central hotel, Esther of any constituency holding decided political sentiments to be liable at any tire° to ouuver'si 1n into a f cfuyitt,R pee- eatw•tun.. This ie the fate which (J. etre Union is sake' to accept in the name of party. In doing the bidding of Mr. Horton the Reformers of the Centre aro acting adversely to their" own interests as a party. laking a stranger, anti more especially an infer- ior .ran, is absolutely certain to cause dissatisfaction among the independent members of the !arty. They know they aro asked to stultify themselves, and their refusalto do so is apt not only to cause dissension but to make aliens. Unity once impaired cannot be restored. Divisious in the party increase and strengthen until, iu the course of time, that constituency which is now safe for a Reformer will come to be regarded as among the doubtful. lieforuiers of Centre Huron should not :abuse their numbers. TJ" STRAY CATTLE.—STAYED ON tho premises of the u:dorsigued,lot 1, S. E B., Usborna, ou or about, the 0001. of October, one yearling heifer, and one yoaraiugstoer, The owner is requested to prove grope:ty, psv expenses and take them away. SAMUEL MURRAY, 1sT OTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO N all interested uarties, that our travelling agent hes been discharged from our employ. All orders or monies given to him on our account will be at the risk of the tarty sp paying him. WIL,SJ:. & tl1UOB Bewail, October 13,1878 NOTICE. VILLAGE OF EWER. Voters' List, 1878 Notice is hereby given that an adjourned court willbe Iloiduureuaut to the ' Voters' Lists act;' by his honor the sous; lee of rheV Oouuty Court of the County of Huron,-iu tho Division Court ltuom in the Village of JSXS'l'J' R ou the $Sud day of Oo tober, 1878. at the hour of tun o'clock in the fore - nee u,to oreneeu,to hear end determine the Heyoral complaints of errors and omissions in the Vetere' :List of the stuaioip tlity of Exeter, for 1878. AU persons hav- iugbusinees at the Court are required to attend at the said time and p1 tee, I. BACII1.T r, October 17 Clerk of the said 5Innioipalit The W .D.11cG1oughlinWatc But still we could not help noticing the ew exceedingly fine weather thee, .nslerad no other after ,, ' J seelng the iu the Conservative i'ejime on Thursday bast. The 812311 shone brilliantly from a sky of unspotted blue, and the soft, gentle breezes that _blew stirred. th.', warmest and noblest iirtpulseI. of the soul. Perhaps this was a bright anglify of the coming; change. 0, Auction Sal —OF— REAPING AND Mowing Machines, Horse Powers, SilWal MAHNE S'1'P.lif-UE-TLE1:S, CASTINGS, ctc. Will be sold by PUBLIC AUCTION —ON— Thursday, October 24, ',/a AT ONE O'CLOCK P. M., the following property, viz. : Six combined unproved Buckeye Reapers and and Mowers, with Johnson -Forsyth rake, 11 large 36•inch driving wheels, malleable iron. moving guardr, steel ledger plates, and fitted.,• with all the latest improvements. One combined -improved Buckeye Reaper and Mower, with Dodge -Stevenson rake. One Improved Buckeye single Mower. Six Jackson No. 6 single Reapers, angle iton cutting bar, malleable guards, steel pla.os,, enclosed gearing, and fitted with• all the lat- est improvements. Four .2 -horse -Power Sawing Machines (Simp- son's combination). Four power or hand Straw cutters, largest'sise, 1 2 -inch inoutli-piece, reversible gear. 0,11e first-class peddling wagon; 2 buggies 1 pedaling sleigh ; 1 cutter. • Two sets Harness ; 1 s, t double harness. One well-bred Blood Mare ;1 Grey Mare. Alsoa .. .f C..+ All who wear;''thern recommend' them. 77GDunsendsoSt laysct, rsLhloadr,nss.8,SdooGathteloStVmeaene,'ms10sainacelye Tette larget,bistanddpheapd'sPbttooadkof rtinotdd Jgowedlarys.cC., & , In :8 .I}rcw•ince. Ial:a.I- lig U..W'xa tIO2' ' W.• D. Mc(lLO JGFTLIN, 77 Daad .s it, r+on,3on a- cts, Brick Building , Engines and 13oiler,Maehines, Tools, Patterns, et0., ete., complete. •• `TTR11MS.—Under #50, cash, or note payable tat January, 1379, at 7 per cont.; over 850, two payments fif required), payable 1st Jam', ars', 1879, sled 1st January, 1880; 7 per cent., approved paper., - - 'JOAN JACKSON, Prop. HODGSON tt 04, Auctioneers, ,• 1 f