HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-10-17, Page 3t OeToinom 10, 1S78 DgePRESSION IN ENGLAND. THE. TIDES NEW PROVERBIAL PHILOSOPHY, TO CONSUMPTIVES. —"^ The a4vertiser, R retired physician, A short horse is soon curried, but a having providentially discovered, while t \I:ASY AND EmBARRABSXNG $TATE OF Tan mule, short or long, will kick you into a medical missionary in southern Asia, Axe noshowing their fall stock, and direct special attention to the following departments: uotiF x 3.1aa1:rT- the osis, to au re e seed andp ermaient cure of (onsam a. A wise nialti reflects before he speaks; � er y simple vegetable remedy for the Ladies' Mantles, shawls, Trimmed leets, dowers and Feathers, Furs, Dress Goods, ete. a fool speaks, land then: reflects while on, Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh, land Gents under elothiug, Over Costa; dubber Coats, Beavers, Worstird. p , /ion, his eye is getting well. all throat and lung affections, also a Coatings, Tweeds, env. When wear begins, hell's gates are sat positive and radical specific for Nervous p b os g Debility, Premature Decay, and all Ner- Clothing MOrder, y y re aiso and � t 13 the same when Goo ?:os9 voila Comglai rete, feols It his duty to �' c1`� � ca Who haul a Cold bath .aorl•ow to Ills : make it known ' ie fellows. Their carpet cleprirtulent is morn attractive spars ever before. OBCEIII S es aasual,elhoice Ana to hie tiyffera_g €_ sons, especially ' -' Actuated bythis motive he will cheer- ` p • 'ass -*t' 1n remark- _ , es eciall if his handkerchief hath � fresh. ChinaToa Setts lel all the newest clean s; .uta �Sootis an fxl starch in it. " full send free of charge) to all who ably cheap. pies have Inst moved. into tleehr new premises,1a ar. Everest's y g� bled,; opposite Messrs. Samwell dr Pickard's, and are h hetmr Who wants to heat a dog, soon finds desire it, the itecips for preparing, and position to serve their customers than formerly.a stiolt, but already has the doe"' shot . full directions for successfully using, aroma the next corner,yeliing, ",ki-kil" this providentielly discovered rernedy. Trust not a horse's heels nor a dog'is Those who wish to avail themselves of ` They cordially halite all their old friends, andne v ones also, tootle, neither a man who say a he'll pay the benefits of this discovery without you Saturday. cost, can do so by return mail, by ad - That which is twine is all my own ; dressing, with stamp, C that wlueh is yours I go halves in. I Da. °ARLES P. MansuesGro will also take up a callleetion. No. 33 Vagara Street. The wolf eats theoor ass that hath many owners. but not until begets the *r ,• •, BUFFALO, N. v All aneornaats twill mow tic mule out up eo I t October, sucl aQlaitel. A hearty sesxssan>M lsil rhoamati im in hie hind legs. i IF tete` storm of adver.-Qts whistles around { be eectsant. The se eles on rel len et ei a glutton, :I'"u, wln5t_ie as brav0ly tour .elf : Perbat'a the the seeoue. ill word inches a finless,1, Alp 141irg iit1C" t to ('St'Ttl/m ir,1'('1 11 '''''', ifee/ 4n te anll, ec' and tltc see ►red lots 1 tlttl p t;tots with m the ' e1. etc., or umatlleetaes. -' z:1; ons an blank cern sage'. Potion of the seerer.ly orttttns, teG` ti icTelRi.'+ Tho fiddler of the sit:no towel, never l:r:otic and I7v4, Ursa, It improves slots digest- pleayv welt at their fr•aHt3, b mom, lee iii ie powers oo anditle` weaall akened ery and too full to s1 tiatgla•h bet wean tho ..Aterplibritot3theeti. aSi kans1u TraVe11er,"lana thei*Dt itl \IsErch / \atiouul Pills purify the wry i+mrttain of lira iii Saul." - _ .». ,�.._-______, Tine fool never thinks higher than i The following ces,kioas Elise of getri. the tel, of hie honee. and y+etanetlh the fraction is recorded by a California pa- S Mary , feetive j�e'rte et the expense of the light- per: More than twenty years ago <7 Steam Vrooilen. NM Hing rod agent. Judge Alloy sunk a well at Bolinas. Ileus no more spirits than yon can Happening to have three or four large enu,jnre dawn, say, at four swallows. loll Basks at the time. he knocked in the blether go to�b. 1 supperlesri than heads, burned out the oil, orad set rise in tinbt, now that th,a bankrupt law thein in the well, one above a,notlier, iiae expired, and. strange to say, they all turned to A ep,•tttlthrife lets go the bridle,grabs solid stone, and are as perfect today as his steed loy the, tomo, and yells,"Wild) , Rhein they were put into the well. The TWEEDS, FLANNELS, B d A E►' I s es cB p ti ' C Emma ." top cast is abvolt two feet below the ____ e-•.«. laurftce, and a curt of common board.; A r•tr4v. rather itaeli¢1a'1 to flirt, soya slag is sit oras tho Well, running down to ffr.) elkit"r K+ +9. :+`a c t l� t":. s.� q G ?1.p rr :¢foe of Il:as'I ru 'It ar, lib' .a r„11,Cv rp e'3 ¢91 c lt¢ ;1tQ.bn v, Qy meet this eat , Several of the curbs Gt astir 1n#` ia; v.-4..,11,4-. rrid tt1 11'a v, hir.1 to ger rid+f. It ik tit e « lit e r attar in ; Ilava rotted away, and been replaced. ill, t'uri1. t„ �•i•t x4,1.4 a a-oQ.1 114t: Il, 4i11e+'n ! put the salt casks appear liltrtly to stand Preraliir. li i,1e±s, ren • r,°:rt t DUA Haas 1= n:t•ii+' fs)rcever. Ia there here a hint for well for t Maty, e,ingleq, htttireo. <v, inub hi se, aelsl on slat,• ¢.,•, tsf slag tlrr.+:it :►1! 1 blit 'N, 1 •'r eat,. builders, or ere the causes of petrif4e tion local ? Y7no i'.a,i London, Ont. 1O.—The stooks and money market are depressed and un- easy in consequence of persistent rn- nrtire of further mereaietile embarrass relent. These rumors, though denied and untraceable, create a gloomy feel- ing tbrc'ughout the Kingdom. They affect the Scotch Bank and Lancashire Bank, as well as various mercantile concerns in London and the provinces. The Stock Exzhange ins further unset tled by the unwillingness of investors to deal in bank shares, and by the pan - ie. in and !heavy depreciation of gas .bares, iet consequence of the state- ments printed here concerning Edison's alleged discoveries in lighting by elec. trinity, New York, October 1O. -The Herald's cable says, although no now failures have oeoerrrd, the tone of cuniinerciel circles in SCntlnnd is very unsatiyftin. tory, and a general freliug of tnwc.ai- ness prevails. Stocks aro depressed ere leg to the rumors witan regard to the 1 position of the .ua easleire banks and the impending failure of some loved firms to whom the broken Glat:agow Ilanit bad made ndvaoces. It is now Moder toed that not only wa.s the whole capitol', of the Dank lost, but four Mil- lion pounds sterling besides. London, ()et. 1(). --The Timm appeals to the buyineee cotmmnuity to keep their heads cold, and warns the public tel prepare f r new shock-, as the Mope; collttltsc lura eititrted a movement whirl+ will tied nut the weak iontonoe in every firm and isss titntiou throughout tlta' Iiiugtloin, 4L trying time lits before all banking and financial interests, ales overy department of commerce may b1' subjected to embarrassment and alarm. The present ordeal cons at a tine when commerce is weatcened by pro• ioxge.1 depre. si.m and cheered by few sinus or noun of a revival of prosperity. P,lackburri, Eng., Oat. 10. ---fir esnrs. (lreeawood aro about to close their nlilly. More than lutlf the factory pop- ulation of Blackburn is unemployed. without the slightest lope of improve- ment in bu.iness Toe chaneee are that maany other mills will shortly close. Great di itross prevtulss.. HIS llvleLl'.E;3GE, water cooler and got a drink, then he l A c itnre,l man ab lilt fifty years ollt, wine 1) telt and told his mother Ino was stint in bath Wets and rue oyo guue,Waa loot end wont back and got another 1 the first vi itor to Bijuh, and he be. 'trial, Ile Fltnuk about f nor limos per • gen : mile, seldom oftener, unlo:s lie was IBLin)UC)iI, 1.v 1- "�Iisser joy, de fault am dad I want seize,.t with a snrdtlen uucnntrnitable to go into dar State Ea'r up dare spawn of thirst. If be wee drilllciir ,anti "That's a noble desire on your part, soeleeone e1so same after a drink, t e rely calorad Melia, but don't dig rimier boy would suddenly seize the cup heii\i,:111,1 or climb over the fence,. Payyour way had just sot down, and refill it laud T in Bite a nihil.” drink as though he had wrapped hie AhL KINDS OF "i+fisser joy, de flick looks rue in tho in the desert of Sahara, filar- I �••-�- -�-�• eye dat I can't raise de cash. I called ills suspicinlltily over elle toll of the u1111 l.r R I 1 N G - hint, soh, to secure your infloonce to at the waiting passenger as he drank, work me in frow de naso, I'penis to When he was in his seat, he watched Doug to order. you, sail, by all you bolos sacred on the aisle narrowly, an if ho saw any ltemembertheplace earth—by the heavens above an' do Passenger got up and move toward the Peretti below, to work mo in dar among water cooler, he would jump up and D' '6r Oita 5V& IICWa,rel de prize n atermelens, de big sweet 'tat- race for it. If he got there first, thei•� �t/r� a "'T tars an' de gloats 'spy o' punkin pies." would drink and snore over the cup un -'3 6'e"E' IT=INC . "Hutu—yes. Ara you an astrono- til the thirsty* traveler forgot what. he \'' - + mer ?" went after. People began to wonder i� „ "No, salt." how much the boy was gua ed for, and q„—e;^ "Did you ever publish a dream- if he wasn't rather straining his cepa , �r 1 �� book ?" city. The remotest hint or suggestion '* ii '+ �, i a " O, sa}l," was' enonrrh to send him to the cooler. .� 3+i +, rfg �t-i "C.an you pack a convention ?" When the train ran over a creek, the "Nu, sale." I kin pack bread an' water made hila think of his thirst. jl fi C ,"`' When it rattled over a longstretch of ' -,,z," meat, Sall, till ye can't rest, but Inches l . �, 'tended on a convensl.un." dry prairie, the absence of water drove k t 'Than, my friend, I cannot assist him mad. I was afraid the supply of ' you. You are doubtless a very worthy water would give out before the boy NEWFIRM, INGIi•t.3i'S OLD STAND. person, but my influence in your be- was filled up, and he Was rather a HorsoShnoing,Wagonand Carriage Mkaing,Din. half would be of no avail." small boy, too. His interior circum- mond Harrows, and PI•,we• General Balcl:smith- Inge all its branches, at the lowest rates, and sat - "Jess so, Bah. If von write mea ference, I think must have enclosed en guaranteed. GING us a call and examine our work before tsadine elsewhere. ;tteBItIDE, Bing sb., Htnsan. pass I`ll be runeh obllet,etl, sat. area double in extent to that enclosed lIcHILI AN & "A, pass ? 11Iy pass would be of no by the exterior belt. Near Waseca we Hansa%l,June 20.i875. hen s good rep there," "Doan'run nearly a mile without the boy mak- 1 t (. ing a stop at the tank, I grew very ser Joy you own dat State Fa'r:Mis ?" "Why, no." nervous now, for I was fearful dint0 during such an unheard of absence1 ) 111E111314100 dr101111111 "Dona you own half of it ?" from water, his pumps world run dry, "No—not even a fence board." rust out, and he might blow up. 5o I ' said, over the seat and sa, aarlessl t; Den,.IVlisser Joy, I bids you good day. y; "Bv George, but I am thirsty. I I fought, sail, you was a pusson wid some iufluence in Society, but ns you wonder if there is any water in this am not, I'll walk nut 1" car ?" He Walked out as stiff and dignified You want to understand me now, as as a millionaire, and the look he east recording very plainly, and without any back from the outer door was fall of mental reservation, that that boy's '' ,ar;; pity and commiseration for the man mother, sitting beside him was no fool. tier eyes snapped when she heard my who didn't own the State fair. y Pp , careless and innocent remark, she took . & T. IBISSETT in every syllable of it, and she turned areoffering their stock of ^^-Llzndaori` me In a flash with ; TINWARE, STOVES. Etc.., lM S k London I wish you would mindyour own a business and leave my boy alone. at (' 'i Yet('T' ol'j d 1 • E tA low, mocking murmur of applause t r went through the ear,` a little of it for and GRIST MILL r some offorthe the-indiguantnaotlie ,son yorlctng order and every . Flour t Charity boy, blit most of it for me. She yi{ in grIsteng and Souring. ]~lour �^- � ,. c y omo slivered to purlieu leaving their Bltppreesed yours truly vary, audeessful- t*lies.. at ioinazl.slta'°' 'or- ...w,. l.a i ly, but it was too late. Long before oat n1i11A^► A a ,.. Tus` Vlaroxixr HYrtasrarrE is emphatically she finislled''that brief -sentence, • her .a nerve food • restoring the vital force,and re- boy was down at.the...water eooler,hold- T+.' ve trot pthing -invigoratiug.alt the functional, processes of life.. int, his eyes tight shut tot keep the It sliouldl)e used promptly' in every cage. of water from running out of themewhi.e les -of net&ous force or general, debility, from ' " he flooded his Pytltem as tliout,h he had 9 .whatever cause: ,It 'le also' one of ,the most I ,powerful tcnies='•aud,blood=geuera•torss •ltuown. tip1 per bottle.. Call and See Theins,, and they trill tate pleasure in showing them throa;;ktke preniis^ss and st RANT BrOS. E serer 'n iflaceh, Oistr4ite'tie ars. Farewell d Pi.ijard e, Main strt:et, Pieter. • WO ore IOW allmvaarfall errs, f Vty all deata•ra. Andrew daei;ossn t aid Na n,kan fttia.t sl�ane .eIIF'. BOY tS?1I0 WANTED:, DltINK Q the man of 1Qia tune. and dmfs it nntll he tint huutl.tt 1 years 1,eforo the, oral ppralines laa� l 1'ar111er: who tial Choir l iartc t If 1- 5:. 5IHYy;F,1a(i;. 310' r tSz,a"8'i:s fr Qoe A. s psa1. It will ulin Ir,� itst, leno+ht �l y a ;ire 1". . restless,rj11t1ats )n1 ig unsseay,tllira.y f'rr't11Ys eatrtlt t\ill.pr,ttlna•a It ljuiuit'nt egalal to , 1., boy. lie lot the- window fall on Ida fin- tIY►tn:•!rd',1 Teu-tw tail. Foe hums bins •tw, To omen y:llt► motet pis t ths•ir ^rain elsewhere. here. r .� say t1Q,1t it that { 1r• ; ,, t c r 1. l t in Ito a $rap •i our place to get yte'n' k ad and lander Ttvet,di. 1`1 sEne.9tt slit••$ t=t.',8 lis and ttieki1e ,3 hem our ('WI) yarn stn hnsi l ph, ;alt, DUFTON tt M��.ERS, Si'. M;U Y:+ 111J 8111:1,Tpt)l 1a Goods axe at 1.11.e Bottom. n'JAl9::+>t %ere venal in rantine,, (1'i`l:irtl.•s to lh ±"-01''1¢l� Tweeds. and tor 41,41• 1; anat,l-. r OM. ,rot shill:$ nIlQ ns ens before the train h:a41 gong et nails.. t :c umat+ t%4".'. it @uieiettt be walled. In rhea- Ito heaI e 'stood out one the platform until he nsati•.nn, iataelral;tlu* spinel e'usl1nhtte. 'etie.. it was eniCC►1tfad two ineheq a a sheaf a'ns;.ar tat ata•rey, 17'4'salt• h} n11 with at.leeil t1t'alla rB. ,and dust and cinders. Ito went to the THE E-' TrT1 Supt. i,2-tn. PlaaningMill Sasli, __ does not effecttheow prices at which Exeter & H ensall which ocnsists of all the latest and improved styles of Kitchen, Cook and Parlor stoves,lliilk cans, pans, and pails of the most approved pattean, and everything in the line ; Also, a good seloctior of handsome CALL AT SAM -TELL 80 PICKAR 'S and seetiwlr New Spring Goo Now Opel iz..g. NEW PRINTS, NEW MANTLES, as usual, receives every attention, and done at the lowest. figures. , Having opened out a, branch establishment taken a cnritractta''ltaep; rep a perennialitt tlensall,our friends in. that ..aoighborhaod Baptist revival inside of himself, eau be auuplied on the shortest notice, - and NEW MILLINERY A SPECIALITY IN 3rdered & Ready-made Clothing, EATS, CAPS BOOTS, S.110 ES :1 7D G MR WES, New Wall Paper just to hand; also just receive i, our hew FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS Turnip, Mangold, Carrot, Rape, Glovor and Timothy. Owing to the great depression of trade, we shall osier ler Cash new and fashionable Goods at better prices than old ,rob or Bankrupt Stock can be sold fo . SAMMMWELL & PICKARD. Facts for the People! OF EXETER AND SURIROUNDING COUNTRY. A. B. PO ELL, OE Co. The Gent Dry Goods Retailers of London, Ont., have decided to change the whole character of their immense business. - In the pact, they •••its► other London M3rchants thought that a large business could not be dono without giving indiscriminate credit. A. -.:3. Powe.l1 & Co. have now determined, after due deliberation, to discontinue she credit part of their ?business byad- hering as they will strieily to this rule, as one of their safe business pleasures, .ploy will be enabled to pay cash for all will, purchases, and demand from Wholesale Manufacturers a large discount, which adyautage will enable them to sell their goods rrtaiitotordinary wholesale prices. . To families living some distance from London, they wou1.1 say that you will save at the very toast, from 10 to 10 per cent. by making your purchase from them. This great saving will pay the e.peuses four times over, which you may incur by coming to London, either by conveyan a or Rail- way. Their stook of gonds, for velum° or quality is unognalladl in Ontario. The store cove••s the length of a whole block, from Dimrlas to Carling sts, Each of the four flats of the entire building 08 used fax some 0110 of the Departments of the business or for Mauufaetiuing purposes,Their nun Is to please the people by attention to business; GOOD BUSINESS HABITS. ' Our house has rison in a very few years from a small retail store to. ono of the largest in Western Ontario. A nail on us will be made profitable to purchasers. 'Sept. 19, Sm 184 Dundas at., through to 12A .a:lung st hliusv . +:;J1..ons Bank,,; , r O DON.