HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-10-17, Page 22 THE ACROBAT'S RTVENI EI mend heraised the baud in which he helot the whip, as if about to strike the The sten was setting. behind the Mille acrobat, acDaa . looked atat Mina with a savage o1lalclon, one Jana evening. with the of his keen dark eyes, and slowly, year ar 1815,rwhen an th bis glarey wee,were seen plodding along, the road in a deep voice trembling with enures. toward the next market town. sed rage, said They were weary sand sad. The ad 'Yon 11:tt1 better not." robot himself was a man. about thirty, . fDuval, said his wife, gently pull t f THE. TIMES OCTOBER 17, 1818 Sir William and Lady Windus start- ed up. a What is :the matter ?' demanded the baronet. ' Oh, Sir William t oh, tiny lady ---oh, my dear, good lady---' And tiles Emily shrieked three or four times running, and, turning white as death, fell baek iu the chair in a fit. ' Heavens aud earth t' erialaimed Sir "Well ?" demanded, Emily, with. zuuuh dignity. "'Then, finless some ou you can swim furdeler nor use, or toeless a boat comes up, or nuless iion etllink else happens, which I sees no promising sigus on, I wouldn't give the life of this here rat for the life of them two children." of dart complexion, with raven -black Ing tutu by the sleeve, atsd In a tans o 1 =1 t. And the tido was rising. Smooth ]fail curling, over hie fureltoad. Itis mingled patftoa and humility, Laver William; , what is the weaning of all as glass—smooth, spacious and emit- mingled were I2lack and piercing, and there wind the geutlemau. We shouldn t this ? Ohambere, do you know '?' iug ns a lying hypocrite it was rising, tl' g his look which be- have come iu without his leave, We ' Only, sic 1i ' said Ohambers, and Lady iVindus could see that it was wee SOlne )tn to is oo 11ninbl ask your garden, air. Cotyle, spoke as nature above that of a liaauute- Duval, uss go." Leek. wife was some years younger, , Al"Take Year wife's advice, my an," Hie � ' u g;eY rind carried en . infant child on her said the ganzelzeer, er, "aud don't come Lreast. She too had the appearance iuto geutlemeu's parks no more till person superior to Iter aud her moll tunes as you're specially invited. Garter came to the dool, as 1 were illy God I Can we do nothing ?" c;f a 1 r u up There now ; gather uv your toggery looking; out of the lawn, and with an Yes, it Was true, The water was at face was life to loch upou. .. Awful ceuntenauoe--aud every one their fent. William had raiser? Joii1 Their life wee a hard one, but the and get nat. y While llazrthe and the gamekeeper knows what Litany's countenance is iu ilia arena; and as he saw his mother bore l)artl iliigiswell. wllicii t�povartyr, cis etL til brong;h bad be In speeding; lied all the Duval's, eyes re. when Lulily'b in one of her—' direct th.e baronet's attention to them , a)ttr thrix dour, seat love. as the pia- reauied riveted on Sir William's., The Confoaud it, woman ! come to the he called out, enough she couldn't hear baronet had dared to thre+.ten byre with point cried Sir William. f; to vett, leas its hying out of the window• blow—with a blow of that whip with j So, sir, she says to tear,, aaC:1 Chau1 Tiley t wa rr now lnurne; ln;f to (bola tvhzeh be w:1.s wont to chastise dos hers, eutldonl ()Jackman her pace merket town of Mahlon, and as to• = doge. y 6 I Duval , morrow wuultl Ise market da l t Duvall would have died sooner than On the children,' says aIle ; + the boat,' y ! dare each degradstiou, and he felt half t sage she ; + where's illy lady ?' And thought he might ceree in for a share i - Q , <+f the motley that would be c!uangino p inclined to sprtug upou Sir William as hands. But as it was very desirable p t was, anti tihuw hien tilt" when it that he stud ids wife should have sup- comes to class fighting between luau per after e. long da►'a journey, and a and man, wealth and rank make no leanly Darter said to me.' piece to sleet, ill. seewasanxious to differeeaee ill pride of manhood or Though Chambers inforunation was earn a few fence in the towel or before atreugtl) of limb. Sir Willie= saw the neither copious nor distinet, it convey - reaching it, and presently an�oppertnu- fierce spirit that nm strugs;liug in the ed forcibly enough that the children it arose is ' which he thought he mightacrnbet'a breast. Ho felt that he could were in dauger, aud that the boat lead do to. Almost opposite to him, at might not bear the steady gaze he fixed apou something to do wills it, or three huudreel yards' distance, was him, and that his proud and overbear- It is Impossible to describe the the Irnl�e and cabin gateway of a gra- lug nature bad met its Match. His gha-tly late which spread over Sir tlefaAuu`s pare. .res Duval approached blood boiled with rate. William's face, as the tliougbt hashed 't a he rd voices soundinghigh and Impudent viltaiu 1 " he at last ex- across his wind that his Waldron had • h elaineed , stem in the roue , "do been drowned. But lee had hardly time allittith l in the airthevoices of shit- = l2 !z ou t; cireu mailing; merry. with their light ' you dare to beard me, to browbeat me ,voutlg; hearts, and vtear tiuging laugh- ter. And, lifting hie ar'u, he brought very .slowly, and selecting her words with a, piecisiou whish showed that sire was resolved to neither under nor over- state what she had heard frons, Emily ; ' only, Sir William, this much. Emily already licking the feet of her vhildren. "Look, look, 'William!" she exclaim- ed, at the same time directing her hus- band's Attention to the reek ; "he lifts her up. The water is at their feet 1 mommpiimaingsmammummumaramows Wonderful Discovery EMPRESS RELPI: . THE FRIEND OF MANKIND. D. An Internal & External REMEPY, A. BA= FOR EVERY WOUND, l iIt cures Itherunntism and Neuralgia and �. :11 `iia .palati i Dtti4la }'.-�" «14{' It title, tales.'• t ie tho oily known(remedy for it33 n.p.atieaat on the ti erleanContinent provettbyothers." As 60011 as applied It Fives instant erica to the i*It sufferer, It is rapid/v. absorbed, penetrates to the very ne. enters the amnia - neutralizing an "Ithent.'ltie Poison"sir: culatiug in the blood; aaol etliel. it f the syt+teuz though the s i.lurrttl mitts."""'" IT CURES Toothtebe, Fattebe Fie: lasts Neur:tlit. "All right Iuatuuaa ; there's plenty ]thounatiasu,'prait r ;t t Ui t a, lntlatuatln, of time .et.., Bums, ('It r a an Side, Pain i . y Beek, Pain in l'I t hP orlder, Cough,, Plenty of tine t The fitaa was flaw-C'et +artcrt ds l'tFost lis litartltoca,132(4 tnt• r,; e '.. „X c. int; in. Often as th.` parton the # Its ane t r+iu„ i'lin,inter, when I told her, tar, where you and my i shore turned their eyes ire ties t11reeti• ° .r. . a ot,e z:ry+�•a tnftitnr. Pimkit lady one, she rushes In, Hiad as nly io which stir. Ling had ridden to t wee stool' and t for cmttt in,' t'rh e great name's Sarah Chambers, that's all as cure a boat, there wee 17oth13, , I r+ l :: i %ereret of its stoves,:wit2t a l c)aeses is omens, Lady Wiudue had fainted. Si. \\'11 ; to st agekei instai©t ease lap/tin)opnnl air l lialn stood a picture of 'wolf y, lireltitot 1 to a a wider rtangeof disease inorery day lift' at las children. t afresh Chambers, Emily,and the atab1c+ lloy were group- ed ronud the old gaine•kesper, who as- sisted them in shedding many tears, but had nothing better to offer to his young master and Miss Joan, though he avowed, and perhapa truly, that he west ready to die for them. The rat-catcher eeated himself on a stone. "Are those your ehildren ?" asked a man who stood at Sir \Villiant's side, but whose approach had not bean no- ticed. The baronet, did not turn to look at the speaker. It was some sscoude, hide ed before he rt"cozuized that any one bad addressed hint, but when he did, lie replied, in a very deep whisper of despair. "They are I" The man's gaze Was faxed upon the cl'iidren. Sir William's was fixed up- on hill. He thought he remembered hint, and so he did, for it was the acro. bat. It was Davatl1--Dnval, who had prayed for vengeance els the sole favor fur which be would trouble heaven, It was Duval, at whose door, if he could be said ever to have bad ono, all the miseries of life had 'mocked, and at whose hearth they had seated there, selves. 14'or dict uut she, whotn he had loved :more than ltitntt'lf--llnrthn—did ,he not lin in •Iter cold grave, with her baby by her side, in the atone pauper's coffin ? And rtow, what was left to Duval ?—ouly to wait for death. Nay, ininethiug more -4o live for revenge. No boat matte its appearance, the tide had risen six Indies more, aud now they saw the boy kneel down in the water, and look np aa if he was praying. And only Duval could save hitt and his sister -away Drive/. He Wonders Of Modern Times alone of all who stood there could breast the flood to the rock and back xT„11 ngre*:tPills t1;,, ,,, n,, t again with the boy. Why not tell Sir William so ? Why not indeed. Is not revenge sweet ? And still the tide was rising. Lady Wiuthls, restored for a moment b cr n• seiouaness, but no sooner realized her pot.ition then she relapsed into insensi- bility. • ,Sir \Valium," said Duval, "l t=ee A't he came nearer and e,e:ted dowu bis wuip with a terrible thud eu through the gate, he saw between the acrobat's back that could be heard tweuty and thirty children, in holiday as far uCi as the Ludas. lied with attire, [laying upon the lawn before art rage, freuzied with metal, Daval, with ala algals aeiallas nrttssiun, a tech had a tiger spring, rushed at the ,baronet, 1' And dearly would Sir William have bcl.ttir+ti td the \Vhf wa family i ice ,aid for his rash act if the acrobat tumid) generations, atlrtl was Iluw in file l por.ea.ion of Sir \V&ndns, the tenth cupid only have had one blow at hila baronet ; and it was the birthday of his delivered with the prodigious strength Tittleeue=trter which the children were of his muscular arra and broad to realize the possibility of such a ca- lamity, wlleu hi stole the curate, with a soft step and swain face. There is uo iuluaiuent danger 1' tie said, at auto. 'there is yet half an hour, daring which it is quite possible to cavo them. BO lotto trot a moment iu sending at luesaen;er ma horsebackto the nearest fishermen, and bid him bring round hie boat directly. If you'll lard ate one of your horses, I'll go myself.' Orders were given for the immediate celebrating. :boulders. But, as Duvet rushed for.; saddling of at horse, aud meanwhile Sir Toe acrob;tt's eyes ],intiled. as he , maw& Leo, one of the nobles+t hounds! \Vtilialu loarued from lir. Ling that looked in at the bevy ofholitlav•makora. 3u Sir Witliatu't kennel, which had for for 1 heater Williaun had run his boat; upon Tiede was a grand chanceforhien. Souls tInao tivawtt:hed the p:tritsy surely it would delig,bt tee euildreu to Ins master and Dave! with grave. se- i:ve bins Masi) bis golden balls in tile` d'tte face, sprang upon the acrobat and fur, whirling thttzn up and up, like au intercepted his attack;. lLeanwlsilotw,a ever•tgprillging, feune iia, Surely all under gamekeepers turd arrived. AAA the other tvoutierful things he could do Larey Witsdus, from leer bedroom case. would b0 the very thing for thew. meut, saw the struggle betwttt)u the Surely the great and wealthy parents luau and the dog, aud woutlered what mould pay latt1Vltiomely for the auxttse- it all could be about. went of the little ladies and gentlemen. He paused for a inomeut, then slowly hushed open the gate, and walked in tuw'ard the lawn, followed by his wife. Iiad there been anyone there whose perusissiun Ile could have asked, he would have done so. ]Jut there was no tale but the children ; and theretore, addressing one of the oldest, he netted her if they would like to see some of ale feats. The girl smilingly replied aud bitted. "You were wroug in the that they would ; and ail the little faces, aud blood. Be advised,ueraud go your with their great eyes, were turned upon the acrobat and the wonderful boa way quietly." which he took from his shoulders and And Duval was advised, the more easily because of the appeeling look his lead upon. the ground, e And new the eyes of wonder opened Ulooife d ficin his faceave hint as r gIie liungpeti box Aa fur asp they could go. And an intent ,ince more over his alloald r, aud was the ,title eileieuce in watching the a sunkou rock ; that she had filled and. sone down ; huff that the boy and his sister were now upon +a point of rock a quarter Of it utile from the shore, from whleh tl ep were cut off by the flowing tide. iu half au hour the point on which they atood would 110 a foot below water, mad ttuleed a boast cun!d be pro- cured by that tient they would be in "Down. Leo, down 1" cried Sir \Vii- peril. limn, and the d g sprang away from to tt few seconds more the saddled the man, and sat dowu by his master's, horse stud at the dor. Mr. Liug 8ido. mounted it and rode off. "Now put hire out," said the baron. By this time, however, Lady Wiudnt, et, as he turned away aud walked to- was an her way to the share. Tne wards the hall. moment 0120 heard of the boat she "it's leo nae making any more fuss guessed all the rest. about it," said the good-uaturutl. game- The truth, however, was that Emily keeper, es Duval sprang upon his feet, and Miss Juau haul been sent out iu the Ina face and hands covered with duet phaeton, under the charge of the page, for a drive; that William. seeing the equipage, ran his boat in shore ; and than, as Emily declined to venture on acc'punt of her tendency to bile and her dislike of shat ks, he took hie sister, of his own lordly will and authority, un- der his protection. The boat struck, filled and went clown ; and, by the greatest good fortune, William, with .loan in his arts, was able to reach tue pausing, he clenobed Inc hand, aud Iift point of rock on which he now stood. ing it up towards Heaves, cried out, iu \That were the feelings of Lady the agony of his heart : Wiudus when she reached the shore, er.Iy tied, I ouly ask this favor of and beheld her children on a small Thee—that I may cue day be re- spot of risk, with the sea all around venged t" then,—emaoth almost as glass, it is So lie and his wife resumed their true, but with the tide flowing, and every minute covering a fresh purlieu of the rock on which her babies were gamble-. I3nt i'1 vain dial her mother's heart swell withiu her tilt it was well -Digit bursting, a8 811e saw the little dimpled heeds of her Joan stretched out to- ward her, and her brave boy take off Isis cap and wave it cheeringly to her with a manly courage which hedrew from her own generous blood much more than from his sire's. But could nothing be done ? Sir William mow appeased on the road which ran along the shore. He was followed by the old gamekeeper, by .Emily garter, who had recovered, by Sarah Chambers, who wished tai see with her eyee what the precise extent of the danger was, by the housekeeper, the stable boy and a rat-ottcher rvllo happened to be passing along the road at the thee and was drawn to the besot) by that love of the terrible which Weer, philosophers, high damsels stud low, eahle 'marquises, baronets and rat-catchers SIIt&re equally among; them. • and two promising children. Well Well, was there no one there tt•bt might Sir William be proud, could swim ? Suddenlythe Jn turioua ciierce of the Unhappily William could not, nor room was disturbed by a loud clamor the gause-keeper. The rat•cateher be - in the hall, in : which gneetions were iug appliedto by I+Ineily Carter, looked acrobat, enol so intent was David in walked slowly toward the gate. He caateuing; his brass b:slht, that none of passed through it, clotted it, and then,. stein perceived that Sir William Win - tate was s,plaruacl,iug wi h his game- keeper. He came forward with rapid ,irides, and when within afew paces of Duval, he yelled nut to him in a voice el thunder : " ig eboud t hoe, claire you enter leers ?" jmlruey. 1+'tpr a moment Drivel:hoodaatnnud- Presently a pony -chaise, driven by a lady, was heard behind thein ; when it came close to them. the lady drew np, laud asked them, with slight agita- tion, the way to Natwich ; then asked M trtba whether the infant she carried was a boy er girl, looked at it,kissed it, dropped a sovereign into 1l,trtha's haand, and sueideuly drove off. It was lady Wind us. epi and dntrb at this sudden lutertup- tiuu. He .,arc berates hill a genilelnau much taaller tea,, himself, iu shooting coat and boots, with a felt but, narrow• shouldered, fair, with a shaven lip, aud elate but briefly whiskers of deep tawny hue ; his eyes, of a bluish gray, large sand bright, with a strung dash of tie bully. Cwree, pack up your trumpery and begone U' said the baronet, Beetle; that Duval stood lottkiug aft 'hits. But the nerubat had recovered his CHAPTER 1T. Two years passed, and a beautiful lady reclined upon a sofa, in a large sell -possession, and now said, with a and richly furnished drawiug-roost of fain voice : a country mansion, everything ab nut 1 meant no offence your honor, nor which seemed to betoken the great to harm anyone or anything halon- wealth of the proprietor, who sat by ging to you. I saw the eluldreu, and the w:ndow. patting the head of a made bold .to enter, thiuhiug it wotjlal noble L iiistiff, which every now and then looked up at its toaster, turd gave a beats;, as if to ask what he could do at for him. 'There was not much that dog ur men could do for the wealthy owner of \Viudus Park, fur time had laviebed on him all her revere, aucient descent, great wealth, a beautiful wife, lleattte theist to see ry'— ' Oh, that's a eery old story,' the baronet. ' Wbeu thieves etre ides prowl around gentlemetd4 g we ail know fleet their : iutentida 1erfeetly il2uocent.' Do you call ine a th;ef, Fir Duval, his aleck cheek euhine eye fleshing fi e. Scnutadrel 1' exclaimed Sii•fyVilliam, the •Wood ruthiug iuto his face and making it iu a moment reel with rage; id p- icas are ' said. dud his doyou think I would ohat !retie with .beard rapidly put by some one in an at that young person solemnly for sev- a strolling vaigabuud like you ? I told agitated voice , "Where is my lady ? eral seconds, and then quietly closed you to pack up aud be uff. Du ea at Where is Sir William ?" and the next Lie eves, and their addressed her : once.' moment Emily Carter, Miss Joan's' 'Young wotpata, do you sec this And as -tLe baronet uttered his eat:- maid, rushed into the thawing -room. here rat iu this here case ?" with greater AUCCOAs than ren• luuperatton Iwhieh research skill aud "Medical Science" _,thea ti eft Yptinced, 1 uMita groat , s p ou vat power• over disease any person. no matter who 18 may be, Lich, or'l'oor, Old or Young, who is suffering from any of the above awned palu`ui complaints, will call at the Oftice in Toronto, acv day of the week, Sail r;et practice i,roof "Tare ,.f chargeof its luagae jw3VVr overpail iu tuts 1.Fi ata ton Testuttonials from all parts att., Polonium are c nata•ttly coming to hand, givingexprt,$•'; tion to lite twist grateful gratitude for as•'. tonisltiagcures whish itihas performed. and We 1WOLtlt be pleased to t1'eoive testinu,aietls fu -al all others who use it successfully. Physicians of the hfathettt'—arespeotability re. :catumaatd it as a most atUoetual "domostie remedy" fur aha relict of Pain in cases of sunt. den emerge, L1i y 1830 your lir�anoA, aud it will l'ruvo 4 blaastngto your. fnnttt anti atthet di faieucis, Druggists are Setliug snort» osis guaatitics of it wherever introduced. I� ebaaltange the world to produce its t enact 'l'ha Prate supplied t wruug)t tate wind= Drug a ad Patent Medicine Houses of Mourn,. al. Toronto, Hamilton aud London, Price 25 3n ‘z per Bottle T' Sold by all Enterprising Druggists. Sept,19.,ly. 'rtzaa Gr,L4TEST Clue Pine Purify the Bloo4,.correet alidisorcters of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowela,ancl ire invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females, The Ointment is the only reliable remed• for Bad Legs, 01d Wounds, Sores and ricer , of how- ever long standing. For Brouchitts.l)iphLheria Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, and an kin eases h.t.snae,luai. BEWARE OF yon remember vie. Ducal titivated for Now 'York Counterfeits. revenge upon you. For two years I Spurious imitations or "linlloway's pills thirsted for it. heaven has strut it to and Ointment;' are manufactured and sold iutr-' ff under the naive of " Holloway & Co.," by J. lt'- A bright light shot from his eyes as be said this, and then he walked slowly town to within a few paces of the wat- er. He undrested ; he waded into the 'e•t till it cause up to Lie breast, and then, throwiug himself forward, struok out for the rock, \Ve shall not describe the joy with which the parents, who had watched in agonized suspense the acrobat's at- tempt to rescue their children, received thein bitch into their arms. But while they were fundling there, Duval had dressed and slipped away. lie had re- gained the road, end was pursuing his jouruey with a light step and a light berart, fur he hadbad his revenge. Nu, not all of it. Sir William no •antruer miesed' hitn 'tlsau he went in ptusuit of him. "Here," exclaimed the baronet, when at last he carne up with him, endeavor- iug tb }ret a swell -filled purse into Die .eel's heed, 11You have saved toy chil- dretn, aud are entitled -I saay entitled' to a rats ard. Duval drew back his hand, "1 have ]sad it I" he exclaimed, dart- ing a lo ak of fierce and .witheriug•scorn at the baronet, end then, turning. from. hint with ail 'expression of contempt, pursued bit jouruey. And the proud baronet stood looking after hint, rettuked std' humbled. E$SRS. JONES & M(. SCRIP 13urristtlrs,u Attorneys -at -law, Sollcitorn .utoiry, Gn oveyaeere, t.omanieeionors IIB.R . 4, 'tariae Public; t, star, C.sr .JOSS. W.0.6fOSCR1P. u►v*cs iiutten's Biook, Waterat.,t,lifary'e Floury„ Curran & gists, and also politan Medi, Now York, wlti mark Idles-- Joseph Haydeel wise VISSOS off Company, Drug - by the Metro - cine company of an assumed trade. —Again one of Now York,liko- counterfeit), of his own make undor "` '=` the name of Hol. loway &Co.,idavingfor tatrade .mark a Oroseut and Sarpeut; ttoliesseu & hobbies of New York are agents for the saute. These persons, the better to deceive you, un - of oautienth© pobliein the sinal] bookr` Of aiir'eetioua affixed to their medicines, wide/ are really thespwrious imitations, to Beware o Counterfeits. TJ earupalous Dealers o brain those. at very low prices and sell them to the vublc iu Cana- da as my genuine Pills and Oihtmenta- I most earnestly and respectfully appealto 81 ar Clergy, to mothers of families and other ladies, and the public generally of nritishtlorth Amery-. ea, that they may be pleased to denounce un- sparingly these frauds. Purchasers should look to the label on the pots and. boxes. Tf the ac.dress as not 583, Oxford' Sire't, London, troy are the counterfeits, Each: pot andbox ofthe tlenuiirelt7edieinos, beaxsthe , British Government stamp, with the ,wnrde ElonLow,rs Prms AND Onerszo *r,. London,' eugravod thereon: a'n the labelis the address, .383 C' fiord Street, T,ortook,whore alone they are rtanufaotaar td. Parties who may be defrauded byvendore soleiugapurioes "Holloways Pi11s and Ointment its my genuine *rake sh, on com- municating the particulars to me, be amply re - mL aerated, and their t e sue haver divulged., THOU AS ROLLO WA Y. . X10 Moil. St., WC;, London, Ruga pAINT:II\ (:1 f P A INTI N,G& !. KITCHI.NG Ts prepared to do air kfnds of Hodge Painting, Paper -hanging Whitening, tke. aat:r©asonabl a prices and: punctually. J. 1ITekTlNti, ltiaio at Ezeter.