HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-10-3, Page 5OOTOD It . 3.1873 THE TIMES' rr H 0 TEAS ! - TEAS Our 50 cent TEA Su passed by none; flME T1;111. TABLE, L. 13. 13. li G[attitt \t,FTII. Mixed ... <..,.,.. 13.05 fie 1st. 'thtil 3.35 p. m. 1 slaresa 793 p. lu. (!')Isis �ol'Tdi. Mail.. .......... 8.42 a. n1. Mimed . 2.50 p. nt. l xt,re=s k+.2x p. til. T.—I.1 LW at, alt ti '"" itis ult., Sian 4,11',1 Jo Ink R'ut. kk.r., 'tl :t tears. SALE lilst1iirkTE1t. Fri las. flember 1*¢, Sale by auction of b'ar'n Stool. tool 11epli-nments, the property 1.4 M'. 1). Lohman. lot 10, con. 10, IL:iy. I3esstnbogry ,C, Orth, Auet're. 9'httrwl fit, (]rt. ;1r.i.- Sale by auction of Farm Ra.nl:, ISn{d+ttie3sl ate,. Mao 4 nils•:,. reel 1411,2. lee alt•• I.,•1"tit'ter',+ residence. J. \1hiticn;t;. bear'. t.0Oke, :1*.:et¢•. . 4atararty, Oct. 12 - -1 lio, iin:kr stool; :eel ink' ltli•lueut::, the property o; Alex. Shiers. '':,t 21. Lulea• 1it,:te1, I:a>t, I1:kti. ur:th cC Ee s- aouh:erry, taues. au l ig, Oct. 14,—i arae stock' nr•d innwi:-. merits, tit•+ property of ItiAtrich .C" liel- blianikk, lot u; t,411+ Steven. Oath aC 112. 2..t tine try. yarn -,.int. Oct.;l --Forty at9 alt and ioupltt melds, the penia sty i'f lr taiI 1V 1'Li. 1. 1 ene4. 20, ti eel ii u .lath a1, Il-,ottllat• y. advs. Lay. I)e't13.—Farm, !•Clem stool; nod alit. l 1 tii'itt tit • pr+ pa, rot of S. I halo: w. lot take 1tee.1 I.14Srepile:n, Urtlt tt i, `,.rias ret ta711• 1':,n la nilay. De:. 10,—F trasa st wait im.t iutple. trout`., the paol..illy of Wm. 1h'ritt I••t 1(1, eon 4, Stephens. Iiol"„'stiu ,k Ohe'.� tones. Lt. Partie.4 getting ilk'-irt;lit" bilinprialte"al;;t! t;,i'. (drone will see. ive a AUtit•e rlimilar to the ,tcive. free. I 24E4II\T T tEET, E a7rmi t.. St. Marys Steam. Woo len '! '%i'e are moor showing foil lines oaf jTWEEDSi FLANNELS, BLANKETS and Y- RIS, I'tf.t, wote.T. Whitt, eeh^•ut ,.,tt ,. sralta,s w at• 1..02°laatf " 1t Colley ... tilt"• •.. !tea'r 4 Floor per 12.1,1. „ P at.ttet t.pe'r hag, .,. i{,{ lane low 11.4.1 . Prost .tpidres;.r L 1It,a;s,itrt. shed per 10i1 Itoof is ides Ish.e pakin••,eteeli .. liay per ton Onions per hunt Lord per th VOT oar own Our lt, fro tDl.tI*Qfi se a!5011'ai%Ttal... Not t•r wa4 t.:.- a gut I i,ttattl: Of Leo-v,,,citi 00 ct-lt .4 SR.wil1 4 ;:;t,a z,, •. O Are now s{i wiva their fall sto:•k, and direct spe:ial attention to the following departa Carets: Ladies" Mantles, Shawls„ Trimmed hats. Flowers and Feathers, Furs, Dress Owls, etc. Gents nwkr clothing, Over Coats. l;ubbcr ("oats, Ifeaverii, 1Votit,.:d (°oatings, Tweeds, ete. Cloth Made? to Order, 1 Their ccarpetdeparttilent is more attr'activ'e than ever b fort. tiRe1.IRIFS as usual ela,.t°^, :;:a,i fresh. Cltitte. Te . i; tt:i in all than tae tete t tie s.t;us, Lamp Gnu;Is ata,l t eat tvara rc nt i ref laying Iu 1:bt%' elat•.tp, 'They bare Slim rooted Into their nets pry nar,e.3, oat d1r. l tterett'a btve::,.olcpw.-iter fes r . t+;unnc7l & Picl:ar<t'a, and are in a better pusita<,II to terve unix. catstomerx Orate formerly. ltauketei are equal in wsearitl;; guaIitieei to hunt �•utalt`, talt;el gate Gao, 75,o anti boa. Ttlk'(talti, toad gale •LOe Flauue•le, Farmers aim t10 their anarltet business in St. 'tf. x ;s, lou; their woi,ilelrQ float us. Tu those wlio market their grain te14s'uhele we say that it will pay you well to make a trip our place to get Soar al.d Winter Tweeds, FIannela azul lllataketi. t.i Surke arta Stockirtoa finer our own y (arts on hand cheep. DUFTON ,t �O.�Y 1.&'1.A.RS, ti. jot. a, 2.w. Sr. MARTS awl til 11A114411,11 SALE On and afterIONla.t , i )tb inst., we will keep the 13et llville: Li111e for sale at 25 CENT'S PER BUSHEL. Special rates to parties using large quantities. MONEY TO I.0 ON 111T PhOPERTY. f,:r tot fl t•.4 n:t to " .lfortgages Bought and lltra•riagt I..wc,tst:s issued.. O'BYRNE & CO. ilAIIDIV iiIls Ph:.fill:l:S, EXETER 0 :'1 t,i 0 a'; 0 70 to 0 Fi la 53 to 1 22.5 O'_5to.':? 50 C; (1 10 to 1110 0 to 012 i 210 to 5 00 054 to 05 SOt.1955 1,s to t 75 4 V to 50 450 to i50 54,0 to01.e0 a5 to 069 8 0 to 000 050 to 075 0 i34 to 0 ill 0 20 to 0 11 1t1.e9arr atb:"Jtura. nal wheat .el is .. ,S 85 to S C` att wheat ... 0 80 to 0 0: tsm iug nheut .......... 0 S0 to 0 00 Barley .., .. 50 to 70 !lone, ...... . ............. ......... else 50 to 55 fa tt, , .... .................... 30 t0 00 lifdeq........ 5 00 to 50 inlay skin .elle... (5 t0 101, noel ..... .............. .......... 4 of fn 4 4t' liuttet.. elle.. , .. ....... . 0 10 to It Notts ..ells ... 0 tri to 01. 'Hs".to1 e l le .. 0' 2 CO 0 24 sr. arAitr"s ltetpnrtetlregularly. by.1,.(utbraith.C'lerk) I3.ahlwbenat.'er bushel ................. h0 to 095 Fl,ring wheat ... 70 to 02:5 Marley ........................................... .'.0 11. 0 s0 Peas .. .................. 50 to C 40 (1,t4 0 15 to 029 Pots toes per bag .......... 0 (0) to 0 70 Apples 0 40 to 0 50 Beef per t b 0 04 to 0 06 Mutton "0 05 to 0 07 Pork perewt 4 50 t0 400 Eggs, per dozen 0 00 to 0 09 Butter " ' 0 05 to 0 18 iC:q................................... 6 on to 9 Of. Wool 0 53 to 02.3i 025 to04u Sheepskins 13E d i ( L& WA EtEtiOUSE LON1)0N', Toil will buil the Largest as - 1 orrtlnent of Silks, Millinery Mantles, Dress Goods, Kid i:Gloves, Laces, and all kinds of Fancy Dry Goods. Mantles and. Dressmaking under the lnanaement of a Lady of long experience. Lad- ies can depend on getting the latest and. most Fashionable Sty les of the Season, at Mod- erate Prices. Wedding and Mourning Out- fits got up on the Shortest No- tice. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. ATTIE & CO. 140 Dundas t. Lon don e WE OFER A TRIAL of onreelobratecd Single Mower D•— Won .f Qv Single Reapers 11 all kiudsofGrass andGrin, and ou all con itfons ofsoiland surface, 1 AND GUARANTEE SATISFACTION OR NO SALE Wo also offer a Trial of our Wrought on Two Bar JOHNSTON'S COMBINED REA'£R AND WAVER Maohiuessupplied with 'rwo Pitmans, 'T'wo Drag -bars, Two Finger -bars. Four Kniros, Forked and Keyed. Nato. Self -oilers, etc., to. can be changed from 'Mower co Beaver. AND REAPER TO MOWER Byromovtioffour bolts, ant inless.shian lifteen minutes' tine. Please call at our wcilks and ius1)ec our Machines before purchasing elsewhere. ! Sencl for Catalogues. THOMPSOD& WILLIAMS Manufacturing C9., Stratford. IIF �y. They cordially iusite Carr their aiel.friently, and new anis also, Call clad Seo T1to a,. and they trill take pins=ate in showing them thron,u1ltlan premises an4 M1 accounts will 110w be made out up e4, 1st October. he pltasarlt. !;!lair orad EVA Wit' THE FRIEND OF MANKIND. 4n Internal & External RE IFI►}", FOR EVERY WO[' vim. s Ithenntatt 3, -tan i' ntnlit, 1 Neither n311 at w It 12u'teed'. ia,,,nla r, 0a,vty •r 411 7a:itaFta 011 Hitt t inept na t.,,ntntaut• p)'.' '.1 by others:' Am sOO;t ;a+ u11 .1i 11 it ti t les instant tense to til, iurtatli,it,- utleror, it ass rnleln vii aur e. 0n,'tretxetatt, time, v,'rc banO,eaterstheOreilla• ban, neutralizing all "Ithettnitie Poison"" oar• ,'nfytial{i intim Hot 0. And tei.l,els it fry on On tet#itlt Uirtstth lite Calami butt, t4. IT CURES 1.,14t11'01w, Illaraeho, headache, ;:cul.tri,: Ithemocti,tll 512r t Ws, Swellings.Iullamation Burnt'. Clots, Braises. lain in: Side, Pain in Ilan, Pain to Chest, Pain in shoulder, Coughs Colds, Prost Bit es, Chilltlaius, Diarrhoea, 1.111i eatery. . Summer t'elntlltatut, ten., fie. It will mire theomit agonising pain, inter..,sell ll�txtti,nml. in One i1lFtant of ti1l1P.. Iy,� e�elt�t yutir i7Riu lira tend l sa sa tr n :the iwr test meat Di shall (2111 relief 001 tutu. The atrettt secret of its Success wlthMvhosRos is owing to tiro fact it is safe and hornless, pleasant to take, gives Institut ease,aml eau 130 applied to to wider range of disease in every day life. nitlt great'r RUCCe44 than ally preparation which research skill and "Medical Science" _.iingvot rnrecletl.. ,ns a tioo of its greet power over disease. auv person. no matter who it flap be, Rich or Poor, (t1d or bang, who is suffering frail any of tela above owned poin'ui complaints, will call at the OlUeo in Toronto, auv day of tho geek, trill get leraetic• prow of�"Free of cieorge;" of its magical i giver over;pain in on kliasa .a;mil bion.. T..ttn ontos fr. to (1l parts of the Dnwnn0n t' are t u•.tet tip .tuning to hand, giving oxpros- ie n to till, most grateful gratitude for as• touisleir.g cures which it has performed, and we %lentil be pleased to receive testimo:3tals fro•n all others who use it successfully. Physicians of Berri -ghost respectability re. commend it as a most effectual ,"domestic remedy" for the relief of Pain in cases of sad- .len mine eltey. Corry to your homes, sad it wilt prove a blas,%gto voilefondlyand afflicted friends. —15rllggint; alae Rtelling enormous quantities of it wherever introduced. Icl'allana the world to produce its equal. Rr le Trade gemmed throng the wholesale Drug and Patent Medicine !louses of Montre- al, Toronto, Houlihan mud London. Price 25 Cents par Bottle ! Sold by all Enterprising Druggists. }". Sept. 19.,1 •fie '!s ',. r.. ST All forms ofKidney and Urinary diseases, Pains in the Baal:, Sides, and Loins are lusi tirely cured. by GRANT'S REMEDY, its effects are truly ntarvelons in Dropsy, Giavel, Bright's disease, Seminal losses, Len- ulaorrlicea, and Inst vigor, no matter of how long standing' the case waayy be, positive relief is had in from onto to three; days. Do not de- spair, hesitate or doubt for it is really a specific and never flails. It is purely a vegetable prep- aration, by its timely use thousands of erases bhat ltavo been. considered incurable by the most eminent Physicians, have been perma- nently cured. Itis also indorsed by tete regu. lar Physicians and Medical Societies through- out the country, sold in bottles at Two (1011ars each or three bottles which is enough' to cure the most aggravated 0980, snit to any address on receipt of FITE dollars. Squall trial bottles 0x1 dollar•each, all orders to be addressed to Grant'sR2medy Manufacturing Co.. $1 Main St., Worcester, Moss. a c' and mailed. :1. lieurt. respa nee web R.VS 'ON ROS Eosin tt t rarest;, Oppoiite Messrs. :la m add Main street, Exe'ttr. or the People! O1 E:il.'rls'it xsu Srr.uorm,1 ;t1 CuL' TIT. A. B POWELLICa, (X Cox, The Oren Drs (Duets Whaler. of Lulu1on, Ont.. have decoded ti► el,azgo trio whole elttirt:c ter t f :hriL radiomen, b siti elle in tlu' peas . Ow). 'ritla etlter%otO)Qn :ifercilaut4 tlae,alt bt that st large l,nw:nesa could tint lad d +lse+ iilnoat gtstl,i; in.itrr('nh'Oate,trndtt, .1 .. B. i " c5 [ rA 1 c Ct . Clare 11etw determined. atter Clue deliheratiett, to tri teantinue ase mint hart of thole a0iuesr, by ad. boring es they 22t1i° strictly to Oda role, as oueof tluair 2110 lean 12'sS pleasures. (nes %201 be +rnaril',t to pay catch for all their timeliest s, and ttetnanl from Wholesale Manufacturers a large d.on'UUs. 2211240 ndtantage win g:nubte theist to sell their goods rrtaii .tt ordinary al,.elrsaelo prices. To families litingnonce distance from London, they would spy thatyouwill eau at the veru Wag, tient 10 to 15 per cent, by matins your purebasee froth them. This great saving will pay then ^A Inflows four times over, 'IVIli011 3.0)1 12412)' iueur by 0218)11(920 LonJ.on, nitik rbyetnivey u, aa.rBeat:- ray. Their 1tM12 of goods, for V01111110 or (lnulity Is unequalled In Ontario. The store carers the length ,1a 12114,12. bieok,from Dundee tot'arlinfi std. Hoch of the four flats of the entire building is used fol awe one at the Departments of the ha Anent' Or for 3lcanufaettlrtng pnrin,sela, '!'heir aim le to please the ,eople by attention to business. (0(01) Ri1SINI1SS R.UIITS. Our house lots risen fu a tory few years front a smith rated store to one of the largest in Western Ontario. A cull on us will be rondo profitable to purchasers. Ai.„ E. POWELL & Co., 1341:h udas st., through t0 135 Carling at. opposite 3fulsons Bank, LONDON. Sept. 10, 203 CALL AT S Lam.MYM 1•1L L & PICKARD'S and see their," New Spring Goods Now Openin NEW PRINTS, NEW MANTLES, and NEW MILLINERY A SPECIALITY: IN Ofdei ed & Ready-made Clothing, il HATS, CAPS 7 7 BOOTS, SLI(lES VI) G1 ooEn1KS, New Wall Paper just to hand.; also just receive 1, Our hew FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS Turnip, Mangold, Carrot, Rape, Glover and Timothy. Owing to the groat depression of trade, we shall offer for Cash new and fashionable: Goods at better prices than old Colt or l;nnkSAI "-Ecan LL1fsold &PICKARD. g Complete Stook of NEW and CHEAP FURNITURE at W. BREWS. 1. BEGGLEAVE TO .GALL YOUR ATTENTION. to my new stock of Parlor and Bedroom Fri •i- tore, Spring 13cds and Mattresses,Pillows and Bol- sters. 1 have. made a very great reduction in my prices, and still being resolved to supply goods, of the first quality, 1 confidently hope to give you every sat- isfaction.' "My stock of Beds, Chairs, Cane -work, in feet everything in the .Furniture Line is being dis- posed of 9t a discount of 10 per cent. for cash. The Undertaking a specialty, tat tl... cheapest pos sible rates. Fle]AT$kaRS FOB SALE, W. DRE •1 I�.