HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-10-3, Page 44
The Molsons Bank.
4\C0111.0RAMCD 81 ,rCr O' T..tULWAAtENT, 16;75,
a rzt, $2,000,000. , hest, $400,000.
.tons Moicson. EsQ, President.
1441N rH 'At< \\it)t ha A1, - Viec-Prem.,
Vice -Pres S1 n bluttt'1 Ina Co
lion 1) L Maooliersen. :Senator.
^ \V shet,k erd Prem'Ottawa EwerNav2g Co
8.41 --At o Nelson. :1 At P, Allies \Viliiatns,
W i t,..tx Tueoazas, Esq.. - C,is?tie•r.
A3. liz:A•resEsq.. -• - • - - - InNiector.
xeter BI• ry i1.
11 "NAY 0 a1110\*.,13 `r3h40-it
a.^a ii r calf,. Go1a etre currency
Gr , boughtand sold. Sterling Exel ngebought
#e 4.i
tttv.t e i tm tear• roil eaati tsy terms. en their
premiss •s; ry notes with one tar ins a good tin -
de t No anortgage required ars security.
;nude in oil ;tarts of the DoYuinion,
;i uirptly ra:a itted alt lowest rates of
1..., -,:40:gust lath 167:. 6-1,1
Conservative Aszeciq f "on ! 1
1 t•t ai rg of the fitends c•f the Liberal E'onser
%stave tI."3' in South Itsr,an. 11111 be 1104 iia
Monday,October7, 1
AT 11. O'CLOOCE. A. I,
A large attendance is particularly requested, as
mations ,+t linp•:rtance to the cause arc to LW A4-
tcu't 1t^a.
Pre tlt.7' So: etary
The . '&ter finics.
1%\'f. 'J1 A'T'TENTION.
By rofLtr•euee t;; advertisement at the
had of this column its\i l be seeu tied
a meetiaio .,f those fde:silly to the Lib.
eral-U. n e1vaatiee c.ttl,e in Sauter. Ilur-i
oar %tit be hell :in Exeter on Moutlay1
next, 7th Oetuber, at 11 o'clock; u, 131.
A large attetraauce from allparts of the 1
R:dilao is urgently doeired, as ..n attertt
of iaut, artaa)l.o \vitt eegtlge the alteutiuu
c,f Lo meeting.
Parliament, We have a very errone- demand the serious attention of the
ous idea of the temper of the people if Government, Uailess it receives this,
they will encourage. the O position in
this policy, They have elected for
Protection. It a scheme which will
require some time to bring to n:,taturity,
and its effects cannot. be Been illllnedi-
ately it is put in operation. Titus will
be regniretl to bring about beneficial
results to such an extent as to make
themselves appreciably felt in the
country, .Every branoli of trade will
require stimulation and every interest
the warntet>t elieourageinent before we
can in reason look for a return of that
prosperity which would now be ours
had Mr. Mackeuzie and the one -)deed
then in his following never got posses
cion of the reins of Government. The
Country will naturally watch with the sial effort to please the soreheads,
utmost anxiety every step that is taken C►. >* certain tlit;n that telaa3ukees da
towards bringing about the dolma re -
the readjustment cannot be in accord
with scientific principles and on a basis
that willensure permanent satisfaction.
But the I>
)eo le who have at the polls
declared for protection should see that
they to whom their support has been
given so heartily are not harassed by
a defeated and soared faction The
unanimity of expression on the art of
3` 1 P
their organs and representative men
indicate clearly that, having iu a mea-
sure recovered from the surprise inci-
dent to their overthrow, they have
settled down to a policy of inisrt'pre-
sentatitlu and obstruction. But there
is not much likelihood that the Censer•
v tive Gove1 toneut will make any ape -
suit; it will actin closely and uritictee oat look with tb COuLented r'yo nn 1)1` -
defeat. of Mr. Mackenzie, e,ty
sharply:, and endeavor to Gad out no .
defects that are likely to exist ill the is cujurittl.; us to blip I"' fit, is tet<
their paperq aura nu ti• tlepietittg, in very
4cheme of Protoetiou, but the people
will at tete seine time, fur their o\\4' foolish latrg i got, the grit*von•t rnautt
we are to atiftal• Aeon p#runt t len. 1,, c •
sake, deua:autl that the widest latitude lever is etspleasin;a to tha-xu ,t:^ ,t %..t.
.# a-
eha11 be allowed the Government both Ua.i; l struggles should be pro keet.t, -
es to the preparation of their scheme ateiy pleasiug to us,
tante the time when its results dud! "Such a Muse would be Manly, bit: i+t e.ne.e
make themselves felt. It ie a groat MIAslander One's betters is eowa. anti
misfortune that we are forced to wan Int'au:,
The above is from our Seafurth e:t't
temporary, and has re"erence to .t
•elves. M. C. Cameron may be l,;ttt•,
for a time for a revival of vu -
Omani life, but we Must grin and
bear it, as it is the result of fallowing
the cuuiitry to fall! into the lauud• tot frau others, but eta must regnr,ll : aw tt
{{ r of g*aduu fortune that t Regis.
num who are totally wait to govern it I tra)too Of Blithe lord .11.•'
pi. C
cr uuderstuutl its necessities. Bah by tee, nut cal furca arh •tl tt:• ,1. caw flit'
coutrasting the actions of the so eallt:d ,tight of day.
Reformers iu opposition with the Cott-
ouTun Reformers of >utla Huron, it i-
rattllored,ttrcabtm.; to reject Bishop,
the sitting member In telt' As embly,
slid tun Dr, Soetvttrt it. Ills ste.ul.
WRUNG AS USS L.The London organ •'f 111.. party says of
i rho 1)uctor, 1t II•' is a sterliug Ii,t'farntot
Oar esteemed Seidel -tit colatewporary . andtyntllll make ail ext:t'lla'tot 11TA?ril
Affdets the high and moral tale iu bee,t'till of which iv as much a a to
servaati;ves ill Oplloeitiot', the people eau
furan a very iutt llieent astiwute of the
resp'eetive merits of the two parties,
Say that Mr. I3k110p ilfaeN a ,t puseea-
laet issue, and .is highly indignant at theme virtuous qualities. Bete eel) them
elle (11111.1 '1
speaking pf the way iti widelt 1. C none of ours.
Canmruu gaiued his 'momentary tri•
ph in South enroll. Our (totem
POLICY OF OBSTRUCTION. the plain Iaaglil:h we saw fit to use in be it. However it goes,
r.E ht re IR one iuf d1ible hip by wbieh
we are ;levee enabled to dit;tingttL
the t utri it from the demagogue, the
progteeeiouist front the obattUetieuist.
31tuiug dieing years that Mr. 11Jaeken-
:tie was leader of the Oepositiorr, the
ceuutry never wit ue5-el him
aux aseistance towards the maturing of
any Govcrriment measure. Ile opposed
everytlliug vehemently ; good or bad,
it Meade no difference to hien-it re-
ceived his auto ,arnpromisiug opposition.
But w•12eri Sir John in 1874 took the
lead of the Opposition, there was a
cliauge iu this respect which the coun-
by at large wit:l not slow to observe
awl approve ef. The new Government
in framing and passing many of their
most irnporteut lneeeiures found them-
selves nuequal to the task they had un-
dertaken. Whitt did Sir John lac-
dor ald do ? Did he take advantage of 1
their iuexperionce and lack of legisla-
tive capacity and skill ? Did 4'e throw
c:l),tru;;tione in their way and hamper
them at e;•eI•y step, as "Mackenzie had
clone v1heu leader of the Opposition ? t
Cin the aintraary, he reversed Mr. i
Mite ellzic's policy, and on every 1
t'os-ible uccasiou exercised Vie proper
and legitimate functions of leader of the
Op'p'osition, and brought his extensive l
exi'elicllce and ripe legal knowledge to
ins assistance of the G,vernlnent, iu
nlaaey instances gracefully reliesiug
thele from the eotisptiall:uees which the
Ferioos blunders they were about to
commit would• have entailed upou
then:. He showed n'r disposition to
take any.. iadveutage 11 the Government,
aped so remarkable was his c'uduet in
this respect tl1i;,t Mr. Mackenzie felt
called upon to make to. ate,ful a llu ion to
it on the flour. of the House. • Tliis was •
the line of conduct that Sir Join] fol.
lowed. I3nt if we may be permitted' to
judge fiean utterances of the Reform
Jtr•ere,rt, Mr. llaeken'rie and his handful
c:f followers iute.nd to revert to their old
and favorite p olicv, that of obstruction
and carpiup criticism, although iti
fact, Sir John need not feel ander any
'ob!icatious to Mr, Mackenzie 'for the.
best Melody suggestion hecoulcl make.
44We must have a return to pros] erity
immediately," and other auell exclama-
tions ate seen In every Reform news-
paper 10 the country, a pretty clear ins
dicatiou that obstrilotion will again 'lie
in vogue amongst the Oppositionin
says our article was Dales sled abusive.
tt was neither. It was the truth.
"Acts of the blackest corruption" wr'rr
resorted to in every quarter of tete Ria.
1) n.•tltl A. S'tllth has ),tee elected by
a Iltt(jt)lity at 9 for November* Mango
tett, over t'x•fleyernor :Iut•rl,, The el -
ti nll i8 to l,fJ ')CUtttaled h • the drat t
art c andidete,
et ! } eat•
lug, as our tt1artned contemporary will jj John White, of East Hastings, had
in due time discover; and if any one a recount of the ballots cast ill that
says that the lowest, meanest tricker` ritiiill;, with the resale of transforming
was not resortod to,he keowe nothing Aylesworth's majority of 18 iuto a ma -
junk). what he suglib]yprates ttbollt, But fore
of 21 for White, who will them'-
fore he declared elected, This is a
it was nut to this portion of our o0u-
temporary's expostulation we intended
to take particular exception. It was to
that portion of it which gives the credit
of the election law 10 the Reform party.
In this he is astray, whether the ough
igeoranee or on purpose we cannot
say ; most likely through Ignorance.
The law was introduced and passed by
Sir John Mac;icnald, and assented to
May 28, 1?373, and will be found on
page 73 of the Statutes of Canada for
that year. Mr. Mackenzie matte some
alterations iu it, but they were of d tubt-
ful utiliay,
wholly false. The return brought
Smarting under a sense of their deep dawn en the 22nd April, 11174, sho\\
humiliation, the organs of the new Op- Mat from the 213th October to the 5t1,
t>cr.iaiou are with ono accord boasting
November, 95 td
of their intention to keep the iucnmiug
lame number of appointments were
Conservative Government to the task gazetted prior to thatbut they were
they are to undertake. Du the organs simply transfers -tele civil service of
not realize that they are a little preula- Prince Edward Island passim; uncle:
lure iu disclosing heir ilatelltlolle ? Dominion control with the entrance of
Much lle.fe..t hath made them nlfad. that Province into Coufeclei•ation- Ia
is true that Mr. Mackenzie cancelled a
The people will see throngh this little uulnber of atppo17tineuts rn:lcle at that
period, but as he filled the vacanci 's
with appointees of his own, it cannot be
said that it was as very meritorious or
eeouolnicatl act, -The 111,ail. '
t.:at they are already deinandiug to see
Got.#servaative gain.
(Hughes' aleeti,n in Niagara is to b:
protested on the grim ace•+ 1)f barb,ar!:.
So is \lr. Trow's in Svu:tl Perth. A.
r.u'nber of protests will also be entered
in New Brunswick.
Writs have been issued for the dee.
tion of members of the Local Legi,la
ture ft r the counties of South Silncoe
West Elgin and Essex, vacancies hay
mag Iden eroateli by Messrs. ?JcDaug
;tfl, IIodgine and Patterson becomioe
c,tudidates for the Commons, TL
nomination. and palling will preball ;
tape place in the% 0 ,anti -1 0 t##•
'lame day.
The story g' i. * the 1 )14 1 of tilt'
Governrnaut to s., 111 t' a .1',-(.1k 0! s
bcifole alis l'e+a^;5riali hi in 1t 3 lar Jona(
Iattj1)11ald. 8011.- 1i9 appoi utin ont$,
OC120.0E11 3, 1:;78
strategic and military reconstruction of
our frontier:"
London, Oct. 1. - Five batteries of
artillery leave Portementh on the Vida
inst.fur Iudia, Tho 2nd Batt. 14tll.l IN CIZE1 ITu1 T,
ltegt,, at the Omagh, embark at @xti)nnn to Maker') 1lntel. Po-ttet wntltirt
neenRtOwn for Lelia on 5iat11Cdta Arst-class work will And it to their advanta„a tie
y call before leaving their orders elsewhere. Only
A despatch from Simla says all prep- Arst-class Sewed'workaspeciality.
Repairing promptly attended to.
aratious are advauoing with the ut ¢lost c1iRIS •o2,*il 11BAl .
Gr arch 7, 1878
speed. Several buncimeewi t have already
then mobifizetl, batt the Cvrnlnisaariat 7 licli,INGa1LAM'S OLD BLAC11ii\1ITH
Department requires e. reasonable time 1 snug is still gong, Ir. S,11taoLinghn<a
desires to retaru
for its c ,ril ileti(ttl. The army i, en thane. to his
his sincere
1 ti nulnerou>
The pat tins, 11' h n hav'• support
thubia.stic. The spirit of the native ' ori hien to rho t ; i ` t, a s t, e
would intimate
troops is admirable. that having
recovered from Itis lour ftl-
Vienna, Sept. S0. -A Constantinople uess, he intends iri Yrtite -o, t'1
despatch states that e ¢.•litre Ali 11.tt2t:7 to tatke charge of tl#e unlet-8luetun dc•1rnrtlneaat
! ' hintrcelf, All other Wi`rk d„ue i)). the t'L'ry best
the secret envoy of the Artleer of Af- style anti cot Ma lowest rateo.
gliauistan, is instructed to claim the `i- 13i3CIaIN ri y1.
G+`xeter,Dec.I3, 1877.
Sultan's intervention in the dereling
difficulty, iu order that England shad
not declare war agai0ot Afghanistan.
He is further to convince the Silt
tel*tit an altianoe with 'Russia is ativiea-
bie for the Mnsanlinats race, and that
the Arueer, personally, has docid•.! )
conclude such an able' c,r•
\"OTIC l t .vi t'i ,au,
t, •I t., ilI• tate
,- . 1, •' c ,;•f,.ro 1`'1°d.ty, the
>aSit ii l '111LY;3 XoeutAa'a.
d•alL` \1,..tti131)Yi
:r:,i7t Oct .sed, 1575. &in.
j .lt Ii I''01 SAI,E,-Nortel half 2,
Con. A, Stephen, and North half of Swab
;#ittf af'
same lot, in d4. 7,1 Kurez6 a loud c11y ]1)11)226
antler gon,lcultivation. About 1) acres cleared,
tel, rest Well timbered1 triune barn and frame
mouse. and youu; bearing orchard on the prt'mas.
, e, Mile and a half from 8raud t31n,1 close to
,t heel house. 1toro1utaor ut.•ty buy ..13, so, or 75
.amt's. at his option. apply to .1\105 twee:Nee
Greutd Bend P. O.
Stal,hun act 'rd,Ih:tl lin.
Groceries Geon/ectionary
Smoking I okacco 25 Cents per ib
rtttvays in stock.
Schooll3ooks, Stationery, :liagazines
\.Il.^ S@W2ug NaCta,t Needlesofovery Rind.
A. warn,
Standar. Sash Door Blind
1s canslantlr 7,1 pt on) owl. ell hinds of bua.un ,
material. b bearing 1:1rct awl soft *allot Menth-
ols Jar., sold Om to. Planing .1111 rig ant ,rte rui;t,)
1,rem ttly attended to,
L'O NSilllt OF DAY Rt'ILDINU S CON':d'Zt Ott:." fED FOli,
sue saltiereetao5# t*uar ante, rl. 1•: ma :18V0 et1*
:1:411 .t 1.11:4' , ae.a of dry IU.u'• r 1 i+ feet sure at
i4tisfyiee tlaa.+e wire luny taw 11',1 Cal,
BONS 111')-. S T \'I+0011
Voters' List, 1878
'1 1"o n 1 t rel.)' V l e t ;a o'ta2rt wilt 1,1+ 1¢4111:
1 u tato tip''1 ..t le Lists.\et:'by 312' Iacono
.1.4i1.70 t 1114.4' ata% 4 .,,rt 4't tlu t: -.c',ty • f
ti, in t8 5111 a •a 1f Zaaicb, cot the 114 •1 y
a nr,.I a, I^:n, cat the 1t1nt of V•)2
r,•14.n,, to hear :u%•1 d .•stilt, (1:, t •:,•,4't
tll•latnis 1rf tamp,, uud.tai i:.1 ata: is tar \•••t-•;,.
t,'rt lit 'tat, Allmteip tlity of t sian'tut (.1 1`+.,. :111
•1•rcuttt laavi1lC,),uial ,•,ls at the t•tnlrtacre rtelllir.:11
i' 41(telatl at t1n' 8•44)44• tura*' neat)111U(*,
St:t EEI, FO:,i'Ela,
)lay, S••1#L 11), Clerk of the stall Sinnleipa#1ity.1
\vtlt)1t S.aLl:.1NL') I3k1T«1t2.
1(lo) 3 N(• f1
1 ,I "1 {• ,
I. .F .41 7 -N"` ga
)vain 1311 I t.R I„ 011jI
.*1)01) 111 REVOLVERS 1rGtt1
Spud Stn illu+trutett l,riee list. port 'trio.. tel
GURD & SON, Box 57 London Ont.
JUDGE I:fP ii%Sending .r. with tt•e, ltei tot'
eoi for ,1.1:1 and hrttr, yet! uiI1
r t t.lye hr ^••!torn .ain't a eerrect
C , It ) •• :,
1 t ! e'en•
G a 1 <.• t, a i .arfntnrr has•
'and or stat,,, 141t t mum. and date of anarria,5'.
144 rein w , FoX, drawer •1t1,Faltortvtllt, N Y
For intnwattti.,4' 4).lncorniug the
a C'i•.\'1'11Ai, 111011101N, for sale b7 the Tlint
curl Pure Marquette Railway Company, addro.,6
L. WEl313ER, Land Coah'r,
EAST SAMINA)V1.1t1i011,
b1IU;D 0.11111S, with name, by mail 10ets,
5 S. l3 .AN li, Trgy, N Y
j (1Cltrotno Cards, (perfeot beauties) with mode,
1G cts Outfit 10 c. Turner Card co, Ashland.
r tr n. -*-
i t71J BeaUtitu1(;oncert Grand Pi ORGAN
M1108, east 31,Gae,,nuly' 541)3 t
np 'Grand Square Pianos, cost -+111A; ou v
I'le ant 1,pright Pianos, cost 850;1, ^1113•
,. e., Style Upright ('lanes 5111830, ()roan.
1) 3 t;r,1 os t1 ••tope 57.130 Church Or•t;•rna, .i G
t eg .14 t, only 5.1 i3,; Elogaut $37.76. Mirritr
teg66 t, u,aly 165. Tremendous Rtrerniae'to
..at prest'utst, ek.Nev Stearn Factory ambo
tate. \ewspaperwithuntchtnf1r1a1-ti.m
tt' t Or Plauos quad Organs, sneer k'RI.II.
„c,i•h ens
i):1N 1:•: t. I . BEATTY. Washington, N. X.
5':a \ DAY to Agents canvassing for the
-i! F1Itr.5II)1 VISITOR ferns. 4111 Ont.
fit` tit r'roe. Address P,
_litguata, 1&tluo.
, prepared to do all l:fnds of
.Eltausel'aitlting, l) tper-h,langii g
W 111tea)itl!',.1l'.
xt a'casonablt pree's ttl#,l panel :luny.
J.1 1f(,'lll\ti.
:Maul at
liars new fn steel: a complete lin of
and Trimmings of Every Hind, in
iafttest Style itaxi li 4'«t t Prices
A. full Stock of Fau^y (lon.1R,
Derlin \Wools, Hoa)iton Laice, Braids
Patterns, Cardboard 111nttoes, &e,
t✓.1.J4Cltets cut and uaa,te to order.
Main St.. E totter.
tiering now ;,rater facilities for manuf', (•traria„
primps Hutu any other factory in tie-seeti.)n 1 aata
nrei•aped to furnish pumps and dig wells ext the
shortest notice, and warrant all work. My pumps
have taken the
against many competitors. I can recommend
them, cud sen as cheap as any seuuud rate article
31135. BOLTON.
.Fancy Cards, Snowflake, Dan -ask, assorted in
tJilsstyles, with mine, 40 cts. Nassau Cala (Jo. _
u a:t4', N. Y. a Shop -One-quarter aide north of Exeter.
r` ,) n11p51nttnell y were made, r ewspaper Advertisinn`i
nearly all to fill vacancies then existing.
game, and eat correctly attribute it to
at jealous determination to find fault.
To show their folly, we mit/lit mention
the good results of prutestioll-even- a- -
before ,it'. Lfackeazie lots resigned.
The people should take no stock in the
utteiauees of these noisy fellows. They
Lonclou, Sept. SO. -The '/7in's' cor-
:'esf,ur:deilt at Calcutta ttleora>l'hs as
refused. to aid the cottrtry. when,they follows:--''TJiiless there Ali gives us
batt the power, 0.11(1 their maidenianxi f
satisfaction elle; 101. .oOut occasion tvili be
seized to secure or urselves the passes
ety to see prcteutiou adopted at once is piercing the mountain range along the
1 snsuicivas circum-1150ce, At all whole frontier from the Khyber to the
events, before they make so mncli noise.
about it; they should get 11r. Itlacken-
zir oat of office, and give the •Co'nserva•
Lives an ()ppm tu#'ity of officially collect-
ing the `necessary data, upon which
only could they feel justified in framing
a revised tariff. There should be no
hurry. It must be_eompreliensive. It
is no matter to be iri Jeii with. It will
Bolan ; and further strategic measures
will be adopted to Criminate the Snlei
man lunge and Hindoo Koosh :vlouu-
tains. The present condition of affairs
on, the Afghan frontier and the relations
with the Hill tribes, should once fur all
cease to exist, and we may thank the
Ammer and more especially Rnssia in
the Ca}usa Caucasans, for af;'olding us
the opportuuity of oousolidetiug the •le
117111 EDITION,
Co rt,aining a cOtnplete list of all the towns in the
C r .•d )t dos, tho Territories and the Dominion
of nada imeteg a population gee t%r than
r 4' ,. enrrling to the lest ctensus,'tt„'ther with
tl rotes of the ne•••spapt rs having the largest
I,) 11 cirolalation its each of t1.e ),lacus nanaea. Al-
-4 c:ttalogne of newspapers which aro 20041111 -
in •udc'a to advertisers as giving grotattst value
in proportion to prices charged. Also, the 'Se-
lig. ,ns atucl Agricultural Journals, very complete
li+t;. and many tables of rates, showing the cost
of r,ivertisiugin various atewslnipers, and much
4t1. r iu1411 motion which a beginner in R aver" icing
1vc .1.1 do well to possess. Address GE;O. P.
11(1 VI,I.L it Oa)., Nowspaper Advertising Bureau,
IU spruce St, N. Y.
Street, Exotor, n1)444411-8, opposite .Control
Hot .1. Sideceusrause, ou til.) 840th-stroet lead-
ig.. t , B. C. Church..
t_ -,•Orders' loft at I(line's shoe store will receive
0'°" attention. gy).ly,
lt. HUTCHINSON, Member of
11)6 voltage of 1?liysicians and Surgeons of
0tsoct, Exeter.
•• the County of Huron.- Office, nest door to
111•, i. Carling's sturo,:A;xeter. •
W. Bli.OWNI..i(1, M. D. M. C.
5, 0- mdattte VictoriaUntvorsity tepee
ur,l reO10enee, Dcie 41ion Laborato) 1'lxete
0. i11001IE, M. D. C. M.
• Graduate of .lcGillUniversity, Montreal
Onion and residence, ill xeter, chit. Oilice l ours -
is to10a. 111 and 7to1.0n.m
fcnCe3 Of our Indltan Empire by the , VI IISITY TrinityCollege 11emlierCollege
p u 11018us aud. surgeon( Ont., calico Eirkten.
L ontiou Road. Hay P. 0
Exeter, Aug. 13th, 1.57&. 6-74'.
Lent, A. C'lais7l,nlr,l & Co.
Relnonlber-Srly>! of the Striking Clock,
142, Dundas Street,