HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-10-3, Page 111"1"1"1,-1 —111stt!weerteast
Vol VI,
E XE' ' '.k , ONTARIO, TB UI SDAY, OCTOBER 8 1878.
t ERV %NT GIRT, WANTED. — Apply to
I.j ;'Ire+. Dr. Hutchinson, Exeter.
I11;<VANT GIRL \VANTi I).m,-
•(bona sta•testo an active, wilting girl. Apply
t•, SIRS. ►1• P.i.01i, #lt1,,Exeter.
Iit)JJ1 O , & J. OKE., CO,
`t Va ottotwa rs. Sales promptly attended
to. Days of s,tl :s arringe i at this
T J. CLARK, Arent for the Ue-
*borne anis iiinnert 3Inttutl Pine Insurance
Company. hat l,te,teo Lariftatar. Orders Iry
rood t>t tial lit attrer.,lce;1 tu. •
_ . _. _ •� _
UST, -t1t1 Tltnsnee+ Road, near
/ # :as, 11ele. a large a Oil Skit. Any
1.,-,14,4144S t11341.11g, '413 1,414' t:dl bo rt wnweel iq tu.
feeruw / Ur. 1, au 1 ♦ to '4111 hu.
, or by hutting
.-.' ut t,i Ila 1411.. Hotel.
S. t.' ! 11LT-I:144. 1.1.14OV.(NElI:11,'
.?* 1:t t A. .r .tit;., will 1(e (,t MO1G a lhet•1 s c -, 11 t•.e ;',ret I it<'s.l,y iuvateat
11: RILL. 01.1.'1'n i ... work lett t'•ita ate. Julio
±>ip,icl4^n"ua : r1A.:44 e,'4'••Cfal• attuuituii.
I R..Llil;tr 'r I,. D.S.,11,11.0.D.S,
ara.e.ut "f! yi11C,*. ;t•. f
:,1I:j.4t:. EO S,
vine. tee eth,UL, is •S:tli, e•l.l ata:nt. 1; <4 tc
E� 1141. (' .irt ¢te:eaelwter, Insur-
e 2 the. 1. a.:r't eat 3„t: -.t .A'^.':]t. t•.--
4'•, 4 , e Ala1. 4:4 hl , , e, t: i' C..z. tl ii+is i-
dor\'.'+l” F1 1)4 a u Io!au at et per
1t t '.
't f.t. g ,7
ltl1''fl:4 Ii0t"teuete
4. ,t4 a . V-1304- .a, ,t.it+T3`,s.
r 1`:('I ;t,l -.�. 1),e•tils, Mort.
4 F:..•-.. Aaa»,,0a,4r ;:'aa on r.*twnaa:lf t,'t••rtu..
IV_ HUDSON. l l)St) ilfenetall, Ont.
. , .'et 4 t L Z'a'% h*, .At t list ;1.4.4*S.
. .. 311 as 1 .it„ a tat .etaltuM,-lett
‘,4..447...1 ' a . t t.• ehitV a t , i.ty^7 t, .t. a,r-.
04411111.1 H -r,t AO, .r 1,4 n y e•, 16)44 Mt rt i elu4le•p
t,•it t5 i ••n,, t -tt 14t11.114 t., tertiary par until
ear coil ,t.:' 1• t;,!ofd 1 Maga prep •it' f•e;
,ale ; r t ; t ar .. sou v 4e• et los-lt;,.'s istitltel4
(a re„ 1: t.f you 11,:1,rain.
Jail% ?A•ab tTO4:i11 f►t11^7rtC.
t .1 'n i S-- T;.u.^a' C.-laird:tumor.
%f41x1:'1'1,13 li.1e 1r1"1�:Lag 1'1)111.
L.4 t t.:' = e Be, ••d:.>t t1vf..aet infers!' tla• public
.•t h.¢r,, r as e I to t,f te.nutat.ltry that trife,.,leti'.
4.4 east a hrt.,.lif,>, 1.4,f tafu:lhtirttterio4i4Ketiu4
4.14, l tla'tt lu. t: ti: hi•,•, f ,ti sorb; +cif bind• tit u:>.
1,tntio •rtf.•t' l>ilelr.eta te•e•6*tnae elaefovert tat t,'1¢,-
'tom. t*.arti a linty:it,,•liufgs, llGtts,.Cc.
h:.f.t to ..r 1 •. on the ah, rat^.t notice, A large sop.t•it of 'ler hat %.4"1 .•f , at ►,• ruin, on baud. leunte'r-
tft ; r a cwt t tf, -re4, Mutt a htr,p• erne$ (.f
tae rt a ...lf >tf t u•".i ape ' i'it lu 1 t enurlantty un
tt•< t, 1 i:rn• t! ua•taa m,.e6•., L truty,
i a�Yt M til.': t ln,,r. t1 i'a pts, C1e11>lt, fro ld3 vests,' pry
W. A. CAS 1 LZ Y.1), Weltityre'8 alit tsaiel,
v,, in tier, tat nab
.t,o,xr!Ambu sm arae. .f...reasa.w
1.. A I'l,1y ti. W. -141¢114(1, jr., Exeter,
i-It)1't aA1(11 IN WINCIIEL,SEA—
II'lee and Lot, Good stand for ash,unffaa-
3a=er, .A corner Jilt. Et :r tnair•:;iraxiers, apply by letter.
t r pm t,lv to 11,111111. itltt)WN.AAluehtels .aY.O
1'U.ltM 1011 SAL. ,--1HE SUB3-
s,.riber alters. tar. bald 1110 lural, Lot 13-
(•on 11 township of i sl>uruo County of liuruu
F4aeaves e•lea1^,l, t1133rot:mimic !good hush, wellfourc,l, . n.l in a e,>,.f.t *hitt* ut enitivatiou; under,
tirarucd, .Bond ureutard, splou.iid well of water.
frame baro,i a•:.:e:u, I+>� tbly 1:1Nr 1, log 1at*r, nod
e•tnvcni',at to sci.oul and three eliurches, ler
urthel partirslars apply to
1, M.. IBE XA?a, liirliton, P.O.. or
J11• I3. V. ELLIOT. Attorney, Exeter P.O.
That larger frame Hotel known as * THE 73ItIT-
ISII HOTEL:. in CLINTON with largo Mune
entitles attached, situate.] ou lots Mu, 381, 387 and
:Iter, in the to+tn of t liut,au, containing one acre
n1:neorless. The hotel has a license and is now
doing a first-ultss basiue,s. 'This affords a splen-
did opportunity for any one desiring to go into
the lot..] hosinuss, as the terms are very liberal.
:1 small payment down, and ten or tnvelve years
for balance. For further particulars apply to 13.
0'.13Y1tN1:, Exeter. vmluatur fur anouniuion Loan
IARDING13AEDI NGs . stir \Yti1:1'
Iiaristcre, Attorneys, Solicitors, Ceni-
siuuers,13. at., fie.
Ili 1'(eta—fiurruN's LO CR, Water treat, St
ni)), ry's.
ANN 11.IH.tnnxva, E. W.Iianntvo. I1.A,L.Wax2E
13arriston b, Attoroxys, Solicitors fie.
owner to Loan on Heal ].state.
Fausou's Block, Exeter.
s MiDlAR111ID, B.A.,
Barristers, Attorneys -at -law,. Solicitorn.
:elistnoery, Conveyancers, Commissioners izB.1t
tui NotariespuUlio, t, diary's
0. g,JONES. W.C. 0SCRIP.
0*'reoat-Button's Block, Weters t.,o,lirary's
.:his aotelhas boon leased for a term of
years, alai n. been nicely fitted up. Every 'con-
venience xnn •• • ]meroial travellers. The best
brands of liquors and cigars at the bar. Good
bustler iu attendance.
Grand Isond, hltay 33rd, 1878. Om.
N.) -Wm. Baker proprietor. This Hotel has
boon newly furnished' ;Ind fitted up in drat -class
style.' Large and convenient Show Booms for
Oon:merciul Travellers • beat of liquors and cigars
at the Bar. Attentive ]ostlers always on hand.
lti 'l1 -3m.. WILLIAM. BAILEE,
tiB. '.NGED HANDS.—The u'nder-
sigueeliavinr'rented the.1)utrerinl3ouse,Cen-
trade;fur a term, it will befounda,l-st-class ho-
tel, With every acooinmodation for the travelling
public.. Convenient to the Station. GoodLiquos
find cigars at the bar. Attentive bottlers.
No 6
COUNTY ITEUS. 1 DOMINION NEWS. Lakes Ujiji, VictoriaNyauza, and other
points along the route taken by Mr.
Mr. Jas. i401fay, of Goderich, has The Rouse of Commons chamber is Stanley through the dark continent.
left on a trip to Burette. being newly carpeted, 1 art of CaptainI3hown, $ duties 1v111 be
There are only one dozen a ppea la A son of Adam Rli]'erd, two years of f to provision . these poste, and his trip
against the Seaforth voters' fiat, age, wa drowned on Monday last, at will be one of some difficulty and not
Mr. John Iiippen, Brussels, recently
counted SOC potatoeshi one hill,
Mr. W. T, Cox, formerly proprietor
of the Goderiell tiigrutl,, died at Syra-
cuaie to the 21st ult.
(Alum Council has purchased a fire
engine, together with two hose reels,
for the stun of .$2,900.
CrIsvilie, in a sett water cistern, altogether devoid of danger. lie has
John X3anlfs,ysards-roan, ee the G,T, already had some African experience,
Re, at Stratford •+,t:l killed on Itlouday having, among other excttr,aiutln, tray -
Nat, He was ea -nehmen and got Ilia
foot caught it, .,E t'r •g, The engine eau
over bile, inntitatiug him badly.
eraed the Niger for a colleltierable dis-
sauce shove the head of navigation.
A correspondent writiug from Hall-
Mr, Wm. A. Thompson, Iate U. P.
for \Velleud, died at his residence,
Gleucairn, near Qneenstown, on Tues-
day rooming.. Deceased had been ail-
ing for a number of months. The dis-
eases, however, did not assume a more
serious form until four days before hill
death. Universal sorrow is felt at the
steal lugs,
It is flow dawning upon C1flristend- z
that with the best will iu the world, the
Porte has beeu all aloug powerless to
A tonb,eriptiou is announced in order hie Faye :---I saw in 1873 the first blow Barry out the reforms which the Chris -
to pre,vide a suitable testimonial to 11r. deent again/ft Sir John i4iaedouaid ley slam Powers insisted upon, atm, thele
11r. ilugh ()funeral), of Conde ice, Mackenzie, and the sura of $50,000 la' the copper- aced geutleuu n from Surf• powers cnnsequeatiy tied themselves
Haid to bare been ahead subscribed' ford. I. saw the goat'b•heard of Donald saddled with res unsibilities in the
left ou "lueellay haat fur (;ulartel°, for for that purpose.
y A. Smith wag in f,aleeliood and treacle- 114110 of religion and Immunity which
the benefit of hes health, . , n cry for twenty wi►taltey before he deli,- Inuit .41VOIve & ithfhltite amount of
1,t, -(711>e lair Petrick McDougall,
eUlllae,• vr•ii t! ,. a a a .►r ia• bloodshed—the e ec a vt<• lttln' n!o •:►
Dente. i.e teritiel • went of 1873 oreate up in August aphid and interuational obli atious under the
! America. ,Belched Ut• 6
'1n utetitay, Land was sworn in as Al,. ' the hotv.uigs of frantic I'aeforwet'e and mask of hypocrisy, and of ileiug the
niilai»Lrator on the departure 1,f clic Ex- !III" " calb f C iueht ii fn the ew Speaker =,ni `tian nems) to perpetrate the moat
cel lency Ztord 1)afferiu. 1 1 loll i is ar! nes of s t ll+�hlct which have
On liohlday last no. ,talg�int; ohs a .rt,w the opening la the lteailw:ay Cuni. characterized the present century.
The 'ethos -me bas of til 1 iton defeated C; 1 Clla f of lies Ni •(tti , ere t his deadly •tib I s w theif 1 effect f ' 1 g, 1 1
the Wroxeter base ball club ou the 21st
slit., by a score of 11 to I.
Mr, \Vin. Campbell, of G)derich, h a'
recently recely -el an order fur the shitr-
meut of 3.000 tone of salt,
Mr. Thome Johnston has rented Itis
!► * t u T it 1 1� ti 1
new Churn •, buntline lit St, Libnire.l litlt.Le r,>ulll, wuei@ ,113r1ai1 4144 H'Illt- A terrible accident occurred on t,''i;ttltr••
arta un tllr Gt11 con. Stanley, to 11s. g.tv(! way, lone,
Ludrew Reid, for two years, etre teat ex.-,
The G,fdtliich m'artee't thee f tr the three :¢�' 1.••
^ „
tneniug; year were to hl tfa 11r. \Vu¢, tleD ,
Phillips for the sum 4' $288. ' ter
The 'Methodist S4Llaatlt Seho•,l of ) e s' t it rn1 ¢ t ha wa•• sultry¢¢,
ll.flutascille texenrttd to Goderi.cb o,t '• ' is Yeen • bl.a.ting work at the North
the ''1st ult., :1Ud held their itnI11Ui - r'0i r+tit.tety 't:►ti,lhl at 1i:1:WAR.* O:f
leicitic.. all",.day t,snt, - 11'1 run over by a shot•
Ou Saaturtlay the 1•ith ult., Millar,' ling engine, three:at itis own ueglt^ct,aud
11cl:Irt,y, of Morris, lr,t'1 khll(ti by tan• , instaiitty kin d.
limb of a falling; tree, which crut+Ised On Sunday la+t, the new store of
his skull, 1 Me- Bre Smith & Cliulio of \4ya131i)1
Gish menthes that,*lht of ieet week the WAR t1a:,lt,•u 11)10, atutl abrins $134) worth
blade:math shop of Mr. Jams \\'ilaa,tu, are tuia.ing,tth.ft fr'In Mr. Chirac's shoe
on the corner OfJuhn and Kiug str,'1'te, ,'shat, thl'ee patira of boots and a bilver
Iirtlssels, WAS totally llilUStltal''tl by first. P "ten worth $:)0.
The tine of Grey, young & ipoentog. At Berlin ou Monday. while a snail
of fir1afortlt, were awarded a bronze hasinle(i letomul and Dict son Henry, a
medal fur their magoiiiceut fiispley ()filed of 114 years, Wert:• dieggi ig a drain
eauadiltn salt at the Paris Exposition, -souse «lt) feet (loop through their prnpt•r•
Mr. Th:. s. Robinson. of the Gueheu ti, the banks stubletlly closed -upon
Hoe, Staaulten died on the 1htlt ult, t lin, and befur,) they were 01tri, tatutl
JIr, itobinoon was 69 years of age, land lifts wlas extinct.
was ono of Lho drat setthlrs of the.While plol2Rhi•lg an old sod field last
township, week, nu the farm (>fhfr.'Tihomas West-
wood, St. Uee'rge, the plough nutted
Grey, If a potato Avlhicll nle,(sur('s up a human shalt ; further ttearch wears
3•i inches around the long wiry, and
made by digl;iu;;, and twenty -live skelu-
ill inches around the mlhort away, of tons iu all were ti.aand Packed iu• a ]heap
Iiv 111011 fall. ,Tao
live : the other
i►nrt : one, mulled
• legs and tau arta
i ,e i) , tt mums ala! eat'e "et %las f day last, ou the Lung Island 1t. ii., by
e'aa:li other' he violent and vludletivi+ whielh two WOI11en wore leii1 sl aant1 three
It :r. ()hill atbtl.fl of Loris Dtlllttrill. 1 or four men injured. It appears that
heart 1,e ere wind of the evidence liven the funeral lsreece+seialn of I1.ttele' Dal:
t•f rt all (,' lutuie.iuu t1f Jutl
Com vie frust wllif li 11r. t,'., i lcrf ace >
1. 'rt a -a> ' tt0S—that • weal paeeing the corner f►£ Atlantic ati•1
/ '.1 v.1'
hyper Beeoktyu Avenues on the way t(t slit;
' 11tillill^1:1111, wihe•u 6tihptl^n►atd 10 IT* eemett':r', when a iocemo:i>'e of the
pear, rl,'d, .hrilllthng#latvoy frafut the teat Long Islaud:IL II...with a train atlatr:.,'t
"f 411 114111, :aelosr, trout the .by b,111t'e gram; west, turtles. one of the C'at'u:Cil
til these t*Utd:tttrd 111111,06, a., avenger with g -eat force. d:i•+I1ing it fuel the
` will tarie•e, M4y 1 be tht•re to See• -•to
wain of Boras, ag.sust the reifies. 'rive
-e'e Sir 'T:elrl A, -lbw:da>uttp t once more ; ,t,,n luf tor, e!1'Ia2 br, laid ll•a' n.tu ]:.avtt
'in his ttl,. iefat plate, with his faaitlhfid , been arrested,
fu1lowere about him,
• Tlitl pnllliv' debt of slid tided StriLes . The tativertiser, a retired physician,
Moving providentially dieenv,'rt,t, chile
'Seem -awe in September 3.i0t4,ta ;4.(:+J.: a, pledictal Miseiou!lre in :a ttlthe1•n Aei:t,
Mr..11tellert li. i'tztvis, of lurk village, a very simple vegetable remedy for this
bane bet!,1 aapp"hinted Shurtif of Ji.i,kti• speedy and permanent curet,: i'.+...,,,,•y,t•
mewl it, tlhe room ana stead of the late, Asthma. Brom:dans, Catarrh, toad
Mr, Itieharit Martin.. 1 all throat nod lung atectione,1,•also to
George L'aucroft, the historian, of positive and 1•adICat snecitld for NLrvatl•i
Newport, N. 3., while rifling on Tues. Debility, Premature Decay, and all :4er-
Clay evening in company with a lady Vous C,)nlplaintr, feels it hie duty to
was thrown from his horse alai killed. slake it known to his B111101'it fellows.
David Good, a wealthy farmer at Actuated by this.rnative, lie will e1leer-
fully seed (free of charge) to tall wee
de ire it, the recipe for pieparilhg, u.let
11111 direetinne for successfully rodeo,
this providentially die3Covered -remedy
Those who wish t*) avail themselves of
the benefits of this discovery witbeut
cost, eau do so by return mail, bf ad-
dressiug;, with eifunp,
Dn. Cetrr.ss P. 1I.111SILV,z„
No. 83 Nhteetrta Street.
Bi'l'e aLe, 1., Y.
the Early Rose variety.promiscuously, about two feet under
The fail show in connection with the
Tuckersnlith Branch Agricultural So.
the surface. It isthought they are 111'
aline remains. ,
ciety 27/3.8 held in Saatforth ou lfhuradtay hey, the Sir Edward Selby Smith, cemmand-
nittio, now in
and Friday last. There was an excel-
lent England,lult�t litia(with 8' tif the c'va eataceident
display in every department.one day ]last week. While riding over
Mr. Hugh Love, of Hills Green, leas S tlisbti•y pterin, his horse fell in s.me
sold a fine two year old heavy draughtrabbits' hales and rolled half over hint.
sttalIion, "Canadian Scotchman," to Sir Edward was very severely shaken.
Messrs. Samuel and James ]3roa(ifoot•, but though couch bruise(}. no bt)nes
of Tuckersmitlh, for the sum of $1,400. '
Mr. Stenon Hayti -lather, of Tucker -
smith, was licked by a colt on the Sea -
forth Fair Grounds, and seriously iu-
jured. He was taken to Dr. Cau1p-
broken, and it is hoped a few days will
set him right again.
The Cnstems receipts at Halifax for
the past monde arnJtult to >I01,17G,
a'*hoist $113,465 111 Septet.lber least
bell s and had his injuries attended to. year, It ceipts for quarter Boding; thh.
The barn and outbuildings on the date, $225,134--a decrease eau,pared
farm of Mr. C. Dale, Huron Road, with the corresponding quarter last
Y'uckersmith, occupied Ly lir. Thos. year of $47,075. Tito intend revenue
Hodgins, were reoently destroyed by receipts for the monthamomit to +73, -
fire; a quantity of grain and imple- 269--a decrease compared with the
wefts were also burned. The loafs on toune month last year of 432,315. De -
the buildings is estimated at $1,100, posits iu savings bank in September,
with an insurance of $500. $50,742 ; withdrawals, $5'8,342.
During the storm on Tuesday night Monday afternoon. about five o'clock,
of last week, Bir. Thomas Champion a youug elan named iliont.;owery, in
suffered a considerable loss. He had the employ of J. A. Beattie, f,f Staay-
ner, ,net with to serious accident. While
feeding a straw cutter, run by steam
power, he had his right hand drawn
into the machine, and the ,hand com-
pletely chopped off and the arin so
badly mangled that it had to be ampu-
tated a Iittle below the elbow.
but receblly removed to a farm which
he bad rented from. Mr. Thos. Mc-
Laughlin, Donnybrook. 1Vhe11 the
storm burst forth there were eight per-
sons in the barn, and Mrs. champion
was in the rear mincing. In an instant
the whole building was levelled to the
ground. Mr. McLaughlin Waas pinned I On Monday morning the quiet vil-
in the debris with a n,(il through his -lege of lldertoii, on the Loudon, Huron
baud. He managed to break the sane
and after pulling the portion through
his hand out with his teeth he assisted
and Bruce Railway, was greatly excited.
The dead body of a laborer named Geo.
Copeland was found yin au ,ulioil.ing
towards lifting the .debris and freeing i feld yirregular t1Mr.
t ghesal)(lns
AN a
the others who were piuioned under- e b
missing since last Thursday. The de-
ceased was subject to fits, and it i8 sup-
posed diet while suffering from these,
but strange to relate, Mrs. champion., he fell iuto a pont of water, ,Mad was
escaped, at1 wall as all other than above s'ufoceted. An inquest was held. and
of the party, n most miraculous cir-
cumstance. The grait,in the barn be-
longed to Mr. McLaughlin, which no
doubt sustained considerable injury.
Blyth Review.
neath. Two out of the crowd were 'se-
verely hurt, Bir. Champion's buggy was
crushed to atoms, his cow was injured,
Capt Gellis Van Linsent commanded
thebark which was stink by a collision
on Aug. 9111, ofl Newfoundland. Van
Lineant became crazy over 'the loss of
two of hie erew,who had been intimate
friends. He was taken to the hospital
on Thursday, and died soou after.
a verdict, of accidental. death returned.
The iteceiased was 37 years of age, aucl
leaves a wife and three children. •
Capt. W. F. Brown, who a couple of
years ago edited the Oakville .4rpus,
11118 of late been' cruising abort Africa
in command of a steamer chartered by
the Royal Geographical Society and
missionary societies of England.. He
is now home on a visit.. He has made
g,: 'three years' engagement, and will
soon start on another Afiioxn cruise.
The above tnentioned snoietie•e : are
establishing posts on Zanzibar, and on
l3roohi-10d, has been tweeted, charged.
with ruining; his own daughter. The
citizeus attempted to ly ueh lllm,
Lord Dufferuh on Tuesday presented
the aneeeseful competitors of 13 Battery
at the Quebec citadel, with the prizes
they had won in their exercises just
The contractor for carrying, mails
between Fort Worth, Texas, and Yuma,
llrizonfa, reports his mail coaches' have
been rubbed 27 times the .past bix
weeks by Mexican bandits.
Fra)acis Dtaley, farmer, was found
dead ou the road on Saturday, near
Coaticook, 0., with every appearance
of baviuge been murdered. Two When
are under arrest, one named Bower',
Joseph Bond, a well knowu stool(
dealer at Hannibal,attehnpted to drown
his wife on Saturday last, but upon the
appearance of his son with a shot gun,
released hie wife, drew a knife and sev-
ered itis jugular ve•
It is stated that the Pope has again
written to the Emperor William, con-
gratulating him on his restoration to
health, aid wisliug hiin a long; and
Dal py life. No mentiou is Made in the
letter of the pending negotiaatious.
At a meetiug of the stockholders of
the Culver Sugar liefi.uory, an extensive
concern, the committee of investigation
reported' that the active capital bad
been lost, and recommended that the
businessbe wound up. The recommend -
tion was adopted.
One mars was killed and another ser•
ionsly injured Monday night last by
the collision of two workings trains (>u
the Pions branch of the North Shore
Railway, and an engine amesbed by
another collision between Three Rivers
an 7 11as1(inonge.
Bowman Hopkins, a well-known
builder of Carleton, New B►•uuswiolt,
was found dead its his bed Tuesday
morning last. The coroner's jury re-
turned this verdicts "Died from the
visitation of God." He had baatn.
latelysuheriutending the works a><..tite
1utiatic asylum of that Province.
Aman runnel Daawsou Martin, in the
employ of V. H. Pearl, of Burlington,
Ont., reset with an untimely death' on
Tuesday.. He wee; leading a team
through a gate, wiTho one of the; empty
barrels with which the wagon was
loaded, fell, striking the horses, and
causing them to jump forward in.8uc11
a manner as to threw Martin under
their feet. The wagon ,running over
pian he was so seriously injured that he
died iu a few hours. .
An incident has curve to IigLt in
Bloomington, Indians, which seems to
prove that there is such a thing as
" mind -reeding." I can vouch fur the
trntb of the following, as it was reveal-
ed in our mid: t a few days since :--
Last April , the Harmon family, of
this county, who are reliable, and are
known as good citizens, had stolen
from their home $1,065 iu rather to
mysterious manner. Some weeks after
$100 were found one morning ou the
porch of their resideuce. Amateur
detectives have been employed, but
could get no trace as to the robbery.
D. U. Spencer, s prominent news,raper
correspondeut of the city, claimed tt>nt
he posse -sed a mystet'ioee power wihich
enabled him to read, the human natal.
The Harulons, hearing of his boasts,
determined to let high try his hated,
allowing Ilire a small compensation if
he succeeded iu discovering the guilty
Spencer visited the house several
times, anti, after no little difficulty, sat-
ie•fied himself as to the guilty one. By
obtaining the confidence of that person
—whose name is withheld at the re-
quest of his relatives—the process of
reading his mind was begun, resulting
in a viotory. After being fully sure of
the person's guilt, and knowing thathe
has l aha money, Spencer charged Lint
with it, and named the place where it
was. This so frightened the lnai that
he went to the exact place named mitt
produced nearly all the money stolen.
Mr. spencer has received word (rete
a prominent town in Central Indiana
that the was wanted ianmediattely to.
work up a bank robbery cumwitte4 n•
short time ,since. This mysterious
incident has, of course, created no little
oxeitemsnt throughout the coup icy,
and much experirieutirlg has been 5't•
[bilged, in, all adding proof that the
miud can be read awl that D. 0, Spon-
car 08.0 do 1t.