HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-9-26, Page 8THE Tx fES SEPTEMBER 20 wi3 OCR STOCK OF Overcoat ngs Twee ,s Being complete and carefully selected we are Open to Competition FOR. FALL TRADE winter will set in early iu November, with au t three weeks. and, on Sunday he was buried, abundance 0f snow from the outset, Having bees a member of Defiance Piro Colu- ALW>,Ts TO THE FRONT. -- We notice the: pauy No. 2,, the members of both companies, Thorne & Farmer have received a supply of comprising about 50 men, dressed in their uni- choice new Raisins, new Tett*, at'e„ which they form, turned out and accompanied the remains are offering very cheap. Give them a call. Da to the cemetery. Before the coftiu was played Iatrn0vE31E:eTs,--•Visitors to letup's Grocer,} in the hearse, it was opened and the firemen will find a great change for the better in the allowed to look upon the corpse of their cam - internal arrangements. A large second mu- rade. He had failed and changed in appear - ter has been added, toe ether wit11 a new row of *nee so much in his short ilineas that lead shelves, and the store has been exteuded sew- they seen hien alive thus could not have recd; era' feet- Iia every 1.was the Slide GreeM," Pr. • uizeel !him. His firemen's suit was placed on cents a neat and attractive appearance. A. the calm and other touclhin j ulnas of re- LEADIN0 ENGLISH and AMERICAN" PSoensssz 5 -G. -The new buddiug south of 13ATFIRLZD--^ Snbdivjt4ion No. 1' 50 48 Total...... 50 4S C 2 CI,1Nxo�„- St Andrew's St. James John's St George's -- Total...... 189 184 C 5 Total, Cameron, 1874; Porter. 1709. Majority for Cameron , . .., , ,„, ,10;1 1' 1 be i ttolled 3:188 eta. 111111) =r xi votes 1 •-• Thele were 41 rejected.. ballots. 1\ l I'aiCards, cinowvfltt :er D sk, assorted in La�?a at3letiY, whit" mule, l0 eta. Nasoa.4 Card Co. �' � • � --^^-. leu s4tuDey u a OUSE & TWO LOTS .F Olt SALE. .. T) fr'E, TEN CENTS, AI'pry to 11, GRIGG. jr.. Exeter. PIANO IJeautttaz Concert (%rand 1' i ORGAN ar108, .Qat :1,000, only - a., �,.,.•...,,,..., s Gimnd Square Pianos. cost - itiletl, 1.1111F 82.5.1- Elegant Upright Pianos- cost 4600, only $15S. New Style Upright I'iunos 411.,00, OrteauS w:14. Organs 1e stops, 3,,-;.22 30 Clii rcll Organs. IG stops. cost *:59G, ouiy ,411.5• Elegant r•375 eurrnr Top Wed usonly x3105. Treniondoua sacrifice to close out ppresentstc eh. Now Steam Factory aootl. Labe emoted, howvspaper with much i saforine•tLai shout cost of Pianos and Organs, SENT i01t1.11. Mane DANIEL, P. EI T` Y., Washington, 7 A DAY to Agent•' canvusaiug for the FIRESIDE "VISITOR Ceram. an Out, fit r'roe. Adahess P. 0. T 1(Kt:i Y, Augusta. ikluiue. a 3.l z+sell EC 'iekard'a store is being rapidly speer paid his memory. The cortege, wwhielt .__._,_ was oue of the largest ever seen in Exeter, be- Fashions e- F ashiG1 ,S 4x3 View., pusher's forward, and when completed it will, ith 3.l b illi i tit 1 it b the .hand - int coannosed of over 1:00 conveyances, was a• t - dents" Furnishings a speciality. h:ade.l by the gee. Mr. Butcher. Then earnest and largeet 14,34;: in town, f4z:lux4*4l the firemen, each wearing crape o1) • W' G. R I G „. Ptyaa pa+tor of t."hri;t march a l 1tgl:-las is to leave Exeter to ht arm. As the torte fe passed through the r 4➢l'4 D1u7%, talte charge of a e•ita regatie)u in 1r'14. • Rev- Mr. Rubi*tau, 4,f Mussels. is to be Mr. ".ell a lee wa tii: it lte9 l ti=i1111,4! 1'$ f 1 • street the bell on Beeethe company's engine room wets tailed ite respect to the departed. E`. rY . to -earn . , ., •- a , Aftx r the remains of their brother fiireman hard t-;t� l .5-,e t..-+•.. 1,Y c,.ai;ae edit! take place been laid in their Lest resting plsea the bri- ;S .t 4, ,c a r . ati,1 se. i1) a'1a0tt a autantlt• , s-•-) to rtx34e•eti'e . JlalH Mirk S. Fi".Sn_ r, � 4 gals nA :4'e'h4>:l in 1'rOr. ,ten t/ their , Wsotern Fair. n3. I..r➢fl.Sx^n. i�:. letenther sill to A NIZIc e4PUNEL.E:EEIr---.\, a'Y#➢'.11t,'x Ee'it �u bBQQ q ,; i el a.- had t fie. tl'8it a u ,11) a rooms, 1)y, fee lite, that they as l l tet (3olwages toeaactlse,williugirl. Apply Newspaper AC�vertisngi to MRS. V 1':Ll>,AItID.I at et•, 11,7th }!)1'111ONe r 1''lti 4NT (GAIL WANTED: --- Andy te, Containing a co14tta1;•t list eti it the towns itl rho :sirs. ll,'. lntttelnttt.-4.1h. Exeter. - t.'ttate :t st saes, tin, 'I'e;rri'-+n-iee eta', tee r➢ -luno: ,.,f ( a)➢nl;i. bzwing.r. a i olall4.t,n A•_wtee Mtn t t T +0 ! { A r a _ /473.1«..6./.4.111.. ` s•�1@ t*4 ➢ u t ns las t 3.r last rite no 4 Ft" r ,mall •it.1�A'l4t'.1a 13.. ee er1 1 [:�, 3.x J ♦'3.t,t •4�O1k A . tilt" n e tt.I$ of ten. news Yalte ret 44447,'47.47tN A Barge The u¢¢Ytc•r it te.l a t,5i➢y 44114'4'51 race H aalrHic 4f'_al i i c.a lattion in ee 4 i nl 34.,. In t. of Exeter mud sur84, c ne a .$14tr4- that 1,••, ng4 4,- r'o t 4<,:ca4(g4)e .*t n >.t,ee x . , . i 4. ➢4 ,anL rceoc,3- 4 x ^r 'i;a r zlt-ri to i"41v bra,rra -!'f0,40.74s ,t : V.4414'47 411'3 44 ,t Knitti ng I cart *r :. E.114P.4' seri nail nn atu,t 1114 rorortiu8n to ai t e� eft 1 t -444 ate1 ^ Au•4 8.414 iia, y: 5-.l lax x rn a = ..lit seas t .tai &, e. a 1)t .1'" ) - , .", n a� 4A+", 6 "�Ar. l <tan . 544.1; .,• a.',,n, 1 t e:Y4 a ttanl `Y4Y x8 �£ 4 6 •4 t Ce 3.4 At"• ni 43 . 141 opt it" 4.3. a 4< a a 4 + ,' t'wt➢.•-E ta.4t 4„bit's o 3r `,..t. w6CO3 +136 ,Set �i):t••lz"a• :. tis:+ 114ua1; 4*f t'• :4t11.;Y•4' s 1r t➢•raut4+!e ^ 444 rx41y4a4i4i),,, ➢3.a tit»4'4,, a ➢<.;w; t,pr, n,,4sta,i ➢:,ta;•la �1 441, ,a - 4 '4T ,,- lawn Et" worthy mm➢etail. 'the iiia4Ae4ti l:t4gtrain t;, -.1, n. r" t rit"ro:Y44r. at^,4 t a.1a14" 1'3'4Yy ➢;4i.t.t at C .'t^ait•,n.. ej .,1151 e8 ; •* t, «, '1 r1t' v°^x 4trtrvtext 1,3,4% N 7 a e e"a ria Ia tielanbs r •l + , ; w , n , ° , and keA7 •x Extl ,'+ t8atct7a4:%tin :, ►i:4 '3.a n i 1 t • ..1,e,Ka,YIr.; v of t 4 t o even, t .•,. grief, , :a, • '• ., ♦, l 44 ,. , t 4 -.c, we. v t . ll 'i.• 1»411 0.n, , x � 3 a ee ,- A:. 94 t'. ,t_, were i'J•,tra " whit A t Z� 84 \Sa', `"• D ^ w• r r ...,1 s:i!3 Oaf the h,:1ta C. ➢)«'4' 111,*,l eine to 3.l➢'..^ %lel ym ,8 L.4,1 to,4„4,41,.t v at L 1 t 4 I l . 1'ab ()1 I' 1� f.�l t;; 3.f f t 5"1'Rrly termed, i 1tY•n,8`t 414' 3.'8"'tlb'bt bed 88 t Ll L (" 4 8••'8 1),t aC t•Ay ... 4:, -.. ,. t'• being x i et x'4'4 c r,;t ._.. $.,A .t . " tat9Cl ,�.t➢! :\t:t.r alter � � ➢: ( atll)ta ;^it" is 3.r t; i➢4 iC it 4 1; i§•:t ring 0111 alta' o It .+J :a :41s d f al➢iQa . tile' w a� dole .31 ;''tr' ,b a 46 aYt It 4� r 5-t 4„ i ,, .:,➢t p e y,, • 1" ~l, x t +S A 1: i^• *.1)r it.sults=9. 1,4 t' :'S:.ires' 44441 x�411E•rewi'P °•,:•'14,f the *teem, w a. t • ri.'1; sem 111+ tx 4-a + sil-tineliy on fiat tee:eine.. a t ea e-. on a n3. m . t r: wile fevered, t sof l ,e, of eaptrb 141ty.i0,tte, stied elle tw•on1.1 eel, Lugo... 3.l e 'fuse- 1.. tier+ 1 t of a.•3.. sari• j) •e th;tt it '.'4ati>i b4 esu•+; S th • 14^4-t to sec - k .4451) to i4na x14*ea,ie. Ent ,'24 tth lin'+#t . it + taa. 't< ry^ Y'3. A, »r:• ;le +4i t\° d•4 eel,. es, t.„ reo C :"e• a levee new wise 4 e til feeu :;:. , - hitt •+, 44 rite .a 4tel., ; •••••••••,,,,,• Y I*, <:� :7„x a . a f 3.t 1x'4 ➢Y: 4'3.'•• 4 2,::k," reiii:a' 4•f 5-4l4•,'4• . 58:a1 a',,:.:at.'m4':e^' (' 44rit'+ w , , 1: w:'41 r:.,5 ,«,3.l a 11 .t 1 s t 1 S l r ti 'a ra,4 * i. •'*t 14:4.4) ,sera c_, oil r4;.,.4i- te7rc4ei. T1* funeral sermon will b: j he.tt•ha•el . n 141 '4;• ., . _,:H:- * 144.1 ..:, , 3:3 1 1!14•.)7 9' *4*4 NS1-1'l' Q.ti +l k i°;w :\ 572!„ tilt, wT ]i, "rLy t'. 13. _. 91`-L 114ta {,, ,..•„ � . LIME for SAL Oa azul uf'tt'r 'AWN DAY, =?1-111 hist., we will Le•t•j1 thu ... .A.. -t .1it'11('1hV• 11: 1 i' t• 1 at :-" ..a . wt r it ... •.-, y,4• fl. :1 t si tti7t,t;iattlli.a� .1 n• 4^l;l1: _ .*P.tl1a' .::: , +4 * ,:sit .•. •-•e-.11.4.N P4 -1.,k,.. 4444 ::Yi i I. ' i.a ' �i :e 12 *1,_, t , - . f , ; .A j-. .:4:<.2 ,.-..,xrb4 . .•i :t it::k.;11. rei ,:. Zai•:` 4 ,. _ r:.. l{I-! l 4'•416:,,,;, '11.0'1 34* 4i.,a6Pt 3 .. .::4, : :1: t .1,•.8+.,5 i.tra ... 1;.. 19.1.1 4,3 3143 t5itbl 14.a la •, Y•;.et:4 :44a ,. tom' i 4.3. :: ... 6.4.•=:41 ia,-,:'* avi•::i4:)tt'Iti u OVER 'I'IIE Vic.• roi:Y.: t.e re T ,^4 ire .t,t*':1i-1 tx8111' Flit )t 4 a;toat' • AN 1 t ft: + f 4144rw4 4444 to la& , ' y "'3.'t 1Ra' � Hit' '1 al't's• " tie r: a a . ,1.,..441St, 1 78 A g i 1Ye' ri. rt e, - e- . t r k . t,. ,YL . , • 43 '• - r 44. ri ➢•^+' a ,.4" 1st 9•. • A Y • .• 111, 41,14 4- .1«' 3'k-..14. 1,1':...« ,...a: • .r:..3. t. d4ia ': T.44444'7 -7',I7,1;1; . 1 li rt 4 - .:4 44 yet t ' .. (3fl43.•n t# as + , :.4 W : it4 t t a . b%3. 1.:'a'1F:4;44_.. •-• T4'44 k r;! "34.6.:8.. at ? ..Y-. a;:- „-i:t1 .'t4;.t+Q, 444:34 •. 4.•. :i,4t: „* 1 l ...314 •4 ,a le t; . 4 ),' ;;; ,M • 25 CFIT w S xw�E a . ° T^1t 1'44p(5-('lU1 rat e% to ' vt na'ti 1r:^: tag: 4111111t1al( t➢ Hot Yt+1„ t. .t3ai a a *1;11,^3344 ,.r.; la ..^1: '•n, 7..4 Y to. .. :car 1 .. es .:.a .. ., , . ,. . 34 43'. - , . ... .4 , 5..^ :' , i,3. a^.'31 3;x8 11;044.4 1 i:8 e, , ,,. ,. E 3.W r tit4t r: t .t ` l" 1 1" . - t li,i::, 4 .. ri,; ,.,4` • .- .•'•e '• • - t , e 44:3. fllA ^:4 -.4' 34. tle 4.,1/44.4'1e, ➢ t#: t :.,....L. C. 4r , ➢4 4 4 4ii,- n 4 411 i . 1 48:•.11,4,17...4.' , . ..'..: ..^ il to, i..^: 1 45 1.14,14;.t49 '.t 444 414 t: 4. : i 1 . ,' , ,,...,,,a<,+.. . .,.,.,,R' 4 Y 44 4«, ii•n 4 1..44 3.4` { 1,.. 4, 1;.4,.74:. 5- . t , 4 LI 4 { ' %Y,L. Is. :., .. • 43.,. a ;:I .! : 'x „ 9- -;. ,,. 4,<t 4lv1:4:454'1182 n-tc.ril:,,, "'4Y , 4444-. _..-4'l' ,a a., .^{ . , 1 , 5-5-".81:,„' ii 4 .4 44 4 1 , • 4. _.. , .., ,-s, :4.. a :1)4 1i *t :4 H 45.'11,: At le." 4s ..44s4 1 ti., !•,,-... • 'i it.. 8.. eestetulaer711NI 0411 . ...2:,,3. 1 :.-•,, ::r, , s.4c t a a241^' -t 44.-, 4.3 pi, awe,. .s :, )r..-_. : �..»..:... 4444 ;1I4.,::t £1)i 1« h . ➢ 3.4..-4+4 4 `a Y '.J 4«4,'4 4 444 let 3.Y t"a"i1'e1e-1.14"�' e'er [14:44;8,4< id 1'4i.3. .^-5-u•.,, , 34:4.,:}-._;$ • -„4. .. .43-!443'4'35514..I:3. -�',r.. r.$4 .4i3a 144144 44:8I4 vC!3.eList :4- .,t. ^oaf ;y' „Ff: •sat '3.t-4 -44w 3341 y'..;.' 1' 1•'3.°;34 1r a. ...a-4..,; .'„asst wt"';. 1 4 O7;4 , ,3644;•'.. 3.l -1•. ; o4'44,-1-444 744.1*" .144': 41,4 a 5-1411 1• • .a ., t : ;ea. ';1. „ 4,'3. 43A'•t tlw 41.41,➢1t; lei', e . 14' teeth. 1.•l';- . t^, 141!••4" 1 u 47.44'..1 F3'YtY g ➢. a 4•:i9W4£ 14t•t x ➢6P„4 i4 . l R:] t tl �a' J � •a':• 4l "14,A;;;.4.: r.3. ..4 400 t �p< t �: +u .E a46'•'Yy.4 rot 4*.4 .. •7. . Y a,•4rYtl- 194•':1 lieu 1414+i -a .13441 •r 1 x,Y*'11 .y4 P";•,,I..;•, p .' ,4444. , 4'^: a. a�'• 448 i Ya^" toe t. u, . 4..4a.it 445 14.435,•11 • .4 '.'aY i •1,,-4 4, 4.a' MONET TO let VC t:►5 C'AR% ,.➢� �:;�',," -W ,, ,,.'a ."4.. -.x 3443• 5 ' 7,Grr:• 4x411111•.4 Y .4 ..14.. ,cr.i,t sit"• l..a' • ...S . Hire 54.'4:4441 reel Ptd title ,-,':e.e. ,'44534 4, - .tresees xau.t nide leeks alert t4 ee::f:3.a➢le 5-.l: ::^i' to r`+'t."wag. «- :,-- .. , 5,44•1 W..,41 8 s5 -«a 41344 i,.irl 3.4a":.:+•Ei 44 4554°,° 4'C"en^,'rel Lel It -'4 14441`4•"4 444 4'.si ,N:* 1:84.1 13,71 f. ••a i .'.: he'll, t'3. se -a'4 tee,. *het, -tatil t hal of Mein greet, a'sel lYt':1it'xl l.y 1 : lb: I* telt let :`• 414.-, 1:t.1t1,4.,t 4::4514•*. ilelns4 of laves that y este- !9 ..: -f, 11444 1w4 the 14014. who 4t'c'4neel L.i vti44-t` WW1 OW 34.1861 las 4 4a5e1 44,'4':tr1555-3 a-1 - 1 would r,4:"41`-.°1411:'ee 8a'.l 8. t 4^.5' ,°l,1 t• .n.-4130.1«;- 4^f .11x• :efi:4r•, ;11771 played t•A4•; l:vlitly • mortised 1 444444' 4 t t,•:4Aa 4.4 101' ' ,4aa 4'•"4444.it t t ,_. y 4 4,41 te'a45n -mini 4'.^ 4A ' I.1 4"%.1.. ° 43• i'44.4144. •"4 LAI" t r,1 -4 ."., 4 An 1.,..•”. •44•. 1..1. ,:to in; h.l4%'4'4ta2 '5.44 4"1'.:4 4.n• 44-;34..4,4.4,. Vat .•11111i ll: l 41.3's, t L,4.4. t t 41 -t•, 91 "'f.4 As litreiT, ,£4C; 87,5414.►► 18-•.. '1 21 ...1%44.44•'4" :.2V- tr1laud ,� . a°►it*, t417•t labii ifl.a , `., 4644, keit l;.4;44 041 ,.'.i.3. ti.e r,f nw :pill t*4tte t in the f •1°t,Aa 3..4 or.1,1' • -... - - ":... _, .. 4311 1444x1 in lt"a'*rt.►l4t tAx t':bt4'St 1 , , „ ''' ' The ver414:rS a 1 Y.s 1:tZ• ats:a,l the jtY l:e! a I 'it:,• .i444.4 ltny.' .tet 3.4 4411 111)° bead, a' 14°D'i 7 !Ny l± t1Dt'7:47:IYtt 11r. l',attx'r, '� •• i4A;\':,.ri sere i*1 it, vt Iasi son's ,, D\\ :�:141I1' UI' 1'tilii ►Ii\11'a tie evermore t 4 .. , 1 1 l 11 1• I , lb*tw with pride mei th;4ln.flthlt'rr' 1. marl➢144'tho ,r '433 -:<f 1't lin tllr:ii e.' ' r D 1H, 1. Vette t4A➢4484144t f-1'. l 3.!'4;• 1 •. 1:. 14e.ri-4 •• 44,p11411t'1437,. rt"•° '::; 4 r e.,9':' week. the 1, '441 Mi. 1. Cadent, Mr. 14 Elliott. Cr DV E C, et/.2.dt'11.1.;; EX i10 eil es ' Utca#I%Ieol coma y al:Yiott t o F E Lvcco Vis! ecris pee /b CIIJTCE TOFJ CCtS .d?'ID C13.1 t. ;IaUti'1'Sgtt:.:'S t11t'['1"Y r t S41hot*i Books, St , :144t,'tt^,jlltial \\ I1 II .U,14 `x'.'111: L 7114.3,' 11111'1 .tSx* ;3.t. :N11•"1"" .. ie,'�4 ,-44 131.117 4444, tit 14.4'143 « 111,'tt 481 „t '3' :lth4, t .3. e�e, Juin* 1114e2., tate ': - . 144,'; 4'f tin. 1:114.4 rre.,4lut,a:tiy r4All.f4,•.d1Y•l:4 for the (1 Kermit V• oteI'S List 1.878 'lie tree end I,1 raj have u 'u 1 3 `;<11.-Scwiug 1*13.te .1.. ` esellee4 Hter•y u..lxt Nott •o t•=14r rtbr tee oe4 that a court wits l t !r !•l A. 14t41i1, 14141 .A 4tlil t 4141:4te•r, 13.:E, :1e1 13. 1x1. hover v, tetl•,i1Nt e• of flax Ostial. coon td 4444 l .. 1 43.- *4 - ' 11:144-41.41 41:4. reeve deli. ri1.34tv1)1. ,4,44 5-.e e.4i4 tui tee it.l\ (141 Am, t)lrlx 1.,f 4.tt It•+%II1'II 4x4 bie�41teaba.4-I 1",1•x. At tie' nom Mt -•11 n�ct'4 i . O4 - ) snot. 13 4411:44 3114g, .lir. al, 4.,ui..,,,5laa: 4144• rerete..t:at t 4a.•::r and 41. t4•rmfl,,' t14P,4've.s! <h'sire4,t, t,,,,,,,, Ise t., 4'n*alplai,7t +elf • 41444..^IUs *.*)*31-414l. 1*1 tile^J.44:11'31.• 3.I 41*k,. 3.P I! i M pilule: • .:., 1,34343.1 tui' Sni 1, 4441ittc ,/t ! .111•.91.' 1„3.. 1" 43441 ,.,54,,, wv h i.: 44 ,, t¢•3.x ; ;ort 411'47.1.11- la;t.6tt I,*4 1,'rr•i l44. 41.4. 1'43444'4 *ore-ev114irt• 4 r.4 liens its tL,4 Q' r: , ' 3,45- h t .. '1 to attt'tid .11 the 5481' 158!4x' 4, el 4'14.4*•, W,111.4 inti*4 t,• 4/""` th,it 1.1..6:: :i, ,T,1 r. t1'1i, Fee averr,t f4444* .,,,,.!.....•,-..r.. ,. ht, 1x+,.: id. L1,41411.110,8 14:.'W "Clothed thesni,l Htnelt•ipallit;.. 2,,,,•$.1144 iatx•uds 4ei tnt lr,•, 5-,t ,1p�`.q�.. .. 4e, %Ria' ('1145144• 44 1410 4407eRfi.!.144"1'rn•4, 444'pa1.114t',14t �4af5-1o1 t-------a---t--- attl4 uud,4ttln. 4u5-w4ntrstt4,. tell:• tee 14ettrlght*, tee t815 -14411a a eceiee : 4'11411 i�t ;\14,.ie'a1:4ey , n i, 3. a thy..4:431 .L :tun;sl ulfltrlt 11:4^134134 44,ee•5 Ann. 41441 el labl:n eer of '11E44,1is tt', each i,ea ril f •3.:: hell t of till' r -eel,' , t 144f4D:teitte 114144:1 ➢1,4.4111 villa -ie.' beating towhee met heoe31114, land varied ittfeerllsetl•'u eeuee4ueut. the 1:. and there in toe enefes ie1 conk' be even ilhl- 'I 3.4:• 4' ` Was * tr,.n.. 5414.1 a rt1••4l e'xc:.e•*• Church and he wr**\ tl:trine the ever seelIu4; 111iIlltt,.•:1 haulm ,' hearing these mottoes 114 *,4.4,4 With interests bial;5-l1), ,1 round; Itin" Tl548't,'11:c-t bf'ell It l'• ;,,,oetu464tjo14 letterer "1'unr (hit 1lix.d front :Starvation 1'4x1- 14a:t elided wx•a45-) ' %les til in vain, i of th,• 1ut***1* 1,41141, 1:144 4111 1124.4144 3 ill Oft :eye " Ile poetise. 4 1*1:neekvi4 Harrah Ter ,1ol54 Coleti43tiou bites the 4esenell manlier of churches and ;treacle.)b. The ti• t'tiritient is Dead," "Protection Nil?eel it; Shoat forth with pride 1411;1 tlal2kfi11nce s l lro4.lu for the eiettir 1 event! Instal the conquerors, a,uel tern The traitors to their *Imola; t:3Yuut11fu1 Land! plats rir14t4•uusuesa :10nT 'lth,for:lye,pre.,1le ,:a evert and Legislative Heil, Aud threitgls by herders wide! 1►ejnike. with pride and tii:ulkfulnet s Btu add aeolehttn vow, o all'eternptt:rs .till to be A� 3tellly just 1;o class -1)o party -men --nor mau Sack erilues shall e'er condone! hr ('onutrt's rights shall be nlaiafaine d Cosw•IcrloNs.-The list of et,llvictions for the Theu�h wrn*x come front the Throne: County of Huron. for til , quarter eliding Sept. fiend proudly, then, f*44r ('aLu:t.i4t, 10, are a slight i1) yea*e, in number over those One shout from shore 5- D shore: of the preceding quarter. tinier the ileatliug 'lour Freemen's rights, usurped by fraud, Drunk" or Druck and Disorderly," there 11:4Dleiltl 44n1t1iti4:4 of the :114 ,i4.i44try S•teit'ty I- ."Porter will be our I<I•'114ber, • «e, im ntt't'rtn 5-('1'31 eatief4l:tery, 4tua1 the hta4teate t of tit., 4.441141tieu44 it1 Exeter 111, trieL must Ise ;!ratify - ing to the friends of the ('Il,n'eh in this lteeai- ity. Tho coileetit 15 in the 5-,3.114, ti eiruttite 1.1 the llistriet we're : -Exeter, ts'2J1.2t); I'ruyi. I were greeted l.y the gelsiat blaze of u litige b .n. deuce, $41:0;;; Bethesda, tit45,77; Bunter, j lire which had been prepared 311,p1*:.ite the w•3tl,El,St; Sharon, 026.80 ; Cre4iit*w, 4'27.79; 114 Square. At this point at large crowed had gatih- Centralia, $36.80 ; I den, x'17.114; Bethel, 1t4•re i, 4 ,,dusted to contain at least 1,001) l•t'l. • $21.26 ; I.li Pavil11', ;'33.1:, . Delwin 517,`3•1; t aeons, 1na.ly 01 whom were 111lies. Thu pre j.'et- Lion, $19.1+3 ; 1-r.e5-41i11, f 1 2.4ki ; 1'roiptret, i ug their of 4110 ]111314k374 house was need los a $7.81; Wad, 9.32: Bethel, $7.i)5 ; tiiluam, platform, aid from this short but pithy bel, $4.53; Rehoboth, 4:1.143 ; i1) ell a uet total j .ire sus were delivered b1 Messrs. Hobart 1'urt• the circuit of .14,0, er, G. 11.. Jackson, 1. Carling, B. V, Elliot, 11. 1 aerett, and others. At the 4.5uellti4io11 of the alldrr54es cheers were given fur the Que*,i, Sir John Mae,lounld, the Spc1L4ers, the Jtail and Exeter Timis and Lite procession re-fr.rin- e.l And marched tlo n,town, where it was dis- webe 311 ennvlctione, the saute as last quarter; banded, ••:Lo-sault," 37, an increase of 4; suits for stere fined with wed -niers %411144 ('lteet'etl the proceeei.Ini. t$ at various haterils. 'l lie lug prure;4io11 tnarelle,l to 1Neter North, and theme. . 1•t'turutti to the market, where they *- won for evermore. LOCAL NEWS. TIIURSDfl , SI PTEIJBER20,1878. • WA5II days and chilly eights. 3f •. G. Kemp is agent fu1• the A:lan Live. Tick 't41 at low rates Brro eMliafi.-Wo are g1 u1 to learn that Mrs. G. A. ilfitchel, who has been 111 for over a w: ek, is recovering. ELsvelmo--iereral of the btildiugs ou Main street hevo been raised up and new sills placed under them. As Italian organ -grinder with considerable bad music and pa'ieuce was iu town lust week and s trenadel sereral of Dur leading citizens. Fnu:Ts in season at Kemp's.. STu.::T IsrraovE2ENr.-� portion of the ditch on the west side of Main street has been paved with sto,Yes, the property hullers i5 he vicinity supplying the materiel. Gose To TETE Exa1141r10v.-Daring the ,lost three days a number of our citizens have 1Sft' for Toronto to attend the Proviueial Lxihibi.- tioli, whialh is being holt! in. that city. New SIDI:wAI.IW.-A Dew sidewalk has been Erected from the terminus of the. street cr0sa- i11;oa Main street to the door of. the- Canada M.thodist chard', which has long been a ea- cessity. - rH; 1\i_thtirET.-All 411.' 'grain buyers have taken tip their, position t''n•the Market Square, and a7.•Ef.,p3lying good prices for all Kinds of 1 ,,,,,,•.y,farm prod'lce. Fanners 5-111 fled l;eetor mai- kat tole equal to auy lnarlket 111 thx).. 44444 wr• egard'to pricJs. 3eit'S BoaLE•riN.-After au early fall of 5-, willt• t•Iudi- �wt o Probably have a beautiful 1 a,p Y V;an .211111111er" 112 4114 Month of October, and • __. - `i'H.% 'VOTE, wages, 13 ; insulting and threatening huuguage, 19 ; illegally selling liquor, r, being 5 less than Below we give the full vote in South last quarter; 1 for bigamy; 1 for rape; and jjitlOn for the two candidates, �1lattsrn. actually one for stealing ashes. Besides these Purser and Ctt.tueron there are others. Gadcrich Magistrates elailn • uroeedeuce in tho number of c.,uvictiona, there Subdivision No. 1. 40 being 53 for that place; Brussels comes next with 44; Exeter follows with 21 ; Seafortll and Blyth 18 each Clinton, 17 ; and some iudiyid- nal retuns for ether places. It would appear, from the list, that a great many cases are got GODE1IICH T'r.- VamerOI, Porter. Maj. ar8 Subdivision No. 2. 42 48 Subdivision No. 3. 4$ 744 Subuivisiou No. 4. 49 103 Subdivieiou No. 5. 54) 63 Total 229 360 P I31 asp on the slightest pretext, some being 4004im. EaETkn: - inatory, and it would no doubt be much better Subdivision No. 1. 34 11.6 Subdivision No. 2. 5S 411 if recourse to the lawv was not had in so many of thein. - 'Total. 92 207 Coenwn,..-The Council mot at the 4011001 ST+NLDts,- house on, the 20111 iust, Councillors Verity, Subdivision°11 Ne.. 2L.. Samwcll, Howard and Bissett preseut. 11Ir. Subclivisiou No. 3. Verity was chosou chair•:eau. The minutes of Subdivision No. 4. previous Meeting wore read and confirmed. Total Tenders wore 13Cel41ed front Messrs. Pickard 90 64 76 270 and Wilkins for h:ty and pletforni soale,4. Mr. Hd1' Subdivision No.1. 61 W. Wilkins' tender being more comprehensive Subdivision No.2. 73 and cheaper, according to judgment of the Subdivision No. 8. 107 Connell, it was moved by (i.- Sainwell, sec- Subclivisiou No. 4. 64 Subdivision No. 5, 117 I ended by J. N. Howard, that the six-ton hay scale and the 2,500 lbs. platform seal° offered by _Mr: \Vilkihs bo accepted. Mr. Wilkins agreed to place 3.h"e scale o1) tho market as soon as possible.. Moved by G. Saulwell. seconded by J. N. How*rd, that the market By-law hav- ing been:read a iirst'tirilo, bo read a second thine' 1ud finally (* 4 - 3' 1. ar -• aaSC (� 110[1 T j Moved by J. N. Howard, seculicled-by Ge Senewell, that this (3onucit udjaiurn'until: caall u'% tho lleove. Carried.: Filmesx's FUN2-1l,so-.011 Saturday last elf:. Joshua Iiaudford, of Exeter, elite" from a fes o; which he Marl been. Su4fe ieg from for nue.lj 34 77 62 43 216 45 33 28 16 21. P 115 C 54 Tutal , 432 ' 1.13 x C 279 '•TES: HEN.- $ibdivision No. 1. 43 79 ,S'ubdiv'ision No. 3: 1410 57 bubdivisiou No. 3. 80 45 Subdivision No. 4. b6 . 48 bet4divi siuu Nu. 5. 43 50 t 2 9 C 73 .Tu al . „ :90 7 15$110111,117.--- Subdivision 5$11OBNE:.- r - Subdivision No: -1. 56' '' 100 . . i,ubdivisiou No. 2. 96 33 - Subt,i •isiuu No. 3. 42 90 bx.,luvisi.,n No. 4. 76 " 49 Total 270 272 P2 3 bil1l'4lf, 5t4ottt't' tars8 dolly 4u we, 5-44ry 1•e,i a •. 1;1't'ICI\tiHAM. (1nelse1;slre to 0. 13. Stn4tlr) I;xteter,Ik"e.13,1 ;7. 1Ix14VI: BEEN RECEIVING. 1rt)It TIil•'• P.*MT t Two \\'1:EKS 1�E1)1: +1•gi T11'e laull4 of their inln.tuso Pk. CY)\V•EN. OFF' 1 i'. FAI.L 1 \3P(1O'1:.T1t)\S � r Street. l:xet. t, up0st:1)a.., nppna lee ('els 1.31 tlutc3. 84.1e ,ntr.ot, e, o1) tee seeih-•,trcet 11.5d- enib!u sto H. tem. c t. direct front the markets et Lurepc and Amorca, s Ie it 1)t iince shoe :tura audtet.,Et;et.. Lest, Sesicy .uw5-ex • Pr malt attention. twi4t4,y, wee:eel the t1ouEht that Mei remelted tlvir ':w1) 1 ,we,•t ebb, from tinct thine to the pY. 4ekt ninny classes of 4,43. 3444 have kept fsliit.44 still further 41) p• ice, tout %ve in:bit:Au tot to say 4:181.4. 1)t No perind in the history of the Illy goods trade have priers been x41) 105-41 as they tut: it - day, In maintaining our progressive businer4s tics have taken a lvautllge. of eve.y favorable turn i1) the market so ea to bring within the reach of our numerous customers goods at 4110 lowest possible mixes. We 4ue 142 a 1)03131014 to clay to otter throughout our h0uso n range of lowortit:citations then We (441(71' befoxc subtuittod at any pro•ietts �� • (3,rduato of t c(44j11,nnelsity, 3.otttteal period wont history. Our fa tihtics ateun8tirplas• OWaeautl E•e4ilieuc4., Exeter, out. 0_Iee 1 01)s-- sea in the r'Wtil trade, lioraus4 w0 aro pule of at c to 10 a, rt and i Lulu u. Dn Ivuo1esalo firm, Mid bemuse of the anow•ledgo wvo possess of tau requirements Of the tr•ole, and be- eau40 nY ¢1)e 1411t5W1411)413 of the markets la which 1 \3.'a, I1wl•VING, i'.'E•1i &1)U &`.i i0, GNI- ere buy. Our buyers hav44 access to the chief g V*4I4SiTY TrielttyCollage �imnl,OrCnllego sources of supply, our buyers are 0,13. Hulitu 1C u ][7.1R. Alintiber of the ('ollege+ of Phytieians stud Serge+ots t Ontario, etc., fie.. S'ttla Street, Exeter. HYNL \1AN.-C01i0NI it FOR 1J` the comity of Huron. t'ilico, next deur to Mr. I.Cat'Jiub sstOre, Exeter. 1V. BROWNING, At. D. M. C. - ...s, Gr:ad:late victoria University 0.ilea and rear <uee, !.tun :.10*. Luborsator Es*'3.e C.110011E.,11, D. 71. 1'u, siciaus and surgoout Ul,t. , rLco li3rktu Ilouderso1, wholesale airy goods dealers, Toronto, ' end therefore cannot be surpassed, These are at few 01 the reasons why wo c.e:n lalaeo goods before our customers at the closest prices, and 'which w0 think cannot fail to be 1ppre(iatcu by'indepoud- ent buyers of sound judgment. WHI rE & Cu-., successor., to G.B. Smith. St. Ma-ys. 5-x . G. G. GURD'S COOD GUNS WAOLESALC; AND =TAIL 0011D SINGLE SCOT GUNS 1500 (+001) DOUHLi: SHOT GU sS 11 00 (4.00D ItIF.L.l'iS PL On GOOD 1tieVOLVEI5S 3 00 Saud tor illuatrat.bd price list, post free, to GURU & SON, Box 57 London Ont. JUDGE reit 3y sondiug We, with ago, 1104.114 color of 0 res thud hair, you will reeelve by return Ilial a con -eat YOURSELF. 51iu o ra , h of our future h t ®�� �� �i t g 11 S t s Land or wife, -with mane and date'' of uwarliage. 410t_rOS8 \V. FOX, drawer.l6,1rultouville,14 Y ILLINEAY MISS GARLICK, Has now in stock a complete lino of SPRING HATS, BONNETS FEATHERS, I'LOWEBS, and Trimmings of revery 311110. i1) Latest Styleal141 Lowest Prices A full Stock of Fancy Goods, Berlin 1Vools, Honitou Lace, BraidsPatterns, Ciatrdboarfl Mottoes, &c, 45 (.Jackets elft anti made to order. MISS GART IC K, Hair4. 34..'14 .cetera NEW BLACKS1IT'H 4ND ENERA6J(YCaEING S$1BP,HENSALL. -0- • e having ray now shop uow i1) fall blast, I would iu- il( i'��`J��� i^'��- IlI.ia'•��'• a''"• of Agricultural 1�s4r.h1 w " 1.1011,1101'0,s Atu,•. j Shoeing I1 For iuf 5rmaar..0 couoerniu g the • PINE AND FARMI" G LANDS - i1) Ci�i;T1t:1.1, MICHIGAN; for sale by the Flint sod Pure ettiequette et,ailwa}• Company, address \� �I L. �VP+:r1313EYi�, • Land Colu`r; BAST•:SiiG1' iAtV, MICE. 50 1IL�D CARDS, with name, by in 10 1-. " Li 'Yo N Y Nb. IL CHI; , Troy, r 20Cblronro (,ards,aperfe.'• beertt y wahwntme 10 c4H O.it::t -, c. T - hop ca:et eo, rieh ao:l 134541)the;jtil,lic 41st •I sun prciretretl 5-e clo allkind5 of191Abe 14amitllill ' onclucliug re ,441r ug of -3411 kiu4ls ner • snob.aN 0.19,. 1lrelahnl411t1achinea and I:Jor30 . hoeil, will r0ooivemy careful atteutinn.' 11orsos,that inter. ' fore, and having tender feet treatedthe moat- apeeoved meaner, and euees ietioufu, given, . Charge' ,: i cderate. 1 1.1ov° .on h a l t'a11'4u i f Arnai.iilt rnl lniitl0-.. nuiiit1tf O1i5thetaltataejSeeefltll44ttls4letvo., 40__x4-4.. casino. - a '1'toPnrinber the place -First shop west of the 1'erit O,lCis, Bensnli. IIan.a11 suns 20th, 18xS, 0-114 - -