HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1878-9-26, Page 7est. BEPTE-AMER 26, 1878 THE TIMES THE COLORADO BEETLE. would he cow, but i think when it �.- come to have their tits pulled of a gold A t theifiesensameeting of the Ontario Eutornological Sooiety held iu London last week, .111r. Nur, St►uui ers, the President, had the following to say in his address in teft-rooeo to tate Colorado beetle, and the remedy for hia.e xtirpa- tiee The Oolorl3clo potato 'beetle is still apreadieg ea+tyvnrd through the Marl- tin•e Provinces, and luta this year readied St. John, New Brenswiolr, but es no tenger the few fel evil at first an- ticipeted. Rett our farmers battle with tt., Collfeenely kneeing' that 011 . a lines persert•r,teiee in the use of Paris green they can tide sic+orione over this formillehle foe. `filo use .1 this pa.i- eontaus Imb t:LnCe has provoked lunch discussion, and unlicecesea:,ry slants lets been excited by some writers, who have Pzprossed grave fears that the 'tee of se Thoth Paris green would tiventnnlly poison the soil to .inch nn extent its to render it peienenentt; nee. fit for the grew t h of other ernes. Sov- atl Te'al's? ago Pref. W. lis. N ='zits, of tee °Iachie:ln A.grlentterel when seta rietootine in this direeti,,n, deuton to .ik 4 that water chsrgt Al with eatbeuiv stein or einmotiniai tlissolvte a es •tt.itt p,•rti •n of the Paris Green, but - that thi: wse t1:Itekly converted into can ':ts.alitlnit3 and bartrdeas t;ttttepnatllt3 by etebb •►ti lit eith the iron which ex- " Tats 1"t. 01u014t every* soil- .cis rainwat- er always Cientuins more or lose of these ingredients it is more than pro') facet thin tho tactile portion (.f this poison used en potato f ehl:a noon loses its poisanouao preper1ioe in this man- ner. Iii any Case one pound of the green spread uniformly over an acre of soil would only amount to less than ane•sixtlt of a grain to the s41e3re foot, eey that were the paieon to remain un- eime tote this minute portion might be added to the s, i1 annually for a eentery 'without producing any perceptible tiel- eterieui effects] on plant growth, It is to be regretted that anyone should at• tempt to excite needless alarm in this way. Caution should he urged in handling this powerful polienn, and it is often the case that moco is used than ie needed; these points are important and cannot he too often referred te. Patri3 erteu is beat and most eeouotni- celly used with water in the proportion of ono tettspootiful of the powder to a pailfttl of water, kept well agitated sante sprinkled on rho potato plants by means of a lintel whisk dipped from time to time into the liquid. BilleGINU M1'LINEC1aS 13:ICIi til LIFE. It is sail t13st in the toritbs of Na. eropoliA of ancient Ery nt, two kends of 111t1ni eiee have 1) 'en found. One ie ine,ttttelete --plait ie to say, ell orgairre woes -my for life live been impended front thein ; the other, nn tete contrary. is guile complete. 'laving observed this, a Swedish chemist, Dr. (lruuse bolt, who has the reputation of being both Great end learned, professor at the Ueiver:sity sit lJpsat, has tomo to the conolueiau that the legyplians are not all, as has been b,•tiereti far some thtrl sands of years, betties cis i4ined by any proc,'ss of pre.ervatton whatever, blit that they aro ro:illy the bodk'e of indi- viduals whose lives bane been mnmecnt• arily suspended with the intention cf restoring thotu at some future time. only the art of pre;ervatiou hues been lost. Meanwhile, Profee-or Gruese- l•aalt adducer many proofe in snppnr! of this ideas ; amnng others, his expnri ments tiering the last ten peeve, which he says have always proved successful. tie took a sticks, and treated it in elicit a manner es to benumb it as though it haul been carved iu marble, and was so brittle that, lied he allowed it to, it would have been broken into fragments. In this way, he kept it for one or sever- al years, a:ad then restored it to life by sprinkling it with stimulating fluid, the composition of which is his secret. For fifteen years the snake has been under- gving jn existence composed of succos- eive d sten and resurrections, appar- ently without sustaining h•'rm. The Professor is reported to have sent a petition to the Swedish government, requesting that a criminal who has been condemned to death might be given to hits, to treat in the same matter as the snake --promising to restore him to life in two years. It is understood that the man who under- goes this experiment is to be pardoned. Whether the government has accepted or rejected the learned chemist's pro- posal is not known. A BOY ON to THE OX." "Oxen is a. very slow enimel, they are good to break ground up. I would rather have horses if they didn't have kolliek, which they say is wind collect- ed in A hued], whish snakes it danger- ser for to keep horses than an ox. if there was no horses the people would have to wheel there wood on a wheel- barrow. ; It would take them. two ' or. three days to wheal a cord • mile. Cows is useful, i have heard sum say 1[ they had 16 be /other or an oz th)y inorttiug they would wish they wasen't, for oxen don't generally have to raise cave.. if i lied to be envy i would rath- er be a heifer. But if 1 cadent be a hefur and hade to both i would be as AX," toesesest SHE KNEW 111 R BGSINhSS.. When Collins went home todinner,. 1lovday, he fouled the mime tenaetless, the cook stove cold, and there se as a lonesome leek about that pert. Men - day waeld. e: sill 1 It its the tub in the sutniuer kitetatin. Hurrying through to the b ,ell peel he setaw hie wife braced t against the fence, bolding to the end of a. broken clethoa•liue to keep the new- ly wa..lted garments from the ground. '•Yolevtn gn here at last, have you ? exelaultod the wife as she caught (right of hien. "Yee, Fm here ne rt•petated. " 11 re I've been ittal.ling ti.is brokers line e,r over litetr :••r a tail lulu, eirl's11•e tiit'lglnra'nl. �• 4749 iletelnian• .t cit die right here (*fere rd let tintor enlotltt's tlelyt•tt I" "Rat why didn't you reel ^ •me one ; he itlnocetely: ia1'daired. ," 1.:a. re"s thiat new tinnily next deo.--ste, %vellum would have aono over i tu suintlte. «on)ael next door,y,.att lilac idiot, you! 11-41.4414,1 0110 been ptiialtinag,r nronnti and peeiliXg around for two wttt.ite to flee+ tu} waell. and d'ye t.lainalt I'll give her a chance to ootns over here ant sen for herself whether the sleeves of my nights dross were pieced down with nubleacb- 3•ettt)n 1 you 4Frt1'4 know &nytl*tng sir, end yonmalce treeteal ter a piece of rope 'ir t" MVOIl, I vivant" growled Collins ae he"trached. "-1)•er..et ! ire Preen. hat's tie:matter e'' rlowers Reapers, • WE OFFER A TRIAL (if uttrceelebrttttst. Single Mower -d:ild---• Single Reap;'rs u all landsof 41mop end 11rpt 0.and ea an cot mons nfy, Aland aarfuee, 1N i.) tl t'.',.lta1 N'11 E S(VT 1SFACTION OItNOSALE ,' a also offer a Trial of our Wrought /to Two liar I0l 8TOI'S COMBINED OEA°'EE AND #"M'1 UER 3ltnebioes,urphed with Iwo Pitmans, Two Urate; -bits, Two F iuger-bare. 1 Four Iiniven, Forked and Keyed. N lits. Solf-oilers, etc., tc. can be changed from Mower to Reaper AND REAPER TO MOWER l3yremovaloffour bolts, 801inlees Ghana/teen minutes' time. t'lease call at our works and inspee our Machines before purchasing elsewhere, Send for Catalognee. THOMPSON ,tt WILLIAMS Man nfacturing Co., Stratford. Spicer's Grocery -AND- TWO DOORS NORTH OF POST OFFIOF. P OUR, PEED, GROCERIES, SYRUP, MEAT, &C., &C., &C. ALL KINDS OF FRUIT 1N SEASON. sereesods delivered eromptly. Quality unsur passed. R. &E. i3MICER. NEW BUTCHER SHOP. Tile undersigned, weuldinform the inhabi- tante of Exeter and vicinity that helms OPENED A NEW BUTOI1EIt SHOP anedoor south ofhie Slaes unithehop andhopes thesame liberal patronage that has been AC corded to hint in the 111.4Ae3SnITII AND WAGON at&ErNG line willheestonded to him in his .new branch of titter? His meat wagon vcinoali at the real• dont. of the valiat�ethreetimebenet weeknzn1 PRESM EAT of all ktade kept constantly on hand at his butcher shoe). Blaeksanithing and wagon making carried o avowal in all ita brat:..Lae R. DAVIS. NEW SPRING MODS. ltaa� i1,t t.•ue,tt r4 it large st,•0t. o$ i "trdcu. f`aecla,.xetecit(rv, 'Ross tits sir( ta,: r, speaea eriie% af,[agites, eau% Cleats V'oc&ee ifteef. t, A large etoelt of -rangy Gooda co - itautly on baud. :IE NV ae Tae 13£5T. IeGl.,0ULON Telt Bosun. 4111,1, et bu0 W. MUM) elelali ttaasteli ',nfare,itug• up. lt..rnc-ill boom in. otLer 2Coq' •.•r. :uiathottn All wt.°wear tttvnenr..co•ninni. u.l tl..•n. ti05lanel+alver.1 tt tit's 41041kienilor1 t: s Pi.!.. -1. 11:11p1Va t.. t.1.ou=4.u. 1,.o leo t, alettloeaaia rite larttet I,est:anteitealeo 4r•..41 4a1 `incise ".l ...wiry. t t •el:a.'ty. r, aeu,t 1 Iati.1 war,. Isaac^ i0.0d, su, ,v.. at •,.t, I'r,o.4t.0a. It.1CINig1.y •v.•rs •lescrkt4ttuo. t . It, e/e c.l.a.l't Ls 770444.14 sin I..tael00 CPEO .1"+. s; =Mr, DEALER 1N lilt)t'I,I2II:t, CANNED SALMON, LOI STL+' RS, SARI) IN ES. et IN d•'E('TIONEI(Y, FRUITS, 'CC., &C. Pins ;awe a gond A»il fresh eupply on band. n1..,10 1.11. t3•04144. iertdiug brawls, CliCtIt'1: '2t,$,f r s.:0 4w,1 4.4110 fUld,•, ell the l.e•.t to utada. t,t Idle at, call and you Mill ho bare t.• .14-t ,0. MUSIC 11.41.314 AND Sowing Machine Emporium ensal. t"i'!HI: LARGEST AN.D BEST STOCK OF .1 • Sil*erwaxe, Chino and Deif ever seen in the West, &i , E. ia' 'E76T''$$.. eToaz., Mr. Drew hos just received an excellent sloe% Silver Tea vette, Butter Coolers, Doal tontat Single Y;ciile (Totts. Cate Busltety, Cesrai Ile e_•iter.. nau:sionSet ts.etc.,efthe Rest (1 inlruOl and Talyln /Tete,in.iis,•:: ring tutsaute atprices til. tt: •s:l.t • ASTLINI til icor FOR ':NE.tI lEss no easiest etone.i out a new rani complete as- e rt..: eras of (11:414., (+las end Stone -.sores Con tart a •leafy }0_ r,t•!f rs to quality and (heatless, ',.ante and try ca:r iteitruments. Music Twiteb r ,ti:l";ii.k.ot. eilt.','auti,alts•'st.: ;:;rsS. E. DREW, FURNITURE Rooms (VYING to the 'very large inert a e off tea f loses 1.4•011 carnrentcal to steam::• say Ixcia i.es, nd iaaiy a just r€ ec ire•d a l r t" i:v:all (4 w'rx C..tz•d-, 1;/ t' nratitare -in fact, one of the inr4,rt north 1014- T 0 4- I Low in Tana et a tinit 'class not o^t in tier. tin=: 1'titnio•1rie.g Line a 11 oait4 eell and s a •taau.a } ft a:. and onerttaia nay prises and be emvineetl tt.4t i 04ns a 41 eltenpur than any other Tiuuein the tresses:•. .3. ul, Straw and 44". '.0lsto.tresse , anti a1 ring Lt i; o;[all kin is I hese ai1s'. 45 0.0400tafir. t -els ssetveit of a l..rt3,i %V1108 9191 floc Jotreir►. to feet every artielt ft erred a far'bt•rtasie•$tahltae uwia. Ireelconfi4loI.t tt•eat 1t ata bel et 1'.1 w7 that wills: (441y teas piddle, owl as It tv u.i cava t purchased i uywhere. t 1001,, and Watete s rclaaire') at ri, :..let at,• rat+-s.nn.l e•atiala,•tie4. ralarauterd : t,e.=t► /admit Tut iialaeya. .91s0 Organs nod Musical lostratiapat, tpeTi.11 taate0i'un to t ottcrtaillla5. Eutelitlgeeeeetrncted for. rte► tt�j y{y� $: ra.MA !*a�i 1. :M. THE' EXETER TIN AND STOVE DEPOT' l T11.: stnbseril er begs to announce to the i. b etiitnata of Exon r en I the sutre.0taling emu. tree that he has opened a TtN and a11'OVtl UI111et)1' in teas• start, nearly t 1i t site Mr. U. e. MtW s (ireee'ry Awl Liquor store. Main strt!'t. 1asa tor. wlavn lea t'. t•.t [`aitt'Ite ta:ii oat 21f'..9 for 1'0.;.1CC0$ .1N1) Cl(;.tRN, W1101,E>.tLy .1`11) RETAIL. Agent for Great 'astern Steaxn liip Lithe, New York and Bri.t•t1. 1tIMEMR1a:11 TR': TIDE.'::+tit SNIP GROCERY and TOBACCO STORE MAIM ST1t1.: T EXPT ?l;. YO CS,HIR Packing Rua! H E N B A L L `-, & J. PETTY TY Any quantity of Cured Meat constantly in stock. Rolls, Bacon, Hams, smoked, sugar- cured, Lard., etc. Any quantity of PORK CUTTINGS Constantly on hand A ACS Wholesale and Retail. All orders for cored meat promptly attended to. 1 Cook, Parlor and other Stoves At Manufacturers Prices. heaper than the; cheapest, nuti made up lag° practical workmen ou the premir.es. Cave -Trouping done to order. Carriage Platting a )1 t"eleltl.r.eoatl till t'hiutueye. tile* very beet and nolle t Iieaper. .Cin« a ltite:teen- pip fence re tt'i11 nlwoye and me et toy p.•>:, renal;' t:• 1481.111 10110 '.1441::testi:t 10.1 pre v,sea .1 ,at Snti 11,110. t.a IC'a t. (',44411* ere c.•ilrtr»n±+ty and n011.14 411.413 44441111 t1:.b,1 tilt.! .0': r stile' e, 114V 441,4'n it 114 :at 140tyllt to can you greet t+.'ttrr %shill f nr S •+Iar Ilk :on. ,t, rho very highest price i11 Cash peitl for ,Ilitlos tut 1 Sheep Maus. x II. SPACEMAN. :Serer P O. Clet.d er 15 1's 7. -OD: RIOH.. FOUNDRY Founders, Engineers and IVIaohinists, 32A1ICSA ;Tt f,t:f1S er ENGINES ANt) BOILERS, FLOURING, GRIST AND; SAW 1tiLILLS. bTAVE AND HEADING M kelIINE1IY Middling Purifcre of improved kinds. Agricultural Implements COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES Potash Kettles, Scheel seats, &e. Iron a till Brass Ca tirurs to o t .c*r For ea1n cheap --Second hand Boilers and Engires Stave antl Shingle, and Heading 4iacninery. Repairs on Boilers, Engines, %ides, &c., promptlyattended to 3ODERTC.' FOUNDRY' and U 'AT J RaI 7a C 1. GODERICH. Ont. THIS IS NO BOMBAST ! Oaesas Truth Concerns You More Than Counterfeit) x1 Therefore, read, pure tune, and enjoy its bargains. Whim r say 1 manufacture my own furnitu•e I .tan preparedv,•ath AN -.141y i.rool•sheot that the people can inspect at any time by calling at my Ware • roma whore they will see a superb ells play of Furniture in All Its Branches '.nui,tetzro t by mmli "4.x.1 my corn'xitno.1 •,rtistie sizilI, with goal workmanship. T der fare not it,sati,fyuig the people wit's a (sass of Fie. uiture that cannot be equalled for quality, or price in l:xater,nll blowing to the contrary, notwithstanding. WHEN ¥U i WANT 4NY FURNITURE GIVE J. BRAWN A"`CAII. Corner of Main and Gidloy's Street, Exeter. Pur A RA rugs. Dye Stuffs. Paten$Meslacanes. PERFUMS {r s. tirC., a4C.,